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Sarah MacBurnie Garnet Published by Garnet Publishing Ltd 8 Southern Court, South Street, Reading RGI 4Q8, UK First edition © 2016 Garnet Publishing Led ‘The right of Sarah MacBurnie to be identified as author of this wark has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights tove-ved. No part of this publication may be repruduccsi, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any furm or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior writicn permission of the Publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. Photography: 123¢, Alamy, Dreamstime, Getty Images, iStockphoto, Shutterstock TRQU6 AB 4thP ‘The Ministry of Education would like to thank the following primary speciali-t for bringing their experience and knowledge to the project and for their hard work in support of the Editorial and Adaptation Committee during the devclopinent of English for traq 4th Primary: Faten Fakbri Khalaf - Primary Education Specialist Hala Talib Hammood - Trainer and Co-ordinator to the English Curriculum Committee longs to This Hook le > Read and write about yourself. My name is Nadia. | live with my mum, dad and three brothers. Age: = Name: Live: > Read and match. 0 Coa 09 Cae H C= Cio 0 CD g coos c= Ci > 2 Listen, say and write. Hello, I'm Lina. I'm in Grade 3 at school and I'm 8. | have long hair. My favourite lesson is English and my favourite colour is red. C— » Read and match. > Write playground words. What are they? 1 2. 3. You crawl through this. What is it? It's a You go down this. What is it? It's a You spin around on this. What is it? It's a . You climb up this. What is it? It’s a . You walk along these. What are they? They are . You fly up on this. What is it? It’s a > A Listen and check your answers. How many points did you get? | got ___ points. > Ask, answer and tick (V). E2EDETDEDESIESD > Match. JUBUL P Read and tick () or cross (x). Our classroom rules 1. Do stand on tables. 2. Do not crawl on the floor. 3. Do put rubbish in the bin. 4. Do not eat in class. 5. Do push your friends through the door. 6. Do not open your books. > Can you write two classroom rules? Use these words. > A Listen, point and say. Saoo00c" Which sound do you hear? >» © Listen and say these words. . Playing in the playground . standing in the street . clapping in the classroom . sweeping under the swing 1 2. 3. 4. sleeping on the slide 5; 6. crawling with my crayons 7. . I'm great in grade 4! b> Draw your picture. I'm great in grade 4. = AN, » Look and think about the rule. > What about these? Can you write the short word? 1. lam= Im 6. He can not =- 2. Heis=__ 7. There is = 3. She is = 8. There is not = — 4, lis=_ 9. What is = ____ 5. Itis not= an P Let's play. Can you guess? cx Are there any ... in your bag? » Write 2 words under each picture. > Think of a word to match. Abig 2 Example A hig house : 60 Abig EY can look Asmall : in your Pupil’s ; Book for ideas! : Along acc e ewer ween er eh i Ashort An old Ayoung A tall = Ashort >» A Listen. Here are some examples. eo > Look at the pictures. Write sentences. > A Listen and say. Let's count and trace. 10 = 60 20 «en: FO seventy 30 80 40 © 90 50 100 > ee listen and soy these numbers. Let's match. BIEIE) [8 [s]SI » Look at the timetable. Ask and answer. Lesson 1 art science. maths RE science Lesson 2 Arabic music English Arabic English Break Brook Break Break Break Lesson 3 RE art PE maths PE > Write your timetable for Monday and Tuesday. > Whose things? Match. > Read and write the answers. 1. Whose hat is it? It’s Lina’s. 2. Whose foy car is it? - 3. Whose scart is it? = 4. Whose teddy bear is il? z 5. Whose shirt is it? a 6. Whose cap is it? _ 7. Whose yo-yo is it? - 8. Whose ball is it? eo > Choose what's in your shop and tick (V). @) 2) 8) aT) Dy bel ore od Pea) Pe Tr} Ce erry dolls Cod Bund eed Ey On Bie eos) Cy att) Fret] L e @ > Draw your things on the shelves. Your partner a middle Is} - middle . ie bottom se = bottom ; > Listen to your partner and draw their things. > Look, say, cover, write, check. a > A Listen. Which numbers do you hear? Cross (X) the numbers. Py see EIEGEaES > Read and write the numbers. 1. twenty-one 21 5. sixty-eight 2. thirty-two ____ 6. seventy-three a 3. forty-nine ____- 7. «eighty-four ee 4. fifty-seven ____ 8. ninety-five a > © Can you say these numbers? Listen and repeat. > © Write 6 numbers. Ask your partner to say them. > Look at ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ story. > Choose a word for each sentence. 1. The lion was very 2. The mouse was 3. The lion went for a 4, The lion was caught in a > Close your books. Who said ...? Write ‘Lion’ or ‘Mouse’. You are smaller than me. am smaller than you. I must help my friend. You are a good friend. a > Look, point and ask. Where's he from? > Where are they from? F “a Where are they from? Where's he from? Where's she from? : Where are they from? He's from She's from They're from ind and write the answers. Adel is from ... . Pedro and Alex are from ... Sam is from ... . Anna is from... . Amy is from ... . Where are you from? They’re He's She's - She's I'm > Close your Pupil’s Book. Play a game. > Look! What do these names have? x=» =» These names have capital letters. Names of countries I Names of people Names of languages > Can you write the words with capital letters? 3 3 Er Es M @.— > Read and write. P Look at your Pupil’s Book and check your answers. > Write about yourself. 1. What's your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. Where do you live? 4. What languages do you speak? JORDAN Capital city - Amman Language ~ Arabic Weather — mild and dry > A Listen and check your answers. > A Listen and read. Information file Iraq Russia size of the country & ~~ summer 40°C 25°C weather winter 24°C “10°C, Population in capital city 7 millicn 12 million > Read and tick (/) Yes or No. Can you help Yousif with his homework? 1. Russia is smaller than Iraq Yes No . Winter in Russia is colder. Yes No . Summer in Iraq is hotter. Yes No The population of Baghdad is bigger. Yes No «In Iraq in summer it is 30°C, Yes No an bwrnr . IN Russia in winter if is -10°C. Yes No > Write the numbers in order. 70 ale) Etat) 95 60 Ree a Ey > Let's play. Listen and cross (x) the numbers. Pupil A Pupil B Bon OO OO: Hi 200 a °° I 400) a > Read about Yousif’s school day. Today is Monday. | go to school at 7 o'clock. | go to school by bus. There are 1000 children in my school. On Monday, | have Arabic, maths and English. | have my lunch at home with my mum and my sister. > Write about your school day. Draw pictures. Olea alah Today is . |go to school at |. go to school [| There are children in my school. On Monday, | have “ [ eu | have my lunch at home with | | > A Listen, say and write. » Cover and write the words again. ba > 2 Listen, point and say. Write the times. What's the time? Game: Can you help me? Pupil A a > Read and inatens > Write the missing words. zs E > Write the missing words. 1. There is a __ __— field with some cows. 2. There isa sd mountain with snow at the top. 3. There is a hol, —__ desert. 4. There is a_ _ river with lots of fish. 5. There isa _____ city with lots of cars and people. >» Choose a picture and colour it. > Tell your partner about your picture. eo > Read the puzzles. Can you guess? oa You can climb this but it is very high. At the top it is cold and windy. What is it? There are no trees here because it is very dry. There are not many animals because there is not much water. What is it? | like fo sit here and listen to the water. You can see fish swimming. It is very big and famous. What is it? | live here. Lots of people live here. There are lots of shops and there are some parks too, What is it? > Can you write a puzzle? Choose a word. i (U0 ih ii > Write the words with the correct spelling. eo > Look at the ‘City Mouse and Village Mouse’ story. >» Which mouse do you like? Vike — > Write the words. er > Read and Gircid)the odd word. 1s Iraq Baghdad China America 2 slide swing tunnel lemonade 3. pens crayons socks rubber 4. sharpeners apples cookies sweets 5 Arabic lunch English maths 6 Jong big small green What are the groups? Write the words. playground things classroom things bere | Group 1 words are for Group 2 words are for Group 3 words are for : Group 4 words are for ; _ c Group 5 words are for | - Group 6 words are for | __ ee > Read and write the missing words. Cn eo a ee Our school open day by Lina Welcome to our Open Day! In May we have our school Open Day, lotsof SSS come to our school. My and tre Coming and my little Salwa. My class has a stall and we are selling Yousif’s class has a stall and they are selling drinks for the children and parents. There are lots of __ ___ and games for everyone. It is very exciting! I'm in the _____________ race. > Look at these words. Put them in groups. Cites Mol Co og Numbers word People groups Countries > 2 Listen and say the rhyme. Write the missing months. > Look at page 39 in your Pupil’s Book. Are you correct? > 2 Listen to Nadia and Lina. : When is your birthday? My birthday Is in September. > Answer the question. Practise the conversation. When is your birthday? __ fo > Look at the menu and read. The hmmmy Sal] Drinks Sandwiches Juice [cheese, chicken, lomato, jam) 300 10D (orange, mango, apple) 600100 Pizza Mik 400 10D (cheese and olives) wooian | Cola 500 10D Cakes Lemonade 500100 teen chocolate, pear) 250 10D ed 250 100 Cookies (chocolate, orange, apple, date) 150 1D cofiee 500 1a sweets 250 10D Watermelon yoo 1aD > A Listen to Kareem and Nadia. What do they want? Write ‘K’ for Kareem and ‘N’ for Nadia. The Yummy Stall Achicken sandwich _ 1chocolate cake __ 1 cheese and olive pizza _ lemon cake 1apple suice _ > © Listen again and check. > Write what you want. P Look at the menu. How much is your food and drink? Itis > © Listen and say the alphabet. ABEDEFGHISKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ > Cover the alphabet. What comes next? LABCD_- FIA oo QRS _ WXYZ 2A_C_E_G_|l_kK_.M_—O_Q_S_U_W_Y > Make your alphabet puzzle. Give it to your partner. ? b> Look at the alphabet. Put the words in alphabet order. & e ® & oO “a> a S oo e = 3 3 ° 3 2 Ss ® wo Ey < g % & BS 1. cakes = 2. jatermelon | orange 8. watermelon — | ait il N a | > Read the words. Are they in alphabet order? Tick (/). oO classroom friend long slide playground | Yes {_} No (_} ©) Cgpple pencil young old taller} Yes(_) NoC) » Now write the words in the correct order. > Write 5 words about a stall. Ask your partner to put them in alphabet order. \1 _ 1 \ 2. ) 3. ) 4. _ ( ~ i: ~_~_-) * Pupil B : : Pupil A's try : “ 1 pe . > What's wrong? Spell the words correctly. 1. cokies 2. miik 3. tee Co. > Read.Then cover and remember. Its now 4 o'clock. It’s time for the races soon. Please put on your Tshirts and trainers. Remember, Class 5 is the Red Team and Class 6 is the Green Team. The first race is skipping. The second race is the bike race. Good luck! gitorscsnerees ot >» Answer the questions. 1. What time is if? 2. What do the children put on? 3. What colour is Class 5? 4, What colour is Class 6? 5. What is the first race? > Check your answers with your partner. What time is it? » Point, ask and answer. Say and write if they are Lina’s or Yousif's. C™ 1. shirt is It Yousif’s It is Yousif's shirt. 2. Lina’s is It skirt 3. It cap Yousif’s is 4. are They shoes Lina’s It is Yousif’s bag. (a > Write the missing letters. 1. The mo_onis in the sky. 2. Yousif is wearing pin__ _____ousers, 3. Tariq is iting ona — air. 4. L__n_'s trainers are too _ig, 5. Rana is wearing a h____, a scarf and a coat. 6. e teacher is holdi_____ an ice-cream. > Let's play. Listen and cross (x) the numbers. Pupil A Pupil B oi Bo Bi en) 5655 2s0 EE) BB) 700 : “Le s say it! } > A Listen and say. What sound do these letters make together? > Write the words you know. > 2 Did you write these words? Listen and say. > Now write the words in the table. > Are the balloons in the correct order? > Write the numbers in the correct order. > Look and write sentences. 1. Yousif was first : 2. Kareem _ in art. 3. Nadia second 4, Rana was in Arabic, 5. Tariq °o > A Listen, say and clap each syllable. Asyllable is a small part of a word. 1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables mum = dad sister classroom Nadia holiday > Listen, say and clap these words. classroom i holiday > Write 3 words. Say the words. How many syllables? Ho any pb > Now test your partner. Remember to clap the syllables. G Rea > Look and write the missing words. Srnawy Mountain Schaal Come. té our’ Cakes and = ESSE IEEE] Drinks ‘seg ¢ 8 wont” KREK %, Cr) skipping race pt race at 2 o'clock” > Look at the poster. Give it a prize in the box. > Help Adel to write the email. Ce ei om ca Cea SS eae To: Sam Subject: Our Race Day Hi Sam Today was our school Day, I was in the team. Tran in the race. I was _ My friend was first. My class had a stall with and pizzas My friends class had a stall with It was Adel © POX YW > Look, say, cover, write, check. G@— > Look at the ‘Sports Races’ story. Find these words. > What verbs come before each one? Write the words. L shouted ____ loudly 2. slowly 3 (too) quickly 40 ce fully 5. loudly > Write a word under each picture. > Complete the sentences. 1. Wash the baby 2. Don't talk too 3. The boystran__— 4". It walked > A Listen, look and say. thirteen (13) thirty (30) fourteen (14) forty (40) fifteen (15) fifty (50) sixteen (16) sixty (60) seventeen (17) seventy (70) eighteen (18) eighty (80) nineteen (19) ninety (90) > © Listen and write the numbers you hear. thirteen thirty > Write your own rhyme and choose a name. y) ee ee te) & bf 2. 3, 4. friend grandma grandpa obrother sister 5. pear watermelon grape plum mango 6. older shorter younger taller bigger } } A, rsanrinineraerainestestrersneetrmeaeravermerasimmrterraseatl A’ is longer than a! And number? Is bigger than 10. A’ is taller than a bee, Andmy* and *_ ate older than me. So | am younger than them, you see! AS is smaller than a ® And lam °. than that man. Let's say these words together again: Longe, shorter, older, younger, Bigger, smaller, taller, shorter. > What do you know? Test yourself. 1. Write the missing words. Dear Sam Iris Saturday. | went to the playground. Fitst, | climbed ___ the _. the slide, After that | played with my friends and we crawled ______ the tunnel, Then we had a ladder and then | went running race. | was first! | an) good at running, It was fun! Adel © . Put the words in order. Don't forget the full stops. the swing not do stand on both hold on with hands , do fast not foo go 1 balance on leg not do __ . Answer the questions. 1. Where are you fromm? __ 2. What language do you speak? _ 3. What's the weather lke in your country? . Match. delicious fieid . ty village famous country green food high mountain - hot date palms long desert . quiet river 5A Listen and check your answers. About Iraq ty xareem Im Srom Iraq. | live in(basra. | live with my mum, dad, brothers and sisters. The capital of iraq is baghdad. The population is about # million. We speak arabic and | am learning english at school. | like english, but my favourite subsects are PE and maths. The weather in iraq is usually hot and dry. In march it is rainy. in summer the temperature is about 40°C or hotter. > Circle Kareem’s mistakes. > Write four words with capital letters. — The wrong shoes } » Read the story and number the speech bubbles. {tis Wednesday morning. I's 8.30 and Sam is late for school, School starts af 8 o'clock. He gets dressed quickly, He puts on trousers, a shirt and some shoes. He runs to school Som’s friends laugh. His trousers are shorter than his legs. His sleeves are longer than his arms. ‘At schoo! the teacher points to the schoot rules on the wall ‘Sam's friends point to his shoes. His shoes tre bigger than his feet! The teacher tells Sam fo go home again and ‘change his clothes. Sam is happy now. I must run quickly! S You're wearing your Tm sorry! 5 Don't be late! dad's shoes! You're wearing your Do you want fo Youre wearing : Yes, lease! dacs shirt! you deds s Lill come back quicky > © Listen and check your answers. 1. On the mountain there is a place with a very waterfall. 2. The tuin was 2000 years old. 3. There are many things in the museum. 4. In the museum, there are two gold bracelets. 5. Many animals can sleep in this cave, 6. It isan _____ forest because of Its beautiful trees. > Use the adjectives again in new sentences. 1. Heisaf —____ man. 2. Itisa very | house with six bedrooms. 3. Look at these b flowers on the table. 4. The waterfall is 500 metres h__ a 5. Thea _sppyramids are in Egypt. 6. | like my science lessons because they are very i > How do you spell these words? Look, read and say. > Read the sentences. What is it? You are Pupil A. There are lots of ancient things in it. m a You wear this on your arm. b It is very dark inside this place. Cc. There are a lot of trees in this place. f You are Pupil B. You go on a lake or river in this. b. You write with this or a pen. p_ This is a place where water falls from a mountain. Ww. ao This place is an ancient house or building. t > Ask your partner. Can they guess your words? @ oie" good v » 2 Listen, read and say. better v v Best VSS Good, better and best ones veessseeses, steveees! vv I think vanilla ice-cream is good. v “a Strawberry ice-cream is better. vv But chocolate ice-cream is the best! / / 7 b Look at the chart and answer the questions. ane swing slide roundabout bars tunnel 1. How many children like the slide? 2. How many children like the swing? 3. Do they like the roundabout better than the tunnel? 4. What do they like best? > Look at the information. [ene [sore] Yousif fewer eee fe | fee fee bananas apples oranges watermeloris >» Answer the questions. 1. What fruit does Lina like best? 2. Does Kareem like apples better than bananas? 3. Does Rana like watermelons better than apples? 4. What fruit do you like best? > A Listen and read the sentences. In July, we're going to go on holiday to the seaside. Ii’s very exciting. We're going to go on a plane and we'te going to stay with my aunt and uncle and my cousins. b> Look. What can you see? Tick (“) the words. HUW UU > Listen, point and say the words. > Read and write the missing words. I'm happy! We're going to go to the seaside. We're going to go ona __ We're going to go ina __ ____ onthe sea. , We're going to catch ___ with our nets. We're going to ______ with friends. We're going fo see our We're going to wear. We're going to _ the sea. > 2 Listen and check your answers. i > Now practise the conversation. > Look at the zoo. Can you find these animals? Match. UUUUUU > Look at the timetable. Answer the questions, The zoo timetable Arrive at: 2.45 Activities Ist: See the elephants Tea at: 4 o'clock 2nd: See the crocodiles Bus leaves at: 5.30 3rd: See the monkeys 4th: Your own choice 1. What is the first activity? 2. What are you going to do at 4 o'clock? 3. What animals do you like best? 4. What time does the bus leave? > © Listen, point and say. The zoo shop! rw : B< e by a iM eo > & Listen and write how much. Apple juice > What do you want to buy at the zoo? > 2 Listen, look and read. The Nile is the longest river in the world. It is about 6,650 kilometres long. It flows through many countries in Africa. The picture is the Nile in Egypt. > Write the words in the correct way. > Can you write the missing words? 1, Water is___wet. 2. _____ live in rivers. 3. Boats ______ on water in rivers and seas. 4. Small ______ flow into rivers. 5. Rivers flow into the ____ 6. Rivers in high mountain places have P Look at the information about the rivers. Ask and write the answer. kilometres. > Now practise the conversation. eo. > © Look at the words. Listen. How many syllables? (a en oo a longest > A Listen and say the words. > 2 Class 4 is writing about animals and places around the world. Listen and read. Around the world by Class 4 We are looking at information about our world. There are many interesting things to learn. Look at all the pictures we found. Look at the longest crocodile in the world. He is 110 years old! He lives in Australia. The hottest place in Iraq is Basra. It can be §7°C in July to August. > © Listen to the information. Write the missing words. Animals around the world by We are looking at information about our world. There are many interesting things to learn. Look at all the pictures we found. q The biggest shark in the world is the It is about metres long. It lives in the sea. The smallest bird in the world is } the tis only millimetres 4 long. Measure that with your ruler. | The hottest desert in the world is the lt isin is > Write the words with the correct spelling. biggest See > Read andGirclé)the odd word. 1 Ce Dr) Lis ous) 2. boat Pry] Elite oly Prin) : a > What are the groups? Write the words. 7 pa Group 1 words are for Group 2 wards are for Group 3 words are for Group 4 words are for © Group 5 words are for Group 6 words are for oe P Look, say, cover, write, check. > Look at the ‘Rami and the School Trip’ story. Put the sentences in order. The children get up. They have lunch in the museum café, The balloon goes pop. Everyone laughs. Rami is missing and Suzan cries, The children have breakfast. Rami comes back and he is carrying a lion’s head. The teacher talks about the rules. The children buy presents in Ine museum shop. The teacher gives everyone a timetable. They get on the bus. >» A Listen and check your answers. > Look at these words. Each word has the letters ee or ea or y. Draw a line under these letters. The sound is the same for ee, ea and y in these words. > 2 Listen and say. A hungry bee : A tall tree with green leaves | see the green sea My teacher eats sweets Baby please sleep quickly >» 1 Some ea words make different sounds. Listen and say. o breakfast 8 wear 8 ear > 2 Listen to these words. What sound do you hear? Lu _ when Pt) > © Now listen to these words. ae > Look at the pictures and write the question word. ___ old is nel ae 2 ¥ ¢ is the man with grey hair? : are you holding an a -R ae those things on the fable? _______ is it time to wake up? i, ie “saa a is your baby brother? Cia P| NS @ f & fs boots are these? =“, KE > O Listen and check your answers. » Look again at Activity Book page 72 and match the answer to the questions. He's under the table. He’s my uncle. They're Sara's. She’s seven years old today. Because it’s going to rain. They're the cookies | made in the morning. At about 6 o'clock. > What are these? Match. capital letters ? full stop. ABCD question mark > Colour the punctuation. 1. /\capital letter starts a sentence. 2. A full stop ends a sentence \ 3. Wnat is a question mark It’s a full stop for a question sentence. >» Look at the fable. Days of the week Answer the questions. | . Sunday 1. What day is it today? : Monday Ir . Tuesday 2. What day was it yesterday? Wednesdi lay It was _ - —_—— |Thursday 3. What day will it be tomorow? Friday It will be - Saturday > Draw two arrows and a star on your table. => ~~ 7 > © Listen and say the rhyme. Write your own rhyme. Today is _.. Today is All day long, all day long. Yesterday was . Yesterday was ~ And tomorrow will be . And tomorrow will be The days of the week go quickly by! Time goes by, time does fly! > © Read and match. Listen and say. Yesterday, | played with my friends. Yesterday, | watched TV. Yesterday, | cleaned my teeth. Yesterday, | brushed my hair. Yesterday, | washed my face. > Listen and say. > © Listen. Which sound do you hear? Write the words. Then colour the shapes. These are verbs in the past. They are regular verbs — they end in -ed play + ed = played live + d = lived > Read and circle the correct verbs. 1. Yesterday, | brush IGrashedmy hat. 2. Yesterday, he washed / washes his face. wo . Yesterday, he plays / played football. . Yesterday, she cleaned / cleans her bedroom . watch / watched TV yesterday. . They talked / talk to their friends yesterday. . Yesterday, | visited / visit my grandma. oN OD wm PB . They paint / painted a picture at school yesterday. > 2 Listen and check your answers. > Write two sentences. 1. Yesterday, | ee 2. Yesterday, | _ No, we can‘t! Because this verb is irregular. We say ‘went. Yesterday, | went to school. > Write R for regular or | for irregular. go/went start/started =. am, are/was, were talk/taiked watch/watched nave/had get/got make/made see/saw do/did clean/cleaned eat/ate play/played listen tostistened to look/looked stay/stayed swim/swam buy/bought [eer » Number the pairs of present/past verbs. BUCUCUOEUG BUGUOOLOUD BUCUCUUEE > Listen, point and say. > Play with a partner. > Read. Use past verbs to make the story. ee went said went got heard had My name is Liz. Yesterday, at night, |! a noise. 12 out of bed and 3_______ta the kitchen. There was nothing! Then, |4_____ fo the bathroom, There was nothing! Then, | 5. __ to the living room. What did |see?|6 SS __ my baby sister sitting on the floor. She 7______ a big cake in her hand, She 8. _____ at me and smiled! She. 9 ___ that she was hungry. She 10__ all the cake, We went to the bathroom. She 1. her teeth. We went back to bed! > A Listen to the story and check your answers. > Write the past verbs. 1. clean 5.look 2.eot 6.scy 3. go a 7get 4.see 8.hear > Tell the story on Activity Book page 80 to your partner. > Read the sentences. Underline the words that answer the question word. . They had eggs, bread and cheese for breakfast, (What) 2. My brother went to the park on Saturday, (Where) 3. My baby sister went to bed at 7 o'clock. (What time) 4. My aunt went to the cinema on Friday. (Where} 5. Kareem cleaned the car. (Who) 6. ihey made rice and chicken for dinner. (What) > Write the missing question words. 1 ____ did your brother go on Saturday? did your baby sister go to bed? cleaned the car for his father? did they make for dinner? ____ did they have for breakfast? xs a PF YN did your aunt go on Friday? eS FINISH Congratulations! You know’ your past tense! > Write the correct verbs in Nadia’s email. To: Lina Subject: My weekend Hi Lina | had a great weekend, |_____ to the seaside with my family. We travelled by bus. We swith my aunt and uncle and our cousins. The beach was lovely and the sand soft, We _______ in the sea, |_____ lots of presents, We a meadlinacafé.|_ === soup and fish. It was yummy! The next day, we _____ games on the beach. We did running and skipping races. We home at 6 o'clock. | am very tired. I'm going to bed now. Nadia © > Read Nadia’s email again and write the correct sentences. 1. Nadia travelled by car. Nadia travelled by bus. a 2. They stayed with their grandma and grandpa. 3. Nadia had chicken and tice in the café. 4. Nadia swam in a swimming pool. > Find the verbs in the past forrn. Lina’s day > Read and count. How many things did Lina do? 0 | took a bus. oO | stayed with my grandma. CO swam in the sea. (})! ate fish. J) | played football (CD) bought an ice-cream. J] | went to the park. (Ji did my homework. i) | said hello to my friends. oi saw a fun park. (I washed my hands. [_}! had my lunch (Iwas tired. J)! went to bed! > Tell your day to your partner. | took . | played — | stayed _ a | bought | swam. _ __. |went late _ » |did __ > What's the weather iike in Iraq? Read and write. 1. In lraq, in January it’s 2. In Iraq, in March it's 3. In lraq, in August it’s > Look at ‘The Little Brown Bird’ story. Find these words. Sie > Look at the story again. Match the adjectives and the nouns. names of thing: i + Adjectives tell us bout the things - y big, small, ¢ > Write 4 words in each box. Countries Itregular past verbs | England went = Sports/games Places egg_and spoon race mountain Regular past verbs Adjectives washed __ beautiful _ A] > Choose and write the correct words. Dear Green Tree School Please | come to our school challenge. We ? = . going to have 4 challenges. They are science, maths, Arabic > English. The challenge is“ __ Wednesday, 10th October. It starts $2 o'clock, °@__ are going to be prizes and the School Challenge Cup and rosettes for Ist, 2nd and 3rd piaces. itis easy to get to our schoo!’ ______ bus or by car, Please come. It is going to be uaguaeue° snonea0g" s0000000" > Help the monsters to write the questions. WoC __2 It'S a school Challenge. 2 2 It's on Wednesday, 10th October. 3. _ ? I's at Red River School. a oP BY Bs, 5. __? They're science, maths, Arabic and English > OThe monsters are going to help you. Listen and check your answers. > Gircid the word that comes first in alphabet order. 1. English /@rabis) 2, second / third 3. school / lesson 4. lake / mouniain 5. cookies / watermelon 6. capital / language > Write the words again. 1 Arabic 2, 4. 5. 6. y > Listen, read and match. You are going to go on O a school trip to the mountains. It is December and it’s going to be cold What do you need? You are going to go to your friend's birthday party. It’s on 15th March He is going fo be 10 years old. What do you need? You are going fo go to O the seaside for a holiday with your family. It is August and it’s going to be very hot. What do you need? You are going to run in O your school’s 100 metre race. It in the July and it’s going to be very hot.What do you need? a |need a card and a present for my friend | need some sandals | and my swimming things | need my trainers and Qo aTshirt and running trousers.| need a hat and some water. | need some money for presents > Listen and say. Complete the months of the year. GEE EEE EE Januar, Feb. Ap. Ma Ju Au Oc. No vember Mar June September De Ea > Look and circle these letters: ‘igh or-y. —— : ny) light butterfly — cry buy by night = dry fly why sky tight > AListen and say. The sound is like I. A RHYME -igh and sometimes y make the sound the same as 'T’. > Use these words and write two sentences. eo > Read the numbers. Find andGircidthem in the puzzle. > 2 Listen. Let’s say the numbers. > Look at the numbers. Write the words. 13. thirteen 52 fiftytwo 525 five hundred and twenty-five 14 10 23 4 86 260 758 2,000 > Write the missing words. Put the conversations in order. _} Thank you. {) No, | haven't, but | need one for @ _____ today. Can | borrow yours? (1) Have you gota? [ Yes, here you are. (1) Have you got any _? {_) Thank you. (_) Yes, here you are. {} No, |haven't, but | need some for Tariq’s party. Can | borrow yours? Ae > A Listen and check. > Practise the conversations. G > Read the rules for the school library. | 1.Do not shout. — 5. Do not drink 2. Do not run around. } 6. Do not write in the books. ] [ 3. Talkquiety. |) ——— 2 pS ey \_7. Take care of the books. |_4. Do not e 8. Do not take books home. > Listen fo Nadia and Kareem talking about the library rules. Point to the rules they are talking about. OK. The first one says we musin’t shout. Number 3 says we must talk quietly. There are lots of rules. Let's write them down. Let's read the library rules. Yes, and the second ‘one says we mustn't run around. > Practise the conversation. > Match the sign and the rule. » Cover Activity Book page 94. Write the missing verbs. 1. Donot drink, 2. Do not in the books. 3. _ quietly. 4, Do nots around. 5. Do not____ ______. books home, 6. Do not _ i > AO Look, listen and read. We are going to go to the Red River School for the Schoo! Challenge. We are going to make flags to take with us. Lina: | know. Let’s make three flags. Yousif: OK. Which flags? Kareem: Our Iraqi flag Nadia: Yes, and our school flag Tariq And let’s make the Red River Schoo! flag too. > Write the names of the flags. Y a big piece of paper a ruler some glue $ apencil crayons a stick 1. Look at the flags in your Pupil’s Book. Answer the questions. What colour is the Iraqi flag? What colour is the Green Tree School flag? _ What colour is the Red River School flag? 2. Draw the flag 3. Colour the flag and write the words. 4. Put your flag on a long stick fal alt 5. Take your flag to the School Challenge! > Write the sentences in the oe correct order. i ; 1. need do | for maths challenge the What? What do I need for the maths challenge? 2, You and a need pencil a ruler. 3. aTshirt I've got and trainers some. 4. got you crayons any Have? 5. haven'tl got a dictionary picture. 6. borrow | Can rubber your? 7. We quietly talk in must the fibrary. 8. mustn't in the We library run around. >» A Listen and check. Say each sentence. » Look at the rules for the school challenges. Write a tick (7) or a cross (X). Look at PB The maths challenge %* You must draw three shapes. OR * The shapes are a circle, a square and a triangle. %* You mustn’t draw the shapes with a ruler. * The shapes must be the same size. page 100 0 Look. at PB page 107 ec cc rccccccccccceecceseccceeseee The art challenge * You must take a photo. * There must be a long river. * The river must be between yellow fields. * There mustn't be any animals in the picture. JODO Ceeeeeceresecccessecceccccccsseccoere Look at PB page 102 eee reer eee ee eee ee ees The English challenge * You match words and pictures. * You mustn't use a picture dictionary. * You must spell all the words correctly. * You mustn't write. oO. O . O ; no} © > What do you think? Put your ideas in order. VSSS VERY VERY VERY VERY VSS VERY VERY VERY V¢ VERY VERY v NOT VERY x NO 1. | must help my family. 2. | must be good to my friends. 3. | must pray. 4. | must eat healthy food. 5. | must take exercise every day. 6. | mustn't stand on the swing. 7. | must do my homework. 8. | must shout in class. 9. | mustn't go to bed late. 10. | must keep my bedroom tidy. > Ask your partner. Put their ticks in the table. > Write sentences about the library rules on Activity Book page 94. Use must or musin’t. 1. You mustn't shout in the library. ___ e New e won > Look, say, cover, write, check. a > = oe ron nN J |. When is the bike race? . Yousif is the fastest. Kareem is behind Yousif. Read the ‘Big Bike Race’ story again. Tick (/) the answers. What is the race like? Has everyone got a bike? Lina hasn't got a bike. Nadia likes riding bikes. ls Kareem going to borrow his dad's bike? Ep0 Cita0 What do the children need for the bike race? . The mums and dads shout, ‘You must go fast!’ @oO O ©0 @O ). Kareem is the winner and Yousif is second ©o0 @o > Write the missing words. like riding. You can borrow my bike. My brother is taller me, but | can ride his bike. You ___ go too fast. on Kareem! e > A Listen and check. > Listen, say and write the months. Can you spell them? > Write the punctuation in the sentences. 1. when is your birthday When is your birthday? . my birthday is in november 2S . my sisier’s birthday is on 4th february — . in iraq march is a rainy month 2, 3 4, 5. the hottest months are july and august 6. when is the open day 7. . is in april == > Write a tick (7) or a cross (X). An elephant is taller than an giraffe. . The River Tigris is the longest river in Iraq . Which is bigger - a cat or a mouse? A cat! . My grandma is older than my mother. op oO . My house has 3 bedrooms and Lina’s house has 2 bedrooms. Lina’s house is smaller. oO OOOO Check my ¢ progress! > 1 Write the missing words. Ls) good tI) is Cire) | Dear Sam | lam very excited. We are going to have School Challenge. It is th April. Lam going to?___ the sports challenge. I'm > at running and jumping. 4 trainers and my team Eshirt © _______ sports trousers, There ®t school Challenge Cup for the winners. itis? and is made of gola! | Adel © » 2 Read about you. Answer the questions. Yesterday, | went shopping. ! went with my older brother and my friend. My brother bought some new trainers. | bought a notebook and some pens. Then we saw a film about the fastest car in the world. We ate ice-cream and drank lemonade. My friend had popcorn. It was a great day! |. Where did you go? Who did you go with? I went with my brother and my friend. . What did you buy? What did you see? . What did you eat and drink? . What was if like? Lert ee > Play the I can say it in English game. You need a number circle and counters. ¥ counters Say how ‘old you I can say itin English! spelgns joouos ADs mom + > Listen and sing. Write the missing words. The 1 10. can about day more you play too late go Goodbye Song it’s time to go, we did Grade 4, In Grade 5, we're going to learn What did we do, and what do we know? Let me tell you because it's time to ___ We can say January, we can say May, We can have fun every We know a bus is bigger than a van And we can spell beautiful yes we One hundred, five hundred, a thousand too | know a giratte is taller than —___ ! A desert is dry and a mountain is high. Both of the words sound the same as | come from Iraq, what about you? lm 9 years old, Are you 9 aa? . The past of dois dia, and eatis ate, | went to bed early, | mustn't be _ We must talk quietly and we musin’t shout, In the classroom, we mustn't run _ Tomorrow is the day for which we pray, We're going to work and we're going to \ Hurray! Hurray! Well done! > Write. Unit 1 Unit 2 1 1 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. Unit 3 Unit 5 ile 1 2. 2. 3. 3. 4, 4. Unit 6 Unit 7 nt 1 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. uMmop huyunod yayong yoodyvg qasap Sa1yood woj10q MOJID wyod aqwp hn big punoip dno uaspytyp s1Dg buojo yap uoisanb punosbhojd YOU buo} ysnd druaid syquow Jappo) azud Pe a1pprw paspuny Jaysod praif to dow sda WDaI}s ynos yous 9110S0) 4s MOUS sadvys 4DOJ uoods ayws SAOSSIDS Janu uids yJows puvs a904 bunoh yofuayom dn puvsnoy) pom yom jauun} WDda} sbuiM S]aMO/ do yo JSAM abvyi ybnosy) huuns January [Fetes Aprit May = poten snescemannne laa mnneeaneoednaeseecensenobanacaseccesesd ------------} a S| eaweenanennnl|——_——---------- ~~~ - - - - = fe ncn] WAY, RAN

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