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Assignment 1

Online Live Training

Submission Deadline: Tomorrow before Midnight.

 Kindly create, save and email your Assignments on
 In the Subject: Mention Your Name, College Name, Roll No &
Assignment 1

Doubt Discussion: We will be discussing these Drawings in the beginning

15 minutes on the Online Live Training Session.

We at SaiCad always believe:

I hear and I forget | I see and I remember | I do and I understand

Jalandhar: SCO 65, Urban Estate Phase 2 | | Mb. 9814 666 333
Assignment 1
 Create a Folder (Creo Assignment) in your computer and select it as
working directory.
 Save all your Files in it.
 All Dimensions in the below drawings are in MM (Millimetre).
 Create fully defined sketches from below drawings. There should be
no weak dimensions.

Drawing 1

Drawing 2

Jalandhar: SCO 65, Urban Estate Phase 2 | | Mb. 9814 666 333
Drawing 3

Drawing 4

All the best & happy learning.

We at SaiCad always believe:

I hear and I forget | I see and I remember | I do and I understand

Jalandhar: SCO 65, Urban Estate Phase 2 | | Mb. 9814 666 333

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