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NARRATOR: It is very cold. An old man is lying on a box in the park with no blanket to keep him
warm. A young girl comes.

YOUNG GIRL: Excuse me sir… are you ok? Would you like a hot drink?

(The old man opens his eyes and smiles)

OLD MAN: (in a soft voice) Oh, yes I would, young lady.

YOUNG GIRL: It’s so cold, come with me. There’s a restaurant across the street. Let me help you stand

NARRATOR: The young girl helps the old man to stand up. They walk slowly. They enter and sit at a
table. The waiter comes. He has a notepad and a pencil. There are a man and a woman sitting at a
nearby table.

WAITRESS: May I help you?

YOUNG GIRL: Do you have any suspended coffees?

WAITRESS: (smiling) I am afraid we don’t…but we have a suspended meal if you want one.

YOUNG GIRL: Well, that’s great! Bring it to the gentleman, please. Oh… and a cup of coffee, too.

WAITRESS: (writing on a notepad) And what would you like to eat?

YOUNG GIRL: I’d like a sandwich, and a cup of hot chocolate.

WAITRESS: Anything else?

YOUNG GIRL: No, thank you.

WAITRESS: Your order will be ready in a few minutes.

(The Waitress leaves)

YOUNG GIRL: (to the Old Man) I am Sandy. What is your name?

OLD MAN: Hello Sandy, my name is Craig. You are a very generous girl.

NARRATOR: The Waiter comes, and serves the food and drinks.

WAITRESS: Enjoy your meal!

YOUNG GIRL: Thanks! (The old man starts to eat)

OLD MAN: (smiling) Thank you! This is just what I needed.

YOUNG GIRL: Let’s eat before it gets cold!

NARRATOR: The Man and the Woman at the nearby table call the Waiter. He comes

MAN: Excuse me. That young girl asked for a suspended coffee, and we were wondering…

WOMAN: What is a suspended coffee?

WAITRESS: (smiling) It’s simple. People pay in advance for a coffee meant for someone who cannot
afford it. They can also order a sandwich or a whole meal.

WOMAN: Oh, I see. It’s a simple but amazing cause.

MAN: So people pay for coffee but don’t drink it.

WAITRESS: That’s right. Then, a customer-in-need asks for a suspended coffee and has a hot drink
without paying for it.

WOMAN: A nice hot cup of goodwill! What a great idea. We’re definitely going to do this!

MAN: Please, bring us the check, and add two suspended sandwiches, and two suspended coffees.

WAITRESS: That is very nice of you! I’ll be back in a minute. (The Waitress leaves)

WOMAN: I am going to tell all my friends and relatives about the suspended coffee.

NARRATOR: The Waiters comes back and gives the check to the man. The man takes out his wallet,
and pays the Waieter.

WAITRESS: Thank you.

WOMAN: (looking at the Young Girl) You are a very generous girl.

YOUNG GIRL: Thank you! It’s a great way to help homeless in the freezing cold.

WAITRESS: A single act of kindness can change a person’s life. (The man and woman stand up)

MAN: Oh, and by the way…the food was delicious!

WAITRESS: Thank you sir. I’m glad you liked it! Have a nice evening.

MAN: Thanks, you too.

The End

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