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Проверка на попълнените от

вас въпроси.
1. Where _______ you live?

a. does

b. do

c. are

d. have

2. _______ you done your homework?

a. Have

b. Did

c. Were

d. Do

3. Who _______ to play tennis?

a. want

b. does want

c. does wants

d. wants

4. What did you talk _______ at the meeting?

a. for

b. with

c. as

d. about

5. John _______ football very well.

a. play

b. plays

c. does play
d. not plays

6. _______ Anna _______ to rock music?

a. Do / listen

b. Does / listens

c. Does / listen

d. Do / listens

7. I _______ for the test.

a. didn't study

b. didn't studied

c. not studied

d. wasn't study

8. What _______ when Suzy came home?

a. are you doing

b. did you did

c. you were doing

d. were you doing

9. _______ me the most important thing is to be kind to everyone.

a. To

b. like

c. For

d. By

10. He _______ to India twice.

a. is been

b. has been

c. have been

d. have gone
11. I haven't cooked dinner _______ .

a. already

b. yet

c. just

d. now

12. She _______ in 2013.

a. graduated

b. has graduated

c. have graduate

d. was graduated

13. Have you _______ been to New Zealand?

a. sometimes

b. never
c. before

d. ever

14. It was really nice in the park. When we arrived, birds _______ , dogs _______

and kids _______ .

a. sing / bark /play

b. sang / barked / played

c. were singing / were barking / were playing

d. are singing / were barking / played

15. I _______ unlock the front door because I _______ my keys at work.

a. can't / had left

b. couldn't / had left

c. couldn't / have left

d. couldn't / left
16. He had worked for The Johnson's for 3 years _______ he started working

for himself.

a. after

b. as

c. before

d. while

17. When I went to the supermarket, I _______ I'd left my wallet at home.

a. have realised

b. was realising

c. realised

d. had realised

18. While I _______ TV, my son _______ games on his smartphone.

a. watched / played

b. watched / was playing

c. am watching / plays

d. was watching / was playing

19. Sam _______ a book when someone _______ on the door.

a. was rading / was knocking

b. was reading / knocked

c. read / knocked

d. read / was knocking

20. Had they _______ the Star Wars movie before they read the book?

a. seen

b. saw

c. see

d. being seeing

21. A: J passed my exam! 

B: _______.
a. Now embarrasing

b. Oh no

c. Congrats

d. That's really funny.

22. He _______ to have a gap year.

a. will

b. will be going

c. has been going

d. is going

23. I _______ to the Bahamas on Tuesday. I've already bought tickets.

a. will fly

b. am flying

c. fly
d. will have flied

24. I think Tom _______ first place.

a. is going to win

b. is winning

c. will win

d. wins

25. Tim is _______ to reach the lake until dawn

a. barely

b. mostly

c. likely no

d. unlikely

26. You _______ smoke here. Look at the sign! It's forbidden.

a. don't have to
b. mustn't

c. shouldn't

d. couldn't

27. The train leaves at 7 tomorrow morning so I _______ get up at 5:30.

a. will to

b. has to

c. must

d. are going to

28. I feel sick. _______ I see a doctor?

a. Should

b. Ought

c. Must

d. Would
29. As a teenager I _______ video games the whole evening.

a. used to playing

b. would playing

c. was playing

d. would play

30. I _______ hate people biting their nails but now I don't pay that much


a. would

b. could

c. might

d. used to

31. A: What about going to a restaurant? 

B: That's fine _______ me.

a. with
b. for

c. by

d. about

32. Jeorge is not _______ Jimmy.

a. taller

b. as tall as

c. as tall than

d. tall than

33. Ron is _______ student in this class.

a. good

b. better

c. the better

d. the best
34. A: What if we lie to them? 

B: No, I have a _______ idea.

a. better

b. other

c. the best

d. another

35. If you need any _______ information, please contact me.

a. far

b. further

c. furthest

d. farthest

36. _______ you relax, _______ tired you will feel.

a. More / less

b. The more / less

c. The more / the less

d. More / the less

37. You're a detective, _______?

a. don't you

b. won't you

c. aren't you

d. isn't you

38. Open the window, _______ ?

a. aren't you going to

b. aren't you

c. don't you

d. will you

39. Bruce didn't show up at the party, _______ ?

a. did he

b. does he

c. didn't he

d. has he

40. Would you mind _______ the door?

a. to close

b. closing

c. to closing

d. to have closed

41. When you _______ white and black, you _______ grey.

a. mix / gets

b. mixes / get

c. mix / get
d. mixed / get

42. If you _______ put on your jacket, you _______ catch a cold.

a. don't / will

b. didn't / will

c. don't / would

d. haven't / would

43. If I _______ you, I _______ the truth.

a. am / will tell

b. have been / would have told

c. had been / would tell

d. were / would tell

44. When you _______ the drawer, you _______ the CD.

a. opened / will see

b. open / will see

c. open / would have seen

d. have opened / will see

45. If I _______ from the lottery, I _______ a yacht.

a. won / would buy

b. win / would buy

c. have won / will buy

d. win / would have bought

46. I _______ the wall for 4 hours. I am very tired now.

a. painted

b. am painting

c. was painting

d. have been painting

47. I know this town because I _______ here before.

a. live

b. have been living

c. have lived

d. had lived

48. _______ you sing?

a. Might

b. Can

c. Have

d. Were

49. Did you _______ to buy the drinks?

a. succeed

b. manage
c. proceed

d. deal

50. Aged 4, I was _______ to read.

a. could

b. have

c. can

d. able

51. _______ example, she forgot to play her bills this month.

a. For

b. As an

c. Like an

d. With an

52. When I finish school, I will go to _______ university.

a. an

b. a

c. the

d. -

53. She is making _______ cake. It looks good.

a. those

b. an

c. a

d. these

54. _______ lawyers are better paid than _______ teachers.

a. The / the

b. A/a

c. An / an
d. -/-

55. Sam was very tired at _______ end of the day.

a. an

b. the

c. -

d. such

56. There are _______ tomatoes in the fridge.

a. any

b. several

c. too

d. a lots of

57. Would you like _______ sugar in your coffee?

a. some
b. any

c. enough

d. many

58. _______ of the girls knew the poem.

a. No

b. Every

c. Enough

d. None

59. I have only _______ money left. So I can't buy this dress.

a. a few

b. a little

c. any

d. much
60. We have to hurry. There isn't _______ time.

a. many

b. much

c. no

d. some

61. There weren't _______ people at the cafe.

a. no

b. none

c. many

d. much

62. I know _______ lawyers.

a. any

b. a little
c. much

d. a few

63. There's _______ time. We can walk slowly.

a. a few

b. many

c. plenty of

d. too

64. That's the man _______ stole my bag.

a. who

b. whom

c. whose

d. which

65. That is the place _______ the fire started.

a. when

b. where

c. who

d. which

66. This is the boy _______ sister won first place in the competition.

a. who

b. whom

c. who's

d. whose

67. Are you the man _______ I spoke to on the phone?

a. which

b. to whom

c. to who
d. who

68. If I _______ more careful, I _______ him.

a. have been / wouldn't have hurt

b. was / wouldn't have hurted

c. had been / wouldn't have hurt

d. had been / won't hurt

69. What _______ if I hadn't stopped you?

a. would you say

b. would you have said

c. will you have said

d. will you say

70. If you heat water to 100 C, it _______ .

a. boil
b. will boil

c. boiled

d. boils

71. Someone has spilled the juice on the floor. 

The juice _______ on the floor.

a. has been spilled

b. was spilled

c. had been spilled

d. is spilled

72. If I had enough time, I _______ photography.

a. will take up

b. will have taken up

c. would take up

d. would have taken up

73. Jim will give you the book on Monday. 

The book _______ to you on Monday by Jim.

a. will be given

b. are going to be given

c. are given

d. would be given

74. My mother told me not to worry. 

I _______ not to worry.

a. am told

b. have been told

c. had been told

d. was told

75. I would help if I _______ . (But I can't.)

a. can
b. could

c. am able to

d. not

76. Is anyone using the bathroom? 

Is the bathroom _______ (by anyone) ?

a. used

b. being used

c. having being used

d. been used

77. "I always take a shower in the morning.", he said. 

He said he always _______ a shower in the morning.

a. take

b. is taking

c. took
d. have taken

78. "I can't understand.", she complained. 

She complained that she _______ .

a. couldn't understand

b. can't understand

c. doesn't understand

d. didn't understand

79. "You must wear a uniform.", said the teacher. 

The teacher said I _______ wear a uniform.

a. have to

b. should

c. must

d. had to
80. "She has told Martin about the surprise party", said Tina. 

Tina said she _______ Martin about the surprise party.

a. has told

b. had told

c. told

d. tells

81. "I saw her buying alchohol.", said Paul. 

Paul said he _______ her buying alchohol.

a. saw

b. has seen

c. sees

d. had seen

82. "I'm seeing Jane tomorrow", said Mary. 

Mary said she _______ Jane _______.

a. is seeing / tomorrow

b. is seeing / the next day

c. was seeing / the next day

d. will see / the following day

83. "Last week I went hiking in the mountains", said Jacob. 

Jacob said he had gone hiking in the mountains _______.

a. week before

b. last week

c. the previous week

d. week ago

84. I can't stand _______ horror movies.

a. watch

b. to watch

c. to watching
d. watching

85. I am looking forward _______ you.

a. to see

b. to seeing

c. see

d. seeing

86. Sam suggested _______ Chinese food.

a. order

b. ordering

c. to order

d. to ordering

87. He offered _______ me with the bags.

a. helping
b. help

c. to helping

d. to help

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