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Laboratory Analysis

Well ULMU 1

Rev 1

Date 20.06.2018

Services S.R.L
Services S.R.L Laboratory Report

On 19.06.2018, 3 dry cuts from well Ulmu1 arrived at the lab in Ploiesti.
They were checked to be sure they are completely dry before testing the acid solubility.
3 grams from each interval were weighed.

TACROM SERVICES 2018. 06. 20.

Services S.R.L Laboratory Report

15% HCl solution

300 ml of HCl 15% solution was prepared with the following recipe:

Description Total / m3 Unit

Water 490 l

WCS 631 LC 10 l

NE 201 10 l

TRS IC1 30 kg

Sulf Scav 1 10 l

AII 291 10 l

TRS IC2 50 l

HCl 32% 420 l

TACROM SERVICES 2018. 06. 20.

Services S.R.L Laboratory Report

Each dry cutting sample was mixed with 100 ml acid solution:

The samples were placed in the oven for 4 hours at 80 degrees Celsius.

TACROM SERVICES 2018. 06. 20.

Services S.R.L Laboratory Report

After 4 hours each solution was filtered with filter paper, and the filters were placed in the oven at
105 degrees for 4 hours to dry completely.
After the filters got dry they were weighed:

SAMPLE 2698-2701 2728-2731 2743-2746

Initial Mass (grams) 3.000 3.000 3.000
Final Mass (grams) 0.731 0.403 0.361
Acid solubility (%) 75.6 85.5 87.9

TACROM SERVICES 2018. 06. 20.

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