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Phần I. Giới thiệu bản thân

- Name, age, job, place you live, hobby
Cách giới thiệu bản thân: Tại đây
Phần II. Nội quy lớp học
Class Rules (Nội quy lớp học)
1. Use English only (Chỉ nói tiếng Anh)
2. Practice speaking on a topic under the guidance of the teacher (Thực hành nói theo
chủ đề dưới sự hướng dẫn của giáo viên)
3. Don’t do personal things in the class (Không làm việc riêng trong lớp)
Phần III: Trả lời câu hỏi
1. Vocabulary game: Fill in the blanks to complete the words.


2. How were you taught to read when you were small? Would you use the way
you were taught to read to teach your children? Why/why not?
(Khi còn nhỏ, bạn được dạy đọc như thế nào? Bạn có sử dụng cách bạn được
dạy đọc để dạy cho con mình không? Tại sao?)
 I was introduced to 2 new letters a week. I learnt the name and sound that each
letter made. I will use this way to teach my child because it really works when I start
with letters which are in my child's name.
 My mother cut construction paper into small pieces. She wrote some easy words on
the cards with a marker, such as “I, my, like, a, see, …”. Each week went over the
word cards. Start with one card and then add two new cards each week.
 When I was small, I was taught to read predictable books as a way to practice to
read. Eventually, I began to recognize different words and internalize reading
behavior. This way is simple and useful. Moreover, predictable books can be found
in every book stores and on the internet.

3. Discuss with your classmate the questions: Should parents teach their children
to learn to read at home or let them learn at school? Why?
(Bố mẹ nên dạy đọc cho con ở nhà hay để con học ở trường? Tại sao?)

 I think parents should teach their children to read at home. Small kids are usually
stubborn, naughty and curious. Only their parents know how to handle with their
 I don’t think so. Kindergarten and Elementary school teachers have been well
trained to use effective pedagogical practices to teach children.
 I think parents should let their children learn to read at school. They will have a
chance to learn from teachers and classmates. Besides, kindergarten and
elementary schools offer a wide range of predictable books. What parents should do
is helping their kids practice at home.
4. Role-play
A:Your child is 4 years old. You think it’s time to teach him/her how to read. Ask
your friend for advice.
B: You are A’s friend. Talk with him/her.
(Con bạn 4 tuổi. Đã đến lúc dạy con cách đọc. Hãy hỏi bạn bè lời khuyên)
 I think it’s time to teach my daughter learn to read. She is 4 now. But I don’t know
how to start.
 Your child is in secondary school now. Could you give me some pieces of advice,

 You should encourage your children to read all sorts of things whether it is cereal
box, book or even comic book. Studies have recently shown that reading comic
books hold children’s attention longer than traditional books do.
 Pick a character they appreciate and let the reading begin. You may also create your
own comic books by using their favorite cartoon characters then let your children
look at the pictures and encourage them to sound out the words.
 Get your kids involved by letting them help you create comic books about topics of
their choosing. The act of writing also helps them to remember lesson plans.

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