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M: Hello Lee. What’s that?

W: Well, I’m looking for a good school for my son. But it’s not easy to choose one.

M: How old is he?

W: He’s 6 years old. He’s going to enter an elementary school.

M: I see. Have you thought of any schools yet?

W: No, not yet. Do you have any ideas?

M: Well, I have no names in my mind now but when choosing a school you need to
look beyond the name. The school name doesn’t tell you much about the quality. I
think the teacher matters the most.

W: I see.

M: One more thing, you should consider which school will help your son to develop
himself the best. That’s very important.

W: Yeah, I’m thinking about that too.

M: Don’t be too worried though. Take time and relax!

W: Yes, thank you James.

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