Astm A 967 2001

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Designation: A 967 —01** Standard Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Stee! Parts’ Solo hagas aunt oan pms yr ap A Rea Raw Pah 1. Scope LI This specication covers several diterea pes of somicsl pativation raiment for sainlss sel Pas. I inctades tecominenations and precaens for descaling, ‘ening, a pavsaton of ssslese ses! prt Miche Several aerate ests, wih aceepance ee, fer ecm Goat eactvenes of sah tenets for atoiles sal prt stolen see anaces rv dined mare thoroughly Practice A380 113 Several shemativeshomcaltatments ae define foe pssiaion of staness ste parts. Appendix XI ves some [enmnasatory information snd provides some gerd guide ses rezorht the selecen oy passivaomearea apres sie puniclar ger of tailors tel but maker to Fecomiencins regarang he Suan of any rade, ea ‘ent and ascepince entra oe any parca appli ot hss of appetions TT The fests th specication at intended 1 cent the fenestveness of passivation, psc WAR tesa © the femoral of fies iron and ether exogenous mtr These ons Uncle the following pratics: TA Practice A Water Immersion Tes, 142 Practice B—High Hania Test 143 Practice Cale Spray Tet 144 Practice D—Copper Sein Tes. 185 Procice EPouusinin Fic nde Nic eid Tet a) 1.46 Practice FFres Ir Tet. 1'5the talus sed in inck-pound units arto he rexarded ss the standard, The Sl ene givan ia pormibess ae fo invemaion en 1's The eeving precaatonsy caveat paraiso the lew asthe potion, Sastre Is Koh 1 0 this specie tiene The endsnd dee nt purport dese the ees Since fry, asec wiht eH thereon the er af his andar to ectablh eppmoprane aets nd ‘uel ued or HM eels 3 ly tatu sae heath practice and deerme the applic of eauarry limitation pr tose 2 Referenced! Documents 2.1 ASTM Standen: N80 Pracve for Cleaning, Descalng, nd Depssivstioe ‘of Sunless Sie! Fans, Eauipmen, and Systens” R117 Protce for Opating Salt Spray og) Nope 18254 Pracice for Pepaaion of and Hecwoplang ox ‘Stine Soc” 22. Federal Spectscatn: QQ.P.SC Panivation Tesmonts fr Comoson Resistant Seeds? 3 Terminology 21 Daft af Tom Spaic to This Standard is rmecessary t@ define Which oF the Seve commonY Used otriions of the ta pasivetion il Be used in this Speciation See Dieason.) SIM Diner Soinon eleat astopassvaing inthe sense thatthe proktive passive alm is formed spontanecusts ‘on exposure to aro” moire, The proses Of exogenous Sure contamination eluding gin grease, Hee IN Ome ‘ote el Loong. and 10 fr. ry ntertors with fhe Formation of he passive lm. The cleanin of tes coats tte fr te tiles tol sos wl aii the spon taneous pasiation by allowing the oxygen unio ese 0 the awface, he pasate fs may he suger hy chemical veatmests that provice an oxilang eaviroement Dor he ‘ile tal sacs, SLT his specication, passation, unless eehenise specie, is dena as the shomicalireament fa states Steet wih wll nia, Sut a ole ald elation for he proce he semoval fein or ther foeign mate, bt Sohichis pearly no flee in removal of eat tint or oxide teal om sles sts, Inthe cae stiles sk with ‘slbion of sal fore purpon improved want, ua oak of AT Stone VN Veg scence atone Gp acer ssiaton may alk ini fe ema of lies frm the Surlace ofthe met Fr the purpose ef maiming onesie S112 The frention of the pote piven on staaless sel, slo called pasvatinn ina mere generat omext, wil gosur spontacously fw it or ther oxygen ‘emsinng enveenmert When the sass ste uae ree Tene sale al exogenous mate S113 Chemica teaimens sath ax sod dstromte sciuions, ay focte the ee opi Toman the ‘sive ile oa sales el srface sled ie of sale ot foreign ater Sach weatens ls smetines call pass Valin in common usage ate designed 1s. pest-cleanirg Ueearens in thin speihoaton im glee to stngish thom from sbemeal treatments cape of removing tee tea from, SLL The chemal treatments espe of removing test, Sisto onide le romaine sel and epable of ann the stints ste sel. pial celled picking are satan {ally move aggresive than teatmsnt wed Tor essvatin, 43 Aetna i 3.111. The saa of sles te tl hasbeen Delle is fice of scale, foe ior, aad cxogeneus fers ‘ates and doesnot equi a Separate stent 1" asia Sona defined in 3.1. The passivation provess dined 3.12 will osc wkhowt fuer ckemvea semen but my [SE gmemtl and improved hy the post leming tects detnad 3.11 3115 Eisrochenical retmerts inctding loctopik lingand elstoptishngespateo emoving heat tin ce Dice ‘cle ro tlre tel od capable of dcaling te sanone Slee tel ae sitstuabaly mere aggressive han Heamenss Sod Fe pusivation, as deine in 31-1. Tho sueace of Saas te! resuting em hese eaiments ee o ea {rec iroa,andetegenoas foreign ater and doesnot reine Seperate weatnent for ussvtion a dened 9 31 The positon process dined in LL will occur without Tuner cheat eater. but mv be abetted dt proved bp the postclening seainens sted sn ThA Stactenis teguiing chenical uzainens, uss these specie, ate kent insta elatochesial eres 4 Ordering taformaion “LL T's the responsibil of he pachoser to peify «test price apropate ary panicutmteral and spplication. This specication wet wnten forthe purpe of eoriding ox allematve 1 Linted States Federal Speiation QO: PASC Bacrminatin atthe steiliy the spcieaion for tht purpose Is Be responsbily of the parcase: 412 Unies spect by the purchaser, the chemical eat mer applied othe stainless te pars sal be selevte by the {elle thon ameng the listed posationWestments 5. Materials and Preparation for Passivation Treatments 5 Theposivationweaent salle ofoneor mer of he folowsieg types The effectiveness ofa piu weatmest for ‘pontulr graf silenced spor plate ‘eronsrated by meeting the specied esting requremens: SUL Teauneatsin ait ote 51.2 Weamests noite ai. 51.3 Other chemealirenent, incaingelecrochemic S14 Newstin, and $31.5 Pontclaning wees 32 Maer 521 The ehenicals used fo pusivaton veatnents sll roc pasate sce tha mee he reuirerets of ne Dr more of the tats of this speciation, Aten salle fen to maining adequate velue. conceatation, pus fnd temperate contol apps to dhe size and aout of Stans stele eae ‘522 The prcexer stll ransin a recon with regen 10 concenmation and emperaure of the pusivaion soluien Sullseat to demonsrte thot the spoil pusivation cond tions were maintained or each et of stinks tel as rovers. Such corde shall eave fo inspection when cited ithe puck rdet The processor isnt eae Teved th pris compouion of propery chensed eit tures bt slat mnt a unique descent the mire thar will enue ts accurate representation for subsequent 3.23 The processor shall Re Fesposile er the se s- pos all racial goneaisd hy tis procs. 33 Propane for Parsvaion Feces: 53 Tho prowetment mmtheds sed provedis usd pior to the rasatie weament incuding mechan and eter ful mands singly oe in combination, for descaling and Ppellng. sall bein seserdioce with Practice A380 When etvohoricl leaning i eaquited tsa to pefomned in sccondance vith Pacice 8236. ‘S22 The erling preted sce sll be ebetntlly fee of od, grease, rs. sae, an eer foreign mater '533 When tho final rctament apt inloes pking ff the entre sarace ofthe pats refer pessaen Aatmen i raed porto tasting af the sara walete Specie by the puchiser 6, Treatments in Nitric Acid Solutions (61 Passvarion Tater, S644 Silene tcl parts shall be tele in ome of the folowing aqueous sluttors and maria within the spec fed teperatre range fer the sped time. (GALL. Nite he solo sal ec 2010 25 volume orca of rite sid and.2$ «D5 wight poset of sodian Alcea The pats shall be immed ova mnie of 20 minal slempartue in the range Form 12016 130° (29 15 sro) {61.1.2 Nine 2—The ion sal coisin 2049 45 vole percent of mine aed. The pms shall be immersed ton a Frnimm 0” 10 mina a eepertane inthe ange ete 7016 HOF 21 32°C). (GIL Nine +The lion shal coisin 201925 voume percent iri acd. The pars sul be imaersed oc ania, 5120 minis temperate inthe ringer 120 KF 89 ware {61.14 Nive 4—The con shal cosin 5 4935 voume pcan of tic wid. The pany shall be immersed on a unum of 30 mia aa temperature in he range oe 12010 TOT G9 SHC). {LL Nie S—Oter combinations of emperaue, ine, {Gh Aor and concentration af rite acl, with or witht oer shem- als, including acceler, iatititos or proqrietary stor, “Sopa of prndusing poms the ass the Seid est eye {62 Wicer Rinie—temeiiely after remaval fom he ps- Sivaingsoluion the pus shall De evoughly sed us Stagnat,counersamet, cr sey washes singly incom dation, with or wideut separate chee neues or seaization (see 91) ofthe passivation mda with © fal ‘nse bing arte ou using war wit maxima oe cls ‘emento200 pp 7, Treatments in Cite Ad TL States steel parts stall be ete in ose of the folowing sjucous slaons ond maul within te apes ‘ned temperature rang forthe speed tre TALI Ginis The sation sal contain 4t0 10 weight ferent of cine acid The pats stall be immersed fer a ‘eimum of 4 in ota temperature inte rnge Tram 10 0 1a 60 0 71. 71.12 Cine 2 The sation sal cntain to 10 weight ferent of cine acd The pars stall be immaed for a ‘monimum of 10min aa tperatre inthe ange om 12010 TUT. or, 7113 Cirie 3The slain shal onan 4to 10 weight percent of ce acid The parts stall be immaed fer a ‘imum of 20\min aio traprtue in dhe sage fio 10 10 TUT @l 947. TILL Cirke 1 Ober combinations of tnpertrs, time, ‘bet enhance ceasing incading aceon, hii, propery solutions capable of producing pars that ras he ‘paved ist eequvemonts 1.3 Cite Other contiratons of temperature, time, anconcentatings of sil aah wih or witout oer chem fats wo eaance ceasing. including acceler, nhs, propery solutions capable of peng prs that pas he Specie est rqeemens Inmetsion at oe contd at Bhat ee 32. 112 Water Rowetneitely er removal tw the Fas. siting slain, he parts salle Boroushls ase ving Steam, ountterent ce spay Wishes, sinly or in coma tation with or withoot 4 separate chemvea extent for terion ofthe passivation mesa (we 9.2). witha a fise Beng ceed out sing water sth sacra tl sd fenes 200 pp 1 Treatments in Other Chemical Soktens, Inclding Ficcrocemical Treatments B11 is recognized tht dhe pupose of removal of all xogent tier fee 4 stainese see sriace ntaing the ‘eval ie on, ea be accomplished by leat edi ‘ch poten Tr bee oe ese rem seo propriety Sills ad at incodingprpvitary passivation media Sich treameats may elude external spying an elec po ‘Catal othe lanes sel pt nthe san of lestope- ishing. The srt of stch naxsanon treatment fr we Imecting the woquements of thn specication shall be deter nine fy the capability of the prcessed pote meting the Specie test equrements 12 Stsinleat sel pure shall he eae a 4 speci aquecesstuion, wi ee witout eserally apsied eestcal Denil and msintsited within «specified eperanne enge For a tie suficent fir ihe prosesed. pa 10 tet the specie tat equeent ‘3.3 ter Rie—tamediaely after verve ow ihe ps Sivan slision the pes stall be thwaeghly sed. uting Stag, coumetcaret, or spay washes, singly or in com ton, with oF withou a fate chemical treament tor Teuton of the aesivaton mea (oce 92), wih a tl ining esrieou! tsi Water wha matte al Tis ‘omen 200 pom. 9. Neutral 9.1 Tho chomial reactions ofthe psivating rai 99 the suriae Fhe anless sel shal be stoped basing othe Stainless! par, with oe witout » separate nesliation ‘3.2 The subilty of « neualiaton proiire is det mined by the capability of the processed pas mei the specie tat ogurements (See Not 1) Apes of He chemsty ole sian ed a come en (eC) fines 9 narra 16, Post Cleaning Treatments TDA Although the pensive fl charscsinie of sainise steel wil fom spontineously in air OF any eer oxysen™ enaining ensironment, the proceser sill, when spied, fynivachenieal etme tha wll accelerate the Formation of the posne fil oe chnely cles tunnel ace ‘An Etample of a medium hat serves to accelerate te Torta tion of the pose ln Wu dos ot contbrs tote sone Shusous sala of sadam sdchroate 10.2. When specited, within ope Fou ter the fina water ring a regu in 62, 2s 8a rts and mavens Stet prs shall emer a sn aqueois sellin coating ‘Ho weight poeent of salam dichromate a a teeporate in terange rom 1sbte 16 F te 71°C) Fea minum 50 tim lllowad by ine in acoordace wth 2,72, 33, The parts sal the be tovoushl di 105 Te nr psy ter Ym cans at Luis 1A The posted pts shall exit a ctemialy ean surface sal Mall on itl inepton, show a0 thn, Piling or osingresuing Toe the pasion proved. 12, Testing Agency 121 Whes rosie, the purchoer all be ported rerione sich mpetions a necesry 1 determine ha the Testing agency i capable of porerming the speedtest Gp ros7 13 Lat. Pequeny of Tein, and Sdn of Test 131 Damon of Lt sl en ne of te atone he opon af he cen TEL he psd aso smfer alloy and wna suing inchs har ne pveed end pad in ke {iy vinnatine tae wit emme ements TH Th sata pra the se dat fe ie in we at none dpe TEC} ihe ew pn ae ed the asad par 1 Uae gee eteeyof eng ied the postu one tpt alte co 11 One ee moe ofthe nfloing est, en sie on ths puch ey sl proach ost ste! pate Not telling tees rl Pre talon el (Se Note 2) Practee A Wer ners ‘Tes Pree Bt Huma Te, Paces € Sa Say Tet Pc Dopp Si ot a Pree Wasson Femeanae-Nivie Ac sta vi he ees fee tho Ue tls tet sia A Sl ten |. Practice A—Water tmmersion Test 11 This tests wed forthe detection of tse on or any the andi sates cemaminaris om sass sel 142 The sample represextng the lot of pessnard pars shall balratelyimmared i 8 nen esag nk of dsilled wate (ce [had alfoved dry ina for Uh Ths eye stall NS epeated a ninimem af teeve times, 148 The tested safle shall 10. exhibt rust or sang sucibuble cote presence of Trae ion orton embedded the sutace 1S, Pracige BHigh Humidity Test 15.1 This esti used or the tion of ee on or ay 15.2 The ts shal be pestered using hurts cabinet opal of minining the specie text conditone 15.3 The sample representing the ToC 0" passivated pans stall be lean y immersion ete or thy aeabo o Dy swabbing vilh clean gauze saad Wi accoue oF ‘ath althol and died in a inert mongers cr diesel niet The cleaned aad ied ast tall be saected 0 97 S54 munity at ID = SE GH = 3°) Fora anit oF 154 The tested spl shll not exhibit rast or saining ausibuublew the preset of fee ten parle aed in the sce 16, Prati C—Salt Spray Test 16 hic test ic For the detection of feo ny 152 The sample representing the Toe oF pssivaied pars shal he ei hy the sal ey test coadeted in accordance with Pradice B17 for misieems of 2 hasng a 3% nt ‘olition 163 "The teed supe shll aot exbeit cus or sine stvibteNe tothe presence o ee en pris ied 17, Practice D—Copper Salle Test 17.1 This et is ecommendc or the detetion of ice ‘on the siface of ane tiles eet nthe 200 and CD Series, precipttion hardened ssinlew nee ad ree 400 Series sain sees haring 2 minirum of 16% chrom. This tet Bron sevonmnended fer matensie 400 secs Stainless seks or er ent HD series tls tes ith ss than 16% chrom teva thove sels will give « positive inlition irespecne of the presexe or absence of ance ‘tnfacecootamits, This et sal ot Be apd to pats erased in fond processing 172 The wit selaton is pepard by dissolving 4g of copper sulle eutahydrte 'C4S0, 54,0) fn 25) mL of Auld weter so vbich [nL of sui aid ESO. ge 118) has been ade ues copper ste StH oe 17.3 The tet soltioa is swabbed on the surface of the saapic seprsnting de lot of perc pas, apying lta! soluion = needed to keep the suiace wet fe a Devin of atleast 6 in, At heen of his pio the race Shad hecarfally asd and dred wiheare en nest Sapper depests i psc Tot The teed Samp shall no exteit copper deposits 18, Practice E—Povassum Ferviyanide-Nitrc Acid Test 1H. This est iesommended when detection of very stall amcunts of fise fon is repped. I i eecormended for ‘lesion of tee ron on austenite 20 and SUD series sales ital. Thin tst nt rovommended for dtecton of fee on, ‘on fee or rrtensie 40 seres sinless sles, hecase thes sels il ie «pose ination eapetire of the breseace of sence of anode srace cntaminzls, Tas es Thal net be applied wo pars tobe reli foed processing 142 The se solaion is prepared by. alng 10 of chemally pure pass fenepenale i $00 eof cle wate, ang 30 mot 70° ac acd agiaing ul all of the feareyoie i sod, and iting to TOM) ti ith ithe te 182 The te solution is swabbed on the surice of the sample representing the et pessvated pts, The fraton ‘1 8 desk bbe color within 30 s devotes the presence of metalic on. TM. The ened sample sll ot exhibit the dss ae cloe indie of re on on te sce HS When the tet fs nope, the surf shall be thor ‘ugaly wasted wit wa Wate o ene a aces 0 Ihe tout sltin, When the et ie poste, he dark Hest shall he removed with scluion of 10% agete acid an §% oxalic si followed by 2 theoush bot water ase. 14, Practice FPree Iron Test, 19.1 Thc testis we Fr the dtsion of Fee ion nthe QD aosr surface of sinless stele especialy wtf fer large parts thathave been uafomny cleaned bu Wat ate incanvenext fo fewsons of dia of equipment or eve of handling af the pt 0 Pace nthe eaxionients dete Practice A (Seon 14) Practice B (Section 15) Unless otherwise speciied by the purchaser, me aumber 0° iets andthe Tetons o€ the tests {hal Neat the option of th proces to asture aeons Testing ofthe par 1.2 The ets performed by placing a clean lh pd tht has been thoroughly soaked wih ese er demisralized Water onthe sree of the grt ata pat seperti of 50°F [HUG or greater fora pening ona ess tan 90 minutes. The "Hoth shal be in contac th hestal fama of leat 29 Square inches (190 cm). The pat sill fe mainained Wet thuoughaho test period, ether a method of tring extra tvapcaion. Dy he ther adlton of FoLMle Water oF DF asking the pal wih + sponge ov sda water sees The lot pad sed shall te Used Tor nly ene suck Test beng ‘angi for each wi 30s t avo isk of contamination ‘ter removal eect pd the Saco he pat Sl ‘Mowe ory in ar bef inspection. 19.3 The tested pat shall nel exhibit ust er sining neue to the presence f fae icon parties embod the sree 2M, Rejection and Retest, 20.1 Aay bt lng to cet the pot et rye me of he punchase der sll he rejected. rejected ty a the option of he process, be repaid, with Vito fe penitent, and then be retested. The aber of sump teste Hom 2 fo subject 19 rest sal be tie he rigid ‘posited ot equens, the limit af the nue pase in theo All somplsrmt pes the specie axcepance ceo fd peti tf the sta Tt Yo ke cue 24 Peskin and Bias 21.1 No statements made concerning etter the precson or bia of Pastoes A, B,C, De end & beso the resi state merely wheter thre is cosormance othe eters for success ‘pes in the rocane 22, Cente 22:1 When specie inthe parcase rds. 2 report o he prise and tts used inclaing thereon of rose cen Fins. when speci in aceeance with L112. ball he supplied © tbe pastas, APPENDIX (Nenmantatey Information) xi sien QQIIHC (dt 2h 158 eed =a ior shnge hve Yon mde he wo stefan he XII iteaded Use—The pessiaten nesmenss provided by his secitcaion ae intended Yo improve te ceroson eslnce of pas made ttm stnlss steels ef all fe. XII Dacine processing perations sacha forming ms ining tumbling an loping ion piss cee Free Dares may fecome smeared over of bec iid the Serle of stiles tcl pur. Thowepaicls mnt he ‘moved orthey il appear Ast ors spo. Ths cendion ‘ay he peevetod by shotniallytratng theft i emone the ro Fictes or oer Toren pares, and hen alot ‘he pate lta fr entheclsned eae, wither witht ‘hema enunceren ofthe Fortin 0 sexi i, XIL12 This spocaton mt ietended fee he Back oxide crating 6f pars ipAcly wed for phoourapbee cF opel NID Ondering Dato—Purchsers should solace the pre fered opens perinited by tis specinsstion cn nce he Felon Satiamston inthe phase seer X121 Til, ruber, and da of his specication: INFORMATION REGARDING PASSIVATION TREATMENTS 122 Menifcation of matal by pe and applicable Produ spinon U2 Tout practices to be impoced (81.0; 21.24 Detinion of Sze, tbe han deserted in his specication: and X12 Rojuled decumenaton, caer tan ihe nisin rewire this spestion XI3 Gratesn/Suies Sieet—Ditfereniypes or sinless stele elton fas of properties equi. for expe, Seon sesistance ond espa citer, falta ‘itements Table XLT is compilation that serves a6. a guile Tor the sleton of passivate Weatinen! for erent sre, but is far fom comple either mn ara om psiation XU Clear Wer—Clean weer i dened as wale on lsining ust oe soa oat F200 pi Rane be accempished by combination af slagran, coterie ‘or apa Hise boty, to al ins NUS Chemienly Clean Sariare—A decay sles fave is defined ssa surace upon which wach, when applied moment tthe surace, wil remain on Mat surace nan ‘oven continuous fle, td in eden ts tee of ay Toreign ena orresida li deposit which would be dtrentl the lity he pot FIG. X1.1 Recommended Nic Acé Passivation Treatments for Diferent Grades of Stainless Steel XL. Tet Sperimers—Whenwsing et specimens instead of pars, the specimens ean efecively represent the pats oly ithe have heen spastn he same raceseing sep, sca ‘machin, ainding heat eating, Welding a 0 ford she pas they ie to represent XII Carburise Sefarer—Stsiness weep with ca burized siiaes exmnt he passivated esac the carbon fcurbines wi he clzoan Touiag onan cubides om the face, XI. Mirided Sufeces— Stinks sel prs with vided sorties shod not he pssst hecnese the tresiment ill sevetely coeds he nigded exe, X19. This specication provides forthe se pasivaton weatments as Fa. Spe QO-PASC. Wt also includes 2 uber of erative passivation ueauenss. The eletiveness ft any pastvalion treatment is demonstted By the pars imei the speed teins requirements afer scent XIU Marenstie Grate +400—High-trengh gras such as HOC ae subject w hydwgen embritioment oF imesganiar ata when exposed 10 zeus. Cleaning by fechancal melinds e other cherie shod soe mended The clk pry test ic ypclly ned to evant siainess eels and may nt De splice wall ratasiic oe fer alos sec Pears aero c mnie ore SEES SES Re Lasunamewe ee 1 Dethaenou trae te yo oi tems SESSA ANT SOMEaGE Ty acc as he ae

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