Astm A 991 1998

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Designation: A 991/A 991M — 98 (Reapproved 2004) Standard Test Method for Conducting Temperature Uniformity Surveys of Furnaces Used to Heat Treat Steel Products" “This vant under th ne design 4991/8 9998 Pc aes seal fbi edie aps tungial dips ote saic a fst te vee gr IN8 Att, 4 ur i pekees Use De sea A agers clon esas ae il shige se Mc a eae pn 1. Seape 11 This es meahod covers the pceedures use conduct sa letnperaure unlemity suey ma Tumace used to heat rea Stee] pnts. This eis wed ws deter the capab AF the Fumace to thee the permissible erpersune estan ‘pected he pene predact speciicsem, ots synod by the purchuser ind supplier of hew eu serices. Survey Tocamentiion reqairernents si the procedare aves wave {quently esubPsh the Farnace working ome, ate dined hs test witha 1.2 This es method coer hea eat Jarmces many the Julowing ener TL21 Coninuous oF semi-comsnaous comvesimee famases 122 Bich Tumuces, and 1.23 Salt or guid baths snd Nudd hea 143 This tes. method omy opplies when speciied in the sroduct specication or the purchase order. Ta Comal a heot Uelanent of See) pralicts asing thermocouples aluched io the exten of exch Tool Sam sllermtive to pe iim Remave sare 1.5 By mmutacl aeteerent het seen the purchaser sind the ‘pple of beat ea serves, move stringent andy scion requirerenis mis: be specified. The scceplance af my sich ‘eben requireremis sll he depend on neynitons ‘wih abe supper and vias. be inched in the der usar Upon by the purchaser und supper. Eh ‘The ewes sued in ether inch-pound unis of ST unis te to be regarded separate a stander. Wilkin the ex, the SI unis ure shown im prackeis. The ville sued im euch sssleur ave no eset equlvaents therefore, each ster is 49 bre used indepen of theaters sean com binime sae U7 This standand does not purpent te odes al of the Safety cantons, af any, ateooaend with atv se. FE A the Pesponsidlty of the user of thas staneanel to exteblese gp rate safety end heals practices and determine the pica Ditty of reeataryKitanunes pray wwe 2, Referenced Documents 2 ASR Standnite? E207 Test Method for Therma) EMP Test of Single Ther- moelenrent Material iy Comparison with «Reference ‘Themiveleent of Sire EMF-Terpersiane Properies E290 Text Mechod for Cuthrtion of Themmocoupen By ‘Cemparson Techniques B30 Specification snd Terperiure Becinusive Farce (EME) Tables fr Siendatd ad Thenocopes EOORE OOM Specification foe MEnetsl Tuli, Vowl- Sheahed Base Metal Thermocouples 22 SAE Standard AMS 2750 Petomeay® 3. Fermindlogy B.A Devine of Yonme Specie ts This Stator BLT hutce fonace, heating device which material may be stuionsny or ovclasing during the processing excl S12 cuntinamue comeyawe firnace. m—hestng device Ubrough which tueral 35 moved dmceniiomaliy a a comtany re daring the processing cycle. 3.13 exbombes, mts referring Tarmsce working ame: ‘oer boundaries yall thre diviensions Gemgth, widkh, and heipht of the materi beime processed 3.14 operating rays, so—expecied rome of temper ure ‘over which ot Tamace will be comlled tr best inh sel educts B.S primary ramey, nial evaluinn of ths Farmace, ‘or an evaluation wggered by che ination oft mio Samaee rslaton, B.Lb rocondary mevey, n—evaluaion of the fumace. petal hy the expiaon of a ne requirement. 3.17 roucontinuons casveyence fanuce, x—heating de- sce through which water is moved Smiemsomally wih etn nos pcr diy the wey site ASTM Entnna tries eene nae fa not Ro PA Seno etme ate Saye BAS workae sone, asian volame smd Jaeaion in the furnace ths. wie the pernisible eppertare vars. 4 Sigitieance awd Use 4.1 Faces for heat ieunrent of eel products ae use amy inlosiries, im any was Repandless of heat te Tumse type, or pocessing e¥e earay be necessary Jor users to knw the kerperstne nomic the Furic snd whet he Uhe materi 3 prowess inst zme ahin the amos thats ‘eapuble P preecing the spplictnle pomissinie tenpertat| ‘varvion equiteniens “42 The procedures this ws weil muy ho used by thane using muunacaeturing, und plowing calibraon service Fi, eu ea maces used Un process sel products Furaace Survey Equipment 5.1 Thennneanples SLL Meal sheathed heemioecpes sll he im accordance wih Speclicasom B AOE A085 SA2 The use of exuenson seires Hs permed when com= pemate enomectos, plugs. oks, and writin rps aks use 5.13 Thermocouples mde from spool wine shill met the requitemenss of AMS 278. 5.14 The use of spliced extension wine is probiiie, SUS Thermocouples may be reused 3 the reuiterrens of AMS 2950 (except Paragraph 3.1172 of Rev. Ch ave nek 52 Calianen 52.0 All ylorunce, primary, secondary, est und working fequipiens, insumenation and seasons abel in conjunction ‘wih hs ws eed shall ees ce reqebiem’s of eainetion delined hy Tes. Methods £207 and = 229, 5.2.2 Temperature measuring devises shall be calibrated ssihin the rhs prior ave 132.3 Calibration shall be uaveabe to uke Nation Tse of Standards Technology stindstds. oF equizaent sional Standards. Cutmaom sch maimal standands sll be deme At oust once every evi gous, 5.2.4 Calibration shal within dhe wenpersure range whe sed inthe survey md at imervay non roster dn” 20°F {100°C} Jor prisary and secondary sundards. 5.2.3 Comectom Tucows lis of enor, deviaons shal be in accordance with Speciation £230, 6, Requirements BL fformity Survey tant Condbtwrs: ULL The fumace io he surveyed shall be eae of being Lexed a sek point tepipersine(s) tspical for the momnal operting cane GLU The operting range does nor exceed spre of oH [150°C], che rsdn tenpersume shal be selec foe the survey UF the operating range exceeds a read of 30°F [1S%C), samey a the Tinimuct and axseran Setpoint Leniperature forthe momma uperskine range, excep shat the temperaure fie the normal operaing range, excep. chat the Tainan teraperiuee need! not he higher chan 2006 [ute 651.2 Topi preshiedom sos nd wep farm Ins she ho uli during the sure. Ue of representative ateial ‘nate pres during sane is peated 6.13 The fumace amowphere and opera conditions stall he representative of those used in practi, 1.2 Pregnancy of Fnifonaty Surveys 6.21 Priming Sursess 621.1 Aprinany survey shall hive heen parToroied within Lele momhs priv ue, OF tum cuncurtendy with, Ube fist ‘react hei remem’ iD ths eS Lhe pS. 6.21.2 A pray survey shall have heen condi when a pisior Tamace wiadiieation 3 completed. A najon farmace rrodiicam eludes, bu snot Haried us the insulin the foes iftems humet spe, a new heating eleven: Aesien, a difenens spe of insulation sesier, amd, dient | spe of temperate coming device Replacenen. of worm puri with sian pats or ruching oJ imaiaion that does mot change the Tarmac charawersGes does not comsdivie & risier [amace modes 6.2.14 The savey shal be conducted ihn shelve rms prior ©. of run cunmurtendy with, the Jinse production est resumen performed afer the nication 6.22 Secondary Seavey: “To matin confirtnee wih this west iether, survey shall bo conducted within uwelve roms Alle the privy savey 6.222 Secondary surveys shell Be comducied ab a pal Furnace set point wiper wikia thes mori oper range, All oiher condidams described v6.1 shall ames. 7. Procedure T1 Surves_aesaring equipment shall meet the require ams Section 5 7.2 Tex comics und tet Urequenc shal be dene in band 6.2, especivey 7.3 Diave thermocouples to moniior dime and letmpersuse profiles in the Furnace > evalasie the uniform the $ntended working zune, Place thet sl theater esters, the ‘emer a he propel working ne, aa in aes of speed SSashiligy in the proposed working ame” Asch Sve kext Seman cr set ther the od 7 Bor proposed working ames les hen 1 in. [300 m0] Sm height it secepiahle to mom the center heigh lean, Ses mt necessary tr min ih the kop am bray of the essing charter. For proposed working zones greler than, oF ‘equal to, 12 in. [0 erm) in helghi Cowh Lop aim peor ‘estreslies mi he memioned, 75 Contavaons Convesunce cut Semi Contnawus Convey: sce Harrie, TIS.T Comves est semss thro the farmie, The Fite ‘eomyevance shal he represemative of nor sipeaing cond 75.2 The frequency of teniperuae recondings sal be ‘epahle of detecting vuriasons Stor the est eesperaure range daring the ens comvevance theca the Furnace. 7.5.3 Severi] conveyances wih the tex senses sttiched We 7.53 Several comeyances wih the wes. senscts autchel these product, ander he sate comin, wae eae ey ‘ensure tht ay wecurten eb peruate pros ste determined lls Loestoms though che Tumse 7.54 Altemasve surveving techniques ure deserted in 73 7. Bath vit Batch Legand Meds Prac 7.8.1 Take readings suring oshen the comin nstruren. ees Lo within MFP [100°C the Sec pnt tersper ature and ‘coninae thoaphous the hold eyele av he set pont lempers.are. 7.5.2 Take readings wa riniorum lrequency of VAD the soma olde, 7.5.3 Take che recdings iequenils enouph to detec vars dons from the test emperaume range nd le Jelemine the esurertes of he recurrent etpersiure pile any Ti Allemnsice sursesing techies ste described in 77 7 Attendee Surveying Vectniyuae When apreed ts by lhe purchser smd the supper eat tea services, serve sarcesine techniques mi he ave wo chiralerve the ener ‘te unt he Sanna sd saequemty deine the sive tnd location of he eutking ome, Exanples oF dese survesing techniques se Tinted els TIA Statist Suny TIAA When iis impossible or imprateul uv perform the vos outline in 7 33nd 7, is persis subssuao sm tnales of the reswlamt mechanical propensies othe wel Teducis hess ead i the subject TumBee w vatidae wt ‘eruureunifnivy. Details ofthis provélar sal] bos synod ve beoweem purchaser and Supplice 122 Sequential Load Sensurs: 7221 This procedure nny he used as an ahemasve w those deserned in 7.8 and 7.5. Ie provides vadaon of lemperaure uniJormiy by a series of vests aber than a single ves. Teach ies, determine the iersperatue eotaton perm sme oF rene the est eas, 32.22 The frequency’ of wt sal ho Sie roms 72.23 The eryperaure shal] re wihin the nomial opersi- Ing tange, with the narwvest pemnisible vaio for dhe ‘uueri applied by the survey 77.2 Ram the Farnsce wih fal sina wth wel in ronal production eye "772.5 Loud ow west senso shall bo umanged Jn, oF in ‘comes wish the 4s fod Compo! seus) shal be demic those use in somal prueten Take reaings stating sem he cont intrariens ses Ua within 26°F [10°C] othe ses pint kerapersre amd Comtnged thnvehot the hull ce a the se pl keer Record the wperaute of lod ist end wutking sensors fequentls encugh ve detect whem the specified oper songringe s ewcceded, and u leave eyes of amy recaen Tauem hive been observed TI28 Ti nw recarent ierpersiureprolile is detected ke readings at imervas of ive nates or Tess, Fa Teast 30 in fer thennal equi itu) is wuched 8 Documentation af Survey Resalls 8.1 Onmivaams perfonning. surveys am axcordamce with this test prethoad shall keep pertinent docarnention 0 dhe conus and provedures used n the corlesion of the sarvey fom Tle lor amin of five years 8.2 Perinem, documentation shall include, hat mot be Fin fied io, the Following: R21 Specific Wdemicatom of farnice surveyed, 82> Date of the unifurnigy sures. 8.23 Tdenlieasim ofthe hess ies, provedane, 8.3.1 Set pein enperauren, R232 Toe of atmosphere, £233 Cmvesimee speed (when spplicnhie, ROA Sion and weight of sce! product load Jn Farce a Lime of suves. 8.2.3 Them endleavion murohers (lok Hest serish ee 3. 526 Time and wemperiure da, includ original vem: rersiare chins or origina] manually recorded sa, R27 Dinrensions and locaton oF the srking mel 8.28 Narnber and Iocaion of the survey shetty, 8.29 Longest ofserved ttnperuune veracom fiom he Se pints during the hod eye, R210 The. Gm interval of dhe Gest, Snelakng the tn ‘lapsed din Stoning die and chan sped shall he nathed on the original werperature chant R211 All pertinent equipment cuthradin infers, 82.12 Devas from dhe test method inclading. bat limited ty thenscccuple Jllure, malfunction, or disconnec- 8.2.13 Name of personne] conducting the survey, smd 82 AD dau viay be elecromieally recorded. 9, Toerpretation of Results and Establishment of the ‘Working Znve 9.1 The rewls ofthe primary survey deserize the Lernpers~ are uniforms of famave unr specific eto operating condicims. Reso uf the appicaiom a this wes eb sh be espressd st vaisom fon tenpenatare se. pon 9.2 Bwablinhavene of the Tarmac winking one mile by comparing the lrmpersane vrinsem rine the praduet Specifies, or apteed to hy parce and supper of heat ureou services with the vation fun the kermperaise set point as deteresned by this unifority survey. 93 The working ame ny either he the endive heating vole or risy only be wine portion uf the esting vole of the Famace. The workin aime ma’ he comprised ol one ot lone heating ze in uho curmee, 19, THeat Treatment ia the Working Zone 10.1 Whee invoked hy the produes specifics, oF stead to by purchaser und supplier of eat teat seriees. see] Predicts shal] be hea. uesied. as speilied, only Sm he working 11, Reywords HA Tarmace wrves: temperature; unify: working some ASTI (remota tke no stn resetting te veka ofa pskon wos casera soncActon wih ary er mene Ins sant Users cfs tana soerpres) xhiseanat SaetedD ke vail cf any suchpaterd ght, ah Be lor arrard oF ci as 90 FG) I Oo easy. Tr karan tect io revsen ot enter Pe rgonane feeticcammntee a mt De veveue even Ne yaa an oxeried er resperevecrwihcatn Va serine ste se ath fr sees chs sansa ssa cerdes ane soul te aoe ta ASTH amainral noacanfrs. Yeu canals WH ovabo cart contin 2 ec appa fences cevmnien We eu Mears fe elt Yn cere ao eee 190 Dea AL ES mate you vis wyau Be ASTH Canaries en Slane a Ue ates Sho Poh, Tris stanton ty ASTI utero 100 Bax Hert Dive, FO Bo. CTEO. Wet Camsanacten (oN 200, irked Ses Intact (ange of Pale capes) af is anders May he ctared Fy conatig £30 3 eave ‘atless oF 2f 61082-2000 (ores, CIDAZITNT (a), OF eMcaT ane (tra, L) ANGUGN le LETH wots oxen.

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