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KAMPLES value of 100 A. Write dovn the equ, 50 Ha, has a peak 100A for the first time. EXAMPLE 3.1: An altem: h go A for its instantaneous value, SOLUTION : f= SO Nz In = 100A: i= 80A The instantaneous vatue of the current current of frequene Also find the time taken to reael i= ly sin cot @ = Int= 2x 314 x S08 314 i= 100 sin G14) t 80 = 100 sin 314 ¢ sia (2) 314 100 1 1 = a sip! as 39 Fiz sv! 8) = yy 63189) 1 = — (0.926 as $3.13" = 0,9268 ra F1a_ (0.9268) (as 53.13° = 0,9268 rad) 1S seconds area of 200 sq. em. is rotated about its axis perpendiculst EXAMPLE 3.2: A coil having 100 tums and at a speed of 1500 rpm, to that of a uniform magnetic field of rength Ot Determine : (1) Equation for the insta (2) Peak induced emf (3) Instantaneous values of the (a) The plane of the coil is parallel to the field. (b) The plane of the coil is perpendicular to the field. (c)_ The plane of the coil is inclined at an angle of 45° to the field and also at 60° to the field. faneous emf induced. nduced emf in the following cases : SOLUTION N = 100; 00 em; By = OF tesla; speed = 1500 rpm Scanned with CamScanner iced ¢ = By sin ot om m= Maximum flux = 5, x g = 04 x 200 x 10-4 = 80x 104 oh angular freqency @ = a9¢ frequency = revolutions per second = 1500 “SO = 25 ps © = nf = 2% 3.14 x 25 = 157 rad/see. En = Non (100) (157) (80 x 10-4 125.6 volts sin ot 25.6 sin (157 1) (2) En= 125.6 volts )_(@)_ When the plane of the coil is parallel to the field ot = 8 = 90° + €= Em sinot = 125.6 sin 90° = 125.6 volts, ‘We have considered X-axis as the reference. (b) When the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the field ot =0=0° + © = En sin 0 = 0 volt. (©) When the plane of the coil is inclined at 45° to the field. wt = 0 = 45 2 e = By sin45 = 125.6 sin 45 88.81 volts (@ When the plane of the coil is inclined at 60° to the field ot = 6 = 30° +. € = E,, sin 30 = 125.6 sin 30 = 62.8 volts EXAMPLE 33 : A 50 Hz current has an amplitude of 100 A. Find the rate of change of current in amperes per second at time t where, (@) t= 0.0025 sec. () t= 0.005 sec. (©) t= 0.01 sec after t = 0 and is increasing. SOLUTION : f= 50 Hz, In = 100 A Instantaneous value of the current in Sin Ot 100 sin wt Angular frequency @ = 2nf = 2x 3.14 x 50 = 314 radisec, ie. Scanned with CamScanner But Fe 7 31400 cos (314 8) Alsee. 0.0025 sec. di @ 1400 cos (314 x 0.0025) 1400 cos (0.785) (0.785 rad = 45°) 31400 cos (45°) 22203 A’sec. 0.005 sec. (b) At 31400 cos (314 x 0.005) = 31400 cos (1.57) (1.57 rad = 90°) 1400 cos (90°) (©) At 0.01 sec after i = 0 and is increasing 1400 cos (314 x 0.01) 31400 cos (3.14) (3.14 rad = 180°) 1400 cos (180°) = -31400 A/sec. EXAMPLE 3.4 : An altemating current of frequency 50 Hz has 2 peak value of 150 A. Calculate : (a) Its value 0.0015 seconds after passing through 2 positive maximum value. (b) Its value 0.002 seconds after the instant the current is zero and decreasing thereafter. (©) At what time measured from a positive maximum value, will the instantaneous value of the current be 1 SOLUTION : f= 50 Hz, 1, = 150A I, sin ot ‘nf = 2 x 3.14 x 50 = 314 radisec. Scanned with CamScanner ey the positive maximum value oc ei curs at instant A. i ‘omes a io Saar seconds from A, the equation of the instantaneous current i beet Ty 60S cot 150 cos 314 ¢ 150 cos 14 x 0.0015) 50 cos (0.471 7 $9 eos a (0.471 tad = 27 133.65 A Teacured om poi 7 Seco afer it re thereafter means the time is to be (Measured from point B. er it reaches zero and decreases In sin (cot + 180) Tq sin ot 150 sin (314 1) -150 sin (314 x 0,002) 150 sin (0,628) -150 sin 36° 88.16 A () The instantaneous value of the current once it has passed through the positive maximum means, time is measured from A. (0.628 rad = 36°) i= Ip sin (@t,+ 90) In COs oot 100 A In = 150A 150 cos 314t (w= 2nf = 2 x 3.14 x 50 = 314) ty cet (28) * = 3g 808" (50 uu cos (0.6667) [cos 0.6667 = 48.187 = 0.840 rad] 1 514 * 0-840 0.0027 sec. Scanned with CamScanner

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