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1.1 Background
Once colonialism ended, there are impacts that left by the former dominant countries on
the society, culture, people and language in fellow colony countries. In the studies of these
impact, scholar coined a theory so called “Post-colonialism” refers to a body of thought
primarily concerned with accounting for the political, aesthetic, economic, historical, and social
impact of European colonial rule around the world in the 18th through the 20th century (Elam,
2019). This phrase “the West” according to Edward because of their long present in colonies
countries, they still remain dominant in culture in International Society. Thus, this legacy
persists in the former colonies in a way they generate their contemporary culture. This paper
aims to discover the theory of Post Colonialism with the case studies from South Africa which
was colonized by the dominant west since early 1800s (Koplan, 2009). Over the past two
decades, both the term and post-colonial field have been full and widespread criticism from
the perspective of literary, political and religious studies. Moreover, modern African states
have many problems ranging from corruption, armed conflict and spectacular structural
development. Therefore, for most analyzes of African states, the effects of colonialism are
presented as a starting point, but to the extent that African states require particularly passive
operations, how far back are other former European colonies. In the studies of its impact, the
development or lack of civil society and institutions formed around the continent during the
colonial era will be examined. In particular, the lack of education and judicial power and
how these colonial structures influenced the post-colonial era.
In the following years, as many African nations struggled to revive the long standing
glorious societies and cultures, post-colonial Africa began to display the horrors that
followed their patriotism. Therefore, at the heart of South Africa's decolonization project is
the western colonization experience that ruled the continent in the early 19th century. In
addition to this, there is the assumption that political colonization has ended, but it must still
be associated with the end of other forms of colonization (Rahaman, Yeazdani & Mahmud,
2017). Hence, the deceptive imperialist practice is turning Africa to extreme poverty, hunger,
corruption and famine. In the studies aimed at clarifying the postcolonial impact of South Africa.
1.2 Study Objectives
In this study, we aim to explore the term "postcolonial" which is an attempt to name
the period of time after colonialism. This is related to other terms such as postmodern and
deconstruction. Colonialism refers to the era of European imperialism. European powers such
as England, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Portugal, which have divided most of the
world between them. European colonies existed in the Americas, much of the Middle
East, in parts of Asia, and much of Africa. Furthermore, the era of colonialism is generally
associated with Euro centrism. European culture, science and ideas have become the norm for all
other cultures.
Thus, this article will translate the influence of post colonialism in South
Africa in the form of case studies.
To sum up, postcolonial theories have highlighted the role of colonizer in exploiting
knowledge and language as a power and have focused on texts written by the
imperial authority to stabilize the myth of British cultural supremacy. It may now be imperative
that we look at texts written by colonial people during the colonial period. For this reason, post-
colonialism has been used extensively as a study and analysis of European conquests
to reflect the construction of Western “discourse” how the West has classified non-
Western countries as “other” in their terminology and culture as the influence of the
colonialist’s historical, cultural standards and remained strong. On the other hand, several critics
have raised allegations that several critics have dealt with allegations, particularly the countries
of South Africa. In addition, post-colonial theorists sought human emancipation, freedom of
culture, literature, and race from the colonized states in the midst of today's world,
where the influence of the West still takes place. However, a recent book by Vivek Chibber,
"Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital", argues that postcolonial scholars are trying to
replace the theory of Marxism by providing an alternative approach to
the political agenda while maintaining this capitalism and capital assert Modernity has developed
differently in the postcolonial world.

Elam, D. J. (2019, January 15). Postcolonial Theory. Oxford Bibliographies. Retrieved from

Koplan, A. (2009, May 22). South Africa: Colonization. Retrieved from

Rahaman, S., Yeazdani, R. & Mahmud, R. (2017, Mar 14). The Untold History of
Neocolonialism in Africa (1960-2011). Science Publishing Group. Retrieved from

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