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Health Patterns Before Hospitalization During Hospitalization

1. Health Perception and The patient has never

Health Management undergone check-up
Pattern whenever he doesn’t feel
well. His wife stated that
going to the hospital is a
burden for him because he
thinks his condition might
just get worse, the reason as
to why they rely to
“albularyo” at first.
2. Nutrition and He eats different varieties of He is on soft diet but doesn’t
Metabolism Pattern food and is not a picky eater. have the appetite to eat; he is
He is a heavy drinker; mainly also taking Liverprime and
drinks Emperador (a kind of Alpha Life juice. During the
brandy) roughly 3-4x a week. first day of our shift, he could
He doesn’t usually go out to only finish at least 5 spoon
eat at fast foods since they servings of his meal. On the
already own a karenderia. second day of our shift, he
was able to finish half the
serving of lugaw and tinola
since it is his favorite food.
On the third day of our shift,
he isn’t able to eat anymore.
During the doctor’s round,
the doctor suggested to put
him back on NGT again for
him to meet the needs of his
3. Elimination Pattern He has regular bowel Using Foley bag catheter
movement and urinary (FBC) and diaper. His urine
elimination pattern. No is light in yellow color. He
complaints of constipation was given lactulose a day
and diarrhea; has not before our shit and was
experienced urinary already discontinued; his
incontinence. stool is brownish in color,
soft in texture and large in
4. Activity and Exercise His family owns an eatery On MHBR. Patient is asleep
Pattern business; he is the cook there. most of the time during our
They also own several shift; unable to stand and
jeepneys for public walk.
transportation rides, he would
also help in checking and
fixing the engine.

5. Cognition and One month prior to Complete level of visual,

Perception Pattern admission, there was altered auditory, and olfactory
level of consciousness and functioning but unable to
there was loss of his strength speak or pronounce words
to do his ADL as stated by clearly.
his wife.

6. Sleep and Rest Pattern His usual sleeping time is at He is asleep most of the time
9pm; usually wakes up at during our 8-hr shift.
3am. He doesn’t have any
complaints of insomnia.

7. Self-Perception and Client has a high self-esteem

Self-Concept Pattern and very confident in facing
different kinds of

8. Roles and He is a father of two children

Relationships Pattern and are also now working. As
stated by his wife, he is a
responsible father and a
husband, responsible for their
necessities at home; a great
9. Sexuality and
Reproduction Pattern

10. Coping and Stress According to his wife, he

Tolerance Pattern doesn’t express much of
himself when being stressed;
his coping mechanism is
drinking out with friends

11. Values and Belief He is a strong believer of

Pattern God. He and his wife are
devoted Catholics and are
active members of Couples
for Christ (CFC). Goes to
church every Sunday.

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