Assignment For Happy On Advertising

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Fareast International University


BUS 4276: Advertising and Sales Management

Ahemd Bin Yamin


Department of Business Administration



Program: BBA (E)

ID: -


Semester: Summer, 2017

Department of Business Administration



Date of Submission
What is Copywriting?
Copywriting is the act of writing copy (text) for the purpose of advertising or marketing a product,
business, person, opinion or idea. Copywriting is the process of writing advertising promotional
materials. Copywriters are responsible for the text on brochures, billboards, websites, emails,
advertisements, catalogs, and more. This text is known as “copy.

Copywriting does not just concern writing, it is about reaching into the hearts and minds of a
marketplace through building bridges between what you market and what your consumer needs.

Copywriting Principles
1. General copy principles

2. Print copy principles

3. Television copy principles

4. Radio copy principles

5. Outdoor copy principles

6. Retail copy principles

7. Business to business ads

8. Advertising on the internet.

Copy writing Skill: Copywriting is the skill and field of work where people write sales promotions
and other marketing materials for products, services, fundraising campaigns, etc.

What Is Advertising Copywriting?

Advertising copywriters use the written word to help sell goods and services. From catchy headlines
to compelling copy to the call to action, copywriters can be the key to turning viewers and listeners
into buyers. Read on to find out more about the field of advertising copywriting. Schools offering
Advertising degrees can also be found in these popular choices.

Field Overview: Advertising copywriting is essentially the art of creating written content that
accompanies the visual portion of an advertising campaign. Advertising copywriting is based on the
idea of marketing a particular product to a specific consumer audience. Written advertising copy can
be found in many different media types, including:

 Posters
 Television commercials
 Radio advertisements
 Websites
 Brochures

Strategy: In order for advertising copy to be successful, it must work well with the visual
portion of the campaign. Copywriters need a working knowledge of the product, including its
strengths and weaknesses, in order to most effectively write copy for a campaign. This also
includes using knowledge of consumer behavior and market segmentation to properly target
the advertising copy to a specific audience.

Execution: The execution of the message is successful only when the advertising copy is styled
appropriately to the particular medium in which it is being used. For example, the copy for a
radio advertisement would be different from a television commercial because the television
copy is accompanied by visual images.

Creativity: Because we live in an over-stimulated world, those in advertising copywriting must

employ both creativity and uniqueness in order to successfully draw in the consumer. The
challenge is to produce creative copy while also remaining factual. Creative advertising copy
that is based on client or market research and works well with the visual portion of a campaign
can be invaluable to the marketing of a particular product.

Considered Copywriting
Copywriting is any writing that offers a product or service for sale. I've defined it very quickly in the
glossary here. Also, I have a wonderful guest article here about the difference between "copywrite"
and "copyright." However, to expound and clarify a little, and to answer your question, I'd like to
break apart the different kinds of copywriting.

Advertising Writing Style

Advertising has to win its audience, no small task given that it usually computers in a cluttered
environment. For that reason, the copy should as simple as possible. It is cuccinet and single-
minded, meaning that it has clear focus and usually tries to convey only one selling point. Advertising
writing is tight, Every word counts because both apace and time are expensive. Ineffective words
and phrases such as very interesting in order to, buy now and save, introducing, nothing less than
waste precious space.

Copywriters try to write the way the target audience thinks and talks, That often means using direct
address. For example, an ad for Trojan condoms make a pointed argument on a touchy subject for
its young single person target audience. Combining headline with body copy, it reads as a dialogue:

I didn’t use one because I didn’t have one with me.

Get real,

If you don’t have a parachute, don’t jump genius.

9 teps to Effective writing
1.Be succinet: Use short, familiar words, short sentences and short paragraphs.

2.Be Single-Minded: Focus on one main point.

3. Be Specific: Don’t wast time on generalities. The more specific the message, the more attention
getting and memorable it is.

4. Get personal: Directly address your audience whenever possible as you rather than we or they.

5. Keep a Single Focus: Deliver a simple message instead of one that makes too many point, Focus
on a single idea and support it.

6. Be Conversational: Use the language of everyday conversation, The copy should sound like two
friends talking to each other, So don’t shy away.

7.Be original: To keep your body forceful and persuasive avoid stock adverting phrases, Strings of
superlatives and brag-and boast statement and clichés.

8. Use Variety: To add visual appeal in both print and TV ads. Avoid long blocks of copy in print ads.
Instead of break up television monologues with visual changes, such as shots of the art director
designs what they will look like.

9.Use imaginative description: Use evocative or figurative language to build a picture in the
consumers mind.

Tips About BODY COPY

• Answer questions posed by the visual or headline if any.

• Main function is to give information and/or create desire.

• Straight sell-immediately explain or develop headline and visual in a straightforward,

factual presentation .

• Institutional copy-promote philosophy or extol the merits of the organization rather than
product features.

• Narrative copy-tells a story .

• Dialogue/monologue copy-character in the print ad do the selling in their own words.

• Picture-caption copy-using illustrations and captions .

• Device copy-use figures of speech (puns, alliteration, assonance, rhymes).

Copy writing in a global environment
Language affect the creation of the advertising. English is more economical than many other
languages. This creates a major problem when the space for copy is laid out for English and one-third
more space is needed for french or Spanish. However, English does not have the subtlety of other
languages such as Greek, Chinese, or French. Those languages have many different words for
situations and emotions that do not translate precisely into English. Standardizing the copy content
by translating the appeal into the language of the foreign market is fraught with possible
communication blunders. It is rare to find a copy writer who is fluent in both the domestic and
foreign language and familiar with the culture of the foreign market.

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