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Origins and development

As a reflection, Feminism has been around for a long time the Idea of feminism may not
have been coined a term until recently. More recently, the First-wave feminism had occurred.
Moreover, First-wave feminism has developed in the mid-19th century and was based on the
pursuit of sexual equality in the areas of politics and legal rights. Thus, female suffrage being its
first goal because they thought that if women could vote all other inequalities would disappear.
The First-wave feminism came to a close in the U.S. in 1920 with the signing of the 19th

As a reflection, Second-wave feminism was brought during in the 60’s and 70’s. This was
a more radical movement that not only wanted legal and political rights, but also wanted to
equality in society and in the private sphere of life. Thus, claiming that the achievement of
political and legal rights did not solve all equality issues because the goals were not just
emancipation, but liberation.

Core themes: the politics of the personal

As a reflection, redefining the political is the thoughts that women should have the same
power in the public arena as they do in the private one. There has been a constant of sexual
inequalities that say men have the power in the public eye, in politics, work, art and literature
while most of women have been confined to the to a private existence centered on their family
and domestic responsibilities. Feminists have challenged the divide between public man and
private woman. In contrast, feminist have not always agreed on what it means to break down the
walls which divided the two sides or about how to achieve a homeostasis of the ideas that are
included. In the end feminist wanted to have the same opportunities in the public sphere and not
be limited to the stereotypes that are placed on women as being homemakers and doing the entire
child rearing.
As a reflection, patriarchy is literally rule by the father. It has used more generally to
describe the dominance of men and subordination of women in society. I believe that there is no
somebody wants to be oppressed or dominated by anyone. In addition, radical feminism side,
feminists believe that inequality starts at home and if the male is oppressing women at home,
then they will never have a fair chance outside of the home. Additionally, feminists do not have a
simple or single answer for this issue.
As a reflection, gender and sex, feminists often see gender as a political and cultural
distinction and not so much as a biological and ineradicable sexual difference. Therefore, gender
divisions are brought on by male power and another way of keeping them on the top.
As a reflection, equality feminists and difference feminists both desire a better world.
Unlikely, most other strands of thought, the distinction between them centers not on the means,
but on the end goal.

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