Astm e 1129 e 1129 M 2008

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Designatio 1129/6 129M - 08"* Standard Specification for Thermocouple Connectors" ‘hic sand ie hese unr the Ged dexgntion 1129 1296 he mur moi Flowing the dex getion ‘dice year af engl adoption cia the cae of vein, te year of Le evi. A pumbee fe pretesesaceaashe you of est approval A spenerp ln (e) eaten on sloral ange ne he led fevnon a respros ‘FRU Yne tale wus conecia edly i Jay 200. 1. Scope Li This speciieadon covers separible single-citeuic cher. ‘nacouple councetrs with owe rouad pins, Comueciogs covered by this specification rast berated for continuous use to atleast 00 °F 150 °C), but chey may optionally be raed higher. 112 This specification does not cover mnkiple-cietit con- rectors, multipin connectors, miniature connectors, or connec tors intended primarily for panel mounting. High temperate connects (for example, those designed for conrinvous use a temperatures above approximately $00 °F (260 °C) are aot iment to be covered by this specifieatio, 1T3 The values stated in either ine}-pound units or St units ae io be regarded separaely os standard. 1.4 The following preceutionuy stateraent pecans ouly 0 the test method portion, Section 9, of this specification. This andar des not purport io address all of the safety concerns, ‘fans, asoriated with its se, His the responsiblity ofthe user (of this standard to establish appropriate safery and health practices and determine the opplicabity of regulators limita ‘ans prion tse 2, Referenced! Documents 2.1 The following dacuments of the latest issue form a part ofthis specification tothe extent referenced herein, Tn case of ccnnfice between this specification and another referenced document, chis specification shall ake precedence. 22. ASTHE Standanis £200 Specification aod Temperaure-Electomotive Force (EMP) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples "Tue pecetoe Ie ander he jin af ASTI Conte F2D on Sogn eee ni spf Sem Cem en spread N.S 2008. Plea 208. fal ‘alin 1988 La pov ice pia MN a B09 ORC yor mud ASEM sada, he ASTM bus. wea net ASTM Cason Se neem, Ft Aa Bok STAC ‘Soe vie mon ch sar ec fg E344 Terminology Relating to Thermomesry and Hyon ey BGR Specification for Minera-Insulated, Metal-Shesthed ‘Base Metal Thermocouples 3. Terminology 34 Defnitins: The defitions given in Terninclogy E 344 stal apply. 112 Defnitions of Terms Specie to Tis Stadt 321 comecor pair, man assembly consisting of «plug anda jack, each hosing Boh pase sn negative mses, ht will coer evo parts ofan electra ciel and provide trcans of physically diconnecting he two pars witout che se of oo 3.22 conic iasert,nmmeallic condctor assemblies hat, ‘when intled in comnecor bodies, provide connects be twoen two pas of an elebical eit. Pg connects will contzn projecting prong conis, while jack connector Will ‘contain recessed socket cr reeepacle conics. 323 sence tie, interval of time that & connecor assembly wil be pul 10 se and rela sl) physical und thempelesic properties, 1.244 text diference, apparent hermoclecue dilerence subtle vo rated connectors observed by the es procedure ofthis speciation 4. Signideanee und Use 4.1 The widesead use of shemocouple coanecnes 1e- pies standardization of mating dimensions and performance charoterisice ‘42 This speiicton describes stndurdized thermocouple connector dimensions and capabiies ard inches et proce dures suitable for evaluating the performance of = paces Specinea or design, ‘The ess desebe ar no inde for ‘Outneinspedon or pa testing large groups of comes tr for qualty convo purposes 5. Clasifcation 5. Plugs oF Juste: rt A80« ent Bar hat FOR Gna, PP, Gly © 11201 1120008" 5.141 Connectors shall be coustructed of either plugs or and these to forms shall be designed to connect with 5.12 Phug connectors shall have 10 extemel prong con- sacis of difering diameters to prevent improper mang. The negative prong shall be lke larger, a5 shown in Table 1 and Fig. TABLE Dimensions Taran Wear a Sy bae 7 Taos aah Soap wan w ‘tea aren Seaparees : ests Gham ora . ose beacons 38 me tes x oie) ous ean Dr Bealaeey ose ee, pe oneness c asus 020608) 8 oa a) r nore 6s 20) ~ 9 9 pus wack Loe bo oy beat a i T ZEB AE nue nex ero eld prong is an fo int of sien FIG. + Temocouple Connector Omenaions, (280 Table 1) 5.12 Jack connectors shall have te internal socket €00- tacts sized and spaced to recive and accoramedate the prong contacts of dhe mating plug. Jack connectors shall also igelode fa means of producing snd. mutiniaining suficient contact pressure 10 meer all of ie other requiremenis of this specill- 52 ANSUASIM Type: $21 Connectors shall bo produced in versions « msteh ‘each of he standardized ANSUASTM thermacouple (pes a8 given in Table 2 ‘$22 The inser materials of each plug and Jack shell have themmoeleei properties conforming to the characteristics of ‘exersion grade material of the comespondiag thermocouple type as given in Specification E 230 over the eraperaure range specitied in Tule 3 ‘523 Calibration conformance and gradient testing is not applicable to Type B thernoeleccally nenrs} (CuiCu) oon: ecto. 6. Ordering Information 6.1 Orders for connectors under this specification shall ‘include the following: 6.11 Quanity of plugs or jacks (specity which), 6.12 ANSUASTM theemacouple type (soe Table 2, 6.13 Any optional accessories that may be required, such ss thse listed in 7.43, 6.14 Special testing requirements, and 6.15 Requiemeets for cenifioaes of conformance w the speciticutions or reports of the results of any required esting. 7. Materials and Manufacture 7.1 Body, 5.1.1 The dimensions of she connestor bodies shall fall, within the tims given in Table 1. 7.1.2 The comector body shall be auade of an eleeuically ‘nsulaing material capable of continuous use at any tempera- ture between 0 °F (-1B °C) and 300 "F (150°C) forthe service life given in Table 2, without losing its ability to conform to thie specification 7.43 The counector bees shall be color coded in socee. dance with Table 210 provide rapid snd permanent iemiiea- sion of the thermocouple calibration with which i is designed to be used. Bach plug ead jack shall be permanently marked ‘ith a symbol oF symbols to idenify positive and negeuve conductor inserts, All connector sall ear the supplier's name ff other means of source identification, unless otberwise specified in the purchasing documents. 7.24 An insulating burtier shall be incorporated into each conuecior body to prevent inadvertem contact between ther- rmoclemoats oF wires, 7.2 Insers: 4.2.1 Contact inserts may he either solid or kollow as long, as all of the requirements ofthis specificaion are met TABLE 2 Mentiieation TAT Tap To ‘She k son Bicucar vee REE eo maar a aor et a fy 112978 120m — 087 TABLE 3 Specifications Sraractas Win Wier Reqoronan Ten Prosedre perng Torperare oF on aae 36 (eo) soo) Engagarant Fore oe tae vas os 7 N) (80 Ny Deengagemant Face oe fa 124 8s erm (@0 Np Gontct resistance leach ee) Sede 727 82 Ireationreaktanc at oom 19" ohms ra oa Terraeraure Ineuton Resiarce a 134 ea 300 °F (150 °C) Thorne Ordon wer 128 oo (21.0 °C) Aepoated cyoes (Engager) #8 12s es 7.2.2 Contact inserts shall o fabricated of materials that ‘meet the requremens of Section S 7.2.3 The inside diameter and dopsh of the jack connector shall be svch a5 to raceive the corresponding plug procg smoothly sad easily when insened, A spring loaded detent device shall be incorporated in the negative side of the jack connector to engage the detent in the negative plug prong. The function of de detent system shall be o cause postive locking. together of & plug and jack when fully mated. The detent system shall got permit the ro connectors to be separsed by ‘ore then 003 in. (0.8 mn) when subjected :0 a withdrawal foce less than the minimum giver i Tbe 3. “724 The forces required for complete engagement of Aisengagement shall be within the limits listed in Table 3 7.2.5 The connector pair shall be capable of repeated insertion and withdrawal cycles as given in Table 3 without Toning the ability t0 coaform 10 the requirements of this specication, 7.2 The dimensions and locations of the insers in the ‘connector badies shall fall within the Hots givea ia Table 1 7.2.7 The contact ressteace between the assembled plug snd jack shall conform 20 the equiremencs of Table 3. 728 The connector pair shall be capable of passing the Uhermal gradient test specified in Table 3 13 Consiruction and Assembly: 73.1 Wie attachmeat shall be by means of a sere or lomp suiable fer use with wite diemezerstrora 30 AWG (0.01 ip. of 0.25 am in diameter) 0 18 AWG (0.04 in, of 1.0 mia ameter) 782 Contact inserts and wire attaching puts shall be held captive to one of the body arts. "73.3 Connections snd Baal closures ofthe coanector shall be accomplished with siuple hand tools such as screwdrivers, swreuches, oF pits. 73.4 The aseanbled connector shell be cepable of pessing the insulation resistance requirements listed im Table 3 2 tbe tempers listed. 73.5 The materials and coastuction used in the comnescoe shall be soch that the connector will meet all of the specificd sequiremens forthe service life interval listed in Table 33, 14 Oplianal Accessories 74.1 Connector accessories are not covered by this speci= Heaton and ray be unique to x manufacturers specific design. 7A2 All required optional socessories are to be specified separaely from the connectors 143 The following is a paral list of useful accessory 143.1 Cable clamping devices, for attaching flexible cables, 7.43.2 Clamps for rigid tubing and sheaths in range of diameters 1s listed in Spevitication E 608: 7433 Elasomeric boots 10 seal connector estemblies against moist in service; 7.43.4 Safety clamps or other devices to prevent inadver- ‘ent separetion of connectors ueder conditions of severe vibre- tio and 743.5 Flac washers for use under wire atachment serew Iheads a5 an id in the retention of che wies and prevent damage to the wires. 7.444 Some supplies may aot offer all of the above items ‘while overs may offer addtional ters, Supplier ceslops and literature should be consul for deals. ‘8, Physical Properties 8.1 The physical size of comectors conforming to chis specification shall fall within the limits given in Table | forall ‘dimensions inlicaed in that tle, All other dimensions end all, details of constuction gull be determined by a manulacturer’s sponific design 9. ‘Test Methods Sul Test Frequency: ‘The following tests shall be conducted as cither Quslfcation fr Procuction tests as follows: st Saber “es Deegan 3 Tea Gain oe Tiuhtos evan ma Reged Qe Tes oF See Te TOME TSY Gasca “Fo ida “Qulictn ete al nly peme e ala ter w dence fost ths pre, ue ex peal steve specu Te ee acon ea al “Fat on ai cnmestsy ged and el en sn, 9.2 Contact Resisance Test lp © 12076 1120-08" 92.1 With the contacts at ambient temperature, a direct ‘current of LOA from a constant curent source shall be passed ‘through one half (for example, the positive leg) of a mated ‘connector pai (See Fig. 2). The voltage drop sctoss that leg of| (a Tet Bet of Comme, == ‘Normal ead Reveos Polly ia. 2 Contact Resistance Tet the mated par shall be measured and recorded, The procedure shall be repeated on the same leg of the mated connector pair but with reversed polarity. The average of the two measured voltage drops shall be calculated 10 eliminate thermoelectricl effets. The contact resistance in ohms is then computed by dividing the average drop in volts by the curent in amperes, 9.2.2 The emtie procedure of 92.1 is then repeated forthe ‘other half (negative leg) of the mated connector pair. 9.23 The contact resistance value for each leg must be within the limit given in Table 3. 9.24 Aliemate test methods may be used if agreeable 10 ‘bot the supplies and the purchaser. In such event, the test method to be used shall be identified, 93 Thermal Gradient Tes: 93.1 Apparan: 70 {INSTRUMENTATION 93.11 Heated Chamber, bain ot consruct a chamber rade of Suiable heat resting matesials. Use Fig 3 a3 a oneal guide for constuction. A convolled Brat source oer {han light bulbs may be wed. 93.1.2 Test Panel, fabricated and fited similar o that shown in Fig 3. The smal, removable, cel panel dough which the plug and jack are mated should be made of clecuically sulting, heattesistant material not more than bout 0.032 in. (08 mm) thick. This ceaual pie should be Somerwha larger than the ous dmcesons of Ue connectors to be tested. The panel is pierced with two clearance oles ‘ough which the connector prongs pass during the test. A ‘id hole i provided alongside the connector location trough ‘which a single leagh of duplex thermocouple wire can pas 93.1.3 Measuring Insirumert, a temperature indicating it~ strument with capability of resolving thermocouple measue- mens tO. °C or beter. A milive measuring instrument ‘ith the capabiigy of resolving | microvlt can also be wed, but the resus will nea to be corelated to temperate 9.32 Test Specimen Preparation: 9.32.1 For uniformity of test results, use 24 AWG (0.020. ‘0.5 mmm diameter) thermocouple Wire or extension wire of the type comesponding tothe connector to be tested. Larger diameter wire wil produce higher values of measured test Aiterence, while smaller diameter wire will produce lower wales 93.22 Cut (in halt) a continuous length of approprine duplex thermocouple wite. Sup all cat ends, Form a single jmtion by welding four conductors tone end into a common ‘ead, Cutone of the two wie lengths ata distance of 46 in. {G0 t 15 em) from the junction bead. Sip these newly cu ends and connect the jack connector being tested Io the shor. FIG. 3 General Arrangement for Thermal Graclent Test My © 11207 t120M— 08" wire length extending from the weld bead, Then soamect the “eprated segment of wire tothe plug connector being tested, seshown in Fig. vane pane ane ‘sowwecre® 0° ENGTRUNENT heme omer tere nev fF 10.386) Biles 9A Insulation Resiuance Test 9.4.1 Insulation resistance between legs shall be measured ‘witha mogohan meter using a voltage between 25 and 100 Vac, Fig. 4 Teat Creu or Thermal Grace Test 93.2.3 Assemble the connector in the removable test panel by pushing the plug proags through cwo holes in the test panel and mating te jack ic as shown in ig. 3 and Pig. 4 Pass the ‘uncatJenglh of wire from the junction bead Wough the third Ile in the test panel 93.3 Tiat Procedure: 93.1 Tnsuall the test panel containing the previously wired connectors in an opening in the st chaaber so tk the junction bead end jack connector ate inside the heated chamber as shown in Fig 3. Stabilize he test chamber a 150 * 10°F (65 25°C) and allow the system to reach thermal equiibeius. ‘93.32 Connect an instrument capable of resolving 0.2 °F (011°C) or es, te the wire pair passing through the hole inthe test panel, Measure and recon} the chamber temporanure. Reconnect instrument to he wire pair extending fro the connector plug unde ext, Measure ead record the new reading, ‘The difference becween the frst reading, taken directly, and the second, ken through the coanector pair under tet isthe Test siference, 193.33 The west difereace expresses quantitatively the of [ect ofthe connector pair's presence in de ciruic under the test conditions. The tet difference thal noe be greater then the ‘ale given in Tele 3 for qualication under this specification Dole Ihe tt fleet plu the Wemaceple we es a combined wo doumnire ta ener in a bemocaipe citi unter hore “The measured resistance shell not be Jess than the value given in Table 3 when tested at any temperature sithin the tuted range (Fig. 3). ‘942 The insulation resistance berween cach leg and any cuber exposed metulic pastor elecvically conducting portioe (of 2 thermocouple connector assembly, including astener, shall not be ess than the vale given in Table 3 when ested in 8 manner similar to 94.1 95 EngagemensDisengagement Force Tes: 95.1 Measure the engagement force by attching a force mez to the connector plug, clamping the jack and measuring the amount of force requited we fully concer te to compo- nents (see Figure Fig. 6) 9.5.2 Measure he disengagement force hy aching a force meter tothe connector plug, clamping the comector jack ad determining the force required 19 completely disconnect the ‘0 components (see Figure Fig. 6) 96 Repeaied Cycles Test: 9.6.1 When insered and withdeswn the number of eyes indicated in Table 3, te engagement and disengagement forces shall nor be less tiga the vale spociied in Table 3 9.7 Service Life Tes: 9.7.1 When insered and withdrawn the rwnber of eyes indicated in Table 3, the engagement snd disengagement forces shall not be less than the values spscifid in Table 3. Ferce Gage ‘Connector Plog Atached to Forse Gage a in Clamp FG. 5 inaerdonvntndrawal Force Teat Qy © 12976 1120m-08"* FIG 6 insulation Reetetance Teat 9.7.2 Expose the connector plug and jack tothe maximum 1. Keywords temperature specified in Table 3 for the specified service life time. After exposure, the connectors shall pass the engage- rentinserion force, disengagement force, contact resistance, insulation resistance and thermal gradient tests specified in Section 9 and Table 3 10, Rejection 10.1 Materia that fails to conform to the requirements of| this specification may be rejected. 111 connector; comuct insens; jack; plug: quick discon- eet; thermocouple: thermocouple connector, thermocouple ‘uick disconnect {4S anaoa as ro poston scsi ety of patos asen9s in comacion wi any tom pars ‘tha sanders Un es Saar wre assad a oem eval a 500 pel Nd ak bagament of cu rs. ol a ont espera ‘rs ar cb rove any ow by a zontal cone ard mba rouse yas a ‘ratevand ater reaper bau Yau crit a mes rrr ha snd rer sasha ania ‘nd avs be aatoaso ASTM Irate Hoare Yar erent wl aca eoaaton aa mesg a ‘apna tcc commit, hyo may ar yoo et your commana av ha cane’ # a hash ou Sse ‘te your vow noua ho ASTM Commitee on Sana tthe adaes crow Seow ‘stances by ASTM rama 10a ara ri PO Box 700 at Cnshchcian, A 9428259 Unie Ss, nda pense o” mae cde) of Ns andod may b stained conacig AST ato abo aoa, oases hr) SSE aaE fg sonsnomrnay format HO ATH as

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