Large Wind Tubines

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Large wind turbines: the higher the better

F.J. Brughuis, Advanced Tower Systems BV

P.O. Box 286, 7500 AG Enschede, the Netherlands
tel. +31-53-4821420, fax. +31-53-4821401

More energy can be generated at higher altitudes. However, transport problems will arise because of the required larger
tower diameters. ATS has developed a tower design of which the sections are vertically divided in three or more long,
slender segments. A larger tower requires a higher investment, but the payback period is shorter because of more energy
yield. Therefore, the Cost of Energy (CoE) of the wind turbine decreases significantly.

Keywords: wind turbines, towers, hybrid, precast concrete, payback period, Cost of Energy, hub height, cost-benefit

1. Larger hub heights tower diameter; a diameter of 4 to 4.5m is usually the

The choice of the hub heights are sometimes upper limit that can be transported to inland locations.
determined by the possibilities of the site. Issues like Another limit is the costs; the actual steel prices are
logistics (infrastructure, cranes) and permits (visual such high that wall thicknesses of more than 30mm,
impact and air traffic) can limit the height. In other which means a huge amount of steel and welding,
cases, it is a matter of money; the extra investment in a become economically unattractive. Tubular steel towers
larger tower has to be compared to the benefit of the are usually applied for hub heights to a maximum of
increased energy production. The usual hub height is 100m.
around 1 to 1.2 times the rotor diameter.
In Germany, at inland sites, the trend is to choose the
hub height as high as possible. In the past the height
was limited by a maximum allowable tip height of
150m, which means a hub height of 100 to 110m for 2-
2.5MW machines. In recent projects you see more and
more site permits for larger hub heights, even up to
160m. Especially with the new renewable energy law
(EEG), it has become very interesting or even necessary
to choose a large hub height in order to proof that the
WT will achieve at least 60% of the reference energy
yield. Also in other countries, such as Spain, France,
Canada, the interest and the possibilities for larger hub
heights is increasing.
At a height of more than 100m the atmospheric layer
switches over from the Prandtl layer into the Ekman
layer. This layer is characterised by higher wind speeds
but also by more constant wind speeds, with a lower
Weibull factor and less turbulence, which is favourable
for the wind turbine. Positioning the rotor into this layer
results into more energy production and less fatigue

2. ATS hybrid tower

Most wind turbine towers are tubular steel
constructions. Because of the circular cross-section, the
resistance against bending is optimal in all directions.
However, large wind turbines require a stronger and Figure 1: 130m ATS hybrid tower
stiffer tower construction. Therefore, larger tower ATS Advanced Tower Systems has developed a
dimensions are needed, which conflict with transport concrete tower design, which can be installed in one
limits. The main restriction for transport over land is the

week. In this concept, the tower sections are vertically India, China and Australia, the transport and installation
divided into slender segments. The segments are made costs are relatively higher; in some cases up to 20% of
of high-quality precast concrete. The so-called ATS the total tower price. This has to do with the long
tower can be combined with a conventional tubular distance from the tower factory to the site. Transport
steel tower sections on top (hybrid tower, see Figure 1). problems of large steel towers are also the case for
The segments are easy to transport with normal trailers. mountain areas, see previous section. Because of its
The number of segments can be minimised, which proven and worldwide applied concrete technology, the
means less transport and more efficient installation. As concrete segments of the ATS tower can be produced
an example, the concrete tower part of a 120m hybrid near the site, saving considerable transport costs. For
tower design for a 2.5 MW machine is about 50m high these cases, the ATS tower concept is already
and consists of 12 prefabricated concrete segments: competitive at a hub height of 80m.
three rings of four segments each. The extra investment
in this tower in comparison with a 100m tubular steel
tower is between €200K and €250K (including 4. Cost-benefit analysis
foundation and installation costs). Below a cost-benefit analysis is presented for a hub
height of 80m and higher. For this, the Wind Energy
The main advantages of the ATS tower are the transport Project Model of RETScreen International (ref. [8]) and
flexibility, short installation time, favourable strength WasP analyses have been used. The RETScreen
and dynamic behaviour and less maintenance costs. software can be used to easily evaluate the energy
production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas
Last year, a new factor has come up which makes the emissions reduction for wind energy projects.
use of alternative tower designs such as the ATS tower
more attractive: the steel prices. The steel prices have Although the average wind speed is still increasing at
been doubled in one year time. Therefore, concrete has larger hub heights, even above 100m, the gradient is
become even more economically attractive, especially decreasing. In other words, the energy output increment
where much steel is needed for the strength and per meter extra hub height is expected to decrease,
stiffness. while the investment costs is increasing progressively.
Hence, there is a optimum at a certain hub height that
gives the most cost-efficient solution. Furthermore, the
3. The higher the better wind distribution at heights above 100m, at the Ekman
Trend lines for steel tower prices and ATS hybrid tower layer, has a lower, and therefore more favourable
prices are estimated, based on market information and Weibull factor and with less turbulence (see section 1).
own cost calculations, see below. Uncertain factor here is the lack of wind speed
measurements at these heights (ref. [6]).
Comparison tower prices
including transport&installation costs
The payback period for the extra investment of a larger
hub height is calculated, using the trend lines and the
estimated extra energy production. The payback period
is calculated as follows:
Tower price [K€]

Extra investment
800 PP=
Increased annual income
The payback period is calculated for each additional
meter hub height, starting at 80m hub height, up to
60 80 100 120 140 160
160m hub height. By doing so, the maximum hub
Hub height [m] height that is the most economically attractive, can be
found. As a rule of thumb, often used by wind turbine
steel tower prices in Europe ATS hybrid tower prices
manufacturers, the payback period has to be not more
Steel tower prices in USA
than seven years, to make the extra investment
Figure 2: Steel and hybrid tower prices (including acceptable. This has been calculated for two different
transport and installation) sites; an inland site (average wind speed 6.4 m/s, wind
shear factor of 0.33) and a coastal site (average wind
speed 8.3 m/s, wind shear factor of 0.22).
The break-even of the hybrid versus steel is around 90
to 100m hub height. These lines are estimated for the
NW-European situation where the transport and
installation costs of steel towers are normally around 5-
6% of the total tower price. For countries like USA,

Technically the limit for the hub height is not found yet.
Payback period A probable limit is the largest available crane, but also
10.0 here the development of new, larger cranes will not
9.0 stop. The real limit lays at the economics; the costs per
8.0 meter extra hub height increases rapidly, while the
payback period [years]

7.0 energy output increment per meter extra hub height

6.0 diminishes. Hence, there is an optimum which is, as an
5.0 indication, about 100m for steel towers and 140m for
4.0 the ATS hybrid towers. Because of the spreading in the
3.0 costs and benefits, this has to be checked for each
2.0 project.
60 80 100 120 140 160
6. References
Hub height [m]

Steel towers, inland ATS hybrid towers, inland [1] EWEA, Wind energy – The Facts, Brussels,
Steel towers, coastal area ATS hybrid towers, coastal area 2004
[2] Seidel, M., Auslegung von Hybridtürmen für
Figure 3: payback periods steel towers and hybrid
Windkraftanlagen;Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 97
towers (2002), Heft 11, S. 564-575
This graph is based on the gradient of the graph in [3] Seidel, M., Entwicklung der Turmbauwerke fuer
Figure 2; the increment of the tower price. This die mulit-MW-Klasse, DEWEK, 2002.
increment is multiplied with a factor 1.4, taking the [4] IPA Energy Consulting, An evaluation of
increment of the foundation costs and crane costs into alternative/renewable energy schemes, 2003
account. The average income is the expected increment [5] Milborrow, D., Size matters – getting bigger and
in energy production, multiplied with the feed-in tariff cheaper, WPM, January 2003
of € 0.085 /kWh. [6] Seifert, M., Windprognose für
großeWindenergieanlagen, Erneubare Energien,
As result, from the payback period point of view, the 7/2002.
economically most attractive hub height for steel towers [7] Brughuis, F., Improved Return On Investment
turns out to be 90 to 100m. On the other hand, for the due to larger wind turbines, EWEC December
ATS hybrid tower it is still economically attractive to 2004
increase the hub height to more than 100m, with its [8] RETScreen International, Wind Energy Project
optimum at 130 to 140m. Off course these figures are Model, Natural Resources Canada, CANMET
only indicative, because of the assumptions made and Energy Technology Centre – Varennes, Canada,
the large spreading of costs and benefits. For each
project, the economical feasibility has to be checked.

When we compare the ATS tower solution with the

steel tower; the Cost of Energy of a turbine with the
ATS tower and a larger hub height turns out to be more
favourable than with a steel tower. For the inland site,
the CoE reduction is almost 10%, for the coastal site
about 5%, when the hub height is increased from 100m
to 120m (ref. [7]).

5. Conclusions
Large hub heights give a lower Cost of Energy, for
inland locations as well for coastal locations.
However, the tubular steel towers have reached their
limit concerning transportable dimensions for inland
locations. Alternative tower concepts have been
recently developed, amongst others the ATS hybrid
tower. Because of the segmented construction, the ATS
tower does not have transport limitations and can be
used for a wide range of turbine sizes and hub heights.


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