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Tourism Fiji Webinar

covid-19 planning & communications

9 April 2020
What you will hear today



Current status
Mat t Stoeckel
What just happened?

Dec 19

Feb 20

Mar 20 Mar 20

Scenario planning response

Across our international markets:

• Social media and PR activities remain in market

• No trade events or famils

• All advertising paused since 31 March 2020

• All trade cooperative campaigns paused

• Ongoing trade engagement with increased

frequency of trade trainings in some markets.

• Bulanaires activity paused

• Change in messaging and content required

What are we up against?

1. Limited flights to/from Fiji until 1 June 2020

2. No international visitors

3. Majority of operators to temporarily close or consolidate

4. Significant job losses across the industry

5. Significant impact to the economy

6. Ongoing uncertainty

A new direction - the four stages of market re-entry



• Self-isolation mandatory
No inbound travel No inbound travel Some inbound travel International National Restrictions • Social distancing in place
to Fiji indefinitely, to Fiji, domestic permissible (with borders freely • No travel whatsoever
open • International borders closed
local lockdowns travel ok restrictions)
• Social distancing in place
International • No international travel, domestic travel is
National restrictions Restrictions • International borders closed

• Containment measures in place, but

International Travel international travel is possible (albeit with
International restrictions Permissible some restrictions)
• People can travel unrestricted
• Its back to business as usual!

International travel permissible

Stage 1 Stage 3

Unrestricted Stage 2 Stage 4

The four stages of market re-entry
Stage Promotional Response Communication Objective Key Message New strategies
• Social, PR and SEM • Stay in the hearts and minds of Sota tale – stay safe and we will see
• Trade training (via webinar only) consumers you soon
• Connect and engage with people to
“stay present” and “relevant” with
specific, relatable communications.

• Social, PR, SEM and ‘Always On’ Digital • Encourage people to start thinking TBC 1. Domestic tourism campaign
Marketing about a Trip to Fiji when the time is 2. “Fiji Guarantee” consistent T+C
2 • Trade training right policy
• Share optimism, be reassuring 3. Trade training (Matai) enhanced
• Social, PR, SEM, Always On, Paid • Encourage people to plan a trip to TBC 1. Pacific Marketing Program
Advertising Fiji 2. Agent Exclusive Program
• Trade training • Instill confidence in the market to
• Trade events / roadshows (where travel overseas to Fiji

• Social, PR, SEM, Always On, Paid • Come and visit, right now! Where Happiness Finds You! 1. Business as usual!
Advertising (all channels) • Book now (delivery of TF’s various projects).
• Trade training
4 • Trade Events / Roadshows
• Trade Cooperatives and JVs

Market re-entry planning
Emma Campbell
How do we plan in this climate?


Consumer behavior and the market re-entry

Stage 3
Stage 1 Stage 2
International Stage 4
National International
Travel Unrestricted
Restrictions Restrictions

The traditional travel booking funnel

Some further insights into Dreaming
80% are expecting to plan a trip post COVID-19
59% have spend time in the last week research destinations
47% have spent up to five hours in the last week researching destinations

66% are expecting to plan a trip post COVID-19

53% have spend time in the last week research destinations
43% have spent up to five hours in the last week researching destinations

87% are expecting to plan a trip post COVID-19

71% have spend time in the last week research destinations
55% have spent up to five hours in the last week researching destinations

Source: Covid-19 Pandemic Survey; Qualtrics

The four stages of market re-entry
Stage Promotional Response Communication Objective Key Message New strategies
• Social, PR and SEM • Stay in the hearts and minds of Sota tale – stay safe and we will see
• Trade training (via webinar only) consumers you soon
• Connect and engage with people to
“stay present” and “relevant” with
specific, relatable communications.

• Social, PR, SEM and ‘Always On’ Digital • Encourage people to start thinking TBC 1. Domestic tourism campaign
Marketing about a Trip to Fiji when the time is 2. “Fiji Guarantee” consistent T+C
2 • Trade training right policy
• Share optimism, be reassuring 3. Trade training (Matai) enhanced
• Social, PR, SEM, Always On, Paid • Encourage people to plan a trip to TBC 1. Pacific Marketing Program
Advertising Fiji 2. Agent Exclusive Program
• Trade training • Instill confidence in the market to
3 • Trade events / roadshows (where travel overseas to Fiji

• Social, PR, SEM, Always On, Paid • Come and visit, right now! Where Happiness Finds You! 1. Business as usual!
Advertising (all channels) • Book now (delivery of TF’s various
• Trade training projects).
4 • Trade Events / Roadshows
• Trade Cooperatives and JVs

Our Strategy for stage 1 – Dreaming

Come together as a
Stay in the Hearts Serve inspirational destination with an
and Minds of our content about Fiji optimistic message
global audience by through social media that looks to our
reaching armchair and other online / future
travelers in the traditional
dreaming phase publications
Sota tale, see you

Messaging approach
Sera Cawanibuka
What is our Objective :
over-arching Supporting sentiment :
destination message :
Stay safe & we will A message of optimism
and confidence to our
Sota tale. see you soon consumers that we
anticipate their return.
Our pr approach

Inspiring the dreamers to Innovating with new ways to Inspiring the media to keep
experience Fiji from their bring Fiji into the living rooms featuring Fiji in positive news
armchairs of our target markets stories

Keeping Fiji
In hearts and minds
Other pr ideas
Explore: 360° videos of Fiji Listen to : Trip Notes Podcast
You don’t have to leave your home to still enjoy this tropical island nation of 333 One of the best travel podcasts in New Zealand, the Trip Notes
islands. In fact, happiness can still reach you in your living room! Fiji is known for Fiji Episode is one that will get you right back on track for Fiji
offering a diversity of experiences and the same applies to how you can virtually dreaming. Outlining tips on trips to Fiji—from when to go, what
experience Fiji anytime you want without having to leave your home. Check out these islands to visit and what adventures to go on, it isn’t difficult to
360° videos on YouTube to explore the various islands for yourself. find inspiration for what you’ll want to do when you can go to this
tropical island nation. Plus, you’ll never guess the crazy
connection between Fiji and the Kiwi television series Shortland
Street that is revealed on the podcast.
Fiji Dreaming in your Living Room
Daydreaming about Fiji?
Well, did you know that you don’t have to leave your home to still enjoy this tropical island nation of 333 islands? In fact, happiness can still reach you in your living room!
Virtual escapes to Fiji that will leave you feeling fulfilled on your tropical island escape desires.

Content plan
Rush Pathak
What we’ve done
What we’ve changed - Owned
Copy Structure
• Concise, empathetic
(poetic, creative, but
not too ‘magical’)

Always include:
• Sota Tale, Stay safe
and we will see you
• Pin Emoji: Geo
• Cameral Emoji: credit
source of image
• #tags
• Image/ video
What we’ve changed - Industry
Seeking content that:
• Aknowledges the
new reality
• Reinforces
• Can be light-
• Video preferable
• Easily include key
messaging to
copy when
What we know – Search
Social Media Summary
Tag Tourism Fiji in posts where possible, for us to be able
to see content easily.
Mentions (static & stories) • Facebook: @Fiji
• Instagram: @TourismFiji
• Twitter: @TourismFiji
Hashtags #seeyousoon
• Aerial
• Pristine Environments
Images • Open spaces
• Unique to your product/ experience
• 15” or less
• HD and SD video okay
Video • Permission to edit
• 9:16 or 1:1 format
• Keep an eye out for when we tag your pages.
Communit y Management •

Follow the comments
Respond to any customer queries
How you can join us
Emma Campbell
Keeping fiji in hearts and minds

Align with the Create your Share your positive Participate in our Don’t be a
Sota tale own Sota tale stories and your webinars, surveys stranger
messaging when content to innovative ideas with and ensure you
posting on share on your us so we can build are subscribed to
social media social media and share our daily edms
Sota tale
stay safe & we will
see you soon

Vinaka Vakalevu

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