Strategic Management Module Guide - Cohort 3

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Department: Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Tourism

Senior Leaders Master’s Degree Apprenticeship (SLMDA) –

Cohort 3

Module Code: MOD004675

Level: 7

Academic Year: 2020/21 –Trimester 2
Module Guide


Table of Contents
1. Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes................................................2
1.1 Key Information................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2 Introduction to the Module.............................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Learning Outcomes......................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Alignment of the module to the Senior Leaders Masters Degree Apprenticeship...................1
1.5 Outline Delivery................................................................................................................................ 1
1.6 Reading List and Learning Resources.......................................................................................... 1
2. Assessment on this Module......................................................................................................................3
3. The Assessment Brief................................................................................................................................3
3.1 What is required for your assessment?........................................................................................ 3
Summary of Assessment 010................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 What is the word limit?.................................................................................................................... 3
4. Assessment...................................................................................................................................................4
4.1 What is the required format?.......................................................................................................... 4
5. Referencing.................................................................................................................................................5
Good scholarship, referencing and academic misconduct................................................................... 5
6. Feedback.....................................................................................................................................................6
How to View Your Feedback in Turnitin Grademark.............................................................................. 6
7. Assessment Information and Marking Criteria........................................................................................8
7.1 How will my work be assessed?.................................................................................................... 8
7.2 Mapping and Uploading your work into your E-Portfolio............................................................ 9
7.3 Strategic Management SPECIFIC MARKING RUBRIC (ELEMENT 010) ................................................ 11
7.4 Re-assessment Information.......................................................................................................... 16
7.4.1 Re-assessment for Element 010 – ASSIGNMENT 3000 WORD ASSESSMENT............................16
8. Links to Other Key Information...............................................................................................................17
APPENDIX 1 - Mapping Document for Aligning Strategic Management Assignment to the SLMDA Standard
Units, Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria............................................................................................18

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Module Guide

1. Key information, Introduction to the Module and Learning Outcomes

1.1 Key Information
Module title: Strategic Management
Module Tutor: Gary Cook

External Examiners MAP: Human Resources and Organisational Behaviour

Every module has a Module Definition Form (MDF) which is the officially validated record of the
module. You can access the MDF for this module in two ways via:
 the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) - Canvas
 the My.Anglia Module Catalogue at

All modules delivered by Anglia Ruskin University at its main campuses in the UK and at Associate
Colleges throughout the UK and overseas are governed by the Academic Regulations. You can
view these at An extract of the Academic Regulations, known as
the Assessment Regulations, is available at this website too and can be found here: 
In the unlikely event of any discrepancy between the Academic Regulations and any other
publication, including this module guide, the Academic Regulations, as the definitive document, take
precedence over all other publications and will be applied in all cases.
1.2 Introduction to the Module
Welcome to the Strategic Management module. This module explores the rich field of strategic
management and how strategic analysis and formulation contribute to an organisation’s
performance. The module is integrative in nature and provides practically relevant ideas and
frameworks that facilitate strategy design and implementation. As such, the module deals with the
craft of strategy; that is, how to identify and choose a superior competitive position, how to analyse
strategic situations, and how to create the organisational context to make the chosen strategy work.
The module is consciously designed to be practical and problem-oriented.
In particular, the emphasis is on application of concepts and exploration of frameworks which will
assist the student in analysing and gaining insight into competitive situations and strategic dilemmas
faced by organisations. One of the main focuses for the design of this module has been the further
development of relevant employability and professional skills in a multicultural context. Such skills
are implicit in the learning outcomes. The module will offer clear opportunity for the development of
practice and/or work-based understanding alongside highly relevant and grounded employability
and professional skills. Such skills are implicit in the learning outcomes.
The Strategic Management module allows students to engage in two pieces of academic work
which focuses on critically evaluating the role of a leader in strategic decisions and considering
approaches to strategy within a national and global context.
The broad themes to be covered in this module are:
• What is strategy and why strategy
• History and definitions
• Levels of strategy

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Module Guide

• Culture – Strategic Management; who and what

• Strategic Management approaches and models
• Strategic analysis – core approaches
• Strategic choices and decisions
• Strategic implementation

1.3 Learning Outcomes

Anglia Ruskin modules are taught on the basis of intended learning outcomes and that, on
successful completion of the module, students will be expected to be able to demonstrate they have
met the following learning outcomes:
Learning outcomes (threshold standards)

On successful completion of this module the student

No. Type
will be expected to be able to:

Knowledge and Understand the nature of strategic management and its

1 understanding competitive and institutional context;

Knowledge and Appreciate the strengths and limitations of strategic analysis

2 understanding and how it fits into the overall strategy process;

Intellectual, practical,
affective and Design a viable strategy for an organisation, which takes
3 account of the reality of strategic decision making and make
transferable skills
appropriate recommendations;
Intellectual, practical,
affective and Identify and critically utilise relevant tools for strategic
transferable skills analysis.

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Module Guide

1.4 Alignment of the module to the Senior Leaders Masters Degree Apprenticeship
The teaching and learning session provide inputs to the following units of the SLMDA standards which you are working towards as a formal part
of your apprenticeship programme. You must identify those you feel are mapped to your own assignment and include Appendix 1 in your
written report. The following are only indicative – if you feel your work maps to other areas of the standard then please include them.


Area of the ARU Learning Outcomes Descriptor

Standard Ref #

K1.1 Knows how to shape organisational vision, culture and values.

K1.2 Understands organisational structures; business modelling; diversity; global
perspectives; governance and accountability; the external environment, social, technological and policy implications

K1.3 Understands new market strategies, changing customer demands and trend analysis.

K2.1 Innovation; the impact of disruptive technologies (mechanisms that challenge traditional business methods and practice);
Innovation and
drivers of change and new ways of working across infrastructure, processes, people and culture and sustainability.

K2.2 Knowledge of systems thinking, knowledge/data management, and programme management.

K3.1 Ethics and values based leadership; regulatory environments, legal, H&S and well-being and compliance requirements;
corporate social responsibility; risk management, environmental impact and cyber security.
Enterprise and
K3.2 Understands competitive strategies and entrepreneurialism, approaches to effective decision making, and the use of big data
and insight to implement and manage change

Leading and K.5.1 Organisational/team dynamics and how to build engagement and develop high performance, agile and collaborative cultures.

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Module Guide

Developing K5.2 Understands approaches to strategic workforce planning including talent management, learning organisations, workforce
People design, succession planning, diversity and inclusion.

K6.1 Understands large scale and inter-organisational influencing and negotiation strategies

K6.2 Knowledge of the external political environment and use of diplomacy with diverse groups of internal and external
Relationships K6.3 Understands working with board and company structures.

K6.4 Knowledge of brand and reputation management.


Area of the ARU Learning Outcomes Descriptor

Standard Ref #

S1.4 Use of horizon scanning and conceptualisation to deliver high performance strategies focusing on
growth/sustainable outcomes.

al Strategy S1.5 Sets a clear agenda and gains support from key stakeholders

S1.6 Able to undertake research, and critically analyse and integrate complex information

Innovation S2.3 Initiates and leads change in the organisation, creates environment for
and Change
innovation and creativity, establishing the value of ideas and change

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Module Guide

initiatives and drives continuous improvement.

S2.4 Able to manage conflict. Manages partnerships, people and resources effectively, and measures outcomes

S2.5 Acts where needed as a Sponsor, championing projects and transformation of services across organisational

S3.3 Able to challenge strategies and operations in terms of ethics, responsibility, sustainability, resource
allocation and business continuity/risk management.

and Risk S3.4 Application of principles relating to Corporate Social Responsibility,

Governance, Regulatory compliance. Drives a culture of resilience and supports development of new
enterprise and opportunities.

S5.3 Enables an open and high performance working, and sets goals and accountabilities for teams and

Leading and
S5.4 Leads and influences people, building constructive working relationships across teams, using matrix
management where required

S5.4 Ensures workforce skills are utilised, balancing people and technical skills and encouraging continual

S6.1 Manages complex relationships across multiple and diverse stakeholders

S6.2 Builds trust and rapport, with ability to positively challenge
S6.3 Leads beyond area of control/authority, and able to influence, negotiate and use advocacy skills to build
reputation and effective collaborations

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Module Guide

S7.1 Uses personal presence and “storytelling” to articulate and translate vision into operational strategies,
demonstrating clarity in thinking and using inspirational communication.

S7.2 Creates an inclusive culture, encouraging diversity and difference

S7.3 Gives and receives feedback at all levels, building confidence and developing trust, and enables people to
take risks

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Module Guide

Outline Delivery and Reading Lists @ Anglia

1.5 Outline Delivery

Study 17TH JANUARY 2020

1 A workshop covering

 What is strategy and why strategy

 History and definitions
 Levels of strategy
 Culture – Strategic Management; who and what
 Strategic Management approaches and models
 Strategic analysis – core approaches
 Strategic choices and decisions
 Strategic implementation

The outline content will be appropriate to the topic and field of enquiry selected and is likely to
reflect the individual and/or organisational context.

1.6 Reading List and Learning Resources

The reading list and learning resources for this module are available on Reading Lists at Anglia, you
can access the reading list for this module, via this link: . The reading list for the module is also
shown in the table overleaf for hard copy reference purposes:-

Faculty of Business and Law
Reading List Template – Anglia Ruskin University Library
Resources Notes

Bower, J.L., 2007. How managers' everyday decisions create or destroy

your company's strategy. Strategic Direction, 23(8), pp. Strategic Available
Direction, 26 June 2007, Vol.23(8). online in the
ARU library
Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R. Duane & Hoskisson, Robert E., 2015. Strategic
management: competitiveness & globalization. Concepts 11th ed., Australia:
Cengage Learning.
Thompson, John L., Scott, Jonathan M., and Martin, Frank. 2017. Strategic
Management : Awareness & Change. Eighth Edition / John Thompson,
Jonathan M. Scott and Frank Martin.. ed.
Johnson, G. et al., 2017. Exploring strategy text and cases  11th Ed.
Harlow: Pearson Education

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Module Guide

Lynch, Richard, and Lynch, Richard L. 2015. Strategic Management. 7th

ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Neilson, Gary L., Martin, Karla L. & Powers, Elizabeth, 2008. The secrets
to successful strategy execution.(Cover story). Harvard Business Review,
86(6), pp.60–70, 138.
Rumelt, Richard. 2011. Good Strategy, Bad Strategy : The Difference and
Why It Matters.
Stacey, Ralph D. 2011. Strategic Management and Organisational
Dynamics : The Challenge of Complexity to Ways of Thinking about
Organisations. 6th ed. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Strategic Management Journal
Journal of Management Studies


Harvard Business Review

MIT Sloan Management Review

Financial Times

Anglia Ruskin Digital Library:

Link to the University Library catalogue

Link to Harvard Referencing guide
See also the database on journal articles and industry specific research.

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Module Guide

2. Assessment on this Module

The assessment for this module consists of one element.
Element Type of assessment Word % of Submission Final
or time Total method Submission
limit Mark Date
010 Written Report 3,000 100% Turnitin®UK NO LATER
GradeMark THAN:
30 April 2020

3. The Assessment Brief

3.1 What is required for your assessment?
Summary of Assessment 010
Using your own organisation, explore and explain the approach taken to corporate and
competitive levels of strategy. Making reference to relevant models and wider reading you
could consider whether the organisation is market led or resource led, and whether it is
focused on a largely deliberate strategy or whether it focuses more on emergent strategy.
How effective do you believe these approaches to strategy and strategising to be?
From your findings, what two recommendations would you make to the organisation in
order to drive more effective corporate and competitive strategy?

Strategic Management Report Mark Learning Outcome

1 Critical Analysis and Evaluation 50% 1,2, 4

2 Conclusions 20% 2,4
Recommendations 20% 3
3 Structure and Presentation 10% -
Total 100%

3.4 What is the word limit?

The maximum length of the Strategic Management assessment is 3,000 words. There is no
minimum length, but you should not exceed the word count.
Note - The maximum number of words does not include footnotes, the abstract, title and contents
page, tables, the reference list, bibliography, SLMDA mapping document and appendices
All forms of assessment must be submitted by the published deadline which is detailed above. It is
your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted – ignorance of the deadline date will
not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.
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Module Guide

Important: You are allowed to submit assignments up to five working days after the published (or
extended) deadline. If you do so, the element of assessment to which the assignment contributes
will be capped at 40%.
Any late work will NOT be considered and a mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment task in
You are requested to keep a copy of your work (with the exception of exams).

4. Assessment
Assessment Specific marking criteria are shown in Section 6 of this module guide. The criteria will
be discussed and clarified during your first module workshop.

4.1 What is the required format?

 Your assessments must be written in English in typescript form on A4 paper. You must
submit them through Turnitin. If you do not submit by the deadline it will be considered a
non-submission. It is also advisable to retain a copy for your own records. .

 A list of contents, such as the glossary, chapters, and appendices - with page references -
should be included at the front of the report.
It is conventional to number the preliminary pages (abstract, table of contents) with lower
case Roman numerals (i.e. (i), (ii), (iii) etc.) and the main text pages (starting with the first
chapter) in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) as shown below.

Contents Page
List of Tables i
List of Figures ii
List of Abbreviations iii
Acknowledgements iv
Chapter 1 (Title) 1
1.1 (First Section heading)
1.2 (Second etc.)
1.3 (Third)

List of tables and figures

You can present a list at the beginning of your assessment of the tables and figures you
have included.
A table is a presentation of data in tabular form; a figure is a diagrammatic representation
of data or other material. Tables and figures should be clearly and consistently numbered,
either above or below the table or figure. Each table and figure should have a separate
heading (caption). The reader should be able to understand what the table or figure is
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Module Guide

about from this heading / caption without referring to the text for explanations. The
numbers of the tables and the figures you use in the text and in the lists at the beginning
should correspond exactly.
 Pages should be numbered and double-line spacing used.
 Diagrams, figures, tables, and illustrations should be incorporated into the text at the
appropriate place, unless there is a series of them or they are continually referred to
throughout the text. In this case they should be placed in appendices at the end of the
work. You are advised to use a drawing package for diagrams and scan in other

 The work of other authorities must be acknowledged. When quotations or general

references are made they must be suitably referenced by using the Harvard system.

 Appendices should not contain material which is not used or referred to in the text.
Similarly, illustrative material should not be included unless it is relevant, informative, and
referred to in the text.

 A reference list should be included at the end of the report and should list, alphabetically,
all the sources (including magazines and newspapers) that you have consulted.. If
sources are used which are not written in English then the English translation is required
in the reference list.

5. Referencing
You must use the Harvard System of Referencing. The essence of this system is that whenever you
quote from a primary or secondary source you add in brackets, immediately after the quotation, the
surname of the author, the year of publication, and the page reference.
The referencing system outlined can be found at the following website:
Ensure that your document is spell-checked and pay particular attention to grammatical and
punctuation errors.

Good scholarship, referencing and academic misconduct

In your assessment, as with all academic work, you will be expected to demonstrate a high standard
of academic referencing. To recap, this is for three reasons:
1 To show the breadth and depth of research you have carried out (i.e. get good marks!)
2 To enable the reader to follow up on interesting ideas/research that you have discussed.
3 To avoid being accused of plagiarism.

What do I reference?
As the above section suggests, you should attribute all your sources regardless of the medium the
material comes in (e.g. You Tube video, journal article, blog, radio programme, book chapter etc.)
There is a general rule of thumb that says that which is ‘common knowledge’ does not need to be
referenced, but of course, what counts as common knowledge? So-called ‘common sense’ hides

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Module Guide

many assertions and prejudices that good quality academic work should seek to expose. A useful
technique to use if you want to include general assertions is to use constructions like:
‘Arguably,’ or ‘It is reasonable to assume…’
But do take care, even assertions need some justification in the text to be credible.

It is also a good idea to completely avoid cutting and pasting text from the internet, even if you
correctly enclose a paragraph in quotation marks and add the reference underneath, you are
unlikely to get many marks since this is not your own work and does not demonstrate your
Quotations are good to see, but use them judiciously for the above reasons. If you can say it just as
well yourself, write it in your own words and add the citation at the end of the sentence / passage.
You need to include page numbers for all direct quotations. is a useful link to Refworks which is an online system for
organising and storing your references. Please ensure you select Harvard Referencing as the
standard to be used.

6. Feedback
You are entitled to feedback on your performance for all your assessed work. For all assessment
tasks which are not examinations, this is accomplished by a member of academic staff providing
your mark and associated comments which will relate to the achievement of the module’s intended
learning outcomes and the assessment criteria you were given for the task when it was first issued.
This feedback will be available on-line via Turnitin/Grademark® or may be sent directly to your
Anglia Ruskin e-mail account.
The marker of your assignment will include feedback on written assignments that includes answers
to these three key questions:
1. What is your overall feedback?
2. How does your assignment compare to the marking criteria?
3. How can you improve in the future?

Anglia Ruskin is committed to providing you with feedback on this assessed work within 30 working
days of the submission deadline
Marks for modules and individual pieces of work become confirmed on the Dates for the Official
Publication of Results which can be checked at
How to View Your Feedback in Turnitin Grademark
Click on the class that you wish to view and then you will see the assignments for the module listed.
Click the blue view button to open up the document viewer.

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Module Guide

The Document Viewer will open and the main feedback on your work is shown in the General Comments:

There may also be Quick Marks on your assignment or a Grading Form/Rubric to show how you performed
against the marking criteria, click on the tabs to open them.

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Module Guide

General Comments  Grading Form

7. Your marker’s overall feedback would Alternatively, they may have placed this
be shown in the right hand column feedback in the Grading Form - you can access
headed ‘General Comments’ either in this by clicking on the icon in the red box The
text or sound format. Grading Form will replace the General
Comments section in the Feedback column (as

Assessment Information and Marking Criteria

7.1 How will my work be assessed?
All assessments are marked first by your module tutor and then moderated. In addition, a sample of
will be sent to an External Assessor.
All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the published
deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted
– ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.
All student work which contributes to the eventual outcome of the module (ie: if it determines
whether you will pass or fail the module and counts towards the mark you achieve for the module) is
submitted via Turnitin. Academic staff CANNOT accept work directly from you.
Please remember to leave sufficient time to upload your work to Turnitin especially in busy periods.
You are requested to keep a copy of your work.

Turnitin®UK Grademark assignments

This assignment is submitted online via Turnitin® Grademark, there is information on preparing your
assignment at:
Information on submitting your assignment must be read and guidelines adhered to, please ensure
you read:
The direct link to Turnitin® UK Grademark is:

7.2 Mapping and Uploading your work into your E-Portfolio

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Before submission of the report for marking you must map your work to the relevant criteria from the
SLMDA Unit learning outcomes and assessment criteria. (Some of which will correspond to those
shown earlier in this module guide and depending on your written content, there may be other areas
that your work can be mapped to) using a mapping document/spreadsheet – an example of which
will be sent out during the input session for the module and a template is also appended to this
guide – Appendix 1
The mapping document should be appended to your submitted report, and titled Appendix 1. The
tutor marking the report will sign off those criteria they feel are evidenced in your work.
Once your assessment has been marked and you have access to your mark and feedback you
must remember to upload the work (together with the necessary supporting documents eg ethics
paperwork, timelines, risk assessment, sign off etc) with your feedback onto your E-Portfolio
selecting those criteria from the mapping document that the tutor agreed are evidenced in your

Don’t forget to download the pdf version of your work off Grademark WITH THE COMMENTS

When you select the relevant task identify the relevant SLMDA criteria that your work is linked to.

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Attach your assignment in the evidence box and if you want to put some context or highlight a key
point to your personal tutor enter it in the feedback box.

Once you have uploaded your work press the “save and quit” button and the task will automatically
be sent to your personal tutor to sign off for you. This will then be saved to your portfolio mapped to
the SLMDA criteria.

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7.3 Strategic Management SPECIFIC MARKING RUBRIC (ELEMENT 010)

Marking Specific Rubric for Report (Element 010)

Criterion 1 – Critical Analysis & Evaluation (50 Marks)

All of the qualities of work detailed in the first class category (70-79%) are met and the overall piece of assessed work provides an
exceptional information base which explores and analyses the subject under review, its related theory and practice with extraordinary
A++ - 90 - 100%
(45-50 Marks)
A+ 80 - 89% All of the qualities of work detailed in the first class category (70 -79%) are met and the overall piece of assessed work provides an
(40 – 44.9 outstanding information base which explores and analyses the subject under review, its related theory and practice with clear originality
Marks) and autonomy.
The depth of critical evaluation is supported and enhanced with very well chosen and critiqued research, theories, models and concepts
A 70 - 79% which lead to outstanding integration of the work and shows an excellent exploration of corporate and competitive strategy. There is
(35 – 39.9 excellent evidence of relevant models and wider reading. Excellent consideration of various forms of strategy which leads to an incisive
Marks) analysis of the issues identified. The context is outlined in an excellent manner
The work critically evaluates and justifies a variety of appropriate models, concepts, frameworks and theories justifying those chosen to
B - 60 - 69% demonstrate a very good exploration of corporate and competitive strategy. There is very good evidence of relevant models and wider
(30 – 34.9 reading. Very good consideration of various forms of strategy which leads to a perceptive and logically justified analysis of the issues
Marks) identified. The context is very well outlined.
C 50 - 59% Corporate and competitive strategy are analysed and evaluated utilizing various concepts, models, frameworks and theories and a sound
(25 - 29.9 understanding of their appropriateness and limitations has been identified. A sound understanding and analysis of the issues identified is
Marks) demonstrated. The context is outlined in a sound manner.
A basic attempt is made to analyse and evaluate various concepts, models, frameworks and theories in the context of corporate and
D 40 - 49% competitive strategy. There is a basic attempt to identify limitations. A basic understanding and analysis of the issues is demonstrated. The
(20 - 24.9 context is adequately outlined.
A poor attempt is made to analyse and evaluate the approach taken in relation to corporate and competitive strategy. The analysis is
F 30 - 39% poorly discussed and the concepts, models, frameworks and theories are identified, but with poor attempts to identify limitations. A very
(15 - 19.9 limited understanding and analysis of the issues is demonstrated. The context is poorly outlined
F- 20 - 29% There is little utilisation of appropriate models, concepts, frameworks or theories to aid analysis or evaluation. The evaluation is descriptive
(10 - 14.9 rather than analytical and is lacking in any depth or integration with the organisation. The brief has not been followed and the investigation
Marks) is inadequate.
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There is an inadequate information base. There is inadequate understanding of the subject area under review and therefore what is
F -- 10 - 19% presented is confused and misleading.
(5 - 9.9 Marks)
There is no evidence of any information base. There is no understanding of the subject under review, which makes marking the work
F --- 0 - 9% against this criterion almost impossible.
(0 - 4.9 Marks)
Criterion 2 - Conclusions (20 Marks)
Exceptional conclusions are drawn in relation to the overall aim and objectives of the work, which demonstrate exceptional thinking and
A++ - 90 - 100% understanding of the work undertaken.
(18 - 20 Marks)

A+ 80 - 89% Outstanding conclusions are drawn in relation to the overall aim and objectives of the work, which demonstrate outstanding thinking and
(16 – 17.9 understanding of the work undertaken
A 70 - 79% Conclusions build on the analysis to derive to an excellent summary of the current state of the chosen organisation in relation to the
(14 - 15.9 chosen strategy. An excellent level of integration of the theories, models and concepts utilized in the main body of the report is evident in
Marks) the conclusions drawn, providing novel insights.
Conclusions build on the analysis to provide a clear summary of the current state of the chosen organisation in relation to the chosen
B - 60 - 69%
strategy. The conclusions show a good level of integration of the theories, models and concepts utilized in the main body of the report and
(12 – 13.9
this provides justified insights.

C 50 - 59% Conclusions build on the analysis to provide a satisfactory insight into the current state of the chosen organisation in relation to the chosen
(10 – 11.9 strategy. There is satisfactory integration of the theories, models and concepts utilized in the main body of the report and adequate
Marks) conclusions have been drawn providing some insights.

There is a basic attempt to link the conclusions to the analysis which provides a basic insight into the current state of the chosen
D 40 - 49% organisation in relation to the chosen strategy. There is limited integration of the theories, models and concepts utilized in the main body
(8 – 9.9 Marks) of the report to form basic conclusions that provide limited insights.
F 30 - 39% Superficial conclusions are drawn and, in the main appear to be unrelated to the overall aim and/or objectives of the report.
(6 – 7.9 Marks)

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F- 20 - 29% Conclusions are drawn but are all unrelated to the overall aim and/or objectives of the report.
(4 – 5.9 Marks)
F -- 10 - 19% Conclusions are extremely confused and are all unrelated to the overall aim and/or objectives of the report.
(2 – 3.9 Marks)
F --- 0 - 9% Conclusions are omitted from the work.
(0 – 1.9 Marks)

Criterion 3- Recommendations (20 Marks)

The recommendations are exceptional and all highly relevant to the report objectives. They consider all of the key issues of implementation
A++ - 90 - 100% and are suitable, feasible and acceptable to all of the key stakeholders. The recommendations are supported with an action plan which is
(18 - 20 Marks) exceptional - providing full detail of actions to be considered going forward and demonstrates full evidence of priority

A+ 80 - 89% The recommendations are outstanding and highly relevant to the report objectives. They consider the key issues of implementation and
(16 – 17.9 are suitable, feasible and acceptable to key stakeholders. The recommendations are supported with an action plan which is outstanding -
Marks) providing detail of actions to be considered going forward and evidence of priority for all actions is illustrated within the plan.
A 70 - 79% Recommendations show evidence of innovation and are presented in a coherent and implementable manner. Recommendations flow
(14 - 15.9 from the analysis and provide an incisive strategy for business performance improvement. They demonstrate exceptionally clear and
Marks) precise consideration of priorities, timescales, and all relevant resource implications
B - 60 - 69% Recommendations are very well presented coherent and implementable. Recommendations essentially flow from the analysis and provide
(12 – 13.9 a sound strategy for business performance improvement. They demonstrate clear consideration of priorities, timescales, and relevant
Marks) resource implications.
C 50 - 59% Recommendations are feasible, answering the concerns raised by the analysis. Recommendations generally, flow from the analysis and
(10 – 11.9 contain some consideration for business performance improvement but there are some gaps. They demonstrate some consideration of
Marks) priorities, timescales and relevant resource implications.
Recommendations are on the whole weak but there is some attempt to answer the concerns raised by the analysis. There are limited links
D 40 - 49% to the analysis, and key points are omitted. Greater consideration could have been given to business performance improvement, priorities,
(8 – 9.9 Marks) timescales and relevant resource implications

F 30 - 39% Recommendations are poor and either not linked to or contradict the analysis. Recommendations, therefore, do not realistically consider
(6 – 7.9 Marks) future actions for the business. Little if any consideration is given to priorities, timescales and relevant resource implications
The recommendations do not appear relevant to the report objectives. They address very few of the key issues, and there are significant
F- 20 - 29%
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Module Guide

disconnects and a significant number of issues have not been explored or resolved. The proposed actions do not therefore flow from the
(4 – 5.9 Marks)
F -- 10 - 19% The recommendations do not sufficiently address the report objectives and / or implementation issues have not been fully considered.
(2 – 3.9 Marks)
F --- 0 - 9% The recommendations are either omitted from the report or those that presented are totally unrelated to the work that has been
(0 – 1.9 Marks) undertaken.
Criterion 4- Structure & Presentation (10 Marks)
Clear, logical structure signposted with an exceptional consideration of the reader’s needs. The report is presented in an exceptional
manner throughout and contributes to the exceptional convincing arguments presented within the work. Language is both clear and
A++ - 90 - 100% interesting and therefore the proposal is very easy to follow, compelling in its presentation and an exemplar piece of presented work.
(9-10 Marks) Spelling and grammar are excellent. Referencing is complete and correct.
Clear, logical structure signposted with an outstanding consideration of the reader’s needs. The report is presented in an outstanding
manner throughout and contributes significantly to the overall comprehension of the piece. The use of language is clear and interesting
A+ 80 - 89% and therefore the proposal is not only very easy to follow but compelling in its presentation. Spelling and grammar are excellent.
(8 - 8.9 Marks) Referencing is complete and correct.
Clear, logical structure, well signposted with full consideration of the reader’s needs. The report is presented, on the whole professionally.
A 70 - 79% The use of language is clear and interesting and therefore the proposal is very easy to follow. Spelling and grammar are very good.
(7 - 7.9 Marks) Referencing is complete and correct, with only a few minor errors
Clear, logical structure, well signposted. The report has a good layout with the use of graphical/diagrammatical representation in an
B - 60 - 69% appropriate fashion. The text is clear and interesting. Sentences are well constructed and there is good use of an appropriate vocabulary.
(6 - 6.9 Marks) Both spelling and grammar are good. Referencing is, in the main complete
Clear structure with proposal components in a logical order. The report has a clear layout and efforts have been made to use appropriate
C 50 - 59% diagrams and graphs. The proposal is generally clear, although the use of language is restricted. The proposal is largely free from basic
(5 - 5.9 Marks) errors. It has an insignificant number of proof-reading errors. Referencing is substantially complete and correct
Structure is haphazard or illogical. Little effort has been put into alternative forms of presentation or into layout considerations. Whilst
D 40 - 49% understandable, there are many spelling mistakes or elementary grammatical errors. Sentences are poorly structured. Referencing is
(4 - 4.9 Marks) unsatisfactory in scope or technique
Structure is haphazard or illogical. Little effort has been put into alternative forms of presentation or into layout considerations. Whilst
F 30 - 39% understandable, there are many spelling mistakes or elementary grammatical errors. Sentences are poorly structured. Referencing is
(3 - 3.9 Marks) unsatisfactory in scope or technique

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Module Guide

Structure is illogical. No effort has been put into alternative forms of presentation or into layout considerations. Whilst understandable,
F- 20 - 29% there are significant spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Sentences are very poorly structured, making comprehension very difficult.
(2 - 2.9 Marks) Referencing is unsatisfactory in both scope and technique
Structure is illogical with significant sections of work omitted. No effort has been put into forms of presentation or into layout
F -- 10 - 19% considerations, and overall the work is difficult to comprehend. There are significant spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Sentence
(1 - 1.9 Marks) structure is extremely poor, making comprehension impossible in parts. Referencing is unsatisfactory in both scope and technique
Structure is illogical with significant sections of work omitted. No effort has been put into forms of presentation or into layout
F --- 0 - 9% considerations, and overall the whole piece is incomprehensible making it impossible to award any meaningful mark to this criterion.
(0 - 0.9 Marks) Referencing is absent from the work

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Module Guide


Critical Analysis of Findings & Comments taken from the Assessment Your mark will be
Evaluation (50 Marks) specific marking grid above relating to this shown out of 50
criterion will be provided in this column
Conclusions (20 Marks) Comments taken from the Assessment Your mark will be
specific marking grid above relating to this shown out of 20
criterion will be provided in this column

Recommendations (20 Marks) Comments taken from the Assessment Your mark will be
specific marking grid above relating to this shown out of 20
criterion will be provided in this column

Structure & Presentation (10 Comments taken from the Assessment Your mark will be
Marks) specific marking grid above relating to this shown out of 10
criterion will be provided in this column

7.4 Re-assessment Information

If you are required to complete a re-sit assessment for this module, then the following assessment grading
will be used. If you’re unsure, please contact your course leader.
7.4.1 Re-assessment for Element 010 – ASSIGNMENT 3000 WORD ASSESSMENT
Strategic Management Report Mark Learning Outcome

1 Critical Analysis and Evaluation 50% 1, 2, 4,

2 Conclusions 20% 2,4
Recommendations 20% 3
3 Structure and Presentation 10% -
Total 100%

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Module Guide

8. Links to Other Key Information

Assessment Offences: As an academic community, we recognise that the principles of truth, honesty and
mutual respect are central to the pursuit of knowledge. Behaviour that undermines those principles weakens
the community, both individually and collectively, and diminishes our values. There is more information on
these principles and the types of Assessment Offences here:    Penalties for poor
academic practice can be severe so ensure you are aware of what is expected and how to reference
There is a guide to Good Academic Practice here:
Assessments and TurnitinUK: TurnitinUK is used for submitting the majority of your assessments, it is
important that you read the information on preparing your assignment at:
Information on submitting your assignment must be read and guidelines adhered to, please ensure you read:
The direct link to Turnitin® UK Grademark is:
External Examiners: An up-to-date list of external examiners is available to students and staff at The external examiner for this module is in the Human Resources and
Organisational Behaviour department. These are academic examiners from other institutions who
independently approve and confirm the quality and standard of our modules and assessments.
Feedback in TurnitinUK: Link to more details on the viewing feedback is here:
How is My Work Marked and Flowchart of Anglia Ruskin’s Marking Process: After you have handed your
work in or you have completed an examination, Anglia Ruskin undertakes a series of activities to assure that
our marking processes are comparable with those employed at other universities in the UK and that your
work has been marked fairly, honestly and consistently. More information about this is given here:
Reading Lists: These are now all available online:
Re-assessments: Re-assessment dates will be stated on e-vision, you can check the specific date your re-
assessment assignment is due in on:
University Generic Assessment Criteria: This module is at level 7, information on the criteria that the
university uses to mark your work can be found here:

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Module Guide

APPENDIX 1 - Mapping Document for Aligning Strategic Management Assignment to the SLMDA Standard Units, Learning
Outcomes & Assessment Criteria
After completing your academic, work-based piece of work, complete the table below to clearly signpost where your work is aligned to the relevant SLMDA
This document should be placed in Appendix One. Your tutor will initial each entry so that when you receive your marked work back via Turnitin you can
clearly see which criteria you can attach to the task that you will create in Onefile.
One line in the template below has been populated as an example.

SLMDA Unit Unit LO Unit Learning Outcome

No. Page No(s) In Section No(s) in Signed by
Report Report assignment tutor

Organisational Strategy K1.1 Knows how to shape organisational vision, 17 4.1

(Knowledge) culture and values.

Organisational Strategy S1.4 Use of horizon scanning and conceptualisation to 22 4.3

(Skills) deliver high performance strategies focusing on
growth/sustainable outcomes.

Page 18

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