Web Development Assignment - Internshala

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Design a simple ‘FoodShala’ web application

1) Assume you are designing a real-life system, that will be used by real users.
2) The application should contain 2 types of users: Restaurants and Customers
3) Pages to be developed-
‘Registration’ pages - Different registration pages for Restaurants & Customers. Capture
customer’s preferences (veg/non-veg) during registration.
‘Login’ pages - Single/different login pages for restaurants & customers.
‘Add menu item’ page - A restaurant, once logged in, should be able to add details of new food
items (including whether they are veg or non-veg) to their restaurant’s menu. Access to this
page should be restricted only to restaurants.
‘Menu’ page - There should be a page that displays all the available food items along with which
restaurants have them and a ‘Order’ button. This page should be accessible to everyone,
irrespective of whether the user is logged in or not. Expected functionality on click of the 'Order'
- Only customers should be able to order food by clicking the ‘Order’ button.
- It’s optional to implement cart functionality.
- If the user is not logged in, then he/she should be redirected to the login page.
- If a user is logged in as a restaurant, then the user should not be allowed to order the food.
‘View orders’ page - Restaurant should be able to see the list of all the customers who have
ordered from their restaurant along with the food items they have ordered.

a) Please write the front-end in HTML/CSS/JS. You may use Bootstrap if you wish.
b) Please write the backend in Python, Java, core PHP or PHP Codeigniter framework. Use
MySQL as the database.

Mainly, we want you to concentrate on the following things:

a) Neat & simple design
b) Good database architecture
c) Good coding practices (write readable, modular code)
d) Attention to details - ensure all use cases are covered

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