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Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

A new approach to the exergy analysis

of absorption refrigeration machines
Tatiana Morosuka,, George Tsatsaronisb
Institute of Marine Propulsion Plants Operation, Maritime Academy of Szczecin, Waly Chrobrego 1-2, 70500 Szczecin, Poland
Institute for Energy Engineering, Technische Universität Berlin, Marchstr. 18, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Received 24 April 2007


Splitting the exergy destruction into endogenous/exogenous and unavoidable/avoidable parts represents a new development in the
exergy analysis of energy conversion systems. This splitting improves the accuracy of exergy analysis, improves our understanding of the
thermodynamic inefficiencies and facilitates the improvement of a system.
An absorption refrigeration machine is used here as an application example. This refrigeration machine represents
the most complex type of a refrigeration machine, in which the sum of physical and chemical exergy is used for each material
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Exergy analysis; Exergy destruction; Avoidable exergy destruction; Endogenous exergy destruction; Absorption refrigeration machine

1. Introduction  exergetic efficiency

An exergy analysis identifies the location, magnitude and

E_ P;k E_ D;k
sources of thermodynamic inefficiencies in an energy k ¼ ¼1 (2)
conversion system. This information is used for comparing E_ F ;k E_ F ;k
various systems. An exergy analysis is the first step for the
exergoeconomic analysis of energy conversion and energy-  exergy destruction ratios
intensive chemical systems.
In a conventional exergetic evaluation of the kth E_ D;k
yk ¼ , (3)
component of a system, the following variables are E_ F ;tot
used [1–3]:
 exergy destruction rate that depends on the mass flow E_ D;k
rate through the component and the specific entropy yk ¼ . (4)
E_ D;tot
generation within it

The exergy balance for the kth component is

E_ D;k ¼ T 0 S_ gen;k ¼ T 0 m
_ k sgen;k (1)
E_ F ;k ¼ E_ P;k þ E_ D;k , (5)
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 30 314 24765; fax: +49 30 314 21683. and for the overall system
E-mail addresses: (T. Morosuk), X (G. Tsatsaronis). E_ F ;tot ¼ E_ P;tot þ E_ D;k þ E_ L;tot . (6)
URL: (G. Tsatsaronis). k

0360-5442/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907 891

Nomenclature D destruction
D concentration of the working fluid in the basic
E_ exergy rate (W) process
e specific exergy (J/kg) gen generation
f circulation ratio of the mixture with concentra- F fuel
tion xR (kg/kg) hybrid hybrid cycle
h specific enthalpy (J/kg) hot high temperature
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s) ideal ideal cycle
p pressure (Pa) j jth flow
Q_ heat rate (W) k kth component
q specific heat (J/kg) L losses
S entropy (J/K) P product
s specific entropy (J/kg K) R strong solution
p pressure (Pa) tot overall system
T temperature (K) 0 thermodynamic environment
W _ power (W)
w specific work (J/kg) Abbreviations
x concentration (kg/kg)
y exergy destruction ratio (dimensionless) A absorber
ARM absorption refrigeration machine
Greek symbols G generator
CD condenser
D difference CM compressor
 exergetic efficiency EV evaporator
Z isentropic efficiency EX expander
H hybrid condition or cycle
Superscripts HU hybrid condition or cycle with unavoidable
exergy destruction
AV avoidable I ideal condition or cycle
CH chemical T theoretical condition or cycle
EN endogenous T turbine
EX exogenous TVM throttling valve for the mixture
M mechanical TVR throttling valve for the refrigerant
PH physical P pump
T thermal R real condition or cycle
UN unavoidable RU real condition or cycle with unavoidable exergy

A weak solution
cold low temperature

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate 2. Definitions and illustration

that additional information, crucial for the improve-
ment of a system can be obtained when the exergy 2.1. Endogenous and exogenous parts of the exergy
destruction within each component is split into meaningful destruction
Splitting the exergy destruction into endogenous/exogen- The total exergy destruction within the kth component
ous [4–6] and unavoidable/avoidable parts [5,7,8] represents is split into endogenous and exogenous parts E_ D;k ¼
a new direction in exergy analysis, which can be called E_ D;k þ E_ D;k . Here E_ D;k is the endogenous part of exergy
advanced exergy analysis. These splittings improve the destruction, associated only with the irreversibilities
accuracy of exergy analysis and our understanding of the occurring within the kth component when all other
thermodynamic inefficiencies, and facilitate an exergoeco- components operate in an ideal way and the component
nomic optimization. being considered operates with its current efficiency. E_ D;k is
892 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

the exogenous part of exergy destruction within the kth investment costs, and (b) to consider the appropriate
component and is caused in the kth component by the measures (referring to the component being considered, to
irreversibilities that occur in the remaining components. the efficiency of the other components, or to the structure
These splittings enable engineers working in system of the overall system) that have the potential for reducing
optimization to estimate the exergy destruction in a the exergy destruction.
component caused by the component itself on one hand
and by the remaining components on the other hand. This 2.4. Illustration with the aid of a theoretical system
information can be used to decide whether engineers
should focus on the component being considered or on To demonstrate the concepts introduced in the previous
the remaining system components, in order to effectively section, we first use a theoretical energy conversion system
improve the overall performance. consisting of three components A, B and C in series
(Fig. 1).
2.2. Unavoidable and avoidable parts of the exergy The following assumptions were made: The fuel of
destruction component A (E_ F ;A ) is the fuel of the overall system
(E_ F ;tot ). The product of component A (E_ P;A ) is the fuel for
Only a part of the exergy destruction rate within a component B (E_ F ;B ), and the product of component B
component can be avoided. The exergy destruction rate (E_ P;B ) is the fuel for component C (E_ F ;C ). The product of
that cannot be reduced due to technological limitations component C (E_ P;C ) is the product of the overall system
such as availability and cost of materials and manufactur- (E_ P;tot ). The value of the product of the overall system
UN remains constant for the analysis E_ P;tot ¼ const. The
ing methods is the unavoidable (E_ ) part of the exergy
D;k exergetic efficiencies eA, eB and eC can be varied indepen-
destruction. The remaining part represents the avoidable dently from each other.
(E_ ) part of the exergy destruction. Thus, splitting the
exergy destruction into unavoidable and avoidable parts in 2.4.1. Endogenous and exogenous parts of the exergy
UN AV destruction
the kth component E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;kþ E_D;k provides a realistic
measure of the potential for improving the thermodynamic The exergy destruction in component C can  be
efficiency of a component. determined from Eqs. (2) and (5) as E_ D;C ¼ E_ P;C 1  1 ¼

E_ P;tot 1  1 . There is only endogenous exergy destruction

2.3. Combination of the two splittings EN
in component C (E_ D;C ¼ E_ D;C ) because the value of E_ D;C is
a function of the exergetic efficiency of this component
Using an appropriate method [5] we can calculate the EX
unavoidable endogenous exergy destruction within the kth only (E_ D;C ¼ 0).
component when all the remaining components operate The exergy destruction in component B can be deter-
without irreversibilities. This calculation allows us then to mined similarly by E_ D;B ¼ P;tot 1  1 . The exergy
obtain the unavoidable endogenous exergy destruction and
subsequently the avoidable endogenous, the unavoidable destruction in component B depends on the exergetic
exogenous and the avoidable exogenous parts of exergy efficiencies of both components B and C. Thus, there are
destruction within the kth component. endogenous and exogenous parts of the exergy destruction
The endogenous avoidable part of the exergy destruction for component B. The value E_ can be determined if
can be reduced through improving the efficiency of the kth component B operates with its current efficiency
component. The exogenous avoidable part of the exergy (eB(=const)o1), while component C is ideal (eC=1)
destruction can be reduced by a structural improvement of E_ EN
¼ E P;tot 1
 1 . Then the exogenous exergy destru-
the overall system or by improving the efficiency of the
remaining components and of course by improving the ction within component B becomes E_ D;B ¼ E_ P;tot
efficiency in the kth component. 1 1
  1   1 :
The endogenous unavoidable part of the exergy destruc- B C
tion cannot be reduced because of technical limitations for The equation for the exergy destruction within compo-
the kth component. The exogenous unavoidable part of the nent A can be determined similarly by E_ D;A ¼
E_ P;tot
exergy destruction cannot be reduced because of technical 1
 1 . The endogenous part of exergy destruction
C B A 
limitations in the other components of the overall system
in component A can be determined when eA(=const)o1
for the given structure.
This information is extremely useful for the iterative
exergoeconomic optimization of energy conversion systems
[3,7,8]. The designer is guided (a) to focus only on the
endogenous avoidable and exogenous avoidable exergy
destructions and to compare their costs with avoidable Fig. 1. Theoretical energy conversion system.
T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907 893

but eB=1 and eC=1: E_ D;A ¼ E_ P;tot 1
 1 . The exogen- 3. Theoretical absorption refrigeration machine
ous part of the exergy destruction in component A then A simple schematic of an absorption refrigeration
becomes E_ D;A ¼  P;tot
 1 1
   1 : machine (ARM) is shown in Fig. 2a. For the thermo-
dynamic cycle of an ARM, two heat sources and one sink
at different temperature levels are necessary [9,10]:
2.4.2. Unavoidable and avoidable parts of the exergy
 High-temperature heat source Q_ hot (at Thot) as external
The unavoidable part of the exergy destruction in the kth
energy (exergy) for the generator. This heat source is
component can be determined by calculating the exergy
associated with the fuel for the overall ARM, i.e.
destruction for the overall system under the assumption
E_ F ;G ¼ E_ F ;tot . For the ideal ARM: Q_ hot ¼ Q_ G and
that each component operates with its unavoidable
thermodynamic inefficiencies. For the system shown in  Middle-temperature heat sink Q_ 0 (T0)as cooling medium
Fig. 1 the value E_ D;tot can be calculated as for the condenser and absorber. For the ideal ARM:
   Q_ 0 ¼ Q_ A þ Q_ CD and T0=T13=T14=T15=T16.
E_ D;tot ¼ E_ D;A þ E_ D;B þ E_ D;C ¼ E P;tot UN UN UN  1  Low-temperature heat source Q_ cold (Tcold) as product
C B A from the evaporator. This heat source is associated with
1 1
þ UN UN  1 þ UN  1 .
1 the product of the overall ARM, i.e. E_ P;E ¼ E_ P;tot ¼
C B C const for the analysis. For the ideal ARM: Q_ cold ¼ Q_ EV
and Tcold=T17=T18.
The avoidable part of exergy destruction for the overall
system is
  For simplifying the thermodynamic and the exergetic
E_ D;tot ¼ E_ D;tot  E_ D;tot ¼ E_ D;A  E_ D;A analysis of an ARM, the overall process can be presented
 as two separate (direct and inverse) Carnot cycles [10,11]
þ E_ D;B  E_ D;B þ E_ D;C  E_ .D;C (Figs. 2b and c). In the present paper the same approach is
used for evaluating the exogenous and endogenous exergy
destruction in each component of an ARM. The conditions
2.4.3. Combining the two options for splitting the exergy for the analysis of the ideal process include: Q_ cold ¼ const
destruction and W _ direct ¼ W_ inverse ; Thot ¼ const and TG ¼ const;
The endogenous unavoidable part of the exergy destruction T0 ¼ const and TA ¼ const, TCD ¼ const; Tcold ¼ const
EN;UN and TEV ¼ const.
(E ) is the exergy destruction occurring within the kth
component when this component operates at its maximal The ideal operation of a component is needed to estimate
attainable efficiency (UN the endogenous exergy destruction in the remaining system
k ) while all other components operate
in an ideal way. For the theoretical system in Fig. 1 we write: components.
  If we now introduce to the ideal process an irreversibility
_ 1 only in the kth component, then the exergy destruction in
E D;C ¼ E P;tot UN  1 ,
C this component represents the endogenous exergy destruc-
  tion E_ D;k ¼ E_ . The condition Q_
D;k ¼ const corresponds
EN;UN 1 inverse
E_ D;B ¼ E_ P;tot 1 , to E_ P;tot ¼ const; the condition W _ direct ¼ W
_ inverse corre-
B direct
sponds to E_ P;tot ¼ const if irreversibilities are introduced
  only in the direct cycle.
E_ D;A ¼ E_ P;tot 1 .
A 3.1. Inverse cycle analysis
The remaining parts of the exergy destruction in the kth
component are determined by the following simple equations: The inverse cycle includes four components: compressor
(CM), condenser (CD), expander (EX) and evaporator
E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k  E_ D;k ; E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k  E_ D;k , (EV).
The exergy destruction rates in the components of the
and inverse cycle (Figs. 2b and 3a) are calculated by
E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k  E_ D;k . E_ D;CM ¼ W _ CM  E_ 5  E_ 8 , (7)
It is apparent that the sum of all four parts equals the total  
exergy destruction within the component: E_ D;CD ¼ E_ 5  E_ 6  E_ 16  E_ 15 , (8)
E_ D;k þ E_ D;k þ E_ D;k þ E_ D;k ¼ E_ D;k . _ EX ,
E_ D;EX ¼ E_ 6  E_ 7  W (9)
894 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

Fig. 2. Simple, one-effect absorption refrigeration machine (ARM): (a) schematic; (b) schematic-equivalent; (c) cycle of ARM on a T–s -diagram as two
separate Carnot cycles.

Fig. 3. Analysis of an ideal cycle, a real cycle and the required hybrid cycles: (a) inverse; (b) direct.

E_ D;EV ¼ E_ 7  E_ 8  E_ 18  E_ 17 . (10) The ideal inverse cycle consists of the states 5I–6I–7I–8I.
The mass flow rate of the working fluid of the ideal inverse
In the following we introduce the terms used for the Q_ cold
_ 5I6I7I8I ¼ h
cycle is determined by m :
cycles involved in splitting the exergy destruction within 8I h7I

the kth component into the endogenous and exogenous In the following, we successively introduce irreversibil-
parts. ities in each component while keeping the operation of the
The ideal cycle consists only of reversible processes. The remaining components ideal. In this way the hybrid cycles
symbol I denotes the ideal cycle. are created:
The hybrid cycle consists of one irreversible process while Introducing a temperature difference in the evaporator
all others are reversible processes. The symbol H is used for equal to the temperature difference in the real process
describing the points of the hybrid cycle. DT EV ¼ T cold  T EV , the hybrid cycle becomes 5I–6I–
The real cycle (symbol R) consists only of irreversible 7Ha–8R and the _ corresponding mass flow rate is
processes. m_ 5I6I7H a 8R ¼ h h :
8R 7H a
T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907 895

The endogenous part of the exergy destruction in the At this point we can conclude that introducing
evaporator is calculated by irreversibilities in one component of the inverse cycle
  influences, in general, the other components by increasing
E_ D;EV ¼ m
_ 5I6I7H a 8R ðe7H a  e8R Þ  m
_ 1718 e 18  e 17 their entropy generation rate S_ gen;k through an increase in
hybrid ideal ideal
the mass flow rate of the main working fluid and, as a
_ 5I6I7H a 8R ðe7H a
¼m  e8R Þ  E_ Qcold . ð11Þ consequence in some cases, of the secondary working
fluids. The mass flow rate of the main working fluid
The ideal expander operates between states 6I and 7I,
changes only if the difference (h8–h7) changes through a
whereas the expansion process with irreversibilities is
change of the irreversibilities within the sub-system. The
6I–7Hb (a hybrid cycle with irreversibilities only in the
graphical representation of the difference (h8–h7) is the area
expander is 5I–6I–7Hb–8I). For the real ARM, the
(d–8–7–c) on a T–s diagram (Fig. 3a). This area is
expansion process with irreversibilities is equivalent to
associated with the value of the specific cold heat rate.
the throttling process. An analytical expression for the
irreversibilities in expansion process is w EX ¼ w EX  ZEX .
hybrid ideal w CM 
The endogenous part of the exergy destruction in the real W _ inverse ¼ m
_ 5R6R7R8R ideal  w EX  ZEX . (15)
expansion process is real ZCM ideal
  The unavoidable part of the exergy destruction in the kth
E_ D;EX ¼ m
_ 5I6I7H b 8I s7H b  s6I T 0 (12) UN
component of the inverse thermodynamic cycle (E_ D;CM ,
Q_ cold E_ D;CD , E_ D;EX , E_ D;EV ) can be determined by calculating a
_ 5I6I7H b 8I ¼
where m . cycle similar to the 5R6R7R–8R where all irreversi-
h8I  h7H b
bilities correspond to their unavoidable values associated
The ideal heat removing process in the condenser is with DT UN UN UN
CD , DT EV , ZCM and ZEX .

5I–6I. After introducing a temperature difference equal to The endogenous unavoidable part of the exergy destruc-
the temperature difference in the real process tion can be calculated for each component (E_
(DT CD ¼ T CD  T env ), the hybrid cycle with irreversibilities EN;UN EN;UN EN;UN
only in the condenser becomes 5Ha–6R–7I–8I, where E_ D;CD , E_ D;EX , E_ D;EV ) according to Eqs. (11)–(14) using
m_ 5H a 6R7I8I ¼ m _ 5I6I7I8I : The endogenous part of the values DT UN UN UN UN
CD ; DT EV ; ZCM and ZEX together with the
the exergy destruction in the condensation process is corresponding values of the mass flow rates of the main
  working fluid and the secondary working fluids.
E_ D;CD ¼ m _ 5H a 6R7I8I e5H a  e6R  m_ 1516 e 16  e 15 ,
hybrid ideal ideal

(13) 3.2. Direct cycle analysis

with The direct cycle consists of the following four compo-

  nents: generator (G), turbine (T), absorber (A) and pump

_ 5H a 6R7I8I h5H a  h6R
m _ 1516 h
¼m 16 h 15 . (P). The exergy destruction rates in these components
hybrid ideal ideal
(Figs. 2b and c and 3b) are calculated by
The ideal compressor operates between states 8I and 5I
and the hybrid compression process between the tempera- E_ D;P ¼ W
_ P  ðE_ 1  E_ 4 Þ, (16)
tures of the ideal cycle (T0 and Tcold) is 8I–5Hb. The hybrid
cycle with irreversibilities only in the compression process E_ D;A ¼ ðE_ 3  E_ 4 Þ  ðE_ 14  E_ 13 Þ, (17)
is 5Hb–6I–7I–8I. Thus, the specific work of the compres-
w CM
E_ D;T ¼ ðE_ 2  E_ 3 Þ  W
_ T, (18)
sion process is w CM ¼ ZCM : The endogenous part of the
exergy destruction in the compression process is E_ D;G ¼ ðE_ 11  E_ 12 Þ  ðE_ 2  E_ 1 Þ. (19)
E_ D;CM ¼ m
_ 5H b 6I7I8I ðs5H b  s8I ÞT 0 The exergy destruction rate in each component will be
  analyzed using Eq. (1) and Fig. 3b.
¼m_ 5H b 6I7I8I w CM  ðe5H b  e8I Þ ð14Þ The ideal direct cycle consists of the states 1I–2I–3I–4I.
hybrid The mass flow rate of the working fluid of the direct cycle is
where determined by

_ 5H b 6I7I8I ¼ m
m _ 5I6I7I8I . _ direct
_ 1I2I3I4I ¼ 
m .
The cycle 5R6R7R–8R corresponds to the inverse w T w P
ideal ideal
cycle with irreversibilities in all processes, i.e. to the real
cycle. The value of the mass flow rate_ of the working fluid Let us introduce successively irreversibilities in each
_ 5R6R7R8R ¼ h cold
of the real cycle is m h : component of the direct cycle.
8R 7R
896 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

Introducing a temperature difference in the generator pump is

equal to the temperature difference in the real cycle, DT G ¼ w P
T hot  T G ; the hybrid cycle becomes 1Ha–2R– w P ¼
hybrid ZP
3I4I and the mass flow rate for this cycle is
and the endogenous part of exergy destruction of the pump
_ direct
W W _ direct becomes
_ 1H a 2R3I4I
m ¼ ¼ . EN
w T w P ðh2R  h3I Þ  ðh4I  h1H a Þ E_ D;P ¼ m
_ 1H b 2I3I4I ðs1H b  s4I ÞT 0 , (23)
hybrid hybrid

The endogenous part of exergy destruction in the _ direct
generator is calculated by W
_ 1H b 2I3I4I ¼ 
m w P .
EN  w T  ZP
E_ D;G ¼ m _ 1H a 2R3I4I e2R  e1H a ,
_ 1112 e 11  e 12  m ideal
hybrid ideal ideal
The cycle 1R2R3R4R corresponds to the real direct
cycle. The value of the mass flow rate of the working fluid
with of the direct cycle taking into account all irreversibilities is
  _ direct
_ 1H a 2R3I4I h2R  h1H a
m _ 1112 h
¼m 11 h 12 . m_ 1R2R3R4R ¼  w P .
hybrid ideal ideal
w T  ZT  idealZ
ideal P
The higher the irreversibilities in the generator, the larger
the mass flow rate m _ 1112 when the thermodynamic The mass flow rate of the working fluid of the direct
properties of points 11 and 12 remain unchanged. cycle changes every time irreversibilities are introduced in
The ideal heat removing process in the absorber is 3I–4I. each component because the area (1234) associated
After introducing a temperature difference equal to the with the value of the specific work for the direct cycle
temperature difference in the real cycle, DT A ¼ T A  T 0 (wdirect ¼ wTwP) never remains constant.
the hybrid cycle with irreversibilities only in the absorber The unavoidable part of the exergy destruction in each
becomes 1I–2I–3Ha–4R. The endogenous part of the UN UN
component of the direct thermodynamic cycle (E_ , E_ , D;G D;A
exergy destruction of the absorption process is UN UN
  E_ D;T , E_ D;P ) can be determined by calculating a cycle similar
EN to 1R2R3R4R where all irreversibilities correspond to
_ _ _
E D;A ¼ m1I2I3H a 4R ðe3H a  e4R Þ  m1413 e 14  e 13 ,
hybrid ideal ideal their unavoidable values, associated with DT UN UN
G , DT A ,
(21) ZT and ZP .
The endogenous unavoidable part of the exergy destruc-
with EN;UN
  tion can be calculated for each component (E_ D;G ,
_ 1I2I3H a 4R ðh3H1
m _ 1413 h
 h4R Þ ¼ m h . EN;UN EN;UN EN;UN
E_ D;A , E_ D;T , E_ D;P ) according to Eqs. (20)–(23) using
the values DT UN UN
G , DT A , ZT
and ZUN
P together will the
As before, the higher the irreversibilities in the absorber, corresponding values of the mass flow rates of the main
the larger the mass flow rate m _ 1314 when the thermo- working fluid and the secondary working fluids.
dynamic properties of points 13 and 14 remain unchanged.
The ideal turbine operates between states 2I and 3I,
4. Real absorption refrigeration machine
whereas the expansion process with irreversibilities is
2I–3Hb (a hybrid cycle with irreversibilities only in the 4.1. General aspects
expander is 1I–2I–3Hb–4I). The specific work obtained
from the turbine can be determined by w T ¼ w T  ZT . The widely used algorithm for creating the real thermo-
hybrid ideal dynamic cycle of an ARM is the following [9]:
The endogenous part of exergy destruction in the real 9
turbine is T EV ¼ T 18  DT EV ; T EV ! pEV ; >
pA ¼ pEV 1  DpA ; >
EN >
E_ D;T ¼ m
_ 1I2I3H b 4I ðs3H b  s2I ÞT 0 (22) >
T CD ¼ T 15 þ DT CD ; T CD ! pCD ; >
_ direct pG ¼ pCD 1 þ DpG ; >
W >
_ 1I2I3H b 4I ¼ 
where m .
T 2 ¼ T 11  DT G ;
w T  ZT  w P (24)
ideal ideal T 4 ¼ T 13 þ DT A ; >
xA ¼ CðT 2 ; pG Þ; >
The ideal pump operates between states 4I–1I. The >
hybrid process for the pump (4I–1Hb) is between the xR ¼ CðT 4 ; pA Þ; >
temperatures of the ideal cycle (Thot and T0). The hybrid xD ¼ CðT 5 ; pCD Þ; >
cycle with irreversibilities only in the pump is >
T 1 ¼ CðX R ; pG Þ:
1Hb–2I–3I–4I. The corresponding specific work for the
T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907 897

The temperature T5 represents the middle temperature  Condenser

of the vaporization process in the generator as T5 ¼
(T2+T1*)/2. For the mixtures ‘‘refrigerant–absorbent’’ such Q_ CD ¼ m
_ basic ðh5 _ 1516 ðh16  h15 Þ.
 h6 Þ ¼ m (31)
as LiBr–H2O, it is always xD ¼ 1. For mixtures such as
H2O–NH3, we have xDo1.
For the analysis of an ARM we will use the regular  Evaporator
practice of splitting the overall system of ARM into two
sub-systems [10,11]: Q_ EV ¼ m
_ basic ðh8 _ 1718 ðh17  h18 Þ.
 h7 Þ ¼ m (32)

 Basic process (condenser, throttling valve and evapora-

tor). The basic process is described by three processes of The compression process in the pump can be assumed as
the inverse thermodynamic cycle (condensation, expan- an ideal one (s4=s1) because the value W _ P is very small
sion and evaporation). The cycle of a basic process is (usually W _ P =(0.01y0.015) Q_ G and introducing the real
5–6–7–8. The working fluid of the basic process is a value as Z P cannot give any significant influence to
mixture with concentration xD, the mass flow rate of the analysis. Thus, the pump will be excluded from the
which can be determined by analysis [9–11].
Q_ cold Q_ cold
m basic ¼ ¼ , (25) 4.2. Exergy analysis
process qcold ðh8  h7 Þ
_5 ¼ m
where m _6 ¼ m
_7 ¼ m
_8 ¼ m
_ Let us analyze all processes in an ARM from the
basic :
process exergetic point of view. Corresponding to Eq. (3a) the
 Thermo-chemical compressor (generator, absorber, throt- exergy balances for components of ARM are:
tling valve and pump). The working fluid of the thermo-
chemical compressor is a mixture with concentrations xR E_ D;G ¼ ðE_ 11  E_ 12 Þ  ðE_ 2 þ E_ 5  E_ 1 Þ, (33)
for the strong solution and xA for the weak solution. The
thermo-chemical compressor is described by all processes of E_ D;A ¼ ðE_ 3 þ E_ 8  E_ 4 Þ  ðE_ 14  E_ 13 Þ, (34)
the direct thermodynamic cycle and the compression
E_ D;CD ¼ ðE_ 5  E_ 6 Þ  ðE_ 16  E_ 15 Þ, (35)
process from the inverse thermodynamic cycle. The cycle
of a thermo-chemical compressor is 30 –4–1–1*–2–3. The M M T T
mass flow rate of the mixture with the concentration xR is E_ D;TVR ¼ ðE_ 6  E_ 7 Þ  ðE_ 7  E_ 6 Þ, (36)

_4 ¼ m
m _1 ¼ f m
_ basic . (26) E_ D;EV ¼ ðE_ 7  E_ 8 Þ  ðE_ 18  E_ 17 Þ. (37)
Two throttling valves exist in the ARM: the throttling
The mass flow rate of the mixture with the concentration valve for the mixture with the concentration xA (TVM)
xA is working at a temperature above T0 and the throttling valve
for the mixture with the concentration xD (TVR) working
m _ 3 ¼ ðf  1Þ  m
_2 ¼ m _ basic , (27) at temperature below T0.
According to the definition of the product and the fuel
where the circulation ratio of the mixture with the [1,3] we analyze differently the TVM and the TVR. The
concentration xR should be calculated as purpose of the throttling valve TVM is only to decrease the
xD  xA pressure of the mixture with the concentration xA from pG
f ¼ . (28)
xR  xA down to pA. Thus, TVM represents a dissipative compo-
The mass flow rates of the heating and cooling media nent. The purpose of the throttling valve for the mixture
(secondary working fluids) of ARM should be determined with the concentration xD (TVR) is to achieve a low
from the energy conservation equations for the corre- temperature ðE_ P;TVR ¼ E_  E_ Þ at the expense of me-
7 6
sponding component: M M
chanical exergy ðE_ F ;TVR ¼ E_ 6  E_ 7 Þ [6].
 Generator For the exergetic analysis of an ARM, we split the total
exergy associated with a material flow into its physical and
Q_ G ¼ m
_ _ 1112 ðh11  h12 Þ.
 h2 Þ þ f ðh2  h1 Þ ¼ m chemical parts for flows E_ 1 through E_ 8
basic ½ðh5
(29) E_ j ¼ E_ j þ E_ j (38a)
 Absorber E_ j ¼ m
_ k ePH _ k eCH
j j . (38b)
Q_ A ¼ m
_ basic ½ðh8 _ 1314 ðh14  h13 Þ.
 h3 Þ þ f ðh3  h4 Þ ¼ m The specific physical exergy of the jth flow is
(30) ePH
j ¼ hj  hj;0  T 0 ðsj  sj;0 Þ. (39)
898 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

For flows E_ 6 and E_ 7 splitting the physical exergy into

thermal and mechanical parts is necessary [12]
j ¼ ½ðhj  hj;M Þ  T 0 ðsj  sj;M Þp¼const
þ ½ðhj;M  hj;0 Þ  T 0 ðsj;M  sj;0 ÞT 0 ¼const ð40Þ

with the point M defined at the pressure p and the

temperature T0.
The specific chemical exergy of the jth flow for the
mixture ‘‘refrigerant–absorbent’’ can be calculated as [1]
j ¼ xj  eCH CH rev
refrigerant þ ð1  xj Þ  eabsorbent þ wX j , (41)

X j ¼ ½hj;0  xj hrefrigerant;0  ð1  xj Þhabsorbent;0 

 T 0 ½sj;0  xj srefrigerant;0  ð1  xj Þsabsorbent;0 , ð42Þ

where wrev
X j is the specific work associated with the mixing of
pure refrigerant (xD ¼ 1) and pure absorbent (xD ¼ 0).
Let us illustrate the location of the points mentioned
above on a h–x diagram (Fig. 4). The points 0 for the pure
absorbent and the pure refrigerant are fixed. The position
of point 0 for calculating the physical exergy will depend on
the concentration of the mixture (x). Many points are
located on the isotherm of T0 (for example, T0 ¼
293.15 1C) at pressure p0 (for example, p0 ¼ 0.1 MPa)—
Fig. 4. Fig. 4. The reference points 0 for calculating the exergy values for
Thus, for the exergetic analysis of ARM three values of mixtures with various concentrations (xA, xR, xD, etc.).
the specific chemical exergy should be determined for
concentrations xA, xR and xD as well as three points 0 for
calculating the physical exergy at the respective concentra- present the detailed exergetic analysis (Tables 1, 2 and 10)
tions of the mixture. but for further calculations only the final results are given.
For the cycles discussed below (Figs. 6–8), the values of
T11 and the corresponding mass flow rate m _ 1112 as well as
4.3. Exergy analysis of the real cycle T13 and m_ 1314 ; T15 and m
_ 1516 ; T17, T18 and m _ 1718 remain
constant. These values are given for the real cycle in Table
All calculations reported here were conducted with the 1 and are not repeated in Tables 3–9.
aid of the EES software [13].
For the analysis of an ARM, the following operational 4.4. Exergy analysis of the theoretical cycle
conditions were used here: The temperatures T11, T13, T15,
T17 and T18 are known and cannot be changed but the The thermodynamic analysis discussed above has
values of T12, T14 and T16 are variable (Fig. 2a). The shown that creating a theoretical cycle of an ARM is
working fluid is a mixture NH3–H2O, the cold heat rate is necessary for splitting the exergy destruction within
Q_ cold ¼ 100 kW; Thot ¼ T11 ¼ 413.2 K; T0 ¼ T13 ¼ T15 each component into the endogenous and exogenous
¼ 293.2 K; Tcold ¼ T18 ¼ 263.2 K; T17 ¼ 268.2 K. Note parts. Note that for the theoretical cycle both thrott-
that all heat transfer processes can be assumed as isobaric. ling valves TVM and TVR should be replaced by
Fig. 5 represents the real thermodynamic cycle of an expanders according to Figs. 2b and c and 3, i.e. s2=s3
ARM with all irreversibilities included: DTCD; DTEV; DTG and s6=s7 [5,6].
and DpG; DTA and DpA. For the real ARM we assumed For creating the theoretical cycle, the following assump-
DTCD ¼ 5 K; DTEV ¼ 5 K; DTG ¼ 10 K and DpG ¼ tions are usually made [9]: DTCD ¼ 0; DTEV ¼ 0; DpG ¼ 0;
0.02 MPa; DTA ¼ 3 K and DpA ¼ 0.015 MPa as shown in DpA ¼ 0; T2 ¼ T11 and T4 ¼ T13. These conditions corre-
Table 1. spond to the maximal value of f (Eq. (28)) which
For the exergetic analysis of an ARM the values simultaneously is the necessary and the sufficient condition
eabsorbent ¼ eCH
H 2 O ¼ 45 kJ/kmol and eCH CH
refrigerant ¼ eNH 3 ¼ for defining the theoretical thermodynamic cycle of an
336 684 kJ/kmol were used [1,14]. For the real system we ARM for the energy analysis.
T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907 899

The creation of a theoretical cycle of an ARM for the Similarly, the conditions T4 ¼ T13 (DTA ¼ 0) and DpA ¼ 0
exergetic analysis needs some additional discussion: The correspond to the theoretical heat and mass transfer
conditions T2 ¼ T11 (DTG ¼ 0) and DpG ¼ 0 describe processes in the absorber. The conditions DTCD ¼ 0 and
the theoretical heat and mass transfer in the generator. DTEV ¼ 0 correspond only to xD ¼ 1 and cannot be
assumed for the exergetic analysis of an ARM if xDo1.
A more general case is the one in which xD is kept constant,
thus DTCD ¼ const and DTEV ¼ const (where the values
DTCD and DTEV correspond to the real cycle), i.e.
pEV ¼ const and pCD ¼ const for the analysis. The condi-
tions T6 ¼ T15 and T8 ¼ T17 are assumed for the theore-
tical condenser and evaporator, respectively.
Fig. 6 shows the theoretical cycle of the ARM, the
calculation data of which are given in Tables 3 and 10.

5. Splitting the exergy destruction

5.1. Unavoidable and avoidable parts

For splitting the total exergy destruction within each

component of the ARM (according to Section 2.2) into the
unavoidable and avoidable parts we need to create a cycle
with only unavoidable irreversibilities (Fig. 7). To calculate
the values of unavoidable irreversibilities, the following
assumptions were made: T8 ¼ T17–DT8 with DT8 ¼ 0.2 K;
T6 ¼ T15+DT6 with DT6 ¼ 0.2 K; DTG ¼ 0.2 K and
DpG ¼ 0.005 MPa; DTA ¼ 0.2 K and DpA ¼ 0.005 MPa.
Note that for the exergetic analysis of the ARM with
unavoidable exergy destruction both throttling valves are
included in the structure of ARM.
The thermodynamic data for this cycle are given in Table
4, and the avoidable and unavoidable parts of the exergy
destruction are given in Table 10.

5.2. Endogenous and exogenous parts

Fig. 5. The real cycle of an absorption refrigeration machine (3 —
saturated liquid; 300 —saturated vapor; 1*—beginning of the boiling The theoretical basis for calculating the endogenous
process for a mixture with the concentration xR in the generator). exergy destruction and the endogenous unavoidable exergy

Table 1
Thermodynamic data for the real ARM

_ (kg/s) T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg K) eCH (kJ/kg) ePH (kJ/kg) eM (kJ/kg) eT (kJ/kg) e (kJ/kg)
Stream Material flow m

1R NH3–H2O 0.6727 296.2 1.204 0.4374 131.5 0.2012 8599 6.023 8605
1*R NH3–H2O 0.6727 355.7 1.204 0.4374
2R NH3–H2O 0.4308 403.1 1.204 0.2227 414.7 1.652 4337 73.91 4411
3R NH3–H2O 0.4308 353.7 0.201 0.2227 414.7 1.706 4337 57.91 4395
4R NH3–H2O 0.6727 296.1 0.201 0.4374 132.7 0.2012 8599 4.843 8604
5R NH3–H2O 0.1969 379.4 1.003 0.9074 1603.0 5.218 17 959 353.1 18 312
6R NH3–H2O 0.1969 301.0 1.003 0.9074 63.55 0.444 17 954 212.9 212.4 0.5 18 167
7R NH3–H2O 0.1969 260.5 0.236 0.9074 63.55 0.496 17 959 197.6 102.2 95.4 18 157
8R NH3–H2O 0.1969 263.1 0.236 0.9074 571.3 2.429 17 959 138.7 18 098
11R Air 14.23 413.2 0.15 414.6 7.077 53.76 53.76
12R Air 14.23 373.2 0.15 374.0 6.974 43.47 43.47
13R Water 4.477 293.2 0.1 83.93 0.296 0 0
14R Water 4.477 313.2 0.1 167.6 0.572 2.73 2.73
15R Water 3.625 293.2 0.1 83.93 0.296 0 0
16R Water 3.625 313.2 0.1 167.6 0.572 2.73 2.73
17R Air 19.88 268.2 0.1 414.6 7.077 1.138 1.138
18R Air 19.88 263.2 0.1 307.6 6.778 1.658 1.658
900 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

Table 2
Thermodynamic properties used for the exergetic calculations of the mixture NH3-H2O for the points of the real cycle

For a point T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg  K)

Reference points 4, 1 293.2 0.1 0.4374 77.75 0.9356

2, 3 293.2 0.1 0.2227 63.18 0.2737
5, 6, 7, 8 293.2 0.1 0.9074 1167 4.933
11,12,17,18 293.2 0.1 293.4 6.847
13,14,15,16 293.2 0.1 83.93 0.2962
Point M 6 293.2 1.003 0.9074 26.11 0.3181
Point M 7 293.2 0.2362 0.9074 1075 4.271

Fig. 6. The theoretical cycle of an absorption refrigeration machine. Fig. 7. Cycle of an absorption refrigeration machine having only the
unavoidable irreversibilities.

destruction is the same. Therefore, two different values of of the endogenous and exogenous exergy destruction as
efficiency are used in the calculation: well as the splitting of exergy destruction into four parts
are given in Table 10.
 the real efficiency of a component is used to calculate the
endogenous part; 5.2.1. Generator
 the efficiency corresponding to the unavoidable exergy Initially we assume that only the generator of the ARM
destruction is used for calculating the endogenous operates with irreversibilities while all other components
unavoidable part of the exergy destruction. are theoretical (Fig. 8a). The operating conditions of the
generator are given by DTG and DpG, with DTG ¼ 5 K and
In the following we briefly discuss the application of DpG ¼ 0.02 MPa for calculating the value of E_ D;G and
these concepts to the components of an ARM. The values DT G ¼ 0.2 K and DpG ¼ 0.005 MPa for calculating the
T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907 901

Fig. 8. Hybrid cycles of an absorption refrigeration machine for calculating the endogenous exergy destruction in the (a) generator; (b) absorber;
(c) condenser; and (d) evaporator.

value of E_ D;G . The thermodynamic data for calculating absorber then we should consider the two components
the endogenous and endogenous unavoidable exergy together and calculate the exergy destruction in a hybrid
destruction in the generator are given in Table 5. process in which only the absorber and the TVM are
irreversible. The endogenous exergy destruction for the
5.2.2. Absorber system (absorber+TVM) amounts to 30.4 kW whereas the
The endogenous exergy destruction within the absorber endogenous exergy destruction of the absorber alone is
is calculated at DT A ¼ 5 K and DpA ¼ 0.015 MPa when all 29.92 kW. It is apparent that the effect of TVM is relatively
other components are theoretical. The value of endogenous small.
unavoidable exergy destruction corresponds to
DT A ¼ 0.2 K and DpA ¼ 0.005 MPa (Fig. 8b and Table 6). 5.2.3. Condenser
The throttling valve TVM is a dissipative component. If Now we assume that only the condenser in the ARM
we assume that this component serves exclusively the operates with irreversibilities while all other components
902 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

Table 3
Thermodynamic data for the theoretical ARM

Stream Material flow _ (kg/s)

m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg)

1T NH3–H2O 0.2914 293.2 1.003 0.4847 9553

2T NH3–H2O 0.1628 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009
3T NH3–H2O 0.1628 370.0 0.2362 0.1507 2996
4T NH3–H2O 0.2914 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552
5T ¼ 5R NH3–H2O 0.1286 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312
6T NH3–H2O 0.1286 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18 172
7T NH3–H2O 0.1286 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 163
8T NH3–H2O 0.1286 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18 075
12T Air 14.23 352.7 0.15 39.49
14T Water 4.477 305.2 0.1 1.0
16T Water 3.625 306.5 0.1 1.237

Table 4
Thermodynamic data for the ARM having only unavoidable irreversibilities

Stream Material flow _ (kg/s)

m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg)

1RU NH3–H2O 0.3119 293.4 1.054 0.4742 9342

2RU NH3–H2O 0.1808 413.0 1.054 0.16 3192
3RU NH3–H2O 0.1808 367.9 0.2244 0.16 3180
4RU NH3–H2O 0.3119 293.4 0.2244 0.4742 9341
5RU NH3-H2O 0.1311 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312
6RU NH3–H2O 0.1311 293.4 1.003 0.9074 18 172
7RU NH3–H2O 0.1311 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 161
8RU NH3–H2O 0.1311 268.0 0.2362 0.9074 18 076
12RU Air 14.23 389.3 0.15 47.23
14RU Water 4.477 305.9 0.1 1.128
16RU Water 3.625 306.8 0.1 1.284

Table 5
Thermodynamic data for the hybrid ARM with irreversibilities only in the generator

Material flow Stream Endogenous Stream Endogenous unavoidable

_ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg) _ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg)

NH3–H2O 1H 0.3360 293.2 1.204 0.4847 9553 1HU 0.2960 293.2 1.054 0.4847 9553
NH3–H2O 2R 0.2074 403.1 1.204 0.2227 4411 2RU 0.1674 412.9 1.054 0.16 3192
NH3–H2O 3H 0.2074 356.7 0.2362 0.2227 4394 3HU 0.1674 368.6 0.2362 0.16 3178
NH3–H2O 4T 0.3360 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552 4T 0.2960 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552
NH3–H2O 5R 0.1286 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18312 5R 0.1286 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312
NH3–H2O 6T 0.1286 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18172 6T 0.1286 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18 172
NH3–H2O 7T 0.1286 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18163 7T 0.1286 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 163
NH3–H2O 8T 0.1286 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18075 8T 0.1286 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18 075
Air 12H 14.23 389.5 0.15 47.28 12HU 14.23 390.1 0.15 47.45
Water 14H 4.477 305.7 0.1 1.096 14HU 4.477 305.3 0.1 1.017
Water 16H 3.625 306.5 0.1 1.237 16HU 3.625 306.5 0.1 1.237

are theoretical. The real condition for the condenser is the 5.2.4. Evaporator
placement of point 6 on the line of saturated liquid Now the evaporator in the ARM operates under real
(Figs. 6 and 8c). Thus, this assumption should be used also conditions while all other components are theoretical
for calculating the value of E_ D;CD . The value of the (Fig. 8d). The real condition for the evaporator for
endogenous unavoidable exergy in the condenser corre- calculating the value of E_ D;EV is T8 ¼ T18; the value of
sponds to T6=T15+DT6 with DT6=0.2 K (Fig. 8c and the endogenous unavoidable exergy destruction can be
Table 7). calculated if T8 ¼ T17+DT8 with DT8 ¼ 0.2 K (Table 8).
T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907 903

Table 6
Thermodynamic data for the hybrid ARM with irreversibilities only in the absorber

Material flow Stream Endogenous Stream Endogenous unavoidable

_ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg) _ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg)

NH3-H2O 1H 0.3394 296.2 1.003 0.4374 8605 1HU 0.3008 293.4 1.003 0.4742 9342
NH3–H2O 2T 0.2108 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009 2T 0.1722 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009
NH3–H2O 3H 0.2108 365.9 0.2008 0.1507 2994 3HU 0.1722 368.7 0.2244 0.1507 2995
NH3–H2O 4R 0.3394 296.1 0.2008 0.4374 8604 4RU 0.3008 293.3 0.2244 0.4742 9341
NH3–H2O 5R 0.1286 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312 5R 0.1286 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312
NH3–H2O 6T 0.1286 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18 172 6T 0.1286 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18 172
NH3–H2O 7T 0.1286 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 163 7T 0.1286 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 163
NH3–H2O 8T 0.1286 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18 075 8T 0.1286 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18 075
Air 12H 14.23 388.5 0.15 47.05 12HU 14.23 389.9 0.15 47.39
Water 14H 4.477 306.4 0.1 1.222 14HU 4.477 305.4 0.1 1.049
Water 16H 3.625 306.5 0.1 1.237 16HU 3.625 306.5 0.1 1.237

Table 7
Thermodynamic data for the hybrid ARM with irreversibilities only in the condenser

Material flow Stream Endogenous Stream Endogenous unavoidable

_ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg) _ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg)

NH3–H2O 1T 0.3035 293.2 1.003 0.4847 9553 1T 0.2917 293.2 1.003 0.4847 9553
NH3–H2O 2T 0.1695 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009 2T 0.1629 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009
NH3–H2O 3T 0.1695 370.0 0.2362 0.1507 2996 3T 0.1629 370.0 0.2362 0.1507 2996
NH3-H2O 4T 0.3035 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552 4T 0.2917 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552
NH3–H2O 5R 0.134 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312 5R 0.1288 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312
NH3-H2O 6R 0.134 301.0 1.003 0.9074 18 167 6RU 0.1288 293.4 1.003 0.9074 18 172
NH3–H2O 7H 0.134 260.5 0.2362 0.9074 18 155 7HU 0.1288 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 163
NH3–H2O 8T 0.134 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18 075 8T 0.1288 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18 075
Air 12H 14.23 389.3 0.15 47.25 12HU 14.23 390.2 0.15 47.48
Water 14H 4.477 305.7 0.1 1.085 14HU 4.477 305.2 0.1 1.003
Water 16H 3.625 306.7 0.1 1.279 16HU 3.625 306.5 0.1 1.238

Table 8
Thermodynamic data for the hybrid ARM with irreversibilities only in the evaporator

Material flow Stream Endogenous Stream Endogenous unavoidable

_ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg) _ (kg/s)
m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg)

NH3–H2O 1T 0.4088 293.2 1.003 0.4847 9553 1T 0.2933 293.2 1.003 0.4847 9553
NH3–H2O 2T 0.2283 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009 2T 0.1638 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009
NH3–H2O 3T 0.2283 370.0 0.2362 0.1507 2996 3T 0.1638 370.0 0.2362 0.1507 2996
NH3–H2O 4T 0.4088 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552 4T 0.2933 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552
NH3–H2O 5R 0.1805 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312 5R 0.1295 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18 312
NH3–H2O 6T 0.1805 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18 172 6T 0.1295 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18 172
NH3–H2O 7T 0.1805 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 163 7T 0.1295 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 163
NH3–H2O 8R 0.1805 263.1 0.2362 0.9074 18 098 8RU 0.1295 268.0 0.2362 0.9074 18 076
Air 12H 14.23 381 0.15 45.24 12HU 14.23 390.1 0.15 47.45
Water 14H 4.477 307.8 0.1 1.49 14HU 4.477 305.2 0.1 1.008
Water 16H 3.625 311.9 0.1 2.409 16HU 3.625 306.6 0.1 1.253

valve TVR are equal. A cycle with the TVR can be

5.2.5. Throttling valve (TVR) obtained if in the theoretical ARM (Fig. 6) point 6
The presence of a throttling valve in the schematic of an corresponds to point 7, as in Fig. 5 for the real ARM
ARM means real conditions for the expansion process. (Table 9).
Thus, the endogenous exergy destruction and the endo- Note that the throttling valve is the only component in a
genous unavoidable exergy destruction in the throttling refrigeration machine that cannot be improved through
904 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

Table 9
Thermodynamic data for the hybrid ARM with irreversibilities only in the throttling valve TVR

Stream Material flow _ (kg/s)

m T (K) p (MPa) x (kg/kg) e (kJ/kg)

1T NH3–H2O 0.2947 293.2 1.003 0.4847 9553

2T NH3–H2O 0.1646 413.1 1.003 0.1507 3009
3T NH3–H2O 0.1646 370.0 0.2362 0.1507 2996
4T NH3–H2O 0.2947 293.1 0.2362 0.4847 9552
5R NH3–H2O 0.1301 379.4 1.003 0.9074 18312
6T NH3–H2O 0.1301 293.1 1.003 0.9074 18 172a
7H NH3–H2O 0.1301 260.4 0.2362 0.9074 18 161a
8T NH3–H2O 0.1301 268.1 0.2362 0.9074 18075
12H Air 14.23 390.0 0.15 47.42
14H Water 4.477 305.4 0.1 1.023
16H Water 3.625 306.7 0.1 1.265
Where eT6 ¼ 0.1 kJ/kg and eM T M
6 ¼ 212.5 kJ/kg; e7 ¼ 99.9 kJ/kg and e7 ¼ 102.2 kJ/kg.

changes in the same component. Decreasing the exergy It should be mentioned, however, that this value is by a
destruction in the throttling valve can be achieved only factor of 2.9 lower than the value of E D;A . This means
through decreasing the exogenous part of the exergy that the total exergy destruction in the absorber can
destruction, i.e. through improving the other components be reduced mainly through improvements in other
and their structure in the overall system. components.
The potential for improving just the condenser is
6. Results and discussion relatively small and this component can be improved
mainly through reducing the exergy destruction in other
All results from the exergy analysis are summarized in components because of E_ 5E_
Table 10. A conventional exergy analysis (without splitting We obtain interesting information from the advanced
the exergy destruction) would suggest that first the exergetic analysis of the evaporator. Splitting the exergy
components with the highest values of yk (Eq. (4)) should destruction into endogenous and exogenous parts for the
be improved. Thus, the components should be improved in EN EX
evaporator shows that E_ 4E_ D;EV , thus E_
D;EV o0. The
the following order: absorber (40.4%), generator (39.2%),
same occurs when calculating the value of endogenous
condenser (16.4%) and evaporator (1.2%). EN;UN UN
When we consider the information provided through the unavoidable exergy destruction: E_ 4E_ with
splittings of the exergy destruction (Table 10), the EX ;UN EX ;AV
E_ D;EV o0 and E_ D;EV o0. A detailed analysis of this
following additional conclusions are obtained: E_ ¼ D;tot effect can be made with the aid of Fig. 9 where the
70.96 kW (or 65.8% of the total exergy destruction) within processes of condensation, throttling (or expansion) and
EN;UN evaporation on a T-s diagram (created for the mixture with
the real ARM is unavoidable, while E_ ¼ 54.61 kW
concentration xD) are given.
(or 50.1%) depends on the components themselves. Thus,
the total exergy destruction in the real ARM after all The line 5R–6R–7R–8R represents the cycle of the basic
possible improvements cannot be lower than 54.61 kW. process with real irreversibilities according to Fig. 5. For
Now we will describe the iteration steps for improving this case the value of the mass flow rate is determined as
Q_ cold
the ARM according to the information related to _
m basic ¼h ¼ 0.1969 kg/s (Table 1).
process 8R h7R
endogenous avoidable and exogenous avoidable exergy
destruction within each component (last two columns in For calculating the value of the endogenous exergy
Table 10). destruction in the evaporator, the operating conditions for
The component that should be improved first is the the condenser and the TVR change (according to the
information provided in Section 4.4, Fig. 8d and Table 8).
generator: The value E EN;AV
D;G is the highest among all
Now the evaporation process begins at point 7 T instead of
components, and E_ 4E_
D;G . This means that
D;G point 7R. This leads to a decrease of the value of the
improving the generator itself is more important for temperature at the inlet of the evaporator (T7ToT7R and
decreasing the value of E_ D;G than improving other h7Toh7R) and to a decrease of the value of
components. In addition, an improvement in the generator Q_ cold
m basic ¼h ¼ 0.1805 kg/s. The value of the endogen-
will reduce the exergy destruction also in other compo- process 8R h7T
nents, in which the exogenous avoidable exergy destruction ous exergy destruction in the evaporator is larger than the
is larger than the endogenous avoidable. exergy destruction in the real process because the increase
The absorber is the component that should be improved in specific entropy generation outweighs the effect of the
in the second place based on the value of E EN;AV
D;A (4.48 kW). decrease of the mass flow rate.
Table 10
Summary of the results from advanced exergy analysis of the ARMa

Component Real ARM Theoretical ARM E_ D;k E_ D;k E_ D;k E_ D;k E_ D;k Splitting ðE_ D;k Þreal (kW)
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)

T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

E_ F ;k E_ P;k E_ D;k ek yk yka UN
E_ D;k (kW)
E_ D;k (kW)
(kW) (kW) (kW) (%) (%) (%)
E_ D;k E_ D;k E_ D;k E_ D;k

(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)

Thermo–chemical G 146.4 104.1 42.29 71.1 28.9 39.2 15.87 28.94 13.35 38.85 3.44 28.69 0.25 10.16 3.19
compressor (68.4%) (31.6%) (91.9%) (8.1%) (67.8%) (0.6%) (23.9%) (7.7%)
A 55.76 12.22 43.53 21.9 29.7 40.4 24.31 26.08 17.45 29.92 13.61 25.44 0.64 4.48 12.97
(59.9%) (40.1%) (68.7%) (31.3%) (58.4%) (1.5%) (10.3%) (29.8%)
Pb 0.81 0.81 0
Basic process CD 27.61 9.896 17.71 35.8 12.1 16.4 13.54 13.72 3.99 14.09 3.62 13.55 0.17 0.54 3.45
(77.5%) (22.5%) (79.6%) (20.4%) (76.5%) (0.9%) (3.1%) (19.5%)
TVR 21.74 18.72 3.02 8.6 2.1 2.8 – 1.392 1.628 1.365 1.655 1.365 0.027 0 1.628
(46.1%) (53.9%) (45.2%) (54.8%) (45.2%) (0.9%) (53.9%)
EV 11.59 10.36 1.23 89.4 0.8 1.2 0.88 0.816 0.414 1.371 –0.141 0.9 –0.084 0.471 –0.057
(66.7%) (33.6%) (111%) (–11%) (73.2%) (–6.8%) (38.3%) (–4.7%)

Overall 147.2 10.36 107.78 7.07 73.6 100 54.6 70.95 36.83 85.6 22.18 69.945 1.0 15.651 21.181
system (50.1%) (65.8%) (34.2%) (79.4%) (20.6%) (64.9%) (0.9%) (14.5%) (19.7%)

For the ARM, the exergy loss is E_ L;tot ¼ E_ 14 þ E_ 16 ¼ 22.12 kW.

TVM is a dissipative component. The exergy destruction within the TVM, which is not split, is not shown in this table.
The pump was assumed to be ideal.

906 T. Morosuk, G. Tsatsaronis / Energy 33 (2008) 890–907

leads to lower exergy destructions in the condenser and

The results obtained through an advanced exergy
analysis for the ARM cannot be compared directly with
the results by other authors. There are many publications
where only a conventional exergy analysis for the ARM is
used. For example, one of the first publications where
exergy analysis was applied to an ARM is Ref. [15] and has
been repeated many times, since then (e.g., [16]). Even the
sensitivity exergy-based analysis for an ARM given in
Ref. [17] does not provide detailed information about the
interconnections among components within an ARM and
misses some options for improving an ARM.
Some of the results presented here have been found
qualitatively in other studies [9,18] of an ARM (not using
the exergy concept). However, none of these studies could
Fig. 9. T–s diagram for the NH3-H2O mixture with the concentration xD find all the results reported here (obtained directly through
used to explain the advanced exergetic analysis of the evaporator. an advanced exergy analysis) and assign numbers to the

A similar analysis can be conducted when calculating the 7. Conclusions

value of the endogenous unavoidable exergy destruction in
the evaporator (process 7T–8RU in Fig. 9 and Table 8), The advanced exergetic evaluation of an ARM supplies
where T8RU4T8R and h8RU4h8R, thus m _ basic ¼ useful additional information that is not provided by an
exergy analysis without splitting the exergy destruction
Q_ cold
h8RU h7T ¼ 0.1295 kg/s. within the components of an ARM.
Let us now assume that the designer would like to The avoidable exergy destruction identifies the potential
improve the evaporator so that the schematic of the ARM for improving each system component. The values of the
(Fig. 2a) and the concentration xD ¼ 0.9047 kg/kg remain avoidable endogenous and avoidable exogenous exergy
constant. Note that the values T17, T18 and m _ 1718 cannot destruction establish the relative importance of improving
be changed because they represent the product of the single components and the structure of the overall system.
overall ARM. For the real ARM T8 ¼ T18 and there is The advanced exergetic evaluation can be extended to
only one way for decreasing the value of entropy consider components in pairs or larger groups in an effort
generation in the evaporator. It is changing the thermo- to completely understand the thermodynamic interactions
dynamic parameters at point 7R, that means changing the among the system components. However, all these
location of point 7R on a T–s diagram, for example, as considerations become more powerful when they are used
point (7R) in Fig. 9. The location of point 7R depends on for the exergoeconomic evaluation of the same system. In
the location of point 6R. Therefore, the location of point such a calculation, not only the exergy destruction, but also
6R should also be changed, for example, point (6R) in the investment cost for each system components is split
Fig. 9, through increasing the temperature and pressure at into avoidable/unavoidable and endogenous/exogenous
point (6R). Increasing the pressure pCD leads to an increase parts [19]. An advanced exergoeconomic evaluation should
in the value of pG and, therefore, in the values of exergy be conducted only when the investment costs for the
destruction in all components of the ARM through an different cases can be assessed with acceptable accuracy,
increase in the values of the specific entropy generation in whereas an advanced exergetic evaluation, as reported
each component and of the mass flow rate of the working here, is always helpful.
fluid because (h8R–h7R)4(h8R–h(7R)).
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