Heat Transfer in An Evaporating Thin Liquid Film Moving Slowly Along The Walls of An Inclined Microchannel

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 2801–2805

Technical Note

Heat transfer in an evaporating thin liquid film moving

slowly along the walls of an inclined microchannel
Suman Chakraborty 1, S.K. Som *

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 721 302, India

Received 9 September 2004; received in revised form 1 January 2005

Available online 31 March 2005


A theoretical study has been undertaken to determine the rate of heat transfer in a thin evaporating liquid film flow-
ing along the walls of a microchannel under the combined action of surface tension and gravity. Analytical solutions of
conservation equations, in both liquid and vapour phases, have been obtained, in considerations with coupled heat and
mass transfer boundary conditions at the interface. It has been recognized that while the local Nusselt number is influ-
enced solely by the liquid film thickness, the average Nusselt number depends both on liquid film thickness and a dimen-
sionless number qgsinh d20 =r, as obtained from the scale of characteristic velocity for both gravity and surface tension.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction link the evaporative velocity with mass diffusion in gas

phase. The work of Park and Lee [13] considered the ef-
Importance of heat transfer studies of an evaporating fect of disjoining pressure through a dispersion constant,
thin liquid film originates from the advancement in cool- but did not mention about the state of gas phase con-
ing of microscale electronic devices, and design of micro- trolling the interfacial evaporation process. It appears
heat pipes. The rate of heat flux in a thin evaporating from their work that the gas phase was taken to be a sat-
liquid film in a microdevice depends mainly on the film urated vapor in thermodynamic equilibrium with the
thickness determined by the imposed condition of flow liquid film. Under the situation, the phase change phe-
and the evaporation characteristics at the interface. Sev- nomenon takes place through the mechanism of boiling
eral works [1–13] pertaining to numerical and experi- to maintain saturated temperature at the interface with a
mental investigations on evaporating thin film are wall superheat, the physics of which is entirely different
available in the literature. Park and Lee in their recent from that of an evaporation transport.
work [13] has made a brief review of all the pertinent The present work deals with a thin liquid film main-
earlier works, which is not repeated here for the purpose tained throughout at a temperature below the saturation
of brevity. Most of the earlier models could not properly temperature corresponding to its existing pressure, and
evaporates from its free surface in a medium of air
and water vapor. The rate of evaporation under the sit-
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +91 3222 282978. uation has been linked with the vapor phase mass diffu-
E-mail addresses: suman@mech.iitkgp.ernet.in (S. Chakra- sion at the interface. The mathematical model is based
borty), sksom@mech.iitkgp.ernet.in (S.K. Som). on the conservation equations for heat, mass and
Tel.: +91 3222 282990. momentum transport in both liquid and vapor phases,

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2802 S. Chakraborty, S.K. Som / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 2801–2805

linked through the interfacial equilibrium conditions. (4) The axial pressure gradient is a function of x-
Analytical solutions of such a situation are rarely found coordinate only.
in literature, and the present paper has made an attempt (5) Axial gradients of temperature and concentration
towards that direction. The average and local Nusselt are relatively inconsequential in comparison to the
number along with the dry out length (i.e., the length respective transverse gradients.
of liquid film region from inlet to the location where it (6) Spatial variation of thermophysical properties
vanishes) have been predicted in terms of the pertinent within the same phase can be neglected, although
controlling parameters. they are assumed to be different for different
(7) Temperature variation along the y-direction
2. Mathematical modeling within the liquid phase is assumed to be linear,
in consideration of insignificant influence of con-
For the purpose of mathematical modeling, we con- vection due to small flow velocity in the liquid
sider the evaporation phase change phenomenon of a film.
thin liquid film in vicinity of the wall of a microcapillary
channel, as depicted in Fig. 1. For geometric similarity, With the above assumptions, the governing transport
only the lower half is considered for mathematical anal- equations for the different phases can be written as
ysis. Above the liquid film, quiescent air flows at a tem- follows:
perature of Ta, and a moisture concentration of Ca,
which has been set to zero for the present study. The (i) Momentum conservation in the liquid phase
channel wall is kept at a constant temperature Tw, which
is greater than Ta. The gravity is assumed to act at an o2 u op
ll ¼  ql g sin h ¼ F ðxÞ; say ð1Þ
angle h with respect to the negative y-direction. For oy 2 ox
the sake of analytical treatment, following simplifying where u is the velocity, p is the pressure, l is the
assumptions are made: viscosity, and F(x) is a function of x. In Eq. (1),
the subscript ÔlÕ stands for the liquid phase. The
(1) The transport phenomena are approximately two- above equation is subjected to following bound-
dimensional. ary conditions:
(2) Axial (x-direction) diffusion terms in various con-
servation equations are insignificant in compari- ðaÞ At y ¼ 0; u¼0 ð2aÞ
son to the transverse (y-direction) diffusion
terms, since the characteristic length scale along ðbÞ At y ¼ d; ¼0 ð2bÞ
x-direction is significantly larger in comparison oy
to that along y-direction. Eq. (1), subjected to the above boundary condi-
(3) The film thickness (d) is significantly smaller in tions, yields
comparison to the channel half-width (h).
u¼ F ðxÞ½2dy  y 2  ð3Þ
(ii) Energy conservation in the vapor phase
oT o2 T
Vs ¼ av 2 ð4Þ
oy oy
where Vs is the Stefan flow velocity due to evapo-
ration at the interface, and a is the thermal diffu-
sivity. The subscript ÔvÕ indicates a property of the
vapor phase. Under the following conditions:

ðaÞ At y ¼ d; T ¼ Ts ð5aÞ

ðbÞ At y ¼ h; T ¼ Ta ð5bÞ

Eq. (4) gives a solution:

T  Ts exp Vasvy  exp Vasvd
¼     ð5Þ
T s  T a exp V s d  exp V s h
Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the physical situation. av av
S. Chakraborty, S.K. Som / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 2801–2805 2803

(iii) Species conservation in the vapor phase where the function ÔfÕ is given by
oC o2 C exp Vasvd
Vs ¼ Dv 2 ð6Þ Vs
oy oy f ¼ kv     ð13aÞ
av exp V s d  exp V s h
av av
where C is the concentration of water in the vapor
phase, and Dv is the mass diffusivity of vapor in The coupled system of Eqs. (9), (11) and (13) can
air. Eq. (6) can also be solved analogous to solu- lead to a well-posed problem, subject to the condi-
tion of Eq. (4) to yield: tion that the function F(x) appearing in Eq. (9) is
appropriately defined. For this purpose, dynamic
C  Cs exp VDsvy  exp VDsvd
¼     ð7Þ conditions prevailing at the interface need to be
C s  C a exp V s d  exp V s h invoked, described as follows.
Dv Dv
(iv) The pressure difference across the interface can be
expressed as
The above-mentioned equations must be applied in
consistency with the appropriate interfacial matching r a
p  pa ¼  þ ð14Þ
conditions, which are as follows: RðxÞ r3
where pa is the pressure in the vapor phase adja-
(i) The rate of mass transfer at any section x (i.e., m_ x ) cent to the interface, r is the surface tension coef-
is related to the rate of evaporation per unit length ficient, R(x) is the local interfacial radius of
(i.e., m_ e ) as curvature, and a is the dispersion constant [4].
dm_ x Now, from Eq. (1), we can describe the function
¼ m_ e ð8Þ
dx F(x), with the help of Eq. (14) as
Using Eq. (3), the above can be simplified to r dR 3a dd
obtain: F ðxÞ ¼  þ þ ql g sin h ð15Þ
R2 dx d4 dx
d3 F 0 ðxÞ þ 3F ðxÞ ¼ 3lm_ e ð9Þ where R(x) is described as
dx h  2 i1:5
where 1 þ dd
RðxÞ ¼ 2 ð15aÞ
m_ e ¼ qv V s ð9aÞ d d

(ii) The consideration of interface being impermeable In our subsequent analysis, we

R(x) by
to non-evaporating species gives: assuming that magnitude of dd is much smaller in
 comparison to unity.
Dv oC
¼Vs ð10Þ
1  Cs It needs to be noted at this point that the interfacial
Using Eqs. (7) and (10) may be simplified to variables Ts, Cs, as well as the term hfg, as appearing in
obtain: Eqs. (11) and (13) are by no means independent local
  constants, but are interrelated to each other by pertinent
Dv 1  Ca thermodynamic constraints. In the present study, the
Vs ¼ ln ð11Þ
hd 1  Cs above thermodynamic constraints are assumed to obey
the following relationships [14]:
(iii) The interfacial heat balance (Stefan boundary l
condition) can be written as Cs ¼ M air P total ð16aÞ
1 þ M l ð pv  1Þ
oT v  oT l  where M stands for the molecular weight, and the
k v þ k ¼ qv hfg V s ð12Þ
oy y¼d oy y¼d
ratio ptotal/pv can be obtained from the following
where k is the thermal conductivity, q is the den-

sity, and hfg is the latent heat of evaporation at pv DH sa T s  T sa
¼ exp
the prevailing local conditions. The temperature ptotal R T s T sa

profile depicted by Eq. (5) can now be substituted 0:38 T s 0:118
 ln  2 ðT s  T sa Þ : ð16bÞ
in Eq. (12) to obtain a local variation of the inter- Tc T sa Tc
facial temperature (Ts) as
In Eq. (16b), the subscript ÔsaÕ refers to standard atmo-
spheric conditions, and the subscript ÔcÕ refers to the
qv hfg V s þ k l Tdw  T af
Ts ¼ kl
ð13Þ Ôcritical stateÕ, with all temperatures expressed in K. Fur-
f ther, the variation of hfg can be expressed as [14]:
2804 S. Chakraborty, S.K. Som / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 2801–2805

Tc  Ts sponds to an approximate location of almost dry out re-
hfg ¼ DH sa ð16cÞ gion where the liquid film thickness becomes exceedingly
T c  T sa
small. Since conduction is the dominant mode of heat
Incorporating the above variations into Eqs. (11) and transfer in the liquid film, the local heat transfer coeffi-
(13), and substituting those in Eq. (9), a fourth order cient, for a prescribed temperature difference, is inver-
highly non-linear ordinary differential equation can be sely proportional to the film thickness. It is further
obtained, which is solved numerically using the fourth observed that the distribution of Nux for all values of
order Runge–Kutta method, by converting the same d0/h less than or equal to 0.01 fall on a single curve.
into a system of four coupled first order equations. The variable x (the axial location) is scaled by d0 (the ini-
The boundary conditions are as follows: at x = 0, tial film thickness) in Fig. 2. Therefore, it is observed
d = d0, and as x ! 1 d ! 0, dd/dx ! 0, d2d/dx2 ! 0. from Fig. 2 that the variation of local Nusselt number
Finally, we determine the local and average Nusselt Nux with d0, for a given channel height, takes place in
number as follows: a sense that with a change in d0, the same value of
hx x Nux is attained at a value of x that is directly propor-
Nux ¼ ð17Þ
kl tional to d0.
The rate of heat transfer under the present situation
With hx = kl/d, for a linear temperature profile within
is influenced mainly by the liquid film thickness, which,
the liquid, it becomes
in turn, is governed by flow velocity and evaporation at
x the surface. The flow velocity depends on both capillary
Nux ¼ ð17aÞ
d and gravity forces. A relative magnitude of these two ef-
Analogously, the average Nusselt number is given by fects can be assessed by a non-dimensional number
Z xd Z xd qg sin hd20 =r obtained from the scale of characteristic
1 1 x
Nuxd ¼ Nux dx ¼ dx ð17bÞ velocity for both gravity and surface tension. The
xd 0 xd 0 d
Fig. 3 shows that there is a slight decrease in average
where xd is the dry out length (i.e., the length of liquid Nusselt number with the dimensionless parameter
film region from inlet to the location where it vanishes). qg sin hd20 =r. An increase in the parameter qg sin hd20 =r
implies either an increase in d0 or a decrease in r, both
of which result in an increased film thickness at any gi-
3. Results and discussions ven axial location. While the local heat flux depends
only on the local film thickness, the total heat transfer
The Fig. 2 shows the variation of local Nusselt num- from the surface depends on the wetted length (or, dry
ber along the length of the channel for different values of out length) also, determined by the rate of decay of film
d0/h. The increase in Nux with x is attributed to the de- thickness along the wall. It is observed from Figs. 4 and
crease in liquid film thickness due to evaporation. It is 5 that the location of dry out region is almost propor-
interesting to note that after a certain distance x, Nux tional to the initial film thickness d0, but is practically
blends asymptotically to a very high value. This corre- uninfluenced by the surface tension coefficient r.

Fig. 3. Variation of average Nusselt number with the dimen-

Fig. 2. Axial variation of local Nusselt number. sionless ratio qg sin hd20 =r.
S. Chakraborty, S.K. Som / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 2801–2805 2805

The dimensionless number qg sin hd20 =r, as obtained

from the scale of characteristic velocity for both gravity
and surface tension, is found to have a mild inverse rela-
tionship with the average Nusselt number. The location
of almost dry out region in a channel of a given height is
proportional to the initial liquid film thickness.


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