DOCUMENT (1) : Report of The Ethics Committee of The Boards of Directors

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19 JANUARY 2020


1. Letter Transmitting the Report of the Ethics Committee of the Boards of Directors Concerning
the Preliminary Examination of a Whistle Blowing Complaint Received by the Committee on
19 January 2020 Pursuant to Resolution N° B/BG/2008/11.

2. Report of the Ethics Committee of the Boards of Directors Concerning the Preliminary
Examination of a Whistle Blowing Complaint Pursuant to Resolution N° B/BG/2008/11.

3. Complaint entitled “Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged Breach of the Code of Ethics by
an Elected Officer, to the Attention of the Director of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption
Department (PIAC), and the Chairpersons of the AUFI and Ethics Committees, from a Group
of Concerned Staff Members”.

4. Resolution N° B/BG/2008/11.

5. Email from the ECBD to Whistle Blowers dated 14 February 2020 requesting additional

6. Email from Whistle Blowers to the ECBD dated 15 February 2020 in response to the ECBD
mail dated 14 February 2020.

7. Memorandum from the President of the Bank Group to the ECBD dated 8 April 2020 re
“Disclosure by an Unidentified Group of Concerned Staff” and including all of the annexes
attached thereto in defense of the President’s case.

Avenue Joseph Anoma

01 BP 1387 – Abidjan 01
Côte d’Ivoire
Tel: (+225) 20 26 20 13
Fax: (+225) 20 32 10 70
Web site:

Date: April 26, 2020


Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the Bank Group
Minister of Plan and Development
Ministry of Plan and Development
BP V 165
Côte d’Ivoire

Honourable Governor,



On 19 January 2020, the Ethics Committee of the Boards of Directors (the “ECBD”) received a
complaint entitled “Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged Breach of the Code of Ethics by an Elected
Officer”. The complaint in question was transmitted by email to the attention of the Director of the
Integrity and Anti-Corruption office (PIAC) of the Bank, as well as the Chairpersons of the Audit and
Finance Committee (AUFI) and the ECBD.

In transmitting the complaint, the Complainants who styled themselves as the “Group of Concerned
Staff Members” opted for anonymity because according to them, they wanted to be in conformity with
the African Development Bank Group’s Whistle Blowing and Complaints Handling Policy. The
complaint alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct of Elected Officers of the Bank by the President
of the African Development Bank Group.

Pursuant to Article 3 of Resolution N° B/BG/2008/11 adopted at the forty-third Annual Meeting of the
African Development Bank , the ECBD is empowered to conduct a preliminary examination of a
complaint or allegation received by it, making allegations against the President, to determine whether
it is based on apparently solid justifications, notably with a view to submitting it to the Chairperson of
the Bureau of the Board of Governors.

Thus, in conformity with the provisions of Resolution N° B/BG/2008/11, the ECBD convened and
held a series of meetings on the 27 February 2020, 12 March 2020, 26 March 2020, 2 April 2020 and
9 April 2020 to conduct a preliminary examination of the sixteen allegations contained in the
complaint. During these series of meetings, the Committee clarified its mandate in the conduct of
preliminary examinations with advice from the General Counsel of the African Development Bank,
and determined that the complaint was admissible as filed, from the point of view of its form.

In order to address the substantive admissibility of the complaint, the ECBD conducted a point by
point examination of the sixteen allegations contained in the complaint. This was done with the
assistance of oral information that was provided to the Committee at its meetings on 26 March 2020
and 2 April 2020 both by the Director of the Anticorruption and Integrity Office, as well as by the
Auditor General of the African Development Bank, respectively. As part of its preliminary
examination of the complaint, the ECBD also requested the Whistle Blowers to provide any further
information or evidence that they had to sustain the allegations made against the President, but the
Whistle Blowers declined to provide any such further information because not doing so will assist in
preserving their anonymity.

Please find attached for your consideration, the findings and conclusions of the Ethics Committee of
the Board of Directors in the enclosed report.

Please accept, Honourable Governor, the assurance of my highest consideration.

Takuji YANO
Chairperson, ECBD

Report of the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors Concerning the Preliminary
Examination of a Whistle Blowing Complaint Pursual to Resolution No. B/BG/2008/11.








1. On 19 January 2020, the Ethics Committee of the Boards of Directors (the “ECBD”)
received a complaint entitled “Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged Breach of the
Code of Ethics by an Elected Officer, to the Attention of the Director of the Integrity
and Anti-Corruption Department (PIAC), and the Chairpersons of the AUFI and
Ethics Committees, from a Group of Concerned Staff Members”. The Complainants
who styled themselves “Group of Concerned Staff Members” opted for anonymity in
bringing their complaint in conformity with the African Development Bank Group’s
Whistle Blowing and Complaints Handling Policy, and alleged breaches of the Code
of Conduct of Elected Officers by the President of the African Development Bank

2. Board of Governors Resolution No. B/BG/2008/11 adopted at the forty-third Annual

Meeting of the African Development Bank, on 14 May 2008 makes the Code of
Conduct for Executive Directors of the African Development Bank and the African
Development Fund applicable to the President of the Bank Group.

3. Pursuant to Article 3 of Resolution No. B/BG/2008/11, the ECBD is empowered to

conduct a preliminary examination of a complaint or allegation received by it to
determine whether it is based on apparently solid justifications, with a view to
submitting it to the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors under the
following conditions:

• If the preliminary examination of the complaint or allegation shows that it is

frivolous or not based on any objective and solid facts the Committee is
empowered to dismiss it.

• If the preliminary examination of the complaint or allegations reveals facts

that are capable of establishing violations of the Code of Conduct, the

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Committee is empowered to submit the complaint or allegation to the
Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors for further examination.

4. Following the receipt of the complaint, the Chairperson of the ECBD brought it to the
attention of the Boards of Directors, which held a restricted session aimed at
determining which Committee of the Board of Directors had the mandate to handle
the complaint which had also been transmitted by the whistleblowers to the
Chairperson of the Audit and Finance Committee (AUFI) of the Board of Directors,
as well as to the Director of the Integrity and Anti-corruption Office (PIAC). On 4
February 2020, the Chairperson of the ECBD brought the complaint to the General
Counsel’s attention, and subsequently transmitted it to him by email on the same day.
On 5 February 2020 the members of the ECBD held an informal meeting at which it
was determined to request additional documentation (if any) from the
whistleblower(s). On 7 February 2020, the Chairperson of the ECBD provided the
President of the Bank Group with a copy of the whistleblowing complaint received
on 19 January 2020. By an email dated 14 February 2020, the Chairperson of the
ECBD requested additional information from the whistleblowers. By an email dated
15 February 2020, the whistleblowers in turn responded that they were unable to
provide additional information on the grounds that they wanted to maintain their
anonymity, and the provision of evidence would lead to their being uncovered. On 10
February 2020 and again on 10 March 2020 the ECBD received two letters from a
lawyer who indicated that he was representing the President in this matter. The
Chairperson of the ECBD acknowledged receipt of the letters but the Committee did
not act on them given that the Committee had not been informed by the President that
a lawyer was acting on his behalf.

5. In order to conduct a preliminary review of the complaint in conformity with the

provisions of Resolution B/BG/2008/11, the ECBD convened and held a series of
meetings notably on the 27 February 2020, 12 March 20202, 26 March 2020, 2 April
2020 and 9 April 2020.

6. On 8 April 2020, the President of the Bank Group transmitted his response to the
complaint to the ECBD. Given that the Committee’s review was limited to conducting
a preliminary examination, it did not deem it necessary to review the response from
the President, preferring to transmit it directly to the Bureau of the Board of Governors
alongside the other documents on the subject.


7. The complaint which was examined by the ECBD consisted of sixteen (16)
allegations of supposed breaches of the Code of Conduct by the President. The
ECBD determined that the complaint was formally admissible since the allegations
contained in the complaint were made against an Elected Officer, and therefore fall
within the mandate of the Committee as provided for in Article 2 of Resolution

8. In order to deal with the issue of the substantive admissibility of the Complaint, the
ECBD conducted a point by point examination of the individual allegations. This

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was done with the assistance of verbal information having been provided to the
Committee at its meetings on 26 March 2020 and 2 April 2020 by the Director of
the Anticorruption and Integrity Office (PIAC) and the Auditor General of the
Bank, respectively.

Allegation 1: Non-respect of internal rules and regulations in recruitment

(unethical conduct, impediment of efficiency, political activity, private gain).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unfounded and should be

dismissed. In the view of the Committee, Staff Rule 33.00 bestows authority upon
the President on all staff, whilst Staff Regulation 6.1 gives him the powers of
appointment and promotion of staff. Rule 62.01 on staff appointments and
promotions clearly implies that, all structures of the Bank on appointment and
promotion, are advisory to the President. For the foregoing reasons, the Committee
decided to dismiss the subject allegation.

Allegation 2: Appointment of Mrs. Chinelo ANOHU-AMAZU (unethical conduct,

impediment to efficiency, preferential treatment, adversely affecting confidence in
the integrity of the Bank).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee determined that the burden of proof of the existence of
a series of facts lies with the person or persons alleging the existence of those facts.
In this regard, the whistleblowers should have provided the ECBD Committee with
credible evidence that indeed Mrs. Anohu-Amazu was fired from her former post
in circumstances that would be prejudicial for the Bank to employ her. No evidence
had been provided by the whistleblowers to support the claim that the former
Director of the African Investment Forum resigned in protest to the hiring of this
staff member. Given that no evidence had been adduced to enable the Committee
to properly assess this allegation. the Committee determined that the allegation
should be dismissed.

Allegation 3: Appointment and promotions of Mr. Martin FREGENE (unethical

conduct, impediment to efficiency, preferential treatment).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is uncorroborated and should be

dismissed. The Committee noted that evidence of a familial relationship between
the subject of the allegations currently being examined by it, and Mr. Fregene was
not provided. Accordingly, therefore, the Committee determined that the
allegation should be dismissed.

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Allegation 4: Mismanagement of the TAAT Programme (unethical conduct,
impediment to efficiency, preferential treatment, adversely affecting confidence in
the integrity of the Bank).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee noted that the TAAT Programme was validly approved
by the Board of Directors pursuant to its mandate. It also noted that the ECBD’s
discussions with the Director of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Office of the
Bank Group revealed that, although there is an ongoing investigation into
procurement undertaken under the TAAT Programme that might potentially raise
concerns about the conduct of staff, no elected officer, including the President, had
been shown to be implicated in any wrongdoing in this investigation, and therefore
no elected officer was under investigation. Thus, the Committee conclude that
given that there is no evidence involving the President in the TAAT procurement
process, the allegation should be dismissed.

Allegation 5: Appointments and promotion of Mrs. Maria MULUNDI (unethical

conduct, impediment to efficiency, preferential treatment, private gain).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated should be

dismissed. The Committee noted that this allegation lacked credible evidence, and
was weakened by the inclusion of hearsay in it. Accordingly, the allegation should
be dismissed.

Allegation 6: Direct contracting and appointment of Mr. Victor OLADOKUN

(unethical conduct, impediment to efficiency, privacy gain, preferential treatment).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee noted that both the Whistle Blowing and Complaints
Handling Policy, as well as the provisions of Presidential Directive No. 02/2012
Concerning the Procedures for the Acquisition of Consulting Services require staff
members to report when there is an appearance of conflict of interest in the
appointment of consultants. The whistleblowers did not take the necessary steps in
2017 to do this, and neither did they do so when Mr. Oladokun was appointed
Director. On the issue of childhood friendship, the Committee noted that the
whistleblowers do not point to any regulations or rules of the Bank Group which
are contravened, if this allegation were to be true. On the basis of the foregoing,
therefore, this allegation should be dismissed.

Allegation 7: Contracting of Mr. Kapil KAPOOR (unethical conduct, impediment

to efficiency, preferential treatment).

The ECBD determined that this allegation was unsubstantiated and should be
dismissed. With respect to this allegation, the Committee noted that the
whistleblowers did not provide evidence on what is wrong with hiring Mr. Kapoor
as a consultant immediately after he retired. Moreover, the whistleblowers did not
adduce evidence to show that the Bank Group’s regulations and rules on the subject

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were not adhered to. The whistleblowers did not provide any elaboration on what
is wrong with the USD 23,000 which the consultant allegedly was paid or what
were the benefits the consultant enjoyed which were not due to him. For the
foregoing reasons the Committee decided that this allegation should be dismissed.

Allegation 8: Appointment of Mr. Emmanuel EZINWA (unethical conduct,

impediment to efficiency, preferential treatment, adversely affecting confidence in
the integrity of the Bank).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. According to the Committee, an examination of this allegation with
verbal information from the Director of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Office of
the Bank Group revealed that a preliminary investigation by the Bank’s
investigators found this allegation to be baseless and false. Given the falsity of this
allegation, the Committee determined that it should be dismissed.

Allegation 9: Preferential treatment for Nigeria and Nigerians (unethical conduct,

impediment to efficiency, preferential treatment).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. In respect of this allegation, the Committee noted that it is not
substantiated by any facts. It further noted that the current human resources
statistics of the Bank Group show that one regional and one non-regional member
country, respectively, have more staff members in the Bank than Nigeria. The
Committee found that the whistleblowers erred in attributing the current structure
of the Bank to the President, when the Board of Directors played its statutory role
in approving it, as required under Article 32 of the Agreement establishing the
African Development Bank. As a result, the Committee determined that this
allegation should be dismissed.

Allegation 10: Awards received by the President and costs borne by the Bank
(unethical conduct, private gain, impediment to efficiency).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee noted that this allegation lacks solid facts or information
to back it up. If the allegation concerns the failure of the controls of the Bank, the
Committee noted that the Auditor General had not indicated when he was invited
before the Committee that the risk-based assessment of auditable activities in the
Bank had revealed any such failures. As a result, the Committee determined that
this allegation should be dismissed.

Allegation 11: Settlement for staff separations (unethical conduct, preferential

treatment, impediment to efficiency).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee noted that this is an allegation which is based on the
misunderstanding of issues by the whistleblowers. It further noted that the Board
of Directors was not consulted before the departure of the said Vice President, but

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it was briefed thereafter because of the sudden nature of the departure of that
officer. Regarding the quantum of separation packages, including the one for Mr.
Monga, the Committee reasoned that the Board of Directors does not involve itself
with such details which are within the purview of Management. The Committee
also noted that it is normal practice in the employment world that an employee may
leave his/her employment after renewing his/her employment contract. Thus, this
allegation does not prove the violation of any policy. Accordingly, the allegation
should be dismissed.

Allegation 12: Resignation of Mr. David SSEGAWA (unethical conduct,

preferential treatment, impediment to efficiency, adversely affecting confidence of
the integrity of the Bank).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. On the resignation of Mr. Ssegawa, the Committee noted that a staff
member cannot be stopped from resigning even if he/she is under investigation.
Once the said staff member resigns, his/her terminal benefits have to be paid
pursuant to Staff Regulation 6.13 (2) which specifically states that if a staff member
resigns, he/she may be entitled to be paid termination benefits in accordance with
the Staff Rules. Accordingly, the Committee recommended that the allegation
should be dismissed.

Allegation 13: Resignation of Mr. Michel-Cyr DJIENA-WEMBOU (unethical

conduct, preferential treatment, impediment to efficiency, adversely affecting
confidence in the integrity of the Bank).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. On the resignation of Mr. Djiena-Wembou, the Committee also noted
that a staff member cannot be stopped from resigning even if he/she is under
investigation. Once the said staff member resigns, his/her terminal benefits have to
be paid pursuant to Staff Regulation 6.13 (2) which specifically states that if a staff
member resigns, he/she may be entitled to be paid termination benefits in
accordance with the Staff Rules. Accordingly, the Committee determined that
this allegation should be dismissed.

Allegation 14: Appointment of Mr. Charles LUFUMPA as acting VP and Chief

Economist (unethical conduct, preferential treatment, impediment to efficiency,
adversely affecting confidence in the integrity of the Bank).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee noted that its discussions with the Director of the
Integrity and Anti-Corruption Office of the Bank Group were helpful in
determining that Mr. Lufumpa was not found to have been involved in any wrong
doing following the outcome of investigations on the award of certain contracts.
Accordingly, therefore, the Committee determined that this allegation should be

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Allegation 15: Disregard of rules concerning leave of absence of VPs or travel of
management (unethical conduct, preferential treatment, impediment to efficiency).

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee again noted that the burden of proof is on the persons
who allege the existence of a specific set of facts to prove them or adduce evidence
that is sufficient to establish them on a prima facie basis. The whistleblowers did
not indicate what kinds of leave of absence the officers in this specific allegation
were granted, and how these types of leave of absence may be contrary to the
specific regulations and rules on leave of absence applicable in the Bank. In the
absence of any such evidence the Committee concluded that this allegation should
be dismissed.

Allegation 16: Political lobbying of Heads of State (unethical conduct, political

activity, private gain)

The ECBD determined that this allegation is unsubstantiated and should be

dismissed. The Committee found that this allegation unfairly impugns the
reputation of the African Heads of States mentioned. The whistleblowers did not
adduce any evidence in support of this allegation. For the foregoing reasons the
Committee determined that the allegation should be dismissed.


9. After conducting a point by point examination of all of the allegations contained in

the whistle blowing complaint, the ECBD determined that the complaint is not
based on any objective and solid facts. As a result, the ECBD dismissed all of the
sixteen (16) allegations contained in the complaint and hereby informs the
Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors of this fact, pursuant to
Resolution No. B/BG/2008/11.

10. The Committee also draws the attention of the Chairperson of the Bureau of the
Board of Governors to the fact that, although they had determined based on oral
information provided to them by the Director of the Integrity and Anti-corruption
Office that there was no wrongdoing by an elected officer in the TAAT allegation,
they are also of the view that the potential misconduct in procurement by staff
members should be closely monitored and reported to the Board of Directors once
the investigation into that matter is concluded.

11. The Committee also attaches hereto the complaint containing allegations received
from the Whistle Blowers on 19 January 2020, as well as the emails exchanged
with them on 14 and 15 February 2020, the complete memorandum and documents
received from the President on 8 April 2020 as it was concluding its preliminary
examination of the allegations. The Committee notes that, because no provision of
Resolution No. B/BG.2008/11 permits the Committee to require the President to
adduce any evidence before the Committee during its preliminary examination, it
is duty bound to transmit the documents received from the President to the

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Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors for purposes of full

12. The Committee also recalls to the attention of the Bureau of the Board of Governors
that Article 4 of Resolution No. B/BG/2008/11 requires the Chairperson of the
Bureau of the Board of Governors to have the sole competence acting in
consultation with other members of the said Bureau to finally determine whether or
not there exists a reasonable basis for pursuing a complaint or an allegation in
relation to the violation by the President of any provision of the Code of Conduct
for Elected Officers, notwithstanding any findings that may have been made by the
ECBD pursuant to its mandate under Article 3 of Resolution No. B/BG/2008/11.
Article 4 notably requires that in taking his/her decision, the Chairperson of the
Bureau of the Board of Governors may require the ECBD and the person that made
the complaint or allegation or any Department of the Bank to provide additional
information or clarification, where necessary, including requiring the ECBD to
conduct more in-depth investigations in appropriate cases.

1. Complaint titled “Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged Breach of the Code of Ethics
by an Elected Officer, to the Attention of the Director of the Integrity and Anti-
Corruption Department (PIAC), and the Chairpersons of the AUFI and Ethics
Committees, from a Group of Concerned Staff Members”.

2. Email from the ECBD to whistleblowers dated 14 February 2020 requesting additional

3. Email from whistleblowers to the ECBD dated 15 February 2020 in response to the ECBD
mail dated 14 February 2020.

4. Memorandum from the President of the Bank Group to the ECBD dated 8 April 2020 re
“Disclosure by an Unidentified Group of Concerned Staff” and including all of the
annexes attached thereto in defence of the President case.

Takuji YANO
Chairperson of the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors

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From: AfDB Whistleblower <>
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2020 11:22 PM
Subject: Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged Breach of the Code of Ethics by an
Elected Officer
Attachments: AFDB Whistleblower.pdf

Follow Up Flag: Flag for follow up

Flag Status: Flagged

EXTERNAL EMAIL: Please be cautious before you click on a link, open attachments or
reply, especially if the sender is unknown.
COURRIEL EXTERNE: Soyez prudent(e) avant de cliquer sur un lien, d'ouvrir une pièce
jointe ou de répondre, surtout si l'expéditeur est inconnu.

ED Dowd, ED Yano, Mr Bacarese,

Please find attached a document transmitted in accordance to the Whistle-blowing and

Complaints Handling Policy of the African Development Bank and to Resolution of the Board of
Governors B/BG/2008/11 regarding the Application of the Code of Conduct for Executive
Directors of the African Development Bank to the President of the Bank Group.

We are a group of staff members concerned by the current perceived state of impunity and
bad governance at the Bank. Through this communication, we wish to bring to your attention
what we believe to be serious and repeated breaches of the Code of Conduct by the
President. We hope that in compliance with the adequate procedures, all the necessary clarity
will be made. We also hope that in accordance to the Whistle-blowing Policy our anonymity
will be safeguarded and that no attempt will be made to uncover us.

We have decided to follow Bank procedures to address these issues and have made the
deliberate but difficult choice of not distributing this document more widely, in full confidence
that internal oversight mechanisms and procedures will be effective. We will be grateful to you
for exerting the same level of discretion.

We can be reached at this address, but considering the precautions we take to protect our
anonymity, it may take several days to get an answer from us.


A Group of Concerned Staff Members of the AFDB

Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged Breach of the Code of Ethics by an 
Elected Officer, to the Attention of the  
Director of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Department (PIAC), and 
the Chairpersons of the AUFI and Ethics Committees,  
From a Group of Concerned Staff Members 


This  contribution  is  made  in  accordance  to  the  Whistle-blowing  and  Complaints  Handling  Policy 
of  the  African  Development  Bank  which  requires “Bank personnel  to disclose acts related to fraud, 
corruption,  or  any  other  misconduct  that  come  to  their  attention”,  provided  that  there  is  a 
“reasonable  belief  that  what  is  being  reported  is  true.”  Allegations  and  concerns  expressed 
anonymously  shall  be  considered  at  the  discretion  of  the  Auditor  General .  “The Bank will protect 
the  Whistleblower’s  or  Complainant’s  identity  and  person”  and  they  will  be  protected  against 

It  is  also made in compliance with Resolution of the Board of Governors B/BG/2008/11 regarding 

the  ​Application  of  the  Code  of  Conduct  for  Executive  Directors  of  the  African  Development  Bank 
to  the  President  of  the  Bank  Group.  This  resolution  extends  the  coverage  of the Code of Conduct 
to  the  President and states that “complaints or allegations relating to the violation by the President 
of  the  provisions  of  the  Code  of  Conduct  shall  be  submitted  to  the  Ethics  Committee  either  in 
person,  through  the  chairperson  of  the  Audit  and  Finance  Committee  or  through  the  Auditor 
General   of  the Bank.” It also sets out the full procedure for the review of the complaint (see the full 
resolution in annex 1 of this document). 

This  note is contributed by a group of concerned staff members who fear that pervasive governance 
issues  could  have  a  very  negative  impact  on  the  long  term  sustainability  of  the  Bank.  We  believe 
that  as  staff  members  we  have  a  duty  in  fostering  good  governance  and  we  feel  compelled  to  act 
through this note.   

Bank  personnel  includes  “Elected  officers  of  the  Bank  and  their  Advisers  and  assistants,  regular  Bank 
employees, short term Bank staff, Bank-employed consultant and any individual hired or employed, either permanent or 
temporarily by the Bank”
  Since  the  adoption  of  the Policy, the investigations of Fraud and Staff Misconduct have been transferred from 
the  Auditor  General  to  the  Director  of  the  Integrity  and  Anti-corruption  Department.  This change is reflected in the 
way we use this policy. 
See footnote 2 above. 
We  bring  this  document  to  the  attention  of  the  Director  of  PIAC,  as  the  official  channel  of  the 
Whistle  blowing  policy  and  Resolution  B/BG/2008/11,  and  to  the  attention  of  the  Chairs  of  the 
AUFI and Ethics committees as official channels for Resolution B/BG/2008/11.

Our  objective  is  to  trigger  investigations,  that  will  confirm  or  infirm  these  alleged  cases  of 
breach  by  the  President  of  the  Code  of  Conduct  and  so  encourage  ethical  action  and 
discourage  or  prevent  fraud,  corruption  or  misconduct,  increase  accountability.  We  hope 
thereby  to  restore  staff  morale  and  confidence  in  the  effectiveness  of  governance  and 
oversight mechanisms of the Bank​. 

Most  of  the  cases  disclosed  in  this  document  will  probably  not  come  as  a  surprise,  since  they  are 
well  known  within  among staff members.  It is not clear if they were subject to specific attention by 
PIAC  or  the  Ethics  committee.  The  secrecy  surrounding  the  existence  of  investigations  and their 
consequences  are  of  nature  to  fuel  more  rumors,  undermine  staff’s  confidence  in  accountability 
mechanisms  and  reinforce  the  sentiment  of  general  impunity  in  the  Bank.  The  following  cases 
compile  information  and  clues  gathered  over  the  course  of  the  last  few  years  from  various  sources 
and are, to the best of our knowledge, creditworthy. 

We  sincerely  hope that we are wrong and that investigations will clear those cases.  The last 

thing the AfDB needs is an institutional crisis.

At  this  stage,  we  would  like  absolute  discretion  on  our  action  to  be  respected,  given  the  sensitive 
context  and  the  risk  that  we  would  be  personally  exposed  to;  and  we  formally  request  that  our 
identity  be  protected  and  that  no  effort  be  made  to  try  to  uncover  us.  In this regard, we would be 
grateful  if  the  Ethics  Committee  could  exert  adequate  prudence  when  involving  the  General 

After  a  very  long  hesitation,  we  have  made  the  deliberate  choice  of  not  distributing this document 
more  widely.  In  doing  so,  we  wish  to  give  a  last  chance  to  the  Bank’s  internal  oversight 
mechanisms and procedures.

We  can  be  reached  at  Considering  the  precautions  we  use  to 
protect our identities, it may though take several days to get an answer.




The  code  of  Conduct  for  Executive  Directors,  which  applies  to  (temporary)  alternate  EDs,  their 
Advisors  and  senior  Advisors,  but  also  to  the  President  in  accordance  to  resolution 
B/BG/2008/11, sets out the following expectations (among others) : 

“Observe the highest standards of​ ethical conduct 

​ ctive politics​ in their home countries or elsewhere 

“refrain from participating in a

“Avoid  any  situation  that  poses a ​conflict​, or the appearance of a conflict, between personal i​ nterests and the 

performance of official duties. 
(a) using their position for ​private gain 
(b) giving unwarranted ​preferential treatment​ to any organisation or person 
(c) impeding the ​efficiency​ of the Bank 
(d) losing complete ​independence or impartiality​ of action 
(e) affecting adversely the ​confidence​ of member countries or the public in the integrity of the Bank 

The  following  cases  illustrate  what  we  believe  to  be  serious  and  repeated  breaches  of  the  Code  of 
Conduct  by  the  President.  These  give  staff  members  the  impression  of  a  President  who  is  above 
the  law  in  an  institution  where  rules  and  regulations  apply  in  function  of  the President’s interests, 
as  attested  by  the  recent  staff  survey.  A President should be leading by example.  We observe that 
the checks and balances provided by the Board of Directors no longer seem to be adequate.   

The  following  cases  are  listed  in  no  particular  order,  and  state  how  we  think  the  Code  of Conduct 
might  have  been  breached.  In  some  of  these  cases,  the  conflicts  of  interest  may  be  hard  to  prove, 
but  we  wish  to  recall  that the Code of Conduct calls for the avoidance not only of actual conflicts of 
interest, but also of the appearance of such a conflict. 

1​.  Non-respect  of  internal  rules  and  regulations  in  recruitment  (unethical  conduct, 
impediment to efficiency, political activity, private gain).

Since  2015,  the  President  has  taken  his  responsibility  of  Chief  of  the  Staff  to  heart,  playing  a  very 
active  role  in  the  recruitment  of  all  managerial  positions,  acting  as  the  de  facto  HR  manager. 
According  to  our  information,  for  all  PL2  positions  (Manager)  and  above,  the  President  validates 
the  short  list  of  candidates  to be interviewed and the list of candidates selected after the interviews. 
He  is  known  to  have  excluded  top-rated  candidates  from  shortlists  and  to  have  canceled shortlists 
drawn  up  by  independent  recruitment  panels.  As  recently  put  by  the  General  Counsel  in  a  legal 
opinion,  presumably  to  justify  these  practices,  “​…  the  President  is  better  placed  than  any  ad  hoc 
interview  panel  to  know  which  prospective  candidates  for  employment  by  the  Bank  would  be  best  suited  in 
assisting  him/her  in  delivering  that  vision  (which  he  has  been  elected  to  deliver)  …  He/She  can  recruit  the 
person  concerned  without  passing  through  an  interview  panel  or  any  other  formal  process.​”  This  personal 
involvement  in  the  recruitment  process  may  explain  the  long  delays  in  recruiting  for  these 

positions  and  the  turnover  of  HR  directors  at  the  Bank.  This  is  a  source  of  waste  of resources and 
loss  of  efficiency.  One  cannot  but  wonder  if  the  many  vacant  managerial  positions  (division 
manager,  country  manager, director or vice-president) and the lack of succession planning are not a 
strategy to reward countries for the support to the President’s reelection.

2​.  Appointment  of  Mrs.  Chinelo  ANOHU-AMAZU  (unethical  conduct,  impediment  to 
efficiency,  preferential  treatment,  adversely  affecting  confidence  in  the  integrity  of  the 
Bank).  A ​   Nigerian  citizen,  Mrs  ANOHU-AMAZU  was  appointed  on  the 1​st of September 2019 to 
the  position  of Senior Director in charge of the African Investment Forum (AIF).  She was awarded 
the  grade  of  Senior  Director  which  places  her  at  the  same  salary  level  as  vice-presidents  without 
having  the  same  responsibility  level.  She  was  previously  DG  and  CEO  of  the  National  Pension 
Commission  (PenCom)  in  Nigeria  from  2014  to  2017.  According  to  a  May  10,  2019  article,  Mrs.  ANOHU-AMAZU  was  dismissed  in  2017  by  President 
BUHARI  following  allegations  of  abuse,  allegations,  for  which  the  Nigerian  House  of 
Representatives  launched  an  official  investigation  in  2019.  President  ADESINA  could  not  have 
ignored  this  situation  when  he  hired  her.  The  position  of  AIF  Director  became  vacant  when  the 
incumbent,  Mrs  Stella  KILONZO  resigned  on  the  30​th  of June 2019, among other reasons, because 
she  refused  to  hire  Mrs  ANOHU-AMAZU  as  a  consultant  at  the  request  of  the President for a fee 
considerably  higher  than  the  applicable  standards.  Interestingly  enough,  this  position  stayed 
vacant  for  less  than  two  months  when,  for  example,  the  position  of  Director  for  Integrity  and 
Anti-corruption,  also  under  the  direct  recruiting authority of the President, remained vacant for 18 
months between 2017 and 2018. 

3.  Appointment  and  promotions  of  Mr.  Martin  FREGENE  (unethical  conduct,  impediment 
to  efficiency,  preferential  treatment).  A  Nigerian-born,  Mr  FREGENE  is  alleged  to  be  the 
President’s  brother-in-law  (through  their  wives). He joined the Bank in September 2015 as Adviser 
in  the  Office  of  the  President,  after  having  already  served  in  his  office  when  he  was  Minister  of 
Agriculture  of  Nigeria.  In  2017,  it  is  reported  that,  at  the  President’s  request,  he  was  appointed 
lead  expert  to  Mrs.  BLANKE,  VP  Agriculture,  and then promoted Adviser, both regular positions, 
both  times  without  competition.  Mr.  FREGENE  was later promoted again in 2018 to the position 
of  Director  of  the  Agriculture  and  Agro-industry  Department  with  effect  from  the  1st  of  January 
2018  when  Mr.  OJUKWU,  the  incumbent,  was  still  in  place  (he  retired  on  the  31st  of  January). 
While  no  succession  planning  is  in  place  for  functions  as  important  as  VPs  and  DGs,  it  is  worth 
noting  that  in  this  case,  not  only  was  the  succession  planned,  but  it  included  an  overlap  of  one 
month.  Consequently,  the  Bank  ended  up  with  two  Directors  of  Agriculture  and paid two salaries 
for  the  same  position  during  the  month  of  January  2018.  This  appointment  did  not  respect  the 
Recruitment  Manual  which  requires  a  24-months  minimum  time  in  grade  before  an  internal 
candidate  can  apply  to  another  position.  It  is  unclear  if,  if  confirmed,  the  familial  affiliation  was 
disclosed during the recruitment process or if it played a role in the promotions.

4.  Mismanagement  of  the  TAAT  programme  (unethical  conduct,  impediment  to  efficiency, 
​ AAT, 
preferential  treatment,  adversely  affecting  confidence  in  the  integrity  of  the  Bank).  T
Technologies  for  African  Agriculture  Transformation,  is  a  USD  120m  programme  designed  to 
speed  up  the  adoption  of agricultural technologies through CGIAR agricultural research institutes. 

The  first  phase  of  the  programme,  a  USD  40m  ADF-14  grant  to  IITA  in  Nigeria  was  reluctantly 
approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors  in  2017,  only  after  the  President  personally  used  all  of  his 
political  weight  to  defend  the  transaction  and  lift  the  Board’s  doubts.  One  has  to  remember  that 
the  President worked for IITA and AfricaRice, and both institutions were to benefit from the grant. 
The  mastermind  behind  the  project, Mr. FREGENE, is also an IITA alumni and the task manager, 
Mr  MUDE,  is  an  alumni  of  ILRI,  another  institution  financed  by  the  programme.  In  2018, IITA, 
the  implementing  agency,  proceeded  to  purchase through direct procurement USD 5.46m worth of 
pesticides  from  a  multinational  company,  while  the  grant  contract  specifically  prohibited  such 
procurement  method.  Fortunately,  the  fiduciary  controls  of  the  Bank  stopped  the  process  but  Mr. 
FREGENE  went  ahead  and personally negotiated the price directly with the supplier and asked for 
the  shipment  of  the  pesticides.  When  confronted  by  senior  management,  he  tried  to  launch  a 
competitive  bidding  process  to  cover  up  the  direct  purchase.  The  fiduciary  controls  of  the  Bank 
worked  once  again  and  the  payment  of  the  supplier’s  invoice  was  blocked  for non-compliance with 
Bank  rules.  When  informed,  the  President  himself  requested  the  payment  to  be  released  to  the 
supplier.  It  is  unclear  if  the  on-going investigation was launched at the request of the President or 
not.  One  cannot  but  wonder  why  Mr.  FREGENE  felt  confident  enough  (1)  to  proceed  with  the 
negotiation  and  contracting  of  such  a  large  contract against all applicable rules without even being 
the  implementing  agency,  (2)  to  lie  to  Opscom,  one  the  highest  ranked  committees  of  the  Bank, 
about  the  status  of  the  contract  or  (3)  to  entrust  the  management  of  the  programme  to  another 
CGIAR alumni, against all good practices? 

5​.  Appointments  and  promotions  of  Mrs.  Maria MULUNDI (unethical conduct, impediment 

to  efficiency,  preferential  treatment,  private  gain).  A ​   Kenyan  national,  Mrs.  MULINDI,  ​has 
long  lasting  professional  ties  with  the  President,  as  she  was  already  working  for  him when he was 
the  Minister  of  Agriculture  of  Nigeria​.   She  first  joined  the  Bank  as  a  consultant,  Adviser  to  the 
President,  in  his  advanced  team  from June to end of August 2015 before he assumed duty.  She was 
then promoted Senior adviser to the President in 2016 and again appointed – without competition – 
Director  of  Cabinet,  Office  of  the  President  in  April  2017, a regular Bank position according to the 
Staff  Rules.  According  to  our  information,  upon  instruction  of  the  President,  for this appointment, 
her  annual  salary  was  increased  from  about  UA  150,000  to  UA  199,000  corresponding  to  an 
unusual  increase  of  more  than  32.7%,  in  clear  breach  of Rule 43.01 of the Staff Rules. This increase 
was  justified  by  claiming  that  this  appointment  was  a  new  recruitment  rather  than  a  promotion. 
Over  the  summer  of  2018,  she  fell  into  disgrace  and  was  appointed  by the President as Director in 
charge  of  Special  Duties,  Engagement  with  Civil Society and Community Based Organizations and 
sent  back  to  the  Eastern  Region  (her  home  country)  and  then  to  the Southern region. There, Mrs. 
MULINDI  continues  to  receive  a  salary  of  UA  199,000  and  enjoys  all  related  benefits.  It  is worth 
mentioning  that  there  is  already  a  Director  for  Gender,  Women  and  Civil  Society and it is unclear 
if  Mrs.  MULINDI  reports  to  her  or  not.  Her  function does not exist in the current organizational 
chart  and  almost  no  trace  of  actual  work  can  be  found.  According  to  our  information, the “special 
duty”  she  was  tasked  by  the  President is to take care of his wife, Grace ADESINA, currently under 
treatment in South Africa.

See ​here 

6.  Direct  contracting  and  appointment  of  Mr.  Victor  OLADOKUN  (unethical  conduct, 
impediment  to  efficiency,  private  gain,  preferential  treatment).  A  childhood  friend  of  the 
President,  as  attested  by  a  publicly  available  photograph,   Mr. OLADOKUN’s company 3D Global 
Consult  was  awarded  by  the  President,  in  early 2017 a consultancy contract for an amount of USD 
326,000  through  direct  contracting,  thereby  making  full  use  of  the  possibility  to  waive procedures 
for  the  procurement of consulting services granted to the President by PD 02/2012.  This contract 
has  been  flagged  by  internal  audit,  as  being potentially subject to a conflict of interest. It is unclear 
if  this  red  flag  has  led  to  any  investigation  nor  if  it  was  verified  if  this  contract  was  awarded  in 
thanks  for  Mr.  OLADOKUN’s  alleged  services  performed  during  the  President’s  election 
campaign.  Mr.  OLADOKUN  was  then  appointed  in  September  2017  as  Director  of 
Communications  and  reports  directly  to  the  President.  It  is  unclear  if  Mr.  OLADOKUN’s  close 
association with the President was disclosed during the contracting or the recruitment process.

7.  Contracting  of  Mr.  Kapil  KAPOOR  (unethical  conduct,  impediment  to  efficiency, 
preferential  treatment).  ​The  former  Director  General  for  the  Southern  Region,  Mr.  KAPOOR 
retired  on  31​st  of  August  2019.  He was then immediately recruited by the President as a consultant 
and  was  kept  in  office  in  Pretoria  with  a  very  comfortable  monthly  fee  of  USD  23,000.  Mr. 
KAPOOR,  who  is  no  longer  a  staff  member,  continues  to  enjoy  the  advantages  of  the  position  of 
Director  General.  And  he  does  so  in  utter  disregard  for the presence of a Deputy Director General 
in Pretoria.

8.  Appointment  of  Mr.  Emmanuel  EZINWA  (unethical  conduct,  impediment  to  efficiency, 
preferential  treatment,  adversely  affecting  confidence  in  the  integrity  of  the  Bank).  A ​  
national  of  Nigeria,  Mr.  EZINWA  was  found  guilty  of  sexually  harassing  a  colleague  during  his 
probation  period.  On  the  basis  of  this  staff  misconduct,  the  HR  Director  refused  to  confirm  his 
contract  at  the  end  of  the probation period.  According to our sources, the President requested that 
Mr.  EZINWA’s  contract  be  confirmed,  which  in  turn  contributed  to  the resignation in 2019 of the 
HR  Director,  Mrs.  Frauke  HARNISCHFEGER, merely 6 months after she took office.  The sexual 
harassment was left unpunished.

9.  Preferential  treatment  for  Nigeria  and  Nigerians  (unethical  conduct,  impediment  to 
efficiency,  preferential  treatment).​   Under  President  ADESINA,  Nigeria  was  promoted  to  an 
almost  full-fledged region.  No longer part of the West-African General Directorate, under the new 
organizational  chart  introduced  by  the  President,  the  Nigeria  Country  Directorate  now  stands  by 
itself  and  the  Country  Director  reports  directly  to  the  VP.  Admittedly,  Nigeria  is  AfDB's  largest 
shareholder  with  over  9%,  but  it’s not clear if this justifies a preferential treatment.  Nigerians have 
also  been  particularly  well  treated  in  the  massive  recruitment  drive  that  was  launched  due  to  the 
restructuring  of  President  ADESINA  between  2016  and  2018.  When  roughly  9%  of  new  recruits 
were  Nigerians  (or  dual  nationals  of  Nigerian  origin)  –  in  line  with  Nigerian  shareholding  –,  they 
made  up  roughly  25%  of the newly recruited managerial functions. It is not clear if this preferential 
treatment was justified by a previous under-representation.

10.  Awards  received  by  the  President  and  costs  borne  by  the  Bank  (unethical  conduct, 
private  gain,  impediment  to  efficiency).​   In  2017  and  2019,  Mr.  ADESINA  received  two  major 

awards:  the  World  Food  Prize  (USD  250,000)  and  the  Sunhak  Peace  Prize  (USD  500,000).  Other 
less  significant prizes were also awarded.  It is not clear if he received these awards as the President 
of  the  AfDB  or  as  a  private  citizen.  Dozens of people, Bank staff, executive Directors, former Head 
of  State,  entertainers  or  family  members  attended  the  award ceremonies at the Bank’s costs (one in 
Des  Moines,  Iowa,  the  other  in  Seoul,  Korea).  If  these  awards  were  private,  why  did  the  Bank 
support  associated  costs?  If  they  were awarded to the President of the Group of the Bank were the 
awards returned to the Bank?

11.  Settlements  for  staff  separations  (unethical conduct, preferential treatment, impediment 

to  efficiency)​. The reorganization of the Bank by President ADESINA proved very costly in terms 
of  agreed  voluntary  separation  packages.  However,  on  top  of  these  packages,  many  separations 
were  the  subject  of  confidential  amicable  settlements  for  which  it  is  unclear  if  they were needed or 
the  result  of  preferential  treatment.  In  2019,  the  use  of  a  contingency  budget  of  UA  2.8m  was 
requested  and  in  2020,  an  additional  UA  2m  was  budgeted  for  such  cases.  An illustrative example 
is  that  of  Mr.  Celestin  MONGA,  former  Chief  Economist,  who,  in  exchange  for  a  severance 
package  of  15  months  of  salary  (more  than  USD  400,000),  tendered  his  resignation  in  September 
2019  merely  3  weeks  after  his  3-year  contract  had  been  automatically  renewed.  Why  wasn’t  the 
contract  not  renewed  at  the  expiry  date  which would have resulted in a lower compensation of just 
36  days  of  salary?  Did Mr. MONGA and others benefit from presidential preferential treatment or 
were  those compensations objectively justified?  Was this a method to circumvent the requirements 
of article 37.2 of the Agreement and so bypass the consultation of the Board of Directors?

12.  Resignation  of  Mr.  David  SSEGAWA  (unethical  conduct,  preferential  treatment, 
impediment  to  efficiency,  adversely  affecting  confidence  in  the  integrity  of  the  Bank).  T ​ his 
case  is  widely  known  in  the  Bank  after  it  was disclosed by the Ivorian ED and has been the subject 
of  an  internal  audit  and  an  investigation.  A  Ugandan  national  residing  in  Kenya,  Mr.  S ​ SEGAWA 
was  appointed  by  the  President  to  the  position  of  Director  of  Human  Resources  in  2016.  In  clear 
violation  of  the  Bank's  rules  and  procedures,  he  signed  through  direct  procurement  two  service 
contracts  amounting  to  USD  2.1  million  to  the  benefit  of  a  Kenyan  recruitment  firm  (CAREER 
CONNECTIONS  Ltd)  to  process  some  aspects  of  staff  recruitment.  The  maximum  signing 
authority  of  a  Director  at  the  Bank,  for  direct  procurement,  is  UA  100,000.  On  top  of  the abuse of 
the  delegation  of  authority  matrix,  it  was  at  the  time  alleged  that  Mr.  SSEGAWA  had  a  stake  in 
that  company.  When  those  fraudulent  procurement  practices  were  revealed  and  an  audit  was 
requested,  the  President  separated  from  Mr.  SSEGAWA  by  letting  him  resign  while  under 
investigation  and  allegedly  paying  him  a  substantial  severance  package instead of sanctioning him. 
Since then, Mr. SSEGAWA is enjoying the responsibilities of Global People Director at OXFAM.

13.  Resignation  of  Mr.  ​Michel-Cyr  ​DJIENA-WEMBOU  (unethical  conduct,  preferential 

treatment,  impediment  to  efficiency,  adversely  affecting  confidence  in  the  integrity  of  the 
Bank).  T​ his former country representative in Chad was found guilty of serious misconduct after an 
audit  and  an  investigation.  But  instead  of  being  sanctioned  by  the  Bank,  he  was  allowed to resign 
and  received  a  golden  parachute  as  part  of  an  amicable  settlement.  Not  having  to  face  the 
consequences of his acts, he is now, ironically enough, expert in good governance for ECCAS. 

14.  Appointment  of  Mr.  Charles  LUFUMPA  as  acting  VP  and  Chief  Economist  (unethical 
conduct,  preferential  treatment,  impediment  to  efficiency,  adversely  affecting  confidence in 
the integrity of the Bank). Yet another perplexing case of impunity.  As Director of Statistics, Mr. 
LUFUMPA,  a Zambian national, awarded two contracts (to KNOEMA and PROGNOZ) for a total 
amount  of  more  than  USD  18m.  Internal  audits  and  fraud  investigations  have  concluded  that  the 
contracts  were  fraudulently  awarded,  and  the  responsibility  of  Mr.  LUFUMPA  has  been 
established  in  2016.  To  this  day,  no  action  has  been  taken  by  the  Bank  towards  Mr.  LUFUMPA. 
Better  still,  in  October  2019,  Mr.  LUFUMPA  was  appointed  Acting  VP  and  Chief  Economist  by 
the President.

15.  Disregard  of  rules  concerning  leave  of  absence  of  VPs  or  travel  of  management 
(unethical  conduct,  preferential  treatment,  impediment  to  efficiency).  Mr.  Khaled  SHERIF, 
VP  for  Regional  Development,  Integration  and  Business  Delivery,  has  earned  a  strong  reputation 
of  being  an  absentee  VP.  In  36  months,  the  total  amount  of  his unjustified absences is estimated at 
more  than  14  months  while  he  should  be  entitled  to  a  maximum  of  26  leave  days  per  year. 
Nonetheless,  he  spends  nearly  4  months  a  year at the Bank's expense in Washington DC, where he 
was  based  before  he  was  recruited  by  the  AfDB.  For  example,  he left Abidjan on the 4​th of October 
2019  only  to  return  on  the  22​nd  of  October  (an  18-day  absence),  to  take  part  in  the  World  Bank's 
Annual  Meeting,  which  just  lasted  6  days  from  the  14​th  to  the  20​th  of  October.  In  addition,  Mr. 
SHERIF  was  also  absent  for  2  and  a  half  months,  from  July  to  the  end  of  September,  without  any 
valid  reason,  not  to  mention  a one-month stay last June in the USA. From November 2019 to early 
2020,  he  has  been  absent  from  the  Bank.  Other  members  of  the  management  also  enjoy  this 
possibility  of  abusing  the  Travel  policy  without  sanction.  Among  them,  Mr.  FREGENE  who 
spends  10  days  every  two  months  at  the  Bank’s  expense  in  the  United  States,  where  is  family  is 
located. We cannot imagine that these absences have not been authorized by the President and they 
question  the  economic  use  of  resources  and  the  operational  capacity  of  the  Bank  when  the  Staff 
Rules make no provision for tele-working.

16.  Political  lobbying  of  Heads  of  State  (unethical  conduct,  political  activity,  private  gain)​. 
The  President  is  the  unchallenged  travel  champion  of the Bank.  He uses the opportunities of these 
travels  to  meet  with  regional  Heads  of  State  and  make  financial  promises  (effectively  bypassing 
governors,  EDs  and  operational  staff)  to  secure  support  for  his  reelection  to  a  second  term  and  to 
stifle  competition.  Ironically,  in  2015,  it  was  reported  that  Mr  ADESINA  had  lobbied  the  World 
Bank  through  the  Nigerian  Governor  to  prevent  Mr.  Makthar  DIOP,  then WB Vice-President for 
Africa,  from  using  his  official  travels  and  position  to  campaign for his own election for president of 
the  AfDB.  Mr.  DIOP  consequently  did  not  run.  Recently,  at  its  56​th  Ordinary  session  of  the 
Authority  of  Heads  of  State  and  Government,  ECOWAS  announced  the  endorsement  of  the 
candidacy of Mr. ADESINA for a second term just after Mr. ADESINA had delivered an address to 
the  session.  Being  a  politically  elected  function,  any  effort  to  secure  an  election  or  a  re-election  is 
considered  a  political  activity.  Staff  willing  to  run  for  the  office  would  have to resign before being 
allowed to do so.

Annex 1: Resolution B/BG/2008/11 



Resolution N° B/BG/2008/11 
Adopted at the First Sitting of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting  
of the African Development Bank, on 14 May 2008 

Application of the Code of Conduct for Executive Directors of the African Development 
Bank and the African Development Fund to the President of the Bank Group 


HAVING  REGARD  TO:  (​ i)  the  Agreement  Establishing  the  African  Development  Bank  (the 
"Bank"),  in  particular  Articles  1  (Purpose),  2  (Functions),  29  (Board  of  Governors:  Powers),  31 
(Board  of  Governors:  Procedure),  32  (Board  of  Directors:  Powers)  and  36  (Appointment  of  the 
President);  (ii)  the  Agreement  Establishing  the  African  Development  Fund  (the  "Fund"),  in 
particular  Articles  26  (Board  of  Directors:  Functions)  and  27  (Board  of  Directors:  Composition); 
and  (iii)  the  General  Regulations  of  the  Bank,  in  particular  Article  4  (Powers,  Functions  and 
Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the President);  
RECALLING  Resolution  N°  B/BD/2001/14–F/BD/2001/10  of  25  April  2001  by  which  the 
Board  of  Directors  of  the  Bank  and  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the  Fund  adopted  the  Code  of 
Conduct  for  Executive  Directors  of  the  African  Development  Bank  and  the  African  Development 
CONSIDERING  the  crucial  role  that  the  President  of  the  Bank  Group  (the  "President")  plays  in 
his/her regular functions and the importance of the responsibilities attendant on his/her office; 
FURTHER  NOTING  the  importance  of  preventing,  detecting  and  discouraging  in  an  efficient 
manner  certain  tendencies  capable  of  damaging  the  highest  standards  of  loyalty,  competence  and 
integrity of the President; 
Article 1​: Objective of this Resolution 
The  provisions  of  the  Code  of  Conduct  for  Executive  Directors  of  the  African  Development  Bank 
and the African Development Fund (the “Code of Conduct”) shall apply to the President. 
As  an  exception  to  the  provisions  of  the  preceding  paragraph,  the  provisions  of  this  Resolution 
shall  not  apply  ​ab  initio  to  the  mandate  of  the  President  currently  underway.  However,  following 
the  notification  made  by  the  incumbent  to  the  Boards  of  Directors  voluntarily  proposing  to  be 
bound  by  the  provisions  of  the  Code  of  Conduct  during  his  present  mandate,  the  said  Code  of 
Conduct  and  this  Resolution  shall  apply  to  the  President  from  the  date  of  entry  into  force  of  this 
Article 2​: Procedures for Lodging a Complaint before the Ethics Committee 
Any  complaint  or  allegation  relating  to  the violation by the President of the provisions of the Code 
of  Conduct  shall  be  submitted  in  writing  to  the  Ethics  Committee  provided for in Article 18 of the 
said  Code  of  Conduct  either  in  person,  through  the  Chairperson  of  the  Audit  and  Finance 
Committee (AUFI) of the Boards of Directors, or through the Auditor General of the Bank. 

Article 3​: Preliminary Review and Transmittal of a Complaint by the Ethics Committee 
The  Ethics  Committee  shall  conduct  a  preliminary  examination  of  the  complaint  or  allegation  to 
determine  whether  it  is  based  on  apparently  solid  justifications  with  a  view  to  submitting  it to the 
Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors under the following conditions: 
● If  the  preliminary  examination  of  the  complaint  or  allegation  shows  that  it  is  frivolous  or  not 
based on any objective and solid facts it shall be dismissed. 
● If  the  preliminary  examination  of  the  complaint  or  allegation  reveals  facts  that  are  capable  of 
establishing  violations  of  the  Code  of  Conduct,  the  complaint  or  allegation  shall  be  submitted 
to the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors for further examination; 
Article 4​: Role of the Bureau of the Board of Governors 
Notwithstanding  the provisions of Article 3 of this Resolution, the Chairperson of the Bureau of the 
Board  of  Governors,  in  consultation  with  other  members  of  the  said  Bureau,  shall  have  sole 
competence  to  finally  determine  whether  or  not  there  exists  a  reasonable  basis  for  pursuing  a 
complaint  or  an  allegation  in  relation to the violation by the President of any provision of the Code 
of Conduct. 
In  taking  his/her  decision,  the  Chairperson  of  the  Bureau  of  the  Board  of  Governors  may  require 
the  Ethics  Committee  and  the  person  that  made  the  complaint  or  allegation  or  any Department of 
the Bank, to provide additional information and clarifications, where necessary. 
The  Chairperson  of  the  Bureau  of  the  Board  of  Governors  may,  in  appropriate  cases,  require  the 
Ethics Committee to conduct more in-depth investigations. 
Article 5​: Report following the Investigation of the Ethics Committee 
At  the  conclusion  of  the  investigation  provided  for  in  the  last  paragraph  of  Article  4  of  this 
Resolution,  the  Ethics  Committee  shall  submit  a  report  of  its  findings  to  the  Chairperson  of  the 
Bureau  of  the  Board  of  Governors  to  deal  further  with  the  complaint  or  allegation  in  conformity 
with the provisions of the Agreement Establishing the Bank. 
The report shall be accompanied by supporting documents. 
Article 6​: Informing the Board of Governors 
The  Chairperson  of  the  Bureau  of  the  Board  of  Governors  shall  inform  the  Board  of  Governors of 
the  opening  of  any  investigation  relating  to  any  complaint  or  allegation  of  the  violation  by  the 
President of the provisions of the Code of Conduct. 
Article 7​: Due Process 
No  investigation  concerning  an  alleged  violation  by  the  President  of  the  provisions  of  the  Code of 
Conduct  shall  be  conducted  pursuant  to  the  terms  of  this  Resolution  without the President having 
been  given  the  chance  to  be  heard  or  invited  to  present  written  evidence  in  defence of him/herself 
before the Bureau of the Board of Governors. 
In  application  of  the  provisions  of  the  preceding  paragraph,  the  President  may  request  any  person 
of his/her choice to assist him/her in the presentation of his/her defence. 
Article 8​: Entry into Force 
This  Resolution  shall  enter  into  force  on  the  date  of  its adoption and shall become public record as 



Resolution N° B/BG/2008/11

Adopted at the First Sitting of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting

of the African Development Bank, on 14 May 2008

Application of the Code of Conduct for Executive Directors of the African Development Bank
and the African Development Fund to the President of the Bank Group


HAVING REGARD TO: (i) the Agreement Establishing the African Development Bank (the "Bank"),
in particular Articles 1 (Purpose), 2 (Functions), 29 (Board of Governors: Powers), 31 (Board of
Governors: Procedure), 32 (Board of Directors: Powers) and 36 (Appointment of the President); (ii) the
Agreement Establishing the African Development Fund (the "Fund"), in particular Articles 26 (Board
of Directors: Functions) and 27 (Board of Directors: Composition); and (iii) the General Regulations of
the Bank, in particular Article 4 (Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and
the President);

RECALLING Resolution N° B/BD/2001/14–F/BD/2001/10 of 25 April 2001 by which the Board of

Directors of the Bank and the Board of Directors of the Fund adopted the Code of Conduct for Executive
Directors of the African Development Bank and the African Development Fund;

CONSIDERING the crucial role that the President of the Bank Group (the "President") plays in his/her
regular functions and the importance of the responsibilities attendant on his/her office;

FURTHER NOTING the importance of preventing, detecting and discouraging in an efficient manner
certain tendencies capable of damaging the highest standards of loyalty, competence and integrity of the


Article 1: Objective of this Resolution

The provisions of the Code of Conduct for Executive Directors of the African Development Bank and
the African Development Fund (the “Code of Conduct”) shall apply to the President.

As an exception to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the provisions of this Resolution shall not
apply ab initio to the mandate of the President currently underway. However, following the notification
made by the incumbent to the Boards of Directors voluntarily proposing to be bound by the provisions
of the Code of Conduct during his present mandate, the said Code of Conduct and this Resolution shall
apply to the President from the date of entry into force of this Resolution.

Article 2: Procedures for Lodging a Complaint before the Ethics Committee

Any complaint or allegation relating to the violation by the President of the provisions of the Code of
Conduct shall be submitted in writing to the Ethics Committee provided for in Article 18 of the said
Code of Conduct either in person, through the Chairperson of the Audit and Finance Committee (AUFI)
of the Boards of Directors, or through the Auditor General of the Bank.
Article 3: Preliminary Review and Transmittal of a Complaint by the Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee shall conduct a preliminary examination of the complaint or allegation to
determine whether it is based on apparently solid justifications with a view to submitting it to the
Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors under the following conditions:

If the preliminary examination of the complaint or allegation shows that it is frivolous or not
based on any objective and solid facts it shall be dismissed.

If the preliminary examination of the complaint or allegation reveals facts that are capable of
establishing violations of the Code of Conduct, the complaint or allegation shall be submitted
to the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors for further examination;

Article 4: Role of the Bureau of the Board of Governors

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 of this Resolution, the Chairperson of the Bureau of the
Board of Governors, in consultation with other members of the said Bureau, shall have sole competence
to finally determine whether or not there exists a reasonable basis for pursuing a complaint or an
allegation in relation to the violation by the President of any provision of the Code of Conduct.

In taking his/her decision, the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors may require the
Ethics Committee and the person that made the complaint or allegation or any Department of the Bank,
to provide additional information and clarifications, where necessary.

The Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors may, in appropriate cases, require the Ethics
Committee to conduct more in-depth investigations.

Article 5: Report following the Investigation of the Ethics Committee

At the conclusion of the investigation provided for in the last paragraph of Article 4 of this Resolution,
the Ethics Committee shall submit a report of its findings to the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board
of Governors to deal further with the complaint or allegation in conformity with the provisions of the
Agreement Establishing the Bank.

The report shall be accompanied by supporting documents.

Article 6: Informing the Board of Governors

The Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors shall inform the Board of Governors of the
opening of any investigation relating to any complaint or allegation of the violation by the President of
the provisions of the Code of Conduct.

Article 7: Due Process

No investigation concerning an alleged violation by the President of the provisions of the Code of
Conduct shall be conducted pursuant to the terms of this Resolution without the President having been
given the chance to be heard or invited to present written evidence in defence of him/herself before the
Bureau of the Board of Governors.

In application of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the President may request any person of
his/her choice to assist him/her in the presentation of his/her defence.

Article 8: Entry into Force

This Resolution shall enter into force on the date of its adoption and shall become public record as
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, February 14, 2020 1:38 PM, TAKUJI, YANO <Y.TAKUJI@AFDB.ORG> wrote:

Dear Group of Very Concerned and Anxious Staff Members of the AFDB,

Thank you very much for the links you have provided in support of the allegations that you have
submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors concerning what you believe to be
governance breaches and misconduct by the President of the Bank.

As Chairperson of the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors, I can assure you that the
Committee takes your allegations seriously and is proceeding with the duty assigned to it
pursuant to Resolution B/BG/2008/11 at this stage of the process to “conduct a preliminary
examination of the complaint or allegation to determine whether it is based on apparently solid
justifications with a view to submitting it to the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of
Governors” under the precise conditions defined in Article 3 of Resolution B/BG/2008/11.

In response to your request for the Committee to provide you with clear and credible indication
of the progress being made by the Committee, I regret to inform you that pursuant to Paragraph
5.4 of the Bank Group’s Whistle Blowing and Complaints Handling Policy, providing you with
such a progress report will be in violation of the Bank Group’s rules governing the handling of
whistle blowing complaints.

In effect Paragraph 5.4 of the Whistle Blowing Policy provides as follows: “It should be noted
that whistleblowers and complainants are reporting parties. They are neither investigators nor
finders of fact; they do not determine if corrective measures are necessary; and they do not
determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be warranted”. In addition,
there is no other provision of the Whistle Blowing Policy or Resolution B/BG/2008/11 that
permits the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors to share any information of any type with
you regarding what is being done concerning your allegations.

Thank you very much for your understanding of the ethical dilemma in which the Committee
finds itself and is unable to share any information with your group.

Best regards,

Takuji YANO

Chair, Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors

From: AfDB Whistleblower <>
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2020 12:10 AM
Subject: RE: Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged Breach of the Code of Ethics by an
Elected Officer

EXTERNAL EMAIL: Please be cautious before you click on a link, open

attachments or reply, especially if the sender is unknown.
COURRIEL EXTERNE: Soyez prudent(e) avant de cliquer sur un lien, d'ouvrir
une pièce jointe ou de répondre, surtout si l'expéditeur est inconnu.

ED Yano,

Thank you for your prompt answer which we take note of. We are fully aware of our position as
whistle-blowers and that we have no say in the course of action of the Ethics Committee. If we
thought that anyone could influence the decisions of the Committee, you can be sure that we
would have chosen a different strategy. We do not want to interfere in that process, otherwise
we would not have started it.

However, it is not because something is not explicitly permitted by a regulation or a policy that it
is prohibited. Article 5 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789, which
forms the basis of our modern legal systems, states:
Article V – The law has the right to forbid only actions harmful to society. Anything which is not
forbidden by the law cannot be impeded, and no one can be constrained to do what it does not

In our view, as parties to the cause, our respectful request for information on what was being
done with our contribution does not seem ludicrous nor impossible to meet. We do understand
the ethical dilemma in which you find yourself and we commend your dedication to protect the
process from interference, which we share. The discretion we have demonstrated so far should
be a sufficient proof of our own dedication to due process.

In addition, you should also understand our worries - some of us becoming more nervous than
others - that our choice to work with the Ethics Committee might not have been the right
strategy and that we should switch approaches. Any indication that you would be willing to
provide will help clear these doubts and calm the nervousness.

We do not think it is useful to debate any longer on this subject, we leave it up to you to choose
the best course of action.


A Group of Concerned Staff Members of the AFDB

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

On Friday, February 14, 2020 1:38 PM, TAKUJI, YANO <Y.TAKUJI@AFDB.ORG> wrote:
Dear Group of Very Concerned and Anxious Staff Members of the AFDB,

Thank you very much for the links you have provided in support of the allegations that you have
submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors concerning what you believe to be
governance breaches and misconduct by the President of the Bank.

As Chairperson of the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors, I can assure you that the
Committee takes your allegations seriously and is proceeding with the duty assigned to it
pursuant to Resolution B/BG/2008/11 at this stage of the process to “conduct a preliminary
examination of the complaint or allegation to determine whether it is based on apparently solid
justifications with a view to submitting it to the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of
Governors” under the precise conditions defined in Article 3 of Resolution B/BG/2008/11.

In response to your request for the Committee to provide you with clear and credible indication
of the progress being made by the Committee, I regret to inform you that pursuant to Paragraph
5.4 of the Bank Group’s Whistle Blowing and Complaints Handling Policy, providing you with
such a progress report will be in violation of the Bank Group’s rules governing the handling of
whistle blowing complaints.

In effect Paragraph 5.4 of the Whistle Blowing Policy provides as follows: “It should be noted
that whistleblowers and complainants are reporting parties. They are neither investigators nor
finders of fact; they do not determine if corrective measures are necessary; and they do not
determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be warranted”. In addition,
there is no other provision of the Whistle Blowing Policy or Resolution B/BG/2008/11 that
permits the Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors to share any information of any type with
you regarding what is being done concerning your allegations.

Thank you very much for your understanding of the ethical dilemma in which the Committee
finds itself and is unable to share any information with your group.

Best regards,

Takuji YANO

Chair, Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors

From: Prst Home
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 7:55 PM

To: Members of the Board Ethics Committee

I am writing to send you my Defense against the allegations contained in the so

called disclosures by the “Group of Concerned Staff Members.

You will receive 5 mails from me each with attachments. I have listed below
the contents of each of the batch emails you will receive below. They contain
the facts and evidences of my defense against all the allegations.

Mail Batch 1

1. Response letter
2. Letters from Arnold and Porter to the Ethics Committee
3. Dissociation note from “Group of Indignant Staff Members”
4. Evidence of the establishment of the Nigeria Office
5. Appointment and confirmation letters for Dr. Martin Fregene

Mail Batch 2

1. Memo From VP Blanke

2. Mail from SVP Charles Boamah
3. E-mails and report by Kapil Kapoor
4. Confirmation memo for Chude Ezinwa by the HR Director
5. Letter of confirmation of appointment for Chude Ezinwa

Mail Batch 3

1. E-mail from Stella Kilonzo on Chinelo Anohu

2. E-mails from Stella Kilonzo on reasons for leaving the Bank
3. Contract for 3D Global Limited
4. Panel recommendation of Dr. Oladokun’s recruitment
5. Congratulatory letter from US Vice President Mike Pence

Mail Batch 4

1. World Food Prize Speech and other notifications

2. Bill Gate’s acknowledgement of the WFP award
3. SunHak Peace Prize award notification
4. SunHak Peace Prize Speech
5. Placement of Borlaug-Adesina Fellows by the World Hunger Fighters
Foundation that I established with all the donations from my Prizes.

Mail Batch 5

1. President’s reprimand of General Counsel Helene N’Garnim Ganga

2. Mail inviting INTERPOL to handle the Chad Office Case
3. Change of the resignation of Djena Wembou to dismissal
4. ECOWAS Speech
5. Letter of Apology to Mr. Charles Lufumpa

Please confirm the receipt of the mails.

Thank you.

Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina

President and Chairman, Board of Directors
April 8, 2020
To: Ethics Committee of the Board of Directors, African Development Bank
From: Dr. Akinwumi A. Adesina, President, African Development Bank Group
Re: Disclosure by an Unidentified Group of Concerned Staff
I understand that the Ethics Committee (the “Committee”) will convene on April 9, 2020
in order to consider the anonymous January 19, 2020 Disclosure of Acts Related to Alleged
Breach of the Code of Ethics by an Elected Officer to the attention of the Director of the
Integrity and Anti-Corruption Department (PIAC) and the Chairpersons of the AUFI and Ethics
Committees from a Group of Concerned Staff Members (the “Disclosure”). This memorandum
provides the Committee with specific facts that demonstrate that the Disclosure does not meet
the standards to qualify as a whistle blower complaint under the terms of the African
Development Bank’s (the “Bank”) Whistle Blowing and Complaints Handling Policy of January
2007 (the “Whistle Blowing Policy”), that it is “frivolous and not based on objective and solid
facts” and should be dismissed by the Committee.
The Committee will be meeting to conduct a preliminary examination of the Disclosure
to determine pursuant to Article 3 of Board of Governors Resolution No. B/BG/2008/11
whether the Disclosure is “based on apparently solid justifications.” See App. 1. If the
preliminary examination of the Disclosure “shows that it is frivolous or not based on any
objective and solid facts it shall be dismissed.” Alternatively, if the preliminary examination of
the Disclosure “reveals facts that are capable of establishing violations of the Code of Conduct,”
the Disclosure shall be submitted to the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors
for further examination.” If such a referral is made, notwithstanding any preliminary

examination by the Committee, the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Board of Governors, in
consultation with other members of the said Bureau, shall have sole competence to finally
determine whether or not there exists a reasonable basis for pursuing the matter.
As the Committee undertakes its work, it may want to keep in mind certain Sections of
the Bank’s Whistle Blowing Policy. Section 4.2, for example, provides that “complaints should
be made in the reasonable belief that what is being reported is true.” Section 4.2 also provides
that “concerns expressed anonymously shall be considered at the discretion of the Auditor
General [here the Ethics Committee since this is a case that involves allegations against the
President of the Bank]. Thus, the Committee is not required to consider every allegation and
certainly not allegations that its good sense and judgment suggest are fanciful or illogical or
belied by contradictory facts that are easy to establish and confirm. Section 4.2 of the Whistle
Blowing Policy thus explains that “in the exercise of such discretion, the factors to be
considered by the [Ethics Committee] shall include, without limitation, the seriousness of the
allegation, its credibility, and the extent to which the allegation can be confirmed or
corroborated by attributable sources.” In cases in which attributable sources demonstrate that
multiple allegations in the complaint are not true, the Committee can, in fact, disregard the
entire anonymous complaint and conclude that the complaint is either frivolous or not based
on any objective and solid facts.
The Whistle Blowing Policy also makes it clear in Sections 6.1 and 6.6.4 that the identity
of would-be whistle blowers need not be protected “where a false accusation has been
maliciously made” and that “Bank personnel not making allegations in good faith or without
reasonable belief that what is being reported is true may be subjected to disciplinary action in
keeping with Bank Rules.”
Disciplinary action may also be appropriate when would-be whistle blowers violate the
confidentiality of the proceedings initiated by their anonymous complaint. In this regard it is
notable that whistle blowers may only make public disclosure if they have previously reported
the same information through the established internal mechanisms and the Bank has failed to
inform the whistle blower in writing of the status of the matter within six months of such a
report. See Whistle Blowing Policy, section 6.7.2. It seems that in this case the whistleblowers
have disclosed their allegations beyond the Ethics Committee just one month following the
Disclosure. The same may be true of others acting in concert with them.
The point about others acting in concert with the whistle blowers is not speculation. A
group of independent Bank staff members apparently wrote a “Disassociation Note” on March
9, 2020, in which they explained that they had been members of a group called “Group of
Concerned Staff Members,” namely the whistle blowers behind the Disclosure, but that they
had been “manipulated by a group of non-regional Executive Directors behind Mr. Dowd, not
for the good governance of the African Bank of Development but to discredit the candidacy of
the current President for his re-election.” See App. 2.

Certainly if the Disassociation Note is to be believed, and there is no reason not to
believe it, the whistle blowers’ complaint can not be considered to be in good faith, because it
was not designed to expose fraud, corruption or other misconduct. Instead it had another
ulterior motive.
The Disclosure is replete with examples of allegations that are frivolous or not based on
any objective and solid facts, or of allegations that are actually disproven by objective and solid
Allegation number 9 accuses me of introducing an organizational chart with a Nigeria
Country Directorate that stands by itself with a Country Director who reports directly to the VP,
claiming that this action violates the Code of Conduct because it represents preferential
treatment, unethical conduct and an impediment to efficiency. The decision to open a Nigeria
Country Directorate was taken by the Board of Directors under President Kaberuka, my
predecessor. See App. 3. Any allegation that I am responsible for this decision is frivolous. I may
have circulated Bank organizational charts showing the Directorate as part of periodic updates
on the implementation of the Bank’s Development and Business Dealing Model, see App. 4,
but I cannot have violated the Code of Ethics for implementing a Board decision taken before I
assumed office. Such an allegation bears the quintessential hallmarks of frivolity.
Allegation 10 accuses the me of impropriety in connection with my acceptance of the
World Food Prize (US$250,000) and the Sunhak Peace Prize (US$500,000). I received these
prizes in recognition of a life of accomplishments in the field of agriculture and although they
were individual prizes, they brought great credit and prestige to the Bank. Vice President Pence
of the United States saluted my selection for the World Food Prize, bestowed in Des Moines,
Iowa, USA. See App. 15. I believe I brought further credit to myself and the Bank by donating
these two cash awards for the establishment of the World Hunger Fighters Foundation, a
foundation that has garnered contributions from others and now funds the Borlaug Adesina
Fellows Fellowship for young African Agribusiness Innovators. See App. 20. The plan to donate
the prize money was disclosed to the Board and announced publicly in Iowa and in my Sunhak
Peace Prize acceptance speech. See App. 18, page 9; App. 19, para. 40. Further, Bill Gates
tweeted about the donations characterizing the donations as an act of kindness and one of his
best moments in 2017. See App. 17. Notwithstanding, the Disclosure paints the receipt of the
prizes as a sinister act that violated the Code of Conduct. Common sense reveals the frivolous
and unfounded nature of any such allegation, as well as their bad faith. One minute of checking
on the internet could have satisfied the whistle blowers’ curiosity about the destination of the
prizes. This allegation smacks of a false accusation maliciously made within the scope of Article
6.1 of the Whistle Blower Policy.
The whistle blowers also attempt to portray the World Food Prize event as a
boondoggle for the President, his family and many Bank staff. In fact, the expenses of the
ceremony, including musical entertainment (musical groups from Nigeria and the Glee Club
from Purdue University (President Adesina’s alma mater) were defrayed by the World Food
Prize Foundation; the President’s children and their spouses who attended the events paid for
their own travels, not the Bank; and Bank staff attended not because the President was
receiving the World Food Prize but because the Bank launched its TAAT initiative at the events,
where it garnered global attention and financial commitments from several institutions,
including the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and AGRA. The dean of the
Board of Directors of the Bank Mr. Zaghloul, representing the Board of the Bank, also attended
and was called upon in that capacity during the ceremony (See App. 16, pp. 17-19).
The allegations against me concerning the TAAT are another example of allegations
belied by objective and solid facts demonstrating no violation by me of the Code of Conduct .
The allegations involve both the hiring of Mr. Martin Fregene and the management of the
program itself.
First, it is alleged that Mr. Fregene is my brother-in-law. He is NOT my in-law. And the
anonymous complainants present no evidence that he is. This is an example of an occasion on
which the Ethics Committee should exercise its discretion under Section 4.2 of the Whistle
Blower Policy to ignore an anonymous allegation unsubstantiated by any attributable sources.
Second, Mr. Fregene is a world-class geneticist, internationally renowned for his work
on plant genetics of cassava, and who worked earlier at CIAT, Colombia, one of the CGIAR
centers, and subsequently as Director at the Danforth Plant Science Center (probably the
second largest private agricultural research centers in the United States). He returned from the
diaspora to Nigeria to work as Chief Technical Advisor when I was Minister of Agriculture in
Nigeria. He was hired as a consultant by the Bank Vice President for Agriculture, Human and
Social Development, Ms. Jennifer Blake, to support her in the development of the Bank’s Feed
Africa strategy. It was a coup for the Bank to attract such a sharp mind and top-notch
Third, contrary to the allegation of the Disclosure, Dr. Martin Fregere was not
“appointed as a Director of Agriculture.” He competed in a transparent, global competition
that was advertised internationally in which he was eligible to compete. The recruitment
process was handled by the globally renowned recruiting firm Russell Reynolds out of London
through a process of short-listing and rigorous and independent panel reviews. The results of
the interviews were passed on to the President with recommendations from the hiring Vice
President. See App. 5. I approved the recommended hire which was entirely within my power
to do.
The evaluation of Mr. Fregene’s probationary period was also conducted by the same
Vice President, Jennifer Blake, and not by me. Ms. Blake wrote, “He should absolutely be
confirmed. He is an excellent member of the top team.” See App. 5.
The Disclosure insinuates that there was something sinister about the timing of Mr.
Fregene’s start date. His predecessor had given notice and had the right to a month’s

accumulated leave. To ensure continuity in the position, Mr. Fregene commenced work when
his predecessor was no longer performing the duties of his office.
The Disclosure also alleges that Mr. Fregene travels often to the United States to see his
family and that this is paid for by the Bank. This allegation is false. Several Bank staff have
families outside of Africa and based on staff rules and policy, they find ways to take advantage
of their leave days to be with their family when convenient. Further, the President does not
sign travel authorizations for any Director or manager of the Bank. This is done by responsible
Vice Presidents or Directors per the delegation of authority matrix. See App. 6. (According to
Vice President Jennifer Blanke, the Supervising Vice President of Dr. Fregene: “Dr. Martin
Fregene is the Director of Agriculture and Agro-Industry Department in the AHVP Complex,
which I oversee. In his leadership role he has been called upon to carry out a number of
missions in the context of the Bank’s work program. As his immediate supervisor, my office
always approved the travel of Dr. Fregene, and to the best of my knowledge Dr. Fregene has
not travelled without permission and outside of leave days.”) The allegations of the whistle
blowers are based on pure speculation not hard facts and demonstrate their falsity and
maliciousness by accusing the President of violating the Code of Conduct for approving travel
for which he has no approval role.
Allegations on TAAT: TAAT is an initiative of the Bank developed to help take agricultural
technologies to the scale of millions of farmers across Africa. It is a revolutionary initiative in
that it scales technologies across agro-ecological zones, instead of the old one-country
approach based on country borders - in other words, “technologies without borders”. TAAT
brings together the world’s leading international agricultural research centers, national and
regional agricultural research centers, and food and agribusiness companies along agricultural
value chains, to help tens of millions of farmers to get access to available, adaptable agricultural
technologies to boost food production and assure quick food security. TAAT is now globally
acclaimed as a landmark initiative for transforming agriculture in Africa. Partners for TAAT,
along with the Bank, include FAO of the United Nations, International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, the World Bank and the
Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). TAAT has helped to deliver some 27,000
metric tons of heat tolerant wheat varieties to Sudan in 12 months, that has helped improve
yields by 300% and allowed Sudan to attain now 85% self-sufficiency in wheat. To get a sense of
what this volume of seed means: it is equivalent to 282 A380 airplanes lined up on a landing
TAAT helped to tackle the challenge of Fall Army worms that posed major risks to
devastate the entire agriculture of countries in the Southern African region (SADC). Because of
TAAT the Bank supported rapid development and distribution of some 26,000 metric tons of
drought tolerant maize varieties that helped to prevent a food security disaster in the SADC
region. TAAT successfully delivered seed coated technology that saved the region from the
massive spread of the Fall Army worms that posed a great threat to food security. These

technologies were planted by 2.5 million farmers. Never in the history of agriculture in Africa
have such results been achieved in agriculture at this scale in a short period of time. These are
the facts.
It appears that staff made some mistakes in the procurement process in their haste to
address the looming disaster in a proactive way. This is being investigated by the Bank and no
findings have been made yet. The whistle blowers allege that the President, when told of the
situation on the contract with the supplier, authorized payments, implying that this was
There was no impropriety. The President does not get involved in contractual issues in
the Bank, except in cases involving matters that may affect the image, reputation and interests
of the Bank. The role of the President is to take decisions that are in the interest of the Bank. In
this case, that is exactly what was done. The Auditor General briefed me on the matter. He was
equally briefed by the PIAC Director on the need to launch an investigation into the
procurement issues. He authorized that investigation to proceed. However, the supplier or
contractor, a global firm (Syngenta, a Swiss firm which is the world’s largest seed company)
lodged complaints that the Bank was not fulfilling its contractual obligation to authorize
payments for products it supplied to address the Fall Army worms in SADC region, which was
clearly successful and highly lauded by the regional member countries that benefited from the
technology. The company sent letters and eventually notified the Bank that it would sue the
Bank in court for violating its contractual obligation.
As the President, I directed the Senior Vice President to discuss with all parties involved,
and ensure that the right decisions were taken in the full interest of the Bank, to protect the
reputation of the Bank and ensure the Bank was not exposed to court cases that would injure
the Bank’s reputation and jeopardize its privileges and immunities. That is my role as President
and I had full legal and constitutional powers and authority under the Bank’s Articles to take
those actions. That the whistle blowers were not privy to internal senior leadership decision
making and rationales for such does not make the decision to pay Syngenta a violation of the
Code of Ethics. The Senior Vice President, Charles Boamah, during a restricted closed meeting
of the Board to discuss TAAT, held in November 2019, explained to the Board the process that
he and Management of the Bank went through to make the decision to pay Syngenta. The
records of the meeting are there on the automatic audio recordings of the meeting of the
Board. The Senior Vice President informed the Board that he called for meetings with the
Auditor General, Director of Procurement and the General Counsel to review the situation and
the Bank’s risk exposure. He said four issues were considered in arriving at the decision to pay
the contractor: whether it was the right product? Whether the product was supplied by the
contractor? Whether the product supplied was effective in dealing with the Fall Army worms?
Whether there was value for money? His response in each and every case was an affirmative
YES: it was the right product; the product was delivered by the contractor; the product worked
to address the Fall Army worms based on all field evidences; and there was value for money.

See App. 7. Indeed, the Senior Vice President stated that there was absolutely no justification
to deny the supplier, Syngenta, its payments. While the Bank will continue its own internal
investigations, there was no justification not to pay the supplier under an existing contractual
obligation that has to be paid by the external party that is in contractual privity with Syngenta.
Contrary to the allegations of the whistle blowers, I acted transparently, gave the right
directives, and tasked Management to review all the facts and make decisions that were in the
best interest of the Bank. I stand 100% behind all actions taken in the full interest of the Bank.
Management made the decision to pay the company. And Management’s decision was the
right and fair decision. And I am proud of my staff for making the decision in the interest of the
Bank, a decision that I support and that flowed from a process that I was fully empowered
under the articles of the Bank to establish to authorize the decisions.
The extension of the employment of Kapil Kapoor: In the case of Kapil Kapoor, I was the
Chairman of the Heads of Multilateral Development Banks for one year. Under my term and
chairmanship, I led the discussions with the Heads of MDBs to focus on how to implement the
“billions to trillions” commitment we all made to leverage private capital and other sources of
financing to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. The African Development Bank, under my
chairmanship of the MDBs Heads, was tasked to help further develop my proposal to the group
on how we can work collectively to leverage global institutional investors to invest in
infrastructure and other sectors. Kapil Kapoor, who was previously the Director of Strategy and
Policies of the Bank, prior to his appointment as the Director General for Southern Africa, had
been leading this work working closely with all sherpas of other MDBs. Kapil was essentially
doing this work on top of his regular work as Director General. He retired from the Bank at the
end of August 2019. There was no one else in the Bank to continue the development of the
work and prepare the documents and discuss them at the meeting of the MDB Heads, which I
was chairing and for which the Bank had to present the report. In addition, the Bank had
committed to and it was endorsed by all Presidents of the MDBs that the work would be used
to inform a planned meeting with global institutional investors at the Africa Investment Forum,
to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in November 2019. Kapil Kapoor had the leadership to
help organize this. Given the above institutional obligations and commitments of the Bank,
Kapil Kapoor’s knowledge and engagement in leading this critical work - which was all part of
the implementation of the G20 work of the Eminent persons group - I gave a waiver for him to
be recruited, for a period of 6 months, as a senior advisor to ensure continuity of this work,
complete the work, and ensure the Bank’s engagements and global commitments to the MDBs
were met. The report was presented to MDB Heads at the October 2019 World Bank and IMF
meetings in Washington DC (which I chaired and he supported and staffed me for the meeting)
and the report, following discussions with all the MDB Heads was well appreciated and
subsequently used to convene with other MDBs the engagement with the global institutional
investors at the Africa Investment Forum. See App. 8 and App. 8B. This was all done in the full
interest of the Bank and as President, I have the full powers and authority to make such

Appointment of Mr. Emmanuel EZINWA: The whistleblowers alleged that “A Nigerian,
Mr. EZINWA was found guilty of sexually harassing a colleague during his probation period. On
the basis of this misconduct, the HR Director refused to confirm his contract at the end of the
probation period. According to our sources, the President requested that Mr. EZINWA’s
contract be confirmed, which in turn contributed to the resignation of the HR Director, Mrs.
Frauke HARNISCHFEGER, merely 6 months after she took office. The sexual harassment was left
unpunished”. This material is riddled with speculation and falsehoods. There is absolutely no
evidence attached by the whistleblowers that any sexual harassment occurred or that I
requested that Mr. Ezinwa’s contract be confirmed.
Below are the facts and the truth. First, I do not know Mr. EZINWA and have never met him in
the Bank. When I received the allegation of the whistleblowers, I had to ask “who is he”?
Second, the evidence and documents that I provide below demonstrate the falsehoods of the
whistle blowers. The whistle blowers said on the basis of “the staff misconduct the HR Director
refused to confirm his contract at the end of the probation period”. The attached
Memorandum by Mr. David Ssegawa, the Acting Vice President and who was also the HR
Director, proves the case. The memo submitted to me by the Acting VP and the HR Director
(App. 9) is the standard memo I receive for ALL professional staff for their confirmation
following a period of probation. The Staff probationary appraisal forms are always attached to
this memo. The President always signs off based on these appraisals, without any exception.
The President does not get involved in any staff appraisals except for Vice Presidents and Direct
reports. The memo to me from the Acting VP and HR Director (Mr. Ssegawa) dated August 1,
2018 states “ Mr. Ifechukwude Emmanuel EZINWA was appointed as the HR Operations Lead,
Human Resources Management Department, on 1st November, 2017 and was placed on
probation for a period of twelve (12) months in accordance with the Staff Rules and Regulations
of the Bank. The relevant staff probationary appraisal form is attached for your review and
reference. We seek your approval for the confirmation of Mr. Ifechukwude Emmanuel EZINWA
as HR Operations Lead, Human Resources Management Department with effect from 31st
October, 2018.”. The attached Staff Probationary Appraisal Form, duly completed, signed off
and submitted by the then HR Director, Mr. David Ssegawa, evaluated the staff very well and
there was nothing about sexual harassment. The recommendation of the HR Director, Mr.
David Ssegawa was to confirm the staff, with the comment “Strongly recommended for
confirmation” and signed 1st August 2018. The prepared letter for confirmation of appointment
from the HR Director (Mr. David Ssegawa) reached my office on August 2, 2018 and I signed off
on his confirmation See App. 10. The whistle blowers’ allegation that because of “the staff
misconduct the HR Director refused to confirm his contract at the end of the probation period”
is clearly false. In fact, it was the HR Director (Mr Ssegawa) who appraised and recommended
that the staff be confirmed, with the comment “strongly recommend for confirmation”.
The other part of the allegation that “According to our sources, the President requested
that Mr. EZINWA’s contract be confirmed, which in turn contributed to the resignation of the
HR Director, Mrs. Frauke HARNISCHFEGER, merely 6 months after she took office” is also
demonstrably false. The whistleblowers alleged that the “HR Director”, Mrs Frauke
HARNISCHFEGER resigned because essentially her recommendation “not to confirm the staff”
(Mr. EZINWA) was rejected or somehow overruled by the President. Yet this cannot be. It
should be noted that the HR Director at the time in 2018 was Mr. David Ssegawa. Mr. Ssegawa,
in his capacity as the HR Director, evaluated the staff and recommended the staff, as per the
standard procedures of the Bank, to the President. Ms. HARNISCHFEGER was NOT the HR
Director in 2018. She joined the Bank in 2019, one year after a confirmation recommendation
made by the predecessor HR Director. Given this chronology, how could she have resigned
based on a recommendation not to confirm the staff she would have supposedly made when
she was not even employed at the Bank? How could she have resigned a year before she joined
the Bank as HR Director?
It is clear again that the whistle blowers have acted in bad faith. They provided no
documentary evidence. The authentic and factual documentary evidence I have provided is the
evidence to credit and not the wild speculations of the whistle blowers. These allegations,
contrary to the procedures of the Bank on whistle blowing, were made without “information or
documentary evidence” and the Disclosure has not been made on the “basis of reliable
information and in good faith”.
Mr. Monga: the allegation that somehow the former Chief Economist, Mr. Monga,
departed the Bank with improper payments is false. When staff departs the Bank they have
entitlements. And his entitlements are well within what is allowed in the staff rules. The
allegation that his departure was arranged as a way of avoiding discussion with the Board on
removing the Chief Economist is also false. The President is required to consult with the Board,
only for recruiting and releasing a Vice President. The Chief Economist was not dismissed.
Contract non-renewal is not dismissal of staff, so it needs no such consultation with the Board.
Ms. Chinelo Anohu: She was recruited through a globally advertised, open and
competitive recruitment process. It should be noted that the search process was carried out by
a top notch external recruitment firm, Russell Reynolds of the UK. She was one of two top
candidates (both women) recommended to me as President to consider for appointment by the
panel. The President is at liberty to appoint based on his own personal interviews of candidates,
beyond that of the panel, assessments, and evaluations based on independent references. I am
not at liberty to share confidential information on personnel of the Bank, but I can state
categorically that the allegations made against her are untrue and defamatory. Chinelo Anolu is
a top notch and highly respected person who has had a record of impressive achievements.
Chinelo Anolu was one of the top two candidates recommended by the interview panel,
which was independently constituted and chaired by a Vice President. As President, I always ask
for confidential references for anyone being considered for a senior appointment at the Bank.
We do extensive background checks. The background checks from current and former bosses,
done by Russel Reynolds, showed that the first recommended candidate did not have the
managerial experience to handle the role. The external recruitment firm, Russell Reynolds of
the UK, flagged in their summary report on Chinelo Anolu, sent confidentially to me (as is done
for every single senior position in the Bank), that there was an issue in the newspapers with
allegations against her. I immediately called the Director of Russell Reynolds and asked the
company to do further confidential due diligence and brief me. From their further confidential
background checks and references they came to the conclusion that there was nothing that
would preclude her being recruited as the allegations were nothing more than that: mere
I perceived them as an attempt to soil the hard work of a woman who had given her
best to serve her country with distinction, someone who singlehandedly grew the Nigeria
pension fund from $19 billion to $42 billion under her leadership. Such success can lead to
jealousy. As a woman, she worked and led in an environment traditionally held as reserved for
men and she excelled. I have the greatest respect for Chinelo Anolu’s competence,
achievements and doggedness in the face of unjustified attempts to cast aspersions on her
exemplary accomplishments.
The recruitment firm spoke to several people who were aware of her work and the
allegation and the contexts. They asked for confidential references, which I reviewed. It should
be noted that Chinelo Anolu is a globally respected woman. She sits on the Africa advisory
board of the London Stock Exchange, the third largest stock exchange in the world. She also sits
on the board of advisors for one of UKs topmost universities. It would be foolhardy for such
global institutions to put her on their boards, without doing their own due diligence. All the
confidential references and background checks, including from the London Stock Exchange and
the UK University, including senior people in the private sector in Nigeria, all affirmed her
integrity, credibility, record of high dedication and achievement. I stand 100% behind her
appointment, and Chinelo Anolu is a great asset to the Bank. Her appointment is part of my
firm commitment to promote women into senior leadership positions in the Bank. That the
whistle blowers do not know about the diligence that was conducted does not mean anything
untoward happened. This was all transparent and professionally done with all appropriate due
On the allegation that Stella Kilonzo, the former Senior Director for AIF, resigned
because the President asked her to give a prior consultancy contract to Chinelo Anolu, this is
also false. Attached is a letter from Stella Kilozo that affirms that such a thing never happened
(App. 11). I also attach an email from her on her desire to leave the Bank due to personal family
reasons (App. 12).
Ms. Maria Mulindi: She worked with me prior to joining the Bank. She was part of my
transition management team as I prepared to take office at the Bank following my election as
President, and she very ably led all engagements with the Bank with my transition team. All
Presidents of the Bank are allowed to bring in and appoint their own Chief of Staff and advisers,
to help them to implement their mandate. The position of Chief of Staff is never advertised and
the President brings in or appoints his own Chief of Staff. That’s what has been done by all
~ 10 ~
previous Presidents. And that’s what’s done anywhere in the world. When the previous Chief of
Staff left the Bank, Maria Mulindi, who was until then a Senior Advisor to the President, ably
stepped into the position and was appointed as Chief of Staff. She served admirably well.
She was reassigned to the role of Director for Special Duties, based on the evolving
nature of needs in the Presidency and in this new role was tasked specifically to lead
engagement of the Presidency on civil society. A previous former chief of staff had also been
appointed into the position of Director of Special Duties. Maria Mulindi is highly experienced in
civil society engagements. Since assuming this role she has helped the Presidency to engage
directly with diverse group of civil society, raise the profile of their engagements, earned the
trust of civil society and helped to fully engage them directly, which has led to a major
turnaround. I am pleased with the trust the civil society now have in engaging the Bank and
they have expressed delight that this was the first time in the Bank that the President is
engaging directly with the civil society, raising visibility of their engagements in the Bank. The
allegation that she was sent to South Africa and that her assignment as Special Duties was to
take care of the President’s wife who was sick is baseless speculation. My wife lives in Abidjan
not in South Africa. Have the whistleblowers no shame? Again this allegation stands as an
example of the type of allegation that any decisionmaker should ignore because it is not based
on any objective and solid facts. These allegations are uncorroborated by attributable sources.
Victor Oladokun: Victor Oladokin is the Director of Communications. We went to
university together and have been very close friends since then. There is nothing in the Bank
rules that says that being a friend of anyone in the Bank who gets recruited at the Bank is
against Bank rules. The Bank rule only prohibits hiring someone that is a direct family member,
a wife, husband, son or daughter of a Bank employee. And there is no rule in the Bank that
requires staff to declare friends.
The former Director of Communications of the Bank resigned abruptly just 70 days
before the Bank’s annual meeting to be held in India in 2017, precipitating a crisis that put the
Bank’s Annual Meetings in India at risk. The Vice President of Corporate Services and the Acting
Director of Communications, faced with a crisis and aware of the vast experience and expertise
of Victor Oladokun, directly engaged him as a consultant to help with the Annual meetings, as
per the Delegated Authority of the hiring Vice President and the recruiting Department. (See
App. 13 (contract annex signed by Sr. VP not President Adesina)). Victor Oladokun is a highly
accomplished globally respected leader in communications, with well over 30 years of global
practice and corporate experience. Neither I as President nor the Office of the President was
involved in his recruitment.
Victor Oladokun, who reported to the hiring Vice President and also to the Acting
Director for Communications - NOT to the President - delivered an impressive communications
plan and results for the Bank that ensured a highly successful annual meeting for the Bank in
India, on short notice, saving the Bank from what was about to become a huge reputation risk.
An audit of his engagement as a consultant was conducted by the Auditor General, based on
~ 11 ~
complaints made by the Chair of the Audit Committee, then Mr. LeBastard of France. The audit
investigation concluded that the recruitment of Victor Oladokun was done within the Bank
rules and procedures and that nothing was untoward about it.
The report of the Auditor General of the Bank on the audit of this contract, dated
December 2017, stated as follows:”3D Global Consult, an international media and
communications consultancy firm was single-sourced for three months (February to May 2017)
at a cost of USD 326,000. The scope of the procured services include activities that were
deemed priorities such as; developing and executing a successful media campaign for the 2017
Annual Meeting in Ahmedabad (India), framing key messages in line with the theme of the
Annual Meeting for the President, the Executive team and Secretary General among others and
developing branded digital/TV content for broadcast and social media”
The Auditor General’s report concluded that the single sourcing “complied fully with
section 9.7 of the corporate procurement on consultancy (PD02/2012). Additional justification
provided for the waiver was the abrupt separation from the Bank of six PCER staff including its
Director when preparations for the annual meeting were in top gear”. **Note: PCER is the
Department of Communications and External Affairs. Furthermore, it should be noted that the
engagement letter for 3D Global Consult was signed by the Senior Vice President, not the
President (App. 13).
Mr. Oladokun applied for the open, internationally advertised and competitive
recruitment for the position of Director of Communications. The President was not part of the
shortlisting committee nor was he part of the independent interview panel. The entire
recruitment process was handled by a highly reputable external recruitment firm, Russel
Reynolds, based in London, UK. The interview panel, which included senior management staff
of the Bank, Russel Reynolds, and was chaired by the Vice President of Corporate Services,
unanimously agreed that Victor was the best candidate and had scored the highest among all
the candidates. He was unanimously recommended by the panel for employment (App. 14). I
approved his appointment as per the transparent and competitive process, run by a globally
reputable recruitment firm. All rules and procedures of the Bank were followed. No rules were
broken. The whistle blowers insinuate that there was something sinister about the recruitment
by saying that it is unclear if Mr. Oladokun’s close association with the President was disclosed
during the recruitment process. But this insinuation is based entirely on speculation and on the
false assumption that friendship is a disqualifying attribute. In any case the allegation is not
backed by any evidence or documents, something that President Adesina has supplied to
demonstrate the regularity of the hiring process.
Mr. Wembou, Chad Office: the allegation that I allowed the country manager to resign
when he was under investigation for corruption is false. The President does not run country
offices. They are under a Director General and overall oversight of a Vice President. It came to
my attention during a back-to-office report by the Director General that the Bank office in Chad
was having issues bordering on mismanagement of funds by the Country Manager. Prior to my
~ 12 ~
being elected President of the Bank the Chad office had not been audited for more than seven
years. I challenged the Auditor General why this was the case and directed that an audit
mission be launched. The then General Counsel gave me a legal recommendation that the
Country Manager’s request to resign was in order, and should be accepted, despite my
insistence that he not be allowed to resign. As President, I follow legal advice. Unfortunately, it
turned out that the General Counsel gave wrong advice for which I strongly reprimanded her
(App. 21) (email to General Counsel of July 15, 2017). My email reprimand of the General
Counsel, dated July 15, 2017 read: “I must let you know I am unhappy with the
recommendation you gave me that the former Resident Representative of the Bank in Chad be
allowed to proceed on retirement. This turned out to be a wrong recommendation, given the
PIAC report, and all that's being unearthed, on the trails of his corruption and mismanagement
of the resources of the Bank in Chad. As the General Counsel, I rely on your legal advice to
make my own decisions. That's why you must always give me the best legal advice. I expect
nothing less than top notch legal reviews and recommendations, as everything must be done to
protect the integrity and reputation of the Bank - at all costs and at all times. You must ensure
that this does not happen again. Akinwumi A. Adesina, President”. I subsequently directed that
the letter of resignation accepted by the Bank be immediately withdrawn and that all legal
measures be taken to ensure that the Country Manager be brought to justice for his
mismanagement of the Bank’s assets and resources. I directed that Interpol be engaged to seek
full interdiction of the staff and ensure justice (App. 22 (email of September 20, 2017)). I
directed that the staff be summarily dismissed and that “in this context, the Bank reserves the
right to recover from you all the sums wrongly misappropriated and misused, and seek
payment of all interests and damages, by all legal means” (Appendix 23 (email of July 22, 2017).
Contrary to all the allegations of the whistleblowers, I acted with full responsibility, based on
available information and advice given to me, and when I found out the then General Counsel
had given me bad advice, she was reprimanded, which led an eventual termination of her
services as General Counsel of the Bank on January 20, 2018, and her leaving the Bank.
David Ssegawa: He was the HR Director. It is not true that I, as President, allowed him to
resign when there was an investigation. There was absolutely no investigation of David Ssegawa
when he resigned nor was one contemplated. Audit had raised the issue that there might be
conflict of interest in his award of contracts to a Kenya-based company. Because of rampant
rumors that he awarded these contracts fraudulently and that he was indeed the owner of the
company to which he awarded the contract, PIAC subsequently conducted an investigation. The
report of this investigation was submitted by the PIAC to me on March 24, 2020, two years
after David Ssegawa had left the Bank. The investigation concluded that it was untrue that
David awarded the contract inappropriately. It also concluded that there was no corruption in
the award of the contract. How could the President have, as alleged, accepted his resignation
because of an investigation, when the investigation had not been initiated at the time and was
not concluded until two years after his resignation? This is another example of the utter illogic
of the whistle blowers’ allegations and points toward their bad faith and maliciousness.

~ 13 ~
Khaled Sherif: the allegation that Vice President Sherif could not have travelled and
stayed for long periods in the US without the President’s permission, is incorrect. The President
does not monitor or manage time off for staff as that’s done by the Human Resources. The
truth is the Vice President had personal medical issues that he had to get attended to (his
private life must be respected) that required him to be away for extended periods, as needed,
and he travelled with full knowledge of the department of health of the Bank which was
monitoring him while away on medical reasons. The President is not the medical doctor of the
Bank, and does not get involved in medical matters of staff. The personal health of my staff, any
staff, is my priority and I support every effort to ensure staff are safe and healthy at all times.
Those matters are strictly handled by the medical center and there is full confidentially and
protection of privacy.
Political activity, ECOWAS: It is alleged that as President I basically bribed and corrupted
the 16 African Heads of State and governments in the ECOWAS region to support my candidacy
for re-election. The allegation is apparently based on a speech I gave at an ECOWAS meeting
and immediately after my speech the Heads of State endorsed my candidacy. The allegation
essentially impugns the integrity, leadership and honesty of 16 African presidents and ECOWAS.
This is a fanciful and baseless allegation.
I am proud of my leadership and work in leading our Bank teams, which has helped the
Bank to deliver very impressive results in the ECOWAS region (see App. 24, ECOWAS speech
delivered). And I am humbled and equally proud that the Heads of State and governments
acknowledged my leadership of the Bank. At the Africa Union summit of Heads of State and
governments, held in February 2020, the Executive Council of the Union, made up of 55
Ministers of Foreign Affairs, unanimously endorsed my candidacy for re-election as President of
the Bank. Following the faulty logic of the whistle blowers, one would deduce that I have bribed
all 55 African presidents. The allegation demonstrates demeaning disregard for Africa, Africans
and leaders of Africa. I am humbled that the whole of Africa, without any exception, endorsed
me for re-election. That African Presidents appreciate my passion, commitment, and high level
of dedication to driving forward Africa’s agenda, as agreed to by the Africa Union and the Heads
of State and governments. Their support is based on the results the Bank has achieved. Under
my leadership, with support of my staff and the Board, the Bank secured a General Capital
Increase of 125%, which raised the capital of the Bank from $93 billion to $208 billion, an
increase of $115 billion, the highest in the history of the Bank since establishment in 1964. The
Bank achieved a 32% increase as well for its African Development Fund, which supports its low
income countries and fragile states, a significant achievement praised by the shareholders.
Under my leadership the AAA rating of the Bank has continued to be maintained. The Bank’s
income has seen a dramatic growth. The Bank was ranked No 1, along with the World Bank, by
the MOPAN report, as fit for purpose, among all international organizations assessed. The Bank
has strong governance and transparency and was ranked last year as the 4th most transparent
institution in the world by Publish What You Fund. Besides these, the results of our work have
been impressive as well, based on highly reputable results monitoring and reporting systems at
~ 14 ~
the Bank. In the past four years, we helped to connect 18 million people to electricity, provide
access to improved agricultural technologies for 144 million people, provided 13 million people
to access to finance, provided 101 million people with access to improved transport and 60
million people with access to improved water and sanitation. I was awarded the African Person
of the Year by Forbes, and the African of the Year by the Africa Leadership Magazine in a
Continental wide open voting system of over one million people. According to the
whistleblowers’ logic, I must have corrupted them all. I am proud of the Bank I lead and its very
many loyal and highly dedicated and loyal staff who work very hard every day to make the Bank
what it is recognized for today.
Appointment of Charles Lufumpa as Acting Vice President and Chief Economist: The
allegations against me are also patently false. My conclusion after careful review of the case of
Charles Lufumpa is that the investigations conducted were very faulty and cannot prove the
allegations made against him. My review also showed a well-orchestrated effort to make Mr.
Lufumpa a scape goat for failures of others to do their job. It became very clear to me that the
PIAC investigators and the then General Counsel harbored a presumption of guilt and engaged
in a rush to judgment at all costs, through conspiratorial actions.
Now to the facts: The investigation into the allegations against Mr. Lufumpa started
years before I was elected President. The matters under investigation occurred under the
former President of the Bank, Donald Kaberuka, many years before I joined the Bank. To be
clear: I do not personally know Mr. Lufumpa. From my comprehensive review of the files on
this case, which I have reviewed more than ten times, I came to the firm conclusion that Mr.
Lufumpa was not guilty as charged as the case cannot stand up to scrutiny before the
Administrative Tribunal of the Bank. I am not at any liberty to divulge confidential materials on
this, but I have fully explained the details of this case and my readings and findings on the
matter. I questioned the Acting Director of PIAC (Mr. Bubacarr Sankareh) who managed the
investigation. When I confronted him with the several logical holes and inconsistencies in the
investigation, I asked him the question (in the presence of my then Chief of Staff) “whether he
could look me in the face and tell me that Mr. Lufumpa was guilty as the PIAC report says?”. He
told me “Mr. Président, I cannot say that he is guilty”. The same happened with the then
General Counsel, Mrs. Helene Ngarnim-Ganga. She had given me advice that “I should dismiss
Mr. Lufumpa” and that there “are a number of non-regional Executive Directors that have
wanted him fired and that they would not take it lightly if this was not done”. She also said “the
Bank risks not getting replenishment of the African Development Fund (ADF) if this was not
done”. At a point Ms. N’Garnim-Ganga came to inform me that “there were new allegations
that Mr. Lufumpa had forged Bank chèques and that “if we can prove this we would have ‘got
him’”. This she said in the presence of my Chief of Staff, Ms. Mulindi. I immediately queried her
why she would use such a term as “got him” and that this is now clearly like a witch-hunt.
Nonetheless, I told her to proceed and get me evidence and confirmation that indeed Mr.
Lufumpa forged Bank checks. Ms. N’Garnim-Ganga disappeared for three months and never
came back to give me the evidence she was asked to provide. Following my asking for her to
~ 15 ~
come and brief me, she came to my office and said “Mr. President, I have looked and it turned
out that it was a lie”. I asked her that since she was asking me to fire Mr. Lufumpa, whether if I
did as advised, and he challenged the case at the Administrative Tribunal, what will happen?”
She told me “the Bank will lose the case”.
The then General Counsel, Ms. N’Garnim- Nganga, in a Memo to me on this issue dated
October 2, 2017, stated as follows: “However, while my analysis has found argument
supporting a serious case of misconduct, I am still concerned that we only have a case based on
The company that PIAC had alleged was involved in the purported collusion and
corruption with Mr. Lufumpa, took the case and the Bank to the Bank’s Sanctions Tribunal. The
Company won the case at the tribunal and the case brought by the Bank was dismissed. The
Bank had to pay a huge penalty.
So you have a situation of a very flawed investigation, with too many hidden agendas
and inconsistencies and a conspiracy to find Mr. Lufumpa guilty at all costs, when the evidence
just does not add up to reach the required burden of proof. With these inconsistencies and
malicious intents, it was obvious to me this was a witch hunt clad in investigation garments.
Management cleared Mr. Lufumpa of the allegations and wrote him a letter of apology on
October 1, 2019 (App. 25).
I briefed the full Board of Directors several times on this matter, including the then Chair
of the Audit and Finance Committee in 2016 (Mr. Mellouki) and Mr. LeBastard who replaced
him as Chair of the AUFI.
Most recently when Mr. Lufumpa was appointed as Acting Vice President (following his
clearance of the allegations), I gave a full briefing on the issue when ED LeBastard asked why
Mr. Lufumpa, who had been investigated by PIAC, had been appointed. Because the Board now
has eleven new members, I had to brief again the Board of Directors. My message has always
been the same: I firmly believe that Mr. Lufumpa is not guilty and is a victim of witch-hunting
through this investigation. The plot was clear: “get him”. I have always been very transparent
and consistent. I told the Board of Directors repeatedly that any of the Executive Directors was
at liberty to come to my office to review the materials. If any feel, after the reviews, that the
situation is different from the one I have provided above, they should challenge me. I stand
firmly behind my decision. My conscience is clear.
In summary, every single one of the 16 allegations against me in the Disclosure remains
unsubstantiated. I have not violated the Code of Conduct. The Ethics Committee should so find
and dismiss the matter.

Akinwumi A. Adesina

~ 16 ~

~ 17 ~
President’s Memorandum
Appendix 1
Letters from Arnold & Porter to the Ethics Committee
President’s Memorandum
Appendix 2
Dissociation Note from Indignant Staff Members
President’s Memorandum
Appendix 3
Evidence of the Establishment of the Nigeria Country Office





Following extensive consultations with Executive Directors, further adjustments have

been made to the “fine Tuning proposals’’ to incorporate the constructive views and
advice. There is broad consensus that the adoption of the Ten Year Strategy and its
effective implementation require a limited “fine tuning” to the Bank’s organizational
structure and reporting arrangements. The proposed changes, seeking to respond to
the viewpoints expressed by the Board and key stakeholders on various occasions,
are BUDGET NEUTRAL. They are all fully funded and resourced through
redeployment of existing vacant positions and optimal mapping of staff to the new
needs. These refinements are essential now for a dynamic Bank, and draw on
recognized good practice and experience elsewhere in the corporate world and sister
institutions. We have put special emphasis on alleviating span of control at the higher
level and ensuring very minimal disruption of activity. The revised summary
organizational chart is attached as Annex for ease of reference.

1. These changes take note of:

Alleviating span of control at higher executive level.

Emerging needs and priorities as a result of the new Ten Year Strategy (TYS).
Best practice in risk management.
Adjustments as a result of Decentralization.
Enhanced delivery performance management.
Commitments made under both GCI-VI and ADF.

2. The proposed changes include:

2.1 The creation of a position of a Group Chief Risk Officer (CRO) in line with
the best practices on risk governance in the corporate world and sister
institutions, but focusing on our specificity. The CRO will report directly to
the President (PRST), exercising independently from risk taking
departments. The CRO will have responsibility for ensuring compliance with
risk related issues (credit, operational, market, reputational, safeguards,
internal controls, and business continuity). The CRO will work progressively
with all units concerned for optimal reconfiguration and migration of the
Bank’s risk management functions into enterprise-wide risk management
(ERM) framework overtime.

2.2 The appointment, as announced at the beginning of ADF13 negotiation, of a

Special Envoy for Gender (SEG). The SEG is appointed as Adviser to the
President and will lead in the immediate term the Bank’s advocacy on
Gender issues across Africa. The SEG will work closely with all relevant Bank
units, beginning with the Gender Division, charged with the responsibility to
ensure effective mainstreaming of Gender concerns into Bank’s operations,
but above all across the entire organization, within RMCs, and sister
continental and regional institutions. I expect the SEG to work also with all
relevant units for Gender to become a stand-alone Department in the

2.3 The African Natural Resources Center. There is consensus that the Bank
must now scale up its work and advisory service for a better management
of Africa’s natural resources. We have discussed this with the Board before
informally and there was unanimity on the need to deepen capacity in such
areas as oil, gas and mining in the Bank to support the RMCs. The Center
will work closely with the Africa Legal Support Facility. The creation of the
Center recognizes that the issues are beyond legal matters and contracts.
There are issues along the entire value chain. The Center will therefore
build capacity overtime for effective and targeted interventions in that
value chain in this vital sector of the African economy in the coming years.

2.4 The Business Development Office. Amidst a challenging global

environment in the RMCs and the need to innovatively grow business, I
believe it is now time to establish a stand-alone focal point whose role will
be to proactively building Bank’s business. In the initial phase, this new
office will help with the design and preparatory work necessary for key
initiatives, including the concept of the Africa50.

2.5 In the same spirit, I also propose that the New Partnership for African
Development (NEPAD) Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (IPPF) is
converted into a Division.

2.6 The Financial Sector Development Department. As the recent external

evaluation indicated that there is an urgent necessity to build on the Bank’s
private sector experience to deepen Africa’s financial sector. Currently,
there is much work under way across the Bank in OPSM, ONRI, OSGE and
Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A). These dispersed actions need to
be seamlessly coordinated. The new Department will bring all the
initiatives together under one roof and provide coherence and critical
mass in this vital area.

2.7 The Delivery and Performance Management Office. Consistent with the
need for rigorous performance monitoring, it is proposed to establish a new
Delivery and Performance Management Office. It will subsume the
functions previously performed by the virtual Performance Management
Group. The new Delivery Office will manage the “Executive Dashboard”
provide early warning on areas of slippage, non-satisfactory performance
and delivery on institutional KPIs as well as follow up on reform initiatives
to ensure coherence in their implementation. The Delivery Office will
engage all units and complexes, working with them on remedial action
plans to ensure timely effective delivery in the problem areas, institutional
commitments and initiatives. In the initial phase, this office will be
resourced through redeployment of relevant staff from COBS previously
involved in the work of the virtual PMG.

3 Regional Departments Merged

Taking account of decentralization, as well as for budget, rationalization and

coherence, I propose to merge or upgrade several units.

3.1 The East Africa Regional Resource Center (EARC) and the Regional
Department East 2 (OREB). To further leverage the progress of
decentralization, the two East Africa regions, EARC and OREB are merged
into East & Horn Region. There will be a section dedicated to the Special
Initiatives on the Horn of Africa.

3.2 The Southern Africa Regional Resource Center (SARC) and the Regional
Department South 2 (ORSB). SARC and ORSB are merged to leverage
decentralization and achieve efficiency gains. The reconfigured SARC will
therefore oversee most of the SADC Region.

3.3 The Regional Department West 1 (ORWA) and the Regional Department
West 2 (ORWB) are consolidated into one single Department. There will be
a section dedicated to the Sahel and Mano River Special Initiatives. Nigeria,
given its sheer size, will be a stand-alone Directorate. This proposal is
consistent with the decentralization Road Map, which provides for tailoring
the Bank’s presence in five special case countries (including Nigeria) taking
into account the distinctive size and complexity of their land, population
and portfolio.

3.4 The Regional Department North 1 (ORNA) and the Regional Department
North 2 (ORNB) are also merged into one single Department to leverage
the Bank’s footprint in the region. In parallel, the Bank’s representation
offices in those countries of the region with very large and complex
portfolios will be strengthened through optimal re-assignment of existing
staff. The proposed re-alignment and rationalization should help to achieve
better country focus and greater efficiency gains.

3.5 Reinforcing the Role of the Permanent Committee on Decentralization

(PECOD) to report to FVP/COO. So far PECOD has been effective at rolling
out the decentralization road map. PECOD has still a role to play until
sufficient lessons have been learnt from the full implementation of the
decentralization Road Map. It is now necessary to reinforce supervision of
implementation. Consequently, I propose to supplement PECOD’s mandate
with an inspection function as a separate but complementary stream.

3.6 The Strategy (STRG) and Operational Policy (ORPC) Departments are
merged into one single Department to now report to FVP/COO to ensure
better alignment between operational policies and priorities.

3.7 It is proposed, for better alignment and synergy, that OWAS now reports to

4 Units Upgraded to Departments

4.1 The Fragile States Unit (OSFU) is upgraded to a Fragile States Department
to now report to ORVP. The Ten Year Strategy, the complexity of the
fragility situations in Africa, the need for more robust political economic
analyses, regional approaches and refining of our operations to effective
state building requires a stronger and high profile Department. This is
consistent with the new ambition and initial recommendations of the High
Level Panel on Fragile States.

4.2 The Resource Mobilization Unit (ORMU) and the Partnerships Unit (ORRU)
are merged and upgraded to a single Resource Mobilization and External
Finance Department to report to FNVP. This is an attempt to rationalize and
achieve better synergy on co-financing arrangements, external resource
mobilization from donors, foundations, etc. The new Department will be
the focal point of external resource mobilization and management of

4.3 The Communication and External Relations Unit is upgraded to a

Communication and External Relations Department (CERD). It is broadly
agreed that to accomplish the Ten Year Strategy, stronger outreach and
more effective communication are central areas for better branding of the
institution, its activities and communication with stakeholders. We have
concluded that it is now time for the unit to be upgraded to a fully-fledged
Communication Department given the expansion and complexity of Bank’s
activities. It is a move consistent with the ambition of the Bank as a voice
on African development issues.

5 Units Internally Reconfigured

5.1 Climate Change Coordination (CCCC) is folded into the Energy Environment
and Climate Change Department (ONEC). While a stand-alone Department
would be ideal, for now I propose Climate Change Coordination folding its
activities into ONEC3 which has built a critical mass of knowledge, track
record and operational experience. Advocacy will continue to be done in
the Results and Quality Assurance Department (ORQR), which is consistent
with the vision to integrate climate change and a few related issues.

5.2 Other changes proposed, for rationalization, include re-organizing OSAN
into three Divisions (OSAN 1 for Agriculture Africa North and OSAN 2 for
Agriculture South of the Equator and OSAN 3 for Environment and
Sustainable Development), EADI into two Divisions (EADI 1 for Program
Development and EADI 2 for Policy Management) and COBS into two
Divisions (COBS 1 for Budget Programming and COBS 2 for Budget
Execution Coordination).

6 Additional Changes

6.1 In execution of previous Board decisions, the offices of the Audit General
(OAGL) and Integrity and Anti-Corruption (IACD) and Corporate IT Services
(CIMM) are internally reconfigured. OAGL is re-organized into two
Divisions, IACD into two Divisions and CIMM into five Divisions. Further
details may be found into the respective Board documents.

6.2 The proposed Staff Integrity Office will be merged with the Ethics Office
(COEO) for efficiency. The staff integrity office has been previously
extensively discussed. CAHR has cleared the matter for discussion this
September. If adopted by the Board, this new office will be an essential
entity in the staff recourse mechanisms and compliance with organizational
labor norms. For memory this was previously led by the Anti-Corruption
Department, but best practice, now indicates the two functions are
different. It is a very lean office which will assist the Bank in ensuring staff

6.3 I propose also to reduce the burden on the President that the Ombudsman
and the Staff Appeals Committee transfer to FVP/COO. For better
alignment, the Language Services Department (CLSD) will now report to

6.4 Finally, as the Board has requested on several occasions, Secretary General
(SEGL) will now have three Departments with the transfer of Language
Services (CLSD) to SEGL. The former SEGL Department is reconfigured into
two new Departments (i.e. one Department in charge of Board Matters,

and a second Department to provide support in respect of Relations with
RMCs, Protocol Matters and Disclosure and Access to Information (DAI).

7 Conclusion

7.1 I would like to observe that an exercise of this type has several possible
permutations. There is no ideal model, but there are different options and
structures. This is why fine tuning is an exercise which should always be
carried out only when this is necessary for better delivery. That is the case
with the Ten Year Strategy as we aim for greater coherence and stronger

7.2 I emphasize that the proposed changes are Budget Neutral.

7.3 I re-submit, for your consideration, these revised proposals incorporating

your views and advices during our consultation meetings.

7.4 I will be shortly inviting you to a Tea Session so that we can conclude.

President’s Memorandum
Appendix 4
Evidence of the Creation of the Nigeria Country Office
President’s Memorandum
Appendix 5
Appointment and Confirmation Letters for Dr. Martin Fregene

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