Solid Based Titrimetry: Norooz Maleki, Zahra Ramezani, Helena Kaabi

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ELSEVIER Analytica Chimica Acta 318 (1996) 373-376

Solid based titrimetry

Norooz Maleki *, Zahra Ramezani, Helena Kaabi
Department of Chemisrry Shiraz University, Shiraz 71454, Iran

Received 27 March 1995; accepted 6 September 1995


A solid based titrimetric method is introduced in which a solid titrant is poured to a solution by a vibrating spatula fixed
to the pan of a balance. The spatula, the balance, and the responses of the detector are measured and controlled by a personal
computer. The precision and reliability of the method are evaluated by a series of potentiometric and photometric titrations.
In potentiometric titrations 20 to 40 equilibrium pH data points near the equivalence point are collected within an acceptable
time. Titrations within the concentration range 10d4 to 0.1 mol kg-’ are accomplished. Both potentiometric and
photometric titrations exhibit a precision of about a few tenths of a per cent.

Keywords: Gravimetry; Titrimetry; Solid based titrimetry

1. Introduction reviewed the field of automated titrimetric analysis.

Volumetric and weight or gravimetric titrimetry
Titrimetry is the determination of a substance have been used for many years. In volumetric titra-
through the measurement of the amount of a reagent tions the amount of the titrant is obtained by measur-
necessary to just complete a definite chemical reac- ing the volume of a standard solution and in the
tion in a solution containing that substance [l]. Titri- gravimetric approaches its weight is measured in-
metric methods are neither as rapid nor as sensitive stead. Both methods use a solution of a standard. In
as instrumental methods such as atomic absorption this respect they both are solution based. Titrations
or emission spectroscopy, but have the distinct ad- with highest accuracy have been performed by weight
vantage of higher precision. This makes titrations titrimetry [3]. Measurement of the mass of the titrants
important in those analytical applications where high besides being intrinsically more accurate than vol-
precision is of most importance. Precision of a titra- ume measurement is not subject to errors related to
tion is I 0.1%. In contrast to instrumental methods, the temperature expansion coefficient of the solvent.
titrations are non-comparative and do not require Errors due to evaporation of the solvent of the
calibration, if the stoichiometries implied by the standard solution, instability of the titrant solution
chemical reactions reflect what is actually occurring and dilution during the titration still occur in weight
in the analytical process. Titrimetric methods can titrations. The advantages of measuring t&ants by
also easily be automated. Pungor et al. [2] have weight rather than volume, particularly concerning
accuracy and precision, have long been recognized
[4]. Gravimetric titration systems were improved by
?? Corresponding author. Kratochvil et al. [5,6], but because of the inconve-

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SSDZ 0003-2670(95)00453-X
374 N. Maleki et al./Analytica Chimica Acta 318 (1996) 373-376

nience of the instrumentation and the lack of distinct 2.1. The control and data processing system
advantages, these systems have since been little used.
Most titrations require the addition of several mg This system consists of a 386 IBM-compatible
of a titrant (e.g., 0.5 ml of a 0.1 M solution that is personal computer with two communication ports,
equivalent to 5 mg of a standard with MW = 100). one is connected to the balance and the other to a
This amount can directly be measured with an ana- computer interface described elsewhere [7].
lytical balance. By the introduction of modern ana-
lytical balances that can precisely, accurately, and 2.2. The delivery system
rapidly measure amounts of 0.01 mg the advantages
of using volumetric methods in many applications It is composed of a Mettler AT261 Deltarange
have disappeared. balance (Mettler, Greifensee, Switzerland), having a
In this study we describe a new titrimetric method weight capacity of 200 g and a resolution of 0.1 mg
in which the titrant is added as a solid. Measuring over the entire range and a movable fine range with
the weight of a titrant, in a controlled environment, a resolution of 0.01 mg. A Mettler LV3 vibrating
during a titration eliminates all errors except the spatula is fixed to the pan of the balance. The spatula
error due to the measurement of mass. Since a solid is modified so that it can be controlled with a
titrant is used, the dilution effect is eliminated, it phototransistor. The phototransistor is triggered by a
becomes possible to use reagents with limited solu- light emitting diode (LED). The intensity of the light
bility, more economical use of titrants is possible for from the LED is controlled by the output of &bit
non-routine titrations, and the use of unstable solu- digital-to-analog converter (DAC) which changes the
tions is also made possible. In non-aqueous media, rate of vibration of the spatula. The input of the
solid based titrimetry has the extra advantage of DAC is connected to the output of the interface. The
decreasing the amount of solvent required. output of the interface is controlled by the computer.
All the eight bits of the interface are not necessarily
used for this purpose. One or more of the bits can be
2. Experimental used to control a solenoid valve for purging or other
purposes. The balance pan compartment, the titration
Various parts of the system and their interconnec- vessel and the spatula containing titrant were en-
tions are shown in Fig. 1. Details are as follows. closed in a draft shield made of aluminum.

To Interface
Balance Pan

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the titration system.

N. Maleki et al./Analytica Chimica Acta 318 (1996) 373-376 375

2.3. The detection system Table 1

Potentiometric and photometric titration data

A Metrohm 691 pH Meter (Metrohm, Herisau, Analyte Titrant and No. Mean results R.S.D. (%) b
and cont. of titrations (mol g - 1)
Switzerland) or a PU 8625 UV-visible spectro-
(mol g - ’)
photometer (Pye Unicam, Cambridge, UK), con-
nected to the computer through the analog input of l.oooX 1o-4 KHP, 4 9.84X10-’ 0.05
the interface, serves as the detection system. Ab- NaOH (aq)
1.000x lo-’ KHP, 6 9.61 X lo- 6 0.42
sorbance is monitored by circulating solution from
NaOH (aq)
the titration vessel with a PLG-Peristaltic pump (De- 3.80X lo-’ KHP, 10 3.64X 10-7 2.99
saga, Heidelberg, Germany) through a l-cm, 80-1.1.1 NaOH (aq)
flow cell (Pye Unicam) inserted into the cell com- 9.96~ 1O-3 EDTA, 5 9.85~10-~ = 0.14
partment of the spectrophotometer. cu2+

a mol kg-‘.
2.4. The titrator control software b Titrations were consecutive and no data was omitted in between.

The program to control the hardware and process

the data was written in Quick-Basic. All facilities rized in Table 1. As expected, the relative standard
such as acquiring the data, plotting the titration deviation increased as the concentration decreases.
curve, and end-point calculations were included in The precision obtained is as good as that presented
the program. The titration curve or data can be in [5]. A typical potentiometric titration curve is
displayed during the titration. Two routines were shown in Fig. 2. It is to be noted that for the titration
written to support linear and sigmoidal titration of 3.8 X lop7 mol g-’ NaOH, 1 1 of the solution is
curves. used and about 74 mg of KHP is poured into the
solution to reach the end point.
2.5. Reagents and materials The most crucial part of an automatic titration
system is the delivery. In volumetric titrations an
All solutions were prepared with triply distilled
automatic burette performs this task, in which the
water. Carbonate-free sodium hydroxide was pre-
titrant is added through a narrow tube immersed in
pared by dilution of 0.1 mol kg-’ NaOH (AnalarR,
the sample. Besides the problems associated with
BDH, Poole, UK). Potassium hydrogenphthalate
volumetric titrations cited by Kratochvil and Maitra
&HP) (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was recrystal-
[4], one of the less-noticed drawbacks is the diffusion
lized from water and was dried for 1 h at 120°C
before titration. Copper nitrate trihydrate, ammonia,
and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt 13

(EDTA) (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland) were used as 12


2.6. Procedure 10

For potentiometric titrations a sodium hydroxide
solution was titrated with sodium hydrogenphthalate. 8

In photometric titrations a solution of copper was 7

titrated with EDTA [8].

3. Results and discussion 0 100 200 300 400


Results for potentiometric acid-base titrations of Fig. 2. Titration curve of 5 X lo-’ mol g-’ NaOH with solid
three different concentrations of NaOH are summa- potassium hydrogenphthalate.
376 N. Maleki et al. /Analytica Chimica Acta 318 (1996) 373-376

of the sample through the tip of the tube to the In the case of sigmoidal titration curves, the rou-
titrant, when the tip is immersed in the titrant. This tine that controls the titration is somewhat more
effect is particularly pronounced when the equilibra- complicated. At first, titrant delivery can be contin-
tion time is long. This and other problems associated ued until a predetermined weight is attained. After
with volumetric titrations is not observed in solid- this point the slope calculation determines the rate
based titrations. and duration of delivery. This is performed between
In solid-based titration a vibrating spatula per- each two successive points during the titration. In
forms the delivery. The delivered amount is deter- this way the program controls the delivery rate. At
mined by the pulse duration and the rate is controlled points far from end point, where the slope does not
by the intensity of the light of the LED set by the change considerably, the delivery rate is fast, and
software. By careful control of the two variables, near or at the end point, where the slope changes
increments as small as 0.05 mg can be delivered and abruptly, the delivery rate becomes slow, so more
a large number of data can be obtained in the course data points can be collected near the end point. Each
of the titration, particularly near the end point. potentiometric titration took 15 to 25 min with about
The mesh size of the solid titrant also affects the 20 to 40 collected data points near the end point.
delivery rate and hence the precision of the potentio- Most of the titration time is used for dissolution and
metric titration. Crystalline solids are more conve- mixing. More efficient means of dissolution, such as
nient than powders that tend to stick to each other. ultrasonic agitation, will help to shorten the titration
Finely crystalline solids are obtained by rapid recrys- time without loss of precision.
tallization and drying the titrant in an oven. Some-
times it is necessary to sift the solids in order to
obtain a more uniform solid that can be delivered References
more smoothly.
In photometric titrations equal amounts of the [l] C.M. Beck, Anal. Chem., 66 (1994) 224A.
titrant are added and the absorbance is recorded. [2] E. Pungor, Z. Feher, G. Nagy and K. Toth, CRC Crit. Rev.
Titration curves obtained in this way are more linear Anal. Chem., 14 (1983) 175.
[3] B. Kratochvil and P.F. Quirk, Anal. Chem., 42 (1970) 492.
than solution-based titrations, since virtually no dilu-
[4] B. Kratochvil and C. Maitra, Am. Lab. (Fairfield, Corm.), 1.5
tion occurs. The photometric end point is determined (1983) 22.
by the intersection of the least squares lines of the [5] B. Kratochvil and J.E. Nolan, Anal. Chem., 56 (1984) 586.
two linear parts of the titration curves. The result of 161 R. Guevremont and B. Kratochvil, Anal. Chem., 50 (1978)
a photometric titration is also presented in Table 1. 1945.
171 N. Maleki and B. Haghighi, J. Chem. Educ., 72 (4) (1995)
The titrations took 20 to 30 min mostly because of
the delay introduced to allow time for mixing and [8] D.T. Sawyer, W.R. Heineman and J.M. Beebe, Chemistry
equilibration. The precision obtained is consistent Experiments for Instrumental Methods, Wiley, New York,
with that presented in [5]. 1984, p. 187.

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