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(Federal Republic of Germany v. Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany
Denmark; all had a dispute over the boundaries of a
Federal Republic of Germany v. shared continental shelf. Denmark and
Netherlands) the Netherlands both argued that the
International Court of Justice dispute should be resolved according to
1969 I.C.J. 3 principles of Article 6 of the Geneva
Convention of 1958 on the Continental
Shelf, which provided that in the absence
The case involved the delimitation of the of agreement or special circumstances, a
continental shelf areas in the North Sea boundary line should be determined by
between Germany and Denmark and application of the “principle of
Germany and Netherlands beyond the equidistance.” Germany was not a party
partial boundaries previously agreed upon to this Convention, but Denmark and the
by these States. The parties requested Netherlands argued that the principle of
the ICJ to decide the principles and rules equidistance still applied because it was
of international law that are applicable to part of general international law, and
the above delimitation. The parties particularly customary international law.
disagreed on the applicable principles or
rules of delimitation – Netherlands and ISSUE:
Denmark relied on the principle of
equidistance (the method of determining WON the delimitation be the object of an
the boundaries in such a way that every equitable agreement between the states
point in the boundary is equidistant from involved?
the nearest points of the baselines from
which the breath of the territorial sea of HELD:
each State is measured). Germany
sought to get a decision in favor of the Yes. The delimitation is the object of an
notion that the delimitation of the equitable agreement between the states
relevant continental shelf is governed by involved.
the principle that each coastal state is As stipulated in Article 6 of the Geneva
entitled to a just and equitable share Convention equidistance principle is not
(hereinafter called just and equitable part of Customary International Law.
principle/method). Contrary to Denmark Article 6 makes the obligation to use the
and Netherlands, Germany argued that equidistance method a secondary one
the principle of equidistance was neither which comes into play when agreements
a mandatory rule in delimitation of the between the parties are absent. Although
continental shelf nor a rule of customary the principle of equidistance is not given
international law that was not binding on a fundamental norm-creating charter by
Germany. The court was not asked to Article 6, which is necessary to the
delimit – the parties agreed to delimit the formation of a general rule of law.
continental shelf as between their Premises considered, after taking into
countries, by agreement, after the consideration all relevant circumstances,
determination of the ICJ on the applicable the delimitation here is to be excused by
principles. equitable agreement.

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