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1. Which of the following organic molecules is least informative about the evolutionary
relationship between species?

A. Proteins C. DNA
B. Carbohydrates D. RNA

2. What is the reason that Stanley Miller excluded free oxygen from the mixture of the
gases that he used for his simulation?
A. The primitive atmosphere was reducing atmosphere
B. The primitive atmosphere was full of oxygen
C. Early organic molecules did not contain oxygen
D. Oxygen cannot react with the rest of the gasses
3. What is the possible cause of isolating mechanism for the formation of allopathic

A. Geographical isolation C. Seasonal isolation

B. Temporal isolation D. Behavioral isolation

4. Which of the following is the most accepted theory about the origin of life on earth?

A. Theory of special creation

B. Theory of chemical evolution
C. Cosmozoan theory
D. Theory of spontaneous generation

5. Darwin’s theory of evolution is known as:

A. Mutation theory
B. Inheritance of acquired characteristics
C. Use and disuse
D. Natural selection

6. Which of the following features does not homologous structure mostly share?

A. Phylogenetic similarity C. Functional similarity

B. Developmental similarity D. Ancestral similarity

7. Which of the following combinations is known as Neo-Darwinism?

A. Natural selection & Lamarck’s theory of evolution
B. Natural selection & use and disuse
C. Natural selection & Mendelian law of inheritance
D. Acquired inheritance & Mendelian law of inheritance
8. Which one of the following is the result of the similarity observed between the wings of
a bird and a pterodactyl ?

A. Convergent evolution C. Adaptive radiation

B. Divergent evolution D. Directional selection

9. Which of the following species isolating processes could lead to the evolution of a new
species by the mechanism known as sympatric speciation?
A. A land mass that separated two water bodies for many years
B. Populations of a species having different breeding seasons
C. A new mountain range that was created many years ago
D. A river that changed its course for many years
10. Which of the following can show the evolutionary relationship among organisms?

A. Structural similarity C. Analogous structure

B. Functional similarity D. Physiological difference

11. Which of the following was the most possible mode of evolution by which the many
species of Darwin’s finches evolved on the Galapagos islands?

A. Phyletic evolution C. Divergent evolution

B. Convergent evolution D. Sympatric evolution

12. Which of the following reproductive mechanisms keeps the horses and donkeys as two
independent species?

A. Hybrid infertility C. Habitat isolation

B. Hybrid inviability D. Ecological isolation

13. Choose the one that has the least contribution to human evolution?

A. Increasing brain size C. Development of wings

B. Development of bipedalism D. Attaining opposable thump

14. Flies can be formed from rotten meat.which of the following line of thinking supports
this statement?

A. Spontaneous generation C. Biochemical theory

B. Special creationism D. Sexual reproduction

15. Suppose a fossil initially contains 10,000 atoms of a certain radioactive element whose
half life is 1000years, after how many years would the number of the atoms be 1250?

A. One thousand years C. Three thousand years

B. Two thousand years D. Four thousand years

16. What did Francesco Redi prove through his scientific experiment?
A. Flies appear spontaneously on rotting meat kept in opened or closed jars alike
B. Flies do not appear in foods kept in open jars
C. Flies do not appear in foods kept in jars that are protected with cover
D. Flies appear spontaneously on foods placed any where
17. Which of the following expression is more related to the phrase “inheritance of acquired

A. Natural selection C. Use and disuse

B. Survival of the fittest D. Mendelian inheritance

18. Which of the following is not an evolutionary requirement for two sub- populations of a
species to evolve in to independent species?

A. natural selection C. Free exchange of gene

B. Geographic isolation D. Absence of free migration

19. Which one of the following is not consistent with understanding of human evolution?
A. Human ancestor had recent common ancestor with chimpanzee
B. Bipedalism was important in human evolution
C. Fossils of Ardi and Lucy provided evidence for human origin
D. Human ancestry had no relation with that of chimpanzees
20. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the structural similarities
observed between the flippers of whales and the arms of humans?
A. Whales evolved from early humans
B. Humans evolved from whales
C. Human species began life in the ocean
D. Human species and whales share common ancestry
21. Among the following fossil hominid species, which one is the youngest of all?

A. Homo sapiens C. Ardipithecus ramidus

B. Australopithecus afarensis D. Homo habilis

22. Which of the following pairs are analogous structures?

A. wings of a bird and wings of a bat
B. wings of a bird and a wings of a butterfly
C. Front legs of a horse and a human arm
D. Front legs of a frog and wings of a bat
23. Which of the following is prevented from takes place if populations are prevented from
takes place?

A. Gene flow C. Mutation

B. Natural selection D. Evolution

24. What do you call structures that have different evolutionary origin but now are similar
in structure or have the same function?

A. Indigenous C. Analogous
B. Homologous D. Endemic

25. If a radioactive substance that weights one kilogram has a half- life of 1000 years what
would be the percentage of the substance left after 4000 years?

A. 6.25% C. 50%
B. 12.50% D. 25%

26. According Lamarck’s theory of evolution, what is the mechanism by which evolving
organisms acquire new structures?

A. Mutation C. Hereditary variation

B. Natural selection D. Use and disuse body parts

27. What is the branch of biology that studies about the origin and gradual changes of living

A. Evolution C. Reproduction
B. Mutation D. Ecology

28. What kind of natural selection is at work in a situation where individuals at the middle
of the range get better survival advantage than those at both extreme ends?

A. Directional selection D. Selection that favors the

B. Stabilizing selection extremes
C. Disruptive selection

29. During the course of evolution, which of the following events came before all the
A. Origin of the first eukaryotic animals and plants
B. Origen of dinosaurs and other reptiles
C. Origen of the oldest eukaryotic organism
D. Availability of free oxygen in the atmosphere
30. In some human liver cells there are 92 chromosomes per cell what is the polyploidy
level of the cell?

A. Haploid C. Triploid
B. Diploid D. Tetraploid

31. Which one of the following is not important for evolutionary change of a population?
A. Existence of heritable variation
B. Over reproduction
C. Insufficient of natural resources
D. Survival of all that are born
32. Which of the following characteristics can show the evolutionary relationships among
A. Structures having the same size
B. Structures having similar functions
C. Structures having common origin
D. Structures having different origins
33. In the process of the evolution of life on earth, which of the following four processes
evolved last?

A. Aerobic respiration C. Photosynthesis

B. Chemosynthesis D. Anaerobic respiration

34. What is the reproductive isolating mechanism called if two species of birds do not
interbreed because they cannot understand the mating calls?

A. Seasonal isolation C. Temporal isolation

B. Behavioral isolation D. Geographical isolation

35. Which of the following is the correct route that connects a stimulus and a response?
A. Receptor_ Coordinator_ Effector
B. Effector_ coordinator_ receptor
C. Coordinator_ effector_ receptor
D. Receptor_ effector_ coordinator
36. Which of the following do bees use to inform other bees about the location and distance of
new nectar discover?

A. Buzzing noise C. Waggle dance

B. Vibration of wings D. Pheromones

37. Which or the following is classified as inborn behavior?


A. Insight C. Conditioned
B. Latent D. Imprinting

38. What do we call the learning behavior if a frog that had just escaped from the mouth of a
snake jumped violently at a slight touch by trivial objects?

A. Latent C. Sensitization
B. Imprinting D. Conditioning

39. To what kind of animal behavior can the spinning of a web by spider be classified?

A. Instinctive C. Learned
B. Conditioned D. Insight

40. Which of the following behavioral biologist is known for his study about operant conditioning
in animals?

A. W. kohler C. Ivan Pavlov

B. B.F. skinner D. Konrad Lorenz

41. Goslings tend to follow the first moving object that they see as they hatch out of the eggs.
What kind of animal behavior does this demonstrate?

A. Positive taxis C. Instinctive behavior

B. Positive kinesis D. Learned behavior

42. If someone suddenly removes his/her hand from a very hot object, which of the following
types of behavior is manifested?

A. Sensitization C. Conditioned reflex

B. Imprinting D. Reflex action

43. Woodlice are observed avoiding light and heat by quickly moving to moist and darker areas.
Which behavior of these animals helps them to detect differences in light intensity and move
to the darker and moist part of the habitat?

A. Negative phototaxis C. Positive kinesis

B. Positive phototaxis D. Negative kinesis

44. Which of the following is a learned behavior?

A. Blinking the eyes when something gets in to them
B. Withdrawal of hands suddenly from hot objects
C. Salivation to the sound of a bell
D. Sucking of the new born at mother’s breasts

45. To which category of behavior does the human behavior that involves the strengthening of
existing responses or the formation of new responses to existing stimuli that occur because of
practice or repetition belong?

A. Inborn behavior C. Innate behavior

B. Learned behavior D. Instinctive behavior

46. Which of the following is not grouped under genetically pre programmed patterns of behavior?

A. Instinctive behavior C. Reflex actions

B. Orientation behavior D. Operant conditioning

47. In which of the following is correctly matched between the type of behavior and the resulting
A. Reflex action_ nest building in birds
B. Instinctive behavior_ blinking of the eyes in humans
C. Orientational_ weaving a web in spiders
D. Instinctive behavior_ imprinting in goslings
48. In which of the following ways does learned behavior differ from innate behavior? Learned
behavior is:

A. Adaptive in nature C. Genetically determined

B. Modified by new experiences D. Functional at the first attempt

49. Which of the following about instinctive actions is not true?

A. Are inborn C. Have fixed action pattern(FAP)

B. Are adaptive D. Requires reinforcement

50. A small boy who had observed his father making air fresh, one day made on his own. Which
learning behavior does this exemplify?

A. Sensitization C. Insight learning

B. Latent learning D. Imprinting

51. Showing acts of fighting without any physical contact is called:

A. Marking C. Ritual fighting

B. Actual fighting D. Eusociality

52. Which of the following caste of bees is haploid?

A. Drones C. Queens
B. Workers D. All

53. Which of the following type of learning requires mental trial?


A. Latent learning C. Operant conditioning

B. Insight learning D. Classical conditioning

54. In pavlov’s classical conditioning experiments on dogs which one of the following is the
unconditioned stimulus?

A. The sight of food

B. The salivation of the dog at the sight of food
C. The salivation of the dog at the sound of the bell
D. The sound of the bell before presenting food

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