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Vet Database: Lab Manual

Preface: Data at a Veterinary Clinic

A veterinary clinic is a hospital, doctor's office, or medical building for the treatment of non-human animals. The
patients are mostly the pet animals who are very dear to their Owners. That is why it is very important to keep a
track of the pet’s information as well as the owner’s information for further assistance.

Owner/Customer Information
The owner of a pet is the customer of the Vet. Clinic. The owner bears the responsibility of a pet, therefore, owner
details is of great importance like his/her name, occupation, phone number, and related information. We might
consider to have the owners’ information in a separate table to reduce redundancies.

A table is a set of columns and rows. Each column is called a field. The fields included in the above mentioned tables
are given below

Name of table Customers

Field (Primary Key) Customer ID
Field Customer’s Name
Field Contact no.
Field Address
Field Occupation
Pet Information
The pets are the patient. Information about the pets/patients can be kept in another table to reduce redundancies.
The basic information about an animal includes type, breed, birthdate, and gender. We will consider creating a
separate table with the pet’s information.

Name of table Pets

Field (Primary Key) Pets ID
Field Pet’s Name
Field Type Of Animal
Field Breed
Field Gender
Keeping a history about previous visits of the pet can provide the clinic with information to improve the service
level. We will consider adding a third table that contains with information like the date and time of the visit(s),
services rendered, amount paid, and notes.

Name of table Visits

Field (Primary Key) Visits ID
Field Date & Time
Field Service Rendered
 The Customer table is used from the prebuilt table of MS Access
 The Pets Table is created by importing an Excel file containing the information of Pets
 The Visits Table is created using MS Access

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Tasks to Perform
Task 1: Creating a Blank Database
 Select Blank Database
 Type Project Name (example: MyPetProject)
 Click on Create

Figure: Creating Blank Database

Task 2: Using Customer Table from the Prebuilt Tables in MS Access

The table is created using Application Parts. A table named “Contacts” is used which is close to what is
needed for the Customer Table.( Some minor changes are added for the Table)

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Figure: Selecting Prebuilt Table

Rename the Table

 To rename the table from “Contacts” to “Customers”, Right- click on the table name (Contacts) and
Select “Rename”.
 Type new table name that is “Customers” and press Enter twice.

Figure: Using Rename option Figure: Chaning the name and opening the table

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Renaming the field
 To Change the Field Name Right-click on that name and select “Rename Field”
 Type the New Field Name as “CustomerID” and press Enter

Figure: Using Rename Field Option Figure: Renaming the Field as CustomerID

 Right click on the table to Save and then close the table

Figure: Saving and closing the Customer Table

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Task 3: Importing the Pets Table from Excel to MS Access
 At first an Excel file is created (named Pets) containing the fields and data.

Fig: Excel file data

 On MS Access, go to “External Data” then Select “Excel” from the Import and Link tool box

Fig: External Data Import tool

 A new dialogue box will pop-up. Browse the location of the Excel File and click OK.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Location identification of the Excel file

 Another Window will pop-up and check your data if it matches with the Excel file data and click on

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Configuring Pets Table

 Check the button to make the first Row as Column Headings and click Next >

Figure : Creating Column Headings

 The next window gives an option to change or rename the field and column data. If everything is
correct click on Next>

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Figure: Configuring Pets table

 The Next window enables to choose primary key. Click on “let Access select the primary key” and
click Next>

Fig: Primary Key Selection in Pets Table

 Change the table name to “Pets” and click on “Finish” and on the next window click “close”.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: End of Pets Table configuration

 Now, to change the field name from the table using “Design View” , Right click on the table “Pets” and
Select Design View.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Changing Field name of the Pets Table

 Now change the field name from ID to PetID

Fig: Changing field name

Vet Database: Lab Manual

 The PetID is already Selected as the Primary Key. But it is important to add another field named
“CustomerID” as it works as the foreign key of this table. To do so, Right click on the field named
“PetName” and select Insert Rows.

Fig: Adding additional field name

Write “CustomerID” on the new Row inserted and select “Number” as the Data Type.

Fig: Selecting Data Type

Then Close and Save the table as shown earlier.

Task 3: creating table on MS Access using Table Design

Go to “Create” from the menu bar and Select “Table Design”. A blank table will be created.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Creating the 3rd table

Fill up the Field and Data Type as shown below.

Fig : Table information

 To make VisitID as the Primary key, select the VisitID and click on the Primary Key button.

 A key sign will be shown on the left side of VisitID

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Selecting Primary Key

Then to Save the table right click on the Table1 and click save. Change the name of the table to Visits.
Close the table after changing the name.

Fig: Change in Table Name

Now we Have 3 Tables and 3 Primary Keys (CustomerID,PetID and VisitsID) and 2 Foreign Keys.
You can identify the foreign keys by the field names. (They have an ID and named after a Table).

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Primary Key and Foreign Key

Task 4: Building Relationship between Primary Key and Foreign Key

To link the Foreign Keys with the primary Keys, Relationship tool is used.

 Go to Database Tools and select Relationships and a table will pop up.

Fig: Configuring Relationships

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Relationships

Now to select the 3 tables (Customers, Pets & Visits) highlight them all by using the (click and hold)
Shift Keyand click on the 2nd and 3rd tables (Pets & Visits) and click Add.The Relationships Table now
will show 3 tables.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Information of 3 tables created in the Relationships tool

 Now click the primary key CustomerID (from the 1st table) and drag it to the foreign key named
CustomerID on the Pets table. Then the Edit Relationship Window opens.
 Check (tick mark) the Enforce Referential Integrity box and click on Create.

Fig: Relationship of Foreign Key configuration

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: First Foreign Key configuration shown using relationships

 Now repeat the same procedure to connect the foreign key PetID with the Primary key PetID.

Fig: Final view after configuring Relationships

Access reads relationships from one to many. To add a new pet, first add a customer. To add a visit, first you
need to add a customer then add a pet and then you can fill the visit table.

Task 5: Field Properties

To prevent Data entry error we can use the “back door” into code.

 Right click on the Visits and choose Design View.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Design view

Now you can add default value,caption and decimal places in the table which will appear in the form.

Fig: Configuring Table

 Save and close the table and open Pets Table by right clicking and selecting Design view as well.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

 Now select the TypeOfAnimal field and select “Lookup Wizard” to add type of animals.

Fig: Lookup Wizard

 Select the Option “I will type in the values I want” to add the animal types manually and click on

Fig: Lookup Wizard configuration

 Now fill in the column by typing different names. Don’t use the Enter button to go to the next
row, press tab to write name on the next row. Click on next when you are done writing on the

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Lookup Wizard Configuration

 If you don’t have anything to edit like the table name then click on finish.

Fig: Lookup Wizard Configuration

 Save and close the Pets table.

 Deleting Field
Right click on the field you want to delete and click on “delete fied”

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Deleting Field

Task 6: Creating AForm

 To create a form, select the Customer Table then go to Create Tab and Select Form and it will
create a form.

Figure: Form tool

 If you don’t have anything to change in the form then right click on the form name and save it.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Creating Form

Adding Information of Customers and Pets in Database

 At first the form named Customer is filled up with a new customer name and other information.
If you scroll down the Pet table is found.
 Then the Pet table is filled up and on the top left corner of the pet table there is a plus sign (“+”)
which is linked to the Visits table.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Filling up Form

 Now Add some more Customers from the following table to get a clear idea about a Database

Customers Table Pets Table Visits Table

1. First Name: Mark Name: Snoopy Visit Date: 02/01/2014
Last Name: Robinson TypeOfAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact# +123456 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 06/04/2011
Country : UK Gender: M

2. First Name: Khodeza Name: Billu Visit Date: 03/01/2014

Last Name: Begum TypeOfAnimal: Cat Total Amount: 30
Contact# +143011 Breed: Persian Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 10/12/2013
Country : UK Gender: F

Vet Database: Lab Manual

3. First Name: Kim Name: Tommy Visit Date: 03/01/2014
Last Name: Brown TypeOfAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact# +000111 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 04/09/2011
Country : UK Gender: M

4. First Name: Bruce Name: Sammy Visit Date: 03/01/2014

Last Name: Mork TypeOfAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact# +000111 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 24/09/2010
Country : UK Gender: M

5. First Name: Laura Name: Dinky Visit Date: 04/01/2014

Last Name: Brown TypeOfAnimal: Cat Total Amount: 30
Contact# +000222 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 05/10/2008
Country : UK Gender: F

6. First Name: Farhana Name: Scooby Visit Date: 04/01/2014

Last Name: Haque TypeOfAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact# +000333 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 04/09/2010
Country : UK Gender: M

7. First Name: Kim Name: Chappyac Visit Date: 03/01/2014

Last Name: Brown TypeOfAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact# +000111 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 04/09/2010
Country : UK Gender: M

8. First Name: Salam Name: Cruzer Visit Date: 04/01/2014

Last Name: Alam TypeofAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact#+000555 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 23/12/2009
Country: Uk Gender: M

9. First Name: Jack Name: Sam Visit Date: 04/01/2014

Last Name: Cruze TypeofAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact#+000666 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 12/12/2012
Country: Uk Gender: M

10. First Name: Mary Name: Tony Visit Date: 04/01/2014

Last Name: Kom TypeofAnimal: Dog Total Amount: 30
Contact#+000777 Breed: Mixed Invoiced: yes
City: London DateOfBirth: 11/11/2011
Country: Uk Gender: M

Task 7: Query Design

It is always difficult to fetch information from a complex and large database. Query Wizard tool helps to
fetch information in a much easier way.

 Click on Query Wizard

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Query Wizard tool

 A new window will pop up. Select Simple Query Wizard  Click Ok

Fig: Type of Query Wizard Selection

 Select the Table Name and the Field Names you want in your Query. For Example, if you want to
find number of dogs, you must add the field named “TypeOfTable”.Here three fields are
selected, CustomerID, PetName and TypeOfAnimal.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Query for Pets Table

 To select field name, select the field name and click on the arrow sign, press next and proceed

Fig: Selection of Fields for the Query

 Give a suitable query name and select the option “Modify the query design” . Click on Finish and
the design view of the Query will be shown.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Query Wizard Configuration

 If you click on the View tab it will show you the result of your query. You can go back to your
design view by clicking on it again

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Query configuration

Query basically means the question you want to ask to find a particular set of information.

Here the query is designed to find the list of dogs as patients in this clinic.

Vet Database: Lab Manual

Fig: Adding Criteria

You will be now able to see the list of the dogs in the created database

Fig: Query

Vet Database: Lab Manual

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