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• A written record of agreement with roles and responsibilities

(approx. 150 words)
Max Lionel COE: He is responsibilities for working the board of Directors to oversee the
business set overall strategic directions manage risk and authorize large financial transaction.

Riz Mehra : He is responsibilities for preparing quarterly financial statements and overall
budgeting Riz is also responsible for overseeing budgets for cost centers and individual

Kim Sweeney Operations General Manager is responsibilities for the day-to-day running
of the company Kim oversees the coordination as well as the structural separation of the
Commercial and investments centers

Les Goodale Human Resources Manager is responsibilities for the productive capacity and
welfare of people at MLR with the Operations General Manager Kim works to coordinate
projects and management systems such as performance management recruitment and

Sam Lee Manager Residential Realty is responsibilities for the management of all aspects
of residential realty

Pat Mifsud Manager Commercial Realty is responsibilities for the management of all
aspects of commercial realty

Peter Mitchell Manager Investments is responsibilities for the management of all aspects
investment realty Peterman ages the activities of investment agents Peter works with the
Operations General Manager to ensure separation of investment from obligations to
residential and commercial clients

• Three status reports as per record-keeping requirements (approx. 150 words)

There are three major components to reporting project status:

•Overall: We need to see the overall project health. As managers, we want to be able to
detect a project in trouble. We also want to help make that determination sometimes. Might
not know everything we know despite our best efforts to communicate. Project might not be
as healthy as think it is.

•Milestones: project has major accomplishments which must be completed by specific dates.
We managers want to see which milestones are complete, which ones are in progress, and
which ones are coming up next. This allows us to analyses the schedule and decides to either
feel comfortable with it or challenge it.
•Issues: project also probably has one or more obstacles to completion which have been
discovered. We'd like to see brief details about each issue so that we can make a decision
about whether or not to step in and help if necessary

• Risk managements reports: change requests and/or issues logs (approx. 150

The key is to demonstrate positive behaviors in a way that ensures risk management is kept at
the forefront of all project activities. There is always the potential of 'unknown unknowns'
impacting project, but the more can assess reasonable risks from the start of the project and
actively manage them throughout, the better placed will be as a team to realize a positive
outcome for project.

The board recognizes that creating shareholder returns is the reward for taking and accepting
risk. The effective management of risk is therefore critical to supporting the delivery of the
Group’s strategic objectives.

The Group’s approach to risk management, underpinned by the Risk policy and standard, is
aimed at embedding a risk-aware culture in all decision-making, and a commitment to
managing risk in a proactive and effective manner. This includes the early identification and
evaluation of risks, the management and mitigation of risks before they materialize, and
dealing with them effectively in the event they do materialize. Accountability for risk
management is clear throughout the Group and is a key performance area of line managers.

• Draft project deliverables for quality assurance (approx. 150 words)

Directions for Use

By using this Quality Management Process, can:

Perform Quality Assurance

Undertake Quality Control

Initiate Quality Improvement

Implement Quality Management

A Quality Management Process is critical process within any business, as it helps you to
ensure that the deliverables produced, actually meet the requirements of customer. This
Quality Management Process will help to improve the quality of deliverables, today.

What is a Quality Management Process?

A Quality Management Process is a set of procedures that are followed to ensure that the
deliverables produced by a team are "fit for purpose". The start of the Quality Management
Process involves setting quality targets, which are agreed with the customer. A "Quality
Assurance Process" and "Quality Control Process" are then undertaken, to measure and report
the actual quality of deliverables. As part of the Quality Management Process, any quality
issues are identified and resolved quickly.

When do I use a Quality Management Process?

Should implement a Quality Management Process any time that want to improve the quality
of work. Whether are producing deliverables as part of a project or operational team, an
effective quality management and quality assurance process will be beneficial. By
implementing this Quality Management Process, can ensure that team’s outputs meet the
expectations of customer.

• Final project deliverables (approx. 150 words)

- Project Vision: Every project should have a specific set of goals and associated
benefits.... what are trying to accomplish, and why? The right set of goals can ensure
that project suits a true business purpose, and it creates a common purpose.
- Project Scope: Project scope is defined as the body of work (overall tasks, activities
and decisions) that must be completed in order to ensure that project goals and
deliverables are met. Scope should be clearly defined and limited to the work that
must be done to meet the goals at hand.
- Planned Deliverables: Project deliverables are defined by the tangible result or
outcome of a given project, whether physical (hardware and/or software) or logical
(performance improvements, policies and procedures, etc.).
- Negotiated Success Criteria: Project success criteria are needed to establish consensus
amongst project participants (managers, staff and end-users) as to the definition of
success, establishing the terms for acceptance and minimizing the risk for false
expectations. When defining success criteria, need to consider all project elements
....results, process, budget and timeliness. Success is not one-dimensional, and may be
able to achieve "success", even if all project elements are not met to everyone's
- Phases, Tasks and Activities: While initial project definitions will establish "what are
trying to accomplish and why are doing it", phases, tasks and activities will define
what need to do to get the job done.

Status updates report

Status report – Project

Item Work Milestone Revised/ Budgete Revised Responsibl

complete date actual d cost / actual e
d to-date date cost

Task 1 1 5/6/16 15/6/16 25/6/16 $2,500 $2,000 Financial


Task2 1/ 6/16 1/5/16 5/6/16 $3,000 $2,500 HR


Task3 25/6 /16 25/6/ 16 30/6/16 $2,000 $2,500 Financial


Task4 17/6/16 18/6/16 18/6/16 $3,000 $3,000 General


Task5 19/7 /16 19/7/16 25/7/16 $1,000 $900 Residential


Task6 1/7/16 4/7/16 4/7/16 $1,000 $900 Commercial


Task7 16/7/16 16/7/16 17/7/16 $1,000 $900 Investments


Task8 24/7/16 25/7/16 25/7/16 $900 $900 Financial

Task9 24/7/16 25/7/16 25/7/16 $900 $900 General


Task1 30/7/16 1/8/16 5/8/16 $900 $700 HR

0 Manages

Task1 $900 1August1 5Augus1 $800 $700 Financial

1 6 6

Project Title: Max Lionel Realty Project Client: Date: 9/6/16


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