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Universidad Industrial de Santander- UIS Language Institute

English: Postgraduate 1- Worksheet: Comparatives- Simple-2020-1

Name: Jose Guerrero Date: _____________________
Universidad Industrial de Santander- UIS Language Institute
English: Postgraduate 1- Worksheet: Comparatives- Simple-2020-1
1. Faster than
2. Bigger than
3. Slower than
4. More difficult than
5. More interesting than

1. English is easier than Spanish.
2. A tortoise is slower than a cat.
3. My friend is more handsome than I.
4. Chocolate milkshakes are better than lemonade.
5. A tiger is more dangerous than a rabbit.
6. The North Pole is colder than Africa.
7. Swimming is easier than skating.
8. The Eiffel tower is bigger than house.
9. A stone is heavier than a feather.
10. Planes are faster than cars.

1. Bigger
2. Happier
3. More expensive
4. More intelligent
5. More boring
6. Better
7. Easier
8. Greater
9. More interesting
10. Worse
Universidad Industrial de Santander- UIS Language Institute
English: Postgraduate 1- Worksheet: Comparatives- Simple-2020-1
1. Hotter
2. Colder
3. More modern
4. Further

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