Bio 122 Laboratory Report 03 Group 01

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Experiment 1


Carandang, Cruz, Pasumbal, Salem, Tolentino


This experiment deals with the observation and study of Paramecium. Cultures were observed
under the microscope to observe its gross morphology, feeding habits and reaction to various stimuli.
Physical obstructions were placed to observe thigmotaxis, exposure to various chemicals was done to test
for chemotaxis. Cultures were placed in test tubes and partially exposed to light to determine specien
reaction to light and gravity. Electrical currents at increasing increments were applied to specimens under
the microscope to observe galvanotaxis. Contractile vacuole activity was monitored by observing
specimens placed under solutions of varying saline levels. Digestion was observed under the microscope
through the use of a dyed yeast suspension. Experimental data obtained show the decline of contractile
vacuole activity as the salinity of the media increases, and is in compliance with results found in
literature. Chemotaxis tests showed that specimens reacted positively to sodium bicarbonate and sodium
chloride which is in contrast to theoretical results; it also reacted positively to sucrose. The response of
Paramecium to gravity differed from the expected result - the specimen aggregated near the bottom of the
container. The specimen was also observed to be positively phototactic. Galvanotaxis experiments
demonstrated an affinity of specimen to swim towards the cathode - the speed varying with voltage.
However, cell death occurred on the highest voltage.
INTRODUCTION negative taxis shows that the Paramecium
avoids the stimuli introduced [REF]
Paramecium are unicellular ciliates that belongs
to Phylum Ciliophora. The structures present in In this experiment, the researcher observed the
the unicellular eukaryote allows it to interact and (1) morphology of the Paramecium (2)
detect the changes in its environment. They are movement (3) taxis and (4) the role of its
considered as animal-like organisms due to their contractile vacuole in different levels of salinity
ability to move, reproduce, feed and react to of its habitat.
different taxis. The taxis which varies from
light, gravity, touch, salinity and chemicals all MATERIALS AND METHODS
contribute to the tendency and behavior of the
Paramecium when it is introduced to the To observe gross morphology and movement,
medium it inhabits. [REF] one drop of a Paramecium culture was mounted
on a slide along with a thin sheet of wet cotton
The reaction of the Paramecium can be to entrap Paramecium, under this setup the
observed by preparing a drop of the sample Paramecium’s movement in response to
culture in a glass slide under the microscope. physical obstructions (thigmotaxis) were
The reaction of the Paramecium to the factors observed.
may be positive or negative depending on its
effects to the chemosensory organ of the Paramecium reaction to chemical stimuli
Paramecium. A positive taxis indicates that the (chemotaxis), was observed by exposing
Paramecium is drawn to the stimuli while a specimens to 0.1 N HCl, 0.2% acetic acid, 0.1 M
Sodium Bicarbonate, 3% NaCl, and 5% sucrose
solutions. Pieces of threads are coated in each of a transparent circular organelle present in the
the solutions and placed on a slide containing anterior and posterior part of the sample. The
the culture then mounted under a microscope. food vacuole, as shown in figure 2 can be
observed when the Paramecium sample ingested
Geotaxis and phototaxis were observed observe food stained with congo red. The digestion of
through placing Paramecium cultures into 2 test food vacuole stained by congo red was observed
tubes, one covered partly with aluminum foil, to be red in color. After digestion, the expelled
storing them vertically and exposing them to particles were observed to be dark red in color.
light. Visual observation was performed to
determine the effects of light and gravity on the

Galvanotaxis experiments were performed by

construction of a circuit and exposing specimen
to the electrical current. The voltage used was
increased incrementally to observe the nature of
its effect.

The role of the contractile vacuole was observed

by manually counting the number of their
Figure 1. Morphology of Paramecium in 5%
pulsations under different conditions provided
NaCl solution under high power objective and
by differing media. Paramecium were observed
4x zoom showing the cilia and macronucleus.
in its culture media, distilled water, 2.5%, 5%,
7.5% and 10% NaCl solutions and KCN.
Acidity of the media was determined by the use
of neutral red.

To observe the digestion of Paramecium, 0.1g

of yeast were boiled in 40 mL of water. Congo
red dye was added to the yeast solution to
visualize the passage of food within the
specimen. One drop of the dyed suspension was
added to one drop of the culture and feeding was
observed under the microscope.

RESULTS Figure 2. Food vacuole containing yeast stained

with Congo Red.
The gross morphology of the Paramecium was
observed under the high power objective of a The role of the contractile vacuole in
light microscope. As shown in figure 1, the cilia, osmoregulation is observed by subjecting the
which is responsible for locomotion and food ciliates to different concentrations of NaCl.
capture covers the pellicle of the organism. The Shown by table 1 below, the frequency of
contractile vacuole, which allows the function of pulsation of the contractile vacuole generally
osmoregulation inside the cell is also present as
decreases and the concentration of NaCl sodium bicarbonate as indicated by a (+).
increases. Similar results were also obtained in the 3%
NaCl and 5% sucrose indicating that it is
Table 1. Effect of NaCl concentration on the attracted to these reagents.
pulsation of the contractile vacuole.
Solution Number of contractions Table 3. Chemotaxis reaction of Paramecium to
per minute different reagents
Distilled water 32 Reagents Chemotaxis (+/-)
Culture medium 12 1 M HCl -
2.5% NaCl solution * 0.2% Acetic Acid -
5% NaCl solution * 0.1 M sodium +
7.5% NaCl solution 5 bicarbonate
10% NaCl solution 2 3% NaCl +
* Number of contractions cannot be observed, the 5% sucrose +
Paramecium cells present in the culture were
inactive. Paramecium showed positive geotaxis and
phototaxis. The Paramecium cells aggregated on
To observe the different reaction of the bottom of the container which is exposed to
Paramecium to different stimuli, the stimuli of light.
touch, reagents, light, gravity and electric
current in the sample were introduced. The The tendency of Paramecium to either approach
reaction of the Paramecium to touch was or avoid electric currents were tested by
induced by using a cotton fiber which shows the subjecting the culture medium increasing
tendency of Paramecium to avoid any obstacle. amount of voltage from 1.5 V, with a partition of
If the anterior side is obstructed, it will avoid 1.5, to 12 V by using a D type battery. As seen
this by going backward and changing directions in Table 3, the voltage from 1.5 to 9.0 volts gave
while a hit in the posterior part will just be a galvanotaxis of (+) indicating that the
ignored by the organism. Paramecium migrated towards the cathode of
the battery. The result for the 10.5 and 12 V
Table 2. Thigmotaxis reaction of Paramecium to however showed that the Paramecium decreased
cotton strand its rotation or died because of the current flow.
Anterior part Move backwards and change Further increase in the voltage beyond 12 V was
direction not observed due to the samples cannot tolerate
Posterior part Continue to move forward the voltage anymore.

The chemotaxis was observed by introduction of

Table 4. Galvanotaxis reaction of Paramecium
1 M HCl, 0.2% acetic acid, 0.1 M sodium
to different voltages of electricity.
bicarbonate, 3% NaCl and 5% sucrose. As
Voltage Galvanotaxis
shown in table 2, the results in 1 M HCl
1.5 (+)
,indicated by a (-) sign, showed that the 3.0 (+)
Paramecium avoided the strong acid and some 4.5 (+)
of the organisms which came in close proximity 6.0 (+)
also died. Similarly, the acetic acid, which is a 7.5 (+)
weak acid, also shows similar results. The 9.0 (+)
Paramecium was attracted however to 0.1 M 10.5 Slow rotation
12.0 death effective stroke because the cilium curls to one
side and sweeps in counter-clockwise. (Blake &
DISCUSSION Sleigh, 1974).

Gross Morphology and Movement

Figure 3. A diagram showing the important Figure 4. Effective stroke (above), recovery
organelles and cell structures of Paramecium in stroke (below). (Adapted from Blake & Sleigh,
digestion and osmoregulation. (Adapted from 1974)
Urry et al, 2014).
By the Paramecium moves forward and travels
The morphology of Paramecium consists of a in a straight line. However, it is possible for it to
thin, blunt anterior end, and a thick, sharper move backward if there are obstacles such as a
posterior end. It has a micronucleus, which solid object or a predator. This phenomenon is
functions for conjugation, and a macronucleus, called avoidance reaction, which generally
which functions for metabolism. Its two causes the cilia to start beating in the opposite
contractile vacuoles, surrounded by radiating direction. This results in a stop and a spiral
canals, functions for osmoregulation by taking movement in order to return in swimming
in excess water then pumping it out. During forward. (Vidyasagar, 2016).
digestion, it has an oral groove, a vestibule, a
cytosome, a cytopharynx and an anal pore The ciliate has no cell wall but instead has a
through which food passes to these structures pellicle on which the cilia are attached.
respectively. [REF] Underneath the pellicle is the plasma membrane,
and under which is the myonema. Between the
The Paramecium moves through its ciliary bases of the cilia are trichocysts and toxicysts
movement. The cilium performs whiplash which are used for defense and attack. To avoid
movements to propel water in which has two being engulfed by predators, these structures are
phases, the effective stroke and the recovery discharged as filaments composed of a cross-
stroke. The fast effective stroke happens when striated shaft and a tip. (Hickman, 2013)
the cilium moves in the direction of the main
flow of fluid while the recovery stroke occurs Role of the Contractile Vacuole
when the cilium moves back close to the cell
surface to prepare for the next effective stroke. The contractile vacuole is the structure
Usually, the recovery stroke is slower than the responsible for osmoregulation of the cell. It
prevents the Paramecium from absorbing too of food vacuoles are at first acidic (pH about 4)
much water that could lyse the cell. Structurally, and then become alkaline, major digestion
it is fed by channels radiating from it and each occurs during the alkaline phase. The undigested
of them pulsates alternately. Also, the ciliate has matter is egested through the cytopyge with
two of it, the anterior and posterior contractile some force. (Sikora, 1981)
vacuoles. (Unger, 1925)
Experimentally, cyclosis can be manifested
The discharge rate or pulsing of the contractile through using Congo red. Food vacuoles will
vacuoles decreases in increasing solute first turn red due to acidic reaction of enzymes,
concentration in the environment. Paramecium then change to blue due to alkaline reaction. The
generally tolerates NaCl concentrations up to color change signals the influx of the digestive
40%. (Watcherman, 1953). enzymes into the food vacuole in which a
decrease in acidity can be observed. (Nisbet,
Digestion 1984)

In digestion, the feeding apparatus in The Reaction of Paramecium to Various

Paramecium consists of a shallow ciliated oral Stimuli
groove, a ciliated tube which leads into the
body, and a bundle of fibers (esophageal fibers) Thigmotaxis
which extend from the tube nearly to the
posterior end of the body. The tube is composed Thigmotaxis is the most frequent stimuli
of an outer part (the vestibulum) and an inner encountered by Paramecium. In an experiment
part (the pharynx). Food particles are taken demonstrated by Jennings in 1931, Paramecium
inside the oral groove which the beating of its showed high sensitivity on its anterior end when
cilia causes food-laden water to be swept into a glass tip comes into contact with the body
the oral groove from a distance in advance of the (Witcherman, 1953). When the anterior end of a
anterior end. Then, the food particles pass Paramecium bumps into an obstacle - in the
through the vestibule where some are rejected experiment, cotton fibers - it moves backwards
and thrown out, but others pass into the and spins to another direction in order to return
cytostome. The strong cilia lining the vestibule to its forward movement. This mechanism is
causes this selection mechanism. (Mast, 1947) called avoidance reaction which causes the
spiral movement of the Paramecium. The
When the food vacuole reaches a certain size the response is also consistent with the observations
post-buccal fibers clasp the food vacuole and it of Naitoh and Eckert in 1968: the stimulus of a
is pinched off by them and started on its course. glass tip on the anterior portion resulted to
Cytoplasmic streaming or cyclosis carry the reversal in ciliary action and increased
food vacuoles along a definite course which is permeability of cell membrane to calcium ions.
functionally equivalent to a digestive tract. However, when the posterior part of the ciliate
[REF] comes into contact with a solid barrier, it
During cyclosis, digestion occurs by enzymes continues to move forward. Naitoh and Eckert
secreted by protoplasm into the vacuoles. In also observed the same response: an increase in
digestion, proteins are changed into amino acids, ciliary action in a forward direction and
carbohydrates into soluble sugars and glycogen, increased permeability of cell membrane to
and fats are probably also digested. The contents potassium ions. This avoidance reaction is
important for the ciliate in order to survive Phototaxis
against harmful obstacles such as predators and
dangerous chemicals. (Vidyasagar, 2016). Paramecium exhibits negative geotactic
response, but the intensity of light and the
Chemotaxis natural upward swimming of Paramecium are
not related. Only one species of Paramecium (P.
Paramecium cells exhibit different responses bursaria) is positively phototactic, and other
towards different pH levels. In the experiment, it species do not respond to light under natural
demonstrated positive chemotaxis towards conditions. The experimental result observed a
sodium bicarbonate, 3% NaCl, and 5% sucrose positive phototaxis. When light intensity
while negative chemotaxis towards 1M HCl, and increased sharply, Paramecium are generally
acetic acid. Theoretically, the ciliate should negatively phototactic. When exposed to other
move towards sucrose, and acetic acid. It acts in forms of electromagnetic radiation like radium
this way because sucrose is a food source. and x-rays, the movement of Paramecium is
According to Chase & Glaser (1930), the more greatly accelerated. After prolonged exposure,
H+ molecules are present, the acceleration the movement of Paramecium decreases below
would be more faster. This implies that normal and an action follows after that will
hydrochloric acid and acetic acid would cause result to death. Paramecium immediately reacts
an increased acceleration of ciliary beating in negatively when exposed to ultraviolet light
the ciliate. On the other hand, Paramecium (Witcherman, 1953).
should move away from sodium bicarbonate and
sodium chloride which induces the cell to Galvanotaxis
become hypotonic, causing cell lysis.
Paramecium was shown to have responses to
Geotaxis electric stimuli, but the causes of the responses
are still obscure. When a culture of Paramecium
The response of Paramecium to gravity is is subjected to an electric current from a
affected by many factors thus, the geotaxis of galvanic cell, all cells swim towards the cathode
Paramecium is not a simple mechanism. In or the negative electrode. When the electrodes
typical conditions, Paramecium was observed to are interchanged, Paramecium will swim toward
be negatively geotactic - the natural response of the new position of the cathode. The speed of
an organisms to swim upward in a container, but the response depend on the strength of the
the experimental result recorded the inverse. electric current. According to Verworn who
Observations of Witcherman showed that observed the behavior of Paramecium from
Paramecium tend to aggregate in a ring just 1889 to 1915, Paramecium moves sluggishly or
below the meniscus of the water. Even after does not respond well under weak current. When
inverting the tubes or centrifuging cultures of the current is increased, the movement of
Paramecium, the single-celled protist continued Paramecium is faster and sharper to the cathode.
to swim upwards with a considerable speed. The Currents much stronger than that result to
negative geotaxis of Paramecium is dependent Paramecium immobilized with the anterior end
on a few factors: partial pressure of dissolved pointed to the cathode. Further increase in
oxygen, sexual reactivity, and nutrition current will make the cells shorter and thicker
(Witcherman, 1953). and began swimming towards the anode until
one end of the cell burst open and Paramecium bumped; it would move to the opposite direction
disintegrates (Witcherman, 1953). of the barrier when its posterior end was
For chemotaxis it was observed that the
CONCLUSION Paramecium was attracted to sodium
bicarbonate, sucrose and 3% NaCl while it
The Paramecium is an unicellular ciliate that avoided acetic acid and HCl. Theoretically, it
usually lives in murky or brackish waters. The should be attracted either to its food source or to
morphology of the ciliate was observed under a substances that have high proton concentrations
light microscope and was described as an that would increase its acceleration; it would be
organism with a sharp, anterior end and a blunt, repulsed by chemicals that can cause hypotonic
posterior rear. Its body is covered by an elastic solution which can lead to cell lysis, such as
material called the pellicle, which acts as a cell NaCl and sodium bicarbonate.
membrane. Two types of nuclei can be seen
inside the cytoplasm, the macronucleus and the The experimental effect of gravity on the
micronucleus; the former is used for controlling samples are contrast to its theoretical effect.
the actions of the cell while the latter is used for Ideally, the Paramecium should float to the top
sexual recombination. An eyespot is present for of the container, but in the experiment they
the detection of light, and large contractile aggregated at the bottom of the test tube. This
vacuoles that function of osmoregulation where may be caused by other factors such as pressure,
they filter excess water out of the cytosol. As vitality, and sexual reactivity.
shown in Table 1, the higher the salt
concentration of the solution the less the need In phototaxis it was seen that the Paramecium
for the contractile vacuole to expel the water reacts positively to light where it stayed in the
since the water would freely go out of the cell. portion where light can seep in. However, in
increased light intensity it is theoretically said
An oral groove can be sometimes observed that the ciliate would avoid exposure to that
which functions for feeding of the organism. It location. It would also react negatively to UV
has a flagella which is used for locomotion in rays in which prolonged exposure would result
which it rotates counter-clockwise, making the to death.
Paramecium move in the same direction. Cilia
are also present on its body where they also aid When subjected to an electric current the
in movement by beating in unison in one Paramecium would swim to the cathode (-) side.
direction. This movement is defined as the This observation is correspondent to the
spiral movement of the Paramecium where it theoretical observation that the ciliate would
spirals in a counterclockwise direction while swim to the cathode, and the higher the current
travelling on a straight line. the faster it would swim. However, high
voltages would lead to the cell lysis of the
The ciliate was subjected to different external Paramecium.
stimuli in which its reactions to each was
observed. When subjected to physical obstacles, REFERENCES
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