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Carandang | Cruz | Pasumbal | Salem | Tolentino

Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City


This experiment aims to observe the regulatory functions of earthworms under varying saline conditions.
Six groups of seven earthworms, submerged in aged tap water 6 hours prior to the experiment, were
exposed to solutions of different saline levels (0.03 M, 0.06 M, 0.09 M, 0.12 M, 0.14 M and 0.15 M
NaCl). Their weights and volumes prior to saline exposure were recorded, with changes in weight
monitored at 20 minute intervals for 80 minutes. The final volume was recorded after the 80 minute total
immersion time. Experimental results showed a decrease in weight for all samples, 0.03 M, 0.06 M and
0.09 M concentration solutions displayed a linear trend, while 0.12 M, 0.14 M and 0.15 M concentrations
showed fluctuations in weight loss but still an overall decrease. The minimal change was not observed at
0.12 M which was the isotonic solution. Based on weight change over time, concentrations 0.03 M and
0.06 M showed the least change, while based on percent weight change over time, concentrations from
0.03-0.09 M showed the least percent weight change. The theoretical data was consistent with the data
gathered in hypertonic solutions where the earthworms would decrease in body weight per time due to
water loss, however it did not correspond to the actual data for hypotonic solutions.

INTRODUCTION environmental osmolarity. Osmoregulators, on

the other hand, maintain an osmolarity different
Osmoregulation is the ability of an organism to from the environment. The concentrations in
maintain its fluid level. This is a major which the animal is capable of tolerating
determining factor for an animal’s geographic determines the environments it can inhabit,
distribution due to its role in the maintenance of classifying them as either euryhaline or
cell volume homeostasis (Randall et al., 2002). stenohaline. The former are able to tolerate wide
Lacking true cell walls as found in bacteria, variations in salinity while the latter only able
plants, algae, and fungi, most cells of animals tolerate a narrow range (Randall et al., 2002).
become osmotically equalized with the
extracellular fluid (ECF) that bathes them. Thus, Terrestrial animals are by necessity
the osmotic composition of the ECF directly osmoregulators to some extent because the
affects cell volume homeostasis. To equalize environment (air) has no solutes, the earthworm
pressure exerted by the ECF with that exerted by however, is an exception. Due to the moist
the intracellular fluid (ICF), it is necessary to conditions of the soil earthworms are found in,
equalize the amount of solutes in both their environment is effectively aquatic
(Sherwood et al., 2013). (Sherwood et al., 2013). Their osmoregulatory
organs, nephridia, employ mechanisms of
An animal’s osmoregulatory capabilities can be filtration, reabsorption and secretion for fluid
classified under one of two types: level maintenance (Randall et al., 2002).
osmoconformers and osmoregulators.
Osmoconformers exhibit little to no This experiment aimed to observe these
osmoregulation leading to their body fluids’ osmoregulatory organs of earthworms and their
osmolarity changing in accordance to the
efficacy under varying saline conditions by concentration increases for the three lowest
observing changes in mass and volume. concentrations, while the three highest
concentrations showed fluctuations.
Observing the percent change in weight, all
The process of osmoregulation was observed in groups showed a significant decrease after 20
earthworms using saline solutions with varying minutes, and the percent change in weight
concentrations of sodium chloride. Prior to the increased and stabilized afterwards. A small
experiment, 21 earthworms were immersed in fluctuation was observed in setups immersed in
aged tap water for six hours. The earthworms 0.03 M, 0.06 M and 0.09 M NaCl showing
were separated into three groups containing minimal activity in osmoregulation - indicating
seven worms each. Each group of sample were that the cells of the earthworm are isotonic
weighed and reweighed after 15 minutes until no within these concentrations.
change in weight was observed. After weighing
each group, the volume was measured by
placing each group in graduated cylinder
containing a recorded amount of aged tap water,
and the volume displacement was obtained.
Each group of earthworms were immersed in
assigned concentrations of sodium chloride
(0.03 M, 0.06 M, 0.09 M, 0.12 M, 0.14 M and
0.15 M) and weighed in 20 minute intervals
until 100 minutes to observe the effect of the
varying salt concentrations to the samples. After
100 minutes of immersion, the volume of each
group was measured again. The change in
volume and weight for each group was
presented using a graph and the trend was

Figure 1. Weights of earthworms in different
All setups containing earthworms immersed in salt solutions measured at 20 minute time
different concentrations showed a decrease in intervals.
weight as shown in Figure 1 and volume. The
volume change was two mL for the three lowest
concentrations, while only one mL change in
volume was observed in the three highest
concentrations. Since the least gradation of the
instrument was one mL, the volume change was
not very accurate. All groups did not have
identical initial weights therefore, the slope of
the line was used to compare each setup. There
was an increase in the magnitude of slope as the
lessens water loss. Second, it migrates to a more
favorable area such as crawling to a surface at
night, to avoid predators and to lessen water loss
due to warm temperature, aided by light
sensitive photoreceptors because they do not
have eyes (Brusca, 2016).

A physiological mechanism of the earthworm is

by secreting mucus as a smooth protective layer
that protects from abrasion as well provides
protection from poisonous soils. It has
developed structural mechanisms in its
metanephridia, skin, and intestine. The
Figure 2. Percent weight change of earthworms metanephridia is a network of connecting
in different salt concentrations over time. tubules that absorbs nitrogenous wastes, excess
solutes, and water to stores them for excretion or
reabsorption. This regulates the movement of
solutes. (Reece et al., 2014)
DISCUSSION Experimentally, all setups showed a decreasing
trend line in the body weight of the earthworms
A soil solution is composed of different salts the longer they are submerged in varying salt
such as sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium sulfate solutions. Water, in hypotonic solutions, would
(Na2SO4), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), calcium enter osmotically from the cell membrane of the
sulfate (CaSO4), magnesium chloride (MgCl2), test samples due to the higher concentration
potassium chloride (KCl), and sodium carbonate gradient of sodium chloride in the internal
(Na2CO3). Each of these salts contribute to the environment. Sodium chloride would also exit
salinity of soil, but NaCl is the most prevalent from the cell membrane of the earthworms since
and contributes the most impact on the salinity the ions would move from a point of high
stress of soil (Tavakkoli, Rengasamy, & concentration to a site of low concentration
McDonald, 2010). The salt content of the soil is through facilitated diffusion. In order to
caused by water runoffs, rainfall, and farming maintain osmolarity and homeostasis the
activities. (Deng, 2012). The effect of rainfall on earthworm would excrete hypotonic urine into
the soil is that it dilutes the solutes, redistributes the environment. Hypotonic urine is composed
nutrients and promotes migration of earthworms of high amounts of water and low concentration
because it affects soil nitrification process of solutes. Water is readily excreted in large
thereby affecting the texture of the soil (Sun et amount due to its continuous uptake while the
al., 2009). solutes were reabsorbed into the bloodstream to
maintain its concentration gradient. This
In order for the earthworm to survive, it has decrease in overall body weight over time is due
behavioral, physiological and structural to the lack of nutrients which is necessary for the
mechanisms. Behaviorally, it undergoes a production of ATP that is needed to maintain the
dormant state when the temperature becomes osmoregulatory processes of the organism in
much too hot called estivation by which it coils which it would start to have difficulty in
itself into a ring to lower surface area to volume maintaining homeostasis. Theoretically, the
ratio. This minimizes metabolic activity and
overall body weight should increase over time in
hypotonic solutions, since the water would flow By definition, ionic regulation is the
osmotically into the cell membrane of the maintenance of the concentration of ions in a
earthworms but this does not coincide with the compartment while volume regulation is the
experimental data which decreased over time maintenance of solvent or water concentration.
(Ramsay, 1948). (McNab, 2002). Osmoregulation is the general
term for the processes by which animals control
Water in hypertonic solutions would passively solute concentrations and balance water gain and
flow from the inside of the cell to the loss. (Reece et al, 2014) These processes are
extracellular environment. This would lead to inextricably associated to each other for
shriveling of the cells and thus the overall body biological process to continue. (Ramsay &
weight of the earthworms since the cells are Kelley, 2014).
mostly made up of water. Sodium chloride
would passively enter into the cell due to its CONCLUSION
concentration gradient wherein there is lower
concentration inside. In order to regulate Earthworms are organisms that have
osmolarity, the earthworms would secrete semipermeable membrane where water and
hypertonic urine that is composed of high solutes can be transported into. It regulates its
concentration of solutes and low amount of osmolarity through its metanephridia which also
water. This theoretical data coincides to that of function as its excretory organs. They are
the gathered data where it was shown that the usually found in fresh water-logged areas that
overall body weight of the earthworms decreases are hypotonic to its internal body fluids. In order
over time due to loss of water (Ramsay, 1948). to maintain homeostasis it would secrete
hypotonic that is composed of low concentration
Isotonic solutions having a concentration of 0.12 of solutes and large amounts of water. However,
M would only show minimal change in body if put in saltwater environments, it would then
weight over time. The minimal change was not secrete hypertonic urine composed of low
observed at 0.12 M in the experiment. Based on amounts of water and high concentration of
weight change over time (Figure 1), solutes.
concentrations 0.03 M and 0.06 M showed the
least change. Based on percent weight change The theoretical data coincides with the data
over time (Figure 2), concentrations from 0.03- gathered in hypertonic solutions where the
0.09 M showed the least percent weight change. earthworms would decrease in body weight per
time due to water loss, however it did not
Volume displacement is another method used in correspond to the actual data for hypotonic
determining the weights of the samples. solutions where the earthworms should have
Theoretically, the worms submerged in increased in body weight due to continuous
hypotonic solutions would have larger volume uptake of water.
displacements compared to isotonic and
hypertonic ones since they took up water which REFERENCES
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