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11  Limb Apraxias and Related Disorders

Mario F. Mendez, Mariel B. Deutsch

CHAPTER OUTLINE syndrome and related disorders (Armstrong et al., 2013),

Huntington disease (Zadikoff and Lang, 2005), Alzheimer
disease (Stamenova et al., 2014), and primary progressive
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE aphasia (Adeli et al., 2013). Apraxia is part of the diagnostic
A MODEL FOR PRAXIS criteria for some of these disorders, particularly corticobasal
syndrome. Limb apraxia often results in major functional
impairment, even when subtle, as it affects critical movements
Ideomotor Apraxia, Parietal Variant of the arms, hands, and fingers. Moreover, limb apraxia cor-
Ideomotor Apraxia, Disconnection Variant relates with greater caregiver dependence and need for help
Dissociation Apraxia with activities of daily living (ADLs) (Smania et al., 2006),
Ideational Apraxia and it can also interfere with rehabilitation therapy and the
Conceptual Apraxia use of gestural communication.
Limb-Kinetic Apraxia Despite its importance, clinicians often fail to recognize
Callosal Apraxia limb apraxia. In many left hemisphere strokes, right hemipare-
sis masks the presence of right limb apraxia, and the assump-
TESTING FOR LIMB APRAXIAS tion of normal nondominant hand clumsiness masks the
Testing for Ideomotor Apraxia, Parietal and presence of left limb apraxia. Even when there are no masking
Disconnection Variants factors, the presence of limb apraxia may still go undetected.
Testing for Dissociation Apraxia Many examiners do not even evaluate patients for limb
Testing for Ideational Apraxia apraxia, do not know how to test for apraxia, or cannot rec-
Testing for Conceptual Apraxia ognize the spatiotemporal or content errors produced by this
Testing for Limb-Kinetic Apraxia condition. This chapter is about the limb apraxias. The term
Testing for Callosal Apraxia apraxia occurs broadly in neurology and is usually inter-
changeable with dyspraxia. Clinicians use apraxia to describe
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF LIMB APRAXIAS nonlearned motor dysfunctions including oculomotor move-
REHABILITATION FOR LIMB APRAXIAS ments, gait initiation (magnetic apraxia), and eyelid opening.
They also use apraxia to describe skilled motor tasks that are
dependent on visuospatial processing, including optic, con-
SUMMARY structional, and dressing apraxia. Apraxia correctly applies to
conditions that are more clearly consistent with the definition
of disturbances in learned skilled movements but involve
body parts other than the limbs, including orobucchal-facial
and speech apraxias. These clinical entities are not included in
Apraxia is an inability to correctly perform learned skilled this chapter, because they are either not limb apraxias or not
movements. In the limb apraxias, there is an inability to cor- disorders of “praxis” in the sense of disturbances in learned
rectly execute these movements in an arm or hand owing to skilled movements (Zadikoff and Lang, 2005). The focus of
neurological dysfunction. Apraxia is essentially a cognitive this chapter is on the seven major limb apraxias of the
deficit in motor programming and results in errors either of upper extremities. They include ideomotor apraxia, parietal
the spatiotemporal processing of the movements or in the variant; ideomotor apraxia, disconnection variant; dissocia-
content of the actions. During the course of an apraxia exami- tion apraxia; ideational apraxia; and conceptual apraxia. Also
nation, these errors can help distinguish the major types of included is limb-kinetic apraxia, a disorder that some argue
limb apraxias. is not a true apraxia, but instead a more basic disturbance in
A first step in recognizing the limb apraxias is distinguish- fine motor movements. Callosal apraxias comprise a separate
ing them from other causes of impaired movement. First of category because of their unique unilateral and varied
all, apraxia is distinct from elementary motor deficits such as manifestations.
weakness, hemipareses, spasticity, ataxia, or extrapyramidal
disturbances. Second, apraxia is distinguishable from impaired
movements due to primary sensory deficits, hemispatial
neglect, spatial or object agnosia, or other sensory or spatial Many clinicians and investigators helped develop the current
disorders. Third, apraxia is distinct from abnormal move- concept of limb apraxia. In 1866, John Hughlings Jackson
ments or postures such as tremor, myoclonus, choreoatheto- probably recognized limb apraxia when he observed that the
sis, or dystonic posturing. Finally, it is not apraxia if the patient had “power in his muscles and in the centres for coor-
impaired movements result from other cognitive disorders dination of muscular groups, but he—the whole man, or the
involving attention, memory, language comprehension, or ‘will’—cannot set them agoing” (Pearce, 2009). In 1870, Carl
executive functions (Leiguarda and Marsden, 2000). Limb Maria Finkelnburg used “asymbolia” to describe the clumsy
apraxia is not rare or insignificant. Apraxia occurs in about and incomprehensible communicative gestures in aphasics,
50% to 80% of patients with left hemisphere lesions and can and in 1890, Meynert distinguished motor asymbolia from
persist as a chronic deficit in 40% to 50% of these. It occurs decreased motor “images” for movement. In 1899, D. De Buck
in a variety of disorders, including stroke (Donkervoort et al., used “parakinesia” to describe a patient who “though retain-
2000), multiple sclerosis (Kamm et al., 2012), corticobasal ing the concepts for her actions, did not succeed in awakening

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116 PART I  Common Neurological Problems

the corresponding kinetic image.” By this time, the stage was parietal lobule fire selectively in response to hand move-
set for Hugo Karl Liepmann’s seminal model of the limb ments, visually presented information about object size and
apraxias. shape, or the actual manipulation of objects (Rizzolatti et al.,
In the early 1900s, Liepmann published a series of papers 1998), and functional neuroimaging studies show activity of
that led to the contemporary concept of limb apraxias. He this region in response to recognition of actions associated
proposed that the execution of purposeful movements could with object or tool use (transitive actions) (Damasio et al.,
be divided into three steps (Goldenberg, 2003). First is the 2001). In addition to movement formulas, the left parietal
retrieval of the spatial and temporal representation or “move- region appears to contain action semantics and conceptual
ment formulas” of the intended action from the left hemi- systems such as tool action, tool–object association informa-
sphere. Second is the transfer and association of these tion, and general principles of tool use (Goldenberg and
movement formulas via cortical connections with the “inner- Spatt, 2009; Ochipa et al., 1992). If a movement involves the
vatory patterns” or motor programs located in the left “senso- use of a tool or object, action semantics specify knowledge
motorium” (which includes premotor and supplementary of tool action (turning, pounding, etc.) and the knowledge
motor areas). Third is the transmission of the information to of which tool or object to use for a task (Leiguarda and
the left primary motor cortex for performance of the intended Marsden, 2000).
actions in the right limb. Finally, in order for the left limb to In the premotor region, the supplementary motor area
perform the movements, the information traverses the corpus (SMA) translates the movement formulas into motor pro-
callosum to the right sensomotorium to activate the right grams before sending them on to primary motor cortex (Roy
primary motor cortex. Using Heymann Steinthal’s term of and Square, 1985). The SMA, which is involved in sequential
“apraxia,” Liepmann classified disturbances in these connec- movements and bimanual coordination of the upper extrem-
tions as “ideational, ideo-kinetic (melokinetic), and limb- ities, receives projections from parietal neurons and in turn
kinetic apraxia.” Over the years, this classification nomenclature projects axons to motor neurons in the primary motor
has evolved and the application of these terms has shifted, but cortex. The SMA translates the parietal time-space movement
Liepmann’s basic formulation of apraxia has persisted to the formulas to specific motor programs that activate the motor
present day. neurons such that the contralateral extremity moves in the
proscribed spatial trajectory and timing. For movements in
the ipsilateral extremity, the brain further conveys these pro-
A MODEL FOR PRAXIS grams across the corpus callosum to the opposite premotor
Most models of praxis include a left parietal hub with con- cortex.
nections to anterior motor areas. The left parietal region Beyond this traditional model for praxis, apraxia may
retains its central role of learning and converting mental result from damage in other regions including the prefrontal
images of intended action into motor execution (Heilman cortex, right hemisphere, basal ganglia (putamen and globus
and Rothi, 2012) (Fig. 11.1). The inferior parietal lobule pallidus), thalamus, and their white-matter connections. The
contains the spatial and temporal movement programs (prax- prefrontal region participates in sequencing multiple arm,
icons, visuokinesthetic motor engrams, or movement formu- hand, and finger movements. The right parietal region partici-
las) needed to carry out learned skilled movements. Multiple pates in the integration of visual information and upper-
input modalities including visual, verbal-auditory, and tactile extremity movement, and in performing nonpurposeful
can activate these movement formulas. Cells in the inferior movements. Although the left inferior parietal lobule is more
active than the right during action imagery and actual dis-
crimination of nonpurposeful gestures, the right parietal
region is more active during imitation and when these
gestures consist of finger postures (Buccino et al., 2001;
Visual input Action semantics Verbal input Hermsdorfer et al., 2001). The role of basal ganglia and tha-
(posterior parietal) lamus is less clear, but they function as part of cortical–
subcortical motor loops. Apraxia could, theoretically, result
from damage to any of these areas outside the traditional
model of praxis.
Movement Verbal Newer models of praxis have focused on network activation
formulas semantics
(left parietal lobe)
as opposed to isolated regional activation. The posterior left
parietal and temporal cortices as well as the dorsolateral pre-
frontal cortex are activated when hand gestures are planned
and executed. This left parieto-fronto-temporal network has
been termed the “praxis representation network” (Kroliczak
and Frey, 2009; Roy et al., 2014).
Motor programs Motor programs
(left supplementary (right supplementary
motor area) Via corpus motor area) CLASSIFICATION OF LIMB APRAXIAS
Beginning with Liepmann, there have been multiple attempts
to classify and define the limb apraxias (Hanna-Pladdy and
Left corticospinal Right corticospinal Rothi, 2001). The classification presented here is based on the
system system seminal work of Heilman and associates, who have signifi-
(left primary (right primary
cantly contributed to the understanding of the limb apraxias
motor cortex) motor cortex)
(Heilman and Rothi, 2012). Depending on the location of the
lesion, the patient has different patterns of ability to imitate
and recognize gestures, perform sequential movements, and
Right limb output Left limb output do fine motor activities (Fig. 11.2). The presence of production
and content errors further characterizes the subtypes of limb
Fig. 11.1  A model of praxis. apraxia.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Limb Apraxias and Related Disorders 117

E Dissociation Apraxia
Visual input
Action semantics Verbal input
Patients with dissociation apraxia only exhibit errors when the
(posterior parietal)
movement is evoked by stimuli in one specific modality,
E C usually the verbal or language modality. Dissociation apraxia
D A is a special type of disconnection apraxia where the discon-
Movement C nection is between language areas and movement formulas in
formulas semantics the inferior parietal lobule. Information, however, can reach
(left parietal lobe) the inferior parietal lobe via other input modalities than lan-
guage. Patients with dissociation apraxia may be impaired
B when attempting to perform skilled movements in response
to verbal commands, but they are able to imitate gestures and
to indicate or use actual objects correctly. Their errors are often
Motor programs G Motor programs unrecognizable movements rather than spatiotemporal or
(left supplementary (right supplementary content errors. In addition to verbal dissociation apraxia (see
motor area) Via corpus motor area) Fig. 11.2, C), there can be visual (see Fig. 11.2, D) and tactile
callosum dissociation apraxias as well.

Left corticospinal Right corticospinal Ideational Apraxia

system system
(left primary (right primary Ideational apraxia is the inability to correctly order or sequence
motor cortex) motor cortex) a series of movements to achieve a goal. It is a disturbance in
an overall ideational action plan. When these patients are
given components necessary to complete a multistep task,
they have trouble carrying out the steps in the proper order,
Right limb output Left limb output
such as preparing, addressing, and then mailing a letter. The
individual steps, however, are performed accurately. The lesion
Fig. 11.2  Lesions in the limb apraxias. Praxis disturbances can
responsible for ideational apraxias is not clear; the deficits
result from various brain localizations as illustrated here. A, Ideomotor
usually occur in patients with diffuse cerebral processes such
apraxia, parietal variant. B, Ideomotor apraxia, disconnection variant.
as dementia, delirium, or extensive lesions in the left hemi-
C, Verbal dissociation apraxia. D, Visual dissociation apraxia. E, Con-
sphere that involve the frontal lobe and SMA. Unfortunately,
ceptual apraxia. F, Limb-kinetic apraxia. G, Callosal apraxia.
use of the term ideational apraxia has been confusing, with the
term erroneously applied to conceptual apraxia and other
disorders. Ideational apraxia is not a conceptual problem in
Ideomotor Apraxia, Parietal Variant the proper application or use of tools or objects, but rather a
The parietal variant of ideomotor apraxia may be the most problem in sequencing of actions in multistep behaviors.
common and prototypical limb apraxia. Disruption of the
movement formulas in the inferior parietal lobule impairs
skilled movements on command and to imitation, as well as
Conceptual Apraxia
the recognition of gestures (see Fig. 11.2, A). Patients make Conceptual apraxia results in errors in the content of the
spatial and temporal errors while producing movements. action, such as in tool-selection errors or in tool–object
There is a failure to adopt the correct posture or orientation knowledge. Whereas dysfunction of praxis production results
of the arm and hand or to move the limb correctly in space in ideomotor apraxia, defects in the conceptual knowledge
and at the correct speeds. Spatial errors involve the configura- needed to successfully select tools and objects results in con-
tion of the hand and fingers, the proper orientation of the ceptual apraxia. Although conceptual apraxia often co-occurs
limb to the tool or object, and the spatial trajectory of the with ideomotor apraxia, it can occur by itself, indicating that
motion. A major distinguishing feature of the parietal variant praxis production and praxis conceptual systems are inde-
of ideomotor apraxia is difficulty recognizing or identifying pendent. Patients with conceptual apraxia are unable to name
gestures, implicating damage to the praxicons, visuokines- or point to a tool when its function is discussed, or recall the
thetic motor engrams, or movement formulas themselves. type of actions associated with specific tools, utensils, or
objects. They make content errors in which they substitute the
action associated with the wrong tool for the requested tool.
Ideomotor Apraxia, Disconnection Variant For example, when asked to demonstrate the use of a hammer
This form of ideomotor apraxia is a disconnection of an intact or a saw either by pantomiming or using the tool, the patient
parietal region from the pathways to primary motor cortices. with the loss of tool–object action knowledge may panto-
The disconnection variant of ideomotor apraxia results from mime a screwing twisting movement as if using a screwdriver.
disruptions of motor programs in the SMA or in their intra- Other terms used to describe these errors include disturbances
and interhemispheric connections (Heilman and Watson, in mechanical knowledge or in action semantics (see Fig. 11.2, E).
2008). These lesions result in impaired pantomime to verbal Conceptual apraxia is most common in Alzheimer disease, in
commands, impaired imitation of gestures, and the presence other dementias (Ochipa et al., 1992), and in patients with
of spatiotemporal production errors. The movement formulas diffuse posterior cerebral lesions, particularly involving the
themselves are preserved, but in contrast to the parietal variant left hemisphere.
of ideomotor apraxia, these patients can recognize and iden-
tify gestures. The lesions lie along the route from the left
inferior parietal cortex to primary motor cortices (see Fig. 11.2,
Limb-Kinetic Apraxia
B). Although SMA lesions tend to affect both upper extremi- Limb-kinetic apraxia is the inability to make finely graded,
ties, if the SMA lesion is limited to the right, apraxia may be precise, coordinated individual finger movements. Limb-
limited to the left upper extremity. kinetic apraxia is not a real apraxia in the traditional

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
118 PART I  Common Neurological Problems

definition, but it is prominently considered in the differential

diagnosis of the limb apraxias, and, therefore, discussed here. BOX 11.1  The Examination for Limb Apraxias
Patients with limb-kinetic apraxia complain of a loss of dexter-
ity or deftness that makes fine motor movements such as
buttoning or tying shoes difficult. Weakness or changes in
a. Transitive actions:
muscle tone do not account for this “clumsiness,” and limb-
Comb hair
kinetic apraxia may be intermediate between paresis and other
Brush teeth
limb apraxias. Limb-kinetic apraxia is usually confined to
Flip a coin
the limb contralateral to a hemispheric lesion; however, when
Use scissors
limb-kinetic apraxia occurs in the preferred hand, it may also
Use a hammer
be present in the nonpreferred hand (Hanna-Pladdy et al.,
Use a key
2002). Clinicians need to distinguish limb-kinetic apraxia
Use a screwdriver
from right parietal functions such as nonsymbolic gestures
b. Intransitive actions:
(e.g., copying meaningless fine finger movements) and from
Wave goodbye
optic ataxia, or decreased coordination of the hands under
Beckon someone to come
visual guidance. Limb-kinetic apraxia results from lesions in
Indicate someone to stop
the primary motor cortex or corticospinal system (see Fig. 11.2,
F). Liepmann (1920) also thought that limb-kinetic apraxia
Show how to hitchhike
could result from lesions in the sensory motor cortex, and
Give the peace sign
Kleist (1931) attributed it to damage in the premotor areas.
Give the OK sign
Callosal Apraxia The examiner demonstrates the same actions without
naming them and asks the patient to copy them.
Several limb apraxia syndromes can result from callosal
lesions (see Fig. 11.2, G). What distinguishes these patients is
The examiner demonstrates different actions and asks the
that their apraxia is confined to the nondominant limb,
patient to identify their function/purpose and how well
usually the left arm or hand in right-handed individuals. The
they were performed.
right limb may be affected in left-handed individuals, or they
may have a similar lateralization as right-handers. Liepmann
The examiner asks the patient to show how to prepare
and others described left-sided disconnection-variant ideomo-
a letter for mailing, a sandwich for eating, a bowl of
tor apraxia due to callosal lesions and strokes (Heilman and
cereal with milk. The examiner instructs the patient that
Watson, 2008). These patients cannot pantomime with their
the imaginary elements needed for the task are laid out
left hand to verbal command or imitate but can recognize and
in front of them.
identify gestures. Others described left-sided dissociative
apraxia due to callosal lesions (Gazzaniga et al., 1967;
The examiner shows the patient either pictures or the
Geschwind and Kaplan, 1962). Patients who have had surgical
actual tools or objects and asks the patient to
disconnection of the corpus callosum could not gesture nor-
pantomime or demonstrate their use or function. The
mally to command with their left arm and hand but per-
examiner may also show a task, such as holding a nail,
formed well with imitation and actual tools. Some patients
and ask the patient to pantomime the correct tool use
have had a combination of both disconnection-variant ideo-
and action.
motor and dissociative apraxia of their left arm and hand
manifested by unrecognizable movements on verbal command
Finger tapping
and spatiotemporal errors on imitation. Other patients have
Alternate touching each fingertip with thumb
a callosal “alien limb” with independent movements of the
Pick up a coin without sliding
nondominant limb, sometimes with “diagonistic apraxia” or
Twirl coin between thumb, index, and middle fingers
the intermanual conflict of the hands acting in opposition to
each other. The classic example of this is the split-brain patient
If limb apraxia is present, test with real object use. Most
who has undergone a corpus callosotomy who finds that his
limb apraxias improve when using real objects for
or her left hand is unbuttoning his shirt or blouse while the
transitive actions and when gesturing spontaneously
right one is trying to button it. Finally, there is a rare descrip-
with intransitive actions.
tion of callosal lesions resulting in conceptual apraxia, indicat-
ing that conceptual knowledge as well as movement formulas
The examiner repeats the same procedures as for the
have lateralized representations, and that such representations
dominant upper extremity.
are contralateral to the preferred hand (Heilman et al., 1997).


Apraxia testing requires a systematic approach (Box 11.1). examiner asks the patient to demonstrate how to wave
Prior to testing of praxis, a neurological examination excludes goodbye, beckon somebody to come, or hitchhike. The testing
the presence of significant motor, sensory, or cognitive disor- involves the right and left limbs independently. The examiner
ders that could explain the inability to perform learned skilled observes the patient’s responses for the presence of temporal-
movements. First, the testing of praxis itself begins with asking spatial or content errors. Second, if the patient has difficulty
the patient to pantomime to command. The movements are pantomiming movements, the examiner tests their ability to
transitive (associated with tool or instrument use) and intran- imitate gestures. For gesture imitation, the examiner performs
sitive (associated with communicative gestures such as waving both transitive and intransitive movements and asks the
goodbye). For transitive movements, the examiner asks the patient to copy the movements. Gesture imitation should also
patient to demonstrate how to comb their hair, brush their include meaningless, or nonrepresentational, gestures such as
teeth, or use a pair of scissors. For intransitive movements, the linking pinkies or interlocking circles made with the thumb

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Limb Apraxias and Related Disorders 119

TABLE 11.1  Testing in Limb Apraxias

Ideomotor, Ideomotor,
parietal disconnection* Dissociation* Ideational* Conceptual* Limb-kinetic
Pantomime Abnormal† Abnormal† Abnormal‡ Normal§ Abnormal‖ Normal
to verbal
Imitation of Abnormal† Abnormal† Normal Normal§ Normal Normal¶
Gesture Abnormal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Sequential Normal† Normal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal Normal
Conceptual Normal Normal Normal Abnormal/normal§ Abnormal Normal
of tool use
Limb-kinetic Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Abnormal
Real object use Normal/abnormal# Normal/abnormal# Normal Normal/abnormal# Abnormal‖ Normal/abnormal#
*Callosal apraxia, which is limited to the nondominant limb, can present as disconnection-variant ideomotor apraxia, a dissociative apraxia, or (rarely)
a conceptual apraxia.

Spatiotemporal production errors on single, individual ideomotor tasks.

Unrecognizable movements or attempts.
Errors on performing sequential actions only (i.e., individual actions and their conceptual knowledge are normal).

Content and tool use errors on individual ideomotor tasks.

Decreased dexterity in fine finger movements.
Errors depend on severity. In general, errors are worse with verbal commands>imitation>real spontaneous object use and worse for transitive than
intransitive actions.

and index finger on each hand. Disturbed meaningless ges- errors in the positioning and orientation of the arm, hand,
tures indicate either an inability to apprehend spatial relation- and fingers to the target and in the timing of the movements,
ships involving the hands and arms in parietal-variant but the goal of the action is still recognizable. In addition to
ideomotor apraxia or a basic disturbances in idiokinetic move- poor positioning of the limb in relation to an imagined object,
ments (Goldenberg, 2013). Third, for gesture knowledge, the patients with ideomotor apraxia have an incorrect trajectory
examiner performs the same transitive and intransitive ges- of their limb through space owing to poor coordination of
tures and asks the patient to identify the gesture. The patient multiple joint movements. Patients with ideomotor apraxia
must identify the gesture and discriminate between those that also have hesitant, stuttered movements rather than smooth,
are well and poorly performed. Fourth, the patient must effortless ones. The difference between parietal variant and
perform tasks that require several motor acts in sequence, such disconnection types of ideomotor apraxia is that patients with
as making a sandwich or preparing a letter for mailing. Fifth, the disconnection variant can comprehend gestures and pan-
the examiner shows the patient pictures of tools or objects or tomimes and discriminate between correctly and incorrectly
the actual tools or objects themselves. The examiner then performed pantomimes.
requests that the patient pantomime the action associated On attempting to pantomime, patients with ideomotor
with the tool or object. Finally, the examiner checks for fine apraxia may substitute a body part for the tool or object
finger movements by asking the patient to do repetitive (Raymer et al., 1997). For example, when attempting to pan-
tapping, picking up a coin with a pincer grasp, and twirling tomime combing their hair or brushing their teeth, they
the coin. Additional impairment in the patient’s ability to use substitute their fingers for the comb or toothbrush. Normal
real objects indicates marked severity of the limb apraxia. The subjects may make the same errors, so the examiner should
pattern of deficits will determine the types of apraxia (Table ask patients not to substitute their fingers or other body parts
11.1). Specialists in occupational therapy, physical therapy, but to pantomime using a “pretend tool.” Patients with ideo-
speech pathology, and neuropsychology can further assess and motor apraxia may not improve with these instructions and
quantify the deficits in limb apraxia using instruments like the continue to make body-part substitution errors. The persistent
Apraxia Battery for Adults-2, the Florida Apraxia Battery, the substitution of a body part for a tool or object activates the
Cologne Apraxia Screening, the Test of Upper Limb Apraxia, right inferior parietal lobe; hence, patients with ideomotor
and others (Dovern et al., 2012; Power et al., 2010; Vanbel- apraxia with left parietal injury appear to be using their normal
lingen et al., 2010). right parietal lobe in order to pantomime gestures (Ohgami
et al., 2004).
Testing for Ideomotor Apraxia, Parietal and
Disconnection Variants Testing for Dissociation Apraxia
Patients with the ideomotor apraxias cannot pantomime to The testing for dissociation apraxia is the same as for ideomo-
command or imitate the examiner’s gestures. These patients tor apraxia. An important feature of dissociation apraxia when
improve only partially with intransitive acts, imitation, and attempting to pantomime is the absence of recognizable
real object use. Ideomotor apraxia results in spatiotemporal movements. When asked to pantomime to verbal command,

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
120 PART I  Common Neurological Problems

these patients may look at their hands but fail to perform any ated white-matter tracts including the corpus callosum. Limb
pertinent actions. Unlike patients with ideomotor apraxia, apraxias can be caused by any central nervous system disorder
however, they can imitate the examiner’s actions. Given the that affects these regions. The different forms of limb apraxia
language–motor disconnection, it is important to evaluate the result from cerebrovascular lesions, especially left middle cer-
patient for language disorders and to exclude aphasia. Similar ebral artery strokes with right hemiparesis and apraxia evident
defects in other modalities are possible as well. For example, in the left upper extremity. Right anterior cerebral artery
some patients who are asked to pantomime in response to strokes and paramedian lesions could produce ideomotor
visual or tactile stimuli may be unable to do so but can cor- apraxia, disconnection variant. Ideomotor apraxia and limb-
rectly pantomime to verbal command. kinetic apraxia can be the initial or presenting manifestation
of disorders such as corticobasal syndrome, primary progres-
sive aphasia, or parietal-variant Alzheimer disease (Rohrer
Testing for Ideational Apraxia et al., 2010). Tumors, traumatic brain injury, infections, and
The test for ideational apraxia involves pantomiming multi- other pathologies can also lead to limb apraxias.
step sequential tasks to verbal command. Examples are asking There are important considerations of hemispheric spe-
the patient to demonstrate how to prepare a letter for mailing cialization and handedness on praxis. Early investigators pro-
or a sandwich for eating. The examiner instructs the patient posed that handedness was related to the hemispheric laterality
that the imaginary elements needed for the task are laid out of the movement formulas. Studies using functional imaging
in front of them; the patient is then observed to see whether have provided converging evidence that in people who are
the correct sequence of events is performed. Ideational apraxia right-handed, it is the left inferior parietal lobe that appears
manifests as a failure to perform each step in the correct order. to store the movement representation needed for learned
If disturbed, the examiner can repeat this testing with a real skilled movements (Muhlau et al., 2005). Left-handed people,
object, such as providing the patient with a letter and stamp. however, may demonstrate an ideomotor apraxia from a right
hemisphere lesion, because their movement formulas can be
stored in their right hemisphere. It is not unusual to see right-
Testing for Conceptual Apraxia handed patients with large left hemisphere lesions who are
Patients with conceptual apraxia make content errors and not apraxic, and there are rare reports of right-handed patients
demonstrate the actions of tools or objects other than the one with right hemisphere lesions and limb apraxia. These find-
they were asked to pantomime. For example, the examiner ings suggest that hand preference is not entirely determined
shows the patient either pictures or the actual tools or objects by the laterality of the movement formulas, and praxis and
and asks the patient to pantomime or demonstrate their use handedness can be dissociated.
or function. Patients with conceptual apraxia pantomime the
wrong use or function, but they are able to imitate gestures
without spatiotemporal errors (see Table 11.1).
Because many instrumental and routine ADLs depend on
learned skilled movements, patients with limb apraxia usually
Testing for Limb-Kinetic Apraxia have impaired functional abilities. The presence of limb
For limb-kinetic apraxia testing, the examiner asks the patient apraxia, more than any other neuropsychological disorder,
to perform fine finger movements and looks for evidence of correlates with the level of caregiver assistance required six
incoordination. For example, the examiner asks the patient to months after a stroke, whereas the absence of apraxia is a
pick up a small coin such as a dime from the table with the significant predictor of return to work after a stroke (Saeki
thumb and the index finger only. Normally, people use the et al., 1995). The treatment of limb apraxia is therefore impor-
pincer grasp to pick up a dime by putting a forefinger on one tant for improving the quality of life of the patient.
edge of the coin and the thumb on the opposite edge. Patients Even though many apraxia treatments have been studied,
with limb-kinetic apraxia will have trouble doing this without none has emerged as the standard. There are no effective
sliding the coin to the edge of the table or using multiple pharmacotherapies for limb apraxia, and treatments primarily
fingers. Another test involves the patient rotating a nickel involve rehabilitation strategies. Buxbaum and associates
between the thumb, index, and middle fingers 10 times as (2008) surveyed the literature on the rehabilitation of limb
rapidly as they can. Patients with limb-kinetic apraxia are slow apraxia and identified 10 studies with 10 treatment strategies:
and clumsy at these tasks (Hanna-Pladdy et al., 2002). In multiple cues, error type reduction, six-stage task hierarchy,
addition, they may also have disproportionate problems with conductive education, strategy training, transitive/intransitive
meaningless gestures. gesture training, rehabilitative treatment, error completion,
exploration training, and combined error completion and
exploration training. Most of these approaches emphasize
Testing for Callosal Apraxia cueing with multiple modalities, with verbal, visual, and
The examination for callosal apraxias is the same as for the tactile inputs, repetitive learning, and feedback and correction
other limb apraxias except that the abnormalities are limited of errors. Patients with post-stroke apraxia have had generali-
to the nondominant hand. The testing for callosal apraxia may zation of cognitive strategy training to other activities of daily
reveal a disconnection-variant ideomotor apraxia, a dissocia- living (Geusgens et al., 2006), but others have not (Bickerton
tive apraxia, or even a conceptual apraxia in the non-dominant et al., 2006). One novel study uses sensors embedded in
limb (Heilman et al., 1997). household tools and objects to detect apraxic errors and guide
rehabilitation (Hughes et al., 2013). In sum, patients can learn
and produce new gestures, but the newly learned gestures may
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF LIMB APRAXIAS not generalize well to contexts outside the rehabilitation
Ideomotor apraxia is associated with lesions in a variety of setting. Nevertheless, some patients with ideomotor apraxia
structures including the inferior parietal lobe, the frontal lobe, have improved with gesture-production exercises (Smania
and the premotor areas, particularly the SMA. There are reports et al., 2000), with positive effects lasting two months after
of ideomotor apraxia due to subcortical lesions in the basal completion of gesture training (Smania et al., 2006), and
ganglia (caudate-putamen), thalamus (pulvinar), and associ- patients with apraxia would benefit from referral to a rehabili-

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Limb Apraxias and Related Disorders 121

tation specialist with experience in treating apraxias (Canta- pressure, and mitmachen (“doing with”), where patients allow
gallo et al., 2012; Dovern et al., 2012). a body part to be put into any position in response to slight 11
Additional practical interventions for the management of pressure, then return the body part to the original resting posi-
limb apraxias involve making environmental changes. This tion after the examiner releases it. Motor perseveration is the
includes removing unsafe tools or implements, providing a inability to stop a movement or a series of movements after
limited number of tools to select from, replacing complex the task is complete. In recurrent motor perseveration, the
tasks with simpler ones that require few or no tools and fewer patient keeps returning to a prior completed motor program,
steps, as well as similar modifications. and in afferent or continuous motor perseveration, the patient
cannot end a motor program that has just been completed.
Other movement disturbances may be related to or confused SUMMARY
with the limb apraxias. The alien limb phenomenon, a potential Limb apraxia, or the disturbance of learned skilled move-
result of callosal lesions, is the experience that a limb feels ments, is an important but often missed or unrecognized
foreign and has involuntary semipurposeful movements, such impairment. Clinicians may misattribute limb apraxia to
as spontaneous limb levitation. This disorder can occur from weakness, hemiparesis, clumsiness, or other motor, sensory,
neurodegenerative conditions, most notably corticobasal syn- spatial, or cognitive disturbance. Apraxia may only be evident
drome. Akinesia is the inability to initiate a movement in the on fine, sequential, or specific movements of the upper
absence of motor deficits, and hypokinesia is a delay in initiat- extremities and requires a systematic praxis examination
ing a response. Akinesia and hypokinesia can be directional, (Zadikoff and Lang, 2005). Apraxia is an important cognitive
with decreased initiation of movement in a specific spatial disturbance and a salient sign in patients with strokes, Alzhe-
direction or hemifield. Akinesia and hypokinesia result from imer disease, corticobasal syndrome, and other conditions.
a failure to activate the corticospinal system due to Parkinson The model of left parietal movement formulas and disconnec-
disease and diseases that affect the frontal lobe cortex, basal tion syndromes introduced by Liepmann over 100 years ago
ganglia, and thalamus. continues to be compelling today. This model, in the context
Several other movement disturbances are associated with of a dedicated apraxia examination and analysis for spatiotem-
frontal lobe dysfunction. Motor impersistence is the inability to poral or content errors, clarifies and classifies the limb apraxias.
sustain a movement or posture and occurs with dorsolateral Although more effective treatments need to be developed,
frontal lesions. Magnetic grasp and grope reflexes with automatic rehabilitation strategies can be helpful interventions for these
reaching for environmental stimuli are primitive release signs. disturbances. Fortunately, recent advances in technology and
In echopraxia, some patients automatically imitate observed rehabilitation continue to enhance our understanding and
movements. Along with utilization behavior, echopraxia may management of the limb apraxias.
be part of the environmental dependency syndrome of some
patients with frontal lesions. Catalepsy is the maintenance of
a body position into which patients are placed (waxy flexibil- REFERENCES
ity). Two related terms are mitgehen (“going with”), where The complete reference list is available online at https://expertconsult
patients allow a body part to move in response to light

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Limb Apraxias and Related Disorders 121.e1

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

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