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Cognitive Neuroscience of Foreign Language Education:
Myths and Realities
Ali Nouri
Assistant Professor, Malayer University, Iran

This paper provides an overview of some educational implications from the
current research on cognitive neuroscience for foreign-language learning.
Although the potential benefits of such research into language acquisition are
great, there are a number of popular myths none of which are supported by
scientific evidence. In this paper, three prominent examples of these myths are
introduced and it is discussed how they are based on misinterpretation and
misapplication from neuroscience research. The first pervasive example of such
misconception is the prevalent belief of being the certain critical periods for
learning a second language. It implies that the opportunity to acquire foreign
languages is lost forever by missing these biological windows. In fact, however,
extensive research shows that there are sensitive periods, but not critical periods,
during which an individual can acquire certain aspects of language with greater
ease than at other times. Another example of myths is a false conviction claiming
that exposing children to a foreign language too early interrupts knowledge of
their first language. The reality is that learning a second language not only
improves language abilities in the first language, but also positively affects
students’ academic performance and their general literacy in school. Like the
other myths, there is also a popular misconception about ability to learn second
language during sleep. It is demonstrated that previously acquired memories are
consolidated and new association are acquired during sleep. It therefore does not
include learning a foreign language that requires conscious effort and purposeful
endeavor. The main conclusion arising from this argument is that, while our
understanding of the neural bases underlying language learning is continually
developing, our educational interpretation of research findings should also evolve.
Keywords: Foreign Language Education; Cognitive Neuroscience; Neuroscientific
Vol 3. No. 1. Spring&Summer 2015

Bases of Second language Learning; Neuromyths; Second Language learning

The acceleration of daily exchange of for communication and a fundamental
information on a worldwide scale demanded attribute of cultural identity and empowerment
improving communication skills as a key to (OECD, 2007; UNESCO, 2003). This has
success in life (Koizumi, 2011). Language led to a longstanding interest among
in this context is not only a specifically educators to provide scientific bases for
human cognitive function, but also a tool language curriculum and teaching by

Submission date: January 19, 2015     Acceptance date: April 6, 2015 

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exploring the potential contribution of “critical periods” during which certain

cognitive neuroscience for language experiences must occur to learn particular
acquisition. Cognitive neuroscience aims to skills or abilities such as a second language
refine and explain how the human brain effortlessly and more completely. If these
decodes words and sentences in native and experiences are absent or occur later in the
second languages. This growing area of course of human development, the brain
research potentially provides important will never develop properly and it will be
insights needed to fine tune theories of the impossible for the child ever to acquire
developmental trajectories in language those skills or abilities (Blakemore & Frith,
learning and the acquisition of literacy (De 2005; OECD, 2007; Worden, Hinton &
Jong, et al, 2009). By understanding how Fischer, 2011).
the brain processes language through
lifespan, native and second language Reality #1: It is never too late to learn a
educators may be better able to design more foreign language
effective curricula for students in the The term “critical period”, according to
current multilingual societies. However, Goswami (2008) implies that the
there are also some misinterpreted or over - opportunity to learn a particular ability is
generalized claims from neuroscientific lost forever if the biological window for
findings in regard to second language that ability is missed. There is evidence for
learning that have been termed as limited critical periods in brain
“neuromyths” (Nouri, Mehrmohammadi & development in limited domains (such as
Kharrazi, 2014; OECD, 2002,2007). the development of visual and motor
This paper will focus on the three systems in animals). No evidence, however,
instances of these myths that have been supports biological critical periods for
advertized mostly in public media about acquiring non-native languages (Bruer,
neuroscience of second language learning. 1999; Worden, Hinton & Fischer, 2011).
Such an understanding is critical for foreign This neuromyth rests on a static
language teachers, foreign language learners, conception of the brain, which we now
and educational policy makers to be aware know to be false (Worden, Hinton &
of the implications posed by these claims. Fischer, 2011). The fact is that, our brain is
They need to be cautious and aware that some plastic and capable of learning throughout
conclusions from research in neuroscience the lifespan. Research on plasticity suggests
is being over-generalized and misinterpreted, that the brain is well set up for life-long
and this has ethical implications. learning and adaptation to the environment
and that educational rehabilitation in
Myth #1: It is impossible, or at least adulthood is possible and well worth
extremely difficult, to achieve competency investment (Blakemore & Frith, 2005).
Vol 3. No. 1. Spring&Summer 2015  

in a foreign language after a certain age Plasticity, however, can be classified

We most often hear that it is impossible, or into two types: experience-expectant and
at least extremely difficult to learn a new experience-dependent. Experience-expectant
language after childhood. Research on plasticity describes the genetically-inclined
critical periods and the irreversible structural modification of the brain in early
consequences of early sensory deprivation life; and experience-dependent plasticity is
is often cited as evidence for the importance referred to the structural modification of the
of early childhood experiences. The brain as a result of exposure to complex
research findings have been used to suggest environments over the lifespan (OECD,
that there are particular times so-called 2007). Experience-expectant plasticity,

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therefore, is biologically pre-programmed with evidence that infants are initially able
and reflects abundant early growth in to recognize and distinguish phonemes
response to classes of environmental across multiple languages, but after three to
stimulation (such as visual field information) six months of age and exposure to the
that the brain ‘expects’ (via evolution) to sounds of the languages spoken at home,
receive; and experience dependent plasticity children become more skilled at producing
is culturally constructed and includes the the sounds that appear in languages that
connections formed by all kinds of they have heard (Worden, Hinton &
education (Goswami, 2008). Fischer, 2011). An important reason why it
In parallel to plasticity, learning can also is preferable to denote this aspect of human
be described as experience-expectant or learning in terms of “sensitive” rather than
experience-dependent. Experience-expectant “critical” periods is that it refers to a loss
learning takes place when the brain not an increase in information (OECD,
encounters the relevant experience, ideally 2007). This effect appears to be the result of
at an optimal stage of development. These neural pruning (removing less efficient
periods hence should be called “sensitive neural connections), that probably increase
periods” or “windows of opportunity”, the efficiency of sound processing by the
because they are the optimum moments for brain (Worden, Hinton & Fischer, 2011).
individuals to learn specific skills such as There is also a developmental sensitivity
oral language. They are part of natural during which learning the grammar of a
development, but experience is needed so language can be achieved more fluently in
that a change (learning) can be effective. It young children than in adults. In other
is not the same as “experience-dependent” words, the earlier a language is learned, the
learning such as vocabulary or written more efficiently the brain can master its
language, which can take place at any grammar (OECD, 2002). If the brain is
moment in an individual’s lifetime (OECD, exposed to a foreign language between 1
2002, 2007). and 3 years of age, grammar is processed
Concerning foreign language learning, by the left hemisphere as in a native speaker
there are sensitive periods (the windows of but even delaying learning until between 4
learning opportunity) as language circuits and 6 years of age means that the brain
are most receptive to particular experience- processes grammatical information with
dependent modifications at certain stages of both hemispheres. When the initial
the individual’s development. An example exposure occurs at the ages of 11, 12 or 13
of sensitive periods is the time during years, corresponding to the early stage of
which speech sounds are acquired. Studies secondary schooling, brain imaging studies
show that young infants in the first few reveal an aberrant activation pattern.
months of their lives are capable of Delaying exposure to language, therefore,
Vol 3. No. 1. Spring&Summer 2015

discriminating all the sounds of the leads the brain to use a different strategy for
language, even those very different from processing grammar. This is consistent with
the native language of their parents. For behavioral findings that later exposure to a
example, Japanese adults experience second language results in significant
difficulty in telling the difference between deficits in grammatical processing (OECD,
the /r/ and /l/ sounds which are perceived as 2002, 2007). Early exposure to grammar
identical, but the very young Japanese baby thus leads to a highly effective processing
is able to distinguish between them (OECD, strategy, in contrast with alternative and less
2007). Therefore, there appears to be a efficient processing strategies associated
sensitive period for learning phonology, with later exposure (OECD, 2007).

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In addition, there is a sensitive period for acquire close to a native accent in

acquiring the accent of a foreign language. adulthood (OECD, 2007; Worden, Hinton
This aspect of phonological processing is & Fischer, 2011). Recent studies have
most effectively learned before 12 years of shown that adult non-native language
age (OECD, 2007).This explains why learners are actually quicker at acquiring
children who have learned a second new vocabulary in a second language and
language during early years of their that they may draw on a sophisticated
development are able to produce it with an understanding of meanings that gives them
accent typical of their primary language advantages over young children. Recent
(Flege, 1993). studies have even begun exploring the
In sum, there is an inverse relationship cognitive benefits of acquiring a non-native
between age and the effectiveness of language in adulthood for mitigating or
learning many aspects of language. Thus, delaying the symptoms of some age related
the earlier the child is exposed to the disorders such as Alzheimer’s (Worden,
language, the easier and faster the grammar Hinton & Fischer, 2011). Furthermore, for a
is mastered. Semantic learning, however, foreigner speaking in a given language, the
can and does continue throughout the life benefit of acquiring a “native speaker
span and is not constrained in time (OECD, accent” is not clear anyway (OECD, 2007).
2002, 2007). Furthermore, the long history On the practical level, the one main
of research in cognitive psychology have conclusion of the research findings in this
shown that rate and ease of learning area is that learning a second language after
depends more on prior background 13 years of age is extremely likely to result
knowledge than on chronological age in poor mastery of the grammar and accent
(Bruer, 2002). of this language. This result is at odds with
Although the early learning of language the education practices in numerous
is most efficient and effective, it is possible countries where second language learning
to learn language throughout the lifespan. starts approximately in sixth or seventh
That means adolescents and adults can also grade (OECD, 2002, 2007).
learn a foreign language, albeit with greater
difficulty. Indeed, if they are immersed in a Myth #2: Exposing children to a foreign
new language environment, they can learn language interrupts knowledge of their
the language “very well”, though particular first language.
aspects, such as accent may never develop According to this misconception, different
as completely as they would have done if languages are localized in the same areas of
the language had been learned earlier the brain. Introduction of a foreign or
(OECD, 2007). Efficiency and mastery are second language while the child was still
not necessarily lost, but are just more learning the first might interrupt language
Vol 3. No. 1. Spring&Summer 2015  

difficult for the late learner, because development or cause the child a confusion
relevant experience has not been received of language sand it is the best to speak to
within a biologically defined time frame child in native language until high school
(OECD, 2002). There are also individual (Frey & Fisher, 2013; Petitto, 2009; OECD,
differences such that the degree and 2007). In other words, the more one learns
duration of developmental sensitivities vary a new language, the more one necessarily
from one individual to the next. Some loses the other. From these ideas, it has
individuals are able to master almost all been supposed that the simultaneous
aspects of a foreign language into learning of two languages during infancy
adulthood, and some individuals can still would create a mixture of the two

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languages in the brain and slow down the have a strong command of more than one
development of the child. The false language. Experiments have found that the
inference is that the native language had to more knowledge is acquired in different
be learned “correctly” before beginning languages, the more it is stored in areas far
another one (OECD, 2007). away from the area reserved for language
(OECD, 2007).For instance, fMRI studies
Reality #2: Learning foreign languages have shown that native and second
helps foster other competences related to languages in early bilingual subjects tend to
language. be represented in common frontal cortical
One of the research lines in the cognitive areas (Kim, Relkin, Lee & Hirsch, 1997).
neuroscience of second language learning is Other studies using fNIRS shows robust
to examine the impact of first language activations in the brain’s classic language
learning on second language learning. areas and the same recruitment of language
Although children are generally considered -dedicated neural tissue in bilingual and
to acquire fluency in languages easily and monolingual infants. This is also
educators are highly aware that students are demonstrated that bilingual children should
having great difficulty in learning second not experience difficulty with phonological
languages later in the school years, word segmentation in two languages and
paradoxically, some educational systems they show an increased sensitivity to a
hold that exposure to a foreign language greater range of phonetic contrasts, and an
education too early will impede progress in extended developmental window of sensitivity
native language (De Jong, et al, 2009; for perceiving these phonetic contrasts than
Petitto, 2009). monolingual children (see Petitto, 2009).
This claim is not supported by what we Behavioral evidence also validates the
know from scientific studies. This myth positive effects of second language learning
arise from the studies conducted at the on multiple aspects of child development
beginning of the 20th century, which found (Demont, 2001; OECD, 2007; Petitto,
that bilingual individuals had inferior 2009). Indeed, children who experience
“intelligence”, were carried out with faulty early, extensive, and systematic exposure to
methodologies, being based mainly on both of their languages do not get weaker in
migrant children who were often their first language, but instead quickly
undernourished and in difficult cultural and grasp the fundamentals of both of their
social conditions. The protocols should languages (Petitto, 2009).More particularly,
have taken into account that many of these the results showed an advantage for the
children had started learning the language children who attended bilingual classes
of their host country around the age of 5, 6, since kindergarten. These children will gain
or later, and, without a strong command of access to the written language with more
Vol 3. No. 1. Spring&Summer 2015

that language, they had problems learning ease and they are better at grammatical
other subjects. In short, we cannot judgment and correction tasks and word
meaningfully compare the intelligence of recognition (Demont, 2001).Bilingual
monolingual children from native, often infants are able to discern the differences in
well-off families with that of multilingual the phonemes of both languages and are
children from primarily underprivileged sensitive to a wider range of phonemes than
environments with limited family knowledge monolingual babies (Norton, Baker, &
of the dominant language (OECD, 2007). Petitto, 2003). In addition, there is also
Recent studies have revealed overlapping evidence in supporting the positive effects
language areas in the brain of people who of bilingualism not only on language

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abilities, but also on mathematical suggesting that information acquired during

processing and general learning in school waking can be reactivated during sleep
(Geake, 2009).These positive effects are (Antony, et al., 2012). There are studies
clearest when the second language is endorsing that some individuals are capable
acquired early; a multilingual education of problem solving while they sleep.
does not lead to a delay in development According to these studies, it is the old
(OECD, 2007). problems can be consolidated during sleep
Taken together, the myth that one has or hypnosis in unconsciousness states not
first to speak well one’s native language novel (never before experienced) information
before learning a second language is (Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2010). In a more
counteracted by the studies showing that recent study, Arzi, et al., (2012)
children who master two languages demonstrated that people can also learn a
understand the structure of each language new association during sleep without later
better and apply them in a more conscious awareness of the learning process.
way (OECD, 2007). According to the results of this study,
sleeping participants were able to form a
Myth #3: It is possible to learn a second link between a particular tone and a
language while sleeping. pleasant or unpleasant smell. Although this
There is a long history of research speaking study demonstrated that it is possible to
to the importance of sleep as the primary acquire a simple association while fast
source of learning throughout lifespan. Like asleep, learning more complex skills, such
the other myths, popular conceptions about as learning a new language, may still not be
ability to learn second language during possible during sleep. Language learning
sleep come from misinterpretations of not only entails consciously memorizing
legitimate neuroscientific findings. Research dozens of new words and their meaning,
on the role of sleep in memory functions, but also entails to develop a learning
especially to memory consolidation (see strategy and continuously restructure the
Peigneux, Laureys, Delbeuck & Maquet, newly acquired information in a fashion
2001) is often cited as evidence in support coherent with the preexisting knowledge
of this idea that foreign language learners base (Peigneux, Laureys, Delbeuck &
are able to learn English (or another foreign Maquet, 2001).
language) during sleep. Commercial At present, one paradigmatic implication
products promise phenomenal success, of research findings along these lines is to
claiming that learning while sleeping is not manage the time between teaching and
only possible, but even is more efficient learning phases (Blakemore & Frith, 2005).
than while awake. The idea suggested that However, no scientific evidence supports
the act of learning always begins with an strong claims about learning while asleep
Vol 3. No. 1. Spring&Summer 2015  

unconscious process and so it is more and whether sleeping or not, one cannot
efficiently done during sleep than while rely on simple repetition for learning. To
awake (OECD, 2007). learn a foreign language, natural sciences,
physics, etc., conscious effort and
Reality #3: Learning a foreign language purposeful endeavor is required. In
requires conscious effort. conclusion, the CDs to be played while
There is compelling evidence that sleep asleep promise a pathway to better learning,
plays significant function in the stopping smoking, and losing weight
development of the brain and memory. (among many other things), but there is no
There is a considerable body of literature scientific evidence to support these promises.

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Maybe it is not the CD that makes you stop Blakemore S-J. & Frith, U. (2005). The
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a myth and it is highly unlikely to see such Bruer, J.T. (1999). The myth of the first three
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York: The Free Press.
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2011) and it is more a way of life than a International Journal of Psychology, 36(4),
problem to be solved (UNESCO, 2003). It 274-285.
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based on evidence, not neuromyths America, 93, 1589-1608.
(Worden, Hinton & Fischer, 2011). Frey, N. & Fisher, D. (2013). Reading and the
It could be argued that the prevalence of young brain. In L H. Wasserman & D.
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responsibility to educate our children. The Geake, J. (2009). The brain at school:
Educational neuroscience in the classroom.
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and special education. British Journal of
evolving. It implies that our interpretation Special Education, 31(4), 175- 183.
of the implications of these findings for
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Vol 3. No. 1. Spring&Summer 2015  


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