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Carandang | Cruz | Pasumbal | Salem | Tolentino
Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Diliman, Quezon City


Microcirculation and the effect of different vasoconstrictors, vasodilators, temperature, and pain to the
blood flow within the capillary system were observed in frog tissue using a light microscope. A frog
specimen was fixed in place and the foot was held securely under a light microscope. The thin webbed
tissue between the phalanges was spread over a glass slide to monitor the blood flow inside the
capillaries. Each of the reagents were added alternately between vasoconstrictors and vasodilators and the
diameter of the capillaries and blood flow were monitored. Infliction of pain, subjecting the tissue to
colder Ringer’s solution, and treatment with nicotine and adrenaline resulted in constriction of the
vessels. Exposure to histamine acid phosphate, acetylcholine, ethanol, lactic acid, sodium bromide and
warm Ringer’s solution displayed dilatory effects to the vessel.

Microcirculation blood flow is regulated by
In animals larger than 1mm in diameter, a vasoconstriction or vasodilation in response to
circulatory system for the material transport is stimuli. Electrical signals initiated on
necessary. This system has evolved to transport microvascular smooth muscle and endothelial
respiratory gases, nutrients, waste products, cells can travel rapidly for millimeters through
hormones, antibodies, salts and other materials cell-to-cell conduction via gap junction
among various regions of the body. The basic channels, rapidly coordinating vasodilator
plan for this system consists of a main responses that govern the distribution and
propulsive organ, the heart in most cases, which magnitude of blood flow (Segal, 2005).
propels blood to various parts of the body via an
arterial system and back to the heart via a This experiment aims to observe
venous system (Randall et al., 2002). microcirculation by observing frog webs under
varying conditions microscopically. These
Material transfer among tissues are facilitated by conditions are created by exposing frog skin to
capillaries, these are fed by arterioles which solutions containing different compounds and
branch from arteries and feed into venules which observing the frog's reaction to the stimuli.
subsequently flow into veins. The arterioles,
capillaries, and venules are collectively referred MATERIAL AND METHODS
to as the microcirculation because they are only
visible microscopically (Sherwood et al., 2013). To observe the effect of the different
The walls of these vessels are thin, thus allowing vasoconstrictor and vasodilator on the capillaries
high rates of transfer between tissues by of the frog sample using a light microscope, it
diffusion, transport or filtration (Randall et al., was prepared by restraining the sample with a
2002). plastic rope.
The erythrocytes were generally flexible and can
The vasodilators which are composed of rotate, slightly bend, and can stack with other
histamine, acetylcholine, ethanol, lactic acid cells in a slanted manner as the cells passed
sodium bromide and warm ringer solution were through the small capillaries. Only erythrocytes
tested in sequential tandem with its were observed in the blood vessels since the
vasoconstrictor counterparts which are Nicotine, cells have a faint red color especially when in
Adrenaline, pain infliction and cold ringer larger blood vessels; no leukocytes were located.
solution. The effect on the blood flow, the Leukocytes may be possibly located in sites of
volume of blood that passes and the diameter of inflammation or lymphatic tissues. Vasomotion
the vessel were then observed using a light was not observed.
Blood vessel diameter and blood flow rate
changes were observed when different
RESULTS substances were added to the tissue as shown by
Table 1. The general trend observed was that an
When viewed using a light microscope under increase in blood vessel diameter also increase
low power objective (LPO), the transparent blood flow rate in the capillaries. Acetylcholine,
blood vessels were distinguished as histamine, lactic acid, ethanol, and sodium
anastomosing pathways with transparent disc- bromide induced an increase in blood vessel
shaped translucent erythrocytes. Capillaries diameter and blood flow rate. Warm
were observed as very thin pathways with a very temperatures also caused the dilation of
small diameter that only one cell of erythrocyte capillaries. Other substances such as adrenaline
can pass through. Arterioles and venules were and nicotine caused the constriction of
much larger than capillaries and have a faint red capillaries. Cold temperatures and infliction of
translucent color. The erythrocytes flowing pain also caused the constriction of capillaries.
through the vessels were much harder to monitor
since three to four cells can pass through the Table 1. Substances immersed to the web foot
diameter. Venules were detected based on the tissue of a frog sample and the effect on blood
flow of blood cells - the venules receive the flow rate and blood vessel diameter.
blood from numerous branches of capillaries. Effect on the
Substance or Effect on blood
The arterioles were indicated as the sources of diameter of
stimulus flow rate
the blood cells. The blood flow originated from blood vessel
arterioles to capillaries and then to venules.
Nicotine slower smaller
The blood flow was observed to be fastest in the
arterioles. When the capillaries receive the blood
Adrenaline slower smaller
cells from the arterioles, the rate of blood flow is
greatly reduced. The blood collected in the
venules flowed in a very slow rate. Pain infliction slower smaller

The flow of the blood cells were generally

Cold Ringer’s temporarily
smooth, but cycles of fast flow followed by a smaller
solution stopped, slow
slower flow were observed. The cycle of
differing rates were observed to be pulsating.
capillary wall, which tends to increase towards
Histamine acid
faster larger the venous end. The net loss of fluid at the
arterial end is somewhat greater than the net
uptake at the venous end of the capillary. In the
Acetylcholine faster larger
arterial end of the capillary bed, the hydrostatic
pressure is stronger than the colloid osmotic
pressure. This leads to a net loss of fluid as it
Ethanol stopped, larger
passes through the capillary. However, the
slightly faster
efflux of fluid leads to a loss in hydrostatic
slow, then pressure. On the venous end, the decrease in
Lactic Acid larger
normal hydrostatic pressure becomes too great such that
Sodium temporarily osmotic colloid pressure draws fluid back in.
larger Thus, the accumulation of fluid in the
Bromide stopped, faster
extracellular matrix is reduced. (Randall et al.,
Warm Ringer’s temporarily 2002).
solution stopped, faster
Blood pressure is one of the factors that affect
the vasomotion of blood vessels. The other two
DISCUSSION are blood flow rate and resistance. Flow rate is
the measurement of how far blood can go over a
Blood vessels are composed of a single layer of certain period of time. This is directly
flat, epithelial cells known as the endothelium. proportional to blood pressure wherein the
This layer is present in arteries, veins, and higher the pressure the faster blood will flow.
capillaries, each of them having lumen wherein Both are inversely proportional to volume where
blood flows through. The diameter of the lumen the larger the volume the lower the flow rate and
in a capillary is small enough to arrange the pressure would be. This applies when blood
blood cells that pass through it in a single line. moves from artery to arteriole to capillary
This is necessary in order to effectively provide because the cross-sectional area of the capillary
exchange between the red blood cells and the bed is much larger than that of the arteriole,
somatic cells. Arteries have thicker walls to be causing blood to move slower. It will speed up
able to withstand high blood pressure coming again when crossing the venules since they
from the aorta, in which it transports oxygenated would have less cross-sectional area than the
blood to the organs. Veins possess thinner walls capillaries (Reece et al., 2014).
and larger diameters compared to arteries
because there is less blood pressure when Resistance is defined as any factor that can slow
delivering deoxygenated blood from the organs the flow of blood, therefore it is said to be
back to the heart. They also have valves to inversely proportional to flow rate. Viscosity
prevent backflow of blood (Reece et al., 2014). and friction are some factors than can be
counted as resistance. In order to lessen
The Starling Hypothesis states that the net resistance, the inner lining of the endothelium is
movement of fluid at any point along the usually smooth to avoid friction between the
capillary is determined by two factors: the cells and the wall (Reece et al., 2014).
difference between blood pressure and colloidal
osmotic pressure, and the permeability of the
The arterial muscle contraction can be explained constriction of minute blood vessels by binding
by vasomotion which is the response to different with ⍺-adrenergic receptors. It can also cause
stimuli. Examination of the response of the vasodilation in other blood vessels like those in
microcirculatory system of the frog’s webbing to the liver and the heart by binding with another
different reagents showed that temperature, and type of receptors, the 𝛽-adrenergic receptors.
certain vasomotion stimulants can alter the rate (Rogers, 2015). Vasoconstriction was observed
of blood flow, diameter of the vessels, or the in this experiment since the capillaries are the
direction of blood flow. ones subjected to this hormone.

Two sets of reagents were used to determine Infliction of pain will cause the body to elicit a
their respective effects on blood flow and fight or flight response, which is under the
vasomotion. Group A is composed of nicotine, sympathetic nervous system (Chawla & Kochar,
adrenaline, cold Ringer’s solution and pain 1999). Epinergic hormones would increase the
infliction, while acetylcholine chloride, blood pressure and lead to vasoconstriction in
histamine, sodium bromide, ethanol, lactic acid, the capillaries in order to let more nutrients enter
and warm Ringer’s solution were classified the cells which is needed to have energy to
under group B. Theoretically, group A are either fight the threat or flee from the scene as
considered as vasoconstrictors while those in seen in nature.
group B are classified as vasodilators, and these
coincide with the experimental data gathered Vasodilators
where slower blood flow and smaller blood
vessels was observed in the former while the Histamine is a hormone that elicits an
reverse was seen in the latter. inflammatory response when the body gets
injured by an external force. It results to the
Vasoconstrictors vasodilation of blood vessels, making their
endothelium more porous for the leukocytes and
Nicotine is usually known as a stimulant that components of the blood to flow to the site of
causes the heart to pump faster, leading to an injury, preventing bacteria and other unwanted
increase in blood pressure and vasoconstriction. materials from infecting the cells. This response
However, it is observed in some cases that it often causes swelling and redness since the
also induces vasodilation in skeletal muscles. blood would be stuck or clumped together due to
Therefore, it can be said that nicotine has both the dilation of the blood vessel (Suzuki et al.,
cholinergic and adrenergic in nature depending 1999).
on the dosage and the environment. Higher
concentrations would lead to vasodilation while Acetylcholine is the primary transmitter emitted
lower amounts would cause vasoconstriction by cholinergic nerves which leads to the
(Hilton, 1954; Black et al., 2001). For this constriction of the blood vessels. Sympathetic
experiment the compound induced cholinergic fibers would induce vasoconstriction
vasoconstriction in the capillaries of the frog of coronary vessels in the heart while
which led to slower blood flow. parasympathetic cholinergic nerves would
innervate skeletal muscles in dogs and cats to
Adrenaline is a hormone produced by the constrict in order to decrease blood pressure
adrenal medulla and functions primarily by (Klabunde, 2016).
eliciting a sympathetic response to the body by
Ethanol when initially taken would cause the Effect of Temperature
constriction of blood vessels, but would
eventually result to vasodilation. Previous Higher temperatures would result to the
assumptions said that ethanol induces vasodilation of blood vessels while
vasodilation by increasing the bioavailability of vasoconstriction would occur in colder
nitric oxide, however this was disputed by recent temperatures. The former is for the dissipation
findings in research (Tawakol et al., 2004). of heat due to the larger surface area of the
Nitric oxide can either cause direct vasodilation endothelium, while the latter is for conservation
wherein it binds to receptors on the blood vessel, of heat by lowering its surface area (Li et al.,
or by indirect means by inhibiting compounds 2009).
that promote vasoconstriction like angiotensin II
(Klabunde, 2016). CONCLUSION

A muscle at work would need oxygen to Microcirculation of the blood in the vessels with
continuously function aerobically. When this respect to the addition of vasoconstrictor and
activity is prolonged in that anaerobic vasodilator significantly changed the blood flow,
respiration took over, lactic acid would build up. diameter of the blood vessel and the volume of
This would result to a decrease in pH which blood that passes to it. Results obtained adhered
would elicit the blood vessel to dilate in order to to the theoretical expectations where the group
increase its blood flow. This effect would of the vasoconstrictor decreases the diameter of
increase the amount of oxygen that would be the vessels, blood flow and blood volume.
transported along the bloodstream, which is Similarly, vasodilators increases the diameter of
needed to pay for the oxygen debt to convert the blood vessels, the blood flowing and the
lactic acid produced from anaerobic respiration volume that passes. It should be noted however
to pyruvate (Klabunde, 2007). that among the vasoconstrictors added, the warm
ringer solution temporarily stopped blood flow
Osmolarity also plays an important role in blood while for the vasodilators, ethanol, warm ringer
vessels. If the blood vessel osmolarity is greater solution and sodium bromide momentarily
than that of the interstitial fluid, water would stopped the blood flow.
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