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APPSC: Panchayat Secretary - 2014 Paper - | GS/600 2014 GENERAL STUDIES. Series (English & Telugu Versions) aye Paper —1 Time: 150 Minutes Max. Marks: 150 msbatay +160 Odwsae Sudo arayee : 180 INSTRUCTIONS (383%) se check the Test Booklet and ensure that it contains all the questions. If you find any defect in the Test Booklot or Answer Sheet, please got it replaced immediately. edt SF craPasom. Ge, Seiad! md, Bios rtd Bond dreSonem, g & 2, ‘The Tost Booklet contains 150 questions. Each question carries 1 mark. Osne 180 =) 1 Socy, Siromotendsd 3. ‘The Question Paper is set in English and translated into Telugu language. The English version will be considered ay the authentic version for valuation purpose. pS TofS sairehdabnd Bets TSE Sepir SobRdO. Hires Spin rey daimtiptn poli Geto Ceirdstinm botncot, 4. The Test Booklet is printed in four (4)Series, viz. [A]| ht-hand corner of the cover page of the Test Booklet, Mark your Test Booklet C]or[D] in Part.€ on side 1 af the Answer Sheet by darkening the appropriate hk Bluc/lslack Ball point pen. 05s ree sewed! (Seriea) atm [A] @)rs 1S Sth Sete Dag, Sot . A] rs [B] ma [C] re DD] rd ssros systto asin se ey ag’ aS ranoed SagS! Sg coh Dose. Example to fil up the Booker Serios I yaurTeet Bookiet Series is A. please fil as shown belowe- e@®oOo If you have not marked the Test Booklet Series at Part C of side 1 of the Answer Sheet or marked ina way that it leads to discrepancy in determining the exact Test Booklet Series, then, in all such cases, your Answer Sheet will be invalidated without any further notice, No correspondence will be entertained in the matter. & ie ayocie claemy agmmene (Serica) waimay Sombe aden BEI AEC oT mpocaMoar BF gos [DB] spisest segosndsa. a spine ted DABD Sorod! to Potiadsd. HoSys SH Bot Saas SSO Seti gnQotear Senora Srsss oo Gar soy otusedl ad, FOS awed, 2S Sevdod Poh 5 Saswomd sseed Meise Bdloseac (invalidated). 425 1500 Peeond agers emi” MCBIRND 23022014 GS1600 In which two States of India, was Panchayat Raj system first introduced ? a) ar @) a Bihar and Madhya Pradesh Andhra Pradesh and Keral Karnataka and Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan, ‘The present Secretary General of the U.N.O. ae @ @ (a) Ban Ki-Moon Guy Ryder Jim Yong Kim Yukiya Amano Angola Merkel is the Chancellor of a oe @ @ France Germany: Greece Japan ‘The Planning Commission was set up in the year a) 1950 wr 1951 (a) 1982 (4) 1953. ‘The Dutch East India Company set up their| first factory at 1) Cochin 42) Surat af" Nagapatnam (4) Masulipataam 4) POSEY D Sots THOS Somes oF SQ anos Garagedod ? 0) B28 seae ag; oT 42) wos GaP stow dow 48) Soyes owe Oe re MH) G06 SOF mete cas siya; Noes Sys Deed ened ay oS Sood (a 9905 $5 Groh 85> conlatr wind @ co Defer S889 A prityS w S55 @ etd @ go (ay eS Gets dorbo D soriaySos* Zbatiados (iy 1980 (ay 1951 (3) 1952 (a) 1953 GS sh sedate vob a Sneed ogy Sod Ie,4 DGososod 7 FOS (2) 908 (3) areseayS @ SstbsenS Gs/600 10, 18) ‘The first Chief Election Commissioner of India| ® was ()) KV.K Sundaram 42) 7. Swaminathan (3) Sukumar Sen (RK. Trivedi ‘The planis that grow on the rocks are called Lithophytes Eremophytes Sclerophytes Halophytes w @® 3) «a ‘The scientific study of insects is called Ethology Morphology Hydeopathy Entomology a @ co) (a ‘The biggest planct in the Solar System is ay (2) Sapiter Venus (3) Mereury (4) Neptune Earth is called as the (1) Red planet (2) Blue planet (3) Yellow planet Green planet PG Ge Swcel Gord Dope ead a) 3.03. sesso @ 6. doores 3) sro 5 @) 96.2. 655 ey Secs DOM Swsyome/Segse Sboerts ? a) Bs ph 42) Dow pe (3) De pe dy) DED sve whe eos 5 sooerde ? M srod @ sroyed @ pPesd G) Soetrod BS SySBE eSdg ero a) ees @) web (@) weses (4) Roget Prd 5 Son ylrom Sachs ? Oo ap gore 8 pro Stoney gore sh5q) gro @) @ @ 6$1600 ML a2. 13, 4. 15 ‘Who was the first Indian to get the Nobel Prize? a @ aw aw CY. Raman Amartya Sen Hargobind Kherana Rabindranath Tagore (6) ‘The astronaut who first landed on the Moon) 12, was. a a @ “ Yuri Gagarin Daniel Pearl Peter Seot Neil Armstrong 13, Who was the Prime Minister of India just| befure P.V, Narasimha Rao? a (2 a w In India, the longest day oceurs on ww @ (3) a Indira Gandhi Charan Singh VP. Singh Chandra Shekhar April ~ 13 October ~ a1 dune ~21 March = 21 a. 16. Nelson Mandela wha was South Africa's first|~” Black President died on w @) @ w 6-9-2013 6-10-2013 6-11-2013 6-12-2013 @ SE owssrse Foss Seaed osama 330? @ S2.ems 2) eseyy BS (8) SORDod woe 4) DogaS ered Soyed boo SHAS Soe Tsay 0) aod mes (a) Anand 3h 3) Sab ayf 4) BE aeyizok 2. Sthotreiys Smet) GS Bow ose T a) R080" rod @) see Sof @) DS. bof 4) soe ae5 pbsdtes oS Bags se 9 sas mayoa 7 a) Obd-13 @ vfeS-a1 @ e521 4) Sd) ~21 So Us FS sg #8 woge dod oer couiclods Str (hy 6-9-2018 @ 610-2013 (a 6-11-2018 (6-12-2013 8/600 16. a. 18, 19. 7) In the Delhi Assembly Elections held in 2013, | 16 how many seats did Aam Aadmi Party win ? ay 28 2 32 3) 8 a) 168 Sriram Sagar Project is in the district of ay Nizamabad (2) Adilabad @ a Kurnool Warangal Manjira is a tributary of () Tungabhadra river Penna river 18. a a 1 Krishna river Godavari river By which Amendment to the Indian Constitution, was the Eleventh Schedule 18. added 7 471" Amendment (2) 72 Amendment (3) 73" Amendment (74 Amendment The First Five Year Plan accorded the highest priority to (2) Agriculture (2) Electricity (3) « Rural roads Heavy industries. fj 2013 6 Gk wan Rew aOhy SAEs eb ety, 3.30) hey Reosisob ? aw ( (m8 16 2B ae boro Sn8 ay 2 aps 408 ? D demeerS ee’ sont soond (2 @ @ wooder 5 Sas a35d ? Q) sony @ By od Forse 3) a) S gOS CayoN SSte oy cers 11S sigs deqedes ? aw 7 ) 72 @) 73 a 74 Suda sousg geres dad Seago anya (@) spo (2) Deity &) gb ory ) gb soe @s/600 (By 21. Which Article of the Indian Constitution lays|21. 2 eros seen ete Pwo Heke down the Fundamental Duties of citizena ? Stoke SE ,ctwod 7 a) SLA (BLA 2) 52 an me (3) a4 a) 55 a 36 32, Who is the first woman chairperson of (Mele srodiom Saf enon’ ana aire wg State Bank of India ? (D370 ooo (2) oor oh (3) dee Grob (4) Stood gages Poonam Ahuja @) Priyanka Das (3) Nisha Desai Arundhati Bhattacharya 23, Who are reftrred to as Homo sapiens? 28. Bn BSaHS, oO ISO0 soure? (1) Monkeys (D Peees (2) Tigers (2 MveEe (3) Peacocks (3) Bsey (4) Human beings (4) Semape 24. Deficiency of which vitamin causes Beri Beri ? ai M4, 20 DO ayO D Deke Sho Sy serritnod ? A moa m &B @ B @) © @ oc wD wD 25. How many bones does an adult human body contain? 28. Sdivesnd ehdo8" 55) Jiwte dowran ? 206 (206 2) 106 (2) 106 (3) 168 (a) 153 ) 215 (a) 215, Gs/600 28, Which of the following countries is in South America? (1) Zimbabwe (2) Qatar £3) Afghanistan (4) Argentina 27, Srisailam is on the banks of river 4) Godavari 2) Penna (3) Tungabhadra (4) Krishna 28. International Conference on Science Communication for Scientific Temper was held during 10 12 February 2012 at (Mumbai (2) New Delhi (8) Jaipur (Udaipur Which journal is published by National Institute of Science Communication ? Science Reporter (2) Science Monitor (8) Science Herald (4) Science Promoter Which district in Andhra Pradesh has the highest literacy rate as per 2011 Census ? aw ea a wy Karimnagar West Godavari Mahaboobnagar Hyderabad 19) 26, 27. $08 Pde D Gao cde wiboerd® coo? (ly gonrd, ‘ay @ aot 4 whos who airep yey NE wodgqdan Scan 2012 tesd 10-12 & ayo BOAO 7 ay @) @ @) smog anh SoaR aE hod wy Ooe soy Gibdod SOs 07 a @ Ph anwe @) @) OS arent 2011 ere Bgo Erte eos dre D SES GIS YTS od ? GD sBosné Q) st Foss (3) SotreneonS a) peed 65/600 10) Which Article of the Indian Constitution says |31- that the State shall take steps ta organise Village Panchayats to function as units of self governance ? aw 40 41 3) 42 4) 43 of India was adopted by the] 32. ‘Constituent Assembly on Q) 26-11-1949 @ 2%6-1-1950 (3) 158-1947 4) 26-11-1948 Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh} 9% published the newspaper by the name of GF Hindustan (2) Hindu Patriot (3) Vandernataram (4) Amrit Bozar Patrika In which year did the Lahore session of the} 4 Indian National Congress pass the resolution|”"” of Poorna Swaraj ? (1) 1928 12) 1929 1930 4) 199 Chairman of the 14'" Finance Commission of India is 35. VV. Reddy 12) D.Subbarao (% — €.Rangarajan (4) DP. Agarwal eoscn DS ,0tn0d 7 re) a4 (42 43, SUS CEPA Ag Toe CeOMa, Jaye wAndoted ? (1) 26-11-1949 (2) 26-1-1950 (3) 15-8:1947 (4) 26-11-1948 BEE ueS ark, ean Saderd gh so DQ siswe Gcmdores 7 Gy rowed Q) Sree Rwavat @ sodareco GW) ein ward BOs S nosaytos' otBs' sons pitas ban rom aot ag ory aed Goya, 08 (1928 42 1929 @) 1930 4) 1931 FES MS OO! Soe way WM Baw @ A senes @ 2 genres ab eno 5/600 36. ta Sharma is the chairperson of Investment Commission National Knowledge Commission ‘Planning Commission (4 National Commission for Women Which State in India produces the maximum soiton ? 4) West Bengal (2) Kerala 43) Bihar 44) Gujarat ‘Which State in India has the largest forest cover, according to ‘India Forest Report — 011"? Kerala (2) ‘Karnataka 48) Uttar Pradesh (4) Madhya Pradesh ‘How many types of ‘Gauges’ dees the Indian Railways-track have ? ao wet Co ") ‘How many members are nominated to the Rajya Sabha by the President ? mm 10 @ ou ay 1 4) 13 ony 37. sane 4a, dk cogs Dayod Sexo w 2) dah Dens Bowe (3) Gerds Kowo 4) was wire some w8sdtcs D cyp caStor Sao modsyod 7 () Sty dome a te oy bot 4) teed ‘podoir FO Oley - O11" Bsto wondsed > egos wane shoo 2,37 a) goo 2) sme @ ago ede @) 2o; edt OS Bk ID, Soe LH Aoyon ? @ 2 @ a 4 TYNE TeytEe Sod thd nesess TIT She? a) 10 @ ou @) 12 4) 18 GS/600 a1 (120 ‘Tie Rest: Mughal wapersé who sewed a[4le forman to the Englith to open a factory at! Surat was ay Akbar 2) Jahangir (3) Shabjaban (4) Aurangzel 42, ‘The founder of Bhakti Movement in India was (1) Shankaracharya (2) Nimbarkacharya (3) Madhvacharya 4) Ramunajacharya An earthquake under the sea isealled a 43. ) Gyelone (2) Lightning (3) ‘Thunder Trunami Who from the following was nof a member of| 44, the Cabinet Mission ? (1) Pethick Lawrence (2) Stafford Cripps 8) AV. Alexander (4) Atlee Public Accounts Committee consista af] members from Lok Sabha as wall as Rajya Sabha, ‘The Chairman of the Committee is always (1) Amember of Opposition party 42) Amember of Cabinet i Anominated member (4) Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha eamd a (8g (2) ero. ees @) cxondS wrod! of dts Boneh (WEDS (2) Romero 3) oreo 4) warmerarsy two gs NeoS'D tirsohy Osborne ? (1) &e5 (2) sate (3) acon 4) ar Bod SOS EHS DSS neat sO ) BBE eS) 2) Sef oS (8) 2.3, voorgotS a vt BYE wTok, sod) SSag, rage agged! ard aowwod. © sill cog layer IS& Goerte Cy boy see (2) wogtbodt « (Dibba dood sgogt (9) Sag Gargd sb GS/600 46. a. nan How many types of Emergeney are envisaged |48- by the Constitution of Indin ? a) 2 @ 8 a4 w 5 Nelson Mandela, who died recently, received | 47- the Bharat Ratna Award from the Indian Government in the year (1988 1989 (3) 1990 (1991 In which acript was the Buddhist literature recorded ? (Pali (2) Sanskrit (3) Prakrit (4) Hindi Which city is also known as the ‘Big Apple’ ? () New York (USA) (2) Canberra (Australis) (3) Madrid (Spain) 447 Lausanne (Switzerland) Indian Institute of Space Research and ‘Technology is located in the State of a 42) ‘3) “4y Andhra Pradesh ‘Tamil Nadu Kerala Karnataka &) Ud Cerpollo we CN ease Sopue a 2 a 8 @ 4 w 8 ailie speods Seyi aedes ets Ewso S noses gas emp @ese hod + a) 1988 1989 1990 1991 a2) 3) a) Og Hrd D OSE God? wm oe (2) Bois, yo Soe rod (3) @) D iSMOND) CA be ead) eooartts ? Hj br By, (etbos-) s5de (w jar) SiGe (Zyom5) Fey (yd) a 2) (3) @ 655) wo aedabS alhtagh ob yp Oxyd 5 ops God 7 WW sg BSE @ sere tees yee @ w GS/600 way Son wad Bad gonduad 288 96 BL. Which of the following decades was declared | as the International Decade for Natural ErHS ONES oD peor ? Disaster Reduction ? @) 1990-2000 42) 1980 - 1990 (3) 1970-1980 (4) 2000-2010 (2) 1980-1990 (a 1970-1980 (4) 2000-2010 G2, othe Sole atomic rm aoarce: Gh og? ‘The green colour of leaves is due ta the () Bresspeges prosence of 1) Proteins (2 Seys Soy (2) Lipids (3 Sodsorqe 4) Carbohydrates 1 gees 44} Chlorophyll sa. sorte es 53. ‘Tsunami’ is a (1) eS sires (2) Japanese word @) god are (2) Preneh word, @ fap (Greek word 4) Sy Srb (4) Russian word 4. 808 TRE Da SHS 34. Which of the following is « natural disaster ? xe (9 Drought @) ange (2) War (8) Boag ange (a) Civil War (4) Terrorism 4) ainda BS. SoyrS Serie Jot ) Bes ood 55. Who is called the Father of Computers ? () Herman Hollerith (2) Yon Neumann a) (8) Blaise Pascal 3 id) Charles Babbage 14 35/600 56. 67. ‘The Disaster Management Act of Indin was enacted in the year ri) @ a) w 2003 2008 2006 ‘Who is called the Father of E-Mail ? 1) Ray Tomlinson 2) Timothy Bill kan Golitsberg 41 Bill Gates «a ‘The full form of WWW is (0) World Wide Web (2) Window World Wide (8) World Working Web (4) World Working Window Discovery of Radioactivity was made by (2) Rutherford ees) @ J. Thompson John Dalton (4) Henri Becquerel Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Edueation for Peace and Sustainable Development is at @) Delhi @) Dehradun (3) Hyderabad 4) Agra (15) 56. b soseyod? 3 Batmdod ? a) 2008 2004 43) 2005 (4) 2006 to-Thond boast Serqpans arb OS Dos REeAE BS A a @ a ay www srg Sto () 882635 (2) SoH sug BE @) so Hoof 35 () S09 BO, 08 D0 SeMPPOBSe STO a @) a a) suster, mob aShianyS od oeagiad 36 6 wo Spansend Giebiucss 38,66 dod ? a 3b @) aeranS @ Porws ar 65/600 (16) Which Indian State is the topmost State in|61. terms of prosperity, according to the report released by CRISIL research firm in ‘November 2013 a) Punjab 13) Kerala (3) Nagaland 4) Bihar 62, Shanti Swarvop Bhatnagar Awards are given for excellence in the field of 4) Literature 2) Music (8) Sports (4) Scionce and Technology 63, Capital of Mizoram State is 4) Dehradun (2) Imphal 13) Kohima (4) Aizaw! 64. ‘At what place did the All India Congress Committee meet on 1" April 1921? 41) Chittoor (2) Visakhapatnam % Nellore (4) Vijayawada 68, ‘The first session of Rayalaseema Mahasabha was held in 194 at, @) Madras 2) Gudivada (3) Bapatla (4) Srikakulam @ 213 asewSs GSS od sever oy Dede Bis O5hs ped, 5 mse oY barred" pos 2 (Som (2 Sow @ ares i bo€ 2 coriog ager () atrap (2) Sohto. @ daw @) FR daw Fosse agar Posigre Gah ergy POST) Delve oN ceo 38 t Q Gerard (2 Ror (@ Strsr w ced 1921 DGS 15 eho gros TORS Shed 38,6 Bardecncsos 2 ay Dane @) Owestg0 (8) Bape 4) Deore 1934 rotebse See Sued seta 25,6 BBR 2 MO ses 1 roderes ote Orato 6/600 17a 66. ‘Who is the Chairman of the National Disaster | 66 ‘Management Authority under the Disaster’ Management Act, 2005 ? (1) Prime Minister (2) President (3) Vice-President (4) Finance Minister The boundary line between Franee and Gormany is known ax (Durand Line (2) McMahon Line (3) Radeliffe Line (4) Maginet Line Who was solected for the Jnanpith Award for the year 2012? (1) Dasarathi Rangacharya (2) N.Gopi (3) Katyayani Vidmahe (4) Ravuri Bharadwaja 69. The English and Foreign Languages University is located at 3 Guwahati (2) Gorakhpur (3) Hyderabad (4) Madurai ‘The Nobel Prize winners are (1) Péter Higgs and Francois Englert (2) Alice Munro (3) Arich Warshel, Martin Karplus and ‘Michael Levitt (4) Randy Schekman, Thomas Sudhof, James Rothman Physics for 2013 80g TOP yO 2005 foo Sys ebay Diag Doge Sox wegen Bsc 7 Q) SHS Hos oe () aoyAS () 8Qs ceo’ PS, - 25,6 dre we, nosey de Soo GQ) Gyro de @) sSioss dg @) 73> dp (4) sreSiS dp M128 epAds erg 36d Sort ? (1) PREG Somrarty (2) 35, (8) poyed oer (4) Sure soos Bao§h ooG FES oot @s aarasayd aay Bore a) fre (2) RodarS @ yarrs (4) sacag PSs egos 2013 F Fad wrarse Roos wage () S06 th, dase Gros' 2008 @ soe @) eblr woe, args s 3205 4) god fyomS, oh SS, aS) FoisS woes BST 5/600 n 72. 4. 7. SAARC Tocated at Disaster Management Centre is a 2) ay td) Cuttack New Delhi ‘Visakhapatnam Madurai ‘The oldest university in the Telangana rogion of Andhra Pradesh is @ Osmania University (2) Satavahana University (8) Kakatiya University (4) Mahatma Gandhi University ‘Typhoon Haiyan’ killed more than 10,000 people in 2013 in the country of (2) Indonesia (2) India (Japan (4) Philippines ‘The oldest university in the Andhra region of| Andhra Pradesh is Andhra University (2) Sri Venkateswara University. @ Sri Krishna Devraya University (4) Vikrama Simhapuri University India’s first military satellite GSAT-7 was| successfully launched into orbit in the year ip 2018 @ 212 3) 2018 4) 2011 418) 1. RR. um“. 1. (4) tote wo BSED deomm Gosos’ amy OOS De eryaibo Gd) Gaya Sedoryecbe @) werSS DSayoade B) wiboD a Scyedo (4) s3Hoy od DeIeyeatbe 2013 6 Sade Sod xr Sods ‘pars iahS'D Seod* sogdodos ? GQ) 708 Dia @) golae @ eS (4) Peapod Bom SAID cog Boies ay od @ ds Daseoae @) €06 d4er;ea0 (2g dosday aapejean @ $y% dara 2omparo (dekh hore Dam yeake D BesaSod! wos Jy Ansel POS adutro GSAT-7 3 54 ,6°3 Jacksosor Sobomts (2013 2012 2014 2011 (2 a (ay GS!600 16. (18) The new hook ‘My Joumey © Transforving | 76 Dreams Into Actions” is authored by (0) APA. Abdul Kalam (2)) M.S. Swaminathan (3) Ramachandra Guha (Pranab Mukherice ‘The present Chief Information Commissioner | 77. of India is ) Sushma Singh (2) Nishi Vasudeva (3) Sowmya Gupta (4) Neeru Gupta Which country’s scientists built the world’s smallest FM Radio Transmitter * a) USA (2) Germany @) Canuda a) Japan When was colour TV transmission introduced in India? a) 1980 (2) 1981 1s) 1982 (4) 984 Who was the founder Director of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research ? 4) SS. Bhatnagar (2) HJ. Bhabha (a) MN. Saha (4) Vikram Sarabhai OS GQS Hors darord sthasE Cy Ady Bok @ ahowds (8) APSy ME 4) te mas 5 Ge eye SSoiod 08 O% bd. Sadie irEQes 2 dojcerts ? GQ) sor @) eep @) Bsr @) oS Aye eed coke Oh, Soon @togbairsan 7 a) 1980 @) 1981 (3) 1982 (4) 1984 aigage’ eh yoamond bh Bowe @ @ @ a Gs/600 aL. Who ia recognised as the Pather of Geometry? O) Pythagoras 2) Buelid (3) Kepler Descartes Which of the following Indian dances ix a classical one ? ) Odissi 2) Garba (3) Rasa Leela (4) Bhangra NABARD was set up on the recommendation of m @) 3) “4 Publie Accounts Committee Shivaraman Committee \Narasimham Committee ‘Rangarajan Committee After the merger of Air Indin and Indian Airlines, the new entity is called (1) Indian Airlines. (2) Air Indin Indian Airways (4) Indian Air In 1916, Mahatma Gandhi founded Sabarmati Ashram at 11) Ahmedabad (2) Aurangabad (2) Bombay (4) Baroda (208 we. hob DAS moth whad ae 25? ay 885 @) 1 @ ge bo ) wor 5 smd ante = egtom mer§ Shoundes ? GQ) 208 eos, sand @ fsrceS shed B) BoRowrO Saed (4) conereS steed donG gedair seas godabd Josigin bis Sy soy Beo A) -sedcth5 SonB Sy 2) JonS aodcir G) 70Gch5 SonESS td) -sodcthS 2on8 1916 & Sotto, woh Satyh owird It owes? Q) esxagoed @) Doomed 8) Doeron w® sto Gs/600 «any 86. Who was popularly called the ‘Grand Old Man | 86- of India’ (1) GR Gokhale (2 BG, Thnk | Dadabhai Naoroji (4) Abul Kalam Azad The hook “The Discovery Of india” was gq written by (Gopal Krishna Gokhale (2) B.R. Ambedkar 4a Bal Gangadhar Tilak (4) Jawaharlal Nehru In which year did the Jallianwala Bagh |** Lragedy take place? dy 1918 a igi ay 1920 44) 1921 ‘Quit India Movement began in the year et +t) 1941 2) 1942. a) 1943, 4) 1944 Mahatma Gandhi wax asanssinated in th your 90. 1948. 2) 1g a) 1946 (4) 1987 (a ian aw 36 #8 aodae”" HHS Sons IS? OMe sg fed @ Bob. soil @) ero ome Bo @ sr Sage Sasser oh cages (1918 @ 1919 (a) 1920 (4) 192i Sp5 goduar atisos Geog hs Hodayve (get (a 1942, (isa. (a) tga 3 Sodeyted® water wo} waglavaqes 4 (lh 1848: (2) 1949 (a) 1946 (4) is 65/600 91. Father of Modern Western Eaueation in India a @ a) cr) Lord Auckland Lord Dalhousie Lord Hardinge Lord William: Bentinck Indian National Congress was founded in the year a @ 3) a 1888 1884 1885 1886 Ascording to Ambedkar, which Article of the Indian Constitution is the very heart and soul of the Constitution ? (1) Article =1 £2) Article - 19 (3) Article - 32 (4) Article 14 ‘The Congress Socialist Party was founded in the year a) 1932 1983 (3) 1984 1935 ‘The second most populous State in India a8 per 2011 Census is @) Uttar Pradesh @)- Maharashtra (3) Madhya Pradesh (Bihar (22) a POSE CeEdS Shoo Do, be ase? a @) 3) w 25 ago5 eof age eh srgoh 58 DBowkb Dodlo§ 5 sosaed' ged mba sols Bhotetos ? (i) 1888 (2) 1a84 (3) 1885 (4) 1886 wohG,E Eso yes cenotoésD 2 worn cenore wd, Kod () wese—1 @ eesti - 19 (8) @OStieo - 32 @) efits -14 S Besaydos* dosedoa 2 a @ @ @) rots ame ag 1982 1933 1934 1935 Wil erg Sgo Ssto Psd 25 o8dy BNET tie OBO Gage gdt @ syey @) So; Bae Bx Gsi600 100, (23) ‘The Sarpanch of a Gram Panchayat is elected | 96. for a period of ids 5 years (2) Ayears (3) 3 years (4) No time limi Which is the longest river in the world ? 97. (D Congo Nile ) ® Brahmaputra ‘Who was the first Speaker of India's first Lok} Sabha ? (1) Hukam Singh (2) MLA. Ayyangar 43) GS. Dhillon (4) GY. Maviankar ‘The Second Five Year Plan accorded priority |®% 41) Agriculture «2) Cottage Industries (3) Educational Development Basic and Heavy Industries International Literacy Day is ~ |r00. ) Octabers (2) September 8 (2) November 14) December 8: prs sorund a Syerts GQ) Rosey @) s8oseyrw @) Bkoseyoe @) seS0bS Sep Bdodod eekow Sapo HO 50 7 a volt @ co wo POS Brod’ Saset anced bys8 oan 7 (D webe beh (2) 20.2, weiner (8) B25. ben @ BD. sPeors Bets Sati SY Genes D somas Poses adyes () Spiaebo (2) ods soem (3) Dogan (4) She oan arb Boater wourbos Dor; ado aM (2 (a w GS/600 (24) 101. Sujatha Singh is Indian Government's present |101, 102, 108, 104. 105. (2) Foreign Socretary (2) Education Secretary (3) Home Secretary (4) Defence Secretary ‘The headquarters of | United Nations Organisation (UNO) are located at (1) Washington D.C. (2) Texas 48) New York (4) San Francisco Who first propagated the idea of ‘Gram ‘Swarai' in India? a a @) a) In which district of Andhra Pradesh ts the Basar Saraswati Temple located ? (Nizamabad (2) Medak (3) Adilabad (4) Srikakulam In which district of Andhra Pradesh does the| river ‘Vamsadhara’ flow ? (1) Nellore (2) Kurnool (3) Visakhapatnam (Srikakulam 1038, 104. @ deere RoR godair Seber sres GQ) SB eon Sty 2) Dory Poy @) Fh rgc0, ) OB SryEO; BY Oey HO Fo syoae ay Stee ) whened dh, @ of @ ar arh, PS oa POSH “yr Seow prSS Inder Goro Stare 7 «moa 2 308 @ ed 4) onsd ooh eos edie D age mas won Aadio 08 ? wy @ ( (4) dervorS Oe eos Sdisa 5D aed Sompe 58 strayed 7 41) Begee song 48) DeseQo a gsmto 68/600 106, What is the name ef the political party: recently launched by Manda Krishna, founder of Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi ? At) Mahajana Socialist Party (2) Bahyjana Socialist Party (3) Mahajana Welfare Party (4) Bahujana Welfare Party 107. The present Chairman of University Grants, Commission ia ) Prof. 8.8. Mantha ay co) Prof. S.K. Panda Prof. Yash Pal Prof. Ved Prakash 108. Harare is the capital of which country ? a) 2) (3) 4 Caracas ‘Hanai Zaz Zimbabwe 108, Present Governor of Rajasthan State is ay @) a @ Margaret Alva Kamla Beniwal Unmila Singh S.C. Jamir 110, ‘The smallest Union Territory of India (in area) (1) Puducherry Chandigarh 487 Daman & Diu AT Lakshadweep (2) (35) @) 106, Sr Shi SaSe5, sos AOS sbodi Se adise dhods Sh Sw da? aires daly ob suns Sg FH shines 2855 Sg erie DSP Hh coranoyd uroth sions Gaye go,5 a @ a aw 107, Q) BASS 25.25. sow @ 385 oc (hy SNS ASST eené 35 ork 10a. S08 D BY Cd? WM sesh @ wid 1) rok Bours 109, gags cays og SCY a) srgcd wars 2) Seer mad @) Sie hoff (4) 253, abd 11D. grSSSe SoGrOS Sor od O55 a) sono (2) doGnd (3) orbS sada Gates 4) oxen Gs/600 111, The duration of the Fourth Five Year Plan was w @ a @ 1969 - 1974 1974 - 1979 1961 ~ 1966 11980 ~ 1985 112, So far, how many Finance Commissions have been appointed in India? a 12 @ 13 ot (4) 15 Article 61-A of the Indian Constitution deals with o @ e “) 113, Union —State Relations Directive Principles Emergency Provisions Fundamental Duties 114, A student has to secure 45% of maximum marks to pass a test. If a boy gets 285 marks ‘and fails by 30 marks, the maximum marks for the test is @) 500 (2) 600 (a) 700 (4) 800 115. The average of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, is a) 28 @) 29 @) 295 ® (26) m1. 12, 113. 14, 115. ings Son ay Geren reo (1) 1969-1974 @) 1974-1979 (3) 1961-1966 (4) 1980 ~ 1985 ose siyeos 29) eys sosre Soptectingon a @ 13 g) Ww @) 15 wrod omynot’? SrA est dnd Bow08od08 ? O) 308 - TH SoD0rD Q) ed¥ingwe (B) @aysse SBRebeo Bebe pe 28 SOx GQyi DOY™s Boo srt, 45% Srwye card, af Dorygs gas Srtoyer 3 30 Srto SeySHsdye. | Shy Sogo ariayeD 1) 500. 2) 600 3) 700 4) 800 Some 1,2, 3, 4, ... BV 0 BOSS a) 38 2) 29 @) 295 30 Gsi600 116. A rectangular land has an area of 120 sq. m, and perimeter 46 meters, The length (in meters) of the diagonal is a 20 18 17 13. 117. Accopper sphere of radius is metted and a wire of diameter 0-2 em is made of it. The length fin meters) of the wire is 36 (2) 24 (3) 18 i 9 118. A rectangle of length 12 ¢m and breadth 5 em is inscribed in a circle. The radius (in em) of] the circle. w 6 2) 66 6) 7 4) 86 119, If the ten-digit number 1532147x06 is divisible by 9, then x = aoa a 5 ao 7 4) 9 (27) 120. A train of length 150 meters crosses a bridge of same length in 20 seconds. The speed «in| kamph) of the train is 36 45 54 60 a a) @ co fl 118. 25 Oy SestiGreyy srasgereo 120 ote, OD ceeyFoo 46 Dory. © Bet Rup (Seepe) 20 (2) 18 17 @ 117, 3 Bots. ayhyo So aS Of Aled) sAfoD eras 02 nods. aso se Saw dew. © OF ay (eege') 36 @) 24 @) 18 4 9 118, 12 Fy, & Dot. Stay Noes by SewEN os Syged” wosgdowaded. = yg aye yo (Rote. 6") wm 6 1) 65 @ 7 85 119, 35 woe Sows pak espte x= 3 @ a @ 1892147206 > 9 Dene 5 7 9 120. 150 Dass Desy So 25 Zo od Say se BE SOBaa 20 Ved, crensdod. © Jor Bro (fotsd 2.20. oS") (36 (@) 45 @) 54 «60 65/600 121, Ina business, A invested 3 times as much as B and B invested {of what € fuss invested. 11 the year-end profit is @ 56,000, the share of B a) © 12,000 (= 10,000 = 8,000 7.000 122, IA gets 50% more salary than B, then how much does B get less than A? 258 1 @ sabe 3 43) 50% 2 (4) 662 3 123, By selling an article for & 990, a trader gets profitef 1216. The cost price of the article ia © 920 2 880 (3) % 800 i) % 780 124, Ina year, the month of June starts on Monday. Then the Indian Independence Day that year ison a Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday a (ay @) (ap (aan qi. 123. 124, ee mphsod’ n sae epee, C depodd 2 opto B sere, = eho B Dene Hobthoss eyo F 65,000 wand woes" B ae a 2 @ 12,000 = 10,000 = 9,000 = 7,000 a) @ Brod A £ 50% doo 25 35, A toe BE 208 wee deo 58,5 siyod 2 a @ @ w 2S Sty € 990 8 ody at ayrO 25a go Pond, esmy Fa) Ie (i) © 920 (2) © R80 3) = 800 4) = 780 28 Sosdod® a5 So Stiortobt Sued s sowencos! POS SGosATosars a 2 (3) ch Shonearde ERSoGO BEI SITb0 Gs/600 125. 4 person F can complete a work in 18 days. If Q iz 20% more efficient than P, then the) number of days required for Q to complete, that work is iD 15 @ 2 (3) 10 a) Directions : Answer the questions 126 to 130 after| reading the information givet below carefully > In the diagram given below, the triangle represents doctors, the circle represents players and the rectangle “ae the artists. Players Oe Artists 126. ‘The space in the dingram that ropresents doctors who are alse players as well as artists wo B @ ec @ D 8 127. ‘The space in the diagram representing artists who are players is wor @ ¢ (oH woop (29) @) [125. Pod 3g us man 18 Seg arg demnocn. 08 Woe 3) arg das ead wand @ 500 w MeO : od aye Sore wert 126 a3 180 SUS te phat ere Ociny. foo Riyp need’ Geame agyar, sygo éo recar, — o Sestotr arian. doves O)-— A Sesrtbeo 128, shod’ domi, Serta sro wand Gti Sedod Bayo a B ac 3) D o£ 127. Eorieds seswem suod ardod Gdto a F @ G @ oH @ Db 68/600 128, The space in the dingram that represents artists who are neither players nor doctors is woa @ 6B @ ¢ ® D 129, The space representing those who are players, but neither doctors nor artists is ag BG @ KE 8 GH 4) WF 180, The space representing dostors who are players but not artists is aA @ B a oc wD Directions : Reading carefully the information’ given below, answer the questions 131 to 135, Six houses in two rows facing north and south are allotted to P, Q, R,8,T and U in such away that (@ — Qand $ get north facing houses and not next to each other. S and U get diagonally opposite houses. R is next to U, and gets a south facing house and T gets a north facing house, (ii) Gi 181. The house between Q and $ is that of w (2) @) @ cuxndv (30) A 18. deren Fh @Ey Th show dod Ser thets ated save aoa @ B wo wD 19. ox sb. Sooke oo cher dod desnon ardod adic a) EG @ F, GH @) WF use. dosmepar serie ed gga arood Gro aa a B a oD Soe 1 dot aI Soo weir 582 at bod 188 Sos Mo Gow sow Otay. eh Roy doe sol ago, dye Son ayrod spe. vd P,Q, RS, 7, U ob dergowé $08 Igor Hayes. GQ, 8 0% ago Sww orgbo So avy SoQon PO AS8 Biss esas Boe. 8, U2 Rey Qegabor Sekte Seber (diagonally opposite) 57303. US Gso RS She sow oy age TS Bg5 Sow ope aq SoDOR. Gi) 181. Q, 8 o& Sys ay Sods aay 508 SO}8 8 P R £. U 3/600 182, Apart from the pair SU, the other pair of houses that are diagonally opposite are @ Pa 2) RT @) TU @) QT 185. ‘The middle house facing south is allotted to @ Pp @ @ oR a s 184, The houses fueing north were allotied to a) QRS (2 Qrs @ 9ru (4) QUR 185. ‘The house allotted to T is opposite to that of mu @ oT @ 8 wR Directions + Read corefully the data given below regarding the production and sale of moter bikes and seooters by a company and answer the questions 136 to 140, (ani @ 182, SU SS mo6S Ssgeior Iesdase atty Soy w08 a) PQ ORT TU «) @r 193, Shp Say age" Sob; qoudseronoSng Sg a) P @ @ @ R wos 184. GQd swe adw Serowoy 2085 Syge9 () QRS (2) QTS 3) QTU (4) QUR 186. TS Sercmods gost Scotorr 608 3g ov @ T 8) 8 @ R Meee + eS Sond oor JS aru gen, ZAYH Hewogods Joma ava sul Babe Bob ME goo. OD aryitir 2edod 196 Wed 10 268 He Shes ww By ———_——__, — Arent Bie [ain wty Year | No-f Motor bikes | No; of Scooters Bodeyso| GES produced and eold | produced and sold | icin b6 | sedan SS | 2005, 7500 a0 | ‘2005. 18500 14600 2006 24200 18200 2006 24200 18200 16900 ; 2007 16800 35400 inet 2008 12600 18800 9600 3008 _1__2900 11300. 4800 2010 “800 me | or 2011 17600 24200 8/600 136, In wi bikes and scooters together the maximum ? 137. 140. a Q aw w) 2006 2007 2010 2011 In the year 2007, the cost of a motor bike was © 55,000 and that of a scooter was © 40,000, ‘The income (in crores of rupees) in that year| was (32) 137. @ year was the production of motor| 196. 5 NoSehbod’ Pie, Snjky Sago day nogor aod ? a @ cy (ay 2008 2007 2010 2011 2007S SaSeS0s arr go pbs © 55,000 amesre gbed 40,000 card es SowsSoe® cerae (Se arsang) a @ @ ar 1925 19455 1955 204-55 ‘The total number of scooters (in thousands)| produced by the company fram 2005 to 20111 138. wo @ @ oy 1925 19455 1955 204-55 2005 oD 20M Bt 4G dd5 Sago ayoy Som; (Soe) was a @) 3) 4) 1286 1268 125-6 128-4 ‘The ratio of motor bikes to scooters in the year 2011 is 139. a a @ “a 1286 1268 1256 1284 2011 BossGod" aehY cous Srerss Biber, Smyeog Dope a @ @ @ 4:11 6:11 Sr 10:11 ‘The ratio of total production of bikes and. scooters together in 2006 to that in 2008 is 140, a 42) a) a au 6:1r au 10:11 2006 3 HoSd\Se, 2009 NaIOyvoed' Gwen, Aryeoty SDDS Ayo dey Dy @ By 3) @ 26:53 83:26 88:23 28: 58 w @ @) co 26 : 53 26 58: 28 28:58 Gs/600 Directions In each panchayat, there are six! categories of employees A, B,C, D, Band F, who are employed such that AIB:C:D:E: Fo 12:9:7:9:2:3 information, answer the questions fram Using IAI t0 145. 141. Ifa panchayat has a total of 72 employees, the number of employees of C category in them is, w 6 12 @) (4) 14 18 a4 142. Ifa panchayat has 36 employees of category D, then the number of employees of category Bis w 8 e @ 4) 2 16 20 143. ‘The ratio of employees of category A to that in category Pin any panchayat is wm 1:4 e) @) @ 4a ase 144, Ifa panchayat has 30 employees of category B, then the total number of employees in the! panchayat is ) 360° 2) 316 8) 260° a 26 13a) Meet + OO DorandS we Sendo aSiyoe A, B,C, D,B o6ate Fa A:B:C:D:B:P=12:3:7:9:2:3 2gg0" Somdosame. & tiato emcor M41 0009 145 500 te he aren Dog. 141, 28 domonSS Bago 72 08 aSlyomodd sodhd" CSAS aBlyto Bows a) 6 @) 14 @) 18 wm 148. 25 Somandé' D Sond 48 yoe: 36 0d aot somd' E dane aGtyoo a 8 @ 12 @) 16 4) 20 148, 3 Somondé' gar A Seno GSiyoo, FIEAS Soi yoo Dye a ia @ 4:1 @) 34 a) 4:3 144, 28 SomomGé B duhd aBlyve Bow; 40 wand, GOtrd"D Sudo dEifoo Hom; a) 2) 8) “) 360 6 260 216 95/600 34) 145, In any panchayat, the number of employees in| categories Cand E together is equal to the number of employees in the category aA @ B @ c D wo Directions : Read the diagram which gives the heads of expenditure under various categories in a budget of © 2,880 lakies of an industry. Answer the questions 146 to 160 using the above diagram. 146, The money allocated for Salaries (in lakhs of| rupees) is, a) 152 a 1252 @ 1312 4) tas @ 148, 2 somonde’ gar dune c, eho E om SOS aBlyoo How, 08 md D Soho aBigoo Moms & a @ @ wo A B a D MBIS : 25 SQLS Indo 2,880 ogo agss* 395 cores Harovoya $00 sud cp Sogyaan, aousnes 9 eoror tt 109 150 Joo ne BOR sore Ory. 146, derots Seranods Gay (oe Srdandt) w @ a wy 1152 1252 1312 1432 Gsrsc0 148. (© 2403 of (2% 220-4 ope (3) 234 oges (© 282-4 oge> Bey wig 40d, bir, Fos Bpow Jos days Suroseciadod 7 = 288 oye © 258 053 © 28 ayes © 283 oge5 @ @ @ “ (35) 147. ‘The allocation made for Miscellaneous] 147. g&Siwot darcsow expenditure is (© 2408 lakhs (2) & 2904 lakhs (8) % 284 lakhs (4) % 2824 lakhs How much more money is allocated for| 4% Insurance and Social Security over the Medical expenses? (2) © 288 Inkhs (2) & 258 lakhs (8) & 238 lakhs (4) & 283 Iokhs 149. 148. ‘The total allocation far Canteen and Miscellaneous is one-half of the allocation for (1) Medical expenses (2) Insurance and Social Security ‘3) Salaries (4) Medical and Insurance together The allocations for Salaries minus the| 150. allocation for Insurance and Social Security is equal to the alloeation for (1) Medical expenses P (2) Salaries (3) Canteen (9) Miseelianeous FISH, gatines sss duromoyer, 5 Suronoye" sre B65 BOD bar, Sos oS a) (2) @) dow (8) BS pipe, Hares 2h deromoy dro feron0yd bar, dobbs ges Bronowin Edtaur sO Yoo rod" deroneys sirae a1 My ete @) dra ) syed @ 2

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