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D - General Instructions for Erection, No-Load CHAPTER SHEET REV.

Tests and Commissioning 0.0 1


Chapter Title Pages

0.0 Contents 1
1.0 General Information for Erection 141
2.0 Single/Cold Function Tests 54
3.0 General Instructions for Cold Commissioning & No-Load Tests 18
4.0 Enclosures 3

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General Information for Erection JOB ITEM XXXXXX

D - General Instructions for Erection, No-Load CHAPTER SHEET REV.

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General Information for Erection JOB ITEM XXXXXX

D - General Instructions for Erection, No-Load CHAPTER SHEET REV.

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1.0 General information

1.1 General Safety Requirements ............................................................................................ 4
1.1.1 General Safety Requirements ............................................................................................... 6
1.1.2 Residual Risks ................................................................................................................... 12
1.1.3 Safety Signs ........................................................................................................................ 15

1.1.4 Personal Protection Equipment ........................................................................................... 23

1.1.5 Accident Prevention Safety on Site ..................................................................................... 25
1.2 General Instructions for Receiving and Handling Goods on Site………………………… 34
1.3 Preconditions for Erection to Start .................................................................................. 52
1.4 Plant Surveys .................................................................................................................... 55
1.5 Foundation Surveys .......................................................................................................... 61
1.6 Preparation of Foundations for Machine Erection ......................................................... 66
1.7 Levelling/Aligning and Anchoring of Machines and Equipment Units ......................... 68
1.8 Placing Undergrouts ......................................................................................................... 73
1.9 Tools, Appliances and Auxiliaries ................................................................................... 76
1.10 Consumables Needed During Erection ......................................................................... 99
1.11 Fitting, Bending and Welding of Piping ....................................................................... 102
1.11.1 Execution of Fitting Work................................................................................................. 102
1.11.2 Bending ........................................................................................................................... 119
1.11.3 Welding ........................................................................................................................... 119
1.12 Flushing/Pressure Tests/Quality Control on Hydraulic and Lubrication Systems .. 123
1.13 Preassembly of Machines and Components .................................................................. 146
1.14 Mounting Instructions in Drawings.............................................................................. 147
1.15 Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 149
1.15.1 Release for Machine Grouting ......................................................................................... 150
1.15.2 Open Package Inspection .............................................................................................. 151
1.16 Aligning and Tightening Torque for Couplings .......................................................... 152
1.17 Loads on Screws (only for mech. connections) ......................................................... 154

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1.0 General information

The purpose of the manuals is to provide operators and specialised
personnel with instructions for the correct assembly and
commissioning of the machines/equipment and any necessary
information to safely carry out the various activities required.

The purpose of this documentation is to provide operators and specialised personnel

responsible for commissioning the equipment built by SMS Group S.p.a. with general
instructions to correctly handle the machine parts, as well as store and install any
components that make up the steel making plants.

Personnel must not perform any activities or procedures on their own initiative if these are
outside of their area of responsibility and/or could create hazardous situations for people or

The document reflects the plant status at the time of commissioning.

This document must be kept for the entire life of the plant; a new copy can be requested if it
gets lost or damaged.

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1.1 General Safety Requirements

So the operator's attention is immediately drawn to certain topics or aspects, the following
symbols with their corresponding meaning are used:


This type of paragraph contains information that is particularly

important for people’s safety.

Anyone dealing with the plant installation and commissioning must carefully read and
observe the information identified by the symbols, obviously in addition to all the safety
standards applied nationally, locally and within the company.

All personnel, regardless of their rank and position, must cooperate with their managers to
identify any potentially hazardous conditions and prevent or eliminate any damages to
people or things.


No responsibility is accepted for any damages and operation

malfunctions caused by:
- manoeuvre errors;
- failure to comply with the instructions contained in this
- repairs made improperly and use of different spare parts to
those specified in this document (installing and using non-
factory spare parts and accessories can adversely impact the
machine operation);
- unauthorised modifications or activities;
- poor maintenance;
- power supply issues;
- improper use of the plant/machine;
- use of the equipment/machine by untrained personnel;
- unpredictable, exceptional events;

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The Contractor or its representatives shall identify and select the PPE (Personal Protection
Equipment) category according to the company risk assessment provisions and the
guidelines contained in this manual.

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1.1.1 General Safety Requirements

In addition to the safety regulations in force in the user country and any in-plant safety
regulations concerning operation, maintenance and erection, the following general
instructions must be observed:


Accident prevention rules should be clearly displayed in locations

that are accessible to everyone working in the plant. Additional
instructions should be provided by the safety officer in charge.

Anyone involved in erection, commissioning, operation, maintenance

or repair activities must have read and understood all instructions
contained in Manuals A, B, C, D, E. For electrical equipment, the
guidelines supplied by the equipment supplier/s apply.

Operators tasked with machines/plant assembly activities must be

instructed on the risks from accidents, safety devices and accident
prevention regulations applicable in the Country of destination of the

Operators must comply with the guidelines contained in the sub-

suppliers’ instruction manuals.

Unauthorised people are not allowed to access or cross the work


Cleaning, lubrication, maintenance and adjustments cannot be

performed when machines are running.

The plant can only be started when the responsible person

appointed by the contractor is present. Before starting the machines,
the person responsible must ensure that no other worker is in their
vicinity and that all safety guards are on, as well as check that all
alarms are working.

Guards and safety devices can only be removed if there are

unavoidable operating reasons and after implementing all the
necessary safety procedures to reduce risks. Protection or safety
devices must be re-installed as soon as activities are completed.

Workers must use the routes and walkways provided; under no

circumstances should they climb on parts of the plant while it is

Before starting the machine, check the earthing system.

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Before connecting the electric motors to the mains, ensure the

voltage matches the machine rating.

All machines must be fixed to their baseplates or foundations to

avoid undue vibrations or shocks. Perform regular checks to ensure
this condition is met.

Workers must use the PPE specified in the safety signs and manuals
provided by SMS Group S.p.A.

Personnel, operators, electricians working at height must wear

personal fall restraint equipment so they are attached to the
appropriate points.

If digging is needed, provide for barriers and warning signs around

the area affected.

All safety and protection means provided must be used extremely


Any defects in safety equipment, fencings around the perimeter and

personal protection equipment, as well as any known hazard
condition, must be immediately reported.

No machine or equipment can be modified without prior authorisation

from SMS Group S.p.A.

Do not stand under suspended loads

Only use the specified tools and equipment, and ensure they are
kept in good condition.

Access to electrical substations is prohibited to any unauthorised


Be extremely careful of any means of transport (cars, tractors, forklift

trucks, etc.) moving around the job site and within individual

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The plant as supplied is in conformity with what is the current state of technology, is
operationally dependable and safe.
Any activities to be carried out on the machines/plant must be undertaken exclusively by
qualified personnel and/or individuals who have been properly and specifically trained.
Any errors arising from lack of proper knowledge of the plant/machine may:

• create hazards to the health and life of user or third parties.

• have detrimental impacts on the plant, on individual products or on
other property.
• create risks liable to affect efficient performance of the plant

Protection Equipment
In compliance with the current safety regulations, the machine/plant is fitted with fixed or
removable devices and guards (collective protection equipment) that minimise risks for
anyone operating near the machine/plant as far possible using current technology, keeping
the operating conditions in mind.


Removal is only allowed for inspection and repair/maintenance

purposes, after the machine/plant is made safe and following the
mandatory procedures to perform activities when safety protections
are temporarily disabled.
Checking guards and protection devices is an activity that may expose
maintenance personnel to risks arising from the fact such equipment
is not operating. For this reason, please proceed with caution and
apply any necessary measures.

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Emergency stop emergency OFF switch

Emergency stop switch: movement is stopped by electrically controlled blocking of drive.

Emergency OFF switch: movement is stopped by cutting out power supply.

Emergency switches should be inspected for functional ability at
regular intervals.

Do not store any material near the emergency stop buttons as this
might make it difficult to access them.



Lighting in the workplace must comply with the requirements

provided for by Directive 89/654 EEC.

Ambient lighting must be arranged in such a way as there are no

shady areas that may cause inconvenience or annoying glares. In
particular, the light source must be located behind the operator work
station so there is no glare.

If any work is done in rooms where lighting is insufficient, please use

local lighting equipment.

Local light must ensure good visibility in every area without creating
dangerous reflections and make it possible for control panels to be
read clearly, as well as to identify the emergency buttons.

For any works inside the switchboard, maintenance personnel must

use torches to throw better light on inner cabling.

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Avoid accumulating dangerous quantities of oil and grease
No smoking or using open flames.
Report any deterioration in the equipment that may cause
overheating and in electrical systems to prevent sparks.
In the event of fire, cut off the power supply and put out the fire using
powder or CO2 extinguishers.
The user must have availability of fire-fighting equipment near the
plant/machine, especially an appropriate number of portable powder
or CO2 extinguishers that can put out the start of a fire due to the
oils used.
Do not use water under any circumstances.
Do not leave any oil, grease or potentially flammable liquid residues
in the vicinity of welding or cutting operations.
Assembly, repair and testing activities on machines/plant can only
be performed by qualified operators who have undergone
appropriate training;

If gas, vapours or powders are present or may develop within

confined environments, giving rise to potentially explosive
atmospheres, proper room ventilation must be provided.

In unexpected circumstances, please reach the nearest emergency
button and press it.
Place an “Out of order” sign on the general switchboard and remove
the keys from the various selectors to stop them from being
accidentally activated.
Before restoring the line or individual machine operation, please
check that:
- the emergency condition no longer exists;
- the area that generated the hazardous condition is
undamaged and in good working order.

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Do not disable or modify the safety devices, or apply them in a different way
than intended.

After an emergency stop, the operator can re-set and re-start the machine only after having
identified the nature of the fault and resolved it, if necessary with the assistance of a
maintenance person. In any case, make sure that no-one is present in a dangerous area
before re-starting the machine. If that is the case, have them move outside of such
hazardous area before restarting the machine.

In the event of flooding, do not touch the machines that constitute the
equipment - power them off and remove the water from the area first.
Do not use open flames and do not smoke in areas that are at high
risk of fire.
Do not use saw dust or cotton waste due to the fire hazard they


In the event of an injury, go to the main switch, activate it and call the
corporate emergency team immediately.

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1.1.2 Residual Risks

This chapter contains a list of the main residual risks associated with installing and
commissioning the equipment.
Residual risk / Dangerous area Exposed individual Activities and operating measures to eliminate the risk
Individuals who have not received appropriate training are not allowed to use the plant.
INSTALLATION: X Before using the plant, operators must be trained and educated, including by reading
Various risks associated with the
USE: X and understanding the content of the instructions for use.
equipment operation by ADJUSTMENT: X
unauthorised (and lacking MAINTENANCE: X
DISPOSAL: Safety signs:
specific training) personnel.
“No entry to unauthorised personnel”
“No access for pedestrians“
Only use appropriately rated lifting equipment.

Securing the loads and using cranes or overhead cranes must be done by skilled,
qualified personnel.

Handling personnel must follow the lifting procedures instructed by the employer or
site manager, in collaboration with the SMS Group supervisor. Procedures must
consider any equipment operating while exposed to winds and identify the wind top
INSTALLATION: X speed above which the lifting equipment should not be used in its various
USE: X configurations.
Risk of drop ADJUSTMENT: X
DISPOSAL: Implement procedures to prevent mutual interference.

Observe the guidelines included in the Instructions for Use and the technical drawings,
and use the lifting points identified on the machine, if available.

Safety signs:
“No entry to unauthorised personnel”
“No access for pedestrians“
“ Danger Overhead loads“

Educate assembly personnel on the correct assembly sequences.

Risks deriving from loss of USE: Use personal protection equipment.
stability ADJUSTMENT: X
DISPOSAL: Safety signs:
“No entry to unauthorised personnel”

Doors to electrical switchboards must be kept locked during normal operation and keys
must be handed to the electrician.

It is prohibited to
- perform works on live equipment.
TRANSPORTATION: - touch machines if not authorised to do so.
- remove guards and safety covers before switching off the power supply.
Risk of electrocution as a result ADJUSTMENT: X
of accidental contact with live MAINTENANCE: X It is mandatory to
elements. DISPOSAL :X
- turn off the circuit power supply switches before carrying out any works
- ensure there is proper earthing connection before starting works.
- keep well insulated from ground, with dry hands and feet or using a platform and
insulating gloves.

Works on supply cables before switches or on switches must be done after cutting off
power supply upstream.

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Residual risk / Dangerous area Exposed individual Activities and operating measures to eliminate the risk
Use personal protection equipment.

Operators must be educated and trained to use the equipment and be aware of the
attachment points on the machine.

When possible, use equipment for works at height (ladders, platforms, etc.) ensuring
Fall as a result of carrying out this is done correctly.
activities by climbing onto INSTALLATION: X
equipment on the line. USE: :X If this is not possible, use safety harnessing.
Risk of fall during during DISPOSAL: Operators using a harness must have attended a special training course.
installation works at height.
Safety signs:
“No entry to unauthorised personnel”
“Risk of fall”
“Safety belts must be used”
“Safety boots must be worn”

Beware of protrusions.
INSTALLATION: X Safety signs:
Tripping hazard from protrusions USE: :X
ADJUSTMENT: X Suitable lighting
on the floor
MAINTENANCE: X Yellow/black tape indicating permanent hazard
DISPOSAL :X “Safety boots must be worn”

Use appropriate PPE

Risk of injury to hands and arms USE: : Safety signs:
while opening the crates ADJUSTMENT: “Gloves must be worn”
DISPOSAL: “Boilersuit must be worn”

Before starting activities on hot components, the operator must check that these are
TRANSPORTATION: not too hot.
INSTALLATION: X Prevent any possible contact (with machinery, rolled products, hot liquid splashes and
Contact with very hot parts. USE: :X
ADJUSTMENT: X radiant heat) using special protection equipment (protective gloves and goggles).
DISPOSAL :X Safety signs:
“Safety goggles and gloves must be worn”

Risks deriving from the machine INSTALLATION: X
or line being unexpectedly USE: :X
restarted ADJUSTMENT: X Inform personnel on the circuit breakers location.

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Residual risk / Dangerous area Exposed individual Behaviours to eliminate risk

Avoid accumulating dangerous quantities of oil and grease

Do not use open flames.

Do not smoke

TRANSPORTATION: X Report any deterioration in the equipment that may cause overheating and in electrical
INSTALLATION: X systems to prevent sparks.
Risk of fire ADJUSTMENT: X
MAINTENANCE: X Do not leave any oil, grease or potentially flammable liquid residues in the vicinity of
DISPOSAL: welding or cutting operations.

Safety signs:
“Fire, naked flames and smoking are prohibited
“Do not extinguish fires with water“

Safety covers and devices must not be removed by users. Indeed, users must ensure
they are enabled and in proper working order.

Removal is only allowed for maintenance purposes, after the machine/plant has been
made safe according to the procedures described in this document.
Various risks (primarily of impact TRANSPORTATION:
INSTALLATION: X Some moving parts cannot be protected during the line installation. Prepare and fit
and crushing against moving
USE: :X removable barriers until the line assembly is completed.
parts of the equipment) arising ADJUSTMENT: X
from unauthorised tampering MAINTENANCE: X
DISPOSAL: Before starting any operation, ensure no-one is in the vicinity of the machine to be
with safety devices.

Safety signs:
“No entry to unauthorised personnel”
“No access for pedestrians“

Operating procedure in confined environments involving two or more workers tasked

with monitoring and checking the area.
Various risks associated with INSTALLATION: X Use personal/portable oxygen or harmful gas detectors.
becoming trapped in areas of the USE: :X
plant where mobile equipment or ADJUSTMENT: X Safety signs:
harmful gases are present. DISPOSAL: “Safety goggles and gloves must be worn”
“Breathing apparatus must be worn”
“No entry to unauthorised personnel”

Operators who are exposed to risks associated with high noise levels must be
provided with hearing protection equipment (ear muffs or ear plugs). These must be
TRANSPORTATION: personal and tailored for the individual operator and their working conditions.
Risk deriving from noise emitted USE: :X
ADJUSTMENT: X Training and information on how to use noise control PPE
by work activities
DISPOSAL: Safety signs:
“Ear muffs must be worn”

Use of PPE. Operators must be provided with special safety masks or breathing
apparatus to protect breathing airways.
INSTALLATION: X Training and information on how to use PPE
Risks to breathing airways due USE: :X
to dust and gas emissions. ADJUSTMENT: X
MAINTENANCE: X Safety signs:
DISPOSAL: “Masks must be worn”
“Breathing apparatus must be worn”

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1.1.3 Safety Signs

The residual risks associated with a plant or machinery are the risks that remain after
applying all the safety measures adopted by the manufacturer.

The purpose of safety signs is to reduce residual risks and enhance safety for people
working on the plant. These signs comprise:
• Prohibitive signs
• Warning signs
• Mandatory signs
• Rescue signs
• Informative signs
• Signs identifying permanent hazard areas
• Signs for protection of specific work areas

It is necessary to post these signs during and after assembly in job and hazard areas
throughout the plant.
All persons employed will be informed on the significance of all safety signs prior to
commencement of their activities, and in subsequent periods at adequate intervals, but at
least once a year.
The responsibility for posting such signs shall rest with the plant user.

Machine manufacturer shall not be liable in case of non compliance
with above safety instructions.

Do not remove or cover the signs placed on the equipment.

Signs around the plant must be kept in good condition and replaced
in case of damage/loss.

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Prohibitive signs

a) No smoking b) Fire, open flame and smoking


c) No pedestrians d) Extinguishing with water prohibited

e) No drinking water f) Unauthorized persons keep off

g) Prohibited for floor vehicles h) Do not deposit or store

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Warning signs

a) Warning: b) Warning: c) Warning:

inflammable substances poisonous
substances explosive substances

d) Warning: e) Warning: f) Warning:

corrosive radioactive loads passing
substances substances substances

g) Warning: h) Warning: i) Warning:

transport vehicles high voltage dangerous area

j) Warning: k) Warning:
danger of danger of
crushing laser beam

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Mandatory signs

a) Wear goggles b) Wear protective helmet

c) Wear ear muffler d) Wear respirator

e) Wear safety shoes f) Wear protective gloves

g) For pedestrians h) Use crossover

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Rescue signs

a) Indication of “first aid“ b) Side stretcher

c) Arrow of direction * d) Escape route *

for first-aid-kids

e) Escape route * f) Emergency exit *

* This arrow of direction shall be used only in connection with another rescue sign for

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Information signs

Signs identifying permanent hazard areas

Identification of permanent hazard areas for instance such places which involve the risk of
hitting, crushing, tumbling, stumbling of persons or dropping of loads.
Steps, floor hatches etc.

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Board indicating cut out and reconnection requirements for drives during repair or non.
production shifts.

Cutout and Reconnection of drives

Date: Time: Date: Time:

Demand - Cutout of following drives Demand - Reconnection of following drives

1. _________________________________ 1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 7. _________________________________

8. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 9. _________________________________

10. ________________________________ 10. ________________________________

Requested by __________/____________ Requested by __________/____________

Signature / Function Signature / Function
Effected by __________/____________ Effected by __________/____________
Signature / Function Signature / Function

Material: AlMg3F23

Type: • Manufactured to SEO and / or screen printing method,

white background, black characters;
• With fixing holes
• Size to be determined by user

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Warning Plate:

Fixed by 3 chain links on every barrier chain, additionally screwed or hooked on walls
and equipment.

Weld on railing or equipment Fixed to foundation with dowel

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1.1.4 Personal Protection Equipment

Anyone involved in installing machines, equipment, parts and components must wear
appropriate safety equipment. Below please find general information on how to use and
select the PPE.


Clothing must not have any loose parts that may increase the risk
of entanglement in moving parts. Avoid wearing necklaces,
bracelets and anything else that may cause the same type of

Fire: in the event of heat or flames, clothing must be made of

suitable fabrics for the task to be performed.

Radiations: Choose the type of goggles/shield depending on the

type of light radiation emitted (UV, IR) and based on the criteria set
forth by UNI EN 166.
Hot surfaces: before working near hot surfaces, wait until they have
cooled down to below 40°C, and use heat-resistant g loves and
clothing if necessary.

It is advisable to reduce exposure or contact with toxic substances

using the appropriate PPE (visors/masks, gloves, aprons, etc.),
making sure it is undamaged and in proper working order. Masks
with oxygen cylinders must be used if necessary, but only by
personnel who has been specifically trained.
Noise exposure: pay particular attention during any works that
expose individuals to noise levels above 85 dbA.

Works at height: where possible, collective protection equipment

has been provided, such as walkways fitted with railings. If works
are needed outside of walkways and floors fitted with appropriate
protections, consider all possible solutions in order to identify the
safest routes for works at height. Systems involving lifting platforms
and scaffolding are preferable, but always using safety belts as a
mandatory precaution.

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Personnel must wear protection equipment as indicated in safety signs previously

specified. Below is a list of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) that operators must use
depending on the specific risk:

• Helmet for protection from falling objects;

• If there are hot parts or materials, use aluminised and insulated aramid hood,
footwear and gloves (compliant with UNI EN ISO 11612:2009; see EN 407 for the
• safety footwear with steel toe cap and antiperforation inserts;
• protective goggles (see also UNI EN 166);
• heavy duty gloves, if necessary;
• ear plugs or ear muffs;
• PPE specified in the related safety data sheets when using and/or handling
chemical substances/products (oils, preserving agents, detergents, etc.);
• Suitable clothing and visors for welding and brazing works. These must not have
any loose parts or outer pockets that are open or can be opened as this might cause
entanglements and accidents.
• safety belt if carrying out works at height involving the risk of fall.

In any case, personnel must receive instructions from the safety officer and must be given
the safety data sheet for each product to be used; PPE and prescribed measures and
instructions must also be adopted.

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1.1.5 Accident Prevention Safety on Site

Assembly and commissioning personnel must have the
instruction manuals for installation, along with any other
documentation annexed. If further and more detailed
information is needed, please contact the Site Manager SMS
Group S.p.A. Supervisor.

Responsibility for Safety

The prevention of dangers of accidents is a legal obligation to which, besides the

contractor, all the staff, too, is subjected without any exception. The responsibility for
implementing safe working practices and proper attitude in regard to safety is a duty for
which each and every individual is liable.

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Responsibility of Employees
The employees are obliged to take care of their own safety and health as well as of those
of other persons and to cooperate with the supervisors of the contractor to prevent
dangers of accidents. They are also obliged to use the prescribed safety outfit.
Workers must use safe working practices and procedures, reporting any practices and
situations that jeopardise safety.

All operators must be appropriately trained on how to assemble,
adjust and service all equipment components. The training must be
based on the manuals supplied by SMS Group.

Read the safety requirements contained in the manuals supplied by

SMS Group and the instructions provided by the sub-suppliers.

In addition to the instructions contained in this document, users

must comply with current regulations on safety and accident
prevention at work.

Do not remove or tamper with fixed guards and safety devices

installed on the machines used for assembly or site works, and
arrange for checks aimed at ensuring they are in perfect working

Anything that opens downwards must be covered with removable

plates having appropriate thickness, so personnel can safely walk
over them. The area in question must be adequately signposted
and, if necessary, provided with parapets or railings around them.

Keep floors, stairs/ladders, landings, platforms, handrails,

access/escape routes clean from any slippery substances (e.g. oil,
grease, water, etc.) and free from any obstructions to movement.

Do not leave any work objects or tools in areas where there is a risk
of flying fragments or collision with moving parts.

Make full use of your personal protection outfit.

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Do not stand under suspended loads.

Stop the machine/plant and place warning signs on it if there are

any defects, malfunctions, suspected breaks, incorrect movements,
unusual noises.

If a fire is discovered, give the alarm immediately and call in the

specialised fire fighting teams.

Cabinets and switchboards must be locked during normal operation.

Access is allowed to qualified and authorised personnel only.

If compressed air is used in the atmosphere, use the personal

protection equipment specified by regulations: gloves, earmuffs,
goggles (dust masks if necessary).

When performing welding and brazing works, operators must wear

protective goggles (with either clear or dark lenses), earmuffs,
gloves and leggings.

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Personal Safety Outfit

It is not always possible to eliminate dangers by technical or organizational measures.
The contractor then has to provide personal safety outfits which have to be used by each

Please refer to the specifications under the previous chapter

Equipment Used on Site - General Provisions

Mobile Gear
Only authorized drivers are permitted to operate the mobile gear. This also relates to the
staff of the subcontractors.

Observe the applicable safety instructions and accident prevention rules for cranes.
Possible causes of accidents in conjunction with cranes and hoisting appliances are as
• Human failure of crane operator, attacher or other persons involved in the hoisting
procedure; inattentiveness, boredom, readiness for risks, inobservance of applicable
guidelines or faults may be the cause of a failure.
• Insufficient attachments - in regard to bad weather conditions such as strong wind.
• Inappropriate load receiving means, unsuitable or damaged sling means.
• Improper use and mal operation of hoisting appliances.
• Tools or devices dropping from the crane due to detachment by crane movement.
• Possible contact with current-conducting collector wires or obstruction by restricted
• These sources of dangers are to be recognized and secured. Moreover, other sources
of danger have to be considered which may arise in the respective working area.

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Hand-guided Electrical Tools

The following guidelines have to be observed irrespective of whether the tools have been
made available by SMS GROUP or others:
Most accidents are caused by incorrect handling:
• The nearest electric connection is to be used to avoid long cable routes.
• It has to be ensured that cables are not routed in travelled areas etc. or through water.
• The tools are to be checked carefully prior to being used.
• Tools being live are not allowed to be deposited and left unattended.
• For certain work the protection of eyes is prescribed and sometimes also the protection
of ears necessary. This protection outfit must absolutely be worn!
• Whenever an electrical defect comes up the tools are to be put out of operation.
Repairs are allowed to be done by qualified persons only.
• Normally tools for AC with 240 V rated voltage are used. For work to be done in co
fined conductive rooms (for example tanks) only low voltage (12 V) or machines
actuated by compressed air under protective measures are to be used.

Angle grinder
Grinders must be used observing the instructions relating to grinding items and tools. In
addition, comply with all instructions relating to the following components that can be fitted
to grinding machines, including portable electrical and pneumatic grinding devices.
• Grinding tools and disks can only be used after fitting the protective devices.
• Grinding components can only be clamped to grinders or cutter grinders, never to
circular saw shafts.
• Grinding components can only be clamped by experienced staff. Do not use faulty
• Do not exceed the maximum permissible peripheral speed for the grinding
components. Details regarding the max. permissible rotational speed contained in the
label attached to the grinding component must match those printed on the machine
identification plate. Do not use any grinding components that do not carry a label.
• It is imperative that eye protections are worn when performing grinding jobs.

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Transport, Slinging
• Only such transport facilities will be used which are suitable for the intended purpose
and which are in unobjectionable state and condition (chains, ropes, suspension
• All rigging or hang-on aids provided should definitely be used (eyebolts, lugs).
• Moving or loose parts on equipment should be reliably secured for transport.
• Communication with the crane operator by one person only.

Function checks, maintenance work

• User is obliged to have the plant inspected, at least once per shift, for externally
recognizable damages and deficiencies. Changes discovered that may affect
equipment dependability and safety shall be reported and made good without delay.
• User to take care that the plant will be operated while in unobjectionable state and
condition only.
• Maintenance, repair and cleaning work is prohibited on machines and equipment in
• Inspections and/or checks of individual plant components may only be carried out in
strict compliance with applicable safety regulations and while the respective machine or
equipment unit is not operating.


To avoid any personal injuries, please observe the following rules when assembling and
starting hydraulic and pneumatic systems:

• Works on hydraulic and pneumatic equipment must be carried out by experienced,

qualified electricians only.
• Inspect all lines, pipes, hoses and bolted joints regularly to identify any leaks and
damages. Remember that oil splashes can cause serious subcutaneous lesions and
fires - always wear PPE and repair any damages immediately.

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• Never have pumps started against closed suction-side shutoff valves.

• The sense of rotation of all drives shall be checked in inching mode prior to initial start-
up of pump units and after each motor change.
• The instructions furnished by supplier/manufacturer companies shall be observed for
all maintenance/assembly of plant components.

Performing maintenance and repair works on operating and
pressurised piping systems is prohibited, as elements might break
and result in personal injuries that can be fatal.

The following procedure is generally to be adopted for all valves,

pumps, cylinders etc:
◊ Unpressurize systems complete, for instance
via measuring hose on measuring couplings.
◊ Lock mechanical equipment.
◊ Close shutoff valves in pressure and control oil
◊ Cut out electrical equipment and protect
against unforeseen switch-on.

Replace hydraulic hoses by the specified deadline, within

appropriated intervals or whenever a defect that can jeopardise
safety or proper operation has been identified.

Certain accumulators such as those of the balancing system will
have to be kept under pressure in spite of pressure system relief.

• The position and condition of seals and packings is to be particularly checked during
and after any work on equipment units.
• Retightening of pipe screw joints and flange connections as well as any other sealing
measure shall be allowed to be carried out only with the pipeline system in
unpressurized state.
• Mechanical, welding or soldering work is not allowed to be carried out on hydraulic

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Safety Measures during Works at Height

Mobile working platforms and/or step ladders with a platform must be used for any work to
be performed approx. 2 m above floor level.
In any case, use is only allowed to authorised personnel who has been suitably trained.
Personnel must also comply with current applicable regulations / internal rules specified
by the contractor.

Works at height carry a risk of fall
If works are to be performed at the top of the machines making up
the plant, appropriate means of access must be used.
Unauthorised personnel who has not been specifically trained is
prohibited from using any means of access to height or any
tools/equipment that are unsuitable for this purpose
Wherever possible, the operator must use equipment for works at
height such as lifting platforms or rolling scaffolds. When this is not
technically possible, use portable ladders and/or safety harnessing.

Works on Ladders and Walkways on the Plant

If maintenance works are carried out at such a height that plant
components can be reached from the ground or from an elevated
deck that can be easily accessed (walkways or platforms),
operators must:
• Wear the personal protection equipment provided.
• for each of the components concerned, always have the
necessary equipment to hand (keys, screwdrivers, etc.). Smaller
tools must be carried by the person using a bag fastened to the
waist with a special belt.
In any case, works performed on walkways or platforms must not
expose operators to the risk of falling down. If that is not possible
(e.g. when greasing particular points in the equipment), safety
harnessing must be used.

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Dangers by Electric Current

Defective electrical equipment and materials mean a high risk for life and health. Defective
electrical devices are to be removed from further use immediately and reliably and to be
repaired by an electrical specialist.
Danger by electric current is impending in the case of:
• damaged insulation of mobile or firmly installed connection and extension lines
• kinks in the lines
• exposed single wires at cable entries or in the cable routing
• defective plugs
• not regular and improper examination of electrical equipment and materials

Dangerous Matters
Dangerous matters must be stored and used in line with safety regulations.
Containers and packaging containing dangerous substances must be clearly labelled and
be strong enough for the chemical and physical properties and hazardous profile of the
substance. Containers normally containing foodstuffs or beverages are never allowed to
be used!
Common examples of hazardous substances are:
• lye solutions
• acids
• degreasing agents and solvents
• bitumen, tear, pitch
• PUR painting and insulation materials

Containers with toxic/harmful wastes and/or hazardous substances must be labelled and
marked as per standards so the contents can be clearly identified.

Fire Protection
Suitable fire extinguishers are made available at site for fire protection.
Pay special attention to the fire protection regulations when welding and abrasive cutting
work is done.
Gas bottles and inflammable materials are to be stored appropriately and checked
regularly to prevent fires.
Observe „No Smoking“ signs and do not use any matches or other open flame near
inflammable materials.
Special requirements of the customer for fire protection are to be adhered to strictly.

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1.2 General Instructions for Receiving and Handling Goods on Site

The plant consists of several components and machines that are already partly
assembled at SMS Group S.p.A., while other parts must be assembled on site for reasons
related to transport, handling and assembly.
All the equipment components shall be delivered in appropriate packaging that protects
goods during transportation and storage while awaiting for assembly.
Below please find some general information on transportation and installation.

Users should be aware that any machined and unpainted surfaces on parts of the
machines that make up the plant have been wrapped by SMS Group S.p.A. with a
protective film.

Safety Regulations for Lifting and Handling Loads

Risk of load tipping over or falling.
Do not stand under suspended loads during loading and unloading
Unauthorised personnel is prohibited from entering the work area,

Before handling the packaging or parts of the equipment/machine,
clear transit routes from any obstacles so means of transport can
move safely, and keep away any individuals who are not involved
in handling operations.
Lifting, moving, handling, etc. must be done by qualified, trained
personnel who has been provided with appropriate equipment.
Always ensure that personnel tasked with handling is perfectly
aware of any safety regulations to be implemented when
transporting equipment components.
When attaching and lifting the load, establish where the centre of
gravity is using the information specified on the packaging and in
any annexed documents, manuals included. If such documentation
is not available, please contact the site manager or SMS Group

Use appropriate lifting and transportation equipment in terms of

rating, shape, strength, ease of use, stability, as well as taking into
account the weight, shape, volume and nature of the load to be

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This equipment, as well as lifting hooks, chains and ropes, must
clearly indicate their maximum permissible load.
Such limit must be strictly observed.

Ensure the components/machines are balanced while being lifted,

also taking the ground characteristics into consideration.
Lifting tie-rods (ropes, chains, rocker beams, slings) must be
selected based on the load to be lifted (packaging weight and
nature), the possibility of being moved and the angle formed by the
tie-rod arms.
If the slinging angle should be > 120°, use longer ropes or chains,
or a rocker beam.
During lifting and handling, operators must be careful not to hit the
packaging/components against any obstacles and to perform all
activities gently, avoiding jerky movements that can cause the
centre of gravity to move, resulting in dangerous stress forces for
the tie-rods.
Secure any loose parts that might come off or fall during handling.

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Lifting and Handling the Packaging

Below are some examples illustrating how to lift and handle the crates
There are various types of packaging:

- Component/machine covered with tarpaulins

Lifting and transportation must be done using a forklift truck, gripping the
component/machine using the specially marked lifting points.

Fig. 1 Example of how to handle a component covered with tarpaulins

Make sure the lifting forks do not touch any component or mechanical part, if on the lower
- Packaging in wooden crate
Generally used for sea shipping, this consists of a reinforced wooden base that can
withstand the machine or equipment component weight, with strong wooden walls
attached to it. The component/machine, or parts of it, are also covered by a waterproof
plastic film (barrier shroud) that protects them from oxidation (optional). The crate is then
closed off by a lid having the same shape/structure as the walls. For suspended
transportation, place the lifting ropes on the symbols printed on the crate (where
Some examples:
Lift with a hook (1).
Lift and transport the crate using a forklift truck (2), paying attention to the location of the
crate’s centre of gravity.

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Fig. 2 Example of transportation in wooden crate packaging

The centre of gravity is not necessarily located at the centre of the

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Load Table for Slinging Means of Steel Wire Ropes N

This table is only applicable to steel wire slinging ropes N (normal) to DIN 3088 (issue
May 1989) featuring a rated strength of the individual wires of 1770 N/mm2.

Load Capacity in kg
Single Strand Double Strand
Rope with inclination angle
from 0° to 45° from 45° to 60°

mm 60°

8 560 800 560

10 850 1200 850
12 1250 1750 1250
14 1700 2400 1700
16 2240 3150 2240
18 2800 4000 2800
20 3550 5000 3550
22 4250 6000 4250
24 5000 7000 5000
26 6000 8500 6000
28 6700 9500 6700
32 9000 12500 9000
36 11200 16000 11200
40 14000 19000 14000
44 17000 24000 17000
48 20000 28000 20000
52 23600 33000 23600
56 26500 37000 26500
60 31500 44000 31500

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Load Table for Slinging Means of Steel Wire Ropes K

This table is only applicable to steel wire slinging ropes K (cable slinging rope) to DIN
3088 (issue May 1989) featuring a rated strength of the individual wires of 1770 N/mm2.

Load Capacity in kg
Single Strand
Rope with inclination angle
directly from 0° to 45° from 45° to 60°

mm 45° 60°

24 3150 4500 3150

27 4000 5600 4000
30 4750 6700 4750
33 6000 8500 6000
36 7100 10000 7100
39 8000 11200 8000
42 9500 13200 9500
48 12500 18000 12500
54 16000 22400 16000
60 19000 26500 19000

Due for laying aside; rope types N and K

Slinging ropes are to be taken out of use upon discovery of the following types of damage
or defects:
• Fracture of a strand.
• Buckles and kinks (cramps).
• Slackening of the outer layer in the free length.
• Corrosion pits.
• Crushing in the free length.
• Wire fractures in a large number.
• Crushing in the eye depositing area, exhibiting more than 4 wire fractures in strand
ropes or more than 10 wire fractures in cable slinging ropes.
• Damage or heavy wear of the ropes or rope-end joints.

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Load Table for Slinging Means of Chemical Fibre Ropes

The load capacities apply to slinging fibre ropes according to DIN 83 302 (issue May
1990). The table is applicable to twisted heavy drag ropes from polyester as per DIN 83
331 and polypropylene type 2 as per DIN 83 332. In case of ropes from polypropylene
type 1 as per DIN 83 329, the load capacity is to be reduced to about 50 %.

Load Capacity in kg
Single Strand Double Strand
Rope with inclination angle
Fibre material

Diameter directly braided from 0° to from 45° to 60°

mm 45°
45° 60°

16 560 450 800 560

20 850 670 1180 850
24 1250 1000 1800 1250

28 1700 1320 2360 1700

32 2150 1700 3000 2120
36 2650 2120 3750 2650
40 3350 2650 4750 3350
48 4500 3550 6300 4500

16 475 375 670 475

20 710 560 1000 710

24 1000 800 1400 1000

28 1320 1060 1900 1320
32 1700 1320 2360 1700
36 2120 1700 3000 2120
40 2500 2000 3550 2500
48 3550 2800 5000 3550

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Load Table for Slinging Means of Natural Fibre Ropes

The load capacities apply to slinging fibre ropes according to DIN 83 302 (issue May
1990). The table is applicable to twisted heavy drag ropes from Manila as per DIN 83 322
and hemp as per DIN 83 325.

Load Capacity in kg
Single Strand Double Strand
Fibre material

Rope with inclination angle

Rated directly braided from 0° from 45°
Diameter to 45° to 60°

mm 45° 60°

16 250 200 355 250

20 400 315 560 400
24 560 450 800 560

28 750 600 1060 750

32 1000 800 1400 1000
36 1250 1000 1800 1250
40 1500 1180 2120 1500
48 2120 1700 3000 2120

16 212 170 300 212

20 315 250 450 315
24 450 355 630 450

28 630 500 900 630

32 800 630 1120 800
36 1060 850 1500 1060
40 1250 1000 1800 1250
48 1800 1400 2500 1800

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Due for laying aside; chemical fibre ropes and natural fibre ropes
Fibre ropes (in general) are to be taken out of use upon discovery of the following types of
damage or defects:
• Fracture of a strand.
• Mechanical damage, heavy wear or slackening.
• Damage caused by aggressive matter.
• Slackening of splices.

Additionally to be applied to natural fibre ropes:

• Dropping-out of fibre flour during untwisting of the rope.
• Damage caused by moist storage.

Additionally to be applied to chemical fibre ropes:

• Heavy warpage caused by heat, e. g. due to internal and external friction, heat

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Load Tables of Round Steel Chains Grade Class 8

These tables are applicable to slinging chains to DIN 5688 Part 3 „Slinging Chains, Hook
Chains, Ring Chains, Grade Class 8“.

Load Capacity in kg in Straight strand

Single Double Strand Three- and Four Strand
Chain Strand With inclination angle With inclination angle
Thickness from 0° from 45° from 0° from 45°
to 45° to 60° to 45° to 60°

mm 60° 45° 60°

4 500 700 500 1050 750

6 1000 1400 1000 2100 1500
8 2000 2800 2000 4250 3000
10 3200 4500 3200 6700 4750
13 5000 7100 5000 10000 7500
16 8000 11200 8000 17000 11800
18 10000 14000 10000 21200 15000
20 12500 18000 12500 26500 18000
22 15000 21200 15000 32000 22400
26 20000 28000 20000 40000 30000
28 25000 35500 25000 50000 37500
32 32000 45000 32000 63000 47500
36 40000 56000 40000 80000 60000
40 50000 71000 50000 --- ---
45 63000 90000 63000 --- ---

If several strands are used for slinging, only two of them are allowed to be taken as
carrying means.
This does not apply in case it is sure that the load is uniformly distributed also onto
additional strands.
Should the load distribution not be uniform, the admissible load of the individual strands
must not be exceeded.

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Load Tables for Round Steel Chains in Grade Class 8

Load Capacity in kg in Lasso position

Double Strand
Chain Single Strand with inclination
thickness from 0° to 45° from 45° to 60°

45° 60°

4 400 560 400

6 800 1120 800
8 1600 2240 1600
10 2500 3550 2500
13 4000 5600 4000
16 6300 9000 6300
18 8000 11200 8000
20 10000 14000 10000
22 12000 17000 12000
26 16000 22400 16000
28 20000 28000 20000
32 25000 35500 25000
36 32000 45000 32000
40 40000 56000 40000
45 50000 71000 50000

Due for laying aside

Slinging chains are not allowed to be used any longer when the complete chain or a single
link has become elongated by 5 % or more, or when the link thickness (nominal thickness)
has reduced at any point or other by more than 10 %. (see DIN 685 „Tested round steel

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Storage, Slinging

Risk of load tipping over or falling.
Do not stand under suspended loads during loading and unloading
Unauthorised personnel is prohibited from entering the work area
Do not apply undue pressure on the packaging during handling, as
packaging must be kept in the position shown by the printed
symbols at all times.
Avoid any sharp movements and do not stand near the handling

On delivery, the client must carefully inspect the packaging
conditions and make sure there are no damages.
Before unloading the plant/machine components, make sure that all
anchoring systems have been removed.
The plant/machine must be placed on the installation spot with
accuracy, adhering to reference axes and height/level parallelism
Handling (i.e. transfers within the production site) must take place
using appropriate lifting equipment having suitable capacity.

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Materials and/or equipment can be protected against climatic influences by means of

suitable packaging measures only when the climatic conditions (for instance
temperatures, atmospheric humidity, precipitations) to be expected during storage, interim
storage, transfer and transport operations are sufficiently known.
The standard signs shown on all packages are to be observed for storage and slinging of

Figure 3: Fragile Figure 4 : Use no hand hooks

Figure 5 : This way up Figure 6 : Keep away from


Figure 7: Keep away from rain Figure 8 : Centre of gravity

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Figure 9: Do not roll Figure 10: Do not use hand truck


....max kg

Figure 11: Use no forks Figure 12: Stacking limit by mass

Figure 13: Clamp as indicated Figure 14: Do not clamp as indicated

Figure 15: Sling here Figure 16: Temperature limits

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Irrespective of the packing medium used, distinction will made between two basic types of
packing for shipment.

Self - supporting type of packing

Figure 17 : Figure 18 :

Depending type of packing

Figure 19 : Figure 20 :

After unpacking, the contents of each package will be checked for completeness and
potential damage with reference to applicable shipping documents.
The conditions and contents of the cases to be confirmed by an appropriate certificate
(see Chapter 1.15.2, Appendix).

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Removing the Packaging

Perform this operation only if the packaging is stable on the resting surface and following
the procedures listed below:

The centre of gravity is not necessarily located at the centre of the

While opening the package, check the contents against the

1) Carefully read all information on the packaging concerning type of material, weight,
special handling requirements, lifting equipment attachment points. If further and more
detailed information is needed, please contact the Site Manager SMS Group S.p.A.
2) When opening the packaging, remember to proceed carefully in order not to damage
the content. Also beware of protruding nails or screws as these can damage things and
injure people.
3) Carefully extract the plant/machine accessories from the crate.
4) Inspect the contents to ensure they are totally free from any restraint to the crate before
removing them.
5) The crates may also contain bags, ties or small crates that may be secured to prevent
any movements; it is advisable to remove all secondary packagings first.
6) Anchoring items such as nails, bolts or threaded rods must be removed using
appropriate tools, bearing in mind that there could be hazards resulting from energy
stored by gravitational load. If further and more detailed information is needed, please
contact the Site Manager SMS Group S.p.A. Supervisor.

Check if parts or accessories of the plant/machine that are
essential for installation, connections, etc. (for example bolts,
brackets, electrical components) have been removed. Inform the
manufacturer if any details are found to be missing.
Ensure that:
- there are no damages due to incorrect storage;
- rotating part are free to rotate and there are no impediments
such as rust, dirt or other;

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- structures have not been affected by corrosion

- lubricants are present (if applicable) and there are no leaks;
In line with the provisions of the law, packaging materials must not
be dumped in the environment, but taken to authorised collection
and disposal sites.

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Materials Long-term Storage

If it is necessary to store the components for extended periods of time, adopt the
precautions described below as they ensure the components maintain their original
characteristics. Place all the components in a dry, covered area.
Open the packages containing machined components and place these components on
wooden pallets and cover them with a tarpaulin.
Inspect machined surfaces monthly, checking if they are adequately protected. If the
protections are damaged, replace them with a similar one.
On a monthly basis, turn the motors and gearboxes shafts manually and check the
protections on the uncovered ends.
On a quarterly basis, inspect the paint condition on metalwork components.
On a monthly basis, check crates containing electrical and electronic components to
ensure the silica gel is still present/effective.
Do not place other items on top of the packages.
Plastic and rubber parts should be protected from the action of sun and light with a
waterproof cover.
Gearboxes should be topped up with protective oil as specified by the manufacturer.
Motor and gearbox shafts must be rotated manually at least once a week.

Do not apply undue pressure on the packaging during handling, as
packaging must be kept in the position shown by the printed
symbols at all times.
Avoid any sharp movements and do not stand near the handling

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1.3 Preconditions for Erection to Start

Components/machinery must be assembled by trained personnel
under the supervision of a qualified technician. Qualified technician
means an individual who, in their profession, has acquired
experience and knowledge and is fully aware of requirements
regarding accident prevention and operating conditions.
Operators performing these tasks must wear safety boots, gloves,
helmet and clothing.
Welding works on components/machinery require express
authorisation. During these activities, operators must use
appropriate PPE such as goggles or face shields, suitable
footwear, aprons, etc.
If handling loads, please refer to the safety rules under par. 1.2.
Make sure the foundation tie-rods nuts are tightened properly, as
failure to do so may cause dangerous vibrations or instability during

Follow the assembly drawings during assembly as they provide the
correct dimensions.
Assembly tolerances are specified in the assembly drawings or in
the following chapters of this manual.
Tightening torques are provided in this manual.
Clean the mechanical component parts that were greasing for
Fit guards in place, if they are not delivered already installed and
checked upon final testing in the workshop at SMS Group S.p.A.
Once assembled, check that all components are undamaged and
match whatever was agreed or specified in this Document under
every aspect.
If any parts are damaged, it is the buyer’s responsibility to inform
SMS Group S.p.A. immediately in writing to receive clarification on
the best course of action. Should there be any damaged parts, due
to any reason whatsoever, the installer shall not commission the
machine until such damaged part is repaired.

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Buildings, Foundations:
• Roofing of bays completed.
• Sidewall panelling closed as far as practicable.
• Foundations complete and in broom-clean state.
• Anchor and other holes clean, i.e. free from dirt or other impurities.
• Embedded parts fitted in accordance with applicable drawings.
• Electric rooms complete and fitted with doors and windows.
• Floor finishes in electric rooms and cellars will be provided on completed erection and
after placing the grouts for main equipment.

Check if masonry works have provided for all the necessary
infrastructures to prevent the danger of falls from height, such as
parapets, walkways, stairs, covers, allowing free movement to
means and operating personnel.

Place all the required safety signs; these can only be removed after
completion of all the various installation activities.

Bay Cranes:
• Bay cranes will be made available in ready-to-operate condition, including qualified
crane drivers.
• Suitable mobile cranes will be needed for the erection of equipment with single weights
above the load capacity of the bay cranes.
• Suitable mobile cranes, chain falls and rope winches are needed for work outside
crane reach areas.

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• Access ways to erection site provided with hard facing.
• Bay lighting complete.
• Adequate lighting provided in utility cellars.
• Sump pumps installed where necessary to keep ducts and cellar spaces free from rain
• Ready-to-operate extraction points for site power, compressed air and water supply in
adequate volumes.
• Adequate space for unpacking, cleaning and preassembling of equipment components
and interim storage thereof, if any.
• Check that utility lines for use at the site (power, compressed air and water, etc.) have
been installed in compliance with current laws
• Availability of qualified erection personnel in adequate number.
• Availability of erection tools and consumables.

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1.4 Plant Surveys

Pay attention to the equipment design. While performing surveys, it
is possible that operators may work near holes in the ground or at
height. Please also refer to the provisions contained in this manual
regarding works at height.
Strictly adhere to the safety regulations contained in this manual.

Wear the necessary PPE.

Marking of Longitudinal and Transversal Axes as well as Elevations:

The longitudinal and transversal axes of the plant will be fixed by embedded steel plates
(without protection box) to mark respective axis points (figure 21). Other solution (figure

Required points are shown on sketches of axis plan and erection measuring reports.
The locations of axis and elevation points will be laid down in a drawing by purchaser.
Any other axes and elevation points necessary for foundation checks and machine
erection will be determined during field erection (Figure 26 - Figure 28).

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Figure 21: Axis Mark (without Protection Box)

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Figure 22: Elevation Benchmarks and Axis Marks with

Protection Box and Levelling Spindle

Legend: 1) Grout
2) Epoxy Resin with Quartz Sand
3) Concrete

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Figure 23: Protection Box

Figure 24: Elevation Benchmark and Axis Mark

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Figure 25: Setting of Centrelines by means of Theodolit

Figure 26: Setting of Centrelines using Piano Wire and Plumb Bob

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Figure 27: Setting of auxiliary Axis by means of Theodolit

Figure 28: Setting of auxiliary Axis using Piano Wire and Plumb Bob

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1.5 Foundation Surveys

Pay attention to the equipment design. While performing surveys, it
is possible that operators may work near holes in the ground or at
height. Please also refer to the provisions contained in this manual
regarding works at height.
Strictly adhere to the safety regulations contained in this manual.

Wear the necessary PPE.

Surveys for individual machine foundations will be made with reference to the foundation
drawings to fix:
• their position by main longitudinal and transversal axis
• the spacing between anchor holes
• the elevations of the foundation top surfaces as poured.

It should be observed in this conjunction that the machine grout thicknesses as given in
the foundation drawings will be complied with. This check will be effected by means of a
levelling instrument (figure 29).

Checking of Anchor Holes

• For stone bolts by simple depth measuring with the aid of a measuring rod (figure 30).
• For anchor bolts with embedded anchor plates by insertion of corresponding bolts,
making sure that the correct position of the anchor plates fitted to the bolt T-head will
be ensured. Also checked will be the bolt length with due consideration to undergrout

It is recommendable to assort the foundation bolts provided in each case with reference to
the anchor drawings and to keep them handy close to the respective place of use. The
orientation of T-head anchors is marked in the bolt heads.

Measurement will be effected in accordance with figure 31 for direct-embedded anchor


Construction of Batterboards
Batterboards will be constructed from steel angles or channels in the form of vertical
columns with crossbeams welded on top and diagonal braces (figure 32).
Longitudinal or transversal axis points are to be fixed by transposition to the batterboard
transoms, using an adjustable device on the transoms and/or crossbeams or notches in
the latter (figure 33 and 34).

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Longitudinal and transversal axes will be identified by a steel wire of abt. 0,5 mm diameter
(dia.) which is loaded on both ends and which is taken from the above defined fixed
Precision bobs to shall be used for all plumb bob measuring operations.

Figure 29: Foundation Check

Legend: 1) Measuring Rod

2) Dumpy level/Transit

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Figure 30: Measuring of Anchor Hole Depth

Legend: 1) Measuring Rod

Figure 31: Surveys to determine the Position of Anchor Bolts

Legend: 1) Reference Point

Figure 32: Piano Wire fitting Rig

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Figure 33: Batterboard

Legend: 1) Lock up Band

2) Piano Wire
3) Adjustable Device for taking up of Piano Wire
4) Plumb Bob

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Figure 34: Device to receive Piano Wire

Legend: 1) Piano Wire

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1.6 Preparation of Foundations for Machine Erection

Pay attention to the equipment design. While performing surveys, it
is possible that operators may work near holes in the ground or at
height. Please also refer to the provisions contained in this manual
regarding works at height.
Strictly adhere to the safety regulations contained in this manual.

Wear the necessary PPE.

Only qualified, trained and authorised personnel is allowed to use

machinery and tools such as air hammers, excavators, etc.
Close off the area where machines and vehicles are operating
using chains, dual-coloured hazard marking tape, etc.

Smooth foundation surfaces are to be roughened up in order to improve bonding between

concrete and undergrouting (figure 35).
The foundation surface is to be cleaned from loose particles as well as from oil, grease
and other bond affecting residues.
Before the machine elements are mounted on top of the foundation, shim plates or KS
levelling screws are fitted on either side of the anchor bolts (figure 36 and 37).
The shim plates must be arranged and positioned in such a way asthey not protrude
from the machine elements.

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Figure 35: Chipping of Foundation Surfaces

Legend: 1) Bush Hammer


Figure 36: Arrangement of Shim Plates

Legend: 1) Anchor Hole

2) Shim Plates
Figure 37: Shim Plates

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1.7 Levelling/Aligning and Anchoring of Machines and Equipment Units

Pay attention to the equipment design. While performing surveys, it
is possible that operators may work near holes in the ground or at
height. Please also refer to the provisions contained in this manual
regarding works at height.
Strictly adhere to the safety regulations contained in this manual.

Wear the necessary PPE.

Levelling shim - dwg. n° 1000.0515

Resting shims - dwg. n° 1000.0515/191.01

Rheoplastic concrete, type EMACO S55 or


Baseplate of the machine

Fig. 38

The machines are positioned and aligned in the foundations by resting the baseplate on
levelling shims (figure 38).

To position the shim plates, proceed as follows:

• Clean the resting area of the plates from oils, greases and other residues that could
eventually affect the fastening.
• Position the plate (150x100x30) (figure 39) near the holes of the anchor bolts.

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Fig. 39 - Dwg. n° 1000.0515/191.01 - Weight = 3,53 kg

e distances of the plates from the holes of the anchor bolts are represented in figure 3.

Fig. 40

The plate must not protrude from the bottom part of the machine.
Fasten the plate to the foundations with rheoplastic concrete at a level of 8 - 10 mm lower
than the bottom part of the machine.
The plate must be levelled with a levelness tolerance of 0.1 mm for a length of 100 mm.
• Attend the curing of the concrete.
• Rest the machine, complete with anchor bolts, on the shims.
• Carry out the final levelling by using various shims of 1, 3 or 5 mm (figure 44).
• Fasten the shims with spot welding.

T Quantità Peso (kg) Disegno n°

(mm) Quantity Weight Drawing n°
1 2 0,12 1000.0515/191.11
3 1 0,35 1000.0515/191.12
5 1 0,59 1000.0515/191.13

Fig. 41

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Fig. 42

• Fill the holes of the anchor bolts up to a height of about 80% with rheoplastic concrete
(figure 42).
• Attend the curing of the concrete.
• Tighten the anchor bolts.
• Re-check the positioning and the levelling of the machines.
• Carry out the final grouting with rheoplastic concrete, Emaco 5.5 or similar.
• Re-check the tightening torque of the anchor bolts after the curing of the concrete.

Where T-head bolts are used, check to see that these have been fitted into the foundation
anchor holes prior to setting up any of the machine or equipment units.
Install machines on prepared bases or levelling screws and adjust to specified elevation
while simultaneously taking surveys by means of level.
On this, the machine or equipment unit concerned will be levelled/aligned to defined
longitudinal and transversal axes during which operation the anchor bolts will be tightened
down to adjust the unit to specified level and elevation. (It may be necessary to detach the
machine or equipment unit and place additional shims. This operation can be omitted by
means of levelling screws.)
Machines or equipment units anchored by means of stone bolts will be pre-levelled/pre-
aligned to their defined level and axes. Stone bolt holes will be filled with initial grouts to
three quarters of their height. The machine or equipment unit concerned will be finish-
levelled/finish-aligned after the grout has cured.
Levelling/alignment of bedplates, bases, roller tables etc. (figure 43).
Measurement of couplings (figure 44 and figure 45).

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Figure 43: Levelling/Alignment of Bedplates, Bases, Roller Tables etc.

Legend: 1 – 10 = Measuring Points

1+6 = Parallelism
2 = Position
3+4 = Coordinate Measurement
7 = Distance Dimension
8 = Levelling
9 = Horizontal Plane
10 = Flatness
= Benchmarks
= Axis Marks

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Figure 44: Measurement of Couplings

Legend: 1) Misalignment

Figure 45:

Legend: 1) Feeler Gauges

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1.8 Placing Undergrouts

If using hazardous materials, refer to the contents of the material
safety data sheet.

Wear the necessary PPE.

Before placing undergrouts for individual machine or equipment units or before bringing in
initial grouts for stonebolts, a written request will be sent to the competent contract partner
for grout release.

All anchor holes will be so sealed flush with the foundation top edge before placing the
final undergrout of equipment units secured by means of T-head bolts that penetration of
undergrout material into the anchor holes will be prevented.

Foundation areas mark in the construction drawings will not be grouted until after
installation and/or erection of the corresponding equipment units when these have been
aligned/levelled and their foundation bolts have been firmly tightened down. The quality of
the undergrout material used must at least be equal to that of the foundation concrete. It is
recommended instead of concrete or mortar to use a special undergrout mass which is
both shrink-free and also faster curing.
Where undergrout areas are not distinctly identified, the basic rule applies that all
horizontal faces under machine frames will be grouted.
All concrete surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned and wetted prior to placing the undergrout
to ensure a good bond between foundation concrete and grout material.
All anchor bolts will have to be retightened and checked for tight fit after the undergrout
has cured.

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Examples of Application for Machine grouting:

Figure 46:

Legend for figure 46 and figure 47:

1) Machine part
2) Shims
3) Formwork
4) Foundation
5) Grout
6) Funnel
Figure 47:

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Figure 48:

Legend: 1) Machine part

2) Shims
3) Formwork
4) Foundation
5) Grout

Preparation of placing grout:

• Surface
Thoroughly clean, and remove excess cement debris as well as oil and grease. The
surface should be made approx. 6 hours in advance.

• Formwork
Tightly secure and seal.

• Mixing
Is ready for use, requiring only the addition of water. 7 - 9 l of water are required for 50
kg of grout.

• Grouting
Pour from one side or corner only without interruption.

• Note
Open areas are to be protected against premature water evaporation.

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1.9 Tools, Appliances and Auxiliaries

Using portable mobile cutting equipment or machinery: please refer
to the contents of this manual under par. 1.1.5.

Wear the necessary PPE.

The materials listed below are required for the erection, running and maintenance of the
plant devices and equipment.

1.9.1 Site Shop

1.9.2 Measuring and Testing Equipment

1.9.3 Pneumatic Machine Tools

1.9.4 Electric Hand-Operated Machine Tools

1.9.5 General Tools

1.9.6 Mechanic’s and Pipe Fitter’s Tools

1.9.7 Sundries

1.9.8 Tackles and Appliances (including Spare Parts)

1.9.9 Slinging Equipment

1.9.10 Oxy/Acetylene Welding and Cutting Torches

1.9.11 Accessories for Oxy/Acetylene Welding and Cutting Torches

1.9.12 Test and Checking Devices for Hydraulic Equipment

1.9.13 Electric Welding Machines

1.9.14 Other Equipment

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1.9.1 Site Shop

Item Description
1.1 Upright drilling machine
Morse taper 3, 100 – 1000 rpm with motor for direct-
on-line starting and 5 m long connecting cable,
complete with plug.

1.2 Bench drilling machine

Morse taper 2, 430 – 4500 rpm with motor for direct-
on-line starting and 5 m long connecting cable,
complete with plug.

1.3 Dual tool grinding

Wheel size 300 x 40 x 76 mm with standard machine,
upright design tip, tool rests, spark protector and 5 m
long connecting cable, complete with plug.

1.4 Dual tool grinding

Wheel size 150 x 20 x 32 mm with standard machine,
bench design tip, tool rests, spark protector and 5 m
long connecting cable, complete with plug.

1.5 Power hacksaw

AC motor (variable cutting speeds), complete with 5
m long connecting cable and plug.

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Item Description
1.6 Compressor
Mobile screw type compressor 4.00 m3/min. referred
to 7 bar, max. operating pressure 8 bar.

1.7 Workshop press

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1.9.2 Measuring and Testing Equipment

Item Description
2.1 Dummy level / Transit
Precision 0.1 mm, including stand.

2.2 Levelling rod

3 m long.
2.3 Levelling rod
3 m long, foldable to 1.5 m.

2.4 Theodolite
Including stand.

2.5 Collimator marks

Including stand.

2.6 External micrometer

Range 0 – 300 mm, 25 mm increments.

2.7 Internal micrometer

Range 0 – 300 mm, 25 mm increments.

2.8 Extensions for inside micrometer

Range up to 500 mm.

2.9 Straightedge
Lengths = 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.5, 1 and 0.5 m.

2.10 Gauge blocks

150 x 130 x 75 mm, size 2 class 1.

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Item Description
2.11 Surface plate
200 x 300 mm, size 4, class 1

2.12 Phosphor bronze wire (piano wire) or steel wire

Diameters = 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 mm.

2.13 Gradient indicator (frame spirit level)

600 mm, accuracy 0.10 mm/m.

2.14 Gradient indicator (frame spirit level)

200 mm, accuracy 0.04 mm/m.

2.15 Vernier calipers

Range 250 mm, with nibs, stainless steel.

2.16 Sliding depth

Range 250 mm, stainless steel gauge.

2.17 Dial gauge

Accuracy 1/100 mm, range 0 – 10 mm.

2.18 Magnetic stand

For dial gauge see item 2.17.

2.19 Measuring tape

Lengths = 50, 30 and 20 m, stainless steel.

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Item Description
2.20 Plumb bob
Complete with cord.

2.21 Steel tape rule

Length = 2 m.

2.22 Folding rule

Length = 2 m, wood.

2.23 Feeler gauge

Graduations = 0.05 – 1.0 mm.

2.24 Screw pitch gauge

For metric and Gas threads.

2.25 Graduated steel straightedge (s = 1)

Dimensions = 500 x 30 x 1 mm, 1000 x 30 x 1 and
2000 x 30 x 1 mm. Graduations = 0.5 and 1.0 mm.

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1.9.3 Pneumatic Machine Tools

Item Description
3.1 Hand drilling machines

3.2 Angle type drilling machines

3.3 Drill chuck

Opening 1 – 13 mm.

3.4 Grinding machine

3.5 Rubber grinding disk

Complete with fixing elements.

3.6 Pneumatic reversible screwdriver

N.B. All pneumatic machine tools should be supplied with suitable hoses and fittings.

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1.9.4 Electric Hand-Operated Machine Tools

Item Description
4.1 Electric multi-speed hand operated drilling
Drilling capacity for steel up to 32 mm.

4.2 Electric two-speed drilling machine

Drilling capacity for steel up to 16 mm.

4.3 Electric angle type grinding machines

Grinding wheel dia. 178 / 125 mm.

4.4 Electric grinding machine (high speed type)

For abrasive pencils, rotating milling cutters, etc.,
shank dia. 6 mm.

4.5 Drilling machine with magnetic base

N.B.. All electric units should supplied with connecting cable and plug.

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1.9.5 General Tools

Item Description
5.1 Eyebolt
DIN 580

M10, M12, M16, M20, M24, M30, M36.

5.2 Crowbar
Dia. 20 mm, length = 500 and 1000 mm.

5.3 Flat chisel

Length = 200 – 250 mm.

5.4 Cape Chisel

Length = 200 – 250 mm.

5.5 Check plug

Shank dia. 15 mm, length = 150 mm.
Shank dia. 19 mm, length = 170 mm.
Shank dia. 25 mm, length = 200 mm.
5.6 Hand plate shear
Length = 300 mm.

5.7 Pincers
Length = 250 mm.

5.8 Rubber mallet

5.9 Plastic mallet

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Item Description
5.10 Chain pipe tong
2 – 12”.

5.11 Wheel puller

Two-armed 250 and 600 mm.

5.12 Tool case

Lockable, empty.

5.13 Set of pliers for shaft retaining rings

Diameters from 10 to 300 mm

5.14 Set of pliers for bore retaining rings

Diameters from 8 to 300 mm

5.15 Set of screwdrivers

Crosspoint screw and slotted head screw

5.16 Square Scraper

With handle, length = 250 mm

5.17 Three-square hollow ground scraper

With handle, length = 250 mm

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Item Description
5.18 Set of milled files
Lengths = 150, 250 and 350 mm
Cuts 1, 2 and 3.

5.19 Set of square files

Lengths = 150, 250 and 350 mm
Cuts 1, 2 and 3.

5.20 Set of three-square files

Lengths = 150, 250 and 350 mm
Cuts 1 and 3.

5.21 Set of bastard files

Lengths = 150, 250 and 350 mm
Cuts 1 and 3.

5.22 Set of round files

Lengths = 150, 250 and 350 mm
Cuts 1 and 3.
5.23 Flat rasp
Length = 300 mm
Cut 1.
5.24 File Handle
Length = 100, 140 and 160 mm

5.25 Oil can

Capacity = 0.2 l and 0.5 l

5.26 Grease gun

With hand lever and accessories

5.27 Set of double head box wrenches

Sizes from 10 to 41 mm.

5.28 Set of double head open-ended wrenches

Sizes from 8 to 41 mm.

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Item Description
5.29 Set of single-ended open jaw wrenches
Sizes from 30 to 90 mm.

5.30 Set of slugging ring wrenches

Sizes from 30 to 180 mm.

5.31 Set of tee-handled double-ended socket wrenches

Sizes from 8 to 50 mm.

5.32 Set of tee-handled socket wrenches

Sizes from 55 to 95 mm.

5.33 Set of hook wrenches for ring nuts

Sizes from 16 to 220 mm.

5.34 Set of Allan keys with spigot

DIN 6911
Screw key from SW 3 to SW 36 mm.

5.35 Set of straight shank twist drills (short – long)

Diameters from 2 to 13 mm.

5.36 Set of twist drills with morse taper 1

Diameters from 10 to 14 mm.

5.37 Set of twist drills with morse taper 2

Diameters from 14 to 23 mm.

5.38 Set of twist drills with morse taper 3

Diameters from 23 to 31 mm.

5.39 Set of twist drills with morse taper 4

Diameters from 32 to 45 mm.

5.40 Set of hand reamers

Diameters 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 mm.

5.41 Set of taps, 3-part

Threads from M4 to M42.

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Item Description
5.42 Set of taps, 2-part
Threads from G 1/8 to G 2.

5.43 Set of round threading dies

Standard threads from M4 to M24.

5.44 Set of round threading dies

Threads from G 1/8 to G 2.

5.45 Set of die holders

5.46 Tap wrenches with movable handle

5.47 Hand hammer

300, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 and 12000 g

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1.9.6 Mechanic’s and Pipe Fitter’s Tools

Item Description
6.1 Mechanic’s work-pipe bench
Vise up to 3” and parallel vise with 150 mm jaw width

6.2 Pipe bending machine

Hydraulic pipe bending unit with bending blocks for
pipes ½” – 3” and standard metric tubes with
diameter 16 – 42 mm.

6.3 Electro-hydraulic universal pipe bending machine

Complete with accessories

6.4 Metal saw

Length = 300 mm, complete with saw blades

6.5 Electric hand sawing machine

Complete with saw blade for stainless steel

6.6 Water pump pliers

6.7 Pipe pliers

½” – 4”

6.8 Elbow pipe pliers

½” – 4”

6.9 Pipe cutter

1/8” - 2”

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Item Description
6.10 Pipe die stock
For ISO 228 threads 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1
1/4", 1 1/2", 1 3/4", 2", 2 1/4", 2 1/2", 2 3/4", 3", 3
1/2", 4".
Including ratchet and dies.

6.11 Steel tape rule

Length = 2 m

6.12 Folding rule

Length = 2 m, wood

6.13 Wooden spirit level

Length = 400 mm

6.14 Pipe welder – grip plies

6.15 Engineer’s square

250 x 165 mm

6.16 Backsquare
300 x 175 mm

6.17 Center square

300 x 180 mm

6.18 Bevel steel square

Universal type bevel steel square, stainless steel
Length = 300 mm

6.19 Vernier calipers

Measuring range = 250 mm, with nibs, stainless steel

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1.9.7 Sundries

Item Description
7.1 Aluminium assembly ladder
Lengths = 4 and 6 m

7.2 Non-stationary work-site distribution board

With connection for 3 x 220 V, 3 x 380 V, including
fusing and feeder cable

7.3 Cable drum

With 50 m cable, 3 sockets, 220 V

7.4 Hand lamp (110 Watt)

With 50 m cable, complete with plug

7.5 Flashlights
Complete with cells and bulbs (spare bulbs and cells
must be available)

7.6 Ear muffs

7.7 Safety belt

With safety ropes and hooks.

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Item Description
7.8 Scaffold planks
Length = approx. 4 m

7.9 Pails
Plastic, capacity = approx. 10 / 11 litres

7.10 Sundry brushes

7.11 Bottle
Graduated polyethylene collecting bottle
Capacity = 200 ml and 850 ml

7.12 Washing gun

Tank capacity = 1 l
Working pressure = 3 – 4 bar

7.13 Dusting gun

7.14 Compressed air hose drum

Compressed air hose with standard quick fittings and
movable hose drum

7.15 Hydraulic prestressing device with pump and

pressure gauge for screws from M24 to M160x6

7.16 Power screwdriver

7.17 Pressure gauges – EN 837

0 – 10 bar
0 – 160 bar
0 – 600 bar

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Item Description
7.18 Minimess box

7.19 Torque wrench

0 – 500 Nm with various torques

Note: the purchase of adapters must be made

according to the wrench to use (torque range)

7.20 HP oil pump

Pressure = approx. 1000 bar
With accessories such as hoses and fittings

7.21 Drill hammer

Type – Hilti with drill holder and drills dia. 10, 12, 14,
18, 20, 25 and 28

7.22 Mobile grease pump

Compressed air driven, including accessories for
various grease nipples

N.B. Spares and wearing parts in adequate number must be available at site for all
machines and devices.

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1.9.8 Tackles and Appliances (including spare parts)

Item Description
8.1 Hydraulic jacks
Hand pump
100 t, stroke = 250 mm
50 t, stroke = 200 mm
20 t, stroke = 150 mm
20 t, stroke = 50 mm
20 t, stroke = 400 mm
10 t, stroke = 150 mm
10 t, stroke = 50 mm
5 t, stroke = 20 mm

8.2 Hand pumps for hydraulic presses, including

hydraulic fluid
Capacity = 1.3 - 4.5 l

8.3 Steel winch

5 – 10 t, with safety crank

8.4 Draw winch

3.2 t, complete with 25 m steel rope

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1.9.9 Slinging Equipment

Item Description
9.1 Wire rope, with loops
Dia. 8 x 1.5 m, 10 x 1.5 m, 12 x 1.5 m, 14 x 1.5 m,
16 x 1.5 m, 12 x 4.0 m, 12 x 6 m, 12 x 8 m, 16 x 4 m,
16 x 6 m, 16 x 8 m, 20 x 8 m, 20 x 10 m, 36 x 8 m,
36 x 10 m, 36 x 12 m, 42 x 8 m, 42 x 10 m, 24 x 6 m,
24 x 8 m, 24 x 10 m, 24 x 12 m.
9.2 Hemp rope
Endless, dia. 20, 30 and 40.

9.3 Rope protectors

25 and 50 t

9.4 Shackles
DIN 82101
1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 t

9.5 S-hooks
0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 t

9.6 Lifting chains

9.7 Double core synthetic slings

9.8 Omnidirectional lifting jaw

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1.9.10 Oxy/Acetylene Welding and Cutting Torches

Item Description
10.1 Cutting torch kit
Complete with handle, cutting tips size 3 – 8,
pressure gauges and hoses.

10.2 Oxygen hose

Diameter = 6.3 blue, complete with fittings.

10.3 Gas hose

Diameter = 10 red, complete with fittings.

10.4 Pressure reducer

With pressure gauge for gas bottles 1 – 25 bar.

10.5 Pressure reducer

With pressure gauge for oxygen bottles 1 – 200 bar.

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1.9.11 Accessories for Oxy/Acetylene Welding and Cutting Torches

Item Description
11.1 Hand shield
Complete with light and dark panes.
Protection class 13.
11.2 Fixed shield
Complete with light and dark panes.
Protection class 13.
11.3 Protective gloves
Leather with long cuffs.

11.4 Welder’s apron


11.5 Slag hammer

11.6 Wire brush

For steel and stainless steel.

11.7 Protective goggles

Welder’s goggles with light and dark lenses.
Protection class 4.

11.8 Lighters
For welding and cutting torch.

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Item Description
11.9 Bottle cart
For 2 bottles, load capacity of 500 kg, sturdy tubular
structure, high stability, wheels arranged on ball
bearings, dia. of 400, solid rubber-tired.

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1.10 Consumables Needed During Erection

Power for Electric Tools, Welding Machines etc.

Distribution boxes with fuses should be available in adequate number.
Current intensity and frequency to National Standards.

Water for Erection Purposes.

Water quality with: pH value 7.
Temperature abt. 20°C.
Extraction points in various areas throughout the site as indicated.
Water consumption may increase to three to four times the estimated figure during
chemical cleaning of pipelines.

Compressed Air from Works System for Erection Purposes.

Pressure abt. 5 bar in various TOP´s throughout the bay above and below mill floor.
Compressed air should be free from oil and water.

Gas Welding
Gas welding rods, diameter:
2.0 mm
2.5 mm
3.0 mm
4.0 mm

compatible with the parent material to be welded.

Gas welding rods to DIN 8554 (low alloy type).

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Arc Welding
Stick electrodes, diameter:
2.50 mm
3.25 mm
4.00 mm
5.00 mm

compatible with the parent material to be welded.

Stick electrodes to DIN EN 499 (low alloy type).
Stick electrodes to DIN 8556/8555/ISO 3581 (corrosion resistant).

Shielded Arc Welding

Welding rods, diameter:
1.6 mm
2.0 mm
2.4 mm
3.0 mm

or coiled welding rods, diameter:

1.0 mm
1.2 mm
1.6 mm

Welding rods to DIN 8575 (low alloy type)

Welding rods to DIN 8556 (corrosion resistant).

Cored Wire Welding

Cored wire electrodes, diameter:
1.6 - 2.8 mm

Cored wire electrodes to DIN EN 440

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Oils and greases (for assembly of machinery and equipment)
Argon or helium
Sealing tape
Liquid surface sealing compound
Filter elements for flushing according to SMS GROUP circuit diagrams.
Shim Plates
Material: St 37 or similar.
Shims must be plane-parallel and deburred on all sides.

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1.11 Fitting, Bending and Welding of Piping

Welders must use the specific PPE for this activity.

Welders must not carry out unrequired jobs that may jeopardise
their safety or that of other people.

If a fault or defect has been identified, under no circumstances

should they start the job, or they must stop it immediately and notify
the person in charge.

1.11.1 Execution of Fitting Work

Steel piping is normally obtainable on the market in lengths of ca. 6 metres and must
follow the contour of walls and machines during erection work. Pipe connections are
therefore inevitable.
A distinction is made between:
• welded and thus fixed connections and
• pipe couplings that can be separated
A piping network has to be manufactured and installed diligently since the reliability of a
media supply system depends upon the quality of the design of the network. It is therefore
important that the work on the pipeline system be executed in the necessary quality.
The basis for the manufacture and installation of piping are the plant schematic and the
piping drawings.
In some cases the piping is measured and manufactured on the site after the plant
components have been erected.
The following must be observed in particular:
• split-up into prefabrication and fabrication on the site,
• installation of straight, direct, clearly arranged and flow-favourable lines,
• cleanness during work,
• proper fastening of the piping system,
• tension-free installation.

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Split-up into prefabrication and fabrication on site

The fabrication of piping systems is performed in accordance with 2 methods that deviate
from each other:
• prefabrication in workshop and
• fabrication on site
A mixture of the two types is often chosen out of technical and practical considerations.

In the case of prefabrication the piping is manufactured in a workshop and delivered to the
site for installation.

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Fabrication on site
In the case of manufacture on the site the piping is manufactured in accordance with the
progress of erection.

Figure 49: Saw off pipe at right angles and deburr it but do not use a pipe cutter. Use a
sawing machine if possible. Slightly deburr pipe ends on inside and outside.

Cleanness in work
During the installation work it must be ensured without fail that dirt does not penetrate into
the piping system. Piping and components must be delivered to the place of installation in
a properly closed state.
During the progress of the installation work the connections of the pipes and components
must remain closed. Only when they are actually connected, may the caps be removed.
Prior to being fitted the connections and their surfaces must be checked for cleanness. It
is not sufficient to rely solely upon the flushing of the system that may take place after the
installation work.

Tension-free fitting
It is very important that the lines be laid tension-free. If lines can only be installed under
tension, they must be aligned or re-fabricated.

Fitting of welded connections

Under “fixed connections” in piping systems in plant engineering we understand welded
connections in which pipes are connected with each other “endlessly”.
Thanks to the use of welded connections leakages can be more easily avoided and higher
pressures mastered due to the fact that there is no elastic sealing. It is possible to check
the quality of the connections by using X-ray and ultrasonic test methods.
Welding cones, flanges, welding collars, pipes, pipe bends/elbows or other shaped parts
are connected immediately (endlessly) with each other when making welded connections.
Le tubazioni saldate devono essere decapate e sottoposte a flussaggio per rimuovere
tutte le impurità.
* Only applies for hydraulic oil circulation systems and special cases.

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Fitting of pipe coupling systems

In the case of separable connections the pipes are connected with a coupling or with a

Depending on the connection we distinguish between:

• screw connections,
• compression-ferrule pipe couplings,
• welding-nipple pipe couplings
• flanged connections

A distinction must be made between the “pipe/pipe coupling” and the “pipe
coupling/component” connection (valves, base plates, control blocks, pumps).

Fitting of connection “pipe/pipe coupling”

• Screw connection (figure 50)
The fitting of screw connections is characterized by the fact that the
connection “pipe/pipe coupling” is executed with the aid of a thread cut onto
the pipe. The sealing here is metal-metal. These threads are normally
screwed in with sealing tape. The holding function is in the thread.
Connections of this kind are used for example with water lines.

Figure 50: Screw connection, metal-metal sealing, holding function using thread, use in
low-pressure range (e.g. on water lines)

• Compression-ferrule pipe coupling (figure 51)

In the fitting of ferrule pipe couplings a ferrule (bite ring) is pulled onto the
pipe); it fulfills at this point the “holding” and “sealing” functions. The
function “sealing” is also metal-metal. The holding function of a ferrule
toward the pipe coupling is ensured with the aid of the union (cap) nut.
Ferrule couplings have to be serviced as they would otherwise tend to leak
due to their metal-metal sealing and to the “settling” that results therefrom.
Due to the surface brittleness it is however only possible to tighten within
certain limits.

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The ferrule should be pulled onto the pipe with particular care, as the
ferrule would slip from the pipe under load if it did not cut sufficiently far into
the pipe.
During fitting it should also be ensured that the pipe ends are cut off at right
angles and cleanly deburred.
The fitting instructions of the coupling maker must be observed.

Figure 51: Ferrule pipe-coupling, metal-metal sealing, holding function by a

cutting edge.

• Welding-nipple pipe coupling (figure 52)

In the fitting of welding-nipple pipe couplings a welding cone is welded on to the pipe (butt
The sealing between the welding cone and the coupling is elastic. The holding function
between the cone and the coupling is fulfilled by the union nut.
The fitting instructions of the coupling maker must be observed.

• Figure 52: Welding-nipple coupling with cone, elastic sealing, holding function by
weld seam.

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Fitting of connection “pipe coupling/component”

In these pipe couplings the holding function between the coupling and the component is
fulfilled with the aid of the thread. Coupling bodies are distinguished by the kind of sealing
of the body toward the components.
• Coupling body with sealing edge (figure 53)

With sealing-edge coupling bodies a sealing edge that seals metal-metal on the
components is machined onto the screwed plug. The precondition is that the screw-on
surface is at right angles to the thread and does not display any cross scoring. The
pulsation usual in the hydraulic equipment may lead to material hardening occurring
that necessitates the retightening of the couplings.

Normally the threads are however glued in with sealing material, e.g. with Loctite. The
sealing function is then in the thread.

The fitting instructions of the coupling makers and of the sealing-material maker must
be observed.

Figure 53: Coupling body with sealing edge,

Metal-metal sealing,
Countersink at right angles to thread,
Countersink is damaged by cutting edge

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• Coupling body with U-ring (figure 54)

• With the coupling body with a U-ring the sealing function is fulfilled by the latter.
The precondition for this is also that the securing surface is at right angles to the
thread and that it does not display any cross scoring. The surface roughness of the
contact face and of the U-ring compartment should not exceed RZ 16.

The fitting instructions of the coupling makers must be observed.

Figure 54: O-ring, elastic sealing

• Pipe coupling body with NPT thread (figure 55)

• The NPT threads are tapered. They are inserted in a tapered screw-in thread. The
sealing is metal-metal. Normally speaking these threads are glued in with sealing
material, e.g. with Loctite.
• As a result of the slanted thread of the screwed plug there is the danger that
components made of castings or aluminium are burst as the coupling is screwed
• The fitting instructions of the sealing-material maker (Loctite) must be observed.

Figure 55: NPT thread,

Metal-metal sealing, only possible with
sealing material,
High bursting forces, undefined position of
coupling body

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Fitting of flange connections

Pipe couplings larger than DN 40 are no longer usual.
From DN 40 flanges upwards are used to connect pipelines with each other and with
With the flange connections the connection “flange/pipe” is welded in almost all cases. A
butt weld is almost always used.
The type of the flanges used depends essentially on the components used and on the
• Flanges according to DIN (figure 56)
• Ball valves, butterfly valves and other valves have in some cases the connection
pattern for a DIN flange, so that the latter is used for this reason also.

(1) Gasket to DIN 2690

Figure 56: Flange with sealing, holding function by bolts

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• SAE flanges
• Many components in hydraulics have screw-on surfaces for so-called SAE flanges
from DN 40. A distinction is made between
◊ one-part SAE flanges and
◊ multi-part SAE flanges

• SAE flange one-part (figure 57).

• The one-part SAE flange is made in one piece.
• Different weld-on plugs for varying pipe dimensions may be equipped with the same
SAE connection pattern. The one-part SAE flange can no longer be “adjusted” after it has
been welded on.

The fitting instructions of the flange maker must be observed.

Figure 57: SAE flange, one-part with O-ring, holding function by bolts

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• SAE flange, multi-part (figure 58)

• The multi-part SAE flange consists of the so-called welding collar, of a turning part or
shaped component in weldable material and of the two flange shoulders that perform the
holding function.
• The sealing between the base surface and the SAE flange or between one SAE flange
and another is done elastically with the aid of O-rings.
• The fitting instructions of the flange maker must be observed.

Figure 58: SAE flange, multi-part, elastic sealing, holding function by bolts

• Flange connection with square flange (figure 59)

• With flange connections from ca. DN 65 upwards and in the pressure range from ca.
210 bar upwards so-called square flanges are used. They are two-part fittings and consist
of the welding collar itself and a square flange that performs the holding function.

The fitting instructions of the flange maker must be observed.

Figure 59: Flange connection with square flange,

Elastic sealing by O-ring,
Holding function by bolts

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Fitting of compensators
Compensators serve in piping systems as elastic pipe connections to compensate strains,
stresses, shifts and movements that are caused by temperature fluctuations, foundation
settling, changing loads or vibrations. They are also used to dampen body sonic transfer
and impacts as well as to compensate fitting inaccuracies.
The compensators used in hydrosystems are made of steel or rubber/artificial rubber in
various qualities that is affixed to a rugged carcass of synthetic fibre or steel wire,
depending upon the pressure.
For attachment to the piping system pipe couplings are used from DN 40 upwards steel
flanges in St 37.2 or, if necessary, in other materials (figure 60 and 61).

Figure 60: Compensator for flange connection

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(1) Outerlayer
(2) Inner layer
(3) Flange with profile collar
(4) Flange with full profile

Figure 61: Compensator for flange connection

Compensators as elastic pipe connections must be installed in such a way that visual
monitoring is possible. The rubber parts must not be coated (painting). No insulation
material may be applied.
Compensators should be installed in such a way that if possible they are loaded when
pressed together. Stretching in the operating state must be avoided. Torsion is
Between two fixed points a max. of only one elastic pipe connection must be used.
Rubber compensators should be protected against radiation and heat and if necessary
covered or equipped with a protective sleeve.
If electric currents are led through across the piping (e.g. grounding for welding
transformers), the compensator must be sufficiently well bridged. If there is no such
bridge, the compensator may act as an electric resistor and be destroyed.
An eddy current that leads to an increase in the noise level may be caused in the
compensators as a result of the special shape of the latter. A guide pipe must then be
The fitting instructions of the compensator maker must be observed.

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Fitting of hose lines are intended to compensate movements or serve as a length

compensation in long piping systems.
Hose lines consist of the actual hose itself and the matching fittings. The fittings have
been adapted to the connecting system within the pipeline.

Fitting of hose lines

Twisting of the hose during fitting should be avoided!
Hose lines should be fitted in such a way that there is no tension load, except by natural
The smallest admissible bending radii must not be gone below!
If a hose line is fitted bent, its length must be selected in such a way that the bend-free
zone is retained!
Fittings should be selected in such a way that the additional loading of the hose is
Hose lines should be protected against external influences. Sharp-edged components
should be covered. When necessary, hoses should be protected by suitable sleeves!
The fitting instructions of the hose line makers must be observed.

Figure 62: Examples for correct laying of hose lines

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Fitting of pipe supports

Supports are used to secure piping efficiently. Pipe clamps are made of steel, aluminium,
plastic or plastic with a rubber lining.
The clamp base plates are made in weldable steel so that they can be properly secured to
the substructure.

Figure 63: Pipe clamp, heavy-duty series

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Figure 64: Clamp stack, e.g. for two pipes arranged one above the other

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The piping system is usually secured to the machine structure or to the foundation walls.
A separate substructure must often be created for the piping (figure 65).
The distance between two clamps depends upon the pipe outer diameter.

The fitting instructions of the pipe support makers must be observed.

Figure 65: Substructure to receive piping system

Identification of valves, measuring devices etc.

Valves, measuring devices etc. are identified in the flow diagrams (process schematics, P
+ I) and in the installation and piping drawings as well as in the layouts of electrical
devices with special identification numbers.
These components must, insofar as they are not already delivered with the ident number,
be labelled provisionally during the fitting of the piping (immediately after fitting) by means
of adhesive tape for example.

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1.11.2 Bending

For pipe bending radii, minimum dimensions for angled pipes and determination of pipe
lengths with consideration to various bending angles and bending radii also see NS 144.

1.11.3 Welding

Weld preparation of pipelines with reference to DIN 2559/1.

Table #1 (see SN200):

Illustration Weld joint preparation

Shape of Depth of
thickness Designation Dimensions
Section View groove weld seam
t Approximates
Square butt
to 2 s=t b 2-3

Single V α b 2–5
over 2 butt weld
s=t c To 2
to 20 c
α 60°
Bult-type joint

b 2–5
Single – U β
butt weld r c To 2
over 20 t s=t
c r 4

β 10°
Steep- b 6 – 10
flanked β

over 20 single – V s=t

butt weld β 10°

Single – J b 2–5
butt weld β
all b s=t c To 2
Comer joint

β 30° - 40°
Fillet weld
all s=t

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Welding Quality Assurance

Welding work should only be carried out by qualified specialists in
possession of welder‘s qualification certificates to EN 287
Part 1. The provisions stipulated in ISO 5817 apply in regard to
welding quality assurance.

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Butt and socket welding

• Butt welding:

Figure 66:

◊ One weld seam required for each welded joint

◊ Weld seam up to standard, transferring the same force factor as the actual
◊ No internal dirt deposits between the pipe ends, resulting in unobjectionable
inside purification by way of rinsing in the case of pickling pipes
◊ No additional stress formation in longitudinal direction
◊ Precise alignment of pipe axles necessary
◊ TIG root welding prevents spatters on inner surface

Root welding for oxygen, lubrication oil and hydraulic oil shall be always
performed by TIG welding with the pipe plugged and filled of inert gas.

• Socket welding

Figure 67:

◊ Two weld seams required for each welded joint

◊ Due to fillet weld, weld seam transfers at best 60 % of the pipe force factor
◊ Due to thermal expansion, axial gap necessary; otherwise additionally stress
formation in longitudinal direction
◊ Undercut in pipe, resulting in reduced wall thickness
◊ Axial gap prevents inside purification during rinsing
◊ Settling of dirt particles in axial gap which detach after start-up and lead to
malfunctions in the valves

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SMS GROUP does not apply to socket welding!

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1.12 Flushing/Pressure Tests/Quality Control on Hydraulic and Lubrication Systems

Works or pressure tests on hydraulic and pneumatic equipment
must be carried out by experienced, qualified operators only.

Before undertaking pressure testing, check all the lines, pipes,

hoses and bolted joints to identify any potential leaks and
damages. If so, repair any damages, always wearing PPE.

Do not perform maintenance and repair works on pressurised

piping systems during pressure or flushing testing.

If leaks or breaks are identified during pressure testing, follow these

steps before making any repair or modification to the systems:
- Stop the test;
- Depressurise the line, bleeding off pressure;
- Check that any monitoring devices (e.g. manometers)
indicate “0” energy;
- Make the repair;

During pressure testing, the test area must be closed off to

unauthorised personnel. Access to the area by personnel who is
not involved in the process must be prevented and appropriate
warning and prohibition signage must be placed.

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Operating procedure concerning pickling, flushing, pressure test and quality control
operations on hydraulic, oil and grease lubricating circuits.

Summary - Operating Sequence

1.12.1 Sight inspection and ND controls, Welding

1.12.2 Pressure Tests

1.12.3 Circuit Preparation, for Flushing, Pickling, Passivation

1.12.4 Water Cleaning

1.12.5 Pickling

1.12.6 Passivation

1.12.7 Drying

1.12.8 Preparatory Operations, Flushing

1.12.9 Flushing Operation

1.12.10 Pollution Analysis

1.12.11 Re-assembly of Circuit and Final Fill-up

1.12.1 Sight inspection and non destructive controls, Weldings

To facilitate any sight inspections, maintenance operations and the quality control
procedures, the circuit is constructed using various sections of flange connected piping.
At the end of the erection phase of each particular section, each weld must be inspected
as provided in the Appedix A, paragraph 1.7 of this manual. If any welding defects are
revealed, the pertinent weld must be completely remade.

1.12.2 Pressure Tests

After a successful completion of all sight inspection and non destructive controls as
provided in the Appedix A, paragraph 1.7, the system is submitted to a pressure test using
water, a manually operated pump and the appropriate pipe and claps.
The pressure applied to each single section shall comply with the table reported in
Appedix B.
Pressure application during testing must be applied in steps not exceeding 4 bar / s.
Pressure fall must not exceed 1%.

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For hydraulic and lubricating oil piping standard media for the pressure test is the water. If
SMS Group decideds not to perform the in-line pickling of the piping, the pressure test will
be performed with oil. In this case, at the end of the pressure test, the piping will be flused
as provided by paragraph 1.11.8.

1.12.3 Circuit Preparation, for Flushing, Pickling, Passivation

All finished and tested sections are connected to pickling pumps and tank in a closed loop
Any trunks are to be capped and / or short circuited.
Furthermore, outlet valves should be provided at the circuit’s lowest positions to enable
fluid discharge during the various operating stages.

1.12.4 Water Cleaning

The circuit is flushed with water, using the pumps on the pickling unit.
Re-circulating water is heated to 60° C, approximat ely, using steam or electrical resistors,
in as much as the removal of volatile particles inside the pipes is much easier when using
with hot water.
This flushing operation lasts 2 h; thereafter the circuit is emptied and the liquid is stored in
refuse collecting tanks which will then be taken to the appropriate refuse disposal system.

1.12.5 Pickling
Pickling removes all oxide that may be inside piping elements.
The most common fluids for this purpose are:
citric acid,
sulphuric acid,
chloric acid,
orthophosphoric acid Citric Acid Pickling (recommended)

Citric acid 30 kg / m³ water
Inhibitor, RODINE 1 kg / m³ water
Ammonia 25%, to 3.5 pH

This solution is to be heated to 75° C, with period ical analysis for:

- residual acid contents,
- ferrous iron,
- ferric iron

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Pickling operation must be maintained until the concentration of the iron solution becomes
stabilised, indicating that no oxide is present.
For all purposes and reasons, the minimum duration for a pickling operation is 4 hours.

1.12.6 Passivation
The passivation operation creates an anti oxidation protective coating on iron surfaces.
To the fluid used for the pickling procedure and still within the circuit, 0.5% (5 kg / m³) of
nitric acid and ammonia is to be added, so that the pH value of the solution reaches a
reading of 9.2
This solution is kept circulating at a temperature of 60° C for 1 hour, after which sodium
nitrite art a ratio of 5 kg per m³ of solution is added thereto.
This part of the process will last for about 4 h.
When finished, empty the solution into appropriate containers.

1.12.7 Drying
Once the circuit is completely emptied, pipeline is dried using nitrogen jets at a pressure
of 10 to 15 bar; exhaust valves are to be opened alternatively so as to concentrate the gas
flow in the various parts of the circuit.

1.12.8 Preparatory Operations, Flushing

The pickled pipe is to be assembled and erected, paying particular attention that no
contamination occurs within the circuit.
All equipment connected to the pipeline must be bypassed, using flexible piping or hoses.
All valves on valve assembly blocks are to be replaced with the relevant flushing plates.
Connect the pertinent circuit to the flushing system, consisting of:
displacement pumps,
tank with heating unit,
filter on the return circuit,
filter on the feeding circuit

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1.12.9 Flushing Operation

Proper flushing removes all solid particles within the circuit that may provoke
inconveniences during installation’s commissioning and start up operations (e.g.
excessive clogging of filter elements, defective valve operations, damage to packing, etc.).
The fluid that is used for the flushing operation will always be the same type of fluid that is
conveyed through the circuit during normal running; exception is made for grease
lubricating circuits, wherein lube oil can be used.
The circuits to be flushed are selected according to the operating features of the pumping
circuits, respecting the following parameters:

Fluid conveying speed: >6m/s

Reynolds Number: > 5000
Temperature: 60 to 70° C, (HLP mineral oil)
45 to 50° C (HFC glycol + water)
Filtering capacity, return circuit: 5µ
Minimum flushing time: until the rated filter result is achieved
4406 ISO
1638 NAS
1963 SAE

1.12.10 Pollution Analysis

To verify actual oil’s state within the circuit, a 100 cc sample shall be taken periodically.
The first sampling must occur after 8 h of flushing; other sampling, every 4 h thereafter.
The analysis may be carried out using electronic devices or the traditional method (filters
+ microscope). Treatment Limits

Class 6 1638 NAS, hydraulic systems

Class 7 1638 NAS, oil lube systems, featuring bushings
Class 7 1638 NAS, grease lube systems
Class 10 1638 NAS, traditional oil lube systems

1.12.11 Re-assembly of Circuit and Final Fill-up

After flushing medium is discharged into the appropriate storage containers, circuit is
reassembled as follows:

removal of all bypass devices,

replacement of all valves on valve assembly blocks,
hook up of supply, discharge and drainage lines,
tank fill up using flushing liquid with eventual recapping with new oil, until the fill level
is reached (intermediate 5 µ filters).

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Annexes hereto:

1) Test pressure table

2) Pollution norms, comparison table
3) Nominal diameter table
4) Viscosity comparison table

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Table # 2: PW and PT at Different Nominal Pressures (P.N.)

Maximum Admissible Operating Pressure

NP Class I Class II Class III Test Pressure

bar/g for fluids for for temperatures of 300 to 400°C bar g
considered not temperatures at and chemically very dangerous
chemically 120°C to 300°C fluids at temp. above 120°C
dangerous and and chemically
at temp. not dangerous
exceeding fluids at temp.
120°C below 120°C
Flange Pipe
1 1 1 -- -- 2
(2) 2 1.6 -- -- 4
2.5 2.5 2 -- -- 4
3.2 3.2 2.5 -- -- 5
4 4 3.2 3.2 2.5 7
(5) 5 4 4 3.2 8
6 6 5 5 4 10
8 8 6-4 6.4 5 13
10 10 8 8 6.4 16
(12.5) 12.5 10 10 8 20
16 16 13 13 10 25
(20) 20 16 16 13 32
25 25 20 20 16 40
(32) 32 25 25 20 50
40 40 32 32 25 60
(50) 50 40 40 32 75
64 64 50 40 40 95
(80) 80 64 50 50 120
100 100 80 64 64 150
125 125 100 80 80 190
160 160 125 100 100 240
200 200 160 125 125 300

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Table # 3: Contamination Comparison Norms

4406 10 µ / cm³ mg / l A (1967) (1964) (1963)
RP 70 H
26 / 23 140,000 1,000 -- -- --
25 / 23 85,000 -- 1,000 -- --
23 / 20 14,000 100 700 -- --
21 / 18 4,500 -- -- 12 --
20 / 18 2,400 -- 500 -- --
20 / 17 2,300 -- -- 11 --
20 / 16 1,400 10 -- -- --
19 / 16 1,200 -- -- 10 --
18 / 15 580 -- -- 9 6
17 / 14 280 -- 300 8 5
16 / 13 140 1 -- 7 4
15 / 12 70 -- -- 6 3
14 / 12 40 -- 200 -- --
14 / 11 35 -- -- 5 2
13 / 10 14 0.1 -- 4 1
12 / 9 9 -- -- 3 0
18 / 8 5 -- -- 2 --
10 / 8 3 -- 100 -- --
10 / 7 2.3 -- -- 1 --
10 / 6 1.4 0.01 -- -- --
9/6 1.2 -- -- 0 --
08 / 5 0.6 -- -- 00 --
7/5 0.3 -- 50 -- --
6/3 0.14 0.001 -- -- --
5/2 0.04 -- 25 -- --
2/8 0.01 -- 10 -- --

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Table # 4: Nominal Diameter

Determined according to capacity and oil flow speed

kW / ND 0.5 m/s 1 m/s 1.5 m/s 2 m/s 3 m/s 4 m/s 5 m/s 7 m/s 8 m/s 10 m/s
8 1.5 3 4.5 6 9 12 1.5 21 24 30
10 2.3 4.6 7 9.2 14 18.4 23.2 32.4 36.8 46.4
12 3.4 6.8 10.2 13.6 20.4 27.2 34 47.6 54.4 68
15 5.3 10.6 16.9 21.2 31.8 42.4 53 74.2 74.8 106
16 6 12 16 24 36 48 60 84 96 120
20 9.5 19 28.5 38 57 76 95 133 152 190
25 15 30 45 60 90 120 150 210 240 300
32 24 48 73 96 144 192 240 336 384 490
40 36 76 114 152 226 304 380 532 608 760
50 60 120 180 240 360 480 600 840 960 1,20
65 100 200 300 400 600 800 1,00 1,400 1,600 2,000
80 150 300 450 600 900 1,200 1,500 2,100 2,400 3,000
100 240 480 720 960 1,440 1,920 2,400 3,360 3,840 4,600
125 370 740 1,110 1,480 2,220 2,960 3,700 4,180 5,920 7,400
150 540 1,080 1,620 2,160 3,240 4,320 5,400 7,560 8,640 10,600
175 750 1,500 2,250 3,000 4,500 6,000 7,500 10,500 12,000 15,000
200 950 1,900 2,850 3,800 5,700 7,600 9,500 13,300 15,200 19,000
225 1,200 2,400 3,600 4,800 7,200 9,600 12,000 16,800 19,200 24,000
250 1,470 2,940 4,420 5,880 8,820 11,760 14,700 20,580 23,520 29,400
300 2,120 4,240 6,360 8,480 12,720 16,960 21,200 29,680 33,920 42,400
350 2,890 5,780 8,670 11,560 17,340 23,120 26,900 40,460 46,240 57,800
400 3,800 7,600 11,400 15,200 22,800 30,400 38,000 53,200 60,800 76,000
450 4,760 9,520 14,280 19,040 26,560 38,080 47,600 66,640 76,160 95,200
500 5,900 11,800 17,700 23,600 35,400 47,200 59,900 82,600 94,400 116000
550 7,125 14,250 21,375 28,500 42,750 57,000 71,250 99,750 114000 142500
600 8,450 16,900 25,350 33,800 50,700 67,600 84,500 118300 135200 169000
700 11,550 23,100 34,650 46,200 69,300 92,400 115500 161700 184800 231000
800 15,750 31,500 47,250 63,000 94,500 126000 157500 220500 252000 315000
900 19,100 38,200 57,300 76,400 114600 152800 191000 267400 305600 382000
1,000 23,500 47,000 70,500 94,000 141000 188000 235000 329000 376000 470000


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Table # 5: Viscosity Ratio

Saybolt Universal
Seconds (SSU) ISO-VG CentiStoke CentiPoise*
31 2 1.0 0.876
35 3 2.5 2.19
40 5 4.2 3.68
45 5/7 5.9 5.17
50 7 7.5 6.57
55 7/10 8.8 7.71
60 10 10.5 9.20
70 10/15 13.2 11.56
80 15 15.7 13.75
90 22 18.2 15.94
100 22 20.6 18.05
150 32 32.0 28.03
200 46 43.2 37.84
300 68 65.0 56.94
400 68/100 86.0 75.34
500 100 108 94.61
750 150 162 141.91
1000 220 216 189.22
1500 320 323 282.95
2000 460 431 377.56
3000 680 648 567.65
4000 1000 862 755.11

* Centipoise are given for oil of 0.876 specific gravity. Relationship: centistokes X specific
gravity = centipoise

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APPENDIX A / to P.PRD.2.ST.001


Unless otherwise specified in the relevant plans, project specification, a first class
execution of all welded joints implicates the following:

1.1 Foreword

All pipe edges that are to be welded must be machine or flame cut and then duly
chamfered at a 37° 30’ angle, as per ANSI B. 16.25 and /or UNI 11001.

For pipes featuring the same outer diameter but different wall thickness, the inside
edge of the thicker pipe must be chamfered at a cylindrical / tapered angle of 15°,
whilst the shoulder surface must be perpendicular to pipes axis so as to obtain a
perfect correspondence of the inner diameters.

Distance between pipes to be welded must be such as to ensure a perfect

penetration, regardless of the welding process utilised.

The following distances are recommended:

Thickness Distance

° 6 mm thick, or less: 2 mm
° 7 to 22 mm: 2.5 mm
° 23 mm and over: 3 mm

All parts to be welded must be perfectly aligned with each other (admissible
alignment deviation not to exceed 20% of pipe’s wall thickness; in any case 1.5 mm,
max.), and temporarily fastened with suitable holding elements (e.g. cross bars).

All pipe edges must be thoroughly inspected for no defects prior to welding.
Eventual defects must be removed and remedied (hammered, grinding, etc.), and
where a repair is not possible, a piece of the pipe must be cut off.

Pipes should be properly and externally coupled using manual or hydraulic devices.
If pipes are somewhat of an oval shape, they must be rounded off by means of
hydraulic jacks, or similar devices, whenever possible.

Generally, pipes between welding passes should never be moved.

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Seamed pipes must be welded with seams located diametrically opposite to each

Mass conductor on pipe must consist of appropriate clamps or magnetic masses

attached to properly cleaned surfaces.

Welding build up must be ground off after first welding pass, so as to have a
perfectly smooth and even pipe surface.

Any cutting operation required on existing piping that convey flammable fluids or
oxygen must be executed using manual, electric or pneumatic pipe cutting devices
equipped with water cooling.

o Flame cutting and welding on pipes and tanks must be first

inspected and then authorised jointly by the Project Manager and
Subcontractor’s Safety Manager.

1.2 Type of Welding and Electrode Selection

Welds must be performed using the electric arc process with lined electrodes.

Inert gas welding may be used only on oxygen, hydraulic or lubricating piping.

Electrodes shall be selected as follows:

a) as per UNI 5132, steel pipes in sizes according to UNI standards;
b) as per AWS / ASTM A 233 - 58T, latest edition, steel pipes in seizes as per
ASTM standards.

Weld testing and selection of sampling probes shall be according to UNI 5132
and/or AWS - ASTM A 233 58T.

Cellulose based electrodes, if not contained in a tight container, must be dried as

per relevant manufacturer’s instructions.

All references to norms, regulations, codes, standards, documents, et al., whether

national or international, are always understood as being relevant to their latest
editions, including updating, supplements, revisions, etc.

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1.3 Welding Personnel Qualifications

Only welders who have successfully sustained a weld qualifying test for the related
types of welding conditions may be employed.

All qualifying tests shall be in accordance to UNI 4633 and 4634 and / or ASME
Code, Sec. IX.

All welders must have a qualifying license, bearing the qualification rating and their
identification number.

The Contractor reserves the right to ascertain welders’ qualification via appropriate,
direct tests.

Each welder must punch in, or mark with indelible paint, his / her identification code
besides each weld.

1.4 Welding Method

Weather conditions

No welding operation may be performed when the existing and prevalent weather
conditions in that particular area may have an influence on the welding results.

Critical weather conditions are:

° Rainfall, or particularly humid atmospheric condi tions;

° Sand storms;
° Strong wind.

With strong wind, rain or snow, or sand storms, all areas subjected to welding operations
must be properly and adequately protected.

Electrodes must be treated and stored as specified in UNI 5132 table.

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Each welding should be continuous, with no interruptions.

If this is not feasible, weld must be completed in two full passages.

With ambient temperatures in the welding area below 5° C, all the surface around this
area must be covered with a thermal plaid to avoid a too abrupt cooling effect.

When a welding procedure has been interrupted or the part is being submitted to a
second passage, all slag, scrap, etc., must be duly removed (hammering, brushing),
so as to have a perfect joining root and a continuous weld bead.

In case natural grooves or slag material are present in subsequent welding passes,
all these imperfections must be ground off, providing a perfect joining root.

All welds must be incorporated into the base metal, and bead thickness must not be
less than pipe wall thickness; welding add on must not exceed 1 + 1.5 mm.

Whenever possible, the weld should be continued inside the pipe.

Before a heat treatment process, or pre heating of weldings on joints or specials, all
openings, save one, must be duly covered to avoid draughts inside the pipe.

Oxidised welds must be brushed clean before another weld is applied.

No welding that has not received at least two weld passes may be interrupted (e.g.
at the end of the day).

On diameters exceeding 300 mm (12”), welding operations should be performed by

two welders, simultaneously.

When welding a pipe with an horizontal axis, there may be two different situations:

a) pipe may rotate around its axis,

b) pipe is blocked and therefore cannot rotate.

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a) pipe is rotated so that the weld is executed in the upper position, preferably in a
continuous manner with no interruptions, until the joint is perfectly finished.

b) weld must be started from the lowest point, proceeding towards the top until the
upper pipe generating line is reached; weld is therefore achieved in two stages.

When a pipe with vertical axis is to be welded and the weld is on an horizontal
plane, the welder must execute each single bead going around the pipe (if possible),
in order to achieve a continuous, uninterrupted welding.

When the welder goes from one bead to another, careful attention must be paid to
the above descriptions.

1.5 Pre-heating

Regardless of pipe’s thickness and in presence of humidity, the edges to be welded

must be pre heated so as to eliminate all traces of any humidity.

Pre heating is done at ≈ 70° C.

Pre heating is also required when temperatures are below 5° C.

When pipe or fitting thickness exceeds 19 mm, all pieces must be pre heated at
200° C before the first welding pass is made.
Pre heating must be repeated whenever welding operation has been interrupted or
before applying subsequent weld layers.

Gas burners are used to pre heat the parts involved.

A 300 mm wide band from the joint’s centreline must be heated to above stated

Appropriately coloured, thermal crayons, that identify the various melting

temperatures, are to be used to verify pre heating temperature.

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1.6 Heat Treatment

All welds on thickness over 19 mm must be heat treated.

Heat treatment is executed using electrical thermocouple controlled, inductive


The part submitted to heat treatment must be at least 8 times the width of the
welding beam, referred to joint’s centreline.

Generally, stress relieving temperatures are in the 600 to 650° C range, with an
approximate temperature rising gradient of 150° C + 200° C per hour.

Material must be maintained at the stress relieving temperature for 1 hour, at least,
per inch, or fraction thereof, of thickness. Minimum stress relieving time is 1 hour.

Temperature decrease gradient must not exceed 250° C per hour. This is achieved
by covering the heat treated parts with appropriate, non-flammable insulating plaids.

Flame treatment process, using annular burners must be specially concurred in

accordance to the equipment used.

Recording diagram of the heat treatment process must detail the references of the
pertinent joints and must be handed over to the contractor‘s Site Manager.

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1.7 Verifications / Checks / Controls

All welded parts must be sight checked to verify a proper execution, the continuous
state of the welding bead, absence of slag or cracks. Unless otherwise specified in
the drawings, quality level D as per standard DIN EN ISO 5817:2006-10 shall be

Unless otherwise specified, the hereafter non destructive tests and pressure tests shall be
performed on pipes conveying different fluids, with the percentages shown in the following
table. The non destructive tests here after reported can be substituted with similar
procedures for the internal quality verification. For this purpose the authorization of SMS
Group is required.

Item Fluid NP X-ray or Pressure

(bar) ultrasonic test
01 Oxygen 16-40-64 20% 100%
02 Hydrogen various 20% 100%
03 Natural gas ≥ 10 20% 100%
04 Steam ≥ 16 20% 100%
05 Water (slag removal systems) 290 100%
06 Hydrostatic lube systems 400 to 1,000 100%
07 Hydraulics - high pressure ≥ 300 100%
Hydraulics - low pressure 160 100%
08 Naphtha (Diesel oil) 16 100%
09 Oil lube systems 16 100%
10 Sea water 16 100%
11 Sludge 5-16-25-64 100%
12 Drinking water (interred piping) 6 - 16 100%
13 Demineralised water (plant network) 40 100%
14 Compressed air 8 100%
15 Nitrogen 16 100%
16 Drinking water (overhead pipes) 6 100%
17 Drainage 16 100%

X- Rays in compliance to SME norms, Code Sec. V, latest edition and standard ISO

Ultrasonic test shall be performed in compliance with standard DIN EN ISO

17640:2011-04 test level A.

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When weld defects are above admissible values, they must be appropriately
repaired or completely remade. The edges must be adequately prepared and
welded by the same welder. Thereafter new x rays will be taken.

If the percentage of defective joints with respect to the joints verified is greater than
20%, the Contractor may request a verification of all joints (100 %), and no payment
shall be due by said.

The selection of the joints that are to be verified must be made in such a manner as
to maintain an adequate supervision of all involved welding personnel.

X rays must be taken immediately at the completion of each welding; generally

within the following day from that in which the welding was carried out.

All x rays must be appropriately numbered; their position must be recorded in the
relevant register or marked on the plans or sketches, with reference to the welding
executed and checked.

X ray results are to be detailed in related protocols signed by the Subcontractor.

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1.1 Foreword

It is presumed that the various line or system components are delivered at the site already
hydraulically tested by each supplier.

Complete lines or systems can be subjected to pneumatic or hydraulic testing procedures.

Hydraulic testing may not be used for those instances where the sustaining elements are
not adequate to support a pipeline filled with water, or when the test water may leave
damaging traces to the lines or systems once the fluid that they convey is injected into

Temporary supporting elements, designed to sustain the greater weight, are allowed only
on steam conveying lines when these must be subjected to a hydraulic test.
Said supports shall be removed once the test is successfully completed.

A preliminary pneumatic test, at a max. pressure of 2.5 kg / cm², may be used on single,
non assembled tracts to ascertain if there are any leaks. All welded joints must be left
bare (unlined, non insulated, etc.) to enable proper verification during the testing

During testing, all expansion compensating devices must be properly blocked to avoid
excessive stresses produced by the testing procedure.

Special equipment or secondary line tracts that operate at a lower pressure rating than
that of the main line, must be disconnected and isolated before the tests are carried out.

1.2 Hydraulic Tests

When these tests are performed, appropriate exhaust valves must be provided at the
highest points of the lines or systems involved, so as to eliminate all air pockets when they
are filled.

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Upon successful completion of the tests, said exhaust valves will be maintained on piping
that conveys water or other liquids; if piping conveys gas, all exhaust valves must be

Hydraulic test is normally executed using normal tap water (clear, soft and clean).
All connected equipment must be thoroughly checked before the test is begun.

Dial fittings, usually located at the lowest point on the system, must be equipped with taps
in case they require replacement.

Filling must be carried out continuously, with no interruptions.

Once the test pressure is reached, the pump must be disconnected from the line,
followed with 1 hour waiting period.
If the pressure does not decrease during this period, it must be maintained for the
period prescribed in the relevant technical specification, and never less than 24 h.

If, during said waiting period, there is a pressure reduction on the dials, testing
operation must be repeated twice; thereafter the line may be considered not testable
until the cause of the leak is not established.

If, during the test and due to great thermal variations, the line’s inner pressure
exceeds the maximum rating detailed in the relevant technical specification, the line
pressure must be partially released until the initial testing values are achieved.

Upon successful completion of all testing procedures, the lines must be completely
emptied and dried (compressed air), unless they are to convey water, in which case
they may be kept filled.

1.3 Pneumatic Tests

Generally pneumatic tests are carried out using compressed air or nitrogen.
It is also possible to use the same gas that the line is to convey, as long as no hazardous
situation for the personnel involved is created thereby.
Special precautions must be taken to avoid a pressure increase of the fluid caused by
increases in temperature.
To this end, it is advisable to install safety valves, set at 1.25 of the rated test pressure
It is also strongly recommended that the same situation be created as when the line is
filled with the fluid it is designed to convey.
Before the test can be safely carried out, all connected equipment must be thoroughly
checked to verify that all connections have been correctly made.

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Pressure within the line or system must be applied gradually until half of the test value is
reached; afterwards, the pressure is increased in steps of 1/10th of the test pressure, up
to the required pressure value.

Test pressure is 1.2 the commissioning pressure on tanks, compressors or special valves,
or 90% of the yield stress value of the line or system components.

The line or system must be tested for ≈ 24 h, or for a sufficient period to verify whether
there are any leaks.

The test is considered as successfully completed, if the pressure shall be maintained at a

constant value for a period of 24 h, unless there are variations caused by differences in

At the end of the pneumatic test, all traces of soap around welding beads must be
removed (wash away with water), to ensure proper lining adherence.

1.4 Tests, Oxygen conveying Pipes

Not applicable.

1.5 Testing Methods

Testing schedule must be agreed upon between the Project Manager, the Subcontractor
and other parties who are active in the area where the tests are to be executed.

The dates and the methods of the tests shall be communicated, in writing, by the Project
Manager to the Subcontractor and to all other parties concerned, who must acknowledge
receipt thereof, in writing.
A layout plan of the areas involved in the tests shall be given to the Subcontractor and to
the other parties concerned.

When the lines under testing are filled, all personnel present in the adjacent areas must
leave and all pending works on the line must be interrupted for the whole duration of the
Appropriate warning signs, at a distance of 25 m from each other and in any case at each
sectioning point, must be posted.
Said signs shall be posted only when pneumatic tests with air, nitrogen, oxygen, etc., or
high pressure hydraulic tests are being carried out.

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Specially authorised personnel shall patrol the areas where the lines are being tested, for
the whole duration of the test, so as to prevent any unauthorised person from approaching
these potentially hazardous areas.

Due account must be made for those systems maintained operative that could be
damaged by the tests or that could constitute a potentially hazardous situation.
Nevertheless, the Project Manager may, before commencing any testing operation:

a) ascertain that all parties involved have been duly informed on the date and timing
of the tests;
b) verify the status of the line or system and its correspondence to the plans;
c & d) verify that all safety measures, warning signs included, have been duly
e) check that all unauthorised personnel have been removed from the area
involved, as well as the presence of the supervisory staff;
f) verify that all equipment has been duly and properly secured and that all
connections have been correctly made.

Once the Project Manager has ascertained the application of above and has verified that
the testing operations can be commenced, the appropriate order to begin the tests will be

All lines shall be filled, as previously specified, and the inspection of the parts being tested
will begin after 1 hour has passed from the completed filling operation.
Parts are verified for leaks. Eventual repairs or replacements are executed as specified at
4.2.1 herein. Thereafter, the lines are tested again, as detailed above.
In any case and if any leaks are found, the Subcontractor cannot repair, carry out non
destructive tests or repeat the tests without prior approval from the Project Manager.

At the end of a successful test, i.e. after lines/systems have been fully tested and no
deformations and/or no leaks have occurred, the Project Manager shall declare that the
test is satisfactorily completed.

All testing equipment and warning signs will then be removed, and the supervisory
personnel shall be released from its duties and all works in the areas involve will

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Test pressure Duration Recordings

of test
Fluid Test Fluid Op. pressure x h Elements Intervals / h
Natural gas air Pressure
Main line or 1.1 24 Temperature 1
Distribution nitrogen 1.3 24 1
Compr. air air 1.3 12 Pressure 2
or Temperature
Nitrogen nitrogen 1.3 24 Pressure 1
Steam water 1.3 48 Pressure 2
Oxygen pure nitrogen 1.3 p.e. <20 kg/cm² 24 Pressure 1
or from 1.2 p.e. 20 to 40 24 Temperature 1
pure dry air 1.1 p.e. >40 kg/cm² 24 1
Gas OFO air 1.3 24 Pressure 2
COK or Temperature
Water water 1.3 48 Pressure 4
Naphtha water 1.3 48 Pressure 2
Propane air Pressure
Main line or 1.1 24 Temperature 1
Distr. line nitrogen 1.3 24 1
Hydraulic oil water Pressure
Lubricating oil or 1.3 24 Temperature 1

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1.13 Preassembly of Machines and Components

It is due to specific erection sequences that some of the machines and components have
to be assembled before being placed on top of their foundations.
All faces machined for assembly are to be carefully cleaned from anticorrosion coatings
applied. Moreover, such faces are to be checked for damage that may have been caused
during transport. Damage or defects, if any, are to be eliminated with the aid of suitable
tools, such as files, scrapers, emery paper etc. prior to assembly.
Assembly as well as matching of machines and components will be effected in due
compliance with applicable drawings.
After preassembly, all machined faces are to be protected against corrosion by applying a
film of oil or grease thereto.

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1.14 Mounting Instructions in Drawings

Particular attention is invited to the notes and instructions given in various drawings for
field erection.
These activities are the responsibility of the erection contractor in charge of erecting
corresponding plant components.
Required tools, appliances and consumables are not included in the SMS GROUP extent
of supplies.
• Field-welded

Figure 68:

• Field-attached
• Field-drilled
• Adapted during field erection
• Exact dimension determined and adapted during field erection
• Bolted joints secured with LOCTITE
• Faces sealed with sealing compound etc.

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Heavy-Duty Cranes and Transport Facilities

For intermediate transport if necessary

Designation Number Provided Load Capacity (t)

Mobile Crane

Trailer Units


Fork Lift Trucks

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1.15 Appendix

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1.15.1 Release for Machine Grouting

Release for Machine Grouting

Area acc. to Foundation Drawing Grouting of Stone Bolts Machine Undergrouting

Grouting Material: Remarks:

Date: SMS GROUP Site Representative: Contractor:

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1.15.2 Open Package Inspection

Open Package Inspection

Package: Delivery Note No.:_________Part-Consignment No. / Package___________

Completeness / Delivery complete

Description of State and Condition: Equipment in proper State

Part Part Quantity SMS GROUP Complaints Report Field Erection No.
missing damaged


Type of Storage Package No. Additional Requirements

Outdoors Repackaging

Outdoors plus covered up Repeat Preservation Treatment

Under roof shelter

Dry room

Temperature – controlled room


Date: SMS GROUP Site Representative: Contractor:

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1.16 Aligning and Tightening Torque for Couplings

(Information given by Company FLENDER)

The couplings compensate for positional variations of the shaft ends to be connected up to the
data refer to page 152.
When aligning, keep the radial and angular misalignment of the shaft ends as small as
possible because hereby the service life of the flexible is increased under otherwise the same
operating conditions.
Alignment is to be carried out in two axial planes vertical to each other. This is possible by
means of a ruler (radial misalignment) and feeler gauge (angular misalignment) according to
the figure.
By using a dial gauge, the alignment precision can be increased.


Feeler gauge

Figure 69:

Check the tightening torque of the screws after re-establishing the

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Possible misalignments for couplings

Figure 70:

Coupling Type Axial misalignment Angular misalignment Radial misalignment Tightening torques
∆ Ka ∆ Kw ∆ Kr TA

H 140 - 180 + 1 mm 0,24 mm 0,24 mm 29 Nm

H 110 - 140 + 1 mm 0.18 mm 0.18 mm 14 Nm

H 160 - 140 + 1 mm 0.27 mm 0.27 mm 35 Nm

H 95 - 100 + 1 mm 0.15 mm 0.15 mm 10 Nm

H 110 - 140 + 1 mm 0.18 mm 0.18 mm 14 Nm

B 125 + 1 mm 0.21 mm 0.21 mm 17.5 Nm

H 95 - 100 + 1 mm 0.15 mm 0.15 mm 10 Nm

B 125 + 1 mm 0.21 mm 0.21 mm 17.5 Nm

H 140 - 180 + 1 mm 0.24 mm 0.24 mm 29 Nm

H 95 - 100 + 1 mm 0.15 mm 0.15 mm 10 Nm

H 110 - 100 + 1 mm 0.18 mm 0.18 mm 14 Nm

H 110 - 100 + 1 mm 0.18 mm 0.18 mm 14 Nm

H 225 - 180 + 1 mm 0.38 mm 0.38 mm 89 Nm

H 200 - 180 + 1 mm 0.34 mm 0.34 mm 67 Nm

H 180 - 180 + 1 mm 0.30 mm 0.30 mm 44 Nm

H 110 - 100 + 1 mm 0.18 mm 0.18 mm 14 Nm

B 125 + 1 mm 0.29 mm 0.21 mm 17.5 Nm

Angular and radial misalignments may occur at the same time.
The sum of both misalignments must not exceed the max.
permissible value of the angular or radial misalignment.
(Kw + Kr)existing ≤ ∆ Kw X Sn o ∆ Kr X Sn

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1.17 Loads on Screws (only for mech. connections)

Loads on screws
These instructions provide the possibility of rapidly determining the dimensions of the screws
with a property class of 8.8. The following factors are used to convert the pretensioning forces
and the tightening torques when the property of the screws differs from 8.8.
Materials: 5.8 = 0,47 10.9 = 1,41 12.9 = 1,69 A2-70 = 0,71.
These instructions do not apply to screws with a fine thread.
The admissible axial operating loads FA indicated in the following table consider the
fatigue of a bolted joint. If these operating loads are exceeded, the fatigue failure cannot
be assured.
The operating loads indicated in the following table refer only to the axial loads and the force
applied to the axis of the screws with an ISO metric thread at an admissible temperature that
ranges from -50°C to +300°C. The calculation assume s a fatigue of 40 N/mm2 for screws
<M20 and 33 N/mm2 for screws ≥M20. The control of the tightening of the screws that use the
torques indicated in the table and the pretightening forces is an important precondition for the
life duration of the bolted joints. The fine threads have other admissible tightening torques,
operating and pretightening forces. A highly resistant plane washer is to be installed to avoid
excessive pressures on the joint of the bodies (UNI 5719 – DIN 6916). The property classes of
10.9 and 12.9 should be used only in exceptional cases. The parts that require a controlled
pretightening must have this value indicated in the assembly drawing.

Sezione Carico di lavoro assiale ammissibile Forza di Coppia di serraggio

Dimensione vite nocciolo Admissible axial working load precarica Tightening torque
Screw dimension Stressed cross- Pretightening
FA (kN) - Lk/d
force µ=0,125)
MA (µ
d1 (mm) P As (mm2) 2 3 4 6 >6 Fv (kN) (Nm)
M 6 1 20,1 3 3 3 3 3 7 7
M 8 1,25 36,6 7 7 7 7 7 13 18
M 10 1,5 58 11 11 11 11 11 20 35
M 12 1,75 84,3 16 17 17 16 16 29 61
M 16 2 157 27 32 33 32 32 55 149
M 20 2,5 243 36 42 49 51 50 86 290
M 24 3 353 52 61 71 73 72 124 500
M 30 3,5 561 85 100 115 118 116 199 1004
M 36 4 817 124 146 168 173 170 291 1749
M 42 4,5 1121 175 206 237 239 235 401 2806
M 48 5 1473 231 273 314 315 310 529 4236
M 56 5,5 2030 299 354 408 440 432 732 6791
M 64 6 2676 384 454 583 586 574 969 10147
M 72 x 6 3463 486 575 663 768 752 1265 14689
M 80 x 6 4344 600 708 817 972 952 1597 20368
M 90 x 6 5590 782 924 1065 1260 1233 2069 29492
M100 x 6 7000 983 1161 1334 1586 1553 2605 41122
M110 x 6 8560 1153 1363 1573 1957 1915 3198 54799
M125 x 6 11800 1410 1666 1926 2477 2534 4205 80284
M140 x 6 14200 1749 2067 2390 3078 3233 5352 113326
M160 x 6 18700 2346 2773 3205 4122 4268 7073 171027

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• Final value tightening of the foundation tie rods.

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Here below you shall find a general tolerance guide for specific machine groups. It covers major
machine groups indicating the important tolerances that need to be monitored carefully.

During the erection of the machines it is necessary that strict records of the erection figures are kept
and they must be compared and judged for acceptability. It is also advisable that the customer makes
the checks independently of the erectors to ensure that figures are recorded correctly.

To assist the user in understanding the tolerance list, we define the meaning of the terms used.

• Vertical - At right angle to the plane expressed in mm / meter.

• Elevation - Height expressed in mm above zero level.

• Horizontal - Parallel to the plane or at right angle to the vertical.

• Coordinates - Used to express measurement to the axis lines in both directions of the floor

• Parallel - Being parallel to another part or to a known axis.

• Coaxial - The tolerated axis must lie within a cylinder having a diameter equal to the
given tolerance.

• Symmetrical - The central line of two axis must lie between two parallel lines symmetric to
the reference axis whose distance is equal to the given tolerance.

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Horizontal Stand

A. Stand baseplate unit

• Elevation ± 1 mm Referred to the top of the baseplate

• Horizontal ± 0.5 mm / meter Referred to the top of the baseplate
• Baseplate axis position ± 2 mm
• Baseplate pass line axis ± 1 mm

Note: Elevation of the baseplate has to checked with the elevation of the rails of the stand changing
device. This distance should have a tolerance of 0.5 mm.

B. Gear box

• Elevation ± 1 mm Referred to the top of the baseplate

• Horizontal ± 0,2 mm / meter Referred to the top of the baseplate
• Distance from the pass line ± 2 mm Referred to the coupling spindle
axis connection surface
• Position in the pass line ± 1 mm

C. Motor

• Elevation ± 1 mm Referred to the top of the baseplate

• Horizontal ± 0,2 mm / meter Referred to the top of the baseplate
• Distance from the pass line ± 2 mm Referred to the baseplate holes
• Position in the pass line ± 1 mm Referred to the baseplate holes

Vertical stand

A. Column

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Vertical ± 0,2 mm / meter Referred to the stand sliding surface
• Baseplate axis position ± 2 mm
• Baseplate pass line axis ± 1 mm

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B. Rails for stand extraction trolley

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Horizontal ± 0.5 mm / meter
• Rails distance 0 -2 mm
• Symmetrical to the stand ± 0,5 mm

Shears CVP100 and CV70

A. Shear baseplate

• Elevation ± 1 mm Referred to the top of the baseplate

• Horizontal ± 0.5 mm / meter Referred to the top of the baseplate
• Baseplate axis position ± 5 mm
• Baseplate pass line axis ± 1 mm

B. Gear box (only for CVP100)

• Elevation ± 1 mm Referred to the top of the baseplate

• Horizontal ± 0,2 mm / meter Referred to the top of the baseplate
• Position ± 1 mm Referred to the baseplate holes

For coupling assembly and alignment of gearbox and shear shafts see sheet 25.

C. Motor

• Elevation ± 1 mm Referred to the top of the baseplate

• Horizontal ± 0,2 mm / meter Referred to the top of the baseplate
• Position ± 1 mm Referred to the baseplate holes

For coupling assembly and alignment of gearbox and motor shafts see sheet 25.

D. Openable channel

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Position ± 1 mm

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Shear CVP50

A. Shear baseplate

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Horizontal ± 0.5 mm / meter
• Baseplate axis position ± 5 mm
• Baseplate pass line axis ± 1 mm

B. Openable channel

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Position ± 1 mm

Shear Pinch Roll TRO350

A. Pinch roll

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Horizontal ± 1 mm / meter
• Baseplate axis position ± 5 mm
• Baseplate pass line axis ± 1 mm

Stand changing device

A. Rails

• Elevation ± 0,5 mm
• Horizontal ± 0.5 mm / meter
• Rails distance 0 -2 mm

Note: Elevation of the rails has to be checked with the elevation of the baseplate of the
horizontal stand or the elevation of the rails of the vertical stand . This distance should have a
tolerance of ± 0.5 mm.

B. Hydraulic Cylinders Supports

• Elevation ± 0,5 mm see note

• Axis position ± 0,5 mm see note

Note: The hydraulic cylinders and supports must be positioned and aligned with the respective
stand changing car. This changing car should be set in the changing position which should be
aligned with the stand baseplate.

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Roller tables

A. Rolls

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Horizontal roll to roll ± 0,5 mm
• Coordinates ± 1 mm

Chain transfer

A. Driven shafts

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Coaxial 0.05 mm
• Coordinates ± 1 mm

Note: For coupling assembly and alignment of gearbox and motor shafts see sheet 25.

B. Lifting shafts

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Coordinates ± 1 mm

Loopers and Conveying Troughs

A. Driven shafts

• Elevation ± 1 mm
• Coordinates ± 2 mm

Shafts alignment for coupling assembly

• Coaxial 0.05 mm
• Parallel 0.05 mm

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01. Charging grid

Main Frames

• Rails elevation ± 3 mm Reference: design top of rail.

Levelness of each rail < or = 1 mm/m,
measuring pitch 2,000mm
• Rails span ± 3 mm Horizontal straightness of each rail < or =
1 mm/m, measuring pitch 2,000mm
• Synchronizing device ± 1 mm Reference: (relative) roller table center
parallelism line

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01b. Chain elevator for billets

Main Frames

• Chain wheels elevation ± 2 mm Reference: design top of drive shafts.

Levelness of each wheel < or = 1 mm/m,
measuring pitch on the shaft, close to
each support

• Elevation device parallelism ± 2 mm Reference: (relative) roller table center


02. Discharging levers

• Shaft elevation ± 1 mm Reference: design shaft top level,

measured at each support. Levelness
between contiguous supports < or = 1mm
• Shaft parallelism ± 1 mm Reference: pass line, measured at each
support. Straightness between
contiguous supports < or = 1mm

03. Roller table

Main Frames

• Rolls elevation ± 1 mm Reference: rolls (double cone) top sides

• Rolls alignment ± 1 mm Reference: pass line

04. Turning device

Main Frames

• Elevation ± 1 mm Reference: pass line

• Alignment ± 1 mm Reference: pass line and perpendicular
axis (relative)

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05. Pusher (elevator entry, furnace entry, rejected billet at furnace exit)

Main Frames

• Pusher arm elevation ± 1 mm Reference: arm bottom elevation

• Parallelism ± 1 mm Reference: center of cylinder support to
pass line
• Arms span and alignment ± 2 mm Reference: pushers arms and
perpendicular axis (relative)

06. Rejected billet bench

Main Frames

• Rails elevation ± 2 mm Reference: design top of rails

• Rails offset ± 2 mm Reference: pass line

07. Rotative elevator

Main Frames

• Shaft elevation ± 1 mm Reference: design shaft top level,

measured at each support. Levelness
between contiguous supports < or =
.5 mm
• Shaft parallelism ± 1 mm Reference: roller table center line,
measured at each support. Straightness
between contiguous supports < or =
.5 mm
• Alignment ± 3 mm Reference: pass line and perpendicular

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08. Weighing device

Main Frame

• Levers elevation ± 1 mm Reference: top of levers

• Levers alignment ± 1 mm Reference: pass line


09. Scale removal

Main Frame

• Rolls elevation ± 1 mm Reference: rolls (double cone) top sides

• Alignment ± 1 mm Reference: pass line and perpendicular

axis (relative)

10. Pinch roll at stand 1 entry side

Main Frame

• Bottom roll elevation ± 1 mm Reference: roll top at pass line

• Alignment ± 1 mm Reference: pass line and perpendicular
axis (relative)

11. Snap shear

Main Frame

• Blade holder elevation ± 1 mm Reference: blade holder pin

• Alignment ± 1 mm Reference: pass line and perpendicular
axis (relative)

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12. Coupling alignment

• Roller table (chain coupling)

o angular misalignment .2 mm
o parallel misalignment .1 mm

• Elevator (gear coupling with tubular spacer)

o Angular misalignment .3 mm
o Parallel misalignment .3 mm

• Pinch roll at stand 1 (gear coupling with tubular spacer)

o Angular misalignment .2 mm
o Parallel misalignment.2 mm


13. Inclined ramp

• Elevation ± 2 mm Reference: pass line

• Ramps alignment ± 2 mm/± 1 mm Reference: lifting frame wheel center

(preliminary) line /perpendicular axis (charge or
discharge center line)

14. Lifting and Translation frame

• Diagonal ± 4 mm Reference: structural frame

• Elevation ± 2 mm Reference: machined surface

• Wheel/ramp alignment ± .5 mm Reference: lifting/translation wheel

• Alignment ± 3 mm/ ± 1mm Reference: furnace center line/

perpendicular axis (charge or discharge
center line)

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15. Hydraulic cylinders

Main Frames

• Elevation ± 2 mm Reference: pass line

• Axis position ± 2 mm Reference: lifting/translation frames
center line


• Before starting any assembly activity check the references regarding the plant main axis
referred to the warehouse columns; check also the general plant 0.00 reference level and
the raw level for the machines placing that should be always lower (minimum 50 mm) than
the machine placing final level.
• Verify the depth of the not feed-through corrugate pipes.
• Concerning the piping before install always the central units.
• Preset the supports for the bigger pipes and fix them with great care.
• Before install always the pipes with the larger diameter.
• Verify and coordinate the assembly with the electrical wireways passages in order to avoid
• Pay attention to the tolerances indicated for the installation of the plates fixed into the
cement for the vertical stands and check with care the alignment.
• Align the couplings of all the drive groups following the tolerances required and then
execute the grouting final cast.
• Cast the final grouting only after the final alignment of all the machines.
• We suggest to use the jack-screw for the precision levelling of some kinds of machines
(for example the finishing block).
• Standard assembly sequence: stand - gearbox - motor

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2.0 Single/Cold Function Tests

2.1 Precondition for Tests......................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Mechanical Equipment ......................................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Hydraulic Systems (Cylinders, Hydraulic Motors) .............................................................. 7

2.1.3 Pneumatic Systems (Cylinders, Pneumatic Motors) .............................................................. 8
2.1.4 Oil/Oil-Air Lube Systems ..................................................................................................... 9

2.1.5 Grease Systems ................................................................................................................ 10

2.1.6 Cooling Watre Systems ..................................................................................................... 11
2.1.7 High-Pressure Water System ............................................................................................ 12
2.2 Procedure of Tests ............................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 Sense of Rotation of Electric Motors .................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Electrical Devices such as Proximity Switches, Limit Switches, Brakes, Photocells etc. ..... 14

2.2.3 Lubrication to Lube Instructions ......................................................................................... 15

2.2.4 Nozzles, Roll Cooling, Descaling ....................................................................................... 16
2.2.5 Pass Line and Roll Gap ..................................................................................................... 17

2.2.6 Vertical Adjustment ............................................................................................................ 18

2.2.7 Adjustment of Mechanical Equipment such as Rest Bar, Mill Guides etc. .......................... 19
2.2.8 Stand Clamping ................................................................................................................. 20

2.2.9 Grease Systems, Control and Function .............................................................................. 21

2.2.10 Strokes of Hydraulic Cylinders, Lifting Speed and Cushioning ......................................... 22
2.2.11 Maintenance Unit for Compressed Air .............................................................................. 23
2.2.12 Strokes of Compressed Air Cylinders, Stroke Speed and Cushioning .............................. 24
2.2.13 Check of Pressure Limiting Valves for Compliance with Preset Pressure ........................ 25
2.2.14 Pressure Setting of Pumps .............................................................................................. 26
2.2.15 Switch Elements at Oil Tank, Fill Level Indicator, Temperature ........................................ 27
2.2.16 Filter: Differential Pressure ............................................................................................... 28
2.2.17 Oil Cooler: Water Flow ..................................................................................................... 29
2.2.18 Accumulator: Pre-Fill Pressure ......................................................................................... 30
2.2.19 Controls and Functions of the Hydraulic Systems ............................................................ 31
2.2.20 Electrical Switching Elements, Pressure Transducers, Pressure Switches ....................... 32

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2.2.21 Lubricating-Oil Compact Unit: Filter, Pressure, Temperature ........................................... 34

2.2.22 Pressure Tank: Pressure ................................................................................................. 35

2.2.23 Separator: Cup Assembly, Run-off Diameter, Temperature, Safety Device ..................... 36
2.2.24 Oil Pressure at the Consumers ........................................................................................ 37
2.2.25 Water-Inlet Alarm Device ................................................................................................. 38

2.2.26 Pneumatic Compact Unit: Filter, Pressure, Temperature ................................................. 39

2.2.27 Hydraulic Lines as to Uptightness .................................................................................... 40
2.2.28 Compressed-Air Lines as to Uptightness ......................................................................... 40

2.2.29 Water Lines as to Uptightness ......................................................................................... 40

2.2.30 Grease Lines as to Uptightness ....................................................................................... 41
2.2.31 Oil-Lubricating Lines as to Uptightness ............................................................................ 41
2.3 Certificate of Completion of Erection............................................................................... 42
2.4 Check List for Functional Tests ....................................................................................... 43
2.5 Certificate for Preliminary Acceptance Test .................................................................... 52

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2.1 Preconditions for Tests

Preparation activities should only be assigned to personnel who
has been duly trained by the contractor.
Check the motors correct direction of rotation very carefully,
keeping well away from moving parts (as guards still only partly
installed). As soon as the necessary inspections are completed,
install all the guards.

Personnel tasked with works on the machine/component must

study this manual before starting any jobs.

Any operational testing and/or calibration undertaken without

guards and/or with disabled safety features should only be done by
technicians authorised for installation procedures, adopting
temporary safety systems that are equally effective, or adding
operating procedures that provide safe working conditions.

Use appropriate PPE.

• All machine components, especially skidways, rails, rollers, rolls and piston rods are to be
carefully cleaned from remaining preservatives and other contaminations.
• All electrical functions inclusive of interlockings are to be tested by the responsible electrical
equipment supplier.
• All auxiliary media are available in a function-tested state.
• All erection work has been checked for unobjectionable completion as
for instance:
◊ tight fit of all screw joints (especially on universal joint shafts, couplings and other
rotating parts)
◊ tight fit of all pipe fastenings
◊ tight fit of all anchor bolts

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• Before activation, you need to:

◊ Check the component/machine is stable
◊ Check and ensure bolts are tight
◊ Check that components are correctly assembled;
◊ Check that the moving elements of the component/machine are rotating in the correct
◊ Check that no part of the metalwork, tools used for assembly and adjustment or other
foreign objects have been left on the machines.
◊ Check that all guard and protections are installed.
◊ Check that all warning and instruction signs are in their correct place.
◊ Check that all greasing devices are in good working order.
◊ Check that the gearboxes resting surface is level;
◊ Check the motor is level;
◊ Check the shaft-motor alignment;

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2.1.1 Mechanical Equipment

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

• The following energy carriers and utilities are available:

◊ current
◊ hydraulic medium
◊ compressed air
◊ lube oil and grease
◊ cooling water
◊ high-pressure water
• All grease/lube points to be greased/lubricated according to the lube instructions as given in
the Components Manual C.
• The mounted machine components were surveyed and a measuring protocol was drawn
• All integrated switch gears (limit switches, light barriers, level switches etc.) were installed,
cabled and their functions electrically tested.
• Release present for the electrical control system including voltage supply to motors.
• Drive couplings to be properly mounted, this work including proper alignment according to
the instructions of the manufacturer and proper filling with grease / oil in compliance with
the lube instructions as given in the Components Manual C.
• Prior to the first start of a drive motor, the latter has to be turned by hand as far as possible
or by means of mechanical aids to ensure its freedom of movement.
• In case of drives running in one sense of rotation only the rotational sense is to be checked
by a short jog control.

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2.1.2 Hydraulic Systems (Cylinders, Hydraulic Motors)

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

Check to see whether:

• tanks and pipelines are free from inadmissible contaminations
• filter inserts are free from inadmissible contaminations
• tank is filled with hydraulic oil, level indicators and monitors are in a functional state
• pipelines have been:
◊ pickled
◊ pressure-tested
◊ connections established in accordance with control circuits
◊ vented
• release is present for the electrical control including voltage supply to motors and heaters;
• the hydraulic station is ready for operation up to the individual control panels and has been
• accumulators have been filled with nitrogen

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2.1.3 Pneumatic Systems (Cylinders, Pneumatic Motors)

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

Check to see whether:

• compressed air system has been pressurized
• connecting pipelines have been:
◊ pressure-tested
◊ connections established as per control circuits
◊ free from inadmissible contaminations
• pipelines at the machines are:
◊ free from inadmissible contaminations
◊ connections have been established as per circuit diagram
• compressed air control panels are ready for operation (for instance oil atomizer filled,
pressure reducer set to operating pressure, filter free from inadmissible
contaminations )
• pipelines are free from any inadmissible humidity
• function of the automatic filter de-watering is ok
• release of electrical control

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2.1.4 Oil/Oil-Air Lube Systems

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

Check to see whether:

• cooling water is present for oil cooler
• compressed air is present for pressure tank and controller
• oil tank and pipeline system are free from inadmissible contaminations
• filter inserts are free from inadmissible contaminations
• controllers are preset to their service data
• tank is filled with lube oil, the level indicator and monitor are in a functional state
• all pressure switches, level switches etc. are set to special instructions and their functions
have been tested
• release is present for the electrical control including voltage supply to motors and heaters

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2.1.5 Grease Systems

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

Check to see whether:

• grease tank on pump is filled with grease and is free from inadmissible contaminations
• filter insert at pump is free from inadmissible contaminations
• pipeline system:
◊ free from inadmissible contaminations
◊ pressure-tested
◊ connections have been established to circuit diagram
◊ filled with grease
◊ vented
• all pressure switches, level switches etc. are set to special instructions and their functions
have been tested
• release is present for the electrical control including voltage supply to motors

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2.1.6 Cooling Water Systems

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

Check to see whether:

• cooling water is available from water treatment plant
• compressed air is available for pneumatically pilot-controlled valves
• connecting pipelines and spray headers have been:
◊ flushed and are free from inadmissible contaminations
◊ pressure-tested
◊ connections established to control circuits
◊ vented
• all movable valve elements are clean and freely movable
• filter inserts are free from inadmissible contaminations
• signal transducers preset to their service data.
• release is present for the electrical control including voltage supply to motors

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2.1.7 High-Pressure Water System

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

Check to see whether:

• water from the water treatment plant is present
• compressed air is available for pneumatically controlled valves
• connecting pipelines and spray headers have been:
◊ flushed and are free from inadmissible contaminations
◊ pressure-tested
◊ connections established as per circuit diagram
◊ vented
• all movable valve elements are clean and freely movable
• filter inserts are free from inadmissible contaminations
• signal transducers preset to their service data.
• release is present for the electrical control inclusive of voltage supply to motors

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2.2 Procedure of Tests

To perform all these checks, observe all the operating instructions
contained in this document and the preconditions for executing the

2.2.1 Sense of Rotation of Electric Motors

Visual check of sense of rotation of the electric motors.

Checks to be made:
• Sense of rotation of the electric motors after completed electrical check. The uncoupled
electric motor is to be started in secured state to suit operational conditions. If and when the
sense of rotation on the machine input shaft conforms to that of the electric motor output
shaft, the test is considered passed and completed. In case of a wrong sense of rotation the
specialist responsible for electrical matters is to be informed and a new test to be made
after corresponding measures for a rotational sense reversal have been completed.

• In case of drives with two rotational senses care will be taken to ensure that the correct
sense of rotation is allocated to the control element (for instance starting button).

When maxi- or main drives (for instance stand/reel drives) are concerned , the sense of
rotation has to be ensured by the electrical specialist including compliance of these drives
with special rules and safety instructions.

If, for technical or other reasons, the electrical drive cannot be uncoupled from the working
unit (pump, gear unit, rolls ....), the check for a proper rotational sense is to be carried out
only in inching mode, or by starting and instantaneous switch-off.

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2.2.2 Electrical Devices such as Proximity Switches, Limit Switches, Brakes,

Photocells etc.

Visual check of electrical switch elements.

Checks to be made:
• The mechanical function and, if necessary in this conjunction, the electrical function of the
electrical switch elements as stated with due consideration to the technical data contained
the set values and positions possibly indicated in the equipment arrangement drawing.

So the following items are checked for instance as far as proximity limit switches are
• correct attachment of limit switch
• passage of switch flag
• working clearance of switch flag
• presence of inadmissible impairment of the magnetic field
• switching or rather moving positions for which purpose the relevant switch points have to be
approached, if possible, and the response behavior of the switch-off device to be checked.
In case of conspicuous limit switches the function can be checked by means of a light-
emitting diode at the limit switch. Is the function not conspicuous, the proper function can be
tested in the terminal box locally or at the light-emitting diode of the centralized PLC. If this
is not possible either, the electrical specialist can check this function by making
measurements or on the display of the plant control pulpit. During testing, special care will
be taken to ensure conflict- and collision-free functioning of the transducers and sensors
with regard to their attachments.

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2.2.3 Lubrication to Lube Instructions

Visual check of lube points at the machine.

Checks to be made:
• Lubrication as per lube instructions in conjunction with the lube chart - relubricate if so

See also Manual B-00, Chapter 3.1.2.

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2.2.4 Nozzles, Roll Cooling, Descaling

Visual check of nozzles.

Checks to be made:
• Jet direction, spray angle of nozzles, proper application of nozzle jet to the part to be
sprayed, sufficient spray jet intensity and attachment of spray nozzles.

The reference values are contained in the technical data or rather equipment arrangement

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2.2.5 Pass Line and Roll Gap

Visual check of pass line

Checks to be made:
• Horizontal and vertical alignment of the machines and devices involved in the rolling

The pass line will be checked by use of a theodolite. The check will be made with reference to
the measuring points for the longitudinal and transversa axes as well as to the level marks as
determined during the design, mechanical manufacture, construction of foundations and field-
assembly. How these measurements are to be carried out in practice is described in detail in
this Erection Manual.
Visual check of roll gap
Checks to be made:
• Distance between the rolls

The roll gap will be measured through measurements of the work roll positions by means of a
position transducer at the mill stand in connection with the electrical control. In case of mill
stands without roll gap control, these measurements will take place by means of a feeler
gauge directly in the roll gap. The demanded roll gap dimension will be input at the electrical
control system.

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2.2.6 Vertical Adjustment

Visual check of the adjusting system

Checks to be made:
• Traversing stroke of top or rather bottom roll

The vertical adjustability of the top or rather bottom roll will be checked for which purpose the
respective rolls will be moved into the upper or rather bottom end position by means of the
hydraulic or mechanical vertical adjusting systems. The other end position in each case is not
allowed to be reached while the traversing stroke of the vertical adjusting system is being
performed as otherwise the top roll will contact the bottom roll and could damage same.

In case of hydraulic vertical adjusting systems, the vertical shifting stroke is checked by means
of an elector-hydraulic position control, i.e. through position measurements by position
transducer at the mill stand.

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2.2.7 Adjustment of Mechanical Equipment such as Rest Bar, Mill Guides etc.

In the mechanical equipment, adjustments and positions are visually checked.

Checks to be made:
• Set values stated in the technical data and possibly in the equipment arrangement
drawing. Part of the set values will also result from the desired rolling program (s.
respective pass schedules). The set values and positions of the mechanical equipment will
be checked for their reference value range using measuring rulers, slide gauges, feeler
gauges, test mandrels, visual or rather electronic measuring and testing devices etc.
dependent on the requirement of the respective test procedure.

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2.2.8 Stand Clamping

Both the mechanical and the hydraulic systems of the stand clamping device will be visually
Checks to be made:
• Opening and closing of the stand clamping mechanism.

The first step is to open the stand clamping device by pressurization. It will be checked if the
clamping device is fully opened and thus allows the stand housing to be shifted or rather
removed. Then, the clamping device is disconnected from the hydraulic pressure and relieved.
If existing, the other connection is then pressurized for closing the clamping device. There is to
be checked whether the clamping faces of the housing and the stand clamping device have
closed. This check can additionally be made by use of a feeler gauge. Even the thinnest feeler
gauge is not allowed to be inserted between the closed clamping faces.

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2.2.9 Grease Systems, Control and Function

Grease systems are subjected to a visual check.

No check of the pump pressure and control system is necessary in case of manually driven
grease systems.
Checks to be made:
• Overall function of the manual grease system.

When operating the grease pump, check some grease points for escape of
In case of automatic, electrically driven grease systems the electrical control system is
switched on and the automatic operation switched off for checks. Thereafter, the first half of
the greasing cycle is initiated manually.
Checks to be made:
• Pump pressure on pump pressure gauge;
• Grease distributors (visual check) for escape of grease in the connected grease points.
However, in each half greasing cycle only half of the grease points connected to a grease
distributor is greased as a function of system design.
• The limit pressure switches by disconnecting the grease pump when the set absolute
operating limit pressure is attained at the main line end or the required differential pressure
between the two main lines at the line end.
• Immediately after automatic switch-off of the grease pump through the limit pressure switch,
the system operating pressure can be read on the pressure gauge at the main line end.

After a pause of at least half an hour, the second half of the greasing cycle is started
manually. Same as in the first half of the greasing cycle, Items 1 to 4 will again be checked,
but this time for the other main line.
In grease facilities in the progressive system the check of Items 3 and 4 and of the second
half of the greasing cycle is omitted.

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2.2.10 Strokes of Hydraulic Cylinders, Lifting Speed and Cushioning

Check of technical data and set values of the hydraulic cylinders will be done visually.
Checks to be made:
• Cylinder stroke by approaching the two cylinder end positions by means of the switched-on
hydraulic control. In both end positions the extension length of the piston rod is measured
by use of a measuring ruler. The difference between the values results in the cylinder
stroke. Due to the machine design it is not possible to move all hydraulic cylinders into their
stroke end positions. In these cases it is not necessary to check the cylinder stroke.
• Stroke speed. It is calculated from the time for one cylinder stroke and the length of the
cylinder stroke. The time needed to perform a cylinder stroke is measured by means of a
stop watch.
• End position damping will be checked visually. The reduction of the stroke speed in the
cylinder end positions is distinctly recognizable with correct setting of the damping.

The reference values are indicated in the technical data or rather equipment arrangement

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2.2.11 Maintenance Unit for Compressed Air

Visual check of maintenance unit for compressed air.

Checks to be made:
• Operating pressure according to technical data or rather system diagram. The operating
pressure is read on the pressure gauge. If this pressure is not within the reference value
range it can be corrected by setting the compressed air reducing valve.
• Filter contamination and water separation can be checked after shutoff of the compressed-
air feed and the opening of the filter.
• Oil metering in oiler. The number of drops must be set such that about one drop of oil per
minute is dispensed. The right oil volume can be checked in that one piece of clean white
paper is held against the vent port of a way valve for the duration of 3 to 4 switch cycles.
The silencer is to be removed for this purpose. The paper must then feature a slight

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2.2.12 Strokes of Compressed Air Cylinders, Stroke Speed and Cushioning

Checking of technical data and set values of the pneumatic cylinders is visual.
Checks to be made:
• Cylinder stroke by approaching both cylinder end positions by means of the switched-on
pneumatic control. In both end positions the extension length of the piston rod will be
measured by use of a measuring ruler. The difference between the values produces the
cylinder stroke. Due to the machine design it is not possible to move all pneumatic cylinders
into their stroke end positions. In these cases, the cylinder stroke need not be checked.
• Stroke speed. It is calculated from the time for one cylinder stroke and the length of the
cylinder stroke. The time needed to perform a cylinder stroke is measured using a stop
• End position damping will be checked visually. The reduction of the stroke speed in the
cylinder end positions is distinctly recognizable with correct setting of the damping.

The reference values are indicated in the technical data or rather product arrangement

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2.2.13 Check of Pressure Limiting Valves for Compliance with Preset Pressure

Visual check of the opening pressure set on the pressure limiting valve
(safety valve).
Checks to be made:
• At which oil pressure in the hydraulic system or rather in the lube-oil recirculation system
the pressure limiting valve opens. The pressure reference value is stated in the technical
data or rather system diagram.
• A deviating pressure set value might be determined and set during trial operation and later
during commissioning in order to adapt the opening pressure to the operating conditions of
the hydraulic system or rather the lube-oil recirculation system.
• It is reasonable to check the opening pressure on an appropriate test stand. If there is none
this test can also be carried out by a short-time increase of the system operating pressure.

For checking the opening pressure at the pressure limiting valve, a pressure measuring
instrument featuring an appropriate measuring range is connected to the corresponding test-
point connection by means of a hose with Test-point coupling.
Then, the pump of the hydraulic system or rather the lube-oil recirculation system is switched
on through the electrical control system. On this, the set system operating pressure can be
read on the pressure measuring instrument and recorded.
To assess the set opening pressure of the pressure limiting valve, the previously read and
recorded system operating pressure = pump pressure is slowly and cautiously increased by
raising the operating pressure setting for the pump until the pressure limiting valve opens.
In so doing care has to be taken to ensure that the max. admissible operating pressure of all
incorporated hydraulic devices and pipelines will not be exceeded to avoid damage to the
hydraulic system.
The opening of the pressure limiting valve is audibly distinguished by flowing noises since
opening is accompanied by heavy noise emission. Moreover, valve opening is recognized by
the fact that the pressure indicated by the pressure meter does not increase any further
despite rising of the operating pressure setting for the pump.
Now, the pressure setting of the pressure limiting valve on the pressure meter can be read and
Prior to disconnecting the hydraulic system or rather the lube-oil recirculation system, the
system operating pressure has to be reset to the normal operating pressure assessed at the
commencement of the measurements.

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2.2.14 Pressure Setting of Pumps

Visual check of pressure setting at the pressure-controlled main pumps.

Checks to be made:
• Operating pressure in hydraulic system

The operating pressure reference value is indicated in the technical data or rather system
A deviating pressure set value might be determined and set during trial operation and later
during commissioning in order to adapt the operating pressure to the operating conditions of
the hydraulic system.
For checking the operating pressure in the hydraulic system a pressure measuring instrument
featuring an appropriate measuring range is first connected to the corresponding test-point
connection by means of a hose with test-point coupling.
Then, the hydraulic system pump is connected with the electrical control system. On this, the
set operating pressure = pump pressure will be read on the pressure measuring instrument
and recorded.

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2.2.15 Switch Elements at Oil Tank, Fill Level Indicator, Temperature

Visual check of electrical switch elements.

Checks to be made:
• The mechanical function and, if necessary in this conjunction, the electrical function of the
electrical switch elements as stated with due consideration to the technical data contained
the set values and positions possibly indicated in the equipment arrangement drawing.

For this purpose the relevant switch points have to be approached, if possible, and the
response behavior of the switch-off device to be checked. In case of conspicuous switches the
function can be checked by means of a light-emitting diode at the switch. If the function is not
conspicuous, the proper function can be tested in the terminal box locally or at the light-
emitting diode of the centralized PLC. If this is not possible either, the electrical specialist can
check this function by making measurements or on the display of the plant control pulpit.
During testing, special care will be taken to ensure conflict- and collision-free functioning of the
transducers and sensors with regard their attachments.

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2.2.16 Filter: Differential Pressure

Visual check of differential pressure at filter.

Checks to be made:
• Filter contamination by check of the electrical differential pressure switch or a mechanical
clog-up indicator at the filter casing.

For the purpose of checking the differential pressure, the respective system with the
associated pump is switched on via the electrical control system. On response or changeover
of the electrical differential pressure switch (pilot lamp) or if and when the indicator is within the
“red range” in case of mechanical clog-up indication, it will be necessary to clean or change
the filter. If duplex filters are used, change-over to the other filter cartridge can be made.

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2.2.17 Oil Cooler: Water Flow

Check by sensor of the water flow in the oil cooler.

Checks to be made:
• Water flow in oil cooler.

For the purpose of checking the water flow, the cooling water system and the hydraulic system
with its associated pumps have to be connected via the electrical control system.
When the hydraulic system has reached its operating temperature, the cooling water feed to
the oil cooler will be opened via the electrical control system either automatically or manually.
For water flow checking, the temperature will then be measured outside at the cooling water
lines by use of a contact thermometer or even by hand.
If and when the temperature of the cooling water return line is distinctly higher than the
temperature of the cooling water feed line, water flow is ensured.
If the operating temperature in the hydraulic system has not been attained, a screw joint in the
cooling water return line of the oil cooler can be somewhat slackened cautiously as an
alternative to check the water flow. If cooling water escapes under pressure, water flow is

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2.2.18 Accumulator: Pre-Fill Pressure

Visual check of the nitrogen pre-fill pressure in the accumulator.

Checks to be made:
• Nitrogen pressure in the hydraulic accumulator relieved by the hydraulic system service

To check the nitrogen pre-fill pressure the first step is to close the oil-pressure-side shutoff
valve at the safety shutoff block whereupon the oil pressure relief valve will be opened at the
safety shutoff block. Now, the accumulator oil side is discharged by the leak oil line in the tank.
On this, the accumulator fill and test device on top at the nitrogen connection of the
accumulator is connected. Now, the pre-fill pressure can be read at the pressure meter of the
fill and test device and compared with the reference value in the technical data or rather the
system diagram. If necessary, the pressure can also be corrected using the fill and test device
by refilling or discharging nitrogen.

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2.2.19 Controls and Functions of the Hydraulic Systems

Visual and/or electromechanical function checks of the solenoid valves and/or the proportional
valves and servo valves.
Checks to be made:
• Way valves: the alternating stroke movements of the respective hydraulic cylinder.
Proportional valves and/or servo valves: the stroke speed and/or the position control of the
respective cylinder.

It is convenient, however, to check the hydraulic valves on a suitable test stand. If no such
stand is available, the hydraulic valves can be checked in installed state, too.
For checking the way valves, the hydraulic system is cut on with its pump via the electrical
control. Then the way valve to be checked is actuated manually under special observance of
the safety instructions via the electrical control and monitored to test the alternating stroke
movement of the associated hydraulic cylinder.
If the function of a valve is not selectable separately, appropriate aids are to be used for
triggering, as a substitute even hand operation of the valve.
The hydraulic system is cut on with its pump via the electrical control likewise for checking the
proportional valves and servo valves.
As regards those valves that control the cylinder stroke speed, cylinder strokes are manually
performed via the electrical control under special observance of the safety instructions. For
checking, the stroke speed of the hydraulic cylinder is monitored by means of a stopwatch.
The stroke speed is calculated from the time needed for one cylinder stroke and the length of
the latter.
In case of valves which cause a position control, the position actual value is measured, when
the position control has been cut on, by use of suitable electronic and/or visual measuring
facilities, and is for checking compared with the demanded set point and/or nominal value.
The stroke speed or the position set point is indicated in the Technical Data, in the Equipment
Arrangement Drawing and/or in the Plant Layout and may also depend on the selected
production program.
During trial operation and later during start-up, yet possibly deviating valve setting values have
been and/or will be fixed and set in order to tune the valves to the operating conditions of the
hydraulic system.

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2.2.20 Electrical Switching Elements, Pressure Transducers, Pressure Switches

Visual check of electrical switching elements.

Checks to be made:
• The mechanical function and, if necessary in this connection, the electrical function of the
electrical switching elements as stated with due consideration to the technical data,
contained the set values and possibly indicated in the equipment arrangement drawing.

To this end, the relevant switching points are, if possible, to be approached and the response
of the cut-off equipment to be tested. As regards observable switches, the function can be
checked by means of the LED on the switch. Should the function not be observable, the
proper function can be tested in the terminal box locally or at the LED of the centralized PLC. If
this fails to be possible as well, then the person in charge of the electrics may check that
function by way of measurement or on the display of the plant control. Particular attention
should be paid to conflict- and collision-free function of the transducer and sensor attachment.
In case of pressure switches for example, the following features are checked:
• the correct fixture of the pressure switch
• the switching-pressure presetting
• the tightness against the escape of media
• the pressure switching points

A check is made as to the oil pressure in the hydraulic system at which the pressure switch will
be operative. The pressure set point is stated in the Technical Data and/or in the Plant Layout.
During trial operation and later during start-up, a yet possibly deviating pressure setting value
will be fixed and set in order to tune the pressure switching points to the operating conditions
of the hydraulic system.
It is convenient to check the pressure switches on a suitable test stand. If no such stand is
available, the check can also take place through short-time boosting of the operating pressure
of the system.
For checking the pressure switching points at the pressure switch, a pressure measuring
device with a suitable measuring range is connected by means of a hose with test-point
coupling to the corresponding test-point connection.
Following this, the pump of the hydraulic system is cut on with the electrical control.
Thereafter, the set operating pressure of the system may be read at the pressure measuring
device and recorded.
So as to establish the set pressure switching points of the pressure switch, the previously read
and recorded system operating pressure = pump pressure is slowly and carefully increased by
way of raising the operating-pressure setting for the pump until the pressure switch has
become operative.
When doing so, it is to be observed that the admissible maximum operating pressure of all
installed hydraulic devices and pipelines will not be exceeded to avoid damage to the hydraulic

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Now the switching-pressure setting of the pressure switch can be read and recorded at the
pressure measuring device.
The operating pressure of the system has, prior to cutting-off of the hydraulic system, to be
reset to the regular operating pressure determinate at commencement of the measurements.

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2.2.21 Lubricating-Oil Compact Unit: Filter, Pressure, Temperature

Visual check of filter, pressure and temperature of the compact unit

(lube-oil recirculation system).
Checks to be made:
• The contamination inside the filter of the compact unit.
• Also see the check: Filter: Differential pressure.
• The operating pressure in the lubricating-oil circulation system.
• The pressure set point is indicated in the Technical Data and/or in the
Plant Layout.

During trial operation and later during start-up, a yet possibly deviating pressure setting value
will be fixed and set in order to tune the operating pressure to the operating conditions of the
machines (consumers).
Measurements of the operating pressure in the lube-oil recirculation system are effected by
the firmly integrated operating pressure measuring system of the lube-oil recirculation system.
For checking, the lube-oil recirculation system with its pump is switched on through the
electrical control system whereupon the system operating pressure can be read on the
pressure-measuring device, and recorded.
If there is no such firmly integrated pressure measuring device available at the lube-oil
recirculation system, a pressure measuring device with a suitable measuring range is, for
checking of the operating pressure in the lube-oil recirculation system, connected to the
corresponding test-point connection by means of a hose with test-point coupling and the
operating pressure read thereon.
• The operating temperature of the lube-oil recirculation system.
• The temperature set point is stated in the Technical Data and/or in the Plant Layout. For
checking the operating temperature of the lubricating-oil circulation system, the system with
its pump is cut on via the electrical control and the temperature measured at the outside of
the oil-tank wall after lapse of several hours of oil circulation by use of a contact-type
thermometer. Should the lubricating-oil circulation system avail of a firmly installed
temperature measuring device, the operating temperature can also be read there.

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2.2.22 Pressure Tank: Pressure

Visual check of the pressure in the pressure tank.

Checks to be made:
• The oil pressure in the pressure tank of the lubricating-oil circulation system when having
been cut on.
• The pressure set point is indicated in the Technical Data and/or in the Plant Layout.

During trial operation and later during start-up, a yet possibly deviating pressure setting value
will be fixed and set in order to tune the operating pressure of the pressure tank to the
operating conditions of the machines (consumers).
Measurements of the operating pressure in the pressure tank of the lube-oil recirculation
system are effected by the firmly integrated operating pressure measuring system at the
pressure tank.
For checking, the lube-oil recirculation system with its pump is switched on through the
electrical control system whereupon the operating pressure in the pressure tank can be read
on the pressure-measuring device, and recorded.
If there is no such firmly integrated pressure measuring device available at the pressure tank,
a pressure measuring device with a suitable measuring range is, for checking of the operating
pressure in the pressure tank, connected to the corresponding test-point connection by means
of a hose with test-point coupling, and the operating pressure in the pressure tank read

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2.2.23 Separator: Cup Assembly, Run-off Diameter, Temperature, Safety Device

Visual check of the separator.

Checks to be made:
• The faultless mounting of the cup assembly and its balancing.

To check the cup assembly, the hood of the drum is opened and the correct installation as
well as the visual condition of the cup assembly are inspected in accordance with the
Operating and Maintenance Instruction. Following this, the hood must be reclosed carefully.

For checking the balancing, the separator is cut on via the electrical control and examined
as to vibrations. Should abnormal vibrations or noises occur, the machine is to be cut off at

• The temperature of the oil feed as well as the temperature between flow-heater and
separator drum.

The heating and the oil feed to the flow-heater are cut on to check the temperature of the oil
feed. The separator drum has to be switched on previously.

For checking the temperature of the oil feed, the temperature is then measured at the
outside of the oil feed pipe to the separator, either by use of a contact-type thermometer.
Should a firmly installed temperature measuring device be available at the flow-heater, the
temperature of the oil feed to the separator can also be read there. The reference value of
the separating temperature is about 90° C - 100° C. Attention: risk of burning!

• The brake as a safety device.

For checking the brake, the separator is cut on via the electrical control and cut off as soon
as the operating speed has been achieved. The brake is applied immediately upon cutting-
off of the separator. When the brake is operating properly, the run-out time of the drum will
be intensely shortened, thus passing the critical speed of the drum faster.

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2.2.24 Oil Pressure at the Consumers

Visual check of the operating pressure at the machines (consumers).

Checks to be made:
• The operating pressure of the lubricating-oil circulation system at the machines

The pressure set point is indicated in the Technical Data and/or in the Plant Layout.

During trial operation and later during start-up, a yet possibly deviating pressure set point will
be fixed and set in order to tune the operating pressure to the operating conditions of the
machine (consumers).
Measurements of the operating pressure at the machine (consumers) are effected by the
firmly integrated pressure measuring system at the machine (consumers).
For checking, the lube-oil recirculation system with its pump is switched on through the
electrical control system whereupon the operating pressure at the machine (consumers) can
be read on the pressure-measuring device, and recorded.
If there is no such firmly integrated pressure measuring device available at the machine
(consumers), a pressure measuring device with a suitable measuring range is, for checking of
the operating pressure at the machine (consumers), connected to the corresponding test-point
connection by means of a hose with test-point coupling, and the operating pressure read

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2.2.25 Water-Inlet Alarm Device

Visual check of the electrical switching elements of the water-inlet alarm device.
Checks to be made:
• The mechanical function and, if necessary in this connection, the electrical function of the
electrical switching elements as stated with due consideration to the technical data,
contained the set values and possibly indicated in the equipment arrangement drawing.

To this end, the relevant switching points are, if possible, to be approached and the response
of the cut-off equipment to be tested. As regards observable switches, the function can be
checked by means of the LED on the switch. Should the function not be observable, the
proper function can be tested in the terminal box locally or at the LED of the centralized PLC. If
this fails to be possible as well, then the person in charge of the electrics may check that
function by way of measurement or on the display of the plant control. Particular attention
should be paid to conflict- and collision-free function of the transducer and sensor attachment.

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2.2.26 Pneumatic Compact Unit: Filter, Pressure, Temperature

Visual Check of filter, pressure and temperature of the compact unit.

Checks to be made:
• The contamination inside the filter of the compact unit.
Also see the check: Filter: Differential Pressure.
• The operating pressure of the pneumatic system.

The pressure set point is indicated in the Technical Data and/or in the Plant Layout.

During trial operation and later during start-up, a yet possibly deviating pressure setting value
will be fixed and set in order to tune the operating pressure to the operating conditions of the
pneumatic system.
For checking the operating pressure in the pneumatic system, a pressure measuring device
with a suitable measuring range is connected by means of a hose with test-point coupling to
the corresponding test-point connection.
Following this, the pneumatic system with its compressor is cut on via the electrical control.
Thereafter, the operating pressure of the system may be read at the pressure measuring
device and recorded.
Since the compact unit avails of a firmly installed pressure measuring device, the operating
pressure can also be read there.

• The compressed-air temperature of the pneumatic unit.

• A maximum temperature figure might be specified in the Technical Data and/or in the Plant
Layout. For checking the temperature of the pneumatic unit, the system with its compressor
is cut on via the electrical control and the temperature measured at the outside of the wall
of the compressed-air accumulator after lapse of several hours either by use of a contact-
type thermometer or by hand. Should the compressed-air accumulator avail of a firmly
installed temperature measuring device, the temperature can also be read there.

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2.2.27 Hydraulic Lines as to Uptightness

Visual check of the hydraulic pipelines.

Checks to be made:
• As to any escape of hydraulic oil.

For this purpose, the oil-filled and vented hydraulic-oil lines are pressurized with operating
pressure through switch-on of the pump. Weld seams, screw joints and connections to pumps,
hydraulic cylinders and control elements are especially critical locations.

2.2.28 Compressed-Air Lines as to Uptightness

Acoustical check of the compressed-air lines.

Checks to be made:
• As to inadmissible escape of compressed air.

Unright locations can be recognized by a sizzling noise. To this end, the compressed-air lines
are pressurized. Weld seams, screw joints and connections to pneumatic cylinders and control
elements are especially critical locations.

2.2.29 Water Lines as to Uptightness

Visual check of the water pipelines.

Checks to be made:
• As to inadmissible escape of water.

To this end, the water-filled and vented water lines are pressurized through switch-on of the
pump. Weld seams, screw joints and connections to nozzles and control elements are
especially critical locations.

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2.2.30 Grease Lines as to Uptightness

Visual check of the grease pipelines.

Checks to be made:
• As to inadmissible escape of grease.

To this end, the grease-filled and vented grease lines are pressurized through switch-on of the
pump. Screw joints and connections to grease metering blocks and control elements are
especially critical locations.
Also see the test features: Grease Systems, Control and Function.

2.2.31 Oil-Lubricating Lines as to Uptightness

Visual check of the oil-lubricating pipelines.

Checks to be made:
• As to inadmissible escape of lubricating oil.

To this end, the oil-filled and vented oil-lubricating lines are pressurized through switch-on of the pump.
Weld seams, screw joints and connections to control elements are especially critical locations.

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2.3 Certificate of Completion of Erection

Certificate of Completion of Erection

Contract Item/Equipment Designation/ Drawing-No. Remarks

Functional Unit

Confirmation: It is hereby confirmed that above-mentioned equipment/functional units have been

completely delivered and installed in line with associated drawings, documents and contract-

Date: Purchaser / Inspector: Seller:

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2.4 Check List for Functional Tests

Check List for Functional Tests

Mechanical Equipment

Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Lubrication to lube instructions

Electrical motors sense of rotation

Strokes of hydraulic cylinders, stroke rates

and cushioning
Strokes of compressed air cylinders, stroke
rates and cushioning
Compressed air unit
Electrical facilities such as proximity
switches, limit switches, brakes, photocells,
Hydraulic pipelines for leak test
Compressed air lines for leak test
Water lines for leak test
Grease lines for leak test
Lube oil lines for leak test
Nozzles, roll cooling, etc.

Notes: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

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Check List for Functional Tests

Mill Stand
Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Lubrication to lube instructions

Electrical motors sense of rotation
Passline and roll gap
Radial screwdown
Vertical adjustment
Strokes of hydraulic cylinders, stroke rates
and cushioning
Strokes of compressed air cylinders, stroke
rates and cushioning
Compressed air unit
Electrical facilities such as proximity
switches, limit switches, brakes, photocells,
Hydraulic pipelines for leakage
Compressed air lines for leakage
Water lines for leakage
Grease lines for leakage
Lube oil lines for leakage
Nozzles for descaler box, roll cooling,etc.
Adjustment of mechanical equipment such
as restbars, mill guides, etc.
Basic adjustment of spindle chairs
Stand and roll clamping

Notes: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

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Check List for Functional Tests

Hydraulic Equipment

Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Electrical motors sense of rotation

Pressure limiting valves for specified
Pump pressure setting
Switching elements on oil tank:
Level indication
Differential pressure
Oil cooler:
Water flow volume
Pre-charge pressure
Controls and functions
Hydraulic lines for leakage
Water lines for leakage
Electrical switching elements:
Pressure transducer
Pressure switch
Position transducer
Limit switch
Water alarm
Water ingress alarmer device

Note: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

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Check List for Functional Tests

Oil Lubrication System

Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Electrical motors sense of rotation

Lube oil lines for leakage
Compressed air lines for leakage
Water lines for leakage
Switching elements on oil tank:
Level indication
Compact unit:
Pressure tank:
Compressed air for instruments
Plate pack, outgoing dia
Safety facilities
Oil pressure at consumers
Water ingress alarm device

Note: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

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Tests and Commissioning 2.0 47

Check List for Functional Tests

Pneumatic System

Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Compressed air lines for leakage

Compressed air unit:


Note: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

Date: Buyer: Seller:

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Tests and Commissioning 2.0 48

Check List for Functional Tests

Grease Equipment

Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Electrical motors sense of rotation

Pressure limiting valves for specified
Pump pressure setting
Switching elements on tank:
Level indication

Controls and functions

Grease lines for leakage

Note: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

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Tests and Commissioning 2.0 49

Check List for Functional Tests


Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Hydraulic pipelines for leakage

Compressed air lines for leakage
Water lines for leakage
Grease lines for leakage
Lube oil lines for leakage

Note: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

Date: Buyer: Seller:

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Tests and Commissioning 2.0 50

Check List for Functional Tests

Water Pumps

Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Lubrication to lube instructions

Electrical motors sense of rotation

Electrical facilities such as proximity

switches, limit switches, brakes, photocells,

Water lines for leakage

Note: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

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Check List for Functional Tests

Item No.: Equipment:

CHECK yes not appl. Remarks

Note: Technical Data see “Manual - B”.

Date: Buyer: Seller:

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Tests and Commissioning 2.0 52

2.5 Certificate for Preliminary Acceptance Test

Certificate for Preliminary Acceptance Test

Contract Item/Equipment Designation/ Drawing-No. Remarks

Functional Unit


Confirmation: This is to confirm that above mentioned equipment/functional units were

completely supplied, installed and tested in accordance with the Contract .

Date: Purchaser / Inspector: Seller:

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 2

3.0 General Instruction for Cold Commissioning & No-Load Tests

3.1 Preconditions for Commissioning ..................................................................................... 3
3.2 General Instructions for Commissioning .......................................................................... 5
3.2.1 Mechanical Equipment ......................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Hydraulic Systems ............................................................................................................... 7
3.2.3 Pneumatic Systems ........................................................................................................... 13

3.2.4 Lube Oil and Oil-Air Systems ............................................................................................ 14

3.3 Procedure for Cold Commissioning/No-Load Tests ...................................................... 16

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 3

3.1 Preconditions for Commissioning

In compliance with current safety regulations, only personnel
involved in assembly or erection works is admitted to the site
before the commencement of no-load (cold) tests. The safety
instructions in Volumes A, B, C, D, E, as well as all applicable local
safety and accident prevention rules must be strictly observed
when executing any works.

Check the motors correct direction of rotation very carefully,

keeping well away from moving parts (as guards are still partly
installed). As soon as the necessary inspections are completed,
install all the guards.

Personnel tasked with works on the machine/component must have

read and understood this manual before starting any jobs.

Any operational testing and/or calibration undertaken without

guards and/or with disabled safety features should only be done by
technicians authorised for installation procedures, adopting
temporary safety systems that are equally effective or adding
operating procedures that provide sufficiently safe working

Completion of No-Load Tests

The most essential preconditions for commissioning and sub-sequent smooth operation of
the mill are most careful performance of the no-load tests for all of the products and
completion of all assembly and/or erection work.

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The first step is to start up all central lubrication systems and to make sure that all manually
served lube points have been adequately fed with lubricant.

Interlocking Conditions
Before cutting in any of the motors, all interlocking conditions against lube oil starvation and
potential damage to or destruction of any of the machines must be effective.

Cutting-in of Motors
After cutting in, all of the drive motors should be allowed to operate in their lower speed
range for a certain time and only then be gradually accelerated to maximum operating

Functional State of Electrics

Once the motors have been accelerated to full speed over their entire speed range, full
functional ability of the electrical equipment can be tested, especially of main drive and DC
auxiliary drive controls.

Conditions for Starting

Besides the steps previously mentioned, the following conditions must be satisfied before
commencing hot commissioning (on-load commissioning):

− Trained personnel only have been assigned to their job areas throughout the mill
− Roll grooves have been set in strict conformity with the applicable roll pass design
− All mill guides have been correctly adjusted
− Tools such as hammers, crowbars, wrenches, ratchets, transport facilities, hand
torches etc. are available in sufficient quantities
− Tongs for transporting test pieces as well as hook chains, ring chains and ropes are
available in adequate quantities
− All rolls have been cleaned from preservation agents and grease
− All auxiliary drives and all main drives have been correctly adjusted
− Spare parts, especially rolls and mill guides, are available in sufficient number
− Centralized lubrication and hydraulic systems are at operating temperature

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3.2 General Instructions for Commissioning

3.2.1 Mechanical Equipment

Prior to commencement of any of the no-load tests, checks must be made to confirm
unobjectionable completion of erection and maintenance work, for instance:

• Have all switching elements (limit switches, rotary cam switches, light barriers, level
switches etc.) been set such that they will act in the positions as required to thereby
interlock or release other functions?

• Have all bolted joints on flanges, pipe attachments, especially universal shafts,
couplings and other moving elements and anchoring been duly tightened down?

• Have machine components, especially skid ways, rails, rollers and rolls as well as
piston rods been carefully cleaned from preservation agent residues and impurities?

• Have all lube points been checked to see that lubricant has been provided in adequate
amount? If not so, regreasing has to be effected in accordance with applicable
Lubricating Instructions.

Note: Particular care will be taken to ensure that antifriction

bearings will not be over greased since excessive grease will
result in overheating and potential failure of the bearings.

• Pillow block bearings are to be opened up and filled with the appropriate amount of

Central lubrication systems are to be checked for unobjectionable functional performance in

accordance with the instructions given by the supplier company (Components Manual C).
Drive sense of rotation will be checked by momentary jogging under load.

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Oil Changes:
Oil contained in splash-lubricated gearboxes will be changed in accordance with
manufacturers' maintenance instructions, see Components Manual C.

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3.2.2 Hydraulic Systems

Instructions to make hydraulic drives ready for operation

Operations described are left to authorised qualified personnel.

Do not perform operations on your own initiative if they are not

within your responsibility.

Use the appropriate PPE.

Startup of Pump Station


- Erection/assembly inclusive of piping has been completed

- Electric control system has been released including power feed to motors, heating
system etc.

Following Activities and/or Instructions/Checks will be Carried Out:

- Check electric system conduits for compliance with cable and terminal plans

- Clean tank and pipelines

- Fill hydraulic fluid into tank making sure that the specified level will not be exceeded

- Open tank shutoff valve and evacuate air from suction line

- Fill each pump with hydraulic oil externally through leak oil connection

- Check pressure controller and pressure relief valve settings

Note: Set pressure as low as acceptable.

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- Check switching positions of all hand-operated valves

- Check to see that interconnecting pipelines have been connected in compliance with
the applicable control diagram

- Check motor sense of rotation by momentary starting of each motor

- Measure and test incoming electric control signals to valves

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- Check switching functions of all electrically operated valves

- Start recirculation pump, possibly evacuate air from such special units as filters,
cooler, heating system

- Cooler checks
• Water feed and water drain flow
• Thermostatic control function

- Heating system checks

• Thermostatic control function

- Recirculation filter checks

• Clog up indicator
• Changeover unit

- Start main pumps

- Evacuate air from interconnecting pipelines to special equipment units and filters

- Flush pipeline systems while watching filter clog up indicators and possibly change

- Check pumps for oil leaks and running noise

- Check entire drive for leaks

- Test interlocking conditions of main pumps and recirculation pump

- Check tank oil level, incl. replenishment where necessary

- Check quality
• Pollution, amount of fine-grained impurities
• Neutralization value
• Water content
• Chemical properties where deemed necessary

- Set pressure controllers and pressure relief valves on main pumps, incl. pressure test

- The instructions furnished by the manufacturers of each equipment unit are to

be observed during commissioning, see Components Manual C.

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Commissioning of Single Functions and Control Stands


Operations described are left to authorised qualified personnel.

Do not perform operations on your own initiative if they are not

within your responsibility.

Use the appropriate PPE.

- Release pump station

- Release mechanical equipment, make sure all hydraulic drives are in their safe end

- Release electric control system

- All shut-off cocks on the upstream side of single functions or functional groups have
been closed

- Accumulator systems or single accumulators have been shut-off

- Erection of control stands and interconnecting pipelines has been completed

Following Work and/or Checks will be Carried Out:

- Check to see that interconnecting pipelines have been connected in compliance with
applicable Control Diagram

- Check electric wiring for compliance with applicable cable and terminal plans

- Measure and test incoming electric control signals received by solenoid valve
(power, voltage)

- Test switching functions of all solenoid valves for any single function or functional

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 11

- Start up control oil station and remove air from control oil line

Note: Hydraulic accumulator in control oil supply system remains shut off.

- Open shutoff valves in control oil lines to the various functions.

- Operate solenoid valves to test main stage switching functions

Note: Repeat actuation will facilitate air evacuation from pilot control
When valves are operated through emergency hand actuator, care will
be taken to ensure that no electric actuation can take place.

- Open shutoff cocks in pressure line

- Remove air from pipelines and cylinders in the places provided for this purpose
(Minimess couplings)

Note: Pressure of main pump station will be reduced previously.

- Flush cylinder circuits

- Actuate single functions and set speeds

Note: When valves are operated through the emergency hand

actuator, care will be taken to ensure that no electric actuation
can take place.

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- Test movements, especially movements into end positions (stroke etc.). It is a general
rule that the entire system will be checked for leaks at all time during work

- Perform pressure test

- Test nitrogen pressure inside the accumulators

Note: The accumulator systems or single accumulators can then be

admitted to operation.

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3.2.3 Pneumatic Systems

Instructions to prepare pneumatic systems for operation


Operations described are left to authorised qualified personnel.

Do not perform operations on your own initiative if they are not

within your responsibility.

Use the appropriate PPE.

- Erection inclusive of piping has been completed

- Compressed air feed is ensured

- Electric controls have been released.

Following Work and/or Checks will be Carried Out:

- Check pipeline system for compliance with applicable Control Diagrams while
eliminating leaks at the same time.

- Fill oilers

- Set oil flow

- Set pressure

- Set pressure switches

- Set operating speed and simultaneously test switching functions of solenoid valves
via emergency hand actuator after electric plugs have been pulled.

- Test electric voltages to solenoid valves and pressure switches

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 14

- Test functional movements of control system and complete functional groups,

including electric interlocks

For commissioning, kindly observe the instructions furnished by the

manufacturers, see Components Manual C.

3.2.4 Lube Oil and Oil-Air Systems

- Following utilities must be available:

• Electric power
• Steam for oil tank heating
• Cooling water for oil cooler
• Compressed air for pressure vessel and regulator

- Unobjectionable completion of all erection work must be checked prior to

commencement of no-load tests (all bolted joints properly tightened down on flanges,
pipe attachments and anchoring)

- All moving elements (pumps, pump drives, level switches) must be freely rotatable
and in a clean state (contaminations due to assembly and/or erection work must have
been removed)

- All limit switches, level switches etc. will be set in accordance with the special
instructions as applicable, and function-tested

- Before first starting a drive motor, same should be rotated by hand (if possible) to
make sure that freedom of movement is provided on the mechanical side

- Drive sense of rotation will then be checked by momentary jogging (observe the
instructions furnished by the manufacturers of individual units!)

- All oil tanks and filter elements are to be inspected for clean state and/or to be
cleaned where necessary prior to filling

- All fitted regulators have been checked for proper installation and setting

- Check to see that interconnecting pipelines have been connected to applicable


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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 15

- Check to see that all connections to consumers have been properly established

- Check to see that consumers have been prepared for commissioning

- Fill tank while observing the level monitoring system

- Open suction-side shutoff valves on handling pumps

- Open discharge-side shutoff valves on pumps while opening slide valve in the bypass
line and closing slide valve upstream the oil cooler in the main line

- Start pumps

- Commission tank steam heating system, monitor temperature control system

- After required tank oil temperature has built up:

Cut out pump
Close slide valve in bypass line
Open slide valve in feed line
Fill pressure vessel to special instructions
Open consumer-related valves
Start feed pumps
Check functional state of breather
Set consumer pressures to special instructions
Start oil cooler

- Cooler checks
• Water feed and discharge system
• Thermostatic control

- Filter checks
• Clog up indicator
• Changeover unit

- Check pumps for leak oil and running noise

- Check all pipelines and equipment units for leaks

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 16

- Start up separating station to manufacturer's instructions

- Check separating station for leaks (water, oil)

- Check interlocking conditions for all drives

- Check tank oil level, replenish if necessary

- Check oil quality

For commissioning, kindly observe the instructions furnished by the various

manufacturers, see Components Manual C.

3.3 Procedure for Cold Commissioning/No-Load Tests

In general the cold commissioning contains following activities:

Operations described are left to authorised qualified personnel.

Do not perform operations on your own initiative if they are not

within your responsibility.

Use the appropriate PPE.

Cold Tests
- manual operation of machinery into final end position (single movements)
- supply units for grease and oil lubricants, coolant and hydraulic function correctly along
with internal interlocking systems.
- electrical drive units are properly adjusted before being coupled to motors

No-Load Test
- All movements connected with electrical drive units have been tested and properly
- Fault indication system, signals etc. have been fully tested.
- Entire manual and automatic modes have been tested and operated several times
without any fault occurring.
- Local control systems have been tested e.g. during roll change.

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 17

- On and off switching systems for all media systems including coolant have been tested
and function correctly.
- Cranes, personnel, repair tools and transport are in readiness.
- Safety measures have been taken as required.
Ghost rolling (simulation of the automatic process in the reversing mill area without
material) is intended as an aid in the commissioning phase as well as for testing new pass
schedules. The presence of material is simulated by activation of photoelectric cells. The
ghost rolling process can only be initiated when there is no material in the breakdown mill.
The conditions and interlocking conditions correspond to those for the "normal" automatic

After the No-Load Tests / Area Cold Tests have been executed, the Preconditions
for operation of individual units are given as follows:

Preheating Furnace
- The temperature of the furnace must be constant.
- The removal transport device must be ready for operation.

Roller tables before and after stands

All roller tables must be adapted to the rolling speeds along with the main drives.

- The descaler must have the correct water pressure as well as a controlled spraying
- Upper spraying header positioned in accordance with the rolling schedule.
- Adjustable side guides and side spray headers set to the width of the bloom being

Sideguard Manipulators
- Set movable side guards to groove center with clearance corresponding to pass
- Set tilting devices to starting position depending on profile requirements
- Take account of setting stroke depending on rolling direction.

Breakdown Stand BD
- The stand must be calibrated beforehand.
- All guides are allocated to program and set accordingly.
- The correct roll gap is set in accordance with pass schedule.
- The cooling water system is switched on.
- Complete set of reserve rolls with guides ready for use on roll-changing device.
- All media supply units are ready for operation.

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Roller tables in the area of crop end saw

- Set speed of roller tables to than of main drives.

Hot Saw
- Cropping saw is in starting position
- Media supply is ready for operation.
- Scrap guide is in the correct position for removal of scrap.

Setting of rolling speed

The speeds of the mill stands and roller tables must be set to correspond to a rolling
speed of 80% of the new speed.
See our rolling speeds in tabular form.
The mill stands are set to the entry dimension of the profile being processed.

Roll cooling
The roll cooling system is not switched on until the tip of the bloom has left the stand. This
prevents the tip of the bloom from becoming too cold and makes it easier to grip the rolling

Extension Work Roller Tables

All roller tables must be set to the correct rolling speed along with the main drive units.
- All rollers must be functioning synchronously.

Centering Devices
- The centering guides must be in the correct starting position for the material being
- Before beginning two-high rolling operations, calibrations should be carried out for the
barrel length.
- The collision protection system is activated.
- The coolant supply system must be switched on.

Tandem Reversing Mill Stands Area

- The universal stands must be adjusted for universal or two-high rolling
- The edging stand must also be adjusted for the material being rolled
- The set point values for manipulators, screw down system, roll motors must be asset to
the correct pass schedule for the beam material being processed.
- All mill guides are aligned and set to the beam material
- All media supply systems are ready for operation
- Reserve mill guides are ready for operation
- The coolant system s switched on

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 19

- The entire automatic process has been tested, along with the units in front of and
behind the tandem mill
- The coolant sprays are set at the correct angle
- The guides between the stands are correctly set
- The roll-changing equipment is ready for operation

Hot Saw for Crop Ends and Samples

- The saw is in basic position
- Coolant for the saw carriage is available
- Pressurized water is switched on for saw cut.
- Scrap disposal units are correctly positioned (front and rear crops, sampling)

Preliminary settings for roll speed

The speeds of the mills and the roller tables should be set to correspond to a rolling speed
of 80% of the nominal speed.
See pass tables.
All mill stands and manipulator units should be set in accordance with the pass schedule.

Roll cooling system

The roll cooling system is not switched on until the tip of the material has left the stand.
This prevents the material tip from becoming too cold, and facilitates the gripping of the
beam material.
Only at beginning of the commissioning or use of new rolls.

Equipment in the area of the Cooling Bed

The following equipment units and the respective media systems have to be ready for
operation; their settings have to be in accordance with the rolled material.
- Cooling bed run-in RT
- rake/chain type Cooling Bed
- wiper system / collecting chain/tilting shields
- exit carrying transfer
- cooling bed run-out RT

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Equipment in the area of the Horizontal Roller Straightener

The following equipment units and the respective media systems have to be ready for
operation; their settings have to be in accordance with the rolled material.
- Entry Guides in Front of the HR Straightener
- Horizontal Roller Straightener
- Scale Disposal System

Equipment in the area of the Collecting Bed

The following equipment units and the respective media systems have to be ready for
operation; their settings have to be in accordance with the rolled material.
- entry chain
- collecting chain

Equipment in the area of the Cold Saws - fixed and shiftable

The following equipment units and the respective media systems have to be ready for
operation; their settings have to be in accordance with the rolled material.
- All RT in the Cold Saw Area
- The saws are in basic position
- adjustable gauge carriages 1, 2 & 3 / carriage drives + clamping
- gauge plates + hydraulic system on board
- Coolant for the saw carriages is available
- Pressurized water is switched on for saw cut.
- Scrap disposal units are correctly positioned (front and rear crops, sampling)
- oil lubrication systems for fixed and shiftable cold saws

Equipment in the area of the VCC line

The following equipment units and the respective media systems have to be ready for
operation; their settings have to be in accordance with the rolled material.
- idle cycle simulation
- check whether screws and bolts are tightened (at every product change)
- screw and wedge fastening
- equipment and assembly checking in accordance with the rolled material
- vibration, motor and bearing temperature checks (starting with machine stopped and
gradually increasing the motor revolutions in order to allow detection until the motor
attains the working speed in accordance with the rolled material)
- watertight integrity of cooling components that are stressed with centrifugal force
- idle cycle simulation
- check whether screws and bolts are tightened (at every product change)

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 21

Remark: machine working with high stresses caused by the centrifugal force of
rotating parts; routine non destructive tests by ultrasonic or magnetic-particle
methods are required to ensure that all rotating parts are in good order (see
Equipment and Maintenance Manual concerning VCC machine).
Containment rolls:
- idle cycle simulation
- check whether screws and bolts are tightened (at every product change)
- idle cycle simulation
- check whether screws and bolts are tightened (at every product change)
Rotating table:
- idle cycle simulation
Coil car:
- idle cycle simulation
Billet conveyor:
- chain rotation test
- simulation with a coil to check limit stops positioning

Equipment in the area of Piling and Loading

The following equipment units and the respective media systems have to be ready for
operation; their settings have to be in accordance with the rolled material.
- All RT in the Piling and Loading Area
- All chain transfers in the piling and Loading Area
- Entry & Exit Carrying Transfers
- Layer Lifting Device
- Layer- / Layer Separating- / Layer- & Layer Aligning Stopper; Stopper for Rejects
- Label Printing System
- Turning System for Inspection / Inspection Magnets
- Take-over Table
- Layer Turning System / Magnet Turning System
- Piling Table
- Pile Compacting Device
- Binding Machines
- Loading Grids

- technical data of each unit
- functional description
- setting data
- interlocking conditions
- special requirements by first commissioning

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Tests and Commissioning 3.0 22

- sequences of operational steps

- and s. o.

see the respectively chapters of Manual B, of Manual C and electrical supplier


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Tests and Commissioning 4.0 1


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Tests and Commissioning 4.0 2

4.0 Enclosures
4.1 List of Standards ................................................................................................................. 3

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4.1 List of Standards

Standards Description

NS003 Material Group for SAP Materials

NS144 Bending Radii for Piping - Min. Dimensions
NS147 Recommended Grease and Oil Types
NS300 Drawing and Bill of Materials Numbering (SAP MATERIAL)
SN200 Manufacturing Instructions, Requirements and Principles

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