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AD 306: Additional Moments in Braced Bays: 1

This is the first in a series of ADs that comment on the

forces and moments to be designed for in beam-
column-bracing connections in braced frames. AD 304
pointed out that the nominal moments that are assumed
from beam eccentricity cannot be ignored, even if forces
in the bracing system have been calculated from a pin-
jointed analysis. This AD covers common connection
details and offers advice on how the connections can be

The first common case is where the centre lines of the

members are coincident, as shown in Figure 1.

Two models are commonly adopted for the design of the

connections shown in Figure 1.

In the first model, the connection to the column is

designed for a moment equal to He, where e is the
vertical eccentricity from the beam centreline to the point Figure 1: Typical bracing type connection for simple construction
the bracing centreline meets the column flange.
Generally, this moment is dealt with by assuming that
the point of rotation is the bottom flange of the beam.
The vertical shear through the connection is the beam
reaction, plus the contribution from the component of the
bracing force. If this model is adopted, the nominal
moment in the column is due only to the assumed
eccentric reaction of the beam shear. There is no
contribution from the bracing force to the nominal
moment in the column.

An alternative model is to assume that the bracing is

connected to the beam, and that the beam end
connection remains truly pinned. In this case the end
Figure 2: Bracing connections made to the beam
connection of the beam carries no moment, but must
carry the beam shear and the vertical component of the
bracing force. The column must be designed for the
nominal moment from the assumed eccentric beam
shear, plus an additional moment equal to V × D/2
where D is the column depth.

In Figure 2 the setting out point (sop) of the bracing has

been shifted to the intersection of the beam centre line
with the column face. This is very similar to the second
model described above, in that the column must be
designed for an additional moment equal to V × D/2. It is
also clear from Figure 2 that the vertical component of
the bracing force adds to the shear in the beam from
gravity loads, and this must be checked. The end
Figure 3: Bracing set out to beam/column flange intersection
connection is designed as a pin, to carry the vertical
load from the bracing and the beam itself.

In Figure 3, the common and convenient situation of shifting the sop to the junction of beam and column flanges
is shown. The main effect is the additional moment equal to V × D/2 to be included in the column design.
Additional shear and bending is produced in the beam, but this is generally not significant. The additional shear
and moment is given below.

Additional shear, Q = H × B/L

Additional bending moment, M = H × B/2

Where H is the horizontal component of the bracing force

D is the depth of the column
B is the depth of the beam
L is the span of the beam

In summary, the additional moments that arise in braced bays due to the location of the setting out point must be
added to the usual nominal moments from the beam end reactions and accounted for in the design of the column
and its splices.

Contact: Thomas Cosgrove

Tel: 01344 623345


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