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Unit 10


1. Hay / hay

"Hay" es un tipo de pronombre utilizado para mostrar algo que sabes que existe.

Compare estas dos oraciones:

- "Una mosca está en mi sopa".
- "¡Hay una mosca en mi sopa!"
La primera oración es objetiva e impersonal. La mosca es el sujeto, y la sopa es el objeto. En la
segunda oración, el objeto es "una mosca en mi sopa", por lo que el sujeto está "Allí". "Allí"
funciona como una especie de tema ficticio que representa una perspectiva más personal,

Especialmente en inglés hablado usualmente usamos la contracción "hay", en lugar de "hay".

Aquí están las formas de "allí" en el presente simple.

Declaraciones Preguntas

Hay un árbol en mi jardín. ¿Hay un restaurante aquí?

Hay libros en el escritorio. Sí hay. / No, no hay


No hay una computadora en

mi habitación.
No hay cines aquí.

Por lo general, existe un acuerdo sujeto-verbo cuando se usa hay/ hay Por ejemplo:
- Hay diez estudiantes en mi clase.
- Hay diez estudiantes en mi clase.

Sin embargo, a veces podemos usar "hay" con sujetos compuestos, por ejemplo:
hay un banco y una oficina de correos cerca de mi casa.

Grammar Exercises 1

Add there is or there are to the following sentences.

Example: There are many stars in the sky.

there is
1.   a fly in my soup.
(There is, There are)

there are
2.   many parks in New York.
(There is, There are)

there aren't
3.   any tigers in Africa.
(There isn't, There aren't)

there are
4.   lots of hotels in big cities.
(There is, There are)

is there
5.   a bank near here?
(Is there, Are there)

is there
6.   life on Mars?
(Is there, Are there)

is there
7.   a telephone I can use?
(Is there, Are there)

there is
8.   a football game tomorrow.
(There is, There are)

there are
9.   8 students in my class.
(There is, There are)

there aren't
10.   many people my town.
(There isn't, There aren't)
Grammar Exercises 2

Unscramble these sentences.

Example: are many stars the sky in there - There are many stars in the sky.

there's a book on my desk

1. there's book a on desk my 

there are many tress near

2. Are many trees there near house my. 

there's some food in the fr

3. there's some food the fridge in. 

there's a party at 9.00

4. at 9.00 there's party a. 

are there any cafes?

5. There are any cafes? 

Dialogue Exercises


Tyler, do you like London?

there are there's

Sure, 1.  lots of restaurants and shops, and 2.  a lot of
beautiful parks and museums as well.

I really want to live there.

Me too!


Hey, this is a great apartment.

there's there are

Thanks. 1.  a lot of space, and 2.  some really nice neighbors
as well.

are there
3.  any stores near here?

there is
Sure, 4.  a supermarket near here.

You have a great view!

Right. 5.  only one problem.
What's that?

It's really expensive!


is there
1.  we don't have any, sorry.

are there
Well, 2.  any apples?

Er, yes, 3.  some in the kitchen. Help yourself.

there are = existen
restaurant = restaurante
shop = tienda
there is = ahí esta
beautiful = hermoso
park = parque
museum = museo
there = allí
live = vivo
apartment = departamento

space = espacio
near = cerca
nearby = cerca
view = ver
problem = problema

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