Inmersion Day

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Public accounting

Ingles 1
Alejandra Franco
Esteban Rodriguez
Carolina Prado
Fernanda Mora
Kimberly Malagon

The meaning of EMBERA CHAMI is people of the mountain, the Chamí population
is found on the San Juan River and in the municipalities of Pueblo Rico and
Mistrató, department of Risaralda.
The Embera Chamí retain their native language, which belongs to the language
family Chocó, which is related to the Arawak, Karib and Chibcha families.
In the Embera Indians there are cultural differences due to the environment in
which they live,  are made up of two large groups: Dobida and Eyabida, His
primary exercises are farming and fishing, Their families are numerous and are
made up of fathers, mothers, children and their families, In 2005, DANE reported
that 29,094 people belonged to the Embera Chami people, of whom 50.2% are
men and 49.8% women.

The Embera chami ethnic meeting has 95% of its live lifestyle, it is one of the
ethnic meetings in Colombia that has more individuals. Indigenous women of this
ethnic group are used to getting married at an early age, between 12 and 15 years
From the moment children are conceived, the individual who is conceived around
the same time or week has an idea on his head that shows that the child is locked
At different events when this is not the situation, a young man who wishes to marry
a specific individual who is not locked up will ask his parents to marry him or her, if
the guardians approve of the marriage and only if the lady wishes to marry, the
marriage will take place.
Another custom that is only of the Embera is to perform a mutilation of the clitoris in
young girls with the aim that when they grow up and have sex they feel joy. Since
adolescence, people have been wearing small necklaces of dark seeds and wires
or small coin rings.
Embera Indians have their bodies painted for unique events, for example, religious
services; Men are painted all over their bodies at the furthest points and at the top
of their appearances. Ladies don't paint their appearances
The Embera ethnic group is made up of more distant families, that is, the mother,
the father, the sons and daughters, the uncles and close relatives, the
grandmothers and grandparents, the grandchildren, the grandchildren, the
brothers-in-law by marriage, the sisters-in-law…. It is illegal to participate in
marriage with an individual from a more distant family or with non-indigenous
people. The most experienced individual in the family is the manager. He is
responsible for choosing where the houses will be made, assigning the parcels of
land to each family, and solving some confrontations.


Religious beliefs
Although there is no religion of their own among the Embera, their beliefs are
centered around a jaibanism that is based on invisible forces called jais; they
constitute the essence of things, natural phenomena, animals, people, and are
manifested in the figure of an animal; only the jaibana can see and control them
and they belong to the natural world.
Embera life and society come from an original, closed unit, continent of everything
that exists, which has been disjointed in the early days. The disease occurs when
these elements, which must be separated in daily life, come together, and must be
separated again by the jaibana.
Myths refer to Carabí, the moon, as the giver of culture; some present him as a
creative being, but who plays no role in life today.
Missionaries have overlapped, to varying degrees, Christian religious belief.

The Embera Chamí retain their native language, which belongs to the Chocó
language family, which is related to the Arawak, Karib and Chibcha families, and is
related to the Waunan, but does not belong to any of them. The Embera language
according to Mauricio Pardo and Daniel Aguirre Licht, consists of a complex set of
dialect varieties, so they can become intelligible with each other.
Three large language groups are identified, concentrated in four areas main:
• Bajo Baudo
• Antioquia / Córdoba
• Alto San Juan
• Contract
The Caro y Cuervo Institute points out that the communication that is most
facilitated is among the speakers of the different Embera dialects of Bajo Baudo
and Antioquia / Córdoba.
The Emberá are the only indigenous tribe in Latin America known to practise
female genital mutilation. The tradition was extremely secretive and taboo until a
2007 incident, in which a girl died as a result of FGM. The incident caused much
controversy, raised awareness and stimulated debate about ending the practice
altogether. In 2015, it was reported that of the approximately 250,000 members of
the tribe, 25,000 (10%) had decided to discontinue FGM, with a community leader
saying they hoped to eradicate it by 2030.

The Emberá are monogamous. The father is the main authority, without
underestimating the mother who also enjoys great respect. Although they are
isolated from civilized life, incest is prohibited, newlyweds live in the groom parents
house until they achieve independence and move away. The elderly are cared for
by one of their children and are in charge of transmitting the culture to the children.
You only fully belong to the Emberá or Wounaan society if you are born within
them, thereby inheriting their language, customs and culture.
The most relevant of its traditions is the Female Puberty Ceremony, where the
puberty is isolated from all social contact, except the mother, for a week. At the end
of this period, seclusion that coincides with the end of menstruation, the girl is
painted with tinctures of plant origin, and her hair is cut as a sign of her virginal

The Embera retain much of their own thinking, oral tradition, and ritual celebration.
The figure of the Jaibaná stands out within its culture, who works as a traditional
doctor and also exercises authority, social control and territorial management. In
his ceremonies he uses drinks such as the pilde or borrachero, to communicate
with the spirits.

They have a population of 49,686 people. The family constitutes the minimum unit
of its social organization. Chapakus is the name given to the nucleus of relatives
made up of different generations: grandparents, parents, grandchildren and
cousins up to the second degree of consanguinity. Group members live together
and share jobs and ceremonies.

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