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My future is now - Climate Change

Did you know that more than one million species are at risk of extinction? This means that dozens of
species go extinct every day. But what does this mean for us humans? This loss of biodiversity
reduces water quality and food security. There are so many more life-threatening issues like this. But
how? What causes problems like this to arise? The answer is climate change. We have all heard of
climate change. But what exactly is it, and if it’s possible, how can we prevent it?

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to the earth. It refers to the average long-term changes
over the entire Earth. These include warming temperatures and changes in precipitation, like rain,
snow and hail, as well as the effects of Earth’s warming such as rising sea levels due to the melting of
glaciers and ice caps. We have all heard of global warming. Global warming is one symptom of
climate change. The phrase ‘global warming’ just sounds like the summers will get a little warmer,
but that’s not actually the case. It refers to the rise in global temperatures due mainly to the
increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But what causes global warming?
Greenhouse effect. The atmosphere protects the earth, and stores the heat of the sun, like a
greenhouse. This is especially caused by greenhouse gases: steam, CO2 and methane. This effect is
actually important to earth, without it the temperature on earth would be below freezing. But
factories increase this effect to a dangerous level. When polar ice and glaciers melt, they reflect less
sunlight and the sea level rises. Many coastal countries including the Netherlands will be in danger.
Additionally, water evaporates which increases the greenhouse effect. Also, centuries old methane
which are stored in the ground are getting released. These poisonous gases worsen the greenhouse
effect. The cycle starts again. That’s how the average temperature rose in the last century. The
effects of global warming are more frequent and severe weather, higher death rates, dirtier air,
higher wildlife extinction rates, more acidic oceans and higher sea levels.

In conclusion, climate change isn’t as bad as it seems, its worse. The UN said that the worst impacts
of climate change could be irreversible by 2030. To stop Climate change scientists agree the emission
of greenhouse gases must be reduced. But there is a way to stop global warming. You can choose
energy-saving electronic devices and unplug them after use. Also, you can improve the thermal
insulation of your house to heat it more efficiently, and as often as you can take the bus or bike
instead of the car. Humans have shown that they can change the climate, and we have changed it for
the worse. Now let’s show we can change if for the better by doing the right things.

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