Latest Trends and Technologies

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Latest Trends and Technologies

Executive Summary
The Top five latest trends and technologies developed by analyst to provide a concise overview
of technology and its impact on world and colleges. These latest trends and technologies are
Wearable Devices, Virtual Reality, 3D printing, online security and Big Data.

Table of Contents

Wearable devices:............................................................................................................................4

Virtual reality:..................................................................................................................................4

3D printing:......................................................................................................................................5

Online security:................................................................................................................................5

Big Data:..........................................................................................................................................5


Reference List..................................................................................................................................7

In this particular report the analyst focused on the latest trends and technologies. So the analyst
has selected five topics that have the opportunity to impact world across business industries and
various colleges (Markou, 2014).

According to the analyst this trends and technology will have better prospect to increase the
quality of teaching, learning and improving the working mechanism of business.

Wearable devices:
The Wearable device is a type of technology devices. This device is becoming more pervasive
and close to reality. It has ability to track information regarding to health and fitness (Johnson,
2014). This device uses motion sensors devices to capture image and sync it with mobile

In the world most of the industry and company are becoming familiar with the wearable device
for increasing their productivity and competiveness (Catlett and Ghani, 2015). It also helps to the
business for increasing the working mechanism and working quality.

Most of the students and teacher uses this device for improving their knowledge and enhancing
their quality. The students and teacher can gain knowledge on different subjects.

Virtual reality:
The Virtual reality is a computer generated simulation that describes the 3D images which are
interacted by the user in real environment.

Grow up imagination and sense of humor of society or individual. The business industries can
put their information as virtual information for future (Marini, et al., 2011).

Enhance the potential and innovative skills of students and teachers by use of virtual simulation.
The students and teacher are being able to create their knowledge as virtual knowledge in the
group of students.

3D printing:
3D printing is a way that creates three dimensional solid objects from the digital data. This solid
object may be any shape and size (Haigh, 2014).

Customize product in business industry so that customers are interacted with this products. In
medical science the demographic of body parts are visualize in seminar.

Enhance the printing skill of students. Student also uses it for designing the collaborate project in
the presentation.

Online security:
Online Security that means it secures all type of action through the web. When computer, cell
phone and Laptop connect with the Internet some potential malware and intruder always try to
damage secure data (Markou, 2014). In this way online security keeps secure to all network
gadgets and data.

All banking sector, Industry and Health sector gains conducting way of security and they keep
secure their personal informations from unauthorized access or intruder.

Most of the college students are being habituated to keep secure their e-mail ID, Faceboook
account and personal information related to the course.

Big Data:
Big data can defined as gathering of large volume of structured and unstructured data day by
day. It analyzes and leads better decision and strategic business moves (Dhar, 2014).

All business industries have reduced their difficulties by creating larger datasets. Now business
industries became able to capture, manipulate and store useful insight for increasing revenue.

Students and teachers are being familiar with Big Data for tracking knowledge on various
subjects. Most of the college uses it for data mining and safeguarding of data.

According to the analyst thought the latest trends and technologies emerge various opportunities.
In modern era it is boon for everybody. Now the latest trends and technologies are adopted by
various top colleges, universities, business industries. It provides a way of improving teaching
and learning quality and also improves working mechanism of business.

Reference List:

Catlett, C. and Ghani, R. (2015). Big Data for Social Good. Big Data, 3(1), pp.1-2.

Dhar, V. (2014). Why Big Data = Big Deal. Big Data, 2(2), pp.55-56.

Haigh, G. (2014). The world of 3D printing. SecEd, 2014(3).

Johnson, A. (2014). What do wearable devices bring to market research?. Research World,

2014(48), pp.18-21.

Marini, D., Folgieri, R., Gadia, D. and Rizzi, A. (2011). Virtual reality as a communication
process.Virtual Reality, 16(3), pp.233-241.

Markou, C. (2014). Online penny auctions and the protection of the consumer under EU
law. Computer Law & Security Review, 30(5), pp.540-559.


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