Project Scope Statement-Example2 PDF

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Project Scope Statement

Project: Prescriptions delivery by drone evolution Revision #: 0.1

Revision Date: 26th May 2020

The purpose of the project is to have a successful demonstration of the prescription drugs delivery using flying
drones. The project will prove the advantages of such system, allowing for its use by the remaining Wilmont’s
stores nationwide, solidifying DroneTech’ position in the market.

Project Goals
• First deliver with drones no later than November 30
• Four stores working with a full operating system
• Customer satisfaction score above 80%
• Implemented frame contract and payment plan for the service

Project Scope Description

Drone adaptation – The project shall adapt the current drone design to accommodate Wilmont’s needs.
These include at this phase the following points:
• A temperature‐controlled bagging system to ensure that certain temperature‐sensitive items are
not affected by the delivery process;
• A bubble‐type cushioning system that protects fragile products;
• The drones will also be painted and marked with Wilmont’s colors and logo.
Drones testing and operation – The new drones shall be exhaustively tested to demonstrate their
characteristics under operation conditions. These tests shall validate the changes implemented.
Drones operation and training – When deployed, the drones shall be operated by DroneTech. A training
package and sessions shall be prepared and provided to the pharmacy staff, which during operation will
load the drones with the package carrier.
Order system – The project shall implement a handle order process, associated with Wilmont’s current
systems. This system shall receive a drone delivery order from Wilmont’s website, verify if the customer
is eligible to receive the order (i.e. if not previously validated request Wilmont’s management to validate
the order) and provide the pharmacy the data for the order to be processed.
Frame contract and payment plan – A frame contract for the future use of the drone delivery system
nationwide shall be prepared, together with a payment plan for that service. These documents shall be
validated by both legal departments prior to their delivery.
Administration – The DroneTech team is responsible for the administration of the project. Detail plans,
schedules and budgets shall be developed and validated by DroneTech administration prior to project
start. The plans, schedule and cost shall be regularly updated and delivered at project completion to
Wilmont’s management.
Primary Deliverables and acceptance criteria
• Four adapted drones - 4 drones meeting Wilmont’s requirements and painted in their corporate colors
and logo are delivered.
• Handle order and delivery process implemented - The customer can order and follow its delivery from
Wilmont’s website. The pharmacy staff is notified of a new order and when drone shall be loaded.
• Frame contract and payment plan - The documents are clear, validated by both legal departments and
delivered before project conclusion.
• Information and training package - The needed information for handling the drone package carrier is
delivered to Wilmont’ staff before first flight.
• Project plan and cost – Project plan and detail cost information is validated by DroneTech management
and provided to Wilmont before the project conclusion.

Key Milestones
• Project kick-off – January 5
• Drones testing – October 23
• Drones delivered – October 30
• Order and handling system implemented – November 5
• First flight – November 21
• Project closure – December 30

• Maximum budget $1,750,000.
• DroneTech management approves the project plans, schedule and budgets.
• First flight must occur before November 30.
• DroneTech staff will be payed at their currently effective hourly rates.

• Drone systems are capable to accommodate Wilmont’s delivery requirements with minor adaptations.
• Drone package carrier is simple to operate by the pharmacies’ staff.
• Order handling system seamlessly integrates with Wilmont’s processes with simple adaptations.
• Wilmont’s staff is separately budgeted and is not accounted for project costs.

Scope Exclusions
• The drones will not enter the city environment and must only operate on a non‐city one.
• Procurement and quality management is transversal to DroneTech company and no specific tasks have
to be performed by project staff.

Reference Documents
• IT system and drone documentation and manuals developed on previous project.
• Wilmont’s system is available online
• Project close out report from previous project.

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