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Nutri-score (the 5-Colour Nutrition label or 5-CNL) – general aspects

  nutrition label that was selected by the French government in March 2017 to be

displayed on food products
 computation of a nutrient profiling system derived from the United Kingdom Food
Standards Agency nutrient profiling system (FSA score)
 recommended by Belgian, Spanish, German and Dutch authorities as well as
the European Commission and the World Health Organization
 created by Santé Publique France, the French public health agency
 The calculation of the score involves only seven different parameters of nutrient
information per 100g of food which are usually available on food packagings. High
content of fruits and vegetables, fibers, and protein promote a preferable score, while
high content of energy, sugar, saturated fatty acids, and sodium promote a detrimental
 EU laws don't allow countries to unilaterally impose their own food labelling system,
therefore they can only give recommendations
Sistemul Nutriscore a fost dezvoltat in Franta, unde este obligatoriu si este introdus intr-o serie
de alte tari precum Belgia si Spania, in conditiile in care Europa isi doreste sa combata criza de
In Germania, unele companii alimentare s-au angajat deja in mod voluntar in etichetarea
NutriScore, inclusiv Danone, pentru produsul sau „fructele piticilor”. Bofrost si Iglo folosesc si
ele Nutriscore in magazinele si site-urile lor online.

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