The Focus: Fleet & Family Support Center Programs

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The Focus

ISSUE The Fleet & Family

Support Center


In this issue
Fleet & Family Support Program P.1
The Fleet &
Don’t Start A Resolution, Set A Goal P.2
Family Support
Center (FFSC) …the Most Wonderful Time of the Year P.3

is now on January 2011 FFSC Events P.4

Facebook and

Fleet & Family Support Center Programs

Like us on The FFSC is here to serve and support
Facebook and you. We strive to provide the highest
follow us on quality customer-focused programs and
Twitter and services to sustain the military’s mission
receive: through personal, deployment and
disaster preparedness. The FFSC’s
commitment to providing these
essential services to the military
 Month -to- community is founded on competency,
Month integrity, and caring. FFSC offers
Calendar of programs and services on the following:
Events  Deployment support for service
members and their families
 Information  Personal and family wellness
education and counseling
about  Emergency preparedness and
Programs and response
 Crisis intervention and FFSC has a multitude of workshops
Services and classes that cover topics on
 Financial education and Deployment Readiness, Ombudsman,
 Live tweets and counseling Personal Finances, Command
feeds from  Spouse employment resources Financial Specialist, Transition
workshops In addition to 1-on-1 counseling Assistance, Family Employment,
services and appointments, there are a Relocation Assistance, Sexual Assault
multitude of trainings, workshops, and Prevention and Response, Life Skills,
classes held throughout the year to Family Advocacy, New Parent
support active duty, reservists, retirees, Support, and Exceptional Family
and military family members. We pride Members. We also host an annual
ourselves on being your “one-stop- Job and Education Fair. shop” for information, referral and
Start your new year off and visit the assistance.
FFSC, we’re here for you!
Transitioning Out
of the Military?
Don’t Start A
Contact the FFSC Resolution…Set A
for information
about the Transition Goal.
Assistance Program
By drinking anywhere from two quarts
to a gallon of water a day and cutting
back on soft drinks, you can lose up to
Newcomer’s 25 pounds this year!
Do you know there It seems to me that most January - April More nutrients like fruits,
vegetables, and lean
are over 50 different New Year's resolutions are
forgotten by February. Start exercising and drinking meats cooked by
types of programs methods other than
and services on Most people bite off more water NOW! You may find
than they can chew on that you do not have to alter frying would be a good
base? start to changing your
New Year's Eve and start your diet at all as long as
a drastic change of life all you are burning calories by diet.
Once a month the in a short period of time. exercise. October - December
FFSC hosts a 2-day
This year, SET A GOAL! The type of exercise you
orientation class for By this time, you should
Many people, in their need to start doing is
newcomers to the feel great about your
annual search for health, walking, biking or swimming
NOLA area. Day-1, physical progress and
make broad resolutions for 20-30 minutes 4-5 times
that require several have more energy than
you meet and ask a week. you have had in years.
different life style changes.
questions of the Running, biking and
Quitting smoking, starting May - September
many on base an exercise program, and swimming several times
a week should be habit
service providers dieting all in the same Now you can pick up the
week can be extremely by now and feel
and pick up useful physical fitness training a bit refreshing and stress
challenging. by lifting weights or starting
information that will relieving after each
a good calisthenics workout. If you have not
help you during your Tackling any ONE of the
program. Exercises like quit smoking cigarettes
NOLA stay. Day-2 above vices is challenging
pushups, pull-ups, crunches, by now or at least
enough. If you have any of
is a tour of the city, and squats mixed with more tapered off, it is time to
the above vices or others,
culminating with a walking or occasional start trying a little more
you may want to try one
running can boost your aggressively.
walking tour of the step at a time rather than
fitness level to new heights.
famous French trying "cold turkey -- and
all at once!" Here is a plan So in summary -- start
Quarter in If your fitness program is not
that will get you started on exercising now!
downtown New working for you by now, you
the right track.
need to look at your diet. If
Orleans you are not losing weight by
Goal Setting
(transportation is It is a fun goal to be fit walking 4-5 times a week
provided). enough to be in the Armed and drinking nearly a gallon fitness/health/dont-start-resolution-
Forces, Special Forces, or of water a day, you need to --set-goalexercising now!
Contact the FFSC FBI at the age of 50 or consume fewer calories.
to register for the above. Here are some Written by Stew Smith CSCS
more tips to starting slowly This does not mean you Former Navy SEAL and Founder
next class. and preventing failure of have to starve yourself. It of Heroes of Tomorrow - a non-
profit dedicated to providing free
your goals within the first simply means eating foods training to future members of the
with fewer calories. military, police, fire fighter services.
month of the New Year.
Tip For
Employers are
saying that they can
receive thousands
of applications and
resumes per job
posting and this
makes finding the
…the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! ideal candidate a
difficult and lengthy
It's supposed to be "the  Learn to distinguish  Learn about the
process. Cold
Most Wonderful Time of the between depression services and
Year." However, for many and the holiday educational calling is proving to
service members and their “blues” resources available be a successful
families, the holiday season here at the FFSC alternative way in
can be stressful - especially  Receive advice, tips
job searching.
when a loved one is away. and strategies to The workshop is offered
cope with sadness at the FFSC and we can
To help those who may be and stress that may also schedule it at your Often times,
feeling depressed or be triggered by command. employers do not
overwhelmed this time of deployment, advertise openings
year, we offer Stress particularly over the If you need additional to prevent from
Management classes holiday season information about this
and offer individual class and others please getting an influx of
counseling.  Discover your own contact: resumes and
coping strengths and Mike Avist, applications to read.
As part of the class, you develop new stress 504.678.7569/7560 If you are interested
will: management skills.
in working for a
NOLA Fun Fact particular company
or agency, give their
The Mardi Gras season begins on January 6 and continues until Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash
Wednesday. During this time of year, one of the most beloved traditions in New Orleans is that of human resource
the King Cake. Each cake is decorated in the traditional Mardi Gras colors: purple, green, and department a call
gold. A small baby is baked into each cake. Customarily the person who finds the baby in their and ask about
slice is responsible for bringing the King Cake to the next party or gathering. openings or future
Make your own King Cake: Ingredient positions. You
 1 can of cinnamon rolls, with icing actually may be told
 3/4 cup of sugar, separated into 3 parts of 1/4 each to email or fax your
 food coloring (red, yellow, and blue) resume to a
particular person,
Separate the cinnamon rolls and roll them out by hand so they look like a hot dog. Shape the roll
into an oval, pinch the ends together, and place on a cookie sheet. Cook as directed. which is the first
step to getting the
Use food coloring to dye sugar. Make one part purple using blue and red, one part green, and one job!
part gold using yellow. When they are finished cooking, ice the tops with the white icing. Sprinkle
the different colors of sugars alternating as you go around the oval. Enjoy!
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursda y Frida y Saturday

January 1
Events at
the FFSC
All of the
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
workshops Active Effective Job Search &
and classes Parenting Communication Resume
(5-teen) 1st of 3 (0900-1100) Writing
are held at sessions Tightening Workshop
(0900-1100) Your Budget (0830-1230)
the Naval Air (1500-1600) Stress
Station, Joint (1000-1200)
Base, Fleet & 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
TAP Pre-Sep TAP Pre-Sep TAP Pre-Sep TAP Pre-Sep TAP Pre-Sep
Family Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop
@NRPDC Military Spouse
Support (0800-1600) Sponsor Anger
Orientation Management
Center unless Active Training
(0900-1100) (1000-1200)
Parenting (1000-1100) Improving Your
otherwise (5-Teen) (2nd of Credit Score
3 sessions
noted. (1500-1600)

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
MLK JR. Day Smooth Move Effects of Effects of FAP Overview
(1000-1100) Domestic Divorce on (0800-1200)
Violence on Children
Children (1000-1200)
FFSC CLOSED (1500-1600)

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Active Spouse Summit Car Buying Newcomer's Newcomer's
Parenting (1630-1730) Strategies Orientation Tour of City
(1500-1600) (0800-1600) (0800-1600)
(5-Teen) (3rd of
3 sessions)

30 31

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