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2A GRAMMAR present tenses © Right (7) or wrong 4)? Correct the mistakes in the bold phrases. 1 Their flight arrives at Terminal 4 at 16.45. 2. Emvnot knowing where to go on holiday. don’t know They usuelly go hiking in Scotland in the summer. Im really wanting to try waterskiing, Hurry up! We only have 30 minutes to get to the eirport! What is the guidebook saying about this museum? Weld love to go surfing, but it's depending on the weather. The airport bus leaves at 6.00 tomorrow morning. What do you think we should do this evening? 10. We swap houses with en Australian family this eorvausn 12. Imsorry, Pm not seeing what you mean. 13. Youre very quiet - what are you thinking about? = 14 €500/is seeming very expensive for a flight to Macrid. 15 What time does your train leave tomorrow? 16 We go camping in the Pyrenees next summer. 17. They're preferring sunbathing to climbing mountains. —— 18 Idontt think we're needing ae to take a hairdryer, oS 19. She has a massage at the moment - can you call back later? 20. Doyou remember the name ofthe hotel? Pecos © Cover he column on the rightand look at the sentences, Read the correct sentences aloud za Englah File 3d edtion Teachers Book intermediate Pus Protacopate © Osford University Press 2014 MTA TL TL PL OL Oh OOOO) OOO 3B GRAMMAR prepositions © Choose the correct preposition, Write the answers in the column on the right. He ran IE the road and HM the park (opposite / across, into f onto) crass into 2 Pmyery interested IM painting, bu 'm not very good it. {in on, for | at) 3 Don't worry I the bill -1'| pay I everything. {about / for, 10 / for) es 4 a ail | ‘The train went I the bridge and IL the church. (under /through, past along) 5 The receptionist asked I me if was waiting IH acai (to) for / about) ee 6 Mysonsare very different IM cach other, but they never argue I anything. (From of, about / with) ———— | She came MMM che bank and walked IL | the supermarket. (out / out of, along / towards) 8 You shouldn’tbe angry MI him. He's nor responsible MIME shachappenedl for / with for /¢o) — 10. She’ and they're both keen Ililcooking, (10 / with, on | for) 11. 'm tized applying BNNjobs —I never get an interview (ith of, fr 10) _ —_ 2 | ‘They sac Ia bench I ere. (fon, under / down) = 13, Hewas very rude il me - I don't know what he wasso angry IIL (with Jto,about | from) 4 1'm still MM the bus, but we're F ncacly MI the bus stop. on /intoin at) | —________ 15. The professor talked III his research, and then we discussed Ill our own work, (about / around, — / about) ——— SJ Cover the column on she right and took the sentences Read the sentences aloud with the correct prepositions. Ada Ada da dada de de Na added de Adee lit Engl File 2rd edtion Teacher’ Book Intermediate Pus Photoconiable © Oxford University Press 2014 4A GRAMMAR future forms © Circle the correct form. Tick (7) if both are possible 1A Mum [ve dropped my ice cream! B it's Ok, don't worry ~ll get I'm getting you anew onel 2 A Imfreezingl B Shall !turn on / Will! turn on the heating? 3 A Those clouds are coming this way. B Yes, itlooks as if it rains / it’s going to rain 4 A Doyou have any plans for ths evening? B Yes, I'm going / I'll go to the cinema with Mike. 5 A We're going for a walk in the country tomorrow. B It'll probably rain. / It’s probably raining. 6 A Excuse me. lordered still water and this is sparkling, B msorry, sir." change /I'm going to change it for you. 7 A Have you phoned for a taxi? B Yes, it comes / it's coming in five minutes. 8 A Whodo you think will win / is going to win tomorrow's game? B Italy, of course! 9 A | think this houses getting too small. B Doyou move / Are you going to move somewhere bigger? 10 A How about going abroad for our holiday this year? B. That sounds good! Where shall we go / do we go? 11 A The play starts at 7.30 so we need tobe at the theatre by 7.15. B OK, won't be / I'm not being late this time! 12 A Can pick some strawberries? B_ Not yet. They won't be / are not going to be ripe untiinext month. — © Witha partner, write two mini-dialogues, one with will and one with going. English Fe 3rd etion Teacher's Seok Intermediate Pls Pttocopable © Onferd nversty Press 2014 CTA mm 4B GRAMMAR first and second conditionals © Complete the second sentence to mean the same as the first 1 think the trial period will go well, and then they'll offer me a permanent job, They offer _ me a permanent job if the trial period goes well 2 I car't help you - I don't have time. See If|__had__ time, 1_‘id hep _ you. 3. Heneeds to work harder ~ then hell pass his exams. He pass his exams unless he ___ harder. 4 I need a part-time job because | don't have any money. f1___ more money, 1 a part-time job 5. He coesn't have mary skills, so he won't get promoted. He ___ promoted ihe more skills 6 The sun might come out later, and we'll go to the pool. ifthe sun later, we __ tothe pool 7 \think you should try to get anewjob. = f1____you,|___ toget. anew job. 8 You'll need to have a good CV to get aninterview. You ___ an interview unless you a good cy, 9. She can't work in France because she doesn't speak French. Ifshe French, she____inFrance. 10. My computer's so slow. The film is taking ages to download. lf my computer _so slow, the film _ages to download. Sey © Conuplete the sentences so that they are true for you. Compare with a partner. Ife weather's good this weekend... IF gota job in the UK. fray English improvesaloe Td newer forgive myssl if. le realy happy if. Thad a year off = a = = = = = = = = = = = = | = = = = = = EnelshFle 3d adition Teacher's Book intermediate Pls Piccapiale © OxfoxdLhiversity Press 2014 5A GRAMMAR present perfect simple © Make sentences | questions with the present perfect simple or past simple 5A When / you / start tearing the pan? B Thee years ago. A. you /play in any concerts? B_No,|'mnot good encugh yet. 1A. When/ you /stert working here? —When did youstact working here? 8. Only 2 few weeks agp. ‘A. yeu / meet everyone in the afice? 8 Wel, / not see the director yet! 2 A you/have breakfast? B Not yet. 6 A you /ever /be to the States? A. What time / you / get up? B Yes, three times. What about you? 8 Only ten minutes ago. ‘A We /just / come back from Florida, 3. A How long / you / know Alex? 7A you /enjoy the concert on Saturday? B. For about ten years, A. Where / you / meet? B we/ not go / because our daughter / bei. B. Atuniversty. A Oh polis she OK now? B Yes, she / be much better since the weekend. 8 A you/ever/ ive abroad? B Yes, 1/ teachin tay for @ few yeors. Now Iteach in London, 4A Doyouwant a coffee? — B No, thanks.1/ already / have three ‘A. How long / be a teacher? cups this moming. ——— B Since 2009. [A you / ever / think / about cutting down? © Witha partner. write ewomni-dialogues using the present perfect simple an the pas simple Engish File Sdeition Teacher's Bak termediate PlusPhotocoiable © OxferdLniversiy Press 2014 TAA Om 5B GRAMMAR present perfect continuous © Comes dlaogues wth he present contnseus or presen: pret continua 1A Sorry tmlate! _Hase you_beenwatting long? (weit) B Yes! here fornearly 20 minutes! (stand) 2 A Ardhow long __ you__, madern? (stay) B Tworights.| on Friday. (leave) 3A Why are you so dirty? B Vie Dadin the garden. (help) 4A Itlooks beautiful outside. B Yes, it ___-since we got up this morning. (enow) 5 A You look well! B Yes, __a lot of exercise at the moment. (do) 6 A How long B Not long, you ? (sunbathe) 7 A Is Mike still in his room? B Yes, he computer games all aftemoon. (play) 8 A Isthat the TVican hear? B Yes, Mum.|____my homewerk all afternoon, and now |__ the news. (do, watch) Eraivecisu) © Cover the dialogues and look atthe pictaces. In pais, ery to remember the dialogues | SAS i a NM English Fle ac edton Teacher's Book termedate Plus Phctecopiate © Oword Unersty Prose 2014 6A GRAMMAR obligation, necessity, prohibition, advice © Complete the second sentence with one word to mean the same asthe frst. Contractions (eg-can) count as one word 10 u She should sellher house. It’s much too big for her. ‘She _ought_to sll her house. Isitnecessary to use ladder? Can't you just stand ona chair? Doyou____to use a adder? Tmust remember to buy new light bulbs. [ike to have some spares. 1 forget to buy new light bulbs. You ought ro be more careful. You've made ten spelling mistakes. You beso careless. £ } You can't mend it without a screwdriver. I'l go and get one. You ___ touse a screwdriver to mend it. It would be a good idea to buy rechargeable batteries. They're more eco-friendly You buy rechargeable batteries, ‘You should eat less fist food. I's not good for you W's really important not to wash this jumper in the washing machine. } Wsnotmecessary to use glue. Just use apiece of Sdlotape™. You use glue, Ineedn’t go yet k's still quite early, Idon't_ ogo yee : ‘You can’ visit India without a visa, You'll have to apply for one, You havea visa to vist India Cd © Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Compare with a partner. Thave 0. Tougheto, Ineedn’t Idon’t have to... I shouldn't Engl File 37d edition Teachers Book Intermedate Pes Photocopable © Oxford University Press 2014 TAA OO 6B GRAMMAR can, could, and be able to © Complete the sentences withthe correct form of can or beable to. Sometimestwe answers are possible. >) | 1 Will _heable o__ change this for a larger sizeif its too smal? 2 She __ never find clothes that she likes. 31 do my homework last night. it was too difficult: 4 He____speak very good French - nobody seems to understand a word he's saying! 5 They ___come to the conference because there weren't any flights. 6 you tell me where the nearest supermarket is? 7 Heusedto___ play tennis quite well, but he's hopeless now. 8 Sheneeds to ___ swim if she wants to go sailing, 9 Ilove buy everything | need in the local shops. 10 You__ be tired ~ it’s only 9.00! 11 I might leave work early on Friday. 12 if igot apay rise,|____afford a new laptop. 13 | spent hours looking for my wallet but |___findit, 14. The shoe shop didn't have her size, but she find a pair ontine. 15 She’s__ride ahorse since she was six years old, eee © Complete the sentences so they are rue for you. Compare witha partner can. really well When [was achild could. ‘Thelast time lweat clothes shopping couldn’. Vd really hke tobe able to Inthe next five years might be abet. Tope ithe able to, Qe Ue Uda Ud Ade ee dee ee eee English Fie rdotoneachers book ntemedte Fun Potocple © OxkdUnversty Press 2014 fis | 2A COMMUNICATIVE Ask me a question © Complete the questions with the present simple or continuous of the verh in brackets, © Choose six questions to ask your partner. 1 How often do you__go_to the hairdressers? And to the dentist's? (go) 2. Are youheppy with your este or ee, you___it could be healthier? (think) 3 Why exactly you English? (learn) 4 What you after todays class? (do) 5 _____ anybody in your famity_a foreign language really well? (speak) 6 What important things___ you__ to do before the weekend? (need) 7, you of doing any official English exams in the near future? (think) } > 8 When this course 2 (finish) 9 ‘anyone you know for a job at the moment? (look) ao you away this weekend? (go) a you usually__seeing films which are dubbed or subtitled? (prefer) 12 What___your best friend _ tke? (look) 13 What book: you at the moment? (reed) FEN 14 What you this Saturday night? (do) you __ to? (belong) 7 you anybody who. martied soon? (know, get) 18 you to buy anything at the moment? (save) 19 What time this class, and 2 (tart frist) 20° When _ younext your best friend? (see) 21 What kindof things you your phone for? (use) 22 Who_______tenight in yourhouse? (cook) English Fie 31 elton Teachers Book intermediate Plus Phatocopiate © OxferdUnivery Press 2014 a 2B COMMUNICATIVE Spot the difference Student A Qe Uda We ee Ue ee English File 3rd edition Teacher's Bock intermediate Pus Photocopiable © Onford Univesity Press 201-4 Ea Md Ud Ue Ud eA ae 3B COMMUNICATIVE What's the preposition? © Look atthe questions. Write the mi ing preposition for each circle. © Take turns ro choosea group of questions to ask a partner. + ifyouhad to speekin front Illa ange ‘eutience, hew wuld you feel? + Do youleiow anyane whe has a hob, ris aly afraid I sornething? + When was the last time you felt proud Mi something younad done? * What food and drink emind you your childhood? + What sports cubs or organizations do / i youbelons ll? + What kinds of things do you object People doing «) on a plone, b) atthe cinema? + What two things are you moet looking ferwerd MM this year? + What advantages or isathantages are there to beirg rairied Ill someone from ‘another country? + Do you fel please ll your progress in Englsh thsterm? + Can peonestlbeirenesif they dont gree Ml each othe about, 8, polities? + 1s there anyone in your aril that you are abit Fed up il 2t the moment? + Have you avr boon given a prosent that you were realy disappoint I? ‘+ What sport or activity would you Bke to be really good Ill? + Wy do youthirk some people are bo ering languages? f someone aives Mila concert / Flat, shoud they be lt in? ‘+ Do you like telling jokes? Do people laugh Ill the jckes you tol? + What oe sore ofthe typical things couples ore il? + What would you warn visitors Ill before they tt your ity / county? + When was the lattime youfelt angry Il samething friend eto you? + When you were younger, cid ou get excited Ill your birthday? How did youse to celebrate it? + Who cenyou rey lil when youhave e peoblem? Can they rely Ml yu toc? + What co you says have ill your desk athore? + Would youprefer to ve in a fet the top floor Mill the ground floor? += Which gedgets do you completely pend llln your everyday life? ‘What pevcd of history are yeu mast interestec I? + Have you (orhas anyone you know) ever succeeded Ill passing a difficult exors? + Whon you sive anew city / country hats the fist thing you usually try to find cut? + Do youoften waste time looking for tings. i your tog? + How do you foslabeut wating Ill people when they late? + Shoulda man poy Hilla woman on fist date? + Are youoris anyone youknow) acpiyine Mla {pd /couise atthe moment? + Who's esponsibe il dcrg the housework in yeur house? English Fe rdediicn Teacher's Sook htermadete Pus Potocpiale © Oxford Unversty ress 2024 6A COMMUNICATIVE Strange but true? © Read the tips and decide which ones you think are ee. © Compare your answers witha partner and discuss why you think the tips are true or false. 1-1 Ifyouneed to disinfect | sponges and doths ina ‘hurry, wash them in hot ‘water and then put ther | im the microwave for one minute They'll be 100% germ-free 2 Artificial flowers made of material can get very dirty.No problem! All you have to dois put ‘them in lerge plastic bag, add one spoon of salt, and then shake the bag for afew minutes. 9 2 Doyou have a dirty computer screen? Then thie is what you should do. Mix 10ml of lemon juice ‘with 100ml of mineral water Wipe the screen | gently with this mixture. You must remember ‘9

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