Published Works: Tai Shang's Treatise On Action and Response

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Published Works

Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response

Tai Shang’s Treatise on Action and Response has had a continuously powerful
impact on Chinese civilization from the outset. For many centuries, this treatise
has been disseminated among hundreds of millions of Chinese people and printed
more than both the Bible and the Dao De Jing. While scholars have attributed the
treatise to various authors, legend has it that Lao Zi himself explained and wrote
it more than 2,000 years ago.

It ranks among the Daoist classics of cultivating one’s Inner Nature, and can be
considered ‘China’s Ancient Law of Attraction’. The purpose of the treatise is to
urge all people rstly to repent their past mistakes and bad conduct and then to
establish good thoughts, meritorious deeds and virtue as their standard. It points
out that if people wish to live a long life and want to obtain good fortune, they
must perform benevolent and charitable deeds and accumulate virtue. The
underlying principle is clear: nothing in this world happens by chance and human
destiny and fate are determined by one’s own Heart-Mind, one’s conduct and
actions, and one’s speech and words.

善有善报, 恶有恶报。
Kind-heartedness has kind-hearted recompenses,
whereas evil [behaviour] has evil recompenses.

This publication consists of extensive commentaries on the treatise by the Daoist

renunciant Xing De (Li Shi Fu), which will enable the reader to contemplate the
deeper meanings hidden within it.

The entire text is also viewable for free on our website by clicking here.

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Explanations of Channels and Points (Volume 1) 1/3
5/27/2020 Discourse on Inner Nature – Purple Cloud

Explanations of Channels and Points (Volume 1) is a Qing dynasty
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acupuncture commentary by Yue Hanzhen (1602-1693 CE).
Despite having never been published, this work has survived owing
to its historical signi cance. It was the rst to integrate pointHome About Us Content Buy our books Links Contact Us
locations and classical channel pathways, thereby setting a
precedent of assigning a numbering scheme to channel points.The
rst volume includes explanations of the points and channels of
the lung, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine and
bladder channels. In addition to a discussion of text, author and the
various historical texts mentioned in this work.

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Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature

This wonderful and remarkable book by Wang Fengyi (1864–

1937) is a true testament to the bene ts of Daoist spiritual
cultivation. At age thirty- ve, having become aware of the
repercussions and implications of emotions on his own health
condition, Wang attained the Dao and began spreading his
teachings. One of his most remarkable accomplishments was the
founding of countless schools for young women, making education
accessible to them on a large scale.
Wang Fengyi’s teachings are like a thoughtful and insightful poetry
that can allow one to transform oneself, one’s body and one’s Spirit.
If you seek to help others or bring wellness to yourself, these
teachings can be enormously bene cial, offering direction and
great insights for one’s well-being.
As Daoist practitioners, Johan Hausen and Jonas Akers have done
an excellent job in translating this valuable treatise, bringing
additional authenticity to the transmission of this work and
propagation of Wang Fengyi’s teachings.

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"After reading Discourse on Transforming Inner Nature I feel like I have washed off layers of dust f
world. Just imagine what walking this path could do!" 2/3
5/27/2020 Discourse on Inner Nature – Purple Cloud — Lorraine Wilcox L.Ac

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m Translator of Categorized Essentials of Repairing the Body

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