Hacer Report Speech

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Hi my name is Whitney Elizabeth, I'm 22 and I sent this because I was Ttravelling
across the Ocean and suddendly the cruise dragged. I need help please

She said her name is Whitney Elizabeth, she's 22 years old, and she sent the message
that she was traveling on the ocean and suddenly the cruise dragged . She needs help.

2. Hi Chavez im alessandro when you read this i am probably dead i read this to tell you
that i am lost in the Pacific Ocean without food i am here for two weeks help me
please .
Alesandro told Chavez that when he reads this he will probably be dead, he wrote this
to tell him that he is lost in the pacific ocean without food and that he is already two
weeks old so please help him
3. My name is Emanuel, im peruvian and Im writing this message because im doing an
experiment, I want to know how long it takes to cross the Pacific Ocean
He said his name is Emanuel, he is Peruvian and he wrote this message because he is
doing an experiment, he wants to know how long it take to cross the Pacific Ocean

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