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1. NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT • Infertility due to cervical hostility.

For tablets: For cream and pessaries:
Ovestin 1 mg or 2 mg tablets. •H
 ormone replacement therapy (HRT) for the treat-
For cream: ment of atrophy of the lower urogenital tract related
Ovestin 1 mg cream. to estrogen deficiency.
For pessaries: For all presentations:
Ovestin 0.5 mg pessaries. •P
 re- and postoperative therapy in postmenopausal
women undergoing vaginal surgery.
 diagnostic aid in case of a doubtful atrophic cer-
COMPOSITION vical smear.
For tablets:
Each tablet contains 1 mg or 2 mg estriol. 4.2 Posology and method of administration
For cream: For tablets:
Each gram of cream contains 1 mg estriol. •F
 or treatment of estrogen deficiency symptoms:
4-8 mg per day during the first weeks, followed by
For pessaries:
a gradual reduction. The lowest effective dosage
Each pessary contains 0.5 mg estriol.
should be used. In case of long-term treatment in
For excipients, see 6.1.
women with an intact uterus, monitoring of the endo-
3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM metrium or, alternatively, concomitant use of a pro-
For tablets: gestagen is recommended (see also Section 4.4).
Tablet. • For infertility due to cervical hostility:
White, round, flat, scored tablets, with beveled In general 1-2 mg per day on days 6-15 of the men-
edges. All tablets are marked with “Organon” on one strual cycle. However, for some patients dosages as
side and a code on the other side. For 1 mg tablets: low as 1 mg per day are sufficient, whereas others
DG above and 7 below the score line. For 2 mg tab- may need up to 8 mg per day. Therefore, the dosage
lets: DG above and 8 below the score line. should be increased each month until an optimal
For cream: effect on the cervical mucus is obtained.
Cream. •A s pre- and postoperative therapy in postmeno-
Homogeneous, smooth, white to nearly white mass pausal women undergoing vaginal surgery:
of creamy consistency. 4-8 mg per day in the 2 weeks before surgery;
For pessaries: 1-2 mg per day in the 2 weeks after surgery.
Pessary. •A s a diagnostic aid in case of a doubtful atrophic
White, torpedo formed pessaries. cervical smear: 2-4 mg per day for 7 days before
taking the next smear.
A missed dose should be taken as soon as remem-
4.1 Therapeutic indications bered, unless it is more than 12 hours overdue. In
For tablets: the latter case the missed dose should be skipped
• Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for estrogen and the next dose should be taken at the normal
deficiency symptoms in postmenopausal women. time.
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The tablets should be swallowed with some water or

other drink, preferably at the same time every day. It
is important that the total daily dose is taken at once
(see Section 4.4).
For cream:
6. To apply cream, lie down, insert end of applicator
•F or atrophy of the lower urogenital tract:
deep into the vagina and slowly push plunger all
1 application per day for the first weeks, followed by
the way in.
a gradual reduction, based on relief of symptoms,
until a maintenance dosage (e.g. 1 application twice After use, pull plunger out of barrel and wash both in
a week) is reached. warm, soapy water.
Do not use detergents. Rinse well afterwards.
•A s pre- and postoperative therapy in postmeno-
pausal women undergoing vaginal surgery:
1 application per day in the 2 weeks before surgery; 1
application twice a week in the 2 weeks after surgery. A missed dose should be administered as soon as
remembered, unless the missed dose is noticed
•A s a diagnostic aid in case of a doubtful atrophic at the day of the next dose. In the latter case the
cervical smear: missed dose should be skipped and the regular dos-
1 application on alternate days in the week before ing scheme continued.
taking the next smear.
Two doses must never be administered on the same
Ovestin cream should be administered intravaginally day.
by means of a calibrated applicator before retiring at
night. For pessaries:
1 application (applicator filled to the ring mark) con- • F
 or atrophy of the lower urogenital tract:
tains 0.5 g Ovestin cream which corresponds to 1 pessary per day for the first weeks, followed by
0.5 mg estriol. a gradual reduction, based on relief of symptoms,
until a maintenance dosage (e.g. 1 pessary twice a
Instructions for use for the patient
week) is reached.
1. A pply the vaginal cream before retiring at night.
2. R emove cap from the tube, invert it, and use the • A  s pre- and postoperative therapy in postmeno-
sharp point to open the tube. pausal women undergoing vaginal surgery:
3. S crew the end of the applicator onto the tube. 1 pessary per day in the 2 weeks before surgery; 1
pessary twice a week in the 2 weeks after surgery.
•A s a diagnostic aid in case of a doubtful atrophic
cervical smear:
1 pessary on alternate days in the week before tak-
4. Squeeze tube to fill the applicator with the cream ing the next smear.
until the plunger stops. Ovestin pessaries should be inserted intravaginally
before retiring at night.
A missed dose should be administered as soon as
remembered, unless the missed dose is noticed
at the day of the next dose. In the latter case the
5. Unscrew applicator from tube and replace cap on missed dose should be skipped and the regular dos-
tube. ing scheme continued.
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Two doses must never be administered on the same taken. Physical (including pelvic and breast) exam-
day. ination should be guided by this and by the con-
For initiation and continuation of treatment of post- traindications and warnings for use. During treat-
menopausal symptoms, the lowest effective dose ment, periodic check-ups are recommended of
for the shortest duration of time should be used (see a frequency and nature adapted to the individual
Section 4.4). woman. Women should be advised what changes
In women not taking HRT or women who switch in their breast should be reported to their doctor or
from a continuous combined HRT product, treat- nurse (see ‘Breast cancer’ below). Investigations,
ment with Ovestin may be started on any day. including mammography, should be carried out
Women who switch from cyclic HRT regimen should in accordance with currently accepted screening
start Ovestin treatment one week after completion of practices, modified to the clinical needs of the indi-
the cycle. vidual.
4.3 Contraindications Conditions which need supervision
• Known, past or suspected breast cancer • If any of the following conditions are present, have
• Known or suspected estrogen-dependent malig- occurred previously, and/or have been aggravat-
nant tumors (e.g. endometrial cancer) ed during pregnancy or previous hormone treat-
• Undiagnosed genital bleeding ment, the patient should be closely supervised. It
• Untreated endometrial hyperplasia should be taken into account that these conditions
• Previous idiopathic or current venous thrombo- may recur or be aggravated during treatment with
embolism (deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary Ovestin, in particular:
embolism) - L eiomyoma (uterine fibroids) or endometriosis
• Active or recent arterial thromboembolic disease -A  history of, or risk factors for, thromboembolic dis-
(e.g. angina, myocardial infarction) orders (see below)
• Acute liver disease, or a history of liver disease as -R  isk factors for estrogen dependent tumors, e.g.
long as liver function tests failed to return to normal 1st degree heredity for breast cancer
• Known hypersensitivity to the active substance or -H  ypertension
to any of the excipients - L iver disorders (e.g. liver adenoma)
• Porphyria -D  iabetes mellitus with or without vascular involve-
For tablets: ment
• Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, -C  holelithiasis
the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose -M  igraine or (severe) headache
malabsorption (see Section 6.1). -S  ystemic lupus erythematosus
4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use -A  history of endometrial hyperplasia (see below)
For the treatment of postmenopausal symptoms, -E  pilepsy
HRT should only be initiated for symptoms that -A  sthma
adversely affect quality of life. In all cases, a careful -O  tosclerosis
appraisal of the risks and benefits should be under- Reasons for immediate withdrawal of therapy:
taken at least annually and HRT should only be con- Therapy should be discontinued in case a contra-
tinued as long as the benefit outweighs the risk. indication is discovered and in the following situa-
Medical examination/follow-up tions:
• Before initiation or reinstituting HRT, a complete • J aundice or deterioration in liver function
personal and family medical history should be • S  ignificant increase in blood pressure
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• New onset of migraine-type headache less invasive and highly differentiated tumors.
• Pregnancy Vaginal bleeding during medication should always
Endometrial hyperplasia be investigated. The patient should be informed to
contact a doctor if vaginal bleeding occurs.
For tablets:
• Clinical studies showed that the use of divided Breast cancer
daily doses and long-term use of high doses of HRT may increase mammographic density. This
estriol (more than 8 mg daily) may lead to endo- may complicate the radiological detection of breast
metrium stimulation. In addition, one epidemio- cancer. Clinical studies reported that the likelihood
logical study has shown that long-term treatment of developing increased mammographic density was
with low doses of oral estriol may increase the lower in subjects treated with estriol than in subjects
risk for endometrial cancer. The risk increased treated with other estrogens.
with the duration of treatment and disappeared A randomized placebo-controlled trial, the Women’s
within one year after the treatment was stopped. Health Initiative study (WHI), and epidemiological
The increased risk mainly concerned less invasive studies, including the Million Women Study (MWS),
and highly differentiated tumors. In women with an have reported an increased risk of breast cancer
intact uterus, the following precautions should be in women taking estrogens, estrogen-progesta-
taken: gen combinations or tibolone for HRT for several
years (see Section 4.8). For all HRT, an excess risk
-T he total daily dose should be taken at one time.
becomes apparent within a few years of use and
-T he patient should be informed to contact a doctor
increases with duration of intake but returns to base-
if vaginal bleeding occurs. Vaginal bleeding during
line within a few (at most five) years after stopping
medication should always be investigated.
-D uring long-term treatment, the endome-
In the MWS, the relative risk of breast cancer with
trium should be monitored at least annually.
conjugated equine estrogens (CEE) or estradiol (E2)
Alternatively, a progestagen should be added, for
was greater when a progestagen was added, either
at least 12-14 days of the cycle.
sequentially or continuously, and regardless of type
The increased breast cancer risk associated with of progestagen. There was no evidence of a differ-
combined estrogenprogestagen treatment should be ence in risk between the different routes of admin-
considered, when making a decision to either moni- istration.
tor the endometrium or add a progestagen. There
In the WHI study, the continuous combined conju-
are no indications that treatment with oral estriol gated equine estrogen and medroxyprogesterone
alone increases the risk for breast cancer. acetate (CEE + MPA) product used was associated
For cream and pessaries: with breast cancers that were slightly larger in size
• In order to prevent endometrial stimulation, the and more frequently had local lymph node metasta-
daily dose should not exceed 1 application (0.5 mg ses compared to placebo.
estriol) nor should this maximum dose be used for It is unknown whether Ovestin carries the same risk.
longer than several weeks. One epidemiological In a recent population-based case-control study in
study has shown that long-term treatment with low 3,345 women with invasive breast cancer and 3,454
doses of oral estriol, but not vaginal estriol, may controls, estriol was found not to be associated with
increase the risk for endometrial cancer. This risk an increased risk of breast cancer, in contrast to
increased with the duration of treatment and dis- other estrogens. However, the clinical implications
appeared within one year after the treatment was of these findings are as yet unknown. Therefore,
terminated. The increased risk mainly concerned it is important that the risk of being diagnosed with
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breast cancer is discussed with the patient and to prevent VTE following surgery. Where prolonged
weighed against the known benefits of HRT. immobilization is liable to follow elective surgery, par-
Venous thromboembolism ticularly abdominal surgery or orthopedic surgery
to the lower limbs, consideration should be given to
HRT is associated with a higher relative risk of
temporarily stopping HRT four to six weeks earlier,
developing venous thromboembolism (VTE), i.e.
deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. One if possible. If Ovestin is used for the indication ‘pre-
randomized controlled trial and epidemiological and post operative therapy...’ consideration should 1)be
studies found a 2-3 fold higher risk for users com- given to prophylactic treatment against thrombosis.
pared with non-users. For nonusers it is estimated If VTE develops after initiating Ovestin therapy, the
that the number of cases of VTE that will occur over drug should be discontinued. Patients should be told
a 5 year period is about 3 per 1000 women aged to contact their doctors immediately when they are
50-59 years and 8 per 1000 women aged 60-69 aware of a potential thromboembolic symptom (e.g.
years. It is estimated that in healthy women who painful swelling of a leg, sudden pain in the chest,
use HRT for 5 years, the number of additional cases dyspnea).
Sentence to be deleted if not relevant for a specific country.

of VTE over a 5 year period will be between 2 an

6 (best estimate =4) per 1000 women aged 50-59 Coronary artery disease (CAD)
years and between 5 and 15 (best estimate =9) per There is no evidence from randomized controlled
1000 women aged 60-69 years. The occurrence of trials of cardiovascular benefit with continuous
such an event is more likely in the first year of HRT combined conjugated estrogens and medroxypro-
than later. These studies did not include Ovestin gesterone acetate (MPA). Two large clinical trials
and, in the absence of data, it is unknown whether (WHI and HERS i.e. Heart and Estrogen/progestin
Ovestin carries the same risk. Replacement Study) showed a possible increased
Generally recognized risk factors for VTE include risk of cardiovascular morbidity in the first year of
a personal history or family history, severe obesity use and no overall benefit. For other HRT prod-
(Body Mass Index >30 kg/m2) and systemic lupus ucts there are only limited data from randomized
erythematosus (SLE). There is no consensus about controlled trials examining effects in cardiovascu-
the role of varicose veins in VTE. lar morbidity or mortality. Therefore, it is uncertain
Patients with a history of recurrent VTE or known whether these findings also extend to other HRT
thrombophilic states have an increased risk of VTE. products.
HRT may add to this risk. Personal or strong fam- Stroke
ily history of thromboembolism or recurrent spon- One large randomized clinical trial (WHI-trial) found,
taneous abortion should be investigated in order to as a secondary outcome, an increased risk of isch-
exclude a thrombophilic predisposition. Until a thor- emic stroke in healthy women during treatment with
ough evaluation of thrombophilic factors has been continuous combined conjugated estrogens and
made or anticoagulant treatment initiated, use of MPA. For women who do not use HRT, it is estimat-
HRT in such patients should be viewed as contra- ed that the number of cases of stroke that will occur
indicated. Those women already on anticoagulant over a 5 year period is about 3 per 1000 women
treatment require careful consideration of the bene- aged 50-59 years and 11 per 1000 women aged
fit-risk of use of HRT 60-69 years. It is estimated that for women who
The risk of VTE may be temporarily increased with use conjugated estrogens and MPA for 5 years, the
prolonged immobilization, major trauma or major number of additional cases will be between 0 and
surgery. As in all post-operative patients, scrupulous 3 (best estimate = 1) per 1000 users aged 50-59
attention should be given to prophylactic measures years and between 1 and 9 (best estimate = 4) per
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1000 users aged 60-69 years. It is unknown whether drug-metabolizing enzymes, specifically cyto-
the increased risk also extends to other HRT prod- chrome P450 enzymes, such as anticonvulsants
ucts. (e.g. hydantoins, barbiturates, carbamazepin), anti-
Ovarian cancer infectives (e.g. griseofulvin, rifamycins, the antiret-
Long-term (at least 5-10 years) use of estrogen- roviral agents nevirapine and efavirenz) and herbal
only HRT products in hysterectomized women has preparations containing St John’s wort (Hypericum
been associated with an increased risk of ovarian Perforatum).
cancer in some epidemiological studies. It is uncer- Ritonavir and nelfinavir, although known as strong
tain whether long-term use of combined HRT or low inhibitors, by contrast exhibit inducing properties
potency estrogens (such as Ovestin) confers a dif- when used concomitantly with steroid hormones.
ferent risk than estrogen-only products Clinically, an increased metabolism of estrogens
Other conditions may lead to decreased effectiveness of Ovestin and
Estrogens may cause fluid retention, and therefore changes in uterine bleeding profile.
patients with cardiac or renal dysfunction should Estriol may possibly increase the pharmacological
be carefully observed. Patients with terminal renal effects of corticosteroids, succinylcholine, theophyl-
insufficiency should be closely observed, since it is lines and troleandomycin.
expected that the level of circulating active ingredi- 4.6 Pregnancy and lactation
ents in Ovestin is increased. Ovestin is not indicated during pregnancy. If preg-
Estriol is a weak gonadotrophin inhibitor without nancy occurs during medication with Ovestin, treat-
other significant effects on the endocrine system. ment should be withdrawn immediately. The results
There is no conclusive evidence for improvement of of most epidemiological studies to date relevant to
cognitive function. There is some evidence from the inadvertent fetal exposure to estrogens indicate no
WHI trial of increased risk of probable dementia in teratogenic or fetotoxic effects.
women who start using continuous combined CEE Ovestin is not indicated during lactation. Estriol is
and MPA after the age of 65. It is unknown wheth- excreted in breast milk and may decrease milk pro-
er the findings apply to younger post-menopausal duction.
women or other HRT products.
4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines
For cream: As far as is known Ovestin has no effect on alert-
Ovestin cream contains cetyl alcohol and stearyl ness and concentration.
alcohol. This may cause local skin reactions (e.g.
contact dermatitis). 4.8 Undesirable effects
For tablets:
4.5 Interactions with other medicinal products
From literature and safety surveillance monitoring,
and other forms of interactions
the following adverse reactions have been reported:
No examples of interactions between Ovestin and
other medicines have been reported in clinical prac- System organ class Adverse reactions*
tice. Although data are limited, interactions between Reproductive system and Breast discomfort and pain
breast disorders Postmenopausal spotting
Ovestin and other medicinal products may occur. Cervical discharge
The following interactions have been described with Gastrointestinal disorders Nausea
use of combined oral contraceptives which may also Metabolism and nutrition Fluid retention
be relevant for Ovestin. disorders
*MedDRA version 9.1
The metabolism of estrogens may be increased by
concomitant use of substances known to induce These adverse reactions are usually transient, but
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may also be indicative of too high a dosage. (RR) from a reanalysis of original data from 51 epi-
For cream and for pessaries: demiological studies (in which >80% of HRT use
From literature and safety surveillance monitoring, was oestrogen-only HRT) and from the epidemiolog-
the following adverse reactions have been reported: ical Million Women Study (MWS) are similar at 1.35
(95%CI 1.21 – 1.49) and 1.30 (95%CI 1.21 – 1.40),
System organ class Adverse reactions* respectively.
General disorders and adminis- Application site irritation and
tration site conditions pruritus For oestrogen plus progestagen combined HRT,
Reproductive system and Breast discomfort and pain several epidemiological studies have reported an
breast disorders overall higher risk for breast cancer than with oes-
*MedDRA version 9.1
trogens alone.
These adverse reactions are usually transient, but The MWS reported that, compared to never users,
may also be indicative of too high a dosage. the use of various types of oestrogen-progestagen
Other adverse reactions have been reported in combined HRT was associated with a higher risk of
association with estrogenprogestagen treatment. In breast cancer (RR = 2.00, 95%CI: 1.88 – 2.12) than
the absence of data, it is unknown whether Ovestin use of oestrogens alone (RR = 1.30, 95%CI: 1.21
is distinct in this regard. – 1.40) or use of tibolone (RR=1.45; 95%CI 1.25-
• Estrogen-dependent neoplasms benign and 1.68).
malignant, e.g. endometrial cancer and breast The WHI trial reported a risk estimate of 1.24
cancer. For further information see Sections “4.3 (95%CI 1.01 – 1.54) after 5.6 years of use of oestro-
Contraindications” and “4.4 Special warnings and gen-progestagen combined HRT (CEE + MPA) in all
precautions for use” users compared with placebo.
• Venous thromboembolism, i.e. deep leg or pelvic The absolute risks calculated from the MWS and the
venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, is WHI trial are presented below:
more frequent among HRT users than among non- The MWS has estimated, from the known average
users. In the absence of data, it is unknown wheth- incidence of breast cancer in developed countries,
er Ovestin is distinct in this regard. For further that:
information see Sections “4.3 Contraindications” •F  or women not using HRT, about 32 in every 1000
and “4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use” are expected to have breast cancer diagnosed
• Myocardial infarction and stroke between the ages of 50 and 64 years.
• Gall bladder disease •F  or 1000 current or recent users of HRT, the num-
• Skin and subcutaneous disorders: chloasma, ery- ber of additional cases during the corresponding
thema multiforme, erythema nodosum, vascular period will be
purpura - For users of oestrogen-only replacement therapy
• Probable dementia (see Section 4.4) • b etween 0 and 3 (best estimate = 1.5) for 5 years’
Breast cancer • b etween 3 and 7 (best estimate = 5) for 10 years’
According to evidence from a large number of epi- use.
demiological studies and one randomized placebo- - For users of oestrogen plus progestagen combined
controlled trial, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), HRT,
the overall risk of breast cancer increases with • b etween 5 and 7 (best estimate = 6) for 5 years’
increasing duration of HRT use in current or recent use
HRT users. • b etween 18 and 20 (best estimate = 19) for 10
For oestrogen-only HRT, estimates of relative risk years’ use.
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The WHI trial estimated that after 5.6 years of fol- Ovestin contains the natural female hormone estriol.
low-up of women between the ages of 50 and 79 Unlike other estrogens, estriol is short acting since it
years, an additional 8 cases of invasive breast can- has only a short retention time in the nuclei of endo-
cer would be due to oestrogen-progestagen com- metrial cells. It substitutes for the loss of estrogen
bined HRT (CEE + MPA) per 10,000 women years. production in menopausal women and alleviates
According to calculations from the trial data, it is menopausal symptoms. Estriol is particularly effec-
estimated that: tive in the treatment of urogenital symptoms. In case
• For 1000 women in the placebo group, of atrophy of the lower urogenital tract estriol induc-
- about 16 cases of invasive breast cancer would es the normalization of the urogenital epithelium and
be diagnosed in 5 years. helps to restore the normal microflora and the physi-
• For 1000 women who used oestrogen + progesta- ological pH in the vagina. As a result, it increases
gen combined HRT (CEE + MPA), the number of the resistance of the urogenital epithelial cells to
additional cases would be infection and inflammation reducing vaginal com-
- between 0 and 9 (best estimate = 4) for 5 plaints such as dyspareunia, dryness, itching, vagi-
years’ use. nal and urinary infections, miction complaints and
The number of additional cases of breast cancer in mild urinary incontinence.
women who use HRT is broadly similar for women Clinical trial information
who start HRT irrespective of age at start of use •R
 elief of menopausal symptoms was achieved dur-
(between the ages of 45-65) (see section 4.4). ing the first weeks of treatment.
4.9 Overdose •V
 aginal bleeding after treatment with Ovestin has
only rarely been reported.
For tablets:
The acute toxicity of estriol in animals is very low. 5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties
Therefore, toxic symptoms are not expected to For tablets:
occur if several tablets are taken simultaneously. After oral administration estriol is rapidly and almost
In cases of acute overdose, nausea, vomiting, and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
withdrawal bleeding in females may develop. No Peak plasma levels of unconjugated estriol are
specific antidote is known. Symptomatic treatment reached within 1 hour of administration. After oral
can be given if necessary. administration of 8 mg estriol, Cmax is approximate-
For cream and pessaries: ly 200 ng/ml, Cmin is approximately 20 ng/ml and
The acute toxicity of estriol in animals is very low. Caverage approximately 40 ng/ml.
Overdose with Ovestin after vaginal administration For cream and pessaries:
is unlikely. However, in cases where large quanti- Intravaginal administration of estriol ensures opti-
ties are ingested, nausea, vomiting, and withdrawal mal availability at the site of action. Estriol is also
bleeding in females may occur. No specific antidote absorbed into the general circulation, as is shown
is known. Symptomatic treatment can be given if by a sharp rise in the plasma levels of unconju-
necessary. gated estriol. Peak plasma levels are reached 1-2
hours after application. After vaginal application of
5. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES 500 microgram estriol, Cmax is approximately 100 pg/
5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties ml, Cmin is approximately 25 pg/ml and Caverage
Pharmacotherapeutic group: natural and semisyn- is approximately 70 pg/ml. After 3 weeks of daily
thetic estrogens administration of 0,5 mg vaginal estriol, Caverage
ATC code: G03CA04 has decreased to 40 pg/ml.
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Nearly all (90%) estriol is bound to albumin in the 6.3 Shelf life
plasma and, in contrast with other estrogens, hardly For tablets:
any estriol is bound to sex hormone-binding globu- 5 years.
lin. The metabolism of estriol consists principally of For cream and pessaries:
conjugation and deconjugation during the enterohe- 3 years.
patic circulation. Estriol, being a metabolic end prod-
uct, is mainly excreted via the urine in the conjugat- 6.4 Special precautions for storage
ed form. Only a small part (± 2%) is excreted via the For tablets:
feces, mainly as unconjugated estriol. Store at 2 - 30°C. Store in original package to pro-
tect from light and moisture.
5.3 Preclinical safety data
No special particulars. For cream:
Store at 2 - 30°C. Do not freeze.
6.1 List of excipients Store at 2 - 25°C. Store in original package to pro-
For tablets: tect from light and moisture.
1 mg tablets: 6.5 Nature and contents of container
Magnesium stearate For tablets:
Potato starch Ovestin tablets are packed in push through strips
Lactose monohydrate of PVC film backed by aluminium foil provided with
heal seal coating on the side in contact with the tab-
2 mg tablets: lets. Each pushthrough strip contains 30 tablets.
Potato starch The strips are packed in cardboard boxes.
For cream:
Silica colloidal anhydrous
Ovestin cream is filled in collapsible aluminium
Magnesium stearate
tubes of 15, 30 or 50 grams.
Lactose monohydrate
Not all pack sizes may be marketed. The tubes are
For cream: provided with a polyethylene screw cap.
Octyldodecanol The applicator consists of a styrene acrylonitril bar-
Cetyl palmitate rel and a polyethylene plunger. Each tube is packed,
Glycerol together with an applicator in a cardboard box.
Cetyl alcohol
Stearyl alcohol For pessaries:
Polysorbate 60 Ovestin pessaries are packed in blisters of polyvinyl-
Sorbitan stearate chloride (PVC-PE). Each blister contains 5 pessa-
Lactic acid ries. The blisters are packed in cardboard boxes.
Chlorhexidine dihydrochloride 6.6 Special precautions for disposal
Sodium hydroxide No special requirements.
Purified water
For pessaries: August 2007
Hard fat
6.2 Incompatibilities
Not applicable.

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