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Efficacy of vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent
bacterial vaginosis: a double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled study
Wang Ya, MD; Cheryl Reifer, PhD; Larry E. Miller, PhD

OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effectiveness of vaginal probiotic cap- Gardnerella vaginalis incidence through 2 months (3.5% [2/57 women]
sules for recurrent bacterial vaginosis (BV) prevention. vs 18.3% [11/60 women]; P ⫽ .02). Between the 2- and 11-month
follow-up period, women who received probiotics reported a lower inci-
STUDY DESIGN: One hundred twenty healthy Chinese women with a
history of recurrent BV were assigned randomly to daily vaginal prophy- dence of BV and G vaginalis. Aside from vaginal discharge and malodor,
laxis with 1 capsule (Probaclac Vaginal; Nicar Laboratories, Inc, Blain- no adverse events were reported in either study group.
ville, Quebec, Canada) that contained 8 billion colony-forming units of
Lactobacillus rhamnosus, L acidophilus, and Streptococcus thermophi- CONCLUSION: Short-term probiotic prophylaxis is well tolerated and re-
lus (n ⫽ 58 women) or 1 placebo capsule (n ⫽ 62 women) for 7 days duces BV recurrence and G vaginalis risk through 11 months after
on, 7 days off, and 7 days on. treatment.
RESULTS: Probiotic prophylaxis resulted in lower recurrence rates for
BV (15.8% [9/57 women] vs 45.0% [27/60 women]; P ⬍ .001) and Key words: bacterial vaginosis, G vaginalis, probiotic

Cite this article as: Ya W, Reifer C, Miller LE. Efficacy of vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent bacterial vaginosis: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-
controlled study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;203:120.e1-6.

B acterial vaginosis (BV) is the most

common vaginal infection in
women of childbearing age, with a prev-
fected women are aymptomatic,1,7 BV
increases the risk for pelvic inflamma-
tory disease, mid-trimester miscarriage,
high satisfaction rates vs creams, gels,
and oral yogurt consumption.18 Several
trials have studied the efficacy of vaginal
alence of 19-42%.1-4 This infection oc- preterm delivery, and other gynecologic probiotic capsules on BV.18,19 However,
curs when the normal Lactobacillus bac- complications.8-11 no known trial has studied the prophy-
teria in the vagina are disrupted and The standard of care for BV treatment lactic use of these capsules in women
subsequently replaced by predominantly is oral or vaginal metronidazole or vagi- with a history of recurrent BV.
anaerobic bacteria such as Gardnerella nal clindamycin.12 However, treatment Therefore, the purpose of this study
vaginalis and, to a lesser extent, Myco- success rates as low as 52%13 and recur- was to determine the efficacy of vaginal
plasma hominis, Prevotella, and Pep- rence rates of ⬎50% within 6-12 months probiotic capsules for BV prophylaxis in
tostreptococcus.5,6 Although most in- are common.13-15 The study of Swidsin- healthy women with a history of recur-
ski et al16 suggests that antibiotic treat- rent BV. We hypothesized that women
ment reduces vaginal bacteria metabolic who are treated with vaginal probiotic
From the Department of Gynecology,
activity, although a G vaginalis–rich bio- capsules would have a lower incidence of
Yuyao/Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong
University School of Medicine, Shanghai, film persists, which likely contributes to BV and G vaginalis compared with treat-
China (Dr Ya); and Sprim Advanced Life BV relapse. Furthermore, a recent trial ment with placebo.
Sciences, San Francisco, CA (Drs Reifer and reported that all G vaginalis strains de-
Miller). velop resistance to metronidazole in re- M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS
Received Jan. 6, 2010; revised March 19, current BV cases.17 Given the mediocre
2010; accepted May 11, 2010. This single-center, double-blind, ran-
efficacy of antibiotic treatment for BV, domized, placebo-controlled trial was
Reprints: Larry E. Miller, PhD, Sprim Advanced
Life Sciences, 235 Pine St., Suite 1175, San
there is a clear need to explore new BV conducted at Yuyao/Xinhua Hospital
Francisco, CA 94104. larry.miller@sprim.com. therapies. Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong Univer-
Supported by Nicar Laboratories, Inc, Lactobacilli are an alternative option sity School of Medicine (Shanghai,
Blainville, Quebec, Canada. Sprim China Ltd. for BV prevention and treatment be- China). Enrollment occurred between
(Shanghai, China) designed and supervised the cause they produce acetic acid and hy- December 2008 and January 2009. The
drogen peroxide, thereby hindering research practices that were used in this
0002-9378/$36.00 pathogenic bacteria growth. Vaginal trial were in accordance with the Decla-
© 2010 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.05.023 probiotic capsules are particularly ap- ration of Helsinki. The institutional re-
pealing because of their ease of use and view board at Yuyao/Xinhua Hospital

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approved this protocol (study no. 08- stabilized lactic ferments), L acidophilus hours incubation at 37°C in microaero-
SC-NIC-01), and all subjects provided (0.4 billion stabilized lactic ferments), philic conditions.21
informed consent before any research and Streptococcus thermophilus (0.8 bil- This study was conducted with triple-
activities were initiated. lion stabilized lactic ferments) and lac- blinding procedures. The study product
Inclusion criteria for study participa- tose. Placebo capsules were of identical was packaged and labeled by the manu-
tion were healthy women who were appearance, smell, and texture and con- facturer according to the study identifi-
18-55 years old, were currently free from tained only lactose. Study products were cation number and treatment assign-
BV, had had ⱖ2 BV episodes in the pre- kept secured and double verification was ment. Women were blinded to the
vious year, had had no antibiotic treat- used to ensure correct product adminis- treatment that was being received
ment within 1 week of study participa- tration to study subjects. throughout the trial. Investigators and
tion, and who were willing to refrain Baseline evaluations included a physi- all involved clinicians were blinded to
from other intravaginal products (eg, cal examination, vaginal swabs, medical the treatment allocation throughout the
douche or spermicide). Exclusion crite- history, concomitant medication use, course of the study. The blind was bro-
ria included the presence of other causes blood pressure, height, and weight. Each ken to investigators, but not patients, in
of vulvovaginitis (eg, candidiasis or subject received instruction regarding cases of a positive BV diagnosis. Test
Chlamydia trachomatis), pregnant or appropriate use of the vaginal capsules. subjects who experienced BV during the
lactating, history of daily fermented milk The study product was dispensed in a supplementation period continued us-
and/or yogurt consumption, allergy to box that contained 7 vaginal capsules ing the study product. If the infection
study product ingredients, immunosup- and a vaginal applicator. The women persisted for ⬎1 week, treatment was
pressed state, systemic or intravaginal used the study product for 1 week and supplemented with antibiotics at the
antibiotic or antifungal therapy within 7 returned 1 week later to pick up the sec- physician’s discretion. Control subjects
days of study participation, intraepithe- ond box that contained a 1-week supply who had BV discontinued the placebo
lial neoplasia or cervical carcinoma that treatment and began a course of antibi-
of capsules. The women returned for fol-
required treatment, and urogenital in- otics at the physician’s discretion.
low-up visits at 30 and 60 days after
fection within 21 days of participation.
treatment. Follow-up evaluations in-
Subjects who met all study entry crite- Data analysis
cluded the collection of vaginal swabs, an
ria and who provided informed consent All data were recorded on case report
assessment of vaginal flora, and a report
were assigned randomly to BV prophy- forms, double-entered into a database,
of adverse events. The women were con-
laxis (test group) with a proprietary vag- verified, and monitored independently
tacted by telephone at 10.8 ⫾ 0.2 months
inal probiotic capsule (Probaclac Vagi- for accuracy by Sprim China Ltd.
after treatment and were asked to con-
nal; Nicar Laboratories, Inc, Blainville, (Shanghai, China). Clinical monitors
firm or deny the presence of BV symp-
Quebec, Canada) or a placebo capsule and biostatisticians were blinded to
(control group) for 7 days on, 7 days off, toms, diagnosis of BV or G vaginalis, and treatment allocation throughout the en-
and 7 days on. The randomization se- adverse events over the 2- to 11-month tire clinical study and until after all anal-
quence that was used in this trial was follow-up period. If a subject reported a yses were completed.
generated by a computerized random- diagnosis of BV, the research staff con- Patient randomization was stratified
number generator (SAS, release 9.2; SAS firmed this diagnosis with the subject’s by age (18-30, 31-40, 41-55 years) to
Institute Inc, Cary, NC). Study products treating physician at Yuyao/Xinhua minimize confounding age effects be-
were delivered to the investigative site in Hospital. tween groups. Sample size for this trial
identical containers that were labeled The primary endpoint of this study was estimated by assuming a 35% BV in-
only with the lot number and a sequen- was BV that was diagnosed at any time cidence in the control group, an antici-
tially numbered patient identification during the 2-month follow-up period. pated 30% BV risk reduction in the test
code. BV was diagnosed in the presence of pos- group, 90% statistical power, alpha level
Probaclac Vaginal is a pharmaceutic itive results with the Amsel Criteria,20 of .05, and a 17% attrition rate. Overall,
grade probiotic complex that is pro- which confirms BV in the presence of at 120 women (60 per group) were planned
duced with 3 DNA-certified proprietary least 3 of the following 4 criteria: (1) vag- for enrollment.
lactic acid bacteria strains. Mother cul- inal pH ⬎4.5, (2) clue cells on micros- Statistical analyses were performed
tures were kept at – 80°C to prevent any copy of saline solution wet mount, (3) with SAS/STAT software (release 9.2;
mutation of probiotic characteristics. release of fish amine odor on addition of SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). Baseline
Each strain was fermented individually 10% potassium hydroxide to a drop of variables were analyzed with indepen-
then filtered, lyophilized, and ground vaginal discharge, and (4) characteristic dent t tests to assess between-group dif-
into a powder before being blended into thin, homogenous vaginal discharge. ferences. ␹2 and the Fisher’s exact test
the final probiotic complex. Each probi- Vaginal swabs were collected and cul- were used to compare BV and G vaginalis
otic vaginal capsule contained 8 billion tured on 5% blood agar, eosin methylene incidence between test and control
colony-forming units of live lactic bacte- blue agar, and Sabouraud dextrose agar. groups. Odds ratios were calculated by
ria that included L rhamnosus (6.8 billion The plates were evaluated after 24-48 logistic regression. Data are reported as

AUGUST 2010 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 120.e2

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Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) flow diagram

Probaclac Vaginal; Nicar Laboratories, Inc, Blainville, Quebec, Canada.

Ya. Vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent BV. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010.

mean ⫾ SD or n (%). Statistical signifi- All subjects reported either none or 1 The test group experienced lower BV
cance was set at a probability value of sexual partner within the previous year. recurrence rates through 2 months
ⱕ .05. Most of the women (85%) were non- (15.8% vs 45.0%; odds ratio [OR], 0.23;
smokers; 15% of them reported smoking 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.10 –
R ESULTS 1-15 cigarettes each day. 0.55; P ⬍ .001). BV incidence at each fol-
Subject retention through the 2-month
follow-up visit was 91% (53/58 women) TABLE 1
in the test group and 90% (56/62 Baseline subject characteristics
women) for the control group. All with- Variable Test (n ⴝ 58) Control (n ⴝ 62) P value
drawals were due to personal reasons
Age, y 37.4 ⫾ 10.6 37.2 ⫾ 10.9 .92
and unrelated to the study. At the 11- ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

month telephone follow-up interview, Height, cm 161.9 ⫾ 8.2 160.7 ⫾ 8.4 .43
81% of the test group (47/58 women) Weight, kg 56.1 ⫾ 7.2 56.1 ⫾ 7.2 .99
and 76% of the control group (47/62 Body mass index, kg/m 2
21.4 ⫾ 2.7 21.7 ⫾ 2.8 .55
women) were contacted (Figure 1). No ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
There was no significant difference between groups for any variable.
between-group differences in baseline Ya. Vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent BV. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010.
characteristics were detected (Table 1).

120.e3 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology AUGUST 2010

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served (Table 2). Subject-reported inci-

dence of vaginal discharge and malodor
Bacterial vaginosis incidence Gardnerella vaginalis incidence
between 2 and 11 months after treatment
through 2 months after through 2 months after
were 3-fold higher in the control group.
treatment treatment
Adverse events were defined as any
untoward occurrence in a subject, re-
gardless of the relationship with the
treatment. Aside from vaginal discharge
and malodor, no adverse events were re-
ported in either study group during the
course of the trial.

Probiotic prophylaxis with vaginal cap-
Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. sules is well tolerated and yields dramatic Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
Ya. Vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent BV. Am J Obstet Ya. Vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent BV. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 2010.
reductions in BV recurrence and G vagi- Gynecol 2010.
nalis risk through 11 months after treat-
ment in women with history of recurrent
low-up visit is presented in Figure 2. BV. that contained live Lactobacillus bacteria
G vaginalis incidence was lower in the Strengths of this clinical study in- had a lower incidence of recurrent BV
test group over the 2-month follow-up cluded the prospective, randomized, than those who consumed only pasteur-
period (3.5% vs 18.3%; OR, 0.16; 95% placebo-controlled, triple-blinded de- ized yogurt, ⬎80% of the women with-
CI, 0.02– 0.88; P⫽ .02; Figure 3). G vagi- sign along with stringent data monitor- drew from the trial after only 2 months.
nalis incidence at each follow-up visit is ing, entry, and analysis standards. A lim- The poor compliance that was associated
presented in Figure 3. itation of this study was that 11-month with daily yogurt consumption pre-
The percentage of women who re- outcomes were collected with telephone cludes a recommendation for use in
ported a confirmed diagnosis of BV be- follow-up interview. The frequency of women with BV.
tween the 2-month visit and the 11- BV and G vaginalis diagnosis and associ- Probiotics are also an attractive alter-
month follow-up interview remained ated symptoms over the 2- to 11-month native to metronidazole. In fact, a recent
lower in the test group vs the control follow-up period may have been under- Cochrane Review reported that treat-
group (10.6% vs 27.7%; OR, 0.31; 95% reported. Regardless, the fact that treat- ment with vaginal Lactobacillus tablets
CI, 0.11– 0.93; P ⫽ .04). A similar bene- ment allocation remained blinded to all was more effective than metronidazole
ficial probiotic effect was observed be- subjects and investigators suggests that for BV.23 Metronidazole gel is associated
tween the 2-month visit and the 11- reporting bias was consistent between with a 15% BV recurrence rate through 2
month follow-up visit for G vaginalis test and control groups. months,24 which is similar to that ob-
(0% vs 6.4%; P ⫽ .08). This clinical trial represents the first served with vaginal probiotic capsules in
Through 2 months after treatment, report of vaginal probiotic capsules the current trial. However, the adverse
probiotic prophylaxis was effective in re- solely for recurrent BV prevention. The event incidence that is associated with
ducing discharge, lowering vaginal pH, study of Shalev et al22 represents a similar metronidazole use is concerning.24 Vag-
and reducing presence of clue cells; how- trial design as the current study. Al- inal discharge and malodor were the
ever, little effect on malodor was ob- though subjects who consumed yogurt only reported adverse events in the cur-

Bacterial vaginosis symptoms through 11 months after treatment
1 month, n 2 months, n 11 months, na
Symptom Test (n ⴝ 57) Control (n ⴝ 60) Test (n ⴝ 53) Control (n ⴝ 56) Test (n ⴝ 47) Control (n ⴝ 47)
b b
Discharge 17 (29.8%) 26 (43.3%) 14 (26.4%) 29 (51.8%) 5 (10.6%) 13 (27.7%)
pH ⬎4.5 16 (28.1%) b
32 (53.3%) 16 (30.2%) 23 (41.1%) NA NA
Malodor 21 (36.8%) 22 (36.7%) 21 (39.6%) 26 (46.4%) 4 (9.3%) 13 (27.7%)
c b
Clue cells 14 (24.6%) 32 (53.3%) 18 (34.0%) 33 (58.9%) NA NA
NA, data not available.
Follow-up data obtained by telephone; b P ⬍ .05; c P ⬍ .01.
Ya. Vaginal probiotic capsules for recurrent BV. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010.

AUGUST 2010 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 120.e4

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profile of probiotics is favorable. Obvi- applicable only to the vaginal capsules preterm delivery of a low-birth-weight infant: the
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