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4, JULY/AUGUST 2017 3579

Prediction of Losses and Efficiency for Three-Phase

Induction Machines Equipped With Combined
Star–Delta Windings
Onur Misir, Seyed Morteza Raziee, Nabil Hammouche, Christoph Klaus, Rainer Kluge, and Bernd Ponick

Abstract—Combined star–delta windings in electrical machines m Number of phases.

result in a higher fundamental winding factor and cause a smaller N1 Number of stator slots.
spatial harmonic content. This leads to lower I2 R losses in the stator Neq Equivalent number of turns for Y/Δ connection.
and the rotor windings, and thus to an increased efficiency. How-
ever, compared with an equivalent six-phase winding, additional nlayer Number of layers.
spatial harmonics are generated due to the different magnetomo- NY Number of turns in a star-connected coil.
tive forces in the star and the delta parts of the winding. In this NΔ Number of turns in a delta-connected coil.
paper, a complete theory and analysis method for the analytical p Number of pole pairs.
calculation of the efficiency for induction motors equipped with P Power.
combined star–delta windings is developed. The method takes into
account the additional harmonic content due to the different mag- Pl Losses.
netomotive forces in the star and delta parts. To check the analysis’ R Winding resistance.
validity, an experimental test is reported both on a cage induction s Slip.
motor equipped with a combined star–delta winding in the stator Vi Magnetic voltage across the air-gap underneath
and on a reference motor with the same core, but with a classical stator tooth i.
three-phase winding.
X Reactance.
Index Terms—Combined star–delta winding, combined wye– Z Impedance.
delta winding, efficiency, harmonic leakage, induction machine, η Efficiency.
loss reduction, stator winding connection modes, winding factor.
σ0 Harmonic leakage factor.
NOMENCLATURE ν Spatial harmonic order.
B Magnetic flux density. ξ Winding factor.
Di Diameter of the bore hole. ξskew Skew factor of magnetic coupling.
dν  Complex field damping factor. Subscripts
e Electromotive force. 3∼ Three-phase.
EN=1,ν  Phasor of the induced voltage of a coil side with r Rotor.
one turn for the spatial harmonic order ν  . s Stator.
i Current.
Iˆ Amplitude of the current. I. INTRODUCTION
lcore Effective length of the stator core.
OW-VOLTAGE three-phase motors must have certain
lturn Conductor length of one turn.
L minimum efficiencies complying with IEC international
standards and national or international legislation. Manufactur-
Manuscript received October 25, 2016; revised December 16, 2016 and March
8, 2017; accepted March 27, 2017. Date of publication April 12, 2017; date
ers are now focusing on designing high-efficiency machines
of current version July 15, 2017. Paper 2016-EMC-1205.R2, presented at and reducing conventional motor losses using a variety of so-
the 2016 XXII International Conference on Electrical Machines, Ecublens, lutions and techniques. In order to improve the efficiency, the
Switzerland, Sep. 4–7, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Electric Machines Committee of the IEEE
losses must be decreased either in the magnetic or in the electric
Industry Applications Society. (Corresponding author: Onur Misir.) circuits. Lowering the bearing and the air friction is rather unin-
O. Misir, S. M. Raziee, and B. Ponick are with the Institute for teresting for most low power standard motors, as this is only a
Drive Systems and Power Electronics, Leibniz Universität, Hannover 30167,
Germany (e-mail:; morteza.raziee@ial.uni-
small portion of losses in this case. For induction motor manu-; facturers, there are many techniques for improving efficiency.
N. Hammouche is with Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover 30167, Ger- Design optimization techniques for geometry and winding lay-
many (e-mail:
C. Klaus and R. Kluge are with Wilo SE, Dortmund D-44263, Germany
out have been investigated in [1] and [2] to improve power factor
(e-mail:; and hence decrease I 2 R losses. With the use of low-loss steel,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online the core losses can be reduced [3], [4]. However, these two
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2017.2693958
techniques have the disadvantage that the increased efficiency

0093-9994 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

is gained by accepting a more expensive motor. In the cur-

rent environment, it is important to exploit new techniques with
little additional cost. This paper presents a different approach to
increase the efficiency by using a single-layer combined star–
delta winding in the stator. The idea of combined star–delta
three-phase windings is very old. The earliest known patent was
filed in 1918 by Korthals [5]. However, the first reference on this
topic was published by Arnold [6] in 1904. The main advantage
of this kind of winding is a lower harmonic content in compar-
ison to a classical three-phase winding. Through the star- and
delta-connected winding, specific spatial harmonics can be re-
duced, which consequently reduce the harmonic leakage factor
[7], [8]. As a drawback, the motor’s starting current increases.
However, this is not important for variable speed motors. In ad-
dition, the fundamental winding factor increases. Therefore, the
number of turns in each phase can be reduced to the same degree, Fig. 1. Electrical circuit of the combined star–delta winding.
so that the average length of the conductor decreases as well.
Accordingly, this results in a lower slot fill factor. This means
the conductor cross-section can be increased with the increase
of the fundamental winding factor. Thus, the increase of the fun-
damental winding factor results in a reduction of the winding
resistance and the I 2 R losses in the stator winding, which are
proportional to the square ratio of fundamental winding factors
of three-phase and combined star–delta windings as presented
in [9] and [10]. In [11]–[14], a combined star–delta winding is
used to increase the fundamental winding factor and the output
Fig. 2. Phasor diagram of the combined star–delta winding.
torque and decrease the magnetomotive force (MMF) harmonic
content for machines with distributed and concentrated wind-
ings. In [15], the combined star–delta winding is employed in tudes for star- and delta-connected parts. The vector length√of
a three-phase permanent magnet machine with fractional slot the currents in the delta part is different due to the ratio of 3
windings in order to reduce the induced rotor eddy currents and between the star and the delta currents. The currents in the star
to increase the machine torque density. Moreover, another ap- systems are calculated as
plication of the combined winding is to adjust the flux or the iA = Iˆ · cos (ωt + ϕi )
operating voltage by changing the winding connection in order  
to improve the efficiency as well as the power factor of the motor ˆ 2π
iB = I · cos ωt + ϕi −
in a wide load and voltage range [16], [17]. 3
However, none of the cited papers offer a general method for  
ˆ 4π
the analytical calculation of the increased efficiency of electrical iC = I · cos ωt + ϕi − . (1)
machines equipped with a combined star–delta winding. There- 3
fore, in this paper a complete theory and analysis method for the Applying the Kirchhoff’s current theorem to the connection
analytical calculation of the efficiency for combined star–delta points between star and delta parts leads to the current in the
windings is developed. Test results obtained on an induction delta part
motor equipped with a single-layer combined star–delta wind-
Iˆ  π
ing are presented in the paper for experimental validation of the iX = √ · cos ωt + ϕi +
analytical approach. 3 6
iY = √ · cos ωt + ϕi + −
In Fig. 1, the electrical circuit of a combined star–delta wind- 3 6 3
ing with associated current phasors is shown. Here, E is the Iˆ π 4π
phasor of an induced voltage and I the phasor of a phase cur- iZ = √ · cos ωt + ϕi + − (2)
3 6 3
rent. The inner parts of the winding are delta-connected and the
outer coils are star-connected. This results in a phase shift of where Î is the current amplitude, ω is the current angular fre-
30° between the star and the delta parts. The individual coils quency, t is the time, and ϕi is the initial phase angle. In ac-
are arranged so as to reach a current distribution along the cir- cordance with the rotating field theory, harmonics excited by
cumference very similar to a six-phase winding. In Fig. 2, the a classical three-phase winding of the order –5p, 7p, –17p,
current phasor diagram of the combined star–delta winding is 19p, . . . are suppressed in symmetrical six-phase windings.
illustrated. The differences, nevertheless, are discrepant ampli- However, in real combined star–delta windings, these harmonic

orders are not eliminated completely due to the fact that the sum
of the MMF of each winding part, belonging to these harmonic
orders, is not zero [13]. Therefore, it is important to determine
the winding factors considering the different MMFs between
the two winding parts.


One of the most precise and reliable methods to calculate
the winding factors for all spatial harmonics of any winding is Fig. 3. Different possible distributions of star–delta connections based on the
phasor diagram in Fig. 2.
to compute the summation of induced voltages (electromotive
forces) on coil sides. This method is very straightforward and TABLE I
can be applied to an arbitrary winding without any exception, WINDING ANALYSIS AMONG DIFFERENT POSSIBILITIES OF FIG. 3
especially to star-connected windings [18], [19]
Connection 4A–0X 3A–1X 2A–2X 1A–3X 0A–4X
geometrical sum of coil - side induced voltages
ξ= . (3) σ 0 (% ) 0.89 0.697 0.604 0.706 0.89
algebraic sum of coil - side induced voltages ξ 1 (% ) 95.77 98.31 99.14 98.29 95.77
ξ 5 (% ) 20.53 12.2 1.03 13.67 20.53
Nevertheless, applying such method to combined star–delta ξ 7 (% ) 15.76 13.51 0.79 12.38 15.76
ξ 1 1 (% ) 12.61 2.35 13.05 1.07 12.61
windings is not as easy as to pure star- or delta-connected wind- ξ 1 3 (% ) 12.61 2.35 13.05 1.07 12.61
ings, since there is no neutral point, and complicated phasor ξ 1 7 (% ) 15.76 13.51 0.79 12.38 15.76
summation is to be applied. The first method, coming to mind, ξ 1 9 (% ) 20.53 12.2 1.03 13.67 20.53
ξ 2 3 (% ) 95.77 98.31 99.14 98.29 95.77
is to convert the inner delta connection to the star mathematically ξ 2 5 (% ) 95.77 98.31 99.14 98.29 95.77
to have a fictitious neutral potential, and then to calculate the
phase-to-neutral voltage for each phase. The problem, however,
is that the winding factor for some harmonics will be incorrectly winding factor as in [20]
computed (in this case 1 + 6 · k, k ∈ N are absolutely correct).
The alternative way is to compute the line voltage in phasor Rg 2
√ σ0 = −1
representation, and then to divide its absolute value by 3 to Rp 2
get the value of the phase voltage for the symmetrical winding 
as given in (4). With this trick, the effect of harmonic damp- mwξp ˆ  1
ing of the second star leg as well as the delta-connected part Rp = I, Rg =
Vi 2 , w = Neq . (5)
πp i=1
N 1
is taken into account; therefore, the resultant harmonic winding
factors are In the case of two poles, 24 slots, one-layer full-pitch winding
  with NY = 18 and NΔ = 32, there are five different combina-
EA,ν  + EX,ν  − EB,ν  
ξA,ν  = √   tions between totally star (4A–0X) and entirely delta (0A–4X)
3Neq · E N=1,ν   connections, as Fig. 3 shows.
EB,ν  + EY ,ν  − EC,ν   Applying (4) and (5) to each configuration of Fig. 3, all wind-
ξB,ν  = √   ing factors and the leakage harmonic factor can be calculated.
3Neq · E N=1,ν   The results are gathered in Table I.
EC,ν  + EZ,ν  − EA,ν   The harmonic leakage factor and the winding factors of pure
ξC,ν  = √   delta or star connections are absolutely the same. Changing
3Neq · E N=1,ν  
the share of delta and star parts or the position of them
 1  varies the harmonic leakage factor and the harmonic winding
Neq = NY + √ NΔ . (4)
3 factors. The best winding shall have the lowest possible
harmonic leakage factor and the highest feasible fundamental
Here, Neq is the total equivalent number of turns per phase for winding factor. In this respect, 2A–2X configuration is the best,
the combined star–delta winding and EN=1,ν  is the phasor of the since it has the lowest harmonic leakage factor of 0.6% and the

ν -th induced voltage of a coil side with one turn. ΣNY means highest fundamental winding factor of 99.14%, being the most
how much turns in each phase have star connection, and ΣNΔ desirable winding. Even though the fifth and seventh harmonics
are the total delta-connected turns per phase. For a symmetrical should absolutely not exist in√ the winding factors, the unequal
winding, the winding factors of phases are equal to each other. turn ratio of delta to star with 3 produces
√ them. If the number
The leakage harmonic factor indicates the winding’s distance of turns in the delta part is exactly 3 times the number of
from the ideal sinusoidal winding. In addition, it represents turns in the star part, no fifth and seventh winding factors are
the percentage of harmonic leakage inductance to magnetizing expected ideally. Since the fifth and seventh winding factors
inductance. The most accurate calculation approach is to use the are reduced to lower than one percent, the motor will produce
information of the Görges polygon diagram and the fundamental low parasitic effects such as magnetic noise.

TABLE II Using the winding factors in Table II, the primary magnetic
field in each phase can be calculated as follows:
4 μ0 p
Connection 2A 2X 2A 2X
BA,ν  = · · · (NA · ξA,ν  ) · iA · cos (ν  γ  )
π δ ν
σ 0 (% ) 4.59 4.59 ξ 1 3 (% ) 13.05 13.05  
ξ 1 (% ) 99.14 99.14 ξ 1 7 (% ) 60.88 60.88 4 μ0 p   2π
ξ 5 (% ) ξ 1 9 (% ) BB,ν  = · · · (NB · ξB,ν  ) · iB · cos ν γ −
ξ 7 (% )
60.88 ξ 2 3 (% )
π δ ν 3p
ξ 1 1 (% ) ξ 2 5 (% )
13.05 13.05 99.14 99.14
4 μ0 p   4π
BC,ν  = · · · (NC · ξC,ν ) · iC · cos ν γ −

π δ ν 3p
4 μ0 p π
BX,ν  = · ·  · (NX · ξX,ν  ) · iX · cos ν  γ  +
The winding analysis of delta (2X) and star (2A) part of the π δ ν 6p
2X–2A winding in Table II shows that each part separately has  
4 μ0 p 3π
not so desirable winding factors and such an ideal harmonic BY ,ν  = · ·  · (NY · ξY ,ν  ) · iY · cos ν  γ  −
leakage factor. The combination of star and delta connections, π δ ν 6p
nonetheless, makes the total system close to perfect. 4 μ0 p   7π
BZ,ν  = · · · (NZ · ξZ,ν  ) · iZ · cos ν γ − .
For each combination of slot and pole numbers, there are π δ ν 6p
some possible combined winding layouts based on the share (6)
of each sub star (qY ) and sub delta (qΔ ) windings from the
total number of slots per pole and phase (q). The other degrees Here, μ0 is the permeability of the vacuum, δ is the air gap
of freedom are the number of layers and the chording span of length, NA/B/C/X/Y /Z = Nph is the number of turns per phase
double-layer windings. The span of double-layer windings is and γ  is the stator’s angular coordinate. The resulting primary
chosen in accordance with the highest fundamental winding magnetic field Bpr,ν  excited by the stator winding is determined
factor and the lowest leakage factor for the classical windings. by the sum of the magnetic fields of each phase
Tables III and IV compare the best combined star–delta windings
Bpr,ν  = BA,ν  + BB,ν  + BC,ν  + BX,ν  + BY ,ν  + BZ,ν  .
(Y − Δ) with the corresponding classical three-phase windings
(3∼) in the case of NΔ = 32 and NY = 18 for single- and for
double-layer windings, respectively. If the number of slots per In this way, the main reactance Xm ,ph,ν  of the spatial har-
pole and phase is even, equal halves of q should be assigned monic order ν  in each phase can be determined according to
for star (qY = q/2) and for delta (qΔ = q/2) subwindings. the methods presented in [21]–[26]
Otherwise, the star winding should have one slot more than the  2
delta winding (qΔ = (q − 1)/2 and qY = (q + 1)/2). In 4 μ0 Di Nph · ξph,ν 
Xm ,ph,ν  = ω · · · · lcore ·
general, there are about 3% improvements for the fundamental π δ 2 ν
winding factor between the best combined star–delta winding 
and the comparable classical three-phase winding, even though Xm ,ph = Xm ,ph,ν  . (8)
single-layer windings lead to higher fundamental winding ν

factors. Nevertheless, the leakage factors for single- and double- In this case, Di is the diameter of the bore hole and lcore is
layer windings are approximately in the same range. Moreover, the effective length of the stator core. The stator leakage reac-
the fabrication of combined double-layer star–delta windings tance Xσ ,ph is characterized by the overhang leakage reactance
is more complicated than that of single-layer windings. Thus, and the slot leakage reactance. Using the average conductor
single-layer combined windings are more recommended. length of one turn lturn , the cross-sectional area Acoil of a coil
and the specific conductivity κ20 ◦ of copper, the stator winding
resistance in each phase is calculated to
Rph = . (9)
In the following, an analytical approach for the calculation κ20 ◦ · Acoil
of the decreased I 2 R losses both in stator and rotor and the in- After having determined the electrical parameters of the sta-
creased efficiency for cage induction machines with a combined tor winding equipped with a combined star–delta winding, the
star–delta winding is developed. electrical circuit diagram in Fig. 4 is simplified by applying the
star–delta conversion as shown in Fig. 5. With this conversion,
the low-level effect of circulating zero sequences in the delta
A. Primary Magnetic Field connection is neglected.
Assuming a symmetrically distributed winding, the equiva-
In order to determine the electrical parameters of each phase lent electrical parameters in star connection are calculated to
for the stator winding according to Fig. 4, the primary magnetic
field Bpr,ν  excited by the currents in the stator in (1) and (2) is ∗ Rph Xσ ,ph Xm ,ph
Rph = , Xσ∗ ,ph = , ∗
Xm ,ph = . (10)
necessary. 3 3 3


q 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Connection 1A–1X 1A–2X 2A–1X 2A–2X 2A–3X 3A–2X 3A–3X 3A–4X 4A–3X 4A–4X 4A–5X 5A–4X 5A–5X

σ 0 (%) 2.318 1.113 1.105 0.604 0.41 0.405 0.276 0.215 0.212 0.161 0.135 0.133 0.107
ξ 1 (%) 100 98.978 98.996 99.144 98.901 98.912 98.987 98.881 98.889 98.932 98.872 98.879 98.907
For all numbers of poles

ξ 5 (%) 1.303 10.466 8.564 1.034 6.315 4.398 0.993 4.721 2.801 0.979 3.866 1.944 0.972
ξ 7 (%) 1.303 9.758 11.312 0.793 4.83 6.263 0.731 3.127 4.531 0.711 2.242 3.633 0.702

Connection 2A/2X 3A/3X 4A/4X 5A/5X 6A/6X 7A/7X 8A/8X 9A/9X 10A/10X

σ 0 (%) 2.844 1.406 0.89 0.648 0.516 0.437 0.385 0.349 0.324
ξ 1 (%) 96.593 95.98 95.766 95.668 95.614 95.582 95.561 95.547 95.537
ξ 5 (%) 25.882 21.757 20.533 20 19.718 19.551 19.444 19.371 19.319
ξ 7 (%) 25.882 17.736 15.756 14.945 14.529 14.286 14.131 14.026 13.952


q 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Span 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25

Connection 1A–1X 1A–2X 2A–1X 2A–2X 2A–3X 3A–2X 3A–3X 3A–4X 4A–3X 4A–4X 4A–5X 5A–4X 5A–5X

σ 0 (%) 2.316 1.05 1.044 0.603 0.384 0.381 0.276 0.201 0.2 0.16 0.126 0.125 0.107
ξ 1 (%) 96.593 97.475 97.492 95.766 96.74 96.751 95.614 96.401 96.409 95.561 96.207 96.213 95.537
For all numbers of poles

ξ 5 (%) 0.337 6.728 5.505 0.268 3.157 2.199 0.257 2.048 1.215 0.253 1.531 0.77 0.252
ξ 7 (%) 0.337 3.338 3.869 0.205 0.505 0.655 0.189 0 0 0.184 0.13 0.211 0.182

Connection 2A/2X 3A/3X 4A/4X 5A/5X 6A/6X 7A/7X 8A/8X 9A/9X 10A/10X

σ 0 (%) 2.354 1.149 0.624 0.437 0.293 0.238 0.176 0.156 0.122
ξ 1 (%) 93.301 94.521 92.503 93.577 92.356 93.186 92.305 92.971 92.281
ξ 5 (%) 6.699 13.985 5.314 10 5.103 8.483 5.032 7.672 5
ξ 7 (%) 6.699 6.066 4.078 1.562 3.76 0 3.657 0.816 3.611

Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit diagram of the combined star–delta stator winding.

Thus, the induction machine’s T-equivalent circuit diagram Fig. 5. Conversion of the electrical parameters in the delta-connected part into
equivalent electrical parameters in the star connection.
can now be applied for further calculations.

field shown in Fig. 6, the complex field damping factor is derived

B. Field Damping of the Primary Magnetic Field to
The amplitude of a primary spatial harmonic Bpr,ν  excited jsν  · Xm ,ph,ν  · ξskew ,ν 
by the combined star–delta winding in the stator is decreased dν  = 1 − (11)
R r,ν  + jsν  · (X  σ r,ν  + Xm ,ph,ν  )
with the damping of the rotor cage. This effect can be described
by a complex field damping factor [13]. Using the equivalent where Xσ r,ν  is the referred rotor leakage reactance, Rr,ν


circuit diagram for the rotor feedback to the primary magnetic referred rotor resistance, and ξskew ,ν  the skew factor. The slip

Thus, the I 2 R losses in the stator Pl,s,cu and in the rotor

Pl,r,cu can be determined
Pl,s,cu = 3 · (RA + RX ∗
) · |IA |2
Pl,r,cu = 3 · R r,p · I r,p  · (16)
The friction loss and the stray load loss are calculated by
Fig. 6. Equivalent circuit diagram for the rotor feedback to the primary mag- Pl,str = 3 · R r,ν  · I r,ν  
netic field. ν  = p

Pl,fric = (1 − s)2 · Pfric,0

with Pl,fric0 = 8 · Di · (lcore + 0.15) · π · Di · (17)
where fr is the rated frequency of the machine. Furthermore,
the electrical input power Pel as well as the mechanical output
power Pm ech can be calculated to
Pel = 3 · |IA | · |UA | · cos (ϕui )
Pm ech = Pel − Pl,s,cu − Pl,r,cu − Pl,fric − Pl,fe − Pl,str .
Here, ϕui is the phase angle between voltage and current
phasor and Pl,fe is the core loss, which is calculated by using
Fig. 7. Equivalent circuit diagram of a cage induction machine equipped with a detailed iterative calculation method of the magnetic circuit,
combined star–delta winding including higher spatial harmonic fields. as applied in the professional software ASYN1 . Hence, the effi-
ciency is determined to
of higher spatial harmonics sν  is determined with the slip s and Pm ech Pl,s,cu + Pl,r,cu + Pl,fric + Pl,fe
the spatial harmonic order ν  to η= =1− · (19)
Pel Pel
sν  = 1 − (1 − s) · . (12) V. RESULTS
In the following, the analytical approach for calculating the
efficiency of a cage induction machine equipped with combined
C. Equivalent Circuit Diagram of Cage Induction Machines star–delta winding (2A–2X) is validated by experimental results.
Equipped With a Combined Star–Delta Winding For validation, a cage induction motor as a prototype equipped
Using the equivalent circuit diagram in Fig. 5 and the complex with a combined star–delta single-layer winding was examined
field damping factor dν  , the equivalent circuit diagram of a cage (see Fig. 8).
induction machine equipped with a combined star–delta winding Besides, the measurement results of the reference motor, hav-
can be derived. Fig. 7 shows the equivalent circuit diagram based ing the same core and the same rotor, but a classical three-
on the phase A including all spatial harmonics produced by the phase winding in the stator, were also analyzed. The data of
winding. both motors are summarized in Table V. In comparison to the
Based on this circuit diagram, the stator’s current in phase classical three-phase winding, the fundamental winding factor
A can be calculated with the ratio of the stator voltage and the for the combined star–delta winding is increased by the fac-
total machine’s impedance as tor 1.0352. Thus, the number of turns of the stator coils in the
delta-connected part (NΔ ) can be decreased by the same factor
IA = (13) ξp,3∼
ZA,ν  NΔ = N3∼ · . (20)
ξp,Y -Δ

ZA,ν  = RA + RX + j Xσ,A + Xσ,X ∗ The number of turns √ in the star-connected part (NY ) is
  decreased by the factor 3. In Table VI, the calculation re-

+ j dν  · Xm ,A,ν  + Xm ,X,ν  . (14) sults both for the motor with classical three-phase winding and
ν for the motor with combined star–delta winding are compared
Based on Fig. 6, the transformed rotor current is derived to
1 ASYN is a professional analytical design software to calculate the steady-
dν  − 1
Ir,ν  = IA · . (15) state performance of induction machines, and has been programmed and imple-
ξskew mented at the Institute for Drive Systems and Power Electronics.


Calculation Measurement

3∼ Y −Δ 3∼ Y −Δ

Rated power (kW) 8.02 8 8.04 8

Rated stator current (A) 14.1 14 14.6 14.5
No-load current (A) 5.2 5.7 4.9 5.4
Rated power factor 0.89 0.88 0.89 0.88
Rated efficiency (%) 90.55 91.11 90.10 90.82
I 2 R losses in stator (W) 300 274 290 266
I 2 R losses in rotor (W) 195 187 239 223
Core losses (W) 142 150 165 173
Friction losses (W) 22 25 22 24
Stray load losses (W) 178 145 172 123
Rated torque (Nm) 26 26.1 26 26

Fig. 8. Stator core of the test motor equipped with combined star–delta


Classical Combined
three-phase star-delta
winding winding

Rated power 8 kW 8 kW
Rated voltage 400 V (Δ ) 400 V Fig. 9. Simulated torque-speed characteristics of the motors with classical
Rated frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz three-phase winding and combined star–delta winding.
Number of poles 2 2
Number of stator slots 24 24
Number of turns of the 33 NΔ = 32
stator coils N Y = 18
Fund. winding factor 0.9577 0.9914 the measurements show that the stray load losses decrease for
Harmonic leakage factor 0.0089 0.006
the motor equipped with combined star–delta winding due to
Stator resistance (meas.∗ ) 0.79 Ω 0.735 Ω
the lower harmonic content. However, there is a small deviation

The resistances are measured between two stator terminals of the between the calculated value of the stray load losses for the
two induction machines at a temperature of 20°C, no matter of star combined star–delta winding and the measurement results.
or delta connection.
Nevertheless, the calculation of the efficiencies leads to the
with the results of the measurements. The measurement of the same tendency as achieved by measurements, so that the com-
losses was performed according to the international standard bined star–delta winding leads to an increased efficiency both
IEC 60034-2-1. for calculations and measurements. Therefore, the analytical
It can clearly be seen that the efficiency of the motor equipped method for calculating the efficiency of induction machines
with combined star–delta winding is increased compared to the equipped with combined star–delta winding is convincing. Fur-
motor with classical three-phase winding. This is due to the thermore, using the combined star–delta winding leads to an
decreased winding resistance in the stator which reduces the I2 R increased starting and breakdown torque compared to the clas-
losses in the stator winding. However, there are small deviations sical three-phase winding as shown in Fig. 9. The starting and
between the calculations and the measurements even for the mo- the breakdown torque of an induction motor depend on the
tor with classical three-phase winding. Besides, the core losses harmonic leakage factor (σ0 ). As the harmonic leakage fac-
of the combined star–delta winding increase for both, the calcu- tor of the combined star–delta winding is lower in comparison
lated and measured values. This is due to a slightly higher mag- to the three-phase winding, its starting and breakdown torque
netic flux density of the motor equipped with combined star– increases. However, the starting current increases as well. In
delta winding, which is caused by a slightly smaller number of Fig. 10, the calculated torque-speed characteristics are com-
turns per phase (Neq,ph,Y −Δ = 72.95, Neq,ph,3∼ = 76.21). pared to the measured values. It can clearly be seen that using
Thus, in order to achieve the same induced voltage as for the combined star–delta winding leads to an increased torque in
the motor with classical three-phase winding, the flux density the simulation and measurement results. There is only a small
of the motor equipped with combined star–delta winding is deviation of about 10% between the calculated and the measured
increased by the ratio of Neq,ph,3∼ /Neq,ph,Y −Δ . Furthermore, values.

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Onur Misir was born in Hanover, Germany, Christoph Klaus was born in Geseke, Germany, in
in 1987. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in April 1988. He received the M.Sc. degree in elec-
electrical engineering from Leibniz Universität trical engineering from the Technical University of
Hannover, Hannover, Germany, in 2012, where he Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, in 2013.
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Since 2013, he has been with the Wilo SE,
Institute for Drive Systems and Power Electronics. Dortmund, as a Research Engineer. His work mainly
Since 2012, he has been a Research Associate focuses on the development of synchronous and asyn-
with the Institute for Drive Systems and Power Elec- chronous motors.
tronics, Leibniz Universität Hannover. His research
interests include the current distribution prediction of
large electrically excited synchronous machines with
unsymmetrical stator windings caused by different stator faults. He is also in-
volved in theoretical and experimental work in the development of electrical
Rainer Kluge was born in Meißen, Germany, in
March 1949. He received the Dr.-Ing. degree in elec-
trical engineering from the Technical University of
Dresden (TU Dresden), Dresden, Germany in 1971.
Seyed Morteza Raziee was born in Mashhad, Iran, After receiving the Dr.-Ing. degree for a thesis
in 1982. He received the B.Sc. degree from the Is- on electrical machines from News, Germany, TU
lamic Azad University of Gonabad, Khorasan, Iran, Dresden, Germany in 1974, he was at i.a. VEB
in 2004, and the M.Sc. degree from Tafresh Uni- Sachsenwerk, Dresden, Germany, ATB Welzheim,
versity, Markazi, Iran, in 2008, both in electrical Welzheim, Germany, Pierburg GmbH, Neuss, Ger-
engineering. Since 2014, he has been working to- many, and Wilo SE, Dortmund, Germany. After 40
ward the Ph.D. degree at the Institute for Drive Sys- years in the field of motor development, he retired in
tems and Power Electronics, Leibniz Universität Han- 2014.
nover, Hannover, Germany.
After he had finished his public service, he was
a part-time Lecturer in different public and private
colleges. Since 2014 he is a Research Associate with the Institute for Drive
Systems and Power Electronics, Leibniz Univeristät Hannover. His research in-
terests include winding analysis, electrical machine desing, modeling, and fault Bernd Ponick was born in Großburgwedel,
diagnosis, especially in traction applications. Germany, in 1964. He received the Dipl.-Ing. de-
gree in electrical power engineering and the Dr.-Ing.
degree in electrical machines from the Leibniz Uni-
versität Hannover, Hannover, Germany, in 1990 and
1994, respectively.
Nabil Hammouche was born in 1993 in Setif, After 9 years with the Large Drives Division
Algeria. He received the bachelor’s degree in mecha- of Siemens as a Design Engineer for large variable
tronics from Leibniz Universität Hannover, Han- speed motors, the Head of Electrical Design, and the
nover, Germany, in 2016. Technical Director of Siemens Dynamowerk Berlin,
In his student research project, he dealt with the Berlin, Germany, since 2003, he has been a Full Pro-
analytical calculation software ASYN. His task was fessor for electrical machines and drive systems with Leibniz Universität Han-
the development of calculation methods for combined nover. His main research interests include prediction and simulation methods
star–delta windings. for electrical machines, prediction of and measures against important parasitic
effects such as magnetic noise, additional losses, or bearing currents, and new
applications for electric machines, e.g., for electric and hybrid vehicles.

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