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- School Background
- The Case of Ms. Lama

In analyzing the case of Ms. Lama, LT-2 took an interdisciplinary approach with a special
focus on Human Behavior and Development in Organizations (HBDO) principles and
theories. We did not want to use HBDO principles in a vacuum so we utilized other tools to
deep dive into the case of Ms. Lama.

To discover the different interests and motivations of different stakeholders in the case, LT-
2 conducted a Stakeholder analysis.

Thereafter, LT-2 utilized the iceberg method to uncover the underlying reasons which led to
the untoward incident of Ms. Lama’s embezzlement and ???? To understand why Ms. Lama
behaved ***, LT-2 looked at the different variables that influenced patterns of behavior
within the organization. LT-2 then used systems thinking to look into the deeper structure
that nurtured Ms. Lama’s misdemeanor and which bred the culture and the environment
that enabled Ms. Lama’s behavior and discouraged whistle blowing within the organization.

Finally, LT-2 uncovered the mental models of the organization which created the
environment that affected the organization and specifically, Ms. Lama.

Recommendations were made in order to address the deeply seated mental models of the
organization, which must be changed in order to prevent the same event of embezzlement
and misdemeanor from happening again in the organization.


Psychological Safety and Punitive Leadership

Given that the false accusation of Ms. Lama easily caused the dismissal of the previous
Academic Administrator without due process, a loud message on the lack of security of
tenure was sent to the faculty.

As demonstrated by the scenarios of undue dismissal of the previous Academic

Administrator and the authoritarian and punitive leadership exercised within the
organization, there is barely a hint of psychological safety within the faculty, except
within and among informal cliques in the faculty. There is low psychological safety
because the unsavory turn of events cultivated a condition in which a segment of faculty
members who are young, new and members of the laity cannot feel that they can safely
contribute and challenge the status quo without fear of being embarrassed, marginalized
or punished in some way.

In short, the school is ripe tree for human resource coup, but in this case will await
availability of employment opportunity outside the school.
V. Burnout, authoritarian/punitive leadership, and lack of the security of tenure,
these conditions make the faculty a fertile ground for disengagement,
vulnerable to fight-or-flight response. Meaning, any spark which will further
affect the psychological safety of the working environment will have a
negatively potent (life-or-death) impact on the human resource of the school,
and ultimately to its operations – virtually a operational shutdown.
VII. Given the negative threats to the operation of the school, namely the case
filed before the president of the school on malversation of yearbook funds,
case filed before the DepEd and decreasing enrollment, in addition to those
discussed in the previous paragraphs, it is a must for the school
administration to slowly but surely start positively investing in the emotional
banks and foster psychological safe environment among its faculty – to foster
high performance among its faculty and reach a win-win outcome.


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